EXHIBITOR HAS HIS SAY ABOUT PICTURES Just as the Barometer page shows first run reports on current pictures, this department is devoted for the most part to reports on subsequent runs, made by exhibitors themselves. A one-star contributor is new, two stars mean the exhibitor has been writing in for six months or longer, and a three-star contributor is a regular of one year or more, who receives a token of our appreciation. All exhibitors welcome. COLUMBIA Dead Reckoning (Col)—Humphrey Bogart, Lizabeth Scott, Morris Carnovsky. Humphrey Bogart always has meant extra business with J6, but when they are a month late with the crops, it takes more than Bogart to get them in Played Mon., Tues. Weather Warm—Harland Rankin, Plaza Theatre, Tilbury, ^Ont^. Small town and rural patronage. For the Love of Rusty (Col)—Ted Donaldson, Tom Powers, Ann Doran. I believe this is the best picture of the Rusty series to date, but 1 didn't do much business, as the farmers are too busy between rains trying to get the corn planted. Ran one night on Family Night, at reduced admissions, and just made film rental. Played Tuesday only. Weather; Warm, humid.—Carl E. Pehlman, Rio Theatre, Edinburg, III. Rural and small town patronage. Gallant lourney (Col)—Glenn Ford, Janet Blair, Charles Ruggles. This was quite well received. Most of the comment was good. Children seemed to like it very much and it is clean. Played Sun., Mon., Tues. Weather; Rainy.—M. W. Mattecheck, Mack and Lark theatres, McMinnville, Ore. City and country patronage. Hit the Hay (Col)—Judy Canova, Ross Hunter, Fortunio Bonanova. The Columbia salesman advised me not to play this as it was a floperoo in the large towns. I played it single bill on a Sunday to 200 per cent. What a picture does in a large town doesn't mean a thing here. Played Sunday. Weather; Fair.— L. D. Montgomery, Tex Theatre, Poth, Tex^ Small town and rural patronage. Mr. DiBfrict Attorney (Col)—Dennis O'Keefe, Adolphe Menjou, Marguerite Chapman. This made a fine topside feature. Enough action and mystery to please all, with Michael O'Shea getting in some of the brighter moments. Some names to draw with, and business was good. Played Wed., Thurs. Weather; Good.—R. D. Fisher, Star Theatre, Willow Springs, Mo^ Rural and small town patronage. Over the Santa Fe Trail (Col)—Ken Curtis, lenniler Holt, Guy Kibbee. We can't get away with the Hoosier Hotshots here, for some unknown reason The picture itself was okay. Bank night as added draw failed. Played Wednesday Weather: Warm—D. W. Trisko, Ritz Theatre. Jerome, Ariz. Mining patronage. Renegades (Col)— Evelyn Keyes, Willard Parker. Larry Parks. This is a good picture with lots of action, but due to everyone trying to get the crops in, we didn't enjoy business. Played Thurs . Fri., Sat —Harland Rankin, Joy Theatre, BolhwoU, Ont. Small town and rural patronage. Thrill oJ Braxil (Col)— Evelyn Keyes, Keenan Wynn, Ann Miller. An okay programmer with a good western to draw them in. Too much music and too long and too high. It won't stand alone in small action situations. Played Fri., Sat. Weather; Warm—Rahl & Hanson, California Theatre, Kerman, Calif and rural patronage FILM CLASSICS Small town Sons of the Desert (FC) — Reissue. Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy. Who was the dope that said Laurel and Hardy were washed up? What two comics in show bu.sines3 can pack so many good, clean laughs in 70 minutes as Laurel and Hardy? I ran this with a cartoon show to a capacity house, and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all—even the ones who had to aland up in the roar. You can have Abbott and Costello, Carson and Morgan, etc., but well take Laurel and Hardy. Played Tuesday only. Weather: Warm.—Carl E. Pehlman, Rio Theatre, Edinburg, 111. Rural and small town patronage. FAVORITE FILMS CORP. Daniel Boone (FF) — Reissue. George O Brien, Heather Angel. Doubled with "Windjammer" but these two oldies were sold to me as a program and I thought they would be very good. I didn't know until 1 got the preview that both pictures starred the same man (George O'Brien). If I had split these they would have been okay. The prints were good but the sound was muffled in spots. Played Fri., Sat. Weather: Warm.—Rahl & Hanson, California Theatre, Kerman, Calif. Small town and rural patronage. METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER Bad BoBcomb (MGM)—Wallace Beery, Margaret O'Brien, Marjorie Main. This is a good western with plenty of action and did good business. Played Fri., Sat. Weather; Good. E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. Gallant Bess (MGM)—Marshall Thompson, George Tobias, Clem Bevans. I don't know why MGM folks have been keeping this picture under their hats—this picture rates a good deal of preselling such as "The Yearling" has been receiving. It is excellent entertainment all the way through, and I would be extremely happy to run one like it every day 61 the week. The Cinecolor is very good and compares favorably with Technicolor for outdoor features. Business was good. Played Sun., Mon. Weather: Fair and warm.—Carl E. Pehlman, Rio Theatre, Edinburg, 111. Rural and small town patronage. Holiday in Mexico (MGM)—Walter Pidgeon, Jose Iturbi, Ilona Massey. An expensive picture—beautiful color, good acting, superb music—and it all added up to a total loss Tex Theatre at Poth Strictly Family-Run T D. Montgomery of the Tex Theatre at " Poth, Texas has had this situation for the past year only, but started In theatre business at the age of 15, in 1928. His theatre is completely family operated, for Montgomery acts as projectionist, his wife is cashier, his daughter "works the door," and there is an automatic popcorn vendor. No time for outside business activities with this kind of setup, but Montgomery lists his hobby as books— in fact, he admits to being a "bookworm." As the exhibitor's major problem today, he lists, "Working for the distributor." "It is no longer correct to say, "1 have a nice little setup in this town"—the correct thing to say is that the distributors liavr a nice little setup in thLs town," Montgomery contends. "I put up the investment and they get their profit, rain or shine, baseball game or not. Yep, it's a nice .setup— for them. "But I have enough films bought up to l.-ist into next year, so the film salesmen who visit me In the future are going to meet a guy with lots of sales resistance. Kither the prices go down or I buy from the next guy. It is surprising how they really reduce prices to make a sale after assuring one all day that they are quoting the minimum price." — Must Sing Through Noses —^ Or Not Call It Singing 'm ROMANCE OF THE WEST (PRC)- Eddie Dean, Joan Barton, Emmett Lynn. I think these Eddie Dean westerns are tops but he seems to sing too well for onr patrons. Dean has a fine voice but not too much action. For my class of trade, a cowboy must sing through his nose or he isn't singing. Played Sun., Mon. Weather: Warm.—Rahl & Hanson, California Theatre, Kerman, Calif. Small town and rural patronage. here. This is the lowest grosser we have evo had, no exceptions. We try to tell them Iho we can't sell ct musical in this town but no body listens to me, and no adjustment offered when I ask for it. Played Tues., Wed., Thura' Weather; Fair and warm.—Rahl & Hanson California Theatre, Kerman, Calif. Small tov and rural patronage. Secret Heart, The (MGM)—Claudette bert, Walter Pidgeon, June AUyson. This is 1 good drama but a little heavy for a smtf town. Business was fair. Played Wed., Thur Weather: Good.—E. M. Freiburger. Paramou Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town -" age. MONOGRAM Gentleman loe Palooka (Mono)—Leon En Elyse Knox, Guy Kibbee. A popular title good draw. Business was very good and picture enjoyed by both young and old wil our usual western. Played Fri., Sat. Weafh6" Warm.—Harland Rankin, Plaza Theatre, T" bury, Ont. Small town and rural palro age. Gentleman Joe Palooka (Mono)—Leon _ rol, Elyse Knox, Guy Kibbee. This drew vep well, due to the comic strip following in th papers. Played Sunday. Weather; Warm.-: D. W. Trisko, Ritz Theatre, Jerome, Ariz, ing patronage. Shanghai Cobra (Mono)—Sidney ToW Benson Fong, Joan Barclay. A satisfacto second feature for any double bill. Monogrc makes good programmers. Doubled wi| "Drifting Along" to fair Fri., Sat. busine Weather; Spring —Carl E. Pehlman, Rio The tre, Edinburg, 111. Rural and small town " tronage. PARAMOUNT Two Years Before the Masf (Para)—/ Ladd, Brian Donlevy, William Bendix. picture does not appeal to farmers and town trade. They would rather see a pie with a horse, dog or steer in it. This is ^ thing I find hard to understand since thoyj and work with animals all day. It looks 0(^ they would like a change. Made expense Played Wed., Thurs. Weather: Fair.— L D. Montgomery, Tex Theatre, Poth, Tex. Smc town and rural patronage. Two Years Before the Mast (Para)—/ Ladd, Brian Donlevy, William Bendix._ was an especially good picture but it the first chance our farmers had to gel on land so they just didn't turn out. Plc Mon., Tues., Wed.—Harland Rankin, Joy tre, Bothwell, Ont. Small town and patronage. PRO PICTURES Dana Ane Kit Corson (PRO—Reissue. Ion Hall. This is just what the doctor ordq A new print and new advertising, plus a cast, made this a very appealing picture. G* us more of this type of reissue. Played Sul Mon. Weather: Good.—Ralph Raspa, State Theatre, RivesviUe, W. Va. Rural and smoU town patronage. Prairie Badmen (PRO—Buster Crabbe, Al "Fuzzy" St, John, Patricia Knox. We have found westerns for weekends are always demanded, so this was another western. Dou- BOXOFFICE BookinGuide June 28. 19 *

: ways .' burger. BOXOFFICE BookinGuide June 28, 1947 bled ;t with "Gentleman Joe Palooka" (Mono) ;o double business. Played Fri., Sat. Weather; Warm.— Harland Rankin, Plaza Theatre, Tilbury, ^ Ont. Small town and rural patron- • • • age. RKO RADIO Criminal Court (RKO) — Tom Conway, Martha ODriscoU, Robert Armstrong. An above-average 60-m^nule feature that pleased all. Played Fri., Sat. Weather: Rain.—Ralph Raspa, State Theatre, Rivesville, W. Va. Rural and small town patronage. * * * Genius at Work (RKO)—Wally Brown, Alan Carney, Anne lelfreys, A well liked feature that furnished enough laughs for an hour shov/. Lately I've had nothing but murder mysteries and this was really a relief. Played .Fri.. Sal. Weather; Good.—Ralph Raspa, Amall town patronage. * * * San Quentin (RKO)—Lawrence Tierney, Barton MacLane, Marian Carr. 1 did average busi- ,ness on this prison picture, which is only pro- If ^ Receipts Were Double On This Double Bill BORN FOr'tROUBLE (WB)—ReUsue. Van Johnson, Faye Emerson, George IMeeker. Doubled with the documentary, "Appointment in Tokyo," this doubleheader brought the boxoffice receipts up double—why, I don't know. It was one of those situations where you don't expect to do much but sure enough you do better than average. Played Fri., Sat. Weather: Clear.—C. M. Garrett, Yandell Theatre, El Paso, Tex. Family patronage. * gram fare of the B type, despite what the salesman said and the radio ballyhoo on it. Played Fri., Sat. Weather; Good.—E. M. Frei- Paramount Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town patronage. * * * REPUBLIC Along the Navajo Trail (Rep)—Roy Rogers, George "Gabby"- Hayes, Dale Evans. Roy { Rogers' first picture in Bothwell and business y was no good—sorry. I thought Roy was altops. Our farmers could have been too busy. Played Thurs., Fri., Sat. Weather; Warm. —Harland Rankin, Joy Theatre, Bothwell, Ont. General patronage. * * * Angel and the Badman (Rep)—John Wayne, Gail Russell, Harry Carey. This went over very nicely and satisfied most of my customers. They like outdoor pictures with ac- •• lion, clean and wholesome. Played Thurs., Fri., Sat. Weather; Fair.—M. W. Mattecheck, ^•" Mack and Lark theatres, McMinnville, Ore. City and country patronage. * • « Yellow Rose of Texas, The (Rep)—Roy Rog- '., ers. Dale Evans, Bob Nolan. Just a little too much music in this one to satisfy our bloodi and-thunder fans. The action was confined to r a minimum and the music to a maximum. Dale Evans sang more songs than Roy did ' ( and we would much rather watch her than ; Mr. Rogers any old day. She has what it ' takes. Played Fri., Sat. Weather: Very good, i —Dinkle & LeMaster, Ken Theatre, Raceland, * Ky. Rural and small town patronage. I SCREEN GUILD Rolling Home (SG)—Jean Parker, Russell Hayden, Pamela Blake. I could use about three of these a week. My only complaint is the high price—it's a small town natural. Played Fri., Sat. Weather; Good.—Ralph Raspa, State Theatre, Rivesville, W. Va. Small town patronage, • * « 20th CENTURY-FOX Carnival in Costa Rica (20th-Fox)—Dick Haymes, Vera-EUen, Cesar Romero. A picture in the lower bracket that pleased here with our large Spanish population. Definitely — not a bad show for any situation. Play Mon., Tues. Weather; Warm—D. W. Triskc Ritz Theatre, Jerome, Ariz. Mining patronage. Diamond Horseshoe (20th-Fox) — Betty Grable, Dick Haymes. This is tops in its particular class. My patrons all liked it and it should do business anywhere. Played Thurs., Fri., Sat. Weather: Good.— S. C. Onerheim, Community Theatre, Luseland, Sask. Small * town and rural patronage. * * Razor's Edge, The (20th-Fox)—Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, John Payne. A good show but a little English accent or French and the Mexican people stay awqy. This drew fairly well despite the accent. Played Fri., Sat. Weather: Okay.—D. W. Trisko, Ritz Theatre, Jerome, Ariz. Mining patronage. * * Return of Frank James. The (20th-Fox)— Henry Fonda, Gene Tierney, Jackie Cooper. This followed "Jesse James" by one week on the advice of the Fox booker, who steered me right. I hoped with the advance publicity that this was given by the run of "Jesse James," that it would do better than its predecessor. I was disappointed again but I wasn't hurt. Played Sun., Mon. Weather; Warm.—Rahl & Hanson, California Theatre, Kerman, Calif. Small town patronage. UNITED ARTISTS Chase. The (UA)—Robert Cummings, Michele Morgan, Peter Lorre. After reading varied reports on this I didn't know what to figure. This is a very good picture and has enough action to keep the small town patron from walking out. The first night was poor, the second night better. Some complaine.d they were not able to understand the picture. Star names are missing but the picture has everything else. Played Tues., Wed., Thurs. Weather: Warm.—Rahl


ABOUT<br />


Just as the Barometer page shows first run reports on current pictures, this<br />

department is devoted for the most part to reports on subsequent runs, made by<br />

exhibitors themselves. A one-star contributor is new, two stars mean the exhibitor<br />

has been writing in for six months or longer, and a three-star contributor is a<br />

regular of one year or more, who receives a token of our appreciation. All exhibitors<br />

welcome.<br />


Dead Reckoning (Col)—Humphrey Bogart,<br />

Lizabeth Scott, Morris Carnovsky. Humphrey<br />

Bogart always has meant extra business with<br />

J6, but when they are a month late with the<br />

crops, it takes more than Bogart to get them<br />

in Played Mon., Tues. Weather Warm—Harland<br />

Rankin, Plaza Theatre, Tilbury, ^Ont^.<br />

Small town and rural patronage.<br />

For the Love of Rusty (Col)—Ted Donaldson,<br />

Tom Powers, Ann Doran. I believe this is<br />

the best picture of the Rusty series to date,<br />

but 1 didn't do much business, as the farmers<br />

are too busy between rains trying to get the<br />

corn planted. Ran one night on Family Night,<br />

at reduced admissions, and just made film<br />

rental. Played Tuesday only. Weather;<br />

Warm, humid.—Carl E. Pehlman, Rio Theatre,<br />

Edinburg, III. Rural and small town patronage.<br />

Gallant lourney (Col)—Glenn Ford, Janet<br />

Blair, Charles Ruggles. This was quite well<br />

received. Most of the comment was good.<br />

Children seemed to like it very much and it is<br />

clean. Played Sun., Mon., Tues. Weather;<br />

Rainy.—M. W. Mattecheck, Mack and Lark<br />

theatres, McMinnville, Ore. City and country<br />

patronage.<br />

Hit the Hay (Col)—Judy Canova, Ross Hunter,<br />

Fortunio Bonanova. The Columbia salesman<br />

advised me not to play this as it was a<br />

floperoo in the large towns. I played it single<br />

bill on a Sunday to 200 per cent. What a picture<br />

does in a large town doesn't mean a<br />

thing here. Played Sunday. Weather; Fair.—<br />

L. D. Montgomery, Tex Theatre, Poth, Tex^<br />

Small town and rural patronage.<br />

Mr. DiBfrict Attorney (Col)—Dennis O'Keefe,<br />

Adolphe Menjou, Marguerite Chapman. This<br />

made a fine topside feature. Enough action<br />

and mystery to please all, with Michael O'Shea<br />

getting in some of the brighter moments. Some<br />

names to draw with, and business was good.<br />

Played Wed., Thurs. Weather; Good.—R. D.<br />

Fisher, Star Theatre, Willow Springs, Mo^<br />

Rural and small town patronage.<br />

Over the Santa Fe Trail (Col)—Ken Curtis,<br />

lenniler Holt, Guy Kibbee. We can't get away<br />

with the Hoosier Hotshots here, for some unknown<br />

reason The picture itself was okay.<br />

Bank night as added draw failed. Played<br />

Wednesday Weather: Warm—D. W. Trisko,<br />

Ritz Theatre. Jerome, Ariz. Mining patronage.<br />

Renegades (Col)— Evelyn Keyes, Willard<br />

Parker. Larry Parks. This is a good picture<br />

with lots of action, but due to everyone trying<br />

to get the crops in, we didn't enjoy business.<br />

Played Thurs . Fri., Sat —Harland Rankin,<br />

Joy Theatre, BolhwoU, Ont. Small town<br />

and rural patronage.<br />

Thrill oJ Braxil (Col)— Evelyn Keyes, Keenan<br />

Wynn, Ann Miller. An okay programmer with<br />

a good western to draw them in. Too much<br />

music and too long and too high. It won't<br />

stand alone in small action situations. Played<br />

Fri., Sat. Weather; Warm—Rahl & Hanson,<br />

California Theatre, Kerman, Calif<br />

and rural patronage<br />


Small town<br />

Sons of the Desert (FC) — Reissue. Stan<br />

Laurel, Oliver Hardy. Who was the dope that<br />

said Laurel and Hardy were washed up?<br />

What two comics in show bu.sines3 can pack<br />

so many good, clean laughs in 70 minutes as<br />

Laurel and Hardy? I ran this with a cartoon<br />

show to a capacity house, and it was thoroughly<br />

enjoyed by all—even the ones who had to<br />

aland up in the roar. You can have Abbott<br />

and Costello, Carson and Morgan, etc., but<br />

well take Laurel and Hardy. Played Tuesday<br />

only. Weather: Warm.—Carl E. Pehlman,<br />

Rio Theatre, Edinburg, 111. Rural and small<br />

town patronage.<br />


Daniel Boone (FF) — Reissue. George<br />

O Brien, Heather Angel. Doubled with "Windjammer"<br />

but these two oldies were sold to me<br />

as a program and I thought they would be<br />

very good. I didn't know until 1 got the preview<br />

that both pictures starred the same man<br />

(George O'Brien). If I had split these they<br />

would have been okay. The prints were good<br />

but the sound was muffled in spots. Played<br />

Fri., Sat. Weather: Warm.—Rahl & Hanson,<br />

California Theatre, Kerman, Calif. Small town<br />

and rural<br />

patronage.<br />


Bad BoBcomb (MGM)—Wallace Beery, Margaret<br />

O'Brien, Marjorie Main. This is a good<br />

western with plenty of action and did good<br />

business. Played Fri., Sat. Weather; Good.<br />

E. M. Freiburger, Paramount Theatre, Dewey,<br />

Okla. Small town patronage.<br />

Gallant Bess (MGM)—Marshall Thompson,<br />

George Tobias, Clem Bevans. I don't know<br />

why MGM folks have been keeping this picture<br />

under their hats—this picture rates a good<br />

deal of preselling such as "The Yearling" has<br />

been receiving. It is excellent entertainment<br />

all the way through, and I would be extremely<br />

happy to run one like it every day 61 the<br />

week. The Cinecolor is very good and compares<br />

favorably with Technicolor for outdoor<br />

features. Business was good. Played Sun.,<br />

Mon. Weather: Fair and warm.—Carl E. Pehlman,<br />

Rio Theatre, Edinburg, 111. Rural and<br />

small town patronage.<br />

Holiday in Mexico (MGM)—Walter Pidgeon,<br />

Jose Iturbi, Ilona Massey. An expensive picture—beautiful<br />

color, good acting, superb<br />

music—and it all added up to a total loss<br />

Tex Theatre at Poth<br />

Strictly Family-Run<br />

T D. Montgomery of the Tex Theatre at<br />

" Poth, Texas has had this situation for<br />

the past year only, but started In theatre<br />

business at the age of 15, in 1928. His<br />

theatre is completely family operated, for<br />

Montgomery acts as projectionist, his<br />

wife is cashier, his daughter "works the<br />

door," and there is an automatic popcorn<br />

vendor.<br />

No time for outside business activities<br />

with this kind of setup, but Montgomery<br />

lists his hobby as books— in fact, he admits<br />

to being a "bookworm."<br />

As the exhibitor's major problem today,<br />

he lists, "Working for the distributor."<br />

"It is no longer correct to say, "1 have<br />

a nice little setup in this town"—the correct<br />

thing to say is that the distributors<br />

liavr a nice little setup in thLs town,"<br />

Montgomery contends.<br />

"I put up the investment and they get<br />

their profit, rain or shine, baseball game<br />

or not. Yep, it's a nice .setup— for them.<br />

"But I have enough films bought up to<br />

l.-ist into next year, so the film salesmen<br />

who visit me In the future are going to<br />

meet a guy with lots of sales resistance.<br />

Kither the prices go down or I buy from<br />

the next guy. It is surprising how they<br />

really reduce prices to make a sale after<br />

assuring one all day that they are quoting<br />

the minimum price."<br />

—<br />

Must Sing Through Noses —^<br />

Or Not Call It Singing 'm<br />


Eddie Dean, Joan Barton, Emmett Lynn.<br />

I think these Eddie Dean westerns are<br />

tops but he seems to sing too well for onr<br />

patrons. Dean has a fine voice but not<br />

too much action. For my class of trade,<br />

a cowboy must sing through his nose or<br />

he isn't singing. Played Sun., Mon.<br />

Weather: Warm.—Rahl & Hanson, California<br />

Theatre, Kerman, Calif. Small<br />

town and rural<br />

patronage.<br />

here. This is the lowest grosser we have evo<br />

had, no exceptions. We try to tell them Iho<br />

we can't sell ct musical in this town but no<br />

body listens to me, and no adjustment offered<br />

when I ask for it. Played Tues., Wed., Thura'<br />

Weather; Fair and warm.—Rahl & Hanson<br />

California Theatre, Kerman, Calif. Small tov<br />

and rural patronage.<br />

Secret Heart, The (MGM)—Claudette<br />

bert, Walter Pidgeon, June AUyson. This is 1<br />

good drama but a little heavy for a smtf<br />

town. Business was fair. Played Wed., Thur<br />

Weather: Good.—E. M. Freiburger. Paramou<br />

Theatre, Dewey, Okla. Small town -"<br />

age.<br />


Gentleman loe Palooka (Mono)—Leon En<br />

Elyse Knox, Guy Kibbee. A popular title<br />

good draw. Business was very good and<br />

picture enjoyed by both young and old wil<br />

our usual western. Played Fri., Sat. Weafh6"<br />

Warm.—Harland Rankin, Plaza Theatre, T"<br />

bury, Ont. Small town and rural palro<br />

age.<br />

Gentleman Joe Palooka (Mono)—Leon<br />

_<br />

rol, Elyse Knox, Guy Kibbee. This drew vep<br />

well, due to the comic strip following in th<br />

papers. Played Sunday. Weather; Warm.-:<br />

D. W. Trisko, Ritz Theatre, Jerome, Ariz,<br />

ing patronage.<br />

Shanghai Cobra (Mono)—Sidney ToW<br />

Benson Fong, Joan Barclay. A satisfacto<br />

second feature for any double bill. Monogrc<br />

makes good programmers. Doubled wi|<br />

"Drifting Along" to fair Fri., Sat. busine<br />

Weather; Spring —Carl E. Pehlman, Rio The<br />

tre, Edinburg, 111. Rural and small town "<br />

tronage.<br />


Two Years Before the Masf (Para)—/<br />

Ladd, Brian Donlevy, William Bendix.<br />

picture does not appeal to farmers and<br />

town trade. They would rather see a pie<br />

with a horse, dog or steer in it. This is ^<br />

thing I find hard to understand since thoyj<br />

and work with animals all day. It looks 0(^<br />

they would like a change. Made expense<br />

Played Wed., Thurs. Weather: Fair.— L D.<br />

Montgomery, Tex Theatre, Poth, Tex. Smc<br />

town and rural patronage.<br />

Two Years Before the Mast (Para)—/<br />

Ladd, Brian Donlevy, William Bendix._<br />

was an especially good picture but it<br />

the first chance our farmers had to gel on<br />

land so they just didn't turn out. Plc<br />

Mon., Tues., Wed.—Harland Rankin, Joy<br />

tre, Bothwell, Ont. Small town and<br />

patronage.<br />


Dana Ane<br />

Kit Corson (PRO—Reissue.<br />

Ion Hall. This is just what the doctor ordq<br />

A new print and new advertising, plus a<br />

cast, made this a very appealing picture. G*<br />

us more of this type of reissue. Played Sul<br />

Mon. Weather: Good.—Ralph Raspa, State<br />

Theatre, RivesviUe, W. Va. Rural and smoU<br />

town patronage.<br />

Prairie Badmen (PRO—Buster Crabbe, Al<br />

"Fuzzy" St, John, Patricia Knox. We have<br />

found westerns for weekends are always demanded,<br />

so this was another western. Dou-<br />

BOXOFFICE BookinGuide June 28. 19<br />


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