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Marcel<br />

Walter<br />

"<br />

W.<br />

Hopalong<br />

Preston<br />

'<br />

Independent Production<br />

Doubled During 1946-47<br />

NEW YORK—The number of independently<br />

produced releases from Hollywood<br />

during the current season is almost<br />

double the number of independent films<br />

scheduled for 1945-46. according to reports<br />

from the major companies.<br />

A total of 63 independent pictures from<br />

a total of 34 producers is being released<br />

this year by eight companies, including<br />

Monogram. Paramount. RKO. U-I. Warner.<br />

UA, Republic and 20lh-Fox.<br />

Last year 37 independent releases from 28<br />

producers were distributed by seven companies.<br />

Two distributors. Warners and<br />

Monogram, welcomed independents to the<br />

fold this season. Columbia had two independent<br />

releases last year. None are listed<br />

for the current season.<br />

This trend toward independent releases<br />

by the major companies has been gainm^<br />

impetus for the past three years. Countless<br />

Independent outfits have sprung up since<br />

the end of the war. During recent months<br />

the majors and other distributors appear to<br />

have started a concentrated drive to sign<br />

additional independents. Eight distributors,<br />

including Screen Guild, have signed a<br />

total of 17 new relea.sing deals with independents<br />

in less than three months.<br />

Screen Guild alone has set four deals with<br />

newcomers to the independent production<br />

field. These deals call for a total of 13 pictures.<br />

Film Classics has bought out all but<br />

three of its franchise holders and is lining up<br />

independents on the coa.st.<br />

RKO is increasing its independent releases.<br />

Eight films from seven producers have been<br />

scheduled for 1947-48 release. Four others<br />

are in the offing. This current season RKO<br />

lists four independent releases from four<br />

producers.<br />

Columbia also is stepping up independent<br />

releases. Eight musical westerns produced<br />

bv Autrv Productions will be distributed next<br />

year. Another deal with Edward Small calls<br />

for two features.<br />

MGM has two independents coming up for<br />

next vear, including "State of the Union"<br />

from Frank Capra and "Joan of Lorraine"<br />

from Sierra Pictures. Inc. The last independently<br />

produced feature to go through the<br />

MGM exchanges was David O. Selznick's<br />

Wind."<br />

"Gone With the<br />

There has been considerable speculation<br />

about whether many of the smaller independents—some<br />

of them new arrivals in<br />

Hollywood— will be able to weather high labor<br />

and production costs and the effects of a<br />

possible business recession.<br />

The recent purchase of Liberty Films by<br />

Paramount and before that the International<br />

Pictures merger with Universal, seems<br />

to several industry leaders to be the beginning<br />

of a trend. Seymour Nebenzal. independent<br />

producer for UA, predicted several weeks ago<br />

that many smaller independents will find the<br />

going rough as costs continue to rise and will<br />

be forced to join the major companies to continue<br />

in production.<br />

A tally of the recent independent releasing<br />

arrangements made by distributors includes<br />

Columbia—2: MGM—2; PRC—2:<br />

RKO—2; Republic— 1; U-I— 1; UA—3; Screen<br />

Guild—4.<br />

Several of the new independents, organized<br />

in the past two months or so, have set<br />

no releasing deals as yet. In this group are<br />

Screenplays, Inc.. formed by Stanley Kramer,<br />

former executive producer for Story Prod.;<br />

Transatlantic Pictures Corp., organized by<br />

Sidney L. Bernstein and Alfred Hitchcock;<br />

Sol Lesser's new independent venture with<br />

Robert Rossen; Arpi Prod., formed by Robert<br />

Presnell and John Reinhardt; Harry<br />

James Prod.—the band leader has bought<br />

rights to "Downbeat for Two"; a new company<br />

organized by Benn Jacobson. former<br />

Eagle-Lion studio representative; new outfit<br />

formed by Nat Goldstone. former Hollywood<br />

agent.<br />

The Seasons Independent Films<br />

Here is the independent rclea.se lineup for<br />

the current season by companies;<br />

MONOGRAM—"The Guilty" and "High<br />

Tide," lack Wrather Prod.<br />

PARAMOUNT—"Seven Were Saved," "Fear<br />

in the Night," "Big Town," "I Cover Big<br />

Town " "Danger Street," "Jungle Flight. Pine-<br />

Thomas Prod.; "My Favorite Brunette," Hope<br />

Enterprises, Inc.; The Perfect Marriage' and<br />

"Desert Fury," Hal Wallis Prod.<br />

RKO RADIO—"Song ol the South," Wall<br />

;<br />

Di.iney Prod "The Best Years ol Our Lives,'<br />

Sam Goldwyn Prod.; "It's a Wonderlul Lile.<br />

Liberty Films; "Tarzan and the Huntress, Sol<br />

Lesser Prod.<br />

REPUBLIC—"Yankee Fakir, Lee Wilder-<br />

'<br />

"Wlnler Wonderland, Colmes.<br />

20TH CENTURY-FOX—"Black Beauty," Alson<br />

Prod; "Backlash." "Dangerous Millions<br />

"Strange lourney." "Rendezvous 24," lewels<br />

ol Brandenburg," "The Crimson Key, Sol "^<br />

Wurtzel Prod.; "Wanted lor Murder. Meet<br />

"<br />

Me at Dawn, Hellman Prod,<br />


Mirror<br />

"" International Pictures (before merger<br />

with Universal); "Temptation,"" International;<br />

•Magnilicent Doll," Skirball-Manning Prod.;<br />

Swell Guy,' Mark Hellinger Prod., "Smash-<br />

Up,"" Diana Prod.; "Brute Force," also Hellinger.<br />

UNITED ARTISTS—"The Bachelor's Daughters,"<br />

Andrew Stone; "Angel on My Shoulder,"<br />

Charles R. Rogers; "Little Iodine," Comet<br />

Prod. "Strange Woman," Hunt Stromberg;<br />

"The Devils Playground." Hopalong Cassidy;<br />

"The Chase," Seymour Nebenzal; "The Sin ol<br />

Harold<br />

"<br />

Diddlebock, Sturges; "Susie<br />

Steps Out," Comet; "Abies Irish Rose, "<br />

Bing<br />

Crosby Prod.; "Fools Gold," Hopalong Cassidy;<br />

"The Red House," Sol Lesser; "The Fabulous<br />

Dorseys," Rogers; 'The Private Allairs<br />

ol Bel Ami," David Loew; "Fun on a Weekend,"<br />

Stone; "The Macomber Allair," Benedict<br />

Bogeaus; "Unexpected Guest," Hopalong<br />

Cassidy; "Carnegie Hall," Morros-Le Baron<br />

Prod.; "New Orleans," lules Levey; "Ramrod,"<br />

Enterprise; "Adventures of Don Coyote,"<br />

Cornel; "Dishonored Lady." Stromberg; "Dan-<br />

"<br />

gerous Venture, Cassidy; "Copacabana,"<br />

Sam Coslow; "Christmas Eve,"<br />

Bogeaus; "Stork Biles Man," Comet; "Lured,"<br />

Stromberg; "Heaven Only Knows," Nebenzal;<br />

"Hoppy's Holiday," Hopalong Cassidy;<br />

"The Other Love. Enterprise.<br />

"<br />

"<br />

WARNER BROS—"Pursued and "Cloak and<br />

Dagger," United Stales Pictures, Inc.<br />

1'<br />

^<br />

Fabian Still Dickers <<br />

For Purchase of UA<br />

NEW YORK—Mar>' Pickford is stiU negott- I<br />

ating with Si H. Fabian for the sale of Unitfc'<br />

Artists, and Tom J. Connors, former Tkt<br />

president in charge of distribution for JOlh<br />

Fox, is still awaiting word from Miss Pick I<br />

ford regarding the presidency of DA. H« i<br />

the principal candidate for the post If UA i<br />

not sold.<br />

Decisions on these matters were suppcsr<br />

j<br />

to have been made by June 23, but last-mir.<br />

'<br />

ute hitches over the selling price and Uxt.<br />

are reported to have held up the negotlaUonjI<br />

There also were reports that one of tbe C<br />

producers also has offered to buy the eocn<br />

i<br />

pany. Last week Miss Pickford had uk'<br />

three other parties in addition to Fitibi<br />

were interested in buying UA. Hovntr'<br />

Fabian and his backer, the First Nitkitu<br />

Bank of Boston, have the inside track.<br />

The Fabian interests are said to have coct<<br />

closest to Miss Pickford's asking prte r,<br />

S15.000.000. She has said that she wantj r<br />

500.000 for her share of the company, whx'.<br />

she owns in partnership with Charles Ch»p<br />

lin. There has been no statement frti5<br />

Chaplin or his representatives as to hit |*tet<br />

Reply on 'Blimp' Ads<br />

Says Film Lost Money<br />

NEW YORK—United Artists has to d<br />

lost S11.064 on "The Life and Detth c<br />

Colonel Blimp," according to the reply hj V.,<br />

made to the complaints filed against the eiai><br />

pany by the Federal Trade commtekn<br />

charging misrepresentation in "Blimp* atj<br />

vertising.<br />

^<br />

The commission objected to the adi<br />

the grounds that they represented the fOffl)<br />

the original full-length feature praised t;<br />

the critics when, as a matter of (act,<br />

British-made film was cut from two IM<br />

and 28 minutes to one hour and 31 mtmM<br />

for U.S. distribution. The picture opt<br />

at the Globe in New York in December IH<br />

UA has contended that the shorter pieU<br />

seen by the American audiences was Ml<br />

stantially the same as the full-length (Qi<br />

seen previously by the critics, therefore tl'<br />

ads were not unfair or misleading. The col<br />

pany also pointed out that most exhibilo<br />

refused to take the film unless it was shot<br />

ened.<br />

UA said that rentals to June 7, 1947, fro<br />

the film totaled $276,495, while print and a<<br />

verti.sing costs amount to S287.559. HearW<br />

will be held in New York July 18.<br />

ATA and MPTOA Agree<br />

On a Joint Tax Plan<br />

NEW YORK—The ATA and MPTOA «<br />

submit a joint recommendation to the ho*<br />

ways and means committee the week o( Jit'<br />

30 urging a straight 10 per cent tax on t<br />

adult admissions and the ellminBtion of fc<br />

federal tax on children's tickets.<br />

The recommendation will be .signed by T<br />

R. Gamble, chairman of the ATA, and<br />

Julian Brylawski, vice-president of t<br />

MPTOA. Both men had appeared before I<br />

ways and means committee May 28 »n

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