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Tawny Taylor Carpe Nocturne 2: Kiss Me, Kill Me - 8 ­<br />

It made for plenty of shadows. The moon, mostly hidden behind an inky cloud,<br />

produced only the faintest bluish glow, barely enough light for even a creature of the<br />

night to see.<br />

He made it to his building with no trouble. As he neared, he was relieved to see<br />

there was no sign of visitors. No cars. No lingering glitter of magic. No sounds. Moving<br />

slowly and carefully, not to make a sound, he rounded the side of the building. Still<br />

nothing.<br />

Could he have been wrong about Dvorak? Had he failed to get a clear view of<br />

the license plate?<br />

He could only be so lucky!<br />

He slipped inside, and made his way up the stairs, his every sense alert to<br />

anything that was out of the ordinary. Nothing, except the pathetic whimper of a<br />

poodle.<br />

Oh the gods, he’d forgotten about the dog.<br />

He hated dogs, especially girly dogs like poodles. And this one had made it clear<br />

it didn’t exactly have the greatest regard for him either. But dammit, he couldn’t leave<br />

the thing there to starve. There were some things that even he knew were plain wrong.<br />

He considered leaving her be until he was ready to leave but changed his mind.<br />

It seemed, from its reaction, that it was sensitive to the scent of the Insurgi, the<br />

Immortal. Therefore, if there were any Excoluni members nearby, the little thing might<br />

go yipping and nipping after them. At least that would get them out in the open and<br />

give him a fighting chance at getting out of the apartment with his money.<br />

Sounds like a plan.<br />

Walking soundlessly, each step taking far longer than he wished, he made it back<br />

to the bedroom, flattened himself against the wall and opened the door.<br />

The poodle, yipping at an eardrum-shattering volume and pitch, went straight to<br />

the door.<br />

At least it was trained well. And nothing had distracted the animal. It wasn’t<br />

exactly a clear signal that the apartment was empty, but it eased his worries a bit.

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