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Tawny Taylor Carpe Nocturne 2: Kiss Me, Kill Me - 35 -<br />

“And you assumed Burke did it? For what reason? Revenge?”<br />

He crossed his thick arms over his broad chest. The position made him look big<br />

and strong and a little intimidating. Rigid and determined.<br />

How would she ever change his mind?<br />

“That deal would’ve made him billions of dollars. I’ve seen people kill for less.”<br />

“I can’t believe Burke would kill out of revenge. Or for money. What about the<br />

other victims? How many have there been? The others can’t be close relatives of<br />

business associates too.”<br />

“There have been four murders so far. The second one was also related to an<br />

individual Burke had had business dealings with, a cousin.”<br />

Did Burke know this? Had he kept the facts from her? Shit. She was starting to<br />

feel like she was losing ground, not gaining it. She mentally scrambled for a foothold.<br />

“But didn’t Burke live in Europe somewhere? And weren’t the murders here in the<br />

United States?”<br />

“They’ve all been here, in the Detroit area, yes. Then again, so was Burke. The<br />

coincidences are compelling.”<br />

“And all of the victims were related to someone Burke has done business with?<br />

What about the third one?” she asked with a sinking feeling. She didn’t want to doubt<br />

Burke’s innocence, but the coincidences were stacking up. The mountain they created<br />

was a smidge condemning.<br />

“Yes, all three were related to someone Burke has had difficulties doing business<br />

with. We’re still working on the connection with the fourth victim, but I’m sure we’ll<br />

find something.”<br />

She nodded, appreciating why the Excoluni had narrowed their focus to only<br />

Burke. The victims hadn’t been chosen randomly. They were loosely linked to Burke<br />

through business associates, which meant the real killer had to know more than a little<br />

about his business activities. That had to narrow the field to a few people, in addition to<br />

Burke himself. “How many other people would know about Burke’s business<br />


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