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Tawny Taylor Carpe Nocturne 2: Kiss Me, Kill Me - 33 -<br />

“I’m facing a difficult situation here. I have to choose. Between my career and my<br />

sanity.” Miko’s voice was thick and heavy. It rumbled through her body like a low<br />

voltage electric current.<br />

She didn’t want to seem flip, but she knew which choice she’d make. In a<br />

heartbeat. Then again, she’d never had her dream career, the one she’d always thought<br />

she would have when she grew up. What kind of choice would she make if she had?<br />

She tipped her head to study Miko’s profile. He had a strong forehead and chin.<br />

A long, narrow aristocratic nose and a perfect mouth. He was a delight to look at.<br />

“I’ve wanted to be an officer of the Excoluni for as long as I can remember. My<br />

father retired from the force years ago but I remember being a kid, having a father I was<br />

so damn proud of. He was the best.” He breathed in for the first time since she’d sat on<br />

his lap. His chest rose then fell when the air left his lungs in a huff. He shook his head.<br />

“I can kiss my career goodbye if I help Langton.”<br />

“But what if he didn’t do it?” she whispered, sensing the frustration and turmoil<br />

Miko was struggling with.<br />

His gaze met hers. It was probing. Intense. “You’re saying he’s innocent so I’ll<br />

help him.”<br />

“No, I’m saying it because I believe it’s the truth.”<br />

His eyebrows dropped to their lowest point. “You don’t know the details of the<br />

case --”<br />

“True, but you have to admit I share a very unique and personal bond with the<br />

man. I would know if he was the killer. I’m sure I would. He didn’t kill those people.<br />

The man in my bar, in Carpe Nocturne. He didn’t kill the others either. I believe what<br />

he said, that he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.” When Miko didn’t respond,<br />

she added, “He’s trying to find the real killer so he can clear his name.”<br />

Miko shifted his gaze away from her again and nodded slowly. He pressed an<br />

index finger to his lower lip. “What has he found out?”<br />

She couldn’t help staring at his mouth as she answered, “Not much of anything<br />

that I’m aware of. The only connection he saw between the people was the setting -- the

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