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Tawny Taylor Carpe Nocturne 2: Kiss Me, Kill Me - 25 -<br />

wouldn’t until they were together again. But pain in any form was an old friend to her<br />

in some ways. It never left her, not as long as she could remember. So, it was pathetic,<br />

but the pain of leaving Burke added a little to the already enormous burden she carted<br />

around every day. Like a dull throbbing headache. She just kind of got used to it and<br />

moved on. Always had to keep going. That was life.<br />

Whether she was truly ready to accept it or not, Miko was a part of her life too.<br />

He might be a virtual stranger to her now, but deep down inside she knew he was<br />

destined to become an important part of her future, as big a part as Burke. Eventually<br />

they would all be together. It was just a matter of time.<br />

She was ready. Ready to face Miko. To face the hunger that had been plain in his<br />

eyes last night. He’d been kind by denying himself last night, kind and patient. She<br />

knew he wouldn’t be able to resist today.<br />

She knew something else as well. She knew she’d want him as much as he’d<br />

want her. Regardless of any preconceived notions of what love and relationships she’d<br />

had for the first twenty-something years of her life, she’d accepted the fact that these<br />

men did something to her that no human ever would. And she decided to allow herself<br />

to embrace it. She wouldn’t fight the overwhelming desire any longer.<br />

They needed each other. All three of them. They would not be complete until<br />

their circle had been closed. There was no reason to be scared or guilty. Despite what<br />

she’d grown up believing, wanting, needing -- even loving -- two men was possible. She<br />

could do it. There was room in her heart for both Miko and Burke.<br />

Perhaps she would love them differently. She didn’t know yet. But she knew for<br />

a fact she would love them with everything she was.<br />

She passed up the tailored blouses, slacks and skirts and went to the lingerie. A<br />

short black sheer nightgown caught her eye. It was uber-sexy in an understated,<br />

sophisticated way. As she expected, it fit her perfectly, covered everything it needed to<br />

while enhancing what it should. It was the outfit to greet her new Master in.<br />

If she was going to spend the rest of her life as a submissive to two absolutely<br />

drool-worthy vampires, she was going to do it whole-heartedly. And with style.

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