

women often had short-term affairs with Moroi men and were looked down on for it—even though there wasn't really anything else they could have done, since Moroi men usually ended up marrying Moroi women. The "blood whore" term came from the fact that some dhampir women let men drink blood from them during sex. In our world, only humans gave blood. A dhampir doing it was dirty and kinky—especially during sex. I suspected only a few dhampir women actually did this, but unfairly, the term tended to get applied to all of them. I had given blood to Lissa when we had run away, and although it had been a necessary act, the stigma still stayed with me. "No. Of course I don't want to be a blood whore." My breathing was becoming heavy. "And they're not all like that. There're only a few that actually are." "They bring that reputation on themselves," she growled. I dodged her strike. "They should be doing their duty as guardians, not continuing to fool around and have flings with Moroi." "They're raising their children," I grunted. I wanted to yell but couldn't waste the oxygen. "Something you'd know nothing about. Besides, aren't you the same as they are? I don't see a ring on your finger. Wasn't my dad just a fling for you?" Her face turned hard, which is saying something when you're already beating up your daughter. "That," she said tightly, "is something you know nothing about. Point." I winced at the blow but was happy to see I'd struck a nerve. I had no clue who my dad was. The only bit of information I had was that he was Turkish. I might have my mom's curvy figure and pretty face—though I could smugly say mine was much prettier than hers nowadays—but the rest of my coloring was from him. Lightly tanned skin with dark hair and eyes. "How'd it happen?" I asked. "Were you on some assignment in Turkey? Meet him at a local bazaar? Or was it even cheaper than that? Did you go all Darwin and select the guy most likely to pass on warrior genes to your offspring? I mean, I know you only had me because it was your duty, so I suppose you had to make sure you could give the guardians the best specimen you could." "Rosemarie," she warned through gritted teeth, "for once in your life, shut up."

"Why? Am I tarnishing your precious reputation? It's just like you told me: you aren't any different from any other dhampir either. You just screwed him and—" There's a reason they say, "Pride goeth before a fall." I was so caught up in my own cocky triumph that I stopped paying attention to my feet. I was too close to the red line. Going outside of it was another point for her, so I scrambled to stay within and dodge her at the same time. Unfortunately, only one of those could work. Her fist came flying at me, fast and hard—and, perhaps most importantly, a bit higher than the permissable according to rules of this kind of exercise. It smacked me in the face with the power of a small truck, and I flew backward, hitting the hard gym floor back-first and head-second. And I was out of the lines. Damn it. Pain cracked through the back of my head, and my vision went blurry and sparkly. Within seconds, my mother was leaning over me. "Rose? Rose? Are you okay?" Her voice sounded hoarse and frantic. The world swam. At some point after that, other people came, and I somehow wound up in the Academy's med clinic. There, someone shone a light in my eyes and started asking me incredibly idiotic questions. "What's your name?" "What?" I asked, squinting at the light. "Your name." I recognized Dr. Olendzki peering over me. "You know my name." "I want you to tell me." "Rose. Rose Hathaway." "Do you know your birthday?" "Of course I do. Why are you asking me such stupid things? Did you lose my records?" Dr. Olendzki gave an exasperated sigh and walked off, taking the annoying light with her. "I think she's fine," I heard her tell someone. "I want to keep her here for the school day, just to

"Why? Am I tarnishing your precious reputation? It's just like you told me: you aren't any<br />

different from any other dhampir either. You just screwed him and—"<br />

There's a reason they say, "Pride goeth before a fall." I was so caught up in my own cocky<br />

triumph that I stopped paying attention to my feet. I was too close to the red line. Going outside<br />

of it was another point for her, so I scrambled to stay within and dodge her at the same time.<br />

Unfortunately, only one of those could work. Her fist came flying at me, fast and hard—and,<br />

perhaps most importantly, a bit higher than the permissable according to rules of this kind of<br />

exercise. It smacked me in the face with the power of a small truck, and I flew backward,<br />

hitting the hard gym floor back-first and head-second. And I was out of the lines. Damn it.<br />

Pain cracked through the back of my head, and my vision went blurry and sparkly. Within<br />

seconds, my mother was leaning over me.<br />

"Rose? Rose? Are you okay?" Her voice sounded hoarse and frantic. The world swam.<br />

At some point after that, other people came, and I somehow wound up in the Academy's med<br />

clinic. There, someone shone a light in my eyes and started asking me incredibly idiotic<br />

questions.<br />

"What's your name?"<br />

"What?" I asked, squinting at the light.<br />

"Your name." I recognized Dr. Olendzki peering over me.<br />

"You know my name."<br />

"I want you to tell me."<br />

"Rose. Rose Hathaway."<br />

"Do you know your birthday?"<br />

"Of course I do. Why are you asking me such stupid things? Did you lose my records?"<br />

Dr. Olendzki gave an exasperated sigh and walked off, taking the annoying light with her. "I<br />

think she's fine," I heard her tell someone. "I want to keep her here for the school day, just to

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