

"Russian's weird," In Russian, the nickname for Vasilisa was Vasya, which made no sense to me. "So is English." I gave him a sly look. "If you'd teach me to swear in Russian, I might have a new appreciation for it." "You swear too much already." "I just want to express myself." "Oh, Roza…" He sighed, and I felt a thrill tickle me. "Roza" was my name in Russian. He rarely used it. "You express yourself more than anyone else I know." I smiled and walked on a bit without saying anything else. My heart skipped a beat, I was so happy to be around him. There was something warm and right about us being together. Even as I floated along, my mind churned over something else that I'd been thinking about. "You know, there's something funny about Tasha's scars." "What's that?" he asked. "The scars…they mess up her face," I began slowly. I was having trouble putting my thoughts into words. "I mean, it's obvious she used to be really pretty. But even with the scars now … I don't know. She's pretty in a different way. It's like…like they're part of her. They complete her." It sounded silly, but it was true. Dimitri didn't say anything, but he gave me a sidelong glance. I returned it, and as our eyes met, I saw the briefest glimpse of the old attraction. It was fleeting and gone too soon, but I'd seen it. Pride and approval replaced it, and they were almost as good. When he spoke, it was to echo his earlier thoughts. "You're a fast learner, Roza."

SIX I WAS FEELING PRETTY GOOD about life when I headed to my before-school practice the next day. The secret gathering last night had been super fun, and I felt proudly responsible for fighting the system and encouraging Dimitri to go with Tasha. Better still, I'd gotten my first crack at a silver stake yesterday and had proven I could handle one. High on myself, I couldn't wait to practice even more. Once I was dressed in my usual workout attire, I practically skipped down to the gym. But when I stuck my head inside the practice room from the day before, I found it dark and quiet. Flipping on the light, I peered around just in case Dimitri was conducting some kind of weird, covert training exercise. Nope. Empty. No staking today. "Shit," I muttered. "He's not here." I yelped and nearly jumped ten feet in the air. Turning around, I looked straight into my mother's narrowed brown eyes. "What are you doing here?" As soon as the words were out of my mouth, her appearance registered with me. A stretchy spandex shirt with short sleeves. Loose, drawstring workout pants similar to the ones I wore. "Shit," I said again. "Watch your mouth," she snapped. "You might behave like you have no manners, but at least try not to sound that way." "Where's Dimitri?" "Guardian Belikov is in bed. He just got back a couple of hours ago and needed to sleep." Another expletive was on my lips, and I bit it back. Of course Dimitri was asleep. He'd had to drive with Tasha to Missoula during daylight in order to be there during human shopping hours.

SIX<br />

I WAS FEELING PRETTY GOOD about life when I headed to my before-school practice the<br />

next day. The secret gathering last night had been super fun, and I felt proudly responsible for<br />

fighting the system and encouraging Dimitri to go with Tasha. Better still, I'd gotten my first<br />

crack at a silver stake yesterday and had proven I could handle one. High on myself, I couldn't<br />

wait to practice even more.<br />

Once I was dressed in my usual workout attire, I practically skipped down to the gym. But<br />

when I stuck my head inside the practice room from the day before, I found it dark and quiet.<br />

Flipping on the light, I peered around just in case Dimitri was conducting some kind of weird,<br />

covert training exercise. Nope. Empty. No staking today.<br />

"Shit," I muttered.<br />

"He's not here."<br />

I yelped and nearly jumped ten feet in the air. Turning around, I looked straight into my<br />

mother's narrowed brown eyes.<br />

"What are you doing here?" As soon as the words were out of my mouth, her appearance<br />

registered with me. A stretchy spandex shirt with short sleeves. Loose, drawstring workout<br />

pants similar to the ones I wore. "Shit," I said again.<br />

"Watch your mouth," she snapped. "You might behave like you have no manners, but at least<br />

try not to sound that way."<br />

"Where's Dimitri?"<br />

"Guardian Belikov is in bed. He just got back a couple of hours ago and needed to sleep."<br />

Another expletive was on my lips, and I bit it back. Of course Dimitri was asleep. He'd had to<br />

drive with Tasha to Missoula during daylight in order to be there during human shopping hours.

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