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"Suffer, pay, regret I was ever born?" I suggested.<br />

I remembered fighting with my mom, how I'd been on the defensive the whole time. That<br />

wouldn't work this time. I had to attack. Jabbing forward, I tried to land a blow on Elena. No<br />

luck. She anticipated my every move.<br />

Suddenly, from behind her, Isaiah groaned as he started to come around. She glanced back, the<br />

smallest of motions that let me swipe the sword across her chest. It cut the fabric of her shirt<br />

and grazed the skin, but nothing more. Still, she flinched and looked down in panic. I think the<br />

glass going through Isaiah's heart was still fresh in her mind.<br />

And that was what I really needed.<br />

I mustered all my strength, drew back, and swung.<br />

The sword's blade hit the side of her neck, hard and deep. She gave a horrible, sickening cry, a<br />

shriek that made my skin crawl. She tried to move toward me. I pulled back and hit again. Her<br />

hands clutched at her throat, and her knees gave way. I struck and struck, the sword digging<br />

deeper into her neck each time. Cutting off someone's head was harder than I'd thought it would<br />

be. The old, dull sword probably wasn't helping.<br />

But finally, I gained enough sense to realize she wasn't moving. Her head lay there, detached<br />

from her body, her dead eyes looking up at me as though she couldn't believe what had<br />

happened. That made two of us.<br />

Someone was screaming, and for a surreal second, I thought it was still Elena. Then I lifted my<br />

eyes and looked across the room. Mia stood in the doorway, eyes bugging out and skin tinged<br />

green like she might throw up. Distantly, in the back of my mind, I realized she was the one<br />

who'd made the aquarium explode. Water magic apparently wasn't worthless after all.<br />

Still a bit shaken, Isaiah tried to rise to his feet. But I was on him before he could fully manage<br />

it. The sword sang out, wreaking blood and pain with each blow. I felt like an old pro now.<br />

Isaiah fell back to the floor. In my mind, I kept seeing him break Mason's neck, and I hacked<br />

and hacked as hard as I could, as though striking fiercely enough might somehow banish the<br />


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