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"Rose!" exclaimed Mason.<br />

I ignored him and looked beseechingly at Isaiah. I didn't want him to feed off me. The thought<br />

made me sick. But I had given blood before, and I'd rather him take pints from me before he<br />

touched Eddie or Mason.<br />

I couldn't read his expression as he sized me up. For half a second, I thought he might go for it,<br />

but instead he shook his head.<br />

"No. Not you. Not yet."<br />

He walked over and stood before Eddie. I pulled against my flex-cuffs so hard that they dug<br />

painfully into my skin. They didn't give. "No! Leave him alone!"<br />

"Quiet," snapped Isaiah, without looking at me. He rested one hand on the side of Eddie's face.<br />

Eddie trembled and had gone so pale, I thought he would faint. "I can make this easy, or I can<br />

make it hurt. Your silence will encourage the former."<br />

I wanted to scream, wanted to call Isaiah all sorts of names and make all sorts of threats. But I<br />

couldn't. My eyes flicked around the room, searching for exits, as I had so many times before.<br />

But there were none. Just blank, bare white walls. No windows. The one precious door, always<br />

guarded. I was helpless, just as helpless as I'd been from the moment they'd pulled us into the<br />

van. I felt like crying, more from frustration than fear. What kind of guardian would I be if I<br />

couldn't protect my friends?<br />

But I stayed quiet, and a look of satisfaction crossed Isaiah's face. The fluorescent lighting gave<br />

his skin a sickly, grayish hue, emphasizing the dark circles under his eyes. I wanted to punch<br />

him.<br />

"Good." He smiled at Eddie and held his face so that the two made direct eye contact. "Now,<br />

you won't fight me, will you?"<br />

As I've mentioned, Lissa was good at compulsion. But she couldn't have done this. In seconds,<br />

Eddie was smiling.<br />

"No. I won't fight you."

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