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"Ah," he said triumphantly. "She finally cracks."<br />

I glowered. "She does not." After another survey of his crazy route, I conceded. "Okay. Let's do<br />

it."<br />

He gestured. "You first."<br />

I took a deep breath and leapt off. My skis slid smoothly over the snow, and piercing wind<br />

blasted into my face. I made the first jump neatly and precisely, but as the next part of the<br />

course sped forward, I realized just how dangerous it really was. In that split second, I had a<br />

decision to make. If I didn't do it, I'd never hear the end of it from Mason—and I really wanted<br />

to show him up. If I did manage it, I could feel pretty secure about my awesomeness. But if I<br />

tried and messed up … I could break my neck.<br />

Somewhere in my head, a voice that sounded suspiciously like Dimitri's started talking about<br />

wise choices and learning when to show restraint.<br />

I decided to ignore that voice and went for it.<br />

This course was as hard as I'd feared, but I pulled it off flawlessly, one insane move after<br />

another. Snow flew up around me as I made each sharp, dangerous turn. When I safely reached<br />

bottom, I looked up and saw Mason gesturing wildly. I couldn't make out his expression or<br />

words, but I could imagine his cheers. I waved back and waited for him to follow suit.<br />

But he didn't. Because when Mason got halfway down, he wasn't able to pull off one of the<br />

jumps. His skis caught, and his legs twisted. Down he went.<br />

I reached him at about the same time some of the resort staff did. To everyone's relief, Mason<br />

hadn't broken his neck or anything else. His ankle did appear to have a nasty sprain, however,<br />

which was probably going to limit his skiing for the rest of the trip.<br />

One of the instructors monitoring the slopes ran forward, fury all over her face.<br />

"What were you kids thinking?" she exclaimed. She turned on me. "I couldn't believe it when<br />

you did those stupid stunts!" Her glare fixed on Mason next. "And then you had to go ahead and<br />

copy her!"

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