

. . . The . . Bob . . Al . . . Annual . . Hanna ^E P I T T S B U RGH lyrrs. Cele Carpe Abel, veteran of FUmrow and former Republic booker, is the mother of a daughter, bom in Montefiore hospital December 21 ... A plumbing-heating company at Warren was promoted to give away eight live turkeys at the Columbia ... A number of Warner theatres in the area presented Sunday (1^ midnight previews of •Montana" . . . Karlton at Williamsport presented the stage musical, "Blossom Time," Monday evening (2). Harry Fry presented a free Christmas day show at his Wampum in Wampum and invited all kids up to 90 years of age . . . Dipson's Bradford at Bradford staged a kiddy toy matinee December 28 ... A free Christmas show was featured at the State in BeUwood . . . Youngsters of United Engineering employes at New Castle had themselves a time December 23 at the Penn and Victor theatres, and following the free shows they went to the company cafeteria for holiday The FoUy at Erie closed for the treats . . . holidays. BeUefonte merchants awarded many prizes at drawings at the Plaza . . . Butler Armco Ass'n sponsored Armco kiddy Christmas parties at all four theatres in Butler December 24, with big candy treats after the shows Starlite Drive-In on Route 119 at North Connellsville continued in operation this week. Enabling patrons to keep warm, the theatre presents a gallon of gas to keep each car's motor running. A Filmrow collection for Harry Williams netted $53 for the veteran of the industry. We hope to make an additional report on this at an early date . . . Mario Battiston has on display at his home in Irwin a complete model of the Super 30 Drive-In which has everything, including motion picture projection from 8mm equipment. Certified at Harrisburg was the Twin Hi- Way Coi-p. Officers include George J. Saittis, Stephen Rodnok jr. and Robert C. ReithmuUer. This group is opening a new drive-in in Robinson towiiship on routes 22 and 30 . . . Joe Volpe, owner of local drive-ins, reports his brother Amelato died at his Wil- CHICAGO 1327 S. Wobash FILMACK NEW YORK 619 W. 54»h St. SAM FINEBERG i TOMMcCLEARY | li 170S Blvd. oi the Allies | PITTSBUHGH 19, PA. | Phone Express 0777 § merding home following a heart attack . . . Federal court suits against eight film distributors filed by a number of suburban theatre owners were dismissed December 30 upon agreement of both parties . . . Leonard Bernstein, who composed the music for "On the TouTi," is guest piano soloist and conductor of the Pittsburgh Symphony here at Syria Mosque. Oscar Levant is soloist at a special concert January 10. The Penny Press of 50 years ago, Dec. 31, 1899, reported that men crowded into the Avenue Theatre to see the new-fangled pictiu-es of the Jim Jeffries vs. Tom Sharkey prizefight, which took place Nov. 3, 1899. at the Coney Island Athletic club. Another turn-of-the-century event was skating at Duquesne Gardens, " 'way out in Oakland." For many recent years this has been the Gardens, operated under lease by the HaiTis enterprises. . . . Jimmy Ritter, Mm Classics salesman, Sun- spvent the holidays in California Telegraph Servicemen's fun, for 2,000 hospitalized war veterans at Aspinwall and Butler, received $1,621 through the Christmas day show at the Stanley. Lou and Roberta Hanna and sons Luis jr. and young Bobby have departed for a month's vacation in Florida . Munn resigned sales duties with Eagle Lion . . . New member of the Warner circuit booking department is Mary Lou Chekan . Weiland jr., proprietor of the Fifth Avenue at Coraopolis, was seriously ill . . . Chuck Mason of Warner circuit booking office and Kathryn Nist of the poster department will be married January 21. Happiest of all the gang celebrating the holidays was Fred Elmer Hasley, new papa, who passed cigars. The East Pittsburgh and Conneaut Lake exhibitor and his wife, parents and grandparents, adopted a baby last winter and Johnny legally became theirs on Christmas. The adoption paper from the court was received in an envelope marked "Please do not open until Christmas," but the Hasley s knew what was enclosed. George Saittis had a tieup with the American Legion in presenting a free show and treat for kids at the Temple in the Sheraden BUI Nesbitt of Republic is district . . . steamed up on "Sands of Iwo Jima." In all the years we have known Bill he has never been as enthusiastic about a picture . . . Proceeds of the kiddy show with Santa Claus at Shea's in Bradford went to the Salvation Army Christmas basket fund . . . Capitol at Farrell held a free show for children and Mike's nut shop contributed popcorn balls . . . Altoona collected 59,079.33 in city amusement taxes for November. The "I Am a Movie Fan" tribute, reprinted from BOXOFFICE, was featured in a single column, 18-inch display in the Monessen Daily Independent . . . Norman Huhn, former proprietor of the Grandview, is hospitalized and is seriously ill. Ray Neal, manager of the Aladdin and Lamp at Irwin, reports the death of his mother . . . L. Hayes Garbarino, manager of Dipson's Bradford at Bradford, was pleased with the stage booking of Charlie Spivak January . . Greensburg's 10 per cent 5 . amusement tax continues in force until repealed. City officials plan stricter enforcement of the amusement levy after reporting that some affairs are being held with no tax Howard Minsky, 20th-Fox division collected . . . Al Weiland jr., leader, was a visitor . . . CoraopoUs exhibitor, who was very iU two weeks ago, is under treatment and was able to be back on the job last week . . . William Carr, Warner auditor, has been working at the local exchange. . . Frank Drumm, Nat Levy and Bob Folliard, RKO executives, were scheduled to conduct a new Ned Depinet drive meeting here January 5 with Da\'id C. Silverman, local manager, and member of the sales organization . Harry Hendel, exhibitor who is spending the winter in Miami, and Bess Levj-, the former Mrs. Arthur H. Levy, were married in Charleston, S. C. The Manos circuit has . . . booked "The Red Shoes" for early playing Firemen's kiddy party was held at Springdale with the cooperation of John McCauley, proprietor of the Miami. Jules Lapidus, Charles Rich and Jerry Wechsler, respectively Warner division, district and Cleveland managers, conferred here with F. D. "Dinty" Moore, local manager . . . The steps of the old postoffice building at Fourth avenue became Mt. Suribachi as marines of the district, some of whom fought at Iwo Jima, portrayed the famous flag-raising. The scene was re-enacted in connection with "Sands of Iwo Jima," booked for a run at the Fulton ... A dozen local Warner neighborhood theatres featured Friday morning cartoon shows . . . BUI ZeUor of the Harris office is back at work after a week or more absence due to injuries suffered in a fall. Cathedral at New Castle will offer Horace Heidfs 1950 vaudeviUe revue and youth opportunity program Tuesday evening, January 24. The Heidt show is booked January 22 at the Gannon auditorium in Erie . . . Dorothy Elpern resigned Film Classics duties and has joined Abe Weiner's Monogram staff . . . Iris at Cochranton inaugurated Sunday shows January 1 . . . Mannie Youngerman, last here with UA, is a member of Eagle Lion's sales organization at Buffalo Theatre . Service published a new Filnarow directory of addresses and telephone numbers. John A. Reilly, theatre manager from the old Rowland & Clark days who resigned duties at the Metropolitan in the Bloomfield district, now is managing the Mervis operated Rialto in uptown Fifth avenue, a few blocks from Filnu-ow . . . "My Father's House." produced in Palestine, was exhibited at Warner's Squin-el Hill . . . Equipment distributors here were busy taking yearend inventory Bill Thomas, Zelienople exhibitor and hotel owner, again is remodeUng and modernizing the Kaufman hotel. Building Costs and Parking Block New Theatre MEADVILLE, PA.—The North street property at North Cottage, recently purchased by the Park Theatre Corp. for the erection of another theatre, has been sold by the corporation to Brooks Bros. George J. Barco, counsel for the theatre interests of Dr. Harry C. Winslow, stated that the Park corporation has abandoned plans for a new theatre because building costs are too high. Lack of adequate parking space in the area also led to the decision to sell the 50x200-foot lot. 70 BOXOFHCE January 7, 1950

' . . . Roy . . Bernice . . Milton . . The . . The . . . . Realart Convertible Top Slated For New Amphitheatre PITTSBURGH—Music lovers can look forward to concerts in a "convertible" amphitheatre—with the top lowered for clear Dale Theatre Reopens JOHNSTOWN, PA.—The remodeled and renovated Dale Theatre reopened Christmas day. The theatre had been closed since October 3 when gutted by a $50,000 fire. Alexander Theatre Supply furnished new fixtures and equipment. Leslie L. Chamberlain is owner. Billers Elect John Carano DETROIT — John Carano was re-elected president of the International Alliance of Billposters and Billers Local 94. Other new officers for 1950 are Matt Kobe, secretarytreasurer: Michael Noch. business agent: John Frederick, chairman of trastees; William Noch, and John St. Peter, trustees. CINCINNATI Tohn Groves, who operates the Groves, Sum- ' mersville, W. 'Va., killed the biggest deer in Nicholas comity, and residents of Summersville soon will see the mounted head displayed in the theatre lobby. The deer . . . Jack weather and raised in a jiffy when rain clouds threaten. Believed to be the first structure of its kind, the elements-proof amphitheatre will weighed 275 pounds, was 12 feet long and be ready for the outdoor season in 1951. It had 18 points. will house the performances of the Pittsburgh C. E. Davie of Corning and New Lexing- Civic Light Opera Ass'n and other ton had a $15,000 fire loss when the interior nonprofit activities. The feature of the $1,- of the Perry, New Lexington, burned recently 000,000 project is the removable roof. The Milton Cohen, eastern division . . . amphitheatre, seating 9.500 persons, will be sales manager for Eagle Lion, was a local covered m bad weather by a plastic fabric visitor . Meyer, former secretary tent supported by a movable steel framework. The flexible ceiling will be divided into pieshaped to Lou Wetzel of Cincinnati Theatre Supply, has a new baby boy John Allen. segments that will fan upward from the rear of the arena when it is being covered by a flick of a switch. The plastic "tenf by the Tenthree Ladies society Wednesday Eighty-five children enjoyed a party given will move from its lowered position up over (281 at the Variety clubrooms. Roberta Rosedale was in charge of entertainment . the arena in two and a half minutes on a giant arch-like steel frame. Ralph Cundiff, who owais the Allen, Liberty, Half of the project's cost will be provided Ky., is building a new theatre there. Work by a pledge from a tmst set up by Edgar J. is in progress Newbold circuit, . Kaufmann, Pittsburgh philanthropist and Bramwell, W. Va., has added the Wheelwright, merchant. The city agreed to match that Wheelwright, Ky. siun. Kaufmann suggested the removable Harmon Snyder opened the new Piice roof when he donated the money for the Theatre in Hi Hat, Ky., in November. It project. The structure's miusual design was has 300 seats. Snyder also operates a theatre based on an invention of James A. Mitchell, in Ligon, Ky . Yassenoff, Columbus, left to join his dad Leo in California, member of a local architectiu'al firm. Officials of the Civic Light Opera Ass'n said where the latter is vacationing. They planned rain-cancellations normally cost the group to attend the Rose Bowl game. Leo took the between $10,000 and $12,000 for a single performance at Pitt Stadium. Ohio State university team, one of the Rose Bowl contestants, thi'ough the MGM studios. The new amphitheatre's site will be chosen within the next month or so and ground will Mrs. D. H. Gray, Brodhead, Ky., is in a be broken in the spring. The city of Pittsburgh hospital in Louisville recovering after an will own the structure and lease it The Majestic, Columbus, a operation . . . to the opera association. Midstates Theatres circuit house, has closed permanently. A dime store will be erected on the site by the Green chain Needham, Columbus, will take over the theatre in New Straitsville, Ohio, February 1 from Roy Osbourne. Edivard SaJzberg heads the new Screen Classics exchange located in the Film building. Salzberg spent several days in New York recently negotiating for product . . . Detroit MGM Staff Hosts 'Battleground' Preview DETROIT—The local MGM staff hosted the industry at the trade preview of "Battleground" at the Mldtown Theatre. The event, one of the few evening previews to take over an entire theatre and close down the box office, drew a near-capacity house of about 700 people. Comment on the picture was enthusiastic. Charles Dietz, MGM exploiteer, was in charge of arrangements for the event, which manager. Dave Miller, district manager, will was followed by similar screenings in upstate manage the branch at Buffalo. cities for exhibitors. Cliff Perry, MGM office manager, was in charge of door arrangements, Martha Murny, inspector for Realart Pictures, died from a heart attack. She was 62 with Milton London, owner-manager of the Midtown, on hand to greet friends. White, student booker at 20th-Fox, has been promoted to salesman . Fox Christmas party at the Alms hotel was a gala affair and everyone raved about the good time had. Jim Keefe, former exploiteer for Fox, and now manager of the Paramount Theatre in Hamilton, Ohio, came in to act as Santa Claus again. Mrs. Rosen, wife of the manager, had as her guests her mother, father and brother from New York. The singing Irv Sochin, U-I manager here, has been promoted to general sales manager for Prestige Pictures with offices in New York. Replacing Sochin here is Joe Ginns, Buffalo U-I Tony KnoUman, Sam and Manny Weiss, trio, entertained with some original lyrics. Midwest Theatre Supply personnel held their Christmas party at the home of H. B. Snook in Covington . . . The East Kentucky Trucking Co. has been started through the Big Sandy region of Kentucky by Carl A. Adkins of Pikeville. Daily service over a 300-mile route is offered. Charles Scott of the Hoosier Theatre, Vevay, Ind., is planning to build a drive-in there to open next spring Pictures . of Ohio, headed by Lee Goldberg, arranged a simultaneous run in ten local houses of the Theatre Owners and White-Lisbon circuits, starting January 8, of the combination of "Pui-y at Sea" and "The Sun Never Sets" . . . 20th-Fox employes purchased a bed and mattress for the Christ Child nursery. Louis Wiethe, circuit operator, showed EL's "The Fallen Idol" two days preceding the regular run, proceeds going to the Post Firemen's MUe of Dimes fund. Mrs. Elsie McCracken, exhibitor at Cynthiana, Ky., was recovering from an illness . . . Jim Malavazos and Fred Donohoo of the Ohio Theatre, New Boston, made the rounds of the exchanges and presented the bookers with "Christmas cheer" . . . The husband of Virginia Robbins, secretary at Cooperative Theatres, was in the hospital suffering from a spine injm-y. Twenty-five publicity men of the EL were here making arrangements for the saturation premiere of "Guilty of Treason," the Edward Golden production about Cardinal Mindszenty . . . Exhibitors seen on the Row: O. G. Roaden, Path Fork; Price Coomer, Harlan, James Howe, Carrollton, Ky. Jack Ruth, RKO shipper, was home several days with a strep thi'oat . . . Mark Cummins, drive-in exhibitor in Stockton, Ohio, and Georgetown, Ky., and wife, left for a twomonth stay in Florida . . . The Colosseum of Motion Picture Salesmen will meet January 14 at 1 :30 p. m., in the clubrooms over the Hey Hey tavern. The loge will hold its installation dinner at the Variety clubrooms February 20. Repair Perry Theatre NEW LEXINGTON, OHIO — Rehabilitation of the Peri-y Tlieatre has started, with repairs expected to be completed by January 25. The theatre was damaged December 20 in a $20,000 fire. FOR SALE Simplex Mechanisms S750; Guaranteed iaclory rebuilt. Prices f.o.b. Chicago or New York iactory. Now installing new machines throughout large circuit. Contact us today. Terms ii desired. ALBANY THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 1046 Broadway 5-5055 Albany, N. Y. MID-WEST THEATRE SUPPLY CO., Inc. "EVBRY THING FOR THE THEATRE" DRIVE-IN THEATRES OUR SPECIALTY 1638 Central Parkway, Cincinnati 10. Ohio BOXOFTICE January 7, 1950 71 CHerry 7725

'<br />

. . . Roy<br />

. . Bernice<br />

. . Milton<br />

. . The<br />

. . The<br />

. .<br />

. . Realart<br />

Convertible Top Slated<br />

For New Amphitheatre<br />

PITTSBURGH—Music lovers can look forward<br />

to concerts in a "convertible" amphitheatre—with<br />

the top lowered for clear<br />

Dale Theatre Reopens<br />

JOHNSTOWN, PA.—The remodeled and<br />

renovated Dale Theatre reopened Christmas<br />

day. The theatre had been closed since October<br />

3 when gutted by a $50,000 fire. Alexander<br />

Theatre Supply furnished new fixtures<br />

and equipment. Leslie L. Chamberlain is<br />

owner.<br />

Billers Elect John Carano<br />

DETROIT — John Carano was re-elected<br />

president of the International Alliance of<br />

Billposters and Billers Local 94. Other new<br />

officers for 1950 are Matt Kobe, secretarytreasurer:<br />

Michael Noch. business agent: John<br />

Frederick, chairman of trastees; William<br />

Noch, and John St. Peter, trustees.<br />


Tohn Groves, who operates the Groves, Sum-<br />

' mersville, W. 'Va., killed the biggest deer<br />

in Nicholas comity, and residents of Summersville<br />

soon will see the mounted head<br />

displayed in the theatre lobby. The deer<br />

. . . Jack<br />

weather and raised in a jiffy when rain<br />

clouds threaten.<br />

Believed to be the first structure of its<br />

kind, the elements-proof amphitheatre will weighed 275 pounds, was 12 feet long and<br />

be ready for the outdoor season in 1951. It had 18 points.<br />

will house the performances of the Pittsburgh<br />

C. E. Davie of Corning and New Lexing-<br />

Civic Light Opera Ass'n and other ton had a $15,000 fire loss when the interior<br />

nonprofit activities. The feature of the $1,- of the Perry, New Lexington, burned recently<br />

000,000 project is the removable roof. The<br />

Milton Cohen, eastern division<br />

. . .<br />

amphitheatre, seating 9.500 persons, will be sales manager for Eagle Lion, was a local<br />

covered m bad weather by a plastic fabric visitor .<br />

Meyer, former secretary<br />

tent supported by a movable steel framework.<br />

The flexible ceiling will be divided into pieshaped<br />

to Lou Wetzel of Cincinnati Theatre Supply,<br />

has a new baby boy John Allen.<br />

segments that will fan upward from<br />

the rear of the arena when it is being covered<br />

by a flick of a switch. The plastic "tenf by the Tenthree Ladies society Wednesday<br />

Eighty-five children enjoyed a party given<br />

will move from its lowered position up over (281 at the Variety clubrooms. Roberta Rosedale<br />

was in charge of entertainment .<br />

the arena in two and a half minutes on a<br />

giant arch-like steel frame.<br />

Ralph Cundiff, who owais the Allen, Liberty,<br />

Half of the project's cost will be provided Ky., is building a new theatre there. Work<br />

by a pledge from a tmst set up by Edgar J. is in progress Newbold circuit,<br />

.<br />

Kaufmann, Pittsburgh philanthropist and Bramwell, W. Va., has added the Wheelwright,<br />

merchant. The city agreed to match that<br />

Wheelwright, Ky.<br />

siun. Kaufmann suggested the removable<br />

Harmon Snyder opened the new Piice<br />

roof when he donated the money for the<br />

Theatre in Hi Hat, Ky., in November. It<br />

project. The structure's miusual design was<br />

has 300 seats. Snyder also operates a theatre<br />

based on an invention of James A. Mitchell,<br />

in Ligon, Ky . Yassenoff, Columbus,<br />

left to join his dad Leo in California,<br />

member of a local architectiu'al firm. Officials<br />

of the Civic Light Opera Ass'n said<br />

where the latter is vacationing. They planned<br />

rain-cancellations normally cost the group<br />

to attend the Rose Bowl game. Leo took the<br />

between $10,000 and $12,000 for a single performance<br />

at Pitt Stadium.<br />

Ohio State university team, one of the Rose<br />

Bowl contestants, thi'ough the MGM studios.<br />

The new amphitheatre's site will be chosen<br />

within the next month or so and ground will Mrs. D. H. Gray, Brodhead, Ky., is in a<br />

be broken in the spring. The city of Pittsburgh<br />

hospital in Louisville recovering after an<br />

will own the structure and lease it<br />

The Majestic, Columbus, a<br />

operation . . .<br />

to the opera association.<br />

Midstates Theatres circuit house, has closed<br />

permanently. A dime store will be erected<br />

on the site by the Green chain<br />

Needham, Columbus, will take over the theatre<br />

in New Straitsville, Ohio, February 1<br />

from Roy Osbourne.<br />

Edivard SaJzberg heads the new Screen<br />

Classics exchange located in the Film building.<br />

Salzberg spent several days in New<br />

York recently negotiating for product . . .<br />

Detroit MGM Staff Hosts<br />

'Battleground' Preview<br />

DETROIT—The local MGM staff hosted<br />

the industry at the trade preview of "Battleground"<br />

at the Mldtown Theatre. The event,<br />

one of the few evening previews to take over<br />

an entire theatre and close down the box<br />

office, drew a near-capacity house of about<br />

700 people. Comment on the picture was<br />

enthusiastic.<br />

Charles Dietz, MGM exploiteer, was in<br />

charge of arrangements for the event, which manager. Dave Miller, district manager, will<br />

was followed by similar screenings in upstate manage the branch at Buffalo.<br />

cities for exhibitors. Cliff Perry, MGM office<br />

manager, was in charge of door arrangements, Martha Murny, inspector for Realart Pictures,<br />

died from a heart attack. She was 62<br />

with Milton London, owner-manager of the<br />

Midtown, on hand to greet friends.<br />

White, student booker at 20th-Fox,<br />

has been promoted to salesman . Fox<br />

Christmas party at the Alms hotel was a gala<br />

affair and everyone raved about the good time<br />

had. Jim Keefe, former exploiteer for Fox,<br />

and now manager of the Paramount Theatre<br />

in Hamilton, Ohio, came in to act as Santa<br />

Claus again. Mrs. Rosen, wife of the manager,<br />

had as her guests her mother, father<br />

and brother from New York. The singing<br />

Irv Sochin, U-I manager here, has been promoted<br />

to general sales manager for Prestige<br />

Pictures with offices in New York. Replacing<br />

Sochin here is Joe Ginns, Buffalo U-I<br />

Tony KnoUman, Sam and Manny Weiss,<br />

trio,<br />

entertained with some original lyrics.<br />

Midwest Theatre Supply personnel held<br />

their Christmas party at the home of H. B.<br />

Snook in Covington . . . The East Kentucky<br />

Trucking Co. has been started through the<br />

Big Sandy region of Kentucky by Carl A.<br />

Adkins of Pikeville. Daily service over a<br />

300-mile route is offered.<br />

Charles Scott of the Hoosier Theatre,<br />

Vevay, Ind., is planning to build a drive-in<br />

there to open next spring Pictures<br />

.<br />

of Ohio, headed by Lee Goldberg, arranged<br />

a simultaneous run in ten local houses of the<br />

Theatre Owners and White-Lisbon circuits,<br />

starting January 8, of the combination of<br />

"Pui-y at Sea" and "The Sun Never Sets" . . .<br />

20th-Fox employes purchased a bed and mattress<br />

for the Christ Child nursery. Louis<br />

Wiethe, circuit operator, showed EL's "The<br />

Fallen Idol" two days preceding the regular<br />

run, proceeds going to the Post Firemen's<br />

MUe of Dimes fund.<br />

Mrs. Elsie McCracken, exhibitor at Cynthiana,<br />

Ky., was recovering from an illness . . .<br />

Jim Malavazos and Fred Donohoo of the<br />

Ohio Theatre, New Boston, made the rounds<br />

of the exchanges and presented the bookers<br />

with "Christmas cheer" . . . The husband of<br />

Virginia Robbins, secretary at Cooperative<br />

Theatres, was in the hospital suffering from<br />

a spine injm-y.<br />

Twenty-five publicity men of the EL were<br />

here making arrangements for the saturation<br />

premiere of "Guilty of Treason," the<br />

Edward Golden production about Cardinal<br />

Mindszenty . . . Exhibitors seen on the Row:<br />

O. G. Roaden, Path Fork; Price Coomer, Harlan,<br />

James Howe, Carrollton, Ky.<br />

Jack Ruth, RKO shipper, was home several<br />

days with a strep thi'oat . . . Mark Cummins,<br />

drive-in exhibitor in Stockton, Ohio, and<br />

Georgetown, Ky., and wife, left for a twomonth<br />

stay in Florida . . . The Colosseum<br />

of Motion Picture Salesmen will meet January<br />

14 at 1 :30 p. m., in the clubrooms over the<br />

Hey Hey tavern. The loge will hold its installation<br />

dinner at the Variety clubrooms<br />

February 20.<br />

Repair Perry Theatre<br />

NEW LEXINGTON, OHIO — Rehabilitation<br />

of the Peri-y Tlieatre has started, with<br />

repairs expected to be completed by January<br />

25. The theatre was damaged December 20<br />

in a $20,000 fire.<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Simplex Mechanisms S750; Guaranteed iaclory<br />

rebuilt. Prices f.o.b. Chicago or New York<br />

iactory.<br />

Now installing new machines throughout large<br />

circuit. Contact us today. Terms ii desired.<br />


1046 Broadway 5-5055 Albany, N. Y.<br />





1638 Central Parkway, Cincinnati 10. Ohio<br />

BOXOFTICE January 7, 1950 71<br />

CHerry<br />


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