

. . Harold DETROIT Qffices of the Broder circuit have been moved from the Times Square to the Ray Schreiber, circuit Rainbo Theatre . . . operator, was ill at his home . T. Stephens has moved from the Jefferson to the Ace. where he replaces Burton London . . . Bill Schulte, circuit operator, was seriously injured in an automobile accident Christmas day at Parmington. Brian Davies, Douglas Brosey, William Anstutz, Earl Minnie, Don Thomas, Jim Steele, Clair Kreinbrink, Hugh C. Quigley, Harry Hetrick, Pat Ryan, Bib Lindstedt and Al Dmnbouldd, United Film Service salesmen in this area, left for Kansas City to attend a sales meeting. Tom Allen is local DELUXE THEATRE EQUIPMENT *BRENKERT PROJECTORS * RCA SOUND SYSTEMS *RCA RECTIFIERS * RCA SOUND SCREENS *BRENKERT LAMPS * INTERNATIONAL CHAIRS * MOHAWK CARPET *HORSTMAN MARQUEES *ADLER LETTERS CENTURY GENERATORS *KOLDRINK BARS *STAR POPCORN MACHINES *NEUMADE PRODUCTS *COINOMETER CHANGERS STAGE EQUIPMENT DRIVE-IN THEATRES OUR SPECIALTY ERNIE FORBES THEATRE SUPPLY Film Bldg.. Detroit 1, Mich. Days Nights WO 1-1122 VE 7-1227 WO 1-1123 sales chief for the company . . . Sol Krim, who soon will move westward, has abandoned plans for his proposed Guild Theatre. Helen Bower, film editor of the Detroit Free Press, wrote a feature story on the history of Detroit theatres in a 50-year survey series, with emphasis upon the replacement of a small number of legitimate theatres by a large number of motion picture houses . . . Cecile Lillie, inspector at United Artists, was injured in a taxi accident Christmas day. She was in an auto accident last Christmas . . . Maribelle Brock, secretary to Frank Hensler of MGM, was reported seriously ill as an aftermath of an operation several months ago. Detroit Police Sponsor Trailers on Burglary DETROIT—A series of four trailers on the theme of home protection against burglars is being released under sponsorship of the police department by the United Detroit Theatres, whose president. Earl J. Hudson, was responsible for the production of the films. Specific ideas such as leaving lights on, putting ladders under lock, and stopping deliveries while the family is away are covered in the series. The trailers run about 90 seconds. Films will be exchanged between downtown and suburban houses of the United Detroit circuit, and then placed in other Detroit theatres. The series will then be made available to upstate towns, since they carry the signatiu-e "Your Police Department" without giving city of origin. They will be made available for release in other states when prints become available, according to Lieut. Herbert German of the police special services division, in direct charge of the motion picture project. Ross Roy Buys Interest In Fogarty Co., Chicago DETROIT—Ross Roy, Inc., local producers of training films, has acquired an interest in the C. C. Fogarty Co. of Chicago. Effective January 1, the Chicago agency became known as Ross Roy-Fogarty, Inc., with offices in the Bell building at 307 North Michigan avenue, the location of tthe Fogarty organization for a quarter of a century, and Detroit. Zanesville Elects Hope As Its Honorary Mayor ZANESVILLE, OHIO—Bob Hope gave Zanesville so much free publicity, mentioning the city several times in his radio program, that the city coimcil elected him honorary mayor recently. And if the star should accept an invitation to visit ZanesvUle, he will be given authority to run the city, they said. Theatre Aids Legion Charity DAYTON—A can or package of non-perishable food admitted yotmgsters to a special show at the Sigma Theatre. The food helped fill Christmas baskets distributed by the South Park Legion Post 675. Bay City Houses Unite In Shows for Kiddies DETROIT—Two opposition houses in Bay City, the Washington operated by Edward C. Johnson, president of Allied Theatres of Michigan, and the Roxy operated by Harold Bernstein, joined forces to give youngsters their thrills for the holidays and to do charitable work as well. On the Friday before Christmas, each house was host to a capacity crowd of 1.300 children at a show to which admission was one or more cans of food as a Christmas donation and a total of 3,500 cans was collected. The food was turned over to the Salvation Army for distribution to needy families for Christmas. The next day a special ice cream show was held at each house, and each youngster was given a generous helping of ice cream. On the second Satm-day of the vacation week, the houses joined with other theatres across the country in special shows sponsored nationally by the American Legion. All three special shows were morning events. Seven Theatres Install New Custom Screens DETROIT—New screens have been Installed by National Theatre Supply, according to Manager Clarence Williamson, in five Detroit houses—the East End for DeLodder circuit; Chic for Harry Balk, Dexter for Brown circuit. Admiral for Affiliated, and Redford for Community; and in the Palmer Park in Highland Park for Midwest Theatres, and the Strand, Muskegon, for Paul Schlossman. Other NTS installations include Simplex mechanism in the remodeled Gayety for Sam Carver, and Crestwood carpeting in the Norwood for Associated and Telenews. FLOWERS for Every Occasion LORENZEN'S DETROIT'S THEATRICAL FLORIST TOwnsend 8-6232 18457 Woodward Ave., Detroit 3, Mich. SERVICE-QUALITY-PRICE COLD CHIPS Potato Chips Exclusively for the Theatre Trade. VETERAN FOOD PRODUCTS, INC. 6439 Ml. Elliott Ave. Detroit 11, Mich. Phone WAhiul 1-5516 TheatrpSign and Marquee Maintenance /^^L Our Specialty _^ wJHorstman THEATRICAL ADV. CO. "SERVING EXHIBITORS FOR 33 YEARS' 2310 CASS WO. 1-2158. DETROIT. 1. MICH 66 BOXOFFICE January 7, 1950

$8427 Erects This Striking # New Screen Tower £ Compel attention and assure biggest boxoffice returns with this impressive tower. HERE ARE A FEW OF ITS OUTSTANDING FEATXHIES: * Overall size: 50 ft. x 40 ft. •K Ready for the picture . . . nothing else to buy! "• Inunediate construction * Screen size: 44 ft. x 33 ft. * All 4 sizes covered and painted * Screen surface is of asbestos board * High tower wings as shown * Greater resistance to wind: 30 pounds per square foot, equivalent to 83 M.P.H. turbulent flow or 95 M.P.H. streamline ilovr * Free standing steel tower (no guy wires) * 2-line 24 ft. lighted Wagner attraction board -K Band of lights in front of tower Now in Our THIRD YEAR Constructing Complete "PERSONALIZED" Drive-Ins One of the Oldest and Best Established Builders of the "Packaged" Drive-ln Each drive-in is "personalized" to take best advantage of surrounding terrain and locale. A wide selection of designs in any desired size to suit the client. Service backed by experience that saves you money. We contract at a fixed price to completely design and build your drive-in. Your theatre will be complete on delivery . . . ready for opening night. Bond furnished if desired. » Each job is complete including plans; engineering; screen tower with built-in tilt screen feature; ticket booth; grading ol ramps; surfacing road; projection booth; plumbing; concession stand; moonlile pole; Century projectors, speakers, speaker posts; Strong lamps; Altec supervision of installation; electrical wiring and material. • Foundation beams engineered for maximum stability which permits exceptionally high wind ratings. • Small project completed in 3-5 weeks; large projects in about 6 nplete insurance coverage is ied during construction. 300 CAR DRIVE-IN complete, less fence. $^R 9R120 GOOCARDRIVEIN $1^ < AllfiQ ^^Mumt^M I -^~ complete, less fence W I Mwt I I ~-~~ Contract Now for Winter and Spring Construction THEATRE EQUIPMENT CO. Ill MICfflGANST. Adams 8107 TOLEDO 2, OHIO BOXOFFICE :: January 7, 1950 ME 67

$8427 Erects This Striking #<br />

New Screen Tower £<br />

Compel attention and assure<br />

biggest boxoffice returns<br />

with this impressive<br />

tower.<br />



* Overall size: 50 ft. x 40 ft.<br />

•K Ready for the picture . . . nothing else to buy! "• Inunediate construction<br />

* Screen size: 44 ft. x 33 ft.<br />

* All 4 sizes covered and painted<br />

* Screen surface is of asbestos board<br />

* High tower wings as shown<br />

* Greater resistance to wind: 30 pounds<br />

per square foot, equivalent to 83 M.P.H.<br />

turbulent flow or 95 M.P.H. streamline<br />

ilovr<br />

* Free standing steel tower (no guy wires)<br />

* 2-line 24 ft. lighted Wagner attraction<br />

board<br />

-K Band of lights in front of tower<br />

Now in<br />

Our THIRD YEAR Constructing Complete "PERSONALIZED" Drive-Ins<br />

One of the Oldest and Best Established Builders of the "Packaged" Drive-ln<br />

Each drive-in is "personalized" to take best advantage<br />

of surrounding terrain and locale. A wide selection of<br />

designs in any desired size to suit the client.<br />

Service backed by experience that saves you money.<br />

We contract at a fixed price to completely design and<br />

build your drive-in. Your theatre will be complete on<br />

delivery . . . ready for opening night.<br />

Bond furnished if desired.<br />

» Each job is complete including<br />

plans; engineering; screen tower<br />

with built-in tilt screen feature;<br />

ticket booth; grading ol ramps;<br />

surfacing road; projection booth;<br />

plumbing; concession stand;<br />

moonlile pole; Century projectors,<br />

speakers, speaker posts; Strong<br />

lamps; Altec supervision of installation;<br />

electrical wiring and<br />

material.<br />

• Foundation beams engineered for<br />

maximum stability which permits<br />

exceptionally high wind<br />

ratings.<br />

• Small project completed in 3-5<br />

weeks; large projects in about 6<br />

nplete insurance coverage is<br />

ied during construction.<br />

300 CAR DRIVE-IN<br />

complete, less fence.<br />

$^R 9R120 GOOCARDRIVEIN $1^ < AllfiQ<br />

^^Mumt^M I -^~ complete, less fence W I Mwt I I ~-~~<br />

Contract Now for Winter and Spring Construction<br />


Ill MICfflGANST. Adams 8107 TOLEDO 2, OHIO<br />

BOXOFFICE :: January 7, 1950 ME 67

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