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Victory by Australian Liberals May<br />

Prove Boon to Film Trade<br />


Australian Representative, <strong>Boxoffice</strong><br />

PERTH, W. A.—The sweeping victory of<br />

the combined Liberal and Country parties in<br />

the recent Australian federal elections shows<br />

that the general public has had its fill of<br />

bureaucratic controls. The new prime minister<br />

recently said "Many have been feeling<br />

that if the national income were good, it<br />

would not be a bad idea to be allowed to enjoy<br />

it without government obstruction."<br />

There is little doubt that, as soon as the new<br />

government gets settled, the film industry<br />

will do its utmost to secure several changes.<br />

In the first place, it is almost certain that<br />

another attempt will be made to secure reductions<br />

in the entertainment tax, particularly<br />

on the cheaper seats. Indeed, the feeling<br />

throughout the industry is that the tax<br />

on the cheaper seats should be withdrawn<br />

entirely. But just what the new government's<br />

attitude toward the entertainment<br />

tax and its application to the film industry<br />

is, remains to be seen.<br />

Interests with American affiliations will,<br />

no doubt, seek some relief in the matter of<br />

frozen funds. The prime minister has said<br />

that closer ties with the United States are<br />

necessary and this will probably be interpreted<br />

by some to mean that funds earned<br />

in Australia by Anaerican concerns should be-<br />

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PHONE PROSPECT 5-7146<br />

come available to them. Efforts undoubtedly<br />

will be made by the government to secure<br />

more dollars, but these will in all probability<br />

be made available for such things as tractors,<br />

chemicals and heavy machinery. However,<br />

it is practically certain that every encouragement<br />

will be given to American concerns<br />

to invest their money in Australia, and more<br />

sympathetic consideration to their problems<br />

is<br />

likely.<br />

Little alteration is expected in regard to<br />

the encouragement of the local film producing<br />

industry, although some people are optimistic<br />

enough to hope that customs duties on<br />

necessary equipment may be cut. Certainly<br />

investors' money will be much easier.<br />

With the setting in of summer weather,<br />

film exhibitors in many parts are beginning<br />

to find that outside attractions are cutting<br />

heavily into boxoffice receipts. In Western<br />

Australia the open air cinemas have been<br />

opened, but even there such counter attractions<br />

as night trotting, night motorcycle racing,<br />

and circuses—during the last year or<br />

so more ten shows have visited western Australia<br />

than ever before—and the many attractions<br />

which other business interests are<br />

putting up are making the going somewhat<br />

tough.<br />

In some parts leading oil companies are<br />

offering free shows, often with free refreshments.<br />

Community Center activities, with<br />

picture shows, dances, stage shows and the<br />

like, also are taking toll of the cinema business.<br />

In Perth a new ice skating rink has<br />

been opened on a three-shows-a-day basis<br />

and a pantomime tent show plus a two-ring<br />

circus were advertised for the Christmas<br />

season.<br />

• • •<br />

Poor cinema programs today draw exceedingly<br />

poor business. What is worse, they<br />

only too often affect future business. In<br />

many country centers exhibitors complain<br />

that certain popular radio programs cut<br />

heavily into business week after week, and<br />

despite much that has been written regarding<br />

the matter of television not affecting the<br />

cinema, many a manager feels more than<br />

uncertain regarding the future.<br />

The accounts of J. C. Williamson for the<br />

financial year July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1949,<br />

disclose a net profit of £43,023, compared<br />

with the £38,055 of the previous 12 months.<br />

The ordinary dividend of 6 per cent is supplemented<br />

by a dividend of £2 18s. 9d. from<br />

taxfree reserve accounts arising from profits<br />

for the year July 1, 1943, to June 30, 1944.<br />

More than 1.300 orphans recently were entertained<br />

by the management of the Ambassadors<br />

Theatre, Perth, where they enjoyed<br />

a program of cartoons and received ice<br />

cream, sweets and comic papers.<br />

An Australian patent is being sought by A.<br />

Harmour and C. Heath of New South Wales,<br />

for a cinema projector, details of the application<br />

I No. 131,287) being: "To enable a film<br />

to remain stationary in a projector aperture<br />

for a longer period and, during the period of<br />

movement, to travel so much faster that the<br />

actual rate of travel of the film through the<br />


than 24,000 tins of canned food were collected<br />

by the Broadway Theatre in Portland,<br />

Ore. Sponsored by the Sunshine<br />

division of the Portland police bureau,<br />

the effort provided canned goods which<br />

was used to fill more than 1,500 baskets<br />

for distribution to needy fajnilies. The<br />

activity is an annual event sponsored by<br />

Mrs. J. J. Parker, president of the J. J.<br />

Parker circuit, in cooperation with the<br />

Portland Oregonian. In the accompanying<br />

picture, two-year-old Joseph Ingher<br />

hands a can of food to Capt. Harry A.<br />

Circle of the Sunshine division.<br />

projector remains unaltered, the intermittent<br />

motion mechanism including a disc wheel<br />

with radial slots, and the periphery between<br />

slots concaved is characterized in that the<br />

radius of the arc of the flare at the entrance<br />

of the said slots corresponds to the radius<br />

of travel of the crank pin."<br />

Herschel Stuart, a director of Hoyts Theatres<br />

and for the last year an inmate of a<br />

private hospital in Sydney, recently returned<br />

to his home in the United States. He leaves<br />

a very wide circle of friends in Australia.<br />

Producers Arm to Fight<br />

Antisweets Campaign<br />

HOLLYWOOD — Exliibitors, as well as<br />

candy, soft dnnk and confectionery interests,<br />

may well become somewhat unhappy if tiie<br />

campaign is successful. Therefore the studio<br />

publicity directors' committee of the Ass'n of<br />

Motion Picture Producers has apprised studio<br />

dnimbeaters of the tactics being employed<br />

by southland dentists participating in an<br />

American Dental Ass'n drive to "educate"<br />

children against consuming candy and pop<br />

on the gi-ounds they are injurious to the<br />

teeth.<br />

Ai-ch Reeve, who heads the AMPP's publicity<br />

directors' committee, disclosed that<br />

dentists in this area have approached their<br />

film star clients with requests to make recordings<br />

and to participate in a west coast<br />

broadcast, slated for early in February, to<br />

urge children to pass up candy.<br />

Accordingly, film publicists have been<br />

alerted and advised to take w-hatever action,<br />

if any, they deem necessarj- if the ADA campaign<br />

is to be combated. An AMPP memo<br />

to studio publicity directors cautions that<br />

filmdom "should avoid putting itself in the<br />

position of undermining other great industries,"<br />

cautioning that theatre profits from<br />

the sale of such confections are high, and<br />

warning that "there may be repercussions<br />

from theatres on stars participating."<br />

46-D BOXOFFICE January 7, 1950

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