

Soft Drink Vender Offers a Choice of Tfiree Flavors POPPING Packed in 50-lb. pails and drums *# l\OU10 — 5 cow ^ Packed in 38-lb. pails and drums MADE BY ONE OF AMERICA'S LARGEST REFINERS ' Since experts have proved that theatre patrons buy popcorn and candy on the way into a tlieatre. and purchase their soft drinks after the performance, it's always a problem to know where to locate a refreshment booth for the greatest effectiveness. Rollin Stonebrook. managing director of Chicago's Northcenter Theatre, has solved this problem to his satisfaction by separating the sale of soft drinks from the refreshment booth containing candy and popcorn. By locating his new Colespa three -drink automatic dispenser in the path of departing customers, Stonebrook has avoided the necessity for any additional personnel and says the results of a ten-day check following installation show an appreciable increase in sales. Dramatic appeal of the dispenser is heightened by lighting it with two small spotlights from above and by calling attention to its wares with an illuminated sign atop the dispenser. mOTIOGRflPH RGflin SHOUJS THE lUflV TO BETTER PROJECTIOfl AT LESS COST The Motiograph Hi-Powcr operalcd at 85 amperes produces 40% more total screen lumens than ordinary reflector type arc lamps operating at 70 amperes and substantially more total screen lumens than the net total screen lumens obtainable from high intensity condenser type arc lamps operating at 170 to 180 amperes with a heat filter. You, too, can have more light on your screen-and at less cost-by using Motiograph Hi-Power limps. See your Motiograph dealer for a demonstration or write for literature. Other Motiograph products: 1 K.W. and 4E-ampere high intensity arc lamps, projectors, sound systems, motor-generators, in-car speaker equipment and junction boxes, ramp switching panels for drive-ins, turntables, etc. mOTIOGRflPH HI-POIUER 75 lis AMPERE HIGH INTENSITY REFLECTOR TYPE ARC LAMP The BEST FOODS, inc. 1 East 43rd Street New York 17, New York 4431 W. LAKE ST. U Export Division (Except Canada) Frazar & Hansen Ltd. CHICAGO 24, ILLINOIS 301 Clay Street • San Francisco 11, Calif. 36 The MODERN THEATRE SECTION

Hot Box Displayed At Outdoor Show Complete with several late refinements, the Hot Box produced by the Walky Koffee Co.. Inc., was shown at the annual con- \ention of the National Ass'n of Amusement Parks. Pools and Beaches in Chicago in late November. Wf^

Hot Box Displayed<br />

At Outdoor Show<br />

Complete with several late refinements,<br />

the Hot Box produced by the Walky Koffee<br />

Co.. Inc., was shown at the annual con-<br />

\ention of the National Ass'n of Amusement<br />

Parks. Pools and Beaches in Chicago<br />

in late November.<br />


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