June 10 - St Gabriel Parish

June 10 - St Gabriel Parish

June 10 - St Gabriel Parish


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<strong>June</strong> <strong>10</strong>, 2012<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> the Archangel<br />

900 Geiger <strong>St</strong>reet · Neenah, WI 54956 · 920-722-4914<br />

E-mail: stgabriel@tcces.k12.wi.us · www.stgabrielparish.com<br />

Katelyn Brengoz<br />

Johana Buksyk Emmi Colford Allison Eilers Michael Greif<br />

Layla Heger<br />

Matthew Heider Jody Herrmann Beth Knapinski Matt Kriha<br />

Blake Nigh<br />

Mary Pappas Ryan Paulus Sarah Rothe Christopher Salm<br />

Jake Salm<br />

Melinda VanDyke<br />

Maria Schneidewend Kyla Simons Jennifer Solowicz Sylvia VanDuser<br />

Sam Young<br />

*NOT PICTURED* Devinne Bahr, Alec Bruss, Christina Calder, Carly<br />

Cerniglia, Dalton Clough, Erin Erickson, Lydia Fahrenkrug, Kara Gitter,<br />

Alexander Gloede, Taylor Gmeiner, Megan Goldschmidt, Jack Grassmann,<br />

Kristin Hesselman, Zachary Hirn, Kathryn Houselog, Kassandra Igl, Brock<br />

Karls, Ryan Keesler, Allison Look, Michael Luebke, Samuel Malesa, Kyle<br />

McHugh, Max Meier, Katie Michel, Michael Murphy, Jeremy Oppelt, Kallie<br />

Parker, Kaitlin Parsons, Amy Paulick, Leah Pautz,<br />

Johnathan Quigley, Miranda Reindl, Broderick Roeder,<br />

Zachary Romnek, Christopher Sauer, Christina Schmitz,<br />

Emily Schneider, Ryan Schwalbach, Raelynn Siehr,<br />

Hadley Skalmoski, Kelly <strong>St</strong>rasser, Jenna Tepolt, Mitchell<br />

Van Dyke, Andrew Weich, Timothy Young, Frank Zaretzke<br />

CLASS OF<br />



The Week Ahead<br />

SUNDAY, JUNE <strong>10</strong><br />

Coffee and rolls will be served in <strong>St</strong>ingle Hall after Mass.<br />

No IMAJN Mass at <strong>St</strong>. Margaret Mary<br />

MONDAY, JUNE 11<br />

6:30 p.m. - Rosary<br />

TUESDAY, JUNE 12<br />

7:00 p.m. - Finance Meeting<br />


9:00 a.m. - Social Concerns Meeting.<br />


9:00 a.m. - Bible <strong>St</strong>udy<br />


Confessions 3:30 to 4:00<br />

SUNDAY, JUNE 17<br />

Coffee and rolls will be served in <strong>St</strong>ingle Hall after Mass.<br />

No IMAJN Mass at <strong>St</strong>. Margaret Mary<br />

Scrip Tips – Great for Gift Giving!<br />

Do you need a gift for a special someone and don’t know<br />

what to buy? Gift cards make great gifts, they come in a<br />

variety of denominations, and we carry many in stock at the<br />

Scrip table. Some of those we sell are Applebees $25,<br />

Barnes and Noble $<strong>10</strong>, Bath & Body Works $<strong>10</strong>, Family<br />

Video $<strong>10</strong>, Kohl’s $<strong>10</strong>,25,50&<strong>10</strong>0, Krueger True Value<br />

$<strong>10</strong>, Marcus Theaters $25, McDonalds $5, Olive<br />

Garden/Red Lobster $25, Panera Bread $<strong>10</strong>, <strong>St</strong>arbucks<br />

$<strong>10</strong>, and many others. Please stop at the Scrip table today<br />

and make your gift giving easier!<br />

The Real Presence/The Sacred Meal/Sacrifice<br />

Join us as we study the Eucharist. This DVD<br />

study with Father Robert Barron will help you<br />

understand the beauty and full meaning of the<br />

Blessed Sacrament. Thursday mornings 9-11, Thursday<br />

evenings 6:30-8:30. Contact Julie Schmitz for more<br />

information, 722-4961. All are welcome!<br />

Question of the Week<br />

For the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time (Body and Blood of<br />

Christ) <strong>June</strong> <strong>10</strong>, 2012<br />

"This is my blood of the covenant…” remember the stories<br />

of boys who became blood brothers? What are the most<br />

common concepts you associate with the shedding of blood<br />

throughout history? Are most of your ideas connected to<br />

relationships, promise and commitments? How do you<br />

understand the covenant that Jesus shed his blood? What is<br />

the significance in it being His blood? Do the lives of<br />

martyrs inspire you in a similar manner? Do you believe<br />

these martyrs could also say, “"This is my blood of the<br />

covenant?<br />

A Note From Our Seminarian...<br />

NEENAH<br />

Praise the Lord! I am off to spend a month in Kingston,<br />

Jamaica serving the poorest of the poor. I am really<br />

looking forward to seeing Christ in a new way: "In the<br />

distressing disguise of the poor." - Mother Teresa.<br />

I will be praying and working alongside the Missionaries<br />

of the Poor and the Missionaries of Charity. One of<br />

their primary missions is to build family and community<br />

among the poor, whether they be in orphanages, centers<br />

for HIV/AIDS patients, pregnant women, or mentally<br />

and physically handicapped men and women.<br />

In their sacramental and devotional work, the<br />

missionaries are in desperate need of hosts and votive<br />

candles. The second collection during Mass today will<br />

directly contribute to the purchase of these goods. The<br />

cost for a box of <strong>10</strong>00 hosts is $17.50 and the votive<br />

candles are $23.25 per box. Thank you so much for<br />

your generosity!<br />

Matthew Rappl<br />

Seminarian from <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> <strong>Parish</strong><br />

We Need You!! Summer is a very difficult time to<br />

recruit volunteers for the Fox Valley Warming Shelter as<br />

people are on vacation and just out having fun. But our<br />

Shelter clients don’t get vacations and they still need your<br />

help as we’re open 365 days a year. If you could spare 3<br />

hours to help prepare or serve a meal or fill one of our<br />

overnight shifts (8-12, 12-4 and 4-8), that would be<br />

awesome! Many of you have volunteered with your<br />

church and for that we thank you. If so, you could step in<br />

to one of our shifts pretty easily. If not, we would be<br />

happy to train you! Please call Connie at 419-0928 or<br />

email vcfvws@gmail.com to volunteer or to find out more<br />

about our opportunities. Thank you so much for serving<br />

your community!<br />

~The Social Concerns Committee<br />

Sponsor of the Week<br />

Jack’s Maintenance Service<br />

Our bulletin is furnished to the parish without charge.<br />

The advertisements that appear completely defray all<br />

publishing costs. Please patronize all our sponsors as a<br />

thank you for their kind generosity.

THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST JUNE <strong>10</strong>, 2012<br />

CFC NEWS<br />

CFC class registration, for the 2012-2013 school year,<br />

continues throughout the summer. The CFC Office will be<br />

staffed intermittently in the summer due to various youth<br />

events and other commitments. The most reliable<br />

communication is by e-mail to the Director, <strong>St</strong>eve Pable, at<br />

spable@tcces.k12.wi.us or leave a message at 725-0660.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> Christian Formation Center is currently looking<br />

for sponsors to help cover the tuition for families that face<br />

financial hardship this fiscal year. We currently have 20<br />

families including 31 students that are in need of assistance<br />

totaling close to $3800. Tuition for this school year is $120<br />

per student. The parish is fortunate to have endowments to<br />

cover part of this shortage but additional help is needed. If<br />

you feel called to help fund the religious education of <strong>St</strong>.<br />

<strong>Gabriel</strong> families in need, please contact <strong>St</strong>eve Pable at<br />

spable@tcces.k12.wi.us The families' names will be kept<br />

confidential but the parish will forward any thank yous to<br />

the sponsors. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.<br />

MON., JUNE 11 7:00 A.M. Communion Service<br />

TUES., JUNE 12 7:00 A.M. Jean Jorgensen<br />

WED., JUNE 13 7:00 A.M. Bob Koser<br />

THU., JUNE 14 7:00 A.M. James Miller<br />

FRI., JUNE 15 7:00 A.M. Susan Baier Reetz<br />

SAT., JUNE 16 4:30 P.M. <strong>Parish</strong><br />

SUN., JUNE 17 8:00 A.M. George Ruhl<br />

<strong>10</strong>:00 A.M. Harry Piwoni<br />

Adult Envelopes<br />

<strong>June</strong> 3, 2012<br />

Envelope Giving (3<strong>10</strong>)….…...…..$<strong>10</strong>,957<br />

Loose Offertory..………………. 442<br />

Total Sharing..…………………...$11,399<br />

Last week’s Debt Reduction $ 1,027<br />

$173,462<br />

What if <strong>St</strong>. Paul had Facebook?<br />

Help us reach young Catholics more effectively…<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Paul, the greatest missionary the Church has ever<br />

known, had a gift for reaching people right in their<br />

environment. (see 1 Cor. 9:19-23 for examples)<br />

In order to bring the Good News to those of other places<br />

and cultures, it is necessary to know the language of your<br />

audience. This is why it is essential to incorporate a variety of<br />

media and social communications in our outreach to today’s<br />

culture, particularly among young people. (See some of the<br />

recent comments from Pope Benedict on World<br />

Communications Day.)<br />

Can you help us acquire some of the tools we need in<br />

order to make this outreach possible? Our current laptop in<br />

the parish office has a hard time keeping up with even basic<br />

media needs such as playing quality videos from online<br />

sources. We hope to place the old laptop into a dignified<br />

retirement for simple office use, and replace it with one that is<br />

newer and faster for some of these A/V and media functions.<br />

If you can direct any contribution, no matter how small,<br />

toward this effort, we’d be most grateful. Please contact <strong>St</strong>eve<br />

Pable in the CFC Office at spable@tcces.k12.wi.us or 725-<br />

0660. And see our <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> youth Facebook page at<br />

facebook.com/stgabrielneenahyouth<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> Wish List<br />

Are you looking for another way to support the parish?<br />

Why not pray about whether God is calling you to help with<br />

an item on the <strong>Parish</strong> Wish List. The wish list is for items<br />

that are needed but not covered in the normal parish budget.<br />

• Leatherman tool<br />

• Paper (copy, white or colored), Cardstock<br />

• 4 x 4 Bulletin board for memorial crosses<br />

• Rolls of stamps<br />

YTD Income $932,780<br />

YTD Expenses $933,681<br />

Ahead (+) or Behind (-) $ - 901<br />

Bishop’s Appeal Update (new numbers are in)<br />

The parish has raised $65,184 from 402 families. On this date<br />

last year the parish had raised $51,843. Great job! Our goal is<br />

$71,888 so we are 90% there. THANK YOU!<br />

The Lighthouse Catholic Media CD stand is located near the<br />

chapel entrance. We encourage you to listen to these inspirational<br />

CDs, and pass them on to others. There is a donation box located<br />

on the kiosk stand, so if you are able, we ask for a $3 donation per<br />

CD to support this program. Thank you!<br />

The Healing Power of Confession by-<br />

Dr. Scott Hahn<br />

Dr. Scott Hahn presents the historical and<br />

biblical origins of the Sacrament of<br />

Penance (Reconciliation), which is<br />

probably the most misunderstood of the<br />

Seven Sacraments. He provides an important guide for<br />

new Catholics, a source of renewal for “old hands”, and a<br />

challenge to all of us to deepen our relationship with Christ<br />

through regular use of the Sacrament of Penance.<br />

“This is an outstanding talk on Confession that cuts to the heart<br />

of this great Sacrament of Mercy.” Father Joseph - Baltic, CT<br />

“This amazing talk by Scott Hahn has brought our family back to<br />

this healing Sacrament! The healing power of Confession is<br />

healing each of us.” Jim - Washington D.C.<br />

“This helped me to better understand scripturally why confession<br />

is so important, and it gave me a desire to go to confession more<br />

often. I want to pass this information on to others.” <strong>St</strong>even -<br />

Jasper, IN

4:30 p.m., Saturday, <strong>June</strong> 16 - A. & C. Luther<br />

8:00 a.m., Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 17 - K. & J. Kroll<br />

<strong>10</strong>:00 a.m., Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 17 - H. Bocheciamp, A. Jensen<br />

4:30 p.m., Saturday, <strong>June</strong> 16<br />

N. Haga, B. & J. Chistnovich, C. Deprey, M. Broeren,<br />

L. <strong>St</strong>uck, R. Hilliker, M. Widener, J. Olson<br />

8:00 a.m., Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 17<br />

B. & D. Koller, J. Meulemans, J. Terrell, J. Swoboda,<br />

J. Meyer, B. DeGrace, B. & J. Bestler<br />

<strong>10</strong>:00 a.m., Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 17<br />

N. Herrmann, T. Mancosky, L. Lindstrom, S. Pitz,<br />

D. Potratz, C. & S. Dixon, T. Lehrer, M. Mabie<br />

&<br />

4:30 p.m., Saturday, <strong>June</strong> 16 - Bongers / Ryan / Yost<br />

8:00 a.m., Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 17 - Kroll / Allen<br />

<strong>10</strong>:00 a.m., Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 17 - Kennedy / Folk<br />

Sacramental Life:<br />

Baptisms: A class for those requesting Baptism is held once<br />

a month. Please call the <strong>Parish</strong> office for dates and times and<br />

to register. Next class is July 16 at 6:30 p.m.<br />

Reconciliation: Private Saturday 3:30-4:00 p.m. or by appointment<br />

Marriages: Arrangements must be made 6 months in<br />

advance. Contact Pastor.<br />

RCIA: Adults interested in becoming Catholic participate in<br />

the RCIA Process. Call the <strong>Parish</strong> Office for information.<br />

Anointing of the Sick: Call the <strong>Parish</strong> Office for individual<br />

appointment.<br />

Registration of New Members: New members are welcome<br />

to the <strong>Parish</strong> and are asked to call the Office at 722-4914.<br />

Hospital Visitation: Please notify the office when you or<br />

someone you love enters the hospital. Fr. Larry and Pam<br />

Mullins make regular visits to the area hospitals.<br />

Twenty-four hour help:<br />

pregnancy. Call 731-4354.<br />

Prayer Chain: Kathleeen Zietlow 725-7455<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Help line: 729-4571<br />

is available for unplanned<br />

FREE ministry to traveling Catholics. For nationwide<br />

Mass times and locations visit www.masstimes.org<br />

The Icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patronise<br />

of the America's will be at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> <strong>Parish</strong><br />

Saturday and Sunday <strong>June</strong> 16-17. There will be<br />

a Marian prayer program to honor her between<br />

the 8:00 and <strong>10</strong>:00 am Masses on Sunday. The<br />

Icon is available from the Knights of<br />

Columbus, Contact Ed Sypek 725-0760.<br />

The summer office hours for the parish will be<br />

Monday through Thursday from 8am-3pm and<br />

Fridays 8am-noon. These hours are in effect<br />

from Memorial Day until Labor Day.<br />

Courtesy Announcements<br />

Men who Cook, benefiting the Christine Ann Domestic<br />

Abuse Center will be held <strong>June</strong> 23. Cocktail hour at 5 pm and<br />

chefs serving at 6 pm at UW Oshkosh Campus Reeve<br />

Memorial Union. To order tickets visit www.christineann.net<br />

or call 729-5727.<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

Please join the Twin City Catholic <strong>Parish</strong>es for Divine<br />

Worship at 2:30 p.m. on <strong>June</strong> 14 at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> and <strong>June</strong> 28 at<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Margaret Mary.<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

“Teens Only” Open Grief Group - for anyone 13-18, who<br />

has experience a loss due to death. Second Monday of each<br />

month from 5:15-6:45 p.m. <strong>June</strong> 11, July 9, August 13, 2012<br />

at the Boys and Girls Club Fox Valley Library, 160 S. Badger<br />

<strong>St</strong>., Appleton. Phone 750-5839. Come on your own or bring<br />

an ally, snacks provided.<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

Summer singers - <strong>St</strong>. Thomas More in Appleton is starting a<br />

music group geared toward young adults. You do not need<br />

to attend all rehearsals. Rehearsals will be on Thursdays at<br />

7PM and will be singing at Mass twice a month on <strong>June</strong> <strong>10</strong><br />

and 24, July 8 and 22, and August 5 and 19. Contact Laura<br />

Roth at laura.lessonsbylaura@gmail.com or 915-6043<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

Mackville Nationals Truck & Tractor Pull - <strong>St</strong>. Edward<br />

<strong>Parish</strong> – Mackville on Friday and Saturday - <strong>June</strong> 15 & 16.<br />

Gates open at 4pm, Pulls start at 7pm. $15 - Adults, $<strong>10</strong><br />

Kids <strong>10</strong>-14, Kids <strong>10</strong> & under Free admission. Website:<br />

www.mackvillenationals.com. Contact: 920-216-6480<br />

Fathers are SWEET! The Respect Life<br />

Committee will be selling Vande Wall's<br />

candy bars next weekend in honor of Father’s<br />

Day. Show dad how sweet he is and help support the<br />

Neenah/Menasha Respect Life group by buying him a<br />

Respect Life<br />

Corner<br />



OPEN - Registration is now open for <strong>St</strong>. Mary<br />

Central’s annual Greater Zephyr Open Golf Outing being held<br />

on Friday, July 20 at Royal <strong>St</strong>. Patrick’s in Wrightstown. The<br />

entry fee is $115 per person or $460 for a foursome, which<br />

includes range, golf, cart, box lunch and dinner. All proceeds<br />

benefit the SMC Booster Club, which supports 22 athletic and<br />

co-curricular teams and clubs at SMC. Register online by<br />

visiting www.stmarycentral.org. For more information email:<br />

smcboosterclub@tcces.k12.wi.us.<br />

Vande Wall's candy bar for $1! <strong>St</strong>op by after all<br />

Masses Fathers Day weekend. Make sure to tell dad<br />

how glad you are he choose LIFE!<br />

Respect Life Committee<br />

We are collecting empty prescription bottles to send to<br />

Jamaica. Please drop them off in the parish office. Thank<br />


Yell to the Youth<br />

Most of us know what it’s like to say<br />

farewell to someone, when you really don’t<br />

want to see that person go. You have that<br />

sense of longing, and the emptiness that you<br />

know is coming. If you can’t picture it for yourself, then<br />

imagine a family saying good-bye to a soldier and you’ll<br />

have some idea of the emotion and the attachment involved.<br />

In recent weeks, we heard in the Gospels about Jesus saying<br />

farewell to his disciples, as his earthly mission came to a<br />

conclusion. We heard his promise at the Ascension:<br />

“Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”<br />

The special Sunday Masses at this time of year help to<br />

remind us of the many ways in which Jesus keeps his<br />

promise. In Pentecost, for example, we remember how the<br />

Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples, giving new life and<br />

courage to the Church.<br />

Today, we remember how Jesus remains with us, not only<br />

in the invisible presence and power of the Holy Spirit, but<br />

in the very physical presence of His Body and Blood! By<br />

this Most Blessed Sacrament, we can “commune”, or enjoy<br />

an ongoing relationship, with God who loves us. We don’t<br />

have to say “good-bye”, but we instead drink in more<br />

deeply the “Cup of Salvation” and look forward to our<br />

eternal inheritance, won for us by Christ. No wonder so<br />

many saints, the holy women and men throughout history,<br />

have been so moved and so inspired by the incredible gift of<br />

the Eucharist. It is the Real Presence of God dwelling<br />

within that enabled them to be heroes of faith, and true<br />

servants of those around them. That is why even someone<br />

as scholarly as Thomas Aquinas, could marvel at the Body<br />

and Blood of Christ, exclaiming, “O precious and<br />

wonderful banquet that brings us salvation and contains all<br />

sweetness!” Let us join with him and all the angels and<br />

saints in the joy of this Holy Feast, because Jesus is truly<br />

here with us today!<br />

Sign up for Faith Factor service camp on July 17-18-19!<br />

You will join with youth from all over the Fox Valley,<br />

going out in teams to serve at various sites. It is a hands-on<br />

way to be the presence of Christ to those in need.<br />

Registrations are due this week, by <strong>June</strong> 13 th . Cost is<br />

only $50 for the first youth in a family, and $35 for each<br />

additional sibling (Grades 6-12). Checks can be made<br />

payable to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> CFC.<br />

We are in need of chaperones/drivers for Faith Factor<br />

as well, so if you can spare a day or two or three, we<br />

would be truly blessed by your participation!<br />

For any upcoming events, or for other suggestions or<br />

questions, contact <strong>St</strong>eve Pable, CFC Director & Youth<br />

Minister, at spable@tcces.k12.wi.us or 725-0660. Like us<br />

on Facebook at facebook.com/stgabrielneenahyouth<br />

Upcoming Events for Fox Valley Catholic Youth:<br />

<strong>June</strong> 12 Mt. Olympus<br />

July 9 – 13 Notre Dame Vision<br />

July <strong>10</strong> Door County Trip<br />

July 17 – 19 Faith Factor Service Experience (Appleton)<br />

July 18/25 Campfire & Kickball at <strong>St</strong>. Pius X<br />

July 24 Great America/Hurricane Harbor<br />

Aug 1 Campfire & Kickball at <strong>St</strong>. Pius X<br />

Aug 2 Noah’s Ark<br />

Aug 8 Brewer Game<br />

Check into www.fvcyma.com for more info and<br />

permission forms for any of the above items. Always<br />

remember that friends are welcome, too, whether they are<br />

from <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> or not!<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> Care<br />

Ministry<br />

Are you interested in<br />

Visiting the homebound or<br />

those in assisted living?<br />

We have a one day training that we would like to offer.<br />

The ONE – day training session will be on<br />

Saturday July 21, from 8:00 am to 4:15 pm in the<br />

Conference Room across from the <strong>Parish</strong> office.<br />

Snacks and lunch will be provided.<br />

Frequently Asked Questions<br />

Q. What does a Care Minister do?<br />

A. Care Ministers visit persons who are sick, lonely or<br />

suffering in some way. They care, listen and offer a<br />

compassionate heart. They do not counsel or offer<br />

advice.<br />

Q. How often does a Care Minister visit?<br />

A. Usually one hour per week, but that can vary<br />

depending on need.<br />

Q. How confidential are these visits?<br />

A. Absolutely confidential. What is said during a visit<br />

stays with the Care Minister.<br />

Q. Who does the Care Minister typically visit?<br />

A. Persons who are grieving any kind of loss; persons<br />

in the hospital, nursing home or homebound; anyone<br />

who needs a listening, compassionate ear.<br />

Please call or e-mail:<br />

Pam Mullins<br />

722-4914 or<br />

pmullins@tcces.k12.wi.us by<br />

July 14 if you are<br />

interested in this training.

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> RoundUp Timed 5K Run<br />

5K Fun Walk Non‐Timed<br />

All participants receive a<br />

T‐Shirt and goodie bag<br />

Date: Saturday August 11, 2012<br />

Race <strong>St</strong>art: 8:00 AM<br />

Packet Pickup and Registration: 7‐7:30 AM Walk <strong>St</strong>art: 8:45 AM<br />

Location: <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>, 900 Geiger <strong>St</strong>., Neenah, WI<br />

*<strong>St</strong>rollers and Animals Prohibited*<br />

For more information and to register:<br />

Cost: $20.00 before August 3 rd<br />

$25.00 Day of Race<br />

Make checks payable to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> 5K Run/Walk and return registration to:<br />

Mark & Gail Perry; 956 Hickory Lane, Neenah, WI 54956<br />

Please Check: 5K Run 5k Walk<br />

Name: Male Female<br />

First MI Last<br />

Address:<br />

City/<strong>St</strong>ate/Zip:<br />

email:<br />

DOB: AGE: T‐Shirt Size: S M L XL XXL Phone:<br />

Emergency Contact Name:<br />

Phone:<br />

Liability release waiver: I agree and hold harmless <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Gabriel</strong>’s <strong>Parish</strong> of any injury to myself or<br />

minor child in the 5K Run/Walk caused by accident or otherwise. I have read the foregoing<br />

release and understand its terms and freely and voluntarily sign the same. Every minor<br />

participating in the 5k Run/Walk, form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.<br />

Participant Signature and Date<br />

Parent or Guardian Signature and Date

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