Corporate Brochure - Steria

Corporate Brochure - Steria Corporate Brochure - Steria


Collaborative creativity Innovation is less about ideas than their practical application, responding to business needs shaped by real-world challenges. Creativity is often found in deploying new ways of working with clients and partners to achieve common goals. Steria’s groundbreaking work in Aviation demonstrates powerfully the benefits of creative collaboration at work. Business sector Transport Expertise Systems Integration Geography France 10 The skies above us might already appear to be at full traffic capacity. Yet this is predicted to double by 2020. Accommodating this safely and efficiently alongside rising oil prices, security threats and environmental pressures is the challenge Steria is helping to tackle as part of the ‘GAIA Virtual Sky‘ project. GAIA will help deliver the objectives of the Single European Sky ATM (Air Transport Management) Research programme. SESAR is a European Commission initiative, dedicated to creating the world’s most efficient air transport infrastructure. One that can handle double current capacity; improve safety by a factor of 10; reduce the environmental impact of each flight by 10%; and halve Air Transport Management costs. This is where GAIA comes in. This landmark in collaborative creativity involved a number of partners including: Airbus; THALES; l’Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC); DGAC (the French Civil Aviation Authority)*, working together to help reorganise airspace through innovative simulation networking. ‘GAIA Virtual Sky’ is a flexible plug-and-play interface allowing the simulators of multiple partners (even competitors) to ‘talk’ to each other through a secure but highly realistic virtual network. It combines Steria’s expertise in systems integration and interoperability with the concept behind social networking and gaming. The ‘players‘ in the Virtual Sky are sharing invaluable experience of operating simulated cockpits and control towers collectively. Where once they worked in isolation, they now recreate the realities of a crowded airspace, with multiple human players and conditions in real-time operation. The more players participating, the more realistic the experience, the more able airports, aircraft, aircraft operators and managers will be prepared for the challenges of the future. The interface needed to work with multiple partners’ existing IT strategies and infrastructures, and provide complete security to allow competitors to collaborate. By working collaboratively we helped bring about a network that achieved economies, pooled knowledge, and tackled common challenges without compromising commercial sensitivities. This integrating of systems and people displays ‘coopetition’ (competitive cooperation) at its best, enabling knowledge and efficiencies to be shared to bring real business advantages to all players. ‘GAIA Virtual Sky’ is now operational, with new partners joining the network all the time. Where next? The sky is not the limit for the GAIA model. Steria is already scoping out its translation to the management of Norwegian maritime traffic, with clear applications for other transport networks. The flexible, secure and adaptable interface and ‘cooptive’ approach can surely help other industries gain commercial advantage by embracing the power of sharing. *The ‘GAIA Virtual Sky’ project is realised within the Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster and involves specialised SMEs such as Oktal, Cgx Aero InSys, Intespace and Alticode.

to rise to real-world challenges… 11

to rise to real-world challenges…<br />


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