

. . . Tony . . Lawrence . . The . . UA's . . The . . Jim . . Pete . . Louis . . . Jack . . . Harry . . Several PITTSBURGH 'rbe 20th anniversary banquet of Local 211, AFL Newspaper, Magazine and Film Delivery Drivers, Helpers and Handlers, attracted 750 guests . . . Rube Jackter and Sam Galanty, Columbia executives, were here conferring with Art Levy, branch manager, whose "My Drive" is progressing very satisfactorily . . . Pat Kennedy of Exhibitors Service Co. and a network tenor a decade ago, was at the MacFadden physical culture resort in Dansville, N. Y. A son was born at Magee hospital to the Paul Bechsteins. Bechstein manages the Avenue on uptown Fifth avenue, and he is a brother of Mrs. Paul Bronder . theatre partnership of John Allison Gribble and Nick Notopoulos has terminated. Gribble, a former local film salesman, will operate the theatres at Greencastle and Shippensburg, and Notopoulos takes over operation of the BeUwood and Osceola Mills theatres . . . BUI Blowitz, Hollywood publicity agent who is working on Enterprise's "Forces of Evil," visited recently with his parents, the Joe Blowitzes. His father is manager at the Warner Manor in Squirrel Hill. Some form of mercantile and amusement taxes may replace the income tax at Monessen . . . Henry Schmitt's Imperial at Imperial has been extensively remodeled and renovated . . . Max Cohen. Universal branch manager here several years ago, made his initial visit as Film Classic's new eastern sales manager . Herbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Lapidus, and Lois Elaine Liff, were married in New York recently. Jules, former local exhibitor and film salesman and manager, is Warner eastern and Canadian division manager. QUICK, FRIENDLY SERVICE? QUALITY Andy Battiston had some ui-gent business in New York City the other day and Jen-y Castelli, Library exhibitor, flew him there Pastor's band was at the new Manos in Monessen, and Johnny Long's orchestra appeared at the Capitol in Wheel- . ing . "This Is New York" was playing some theatres in the area under the title of "The City Slicker" . . Altoona's revenue from the city amusement tax in November was $13,455.47 ... A 1 per cent wage and income tax has been proposed at Bradford . . . Bill Smith, who handles the Sun- Telegraph amusement accounts, is appearing in the Playhouse production of "She Loves Me Not." He's cast as a newspaperman. Guy Oglietti, Leechburg exhibitor, is active in Lions club activities . . . Milt Young. Columbia exploiteer. was here working on "The Return of October" . Quiter, U-I office manager turned salesman, and his branch manager, Francis Guehl, were in charge of the annual Christmas party at the Variety Club . Lindsay, formerly with the Harris circuit and recreation director for Allegheny county parks, now is coordinator of education at Carnegie Institute, which will present a Sunday afternoon series of old silent motion pictures patterned after those exhibited in the New York Museum of Art. . Charles Dortic, former film salesman now representing Columbia in upper New York, was a visitor . . . Bill Walker of Crafton and Henry Schmitt of Imperial were at Berkley The Saxton borough Springs, W. Va. . . . council was considering a wage and Income tax Columtous Symphony orchestra was heard in concert at the Robinson Grand, Clarksburg, W. Va. . Michael, veteran local exhibitor, was hospitalized for treatment of a heart condition. Several weeks ago his brother Chris, pioneer exhibitor associated with the southside Rex, was hospitalized following a heart attack but he has returned home. John J. Maloney, MGM central sales manager, held a meeting here December 16, 17 with Branch Managers Saal Gottlieb, Pittsburgh: Edwin M. Booth, Cincinnati; Frank J. Downey, Detroit, and Jack Sogg, Cleve- PRODUCTS? LOWER FREIGHT Then order your BEE-HIVE Hybrid popcorn and supplies direct from Blevins' Ohio processing plant at Arcanum, near Dayton. Offering superb BEE-HIVE at $10.25 per cwt. ("5 -bog lots and standing orders) BLEVINS POPCORN CO., Popcorn Square Popcorn Village Arcanum, Ohio Nashville, Tenn. RATES? Inc. Stocks in Dixie Warehouse, 11 th and Main Streets, Louisville, Ky., and Lawson Warehouse, 425 Campbell Ave., E., Roanoke, Va. land . . . Howard Minsky, former Warner salesman here and now a 20th-Pox home office executive, was convalescing at home following a leg operation at Johns Hopkins hospital. Minnie Steinberg and her children will go to California by automobile. She purchased a car, and with her son Fred will drive to the west coast to make their home in Los Angeles. She has been employed by Film Classics since the death of her husband, Mannie Steinberg . independent theatre owners here will install television sets in their theatre lobbies . . . Lou Harma held an open house Christmas party at the Acme- Pranklin-Hanna quarters, and Gordon Gibson was host at the Atlas Theatre Supply Cohen, former film salesman, is clerking at the state liquor store in East Liberty. Sam Fineberg, theatre supply dealer, has been in Phoenix visiting his family, and he will not return here until after January 1 Rees, UA salesman, was back on the job after a brief illness . . . Raymond "Bud" AlUson of the Rivoli and Hollywood circuits suffered a painful injury diu-ing a hunting trip when he dropped into a clump of bushes and a twig punctured his left eye. The injury has responded to treatment and there wiU be no permanent impairment of his vision. Al Wheeler, new UA salesman who returned here after 20 years in the industry in Boston, located an apartment in Squirrel Hill and he has been joined by his wife Ella and . . . Bill Leibovitz, Mount daughter Viola Pleasant exhibitor, has been visiting a sister who is hospitalized here. Flash floods stopped several film salesmen around Clarksburg and Weston, and there was water damage at several theatres. At Mannington, Dr. C. P. Church had to pump water from the basement of a theatre. TOLEDO Tnstead of having a banquet in January, officers of Toledo Variety Club were installed recently for the coming year with little fanfare. Jack Lykes, chief barker, announced that Marvin Harris, manager of the Paramount, was named chairman for shut-ins committee. One of the most unusual holiday decorations in all Toledo was put up in the Colony Theatre, de luxe neighborhood house, where two real poinsettia trees with large flowers in bloom were set up on each side of the lobby. Since many Toledoians had never seen a real poinsettia tree, the decorations have been attracting much comment. "Hamlet" is booked for the Palace for a week beginning January 12, with a two-a-day roadshow policy . . . Sports Arena has booked the Gene Autry troupe for two shows on Friday. February 4. Autry attracted two capacity audiences in the Arena last March. Bob Hope may also appear on Sunday, January 23, although no contracts have been signed yet, according to Virgil Gladieux of the Arena. Bridget Carr, native of Toledo whose life was reviewed on the Ralph Edwards' "This Is Your Life" radio program over the NBC network December 14, received a contract from MGM studio for a part in "Midnight Kiss," which goes into production January 10. f 72 BOXOFFICE December 25, 1948

. . Ground . . Ben . . Marie COLUMBUS T ocal theatremen are watching developments in a proposal to build a million dollar spdrts arena on city property to be operated by private interests. Mayor Rhodes has declared that the city needs such an arena and will do "everything we can to get it." He said the arena would be patterned after those in Toledo, Indianapolis and Cincinnati. The arena, with a of 7,500 seats, could be used for sports events and would be in addition to the 8,500-plus capacity convention hall to be erected as part of the Franklin County Veterans' memorial on the Scioto riverfront. Theatremen also are interested in a proposal by Traffic Engineer Harry H. Turner suggesting that the city set up a 2,500-car downtown parking lot, cut into streets with parking meters, on a 18-acre site near the proposed new veterans' memorial. Turner cited Cincinnati and Cleveland as cities in which this system has been employed. Friends of Larry Caplane, former manager of the RKO Grand, are congratulating him on the birth of a daughter Ronnie GaU. Larry and his wife are now living in Omaha, Neb., where he is manager of the RKO Brandeis . . . Phil Cochran, former local resident, will be technical adviser with Bieirne Lay jr. in preparation of the screenplay for RKO's "Jet Pilot." Colonel Cochran, inspiration for Flip Corkin in "Terry and the Pirates," attended Ohio Stat-e university and was the commanding officer of the air commandos in Btu'ma during World War II. Howard Hughes has set "Jet Pilot" as one of the most important pictures on the 1949 schedule at RKO. Harold Goodin, former student assistant at Loew's Ohio, stopped off here on the way from a training center in San Antonio to Boiling Field, Washington, where he will be stationed . . . Tom Gleba, WCOL staff announcer, succeeded Bill Burt as Inquiring Reporter on the WCOL program broadcast dally from under the Loew's Ohio marquee . . . Winter vacations were enjoyed recently by John Barcroft. Harry Simons and B. L. Mc- Graner of downtown houses. Committee members who helped make the Variety Club's Kiddies Christmas Karnlval a success Included Floyd Gooding, rides; Ben Cowall, arrangements: John Barcroft, entertainment and special events; John Hardgrove, decorations; Leo Yassenoff. executive committee; Leo Haenlein, operations; John Murphy and Sandy Hallock. gifts and giveaways; Paul Winkhaus, publicity; Sidney Katz, children's committee; Gene Hazelton. transportation; Kenneth Agee. control; Art Robinson, safety, and Oscar Little, grounds. Cecil Sansbury of the club and Ramon Cram, Columbus Dispatch promotion manager, were co-chairmen of the four-day event. P. J. Wood wants to know if Ohio exhibitors are getting bad prtjits. The Cincinnati Exhibitors' Ass'n complained to distributors about the bad condition of prints plus insufficient number . has been broken for the new Bucyrus drive-in and incorporation papers have been issued. Incorporators include Baird Johnson. Margaret Mayer, Roberta Vevenka and the firm of McConnell, Blackmore, Corey & Burke. The corporation was authorized to issue 1,700 shares of common stock with $1 par value per share and 750 shares of preferred stock at $1 per share. The project will be completed in the spring. NTS Retains Leadership In Detroit Booth Play DETROIT—National Theatre Supply retained the lead in the Nightingale Club Bowling league by a close margin. Team standings; Wo National Theatre Supply National Carbon Co. Projectionists Local 199 Lorenzens Flower Shop Altec Sound Service Brenkert Projectors McArthur Theatre Equipment Ernie Forbes Theatre Supply 200 scores were rolled by; Ralph Haskin, 235; Roy Thompson, 213; Jack Colwell, 231, and Edgar Douville, 201. Scharun's retained the lead in the FUm Bowling league with Alhed and Monogram tying for a close second place. Team standings; 24 Won 27 Lost Scharun's 25 31 Allied Monogram Republic Theatrical RKO Co-operative 26 UA 21 35 High 3 team—Monogram, 2,547; Republic, 2.542, and UA, 2,532. High 1 team; RKO, 974; Republic, 901, and Theatrical, 892. High 3 individual: C. Sheran, 635; E. England, 626, and R. Forman, 620. High 1 individual: C. Sheran, 265; E. Eng- 245, and W. Goryl, 244. "200 club": C. Sheran, 210; D. Fill, 201 and 208; D. Kaplan, 205, and R. Forman, 204. Alhambra Leads League Of Cleveland Bowlers CLEVELAND—Following is the latest score of the Movie Operators' Bowling league which meets weekly at the Alhambra alleys, as announced by Secretary Tom Fitzgerald: Alhambra Theatre 20 9 Union Federated Insurance 18 11 National Theatre Supply 18 12 Auto Voice Speakers IG 14 R.C.A. Service Co. 15 15 Oliver Theatre Supply 12 18 Ohio Theatre Supply 11 19 Mobiltone In-Car Speaker 9 21 The Alhambra Theatre squad stepped out and made the Union Federated team bite the dust in two of three encounters and tied one game up at 952 to take over the league leadership. The tie game point will be rolled off in the first game next week. The Alhambra boys moved into second high team threegame total and third high game team score with the 2,971 and 1,030 results. Responsible for this change in standings were "Emmy" Fitzgerald, Bill Riter, Red Hillegas, Bert Williams and Capt. Paul Collins. A clean sweep of all three games by the RCA Service Co. quintet from the MobUtone Speaker team was due to the nice scores contributed by Millard Ogle's 200-523, Ralph Gertz' 177-474, George Donelan's 187-417 and "Buzz" Buzek's 455. To Distribute 'Room 20' DETROIT—Albert Dezel, representing Albert Dezel Productions, Inc., has completed negotiations with John Jenkins of Astor Pictures Co. of Dallas, to distribute Astor's new all-Negro picture, "Girl in Room 20," in Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland and Cincinnati. SPRINGFIELD fhakeres Theatres, Inc., managers attended an annual holiday meeting at the Bancroft hotel. Forty out-of-town managers of the circuit were present at the all-day affair. The managers were guests at a cocktail party following the meeting, and then they and other theatre personnel attended a Christmas dinner given by the company. Gifts from the company were presented to managers and employes. Michael H. Chakeres, David Sawyer and L. F. Weinsz of the Regent-State Corp. attended the annual Warner Bros, meeting and Christmas party in Cleveland . . . Woody Owens, manager of the Majestic, launched the new Superman serial with a drawing for kiddies, giving away watches and other prizes ... All Springfield theatres have gala decorations denoting the holiday season. Art Longbrake, manager of Chakeres' Frances Theatre m Mechanicsburg, was on a leave of absence because of illness. Substituting for him is Dwight East, assistant manager of the Pi-incess Theatre in Springfield Ed Paul, manager of the Logan , . . Theatre in Logan, was on the sick list and the house was being managed by his assistant. Dale Brooks . Wilkm, manager of the Cliftona Theatre m Circleville, was spending a vacation In Florida. Al Spare was acting manager during her absence . Hathaway has been appointed assistant manager of the Chakeres Capitol Theatre in Frankfort, Ky. AKRON Juvenile authorities are seeking six youths who tried to crash into the Orpheum December 16 and succeeded only in crashing a plate glass window in an adjoining store. Claud Self, the doorman, said the boys tried to enter the show and engaged in a scuffle on the street, where one of the youths fell through the store window. The youths disappeared before police arrived. The Palace pulled out "Berlin Express" and replaced it on Friday (17) with "The Plunderers" . . . This Christmas weekend the Liberty showed a British musical, "The Great Mr. Handel." Two free Christmas parties for children were held Saturday

. . Ground<br />

. . Ben<br />

. . Marie<br />


T ocal theatremen are watching developments<br />

in a proposal to build a million dollar<br />

spdrts arena on city property to be operated<br />

by private interests. Mayor Rhodes has<br />

declared that the city needs such an arena<br />

and will do "everything we can to get it." He<br />

said the arena would be patterned after<br />

those in Toledo, Indianapolis and Cincinnati.<br />

The arena, with a of 7,500 seats,<br />

could be used for sports events and would<br />

be in addition to the 8,500-plus capacity convention<br />

hall to be erected as part of the<br />

Franklin County Veterans' memorial on the<br />

Scioto riverfront.<br />

Theatremen also are interested in a proposal<br />

by Traffic Engineer Harry H. Turner<br />

suggesting that the city set up a 2,500-car<br />

downtown parking lot, cut into streets with<br />

parking meters, on a 18-acre site near the<br />

proposed new veterans' memorial. Turner<br />

cited Cincinnati and Cleveland as cities in<br />

which this system has been employed.<br />

Friends of Larry Caplane, former manager<br />

of the RKO Grand, are congratulating him<br />

on the birth of a daughter Ronnie GaU. Larry<br />

and his wife are now living in Omaha, Neb.,<br />

where he is manager of the RKO Brandeis<br />

. . . Phil Cochran, former local resident, will<br />

be technical adviser with Bieirne Lay jr. in<br />

preparation of the screenplay for RKO's "Jet<br />

Pilot." Colonel Cochran, inspiration for Flip<br />

Corkin in "Terry and the Pirates," attended<br />

Ohio Stat-e university and was the commanding<br />

officer of the air commandos in Btu'ma<br />

during World War II. Howard Hughes has<br />

set "Jet Pilot" as one of the most important<br />

pictures on the 1949 schedule at RKO.<br />

Harold Goodin, former student assistant at<br />

Loew's Ohio, stopped off here on the way<br />

from a training center in San Antonio to<br />

Boiling Field, Washington, where he will be<br />

stationed . . . Tom Gleba, WCOL staff announcer,<br />

succeeded Bill Burt as Inquiring Reporter<br />

on the WCOL program broadcast dally<br />

from under the Loew's Ohio marquee . . .<br />

Winter vacations were enjoyed recently by<br />

John Barcroft. Harry Simons and B. L. Mc-<br />

Graner of downtown houses.<br />

Committee members who helped make the<br />

Variety Club's Kiddies Christmas Karnlval a<br />

success Included Floyd Gooding, rides; Ben<br />

Cowall, arrangements: John Barcroft, entertainment<br />

and special events; John Hardgrove,<br />

decorations; Leo Yassenoff. executive committee;<br />

Leo Haenlein, operations; John Murphy<br />

and Sandy Hallock. gifts and giveaways;<br />

Paul Winkhaus, publicity; Sidney Katz, children's<br />

committee; Gene Hazelton. transportation;<br />

Kenneth Agee. control; Art Robinson,<br />

safety, and Oscar Little, grounds. Cecil Sansbury<br />

of the club and Ramon Cram, Columbus<br />

Dispatch promotion manager, were co-chairmen<br />

of the four-day event.<br />

P. J. Wood wants to know if Ohio exhibitors<br />

are getting bad prtjits. The Cincinnati Exhibitors'<br />

Ass'n complained to distributors about<br />

the bad condition of prints plus insufficient<br />

number . has been broken for the<br />

new Bucyrus drive-in and incorporation<br />

papers have been issued. Incorporators include<br />

Baird Johnson. Margaret Mayer, Roberta<br />

Vevenka and the firm of McConnell,<br />

Blackmore, Corey & Burke. The corporation<br />

was authorized to issue 1,700 shares of common<br />

stock with $1 par value per share and<br />

750 shares of preferred stock at $1 per share.<br />

The project will be completed in the spring.<br />

NTS Retains Leadership<br />

In Detroit Booth Play<br />

DETROIT—National Theatre Supply retained<br />

the lead in the Nightingale Club Bowling<br />

league by a close margin. Team standings;<br />

Wo<br />

National Theatre Supply<br />

National Carbon Co.<br />

Projectionists Local 199<br />

Lorenzens Flower Shop<br />

Altec Sound Service<br />

Brenkert Projectors<br />

McArthur Theatre Equipment<br />

Ernie Forbes Theatre Supply<br />

200 scores were rolled by; Ralph Haskin,<br />

235; Roy Thompson, 213; Jack Colwell, 231,<br />

and Edgar Douville, 201.<br />

Scharun's retained the lead in the FUm<br />

Bowling league with Alhed and Monogram<br />

tying for a close second place. Team standings;<br />

24<br />

Won<br />

27<br />

Lost<br />

Scharun's<br />

25<br />

31<br />

Allied<br />

Monogram<br />

Republic<br />

Theatrical<br />

RKO<br />

Co-operative<br />

26<br />

UA 21 35<br />

High 3 team—Monogram, 2,547; Republic,<br />

2.542, and UA, 2,532.<br />

High 1 team; RKO, 974; Republic, 901, and<br />

Theatrical, 892.<br />

High 3 individual: C. Sheran, 635; E. England,<br />

626, and R. Forman, 620.<br />

High 1 individual: C. Sheran, 265; E. Eng-<br />

245, and W. Goryl, 244.<br />

"200 club": C. Sheran, 210; D. Fill, 201 and<br />

208; D. Kaplan, 205, and R. Forman, 204.<br />

Alhambra Leads League<br />

Of Cleveland Bowlers<br />

CLEVELAND—Following is the latest score<br />

of the Movie Operators' Bowling league which<br />

meets weekly at the Alhambra alleys, as announced<br />

by Secretary Tom Fitzgerald:<br />

Alhambra Theatre 20 9<br />

Union Federated Insurance 18 11<br />

National Theatre Supply 18 12<br />

Auto Voice Speakers IG 14<br />

R.C.A. Service Co. 15 15<br />

Oliver Theatre Supply 12 18<br />

Ohio Theatre Supply 11 19<br />

Mobiltone In-Car Speaker 9 21<br />

The Alhambra Theatre squad stepped out<br />

and made the Union Federated team bite the<br />

dust in two of three encounters and tied one<br />

game up at 952 to take over the league leadership.<br />

The tie game point will be rolled off<br />

in the first game next week. The Alhambra<br />

boys moved into second high team threegame<br />

total and third high game team score<br />

with the 2,971 and 1,030 results. Responsible<br />

for this change in standings were "Emmy"<br />

Fitzgerald, Bill Riter, Red Hillegas, Bert<br />

Williams and Capt. Paul Collins.<br />

A clean sweep of all three games by the<br />

RCA Service Co. quintet from the MobUtone<br />

Speaker team was due to the nice scores contributed<br />

by Millard Ogle's 200-523, Ralph<br />

Gertz' 177-474, George Donelan's 187-417 and<br />

"Buzz" Buzek's 455.<br />

To Distribute 'Room 20'<br />

DETROIT—Albert Dezel, representing Albert<br />

Dezel Productions, Inc., has completed<br />

negotiations with John Jenkins of Astor Pictures<br />

Co. of Dallas, to distribute Astor's new<br />

all-Negro picture, "Girl in Room 20," in<br />

Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Detroit,<br />

Cleveland and Cincinnati.<br />


fhakeres Theatres, Inc., managers attended<br />

an annual holiday meeting at the Bancroft<br />

hotel. Forty out-of-town managers of<br />

the circuit were present at the all-day affair.<br />

The managers were guests at a cocktail<br />

party following the meeting, and then<br />

they and other theatre personnel attended<br />

a Christmas dinner given by the company.<br />

Gifts from the company were presented to<br />

managers and employes.<br />

Michael H. Chakeres, David Sawyer and<br />

L. F. Weinsz of the Regent-State Corp. attended<br />

the annual Warner Bros, meeting<br />

and Christmas party in Cleveland . . .<br />

Woody Owens, manager of the Majestic,<br />

launched the new Superman serial with a<br />

drawing for kiddies, giving away watches<br />

and other prizes ... All Springfield theatres<br />

have gala decorations denoting the holiday<br />

season.<br />

Art Longbrake, manager of Chakeres'<br />

Frances Theatre m Mechanicsburg, was on<br />

a leave of absence because of illness. Substituting<br />

for him is Dwight East, assistant<br />

manager of the Pi-incess Theatre in Springfield<br />

Ed Paul, manager of the Logan<br />

, . .<br />

Theatre in Logan, was on the sick list and<br />

the house was being managed by his assistant.<br />

Dale Brooks . Wilkm, manager<br />

of the Cliftona Theatre m Circleville,<br />

was spending a vacation In Florida. Al<br />

Spare was acting manager during her absence<br />

. Hathaway has been appointed<br />

assistant manager of the Chakeres Capitol<br />

Theatre in Frankfort, Ky.<br />

AKRON<br />

Juvenile authorities are seeking six youths<br />

who tried to crash into the Orpheum December<br />

16 and succeeded only in crashing a<br />

plate glass window in an adjoining store.<br />

Claud Self, the doorman, said the boys tried<br />

to enter the show and engaged in a scuffle<br />

on the street, where one of the youths fell<br />

through the store window. The youths disappeared<br />

before police arrived.<br />

The Palace pulled out "Berlin Express" and<br />

replaced it on Friday (17) with "The Plunderers"<br />

. . . This Christmas weekend the<br />

Liberty showed a British musical, "The Great<br />

Mr. Handel."<br />

Two free Christmas parties for children<br />

were held Saturday

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