

. . Jerry . . The . . 21 1 that 18 1 and DES MOINES M'ews from former Filmrowers arrives each Christmas season and this year is no exception. Donnie Snow, former Warner stenographer, addressed her Christmas card from Cherry Point. N. C. where she now lives. She wrote she would travel to Norfolk, Va.. for the holidays to be with Pat Manchester, former Monogram and Warner employe, whose husband is stationed there. Maxine Shepherd, also a former Warner employe, writes that she is the mother of two children . . . Gail Carris Hancock, former Warner biller, sent greetings from herself, her husband and their two children Dana and Danny. The Hancocks now live in Missouri. . . . . Ludy Bosten of the . . . The R. L. Long, Warner traveling auditor, left here in time to get home to Virginia for Christmas . Russell, Columbia manager's secretary, drove with her parents to Hiawatha, Kas.. for Christmas day Esther Needham and her husband spent the holidays in Oilman where Esther anticipated a joyous time with her mother and five sisters, all together for the first time in a number of years Uptown and Palace theatres in Muscatine, had his annual illuminated Christmas display at his home. It attracts visitors from miles around. RKO held its Christmas party in the office where a buffet supper was served girls at MGM held their annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange at the Chesterfield club. The party for the entire office force was set for December 29 at Club 100 .. . Clara Epping, MGM contract clerk, spent Christmas in Oscaloosa . girls at Republic had dinner together recently at Tony's. Included in the affair were two former employes, Betty Cheetham and Nora Johnson. Xmas Carols at Theatre LOGAN, IOWA—Christmas carols are being heard daily from the Logan Theatre here. An amplifier has been set up in the theatre lobby and phonograph records played over it. 'LEAK THiATRE SALES A New Proven Method Baaed on Reputation and Experience. We ^^>. * cover the U. S. Market Privately.

Labor Delegates Ask Repeal of Tax Law HARRISBURG— Six hundred delegates to the Penhsylvania Federation of Labor conference voted almost unanimously for repeal of the 1947 local "tax anything" law. The much abused law permits municipalities and school boards to tax anything not taxed by the state of Pennsylvania. A state tax on fuel oil and natural gas was proposed by the United Mine Workers as a substitute for the "tax anything" law. Opponents of daylight saving time in Pennsylvania will fight a determined battle in the 1949 general assembly to wipe out fast time. New Castle, Pa., has joined 78 towns levying a wage tax. To offset the proposed tax of 1 per cent on income at Altoona, Pa., Logan township, Martinsburg. Bellwood, Antis township and other political subdivisions near Altoona, will enact their own wage tax. Export, Pa., on January 10 will determine whether a wage and salary tax will be enacted. Butler, Pa., operating with a special license tax, now is faced with a business privilege tax. More than 100 political subdivisions have enacted local admission taxes. Governor Duff is opposed to a state sales tax. He has proposed another 2 cents a gallon tax on gasoline which would bring the state tax on it to 6 cents a gallon. The general assembly convenes here within two weeks, and from all indications the 1949 session will be one of the most bitter and hard-fought in the history of the commonwealth. Mark Goldman Appointed As Monogram Salesman CLEVELAND—Nate Schultz, Monogram franchise owner for northern Ohio, has named Mark Goldman as salesman to handle circuits. Prior to joining Monogram, Goldman was local Eagle Lion manager. Appointment of Goldman to the newly created post is another milestone in Schultz's expansion program. Starting out about 25 years ago as a shipper for Harry Lande's independent exchange, he advanced to where he finally operated his own exchange. He gradually absorbed practically all of the other small independent exchanges here and wound up as owner of the Monogram franchise. In addition to his exchange operations, Schultz is head of a circuit of seven theatres in Cleveland, Lorain, Lima and Marion. Goldman will relieve him of much of the sales burden which, until now, he has carried with the help of only one salesman. Exhibitors Hold Keys in New EL Drive EL PRESENTS KEY—.Maurice White of the White-Libson circuit in Cincinnati, fourth from left, is shown above receiving a key from Manager Harris Dudelson of EL to open the container holding the number wliich will entitle some exhibitor to a two-week trip to the west coast, all expenses paid, as part of the current Jack Schlaifer testimonial drive. Others pictured, left to right: Jack Desmond, office manager; Ralph Morley, salesman; Marty Warshauer, salesman; Maurice White; Dave Litto, salesman; Sterling Wilson, salesman; Dick Breslin, booker, and Harris Dudelson. Eagle Lion film exchanges in Cleveland and Cincinnati recently opened the Jack Schlaifer Sales drive in their respective territories by urging exhibitors to participate in the drive, purported to be the first such occasion in which the exhibitor is invited to share the prizes. In both cities the EL exchanges formally presented keys to exhibitor representatives for Cc(i«af'3»l« Waaaaer Jack Essick of Essick & Reif circuit is shown here receiving the key to the Jack Schlaifer film case from Robert Richardson, Cleveland EL manager. a large, locked film case in which numbered coupons are placed. Cleveland Manager Robert Richardson, on presenting the key to the case in that exchange to Jack Essick of the Essick & Reif circuit, explained that in each film case sent out of an EL exchange a numbered coupon would be placed. Stubs with corresponding numbers go into the film cases in the exchanges. Then on June 3, in the presence of three exhibitors and the usual company officials, the winning numbers of each of the 31 EL exchanges will be tossed into a hopper in the home office from which the grand prize will be drawn. Richardson urged exhibitors to keep the coupons from the film cases sent to them and, in a letter to exhibitors in his territory, explained that every exhibitor had an equal opportunity to win the grand prize, a two-week all expenses paid vacation trip for two to either New York or Hollywood as guests of Eagle Lion. In the letter Richardson pointed out that inasmuch as a numbered coupon was sent out with each shipment, it was obvious that the exhibitor with the most numbers had the best chance of winning the grand prize. Mrs. Mary Laskey Buried; Wife of Pa. Exhibitor CLARKSBURG, W. VA.—Mis. Mary Kaites Laskey, 28. wife of George Laskey, Uniontown, Pa., exhibitor, died recently following a short illness. She was a sister-in-law of Ted and John Laskey, indoor and outdoor theatre owners of the Uniontown-BrownsvDle area. Surviving in addition to her husband George, as her parents, brothers Jolm and Peter and sister Jean of Clarksburg. Mrs. Laskey was a member of the Greek Orthodox church where services were held Sunday (19). To Design New Playhouse PITTSBURGH—Jo Mielziner, theatre designer, has been contracted to contribute plans for the new million dollar theatre which the Playhouse will build in the Oakland district. Chairman of the architect's committee of the American National Theatre & Academy. Mielziner will collaborate with Charles N. and Edward Stotz, architect and engineer. He will assist in the design of interior plans, decorations, color schemes, etc. Marty Shearn New Pilot Of Warner Fairmount FAIRMONT, W. VA.—Marty Shearn has replaced Arthur Pearce as manager of Warner's Fairmont. Pearce is taking a leave of absence because of ill health and probably will be with the New York circuit office on his return. Shearn has been with the circuit for 19 years, the last ten at Tarenton, Pa. Formerly he managed one of the Warner houses in East Liberty. BOXOFFICE December 25, 1946 ME 67

. . Jerry<br />

. . The<br />

. .<br />

21 1 that<br />

18 1 and<br />


M'ews from former Filmrowers arrives each<br />

Christmas season and this year is no exception.<br />

Donnie Snow, former Warner<br />

stenographer, addressed her Christmas card<br />

from Cherry Point. N. C. where she now<br />

lives. She wrote she would travel to Norfolk,<br />

Va.. for the holidays to be with Pat Manchester,<br />

former Monogram and Warner employe,<br />

whose husband is stationed there.<br />

Maxine Shepherd, also a former Warner<br />

employe, writes that she is the mother of<br />

two children . . . Gail Carris Hancock, former<br />

Warner biller, sent greetings from herself,<br />

her husband and their two children Dana<br />

and Danny. The Hancocks now live in Missouri.<br />

.<br />

. . . Ludy Bosten of the<br />

. . . The<br />

R. L. Long, Warner traveling auditor, left<br />

here in time to get home to Virginia for<br />

Christmas . Russell, Columbia manager's<br />

secretary, drove with her parents to<br />

Hiawatha, Kas.. for Christmas day<br />

Esther Needham and her husband spent the<br />

holidays in Oilman where Esther anticipated<br />

a joyous time with her mother and five<br />

sisters, all together for the first time in a<br />

number of years<br />

Uptown and Palace theatres in Muscatine,<br />

had his annual illuminated Christmas display<br />

at his home. It attracts visitors from<br />

miles around.<br />

RKO held its Christmas party in the office<br />

where a buffet supper was served<br />

girls at MGM held their annual Christmas<br />

dinner and gift exchange at the Chesterfield<br />

club. The party for the entire office force<br />

was set for December 29 at Club 100 .. .<br />

Clara Epping, MGM contract clerk, spent<br />

Christmas in Oscaloosa . girls at Republic<br />

had dinner together recently at<br />

Tony's. Included in the affair were two former<br />

employes, Betty Cheetham and Nora<br />

Johnson.<br />

Xmas Carols at Theatre<br />

LOGAN, IOWA—Christmas carols are being<br />

heard daily from the Logan Theatre<br />

here. An amplifier has been set up in the<br />

theatre lobby and phonograph records played<br />

over it.<br />


A New Proven Method Baaed on<br />

Reputation and Experience. We ^^>.<br />

* cover the U. S. Market Privately.

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