2008 Proceedings - St. Cloud State University

2008 Proceedings - St. Cloud State University

2008 Proceedings - St. Cloud State University


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Abstracts<br />

Session T All Disciplines Ballroom<br />

Anticancer Activity of Ru-Benzimidazol Metal Complexes<br />

One of the mostly widely used inorganic compounds is Cisplatin. Cisplatin-based therapies are used throughout the world to treat testicular<br />

and ovarian cancers. The discovery of other metal complexes as anticancer drugs for their use to treat drug resistant tumors and<br />

development of alternative therapies has gained importance. In this regard we have developed several ruthenium-benzimidazole<br />

compounds and assayed for their anticancer activities. Tested in this study were ligand 3 [2-phenyl benzimidazole] and its corresponding<br />

complex RU 3 [(Rucl3(PhBzIH)3]; ligand 6 [1-m-hydroxbenzyl-2-m-hydroxy phenyl benzimidazole] and its corresponding complex RU 9<br />

[RuCl3(m-HPhBBzI)2]; Ligand 7 (1-p-hydroxybenzyl-2-p-hydroxy phenyl benzimidazole] and its corresponding complex RU 8<br />

[RuCl3,(CO)2(p-HphBBzI)2]. Two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines MCF-7/0 and MCF-7/OttA were used for testing anticancer<br />

activities. These ruthenium complexes tested exhibit a range of anticancer activities; LC50 values- 50-150 µM. Ruthenium itself is not toxic<br />

to the cells.<br />

Presentation Index: T47<br />

Time: 2:00 p.m.<br />

Department: Chemistry<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Mahroof, Taqdees<br />

Sreerama, Lakshmaiah<br />

The Role of CDC-4 in the Degradation of PGC-1 and Human Diseases<br />

PGC-1 is a human protein that plays a role in energy metabolism. Misregulation of this protein has been shown to play a role in diabetes,<br />

obesity and certain neurological disorders. Two forms of this protein are known, PGC-1á and PGC-1â. We recently demonstrated that<br />

another human protein known as CDC-4 targets PGC-1á for degradation by adding ubiquitin to it. This ubiquitylation leads to destruction of<br />

the PGC-1á protein and may be linked to some human diseases. Much like PGC-1á, PGC-1 has similar CDC-4 binding sites and<br />

physically binds to CDC-4. Here we are testing whether CDC-4 also adds ubiquitin to PGC-1â.<br />

Presentation Index: T48<br />

Time: 2:00 p.m.<br />

Department: Biological Sciences<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Schwinn, Andrew; Zimdars, Laraine<br />

Olson, Brian<br />

The First Annotation of the Glycine and Serine Biosynthetic Pathways of Ammonifex Degensii<br />

Ammonifex degensii is an obligate anaerobic chemolithoautotrophic (obtains energy from inorganic compounds and carbon from carbon<br />

dioxide) bacteria isolated from a volcanic hot spring in East Asia in 1994. Ammonifex is the archetype of a new genus (ammonium maker).<br />

Ammonifex degensii is an extremely thermophilic gram negative rod shaped bacterium with optimal growth occurring at 70 degrees C and<br />

a pH of 7.5. The genome of ammonifex degensii is 85% complete, funded by the Department of Energy Joint Genome Program. Saint<br />

<strong>Cloud</strong> <strong>St</strong>ate <strong>University</strong> is part of a consortium of institutions that make up the Collaborative Undergraduate Genomic Annotation Team.<br />

SCSU has undertaken the responsibility of using comparative genomics to identify the amino acid biosynthetic pathways. Glycine is a<br />

nonpolar aliphatic amino acid and is the smallest of the 20 amino acids. Serine is a polar uncharged amino acid that differes from glycine<br />

by a hydroxyl group. We hypothesize that these amono acids have biosynthetic pathways in ammonifes degensii, and that we will be able<br />

to identify the genes responsible for the synthesis of these amino acids using a comparative genomics approach.<br />

Presentation Index: T49<br />

Time: 2:00 p.m.<br />

Department: Biological Sciences<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Petersen, David; Paudel, Omkar; Kone, Nabi; Chin, Fei T Kvaal, Christopher<br />

Identification and Characterization of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase in Fathead Minnow Tissues<br />

Ethylene glycol ethers (EGEs) are monoalkyl or aryl ethers of ethylene glycol and are widely used solvents in industrial and household<br />

products. EGEs are metabolized by aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) to their corresponding acids and it is believed to be the rate<br />

determining step in the EGE metabolism. In mammals, the acid metabolites cause various toxicities including carcinogenesis and<br />

mutagenesis. EGEs are discharged into waterways with relatively high concentration and aquatic animals such as fathead minnows and<br />

frogs are exposed to these chemicals. Our studies show that EGE toxicities are likely to be seen in the above aquatic animals. Both<br />

fathead minnows and frogs have been shown to contain ALDHs and they catalyze oxidation of EGE aldehydes. The identity of these<br />

ALDHs is currently being investigated using in various tissues of fathead minnows.<br />

Presentation Index: T50<br />

Time: 2:00 p.m.<br />

Department: Chemistry<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Paudel, Omkar<br />

Sreerama, Lakshmaiah<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Cloud</strong> <strong>St</strong>ate <strong>University</strong> <strong>St</strong>udent Research Colloquium 64<br />

April 22, <strong>2008</strong>

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