2008 Proceedings - St. Cloud State University

2008 Proceedings - St. Cloud State University

2008 Proceedings - St. Cloud State University


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Abstracts<br />

Session T All Disciplines Ballroom<br />

Autonomous Meteorological Aircraft<br />

This project‘s purpose is to explore the concept and feasibility of autonomous flight with a small-scale platform. The autonomous aircraft<br />

will be used to carry weather measuring devices. This will be a significant improvement over current weather measuring techniques. Our<br />

craft will give mobility to the devices used in making measurements of air temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, and wind velocity. A<br />

―quad-copter‖ platform was the chosen design for the autonomous aircraft. This design consists of an aluminum frame made up of four<br />

arms approximately a foot in length. Each of these arms supports a propeller directly driven by an electric motor. The scope of the project<br />

includes the construction of the aircraft along with the implementation of the necessary electrical components.<br />

Presentation Index: T6<br />

Time: 2:00 p.m.<br />

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Doheny, Ryan; <strong>St</strong>ein, Nick; Voegele, Eric<br />

Petzold, Mark<br />

Airport Foreign Object Debris Prevention<br />

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) have identified that foreign object debris<br />

(FOD) is a hazard at airports. FOD is a monetary drain on the world-wide aviation industry, as well as a major safety hazard to human life.<br />

Besides reducing this hazard, our team has proposed a new system, with new procedures, to prevent FOD from entering runway and<br />

taxiway areas at class B airports. Through qualitative literature review, along with critical analysis of the proposed design by airport ground<br />

operations managers, our team has developed a feasible system using fluid dynamics to prevent FOD at major airports. The end-goal of<br />

this design is to reduce the negative effects that FOD has on major airports. Findings will also be summarized and presented at the<br />

Federal Aviation Administration Design Competition for Universities.<br />

Presentation Index: T7<br />

Time: 2:00 p.m.<br />

Department: Aviation<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Arnfelt, Nickolas; Courneya, Jonas; Weiss, Kevin<br />

Aceves, Robert<br />

The Artificial Neuron<br />

One of the most intriguing endeavors of mankind has been to replicate nature and all natural processes. Along with everything else, the<br />

human brain has been one of the most researched areas in this perspective. Although we might be far from comprehending it to a<br />

measurable standard, neural networks has made admirable leaps in this scenario. Hence, my poster will introduce the fundamental unit of<br />

neural networks, the artificial neuron. This neuron builds up into many useful networks which have greatly aided scientists and<br />

researchers, world over, in understanding complex data trends and decisive techniques. For a person to understand this neuron, it is vital<br />

that the brain‘s basic functionality be presented. Therefore, my poster will also reflect this comparison and comment on the inspiration<br />

which has helped build up the neuron. An important proposition in this field is the back propagation algorithm. It came around at a time<br />

when the study of neural networks had been rendered completely dormant and further progress was imperceptible. The key idea of the<br />

algorithm is to not only to update and reorganize the networks at the output, as most traditional methods do, but to also penetrate into the<br />

networks‘ inner units and adjust it as close to its input structure as possible. My poster will also illustrate and briefly introduce techniques<br />

for approximating functions and provide key examples of the progress made in neural. The goal of the poster is to leave the audience with<br />

an awe-inspiring idea of this tremendous field and its potential, as well as to explain the current position and trends for future pursuance.<br />

Presentation Index: T8<br />

Time: 2:00 p.m.<br />

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Sajid, Noureen<br />

Zheng, Yi<br />

Geothermal Energy<br />

With the ever increasing energy requirements of the United <strong>St</strong>ates, it is imperative that new forms of renewable sources of energy be developed.<br />

A promising renewable energy source which could be developed to supply over ten percent of the United <strong>St</strong>ates electricity is geothermal energy.<br />

In order for geothermal energy to be developed, the government and the private sector must invest in research, development, and exploration of<br />

geothermal energy. This is a very important science technology and society issue that needs to be explored in order to insure the United <strong>St</strong>ates<br />

continues to have a surplus of energy into the future. A survey was given to the 190 students in the spring 2007 Earth and Atmospheric Science<br />

109 class. The survey was used to determine the student‘s knowledge, beliefs, and sacrifices they would be willing to make in association with<br />

geothermal energy and renewable energy sources. The results of the survey revealed Saint <strong>Cloud</strong> <strong>St</strong>ate <strong>University</strong> students are well aware of<br />

what renewable energy resources are, but a slight majority of students are unclear on what and how geothermal energy is obtained. A slight<br />

majority of students were not willing to pay more for energy to aid in the development of geothermal energy in the United <strong>St</strong>ates. It is clear from<br />

the results of the survey that students at Saint <strong>Cloud</strong> <strong>St</strong>ate <strong>University</strong> are aware of the importance of investing in renewable energy sources, but<br />

many students aren‘t aware of the vast potential of geothermal energy in the United <strong>St</strong>ates. If geothermal energy is to be developed into a major<br />

energy source of this country, the public needs to be informed and educated by the government and the media about the science, economics,<br />

and potential of geothermal energy.<br />

Presentation Index: T9<br />

Time: 2:00 p.m.<br />

Department: Biological Sciences<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Rockow, Nathan<br />

Simpson, Patricia<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Cloud</strong> <strong>St</strong>ate <strong>University</strong> <strong>St</strong>udent Research Colloquium 53<br />

April 22, <strong>2008</strong>

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