2008 Proceedings - St. Cloud State University

2008 Proceedings - St. Cloud State University

2008 Proceedings - St. Cloud State University


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Abstracts<br />

Session I Philosophy North Glacier<br />

No Need for a Name (Frega's Puzzles)<br />

I consider some reasons and arguments offered in contemporary theory of meaning and reference and contrast them with an opposite<br />

view.<br />

Presentation Index: I2<br />

Time: 11:20 a.m.<br />

Department: Philosophy<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Johnson, Eric<br />

Nuccetelli, Susana<br />

The Evolution of Language and Its Use<br />

The group addresses the question of whether language evolved as a result of natural selection, and disputes some of Chomsky's<br />

assumptions regarding evolution. The group will also focus on the things we implicate by the things we say, or by our use of words.<br />

Presentation Index: I3<br />

Time: 11:40 a.m.<br />

Department: Philosophy<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Coss, David; Smith, Sarah<br />

Nuccetelli, Susana<br />

A Puzzle About Belief<br />

Philosopher‘s have recently wondered whether the content of our belief and the meaning of our sentences depend completely on brain<br />

processes. Their discussions have generated interesting puzzles that we will explain and discuss in these presentations.<br />

Presentation Index: I4<br />

Time: 12:00 p.m.<br />

Department: Philosophy<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Lindberg, Eric; Frank, Erick; Busse, William; Shepard, Brandon Nuccetelli, Susana<br />

Session J Science and Engineering I South Glacier<br />

The Design and Synthesis of Novel Goniothalamin Analogues<br />

Every two minutes a woman in the United <strong>St</strong>ates is diagnosed with breast cancer. In recent years, one method to identify potential<br />

chemotherapeutic agents has been the mass screening of natural products for cytotoxicity. One compound discovered in this manner was<br />

goniothalamin. Goniothalamin was isolated from the dried stem bark of the plant goniothalamus sesuipedalis and exhibits cell specific<br />

anticancer activity against breast cancer cell lines. Goniothalamin has been extensively studied, and a large number of synthetic<br />

analogues have been prepared in an attempt to determine the structural features necessary for bioactivity. These structure/activity<br />

relationship studies have focused primarily on the manipulation of goniothalamin‘s styryl substituent. The focus of this research is on the<br />

lactone core of goniothalamin. Analogues have been prepared that replace the lactone ring with a lactam. It is anticipated that alteration of<br />

the lactam nitrogen substituent will potentially lead to analogues that have better bioavailability and reactivity than the natural product.<br />

Presentation Index: J1<br />

Time: 11:00 a.m.<br />

Department: Chemistry<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Dillman, Allissa<br />

Mechelke, Mark<br />

Automation of Liquid Chromatography Instrument<br />

The purpose of this project is to design a digital controller for a Water 501 HPLC Pump used by the Chemistry/ Biology department for<br />

Liquid Chromatography and to build a system that will be interfaced with a computer to collect analog output from a detector and perform<br />

various calculations by digitizing and analyzing the data and then display the results on a GUI system. The device should be accurate,<br />

reliabe and user friendly and it should be capable of delivering exact proportion of liquids as desired in the milliliters/minute range and also<br />

collect data such that it could be easier to understand and worked upon when displayed. This will allow students and faculty of Biology and<br />

Chemistry department to perform liquid chromatography experiments from the luxury of their work station.<br />

Presentation Index: J2<br />

Time: 11:20 a.m.<br />

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering; Biological Science<br />

Project Sponsor(s):<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Presenter(s): Rana, Deepak; Ahmed, Sunny; Nasir, Taqi<br />

Hou, Ling; Jacobson, Bruce<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Cloud</strong> <strong>St</strong>ate <strong>University</strong> <strong>St</strong>udent Research Colloquium 43<br />

April 22, <strong>2008</strong>

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