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Syllabus - Texas A&M University

Syllabus - Texas A&M University


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Stat 645: Applied Biostatistics and Data Analysis<br />

Fall 2012<br />

Time and Place: MWF 12:40pm-1:30pm BLOC 448; Question and Answer Session W 6pm-7pm BLOC<br />

448<br />

Instructor: Dr. Alan Dabney<br />

Office: 404D Blocker Building<br />

Email: adabney@stat.tamu.edu<br />

Office Hours: By appointment only<br />

Teaching Assistant: Xinxin Zhu; email: xzhu@stat.tamu.edu; office hours: F 1-3pm BLOC 525A.<br />

Course Description: This course will present a survey of many important topics in biostatistics. The goal<br />

is for each student to gain an understanding of the statistical issues underlying these topics, as well as existing<br />

methods and their use in R. This will be a Masters-level course, suitable for students in their second year of<br />

studies. Students from disciplines other than statistics are encouraged to enroll. Whereas the existing twosemester<br />

STAT 643-644 biostatistics sequence focuses on the mathematical details of biostatistics methods,<br />

this course will be geared toward preparing Masters-level statisticians for real-world data analysis.<br />

We will spend some time initially on getting familiar with R. We will then spend 1-3 weeks on each of the<br />

following topics: (1) Applications of regression in biostatistics, (2) Analysis of correlated data, (3) Logistic<br />

and Poisson regression for binary or count data, (4) Survival analysis for censored outcomes, (5) The design<br />

and analysis of clinical trials, and (6) Special topics (including sample size calculations by simulation, and<br />

the bootstrap for assessing statistical significance in general testing situations).<br />

Course Material: No textbook required, although material will be representative of that in books like Linear<br />

Models by Searle, Applied Survival Analysis and Applied Logistic Regression by Hosmer and Lemeshow,<br />

Fundamentals of Clinical Trials by Friedman, Furberg, and DeMets, and Analysis of Longitudinal Data by<br />

Diggle, Liang, Zeger, and Heagerty, among others.<br />

DoStat: We will use the DoStat course management system. To access the site:<br />

1. Go to http://dostat.tamu.edu and click on the REGISTER HERE link if you have not previously<br />

registered. If you have previously registered this semester, continue with step 3.<br />

2. Fill in all of the information and click on SUBMIT.<br />

3. Log into http://dostat.tamu.edu using the information entered in step 2.<br />

4. Click on the Add Course link to the left.<br />

5. Fill in the Course Reference “DS-161” and Registration Code “biodata” and press Register.<br />

The codes are the characters within the quotes, but do not include the quotes.<br />

6. Click on the course name to access the materials.<br />

Prerequisites: STAT 651 and 652, or equivalent. Or prior approval by the instructor.<br />

Computing: All computing will be done with R.<br />


Grading: Your grade will be computed as follows:<br />

• Homework: 40% - There will be periodic homework assignments. The assignments will typically<br />

involve the analysis of real datasets. Note: All homework is to be submitted in PDF format through<br />

WebAssign.<br />

• Exams: 40% - There will be two midterm exams (Monday Oct. 1, and Monday Nov. 19), each<br />

counting 20% of your grade. Effective fall 2012, all students in section 700 who are not receiving their<br />

complete degree in an online program (both STAT and non-STAT) must take the exam at the same<br />

date and time as the on campus students. Students must verify through an email to Penny Jackson<br />

that they are receiving their complete degree in an online program in order to take the exam outside<br />

the scheduled on campus exam time. Please note the exam dates and times provided and make any<br />

special arrangements if necessary.<br />

• Research Project: 20% - You will be assigned a research project requiring a comprehensive analysis<br />

of a real biostatistics dataset. Reports due Friday, Dec. 7.<br />

Incomplete Grade: A temporary grade of I (Incomplete) at the end of a semester indicates that the<br />

student has completed the course with the exception of a major quiz, final exam, or other<br />

work. The instructor shall give this grade only when the deficiency is due to an authorized absence or other<br />

cause beyond the control of the student.<br />

Statement on Disabilities: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination<br />

statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things,<br />

this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides<br />

for reasonable accommodation for their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an<br />

accommodation, please contact the Office of Support Services for Students with Disabilities in Cain Hall.<br />

The phone number is 845-1637.<br />

Statement on Plagiarism: The handouts used in this course are copyrighted. As such, you do not have<br />

the right to copy them unless I expressly grant permission. As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of<br />

passing off as one’s own ideas, words, writing, etc., that belong to another. In accordance with this definition,<br />

you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person and turn it in as your own, even if you<br />

have the permission of that person. If you have any questions, please consult the latest issue of the <strong>Texas</strong><br />

A&M <strong>University</strong> Student Rules, under the section “Scholastic Dishonesty.”<br />

Academic Integrity Statement: “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those<br />

who do.” Please refer to the Honor Council Rules and Procedures at http://www.tamu.edu/aggiehonor.<br />


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