Orthogonality Does Not Imply Asymptotic Normality DA Freedman ...

Orthogonality Does Not Imply Asymptotic Normality DA Freedman ...

Orthogonality Does Not Imply Asymptotic Normality DA Freedman ...


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<strong>Orthogonality</strong> <strong>Does</strong> <strong>Not</strong> <strong>Imply</strong> <strong>Asymptotic</strong> <strong>Normality</strong><br />

<strong>DA</strong> <strong>Freedman</strong><br />

Statistics 215 October 2007<br />

Consider random variables which are orthogonal, with mean 0 and variance 1, and uniformly<br />

bounded fourth moments. The CLT need not hold—i.e., the sum need not be asymptotically<br />

normal—because independence is not assumed. (The CLT, being a theorem, remains true.) We<br />

present several examples, normalizing the sum S n = X 1 +···X n by √ n,orby<br />

n∑<br />

D n = √ Xj 2.<br />

The examples are relevant to general forms of the OLS model Y = Mβ + ɛ that require only<br />

cov(ɛ|M) = σ 2 I n×n rather than IID errors; normalization by D n is akin to normalizing regression<br />

statistics by ˆσ . The punchline: the usual asymptotics need not hold for the OLS estimator ˆβ, without<br />

the assumption of IID errors given M. (We write M for the design matrix to avoid confusion with<br />

the random variables X j .)<br />

(∗) Conditions. The X j have E(X j ) = 0 and E(Xj 2) = 1. Furthermore E(X4 j<br />

) is uniformly<br />

bounded, and E(X j X k ) = 0 for j ̸= k.<br />

Example 1. Let Z and {Y j } be independent. Suppose the Y j are independent, E(Y j ) = 0,<br />

E(Z 2 ) = E(Yj 2)<br />

= 1. Finally, suppose E(Z4 ) and E(Yj 4)<br />

are finite. Let X j = ZY j . These random<br />

variables satisfy the conditions (∗),butS n / √ n isn’t asymptotically normal: the limiting distribution<br />

is normal, multiplied by Z. Normalizing by D n does give asymptotic normality, because Z cancels.<br />

Example 2. Let U j = 0or √ 2 be a sequence of random variables constructed as follows.<br />

With probability 1/2, the sequence consists of a long block of 0’s, followed by a very long block<br />

of √ 2’s, followed by a very very long block of 0’s, etc. With the remaining probability 1/2, the<br />

0’s and √ 2’s are interchanged. The Y j are IID ±1 with probability 1/2, independent of {U j }. Let<br />

X j = U j Y j . Again, these random variables satisfy the conditions (∗). Clearly, max j Uj<br />

2 = 2 and<br />

Dn 2 →∞, so max j≤n Uj<br />

2 = o(D2 n ). Furthermore, var(S n|U) = Dn 2. Thus, S n/D n is asymptotically<br />

normal. With rapidly increasing block length, D 2 n /n oscillates between 0+ and 2−. So S n/ √ n<br />

isn’t asymptotically normal.<br />

Our next example involves ξ j = sin(jθ), where θ is uniform on the circle [0, 2π) and j is<br />

an integer; the main interest is j = 1, 2,.... If z j = exp(ijθ) with i = √ −1 and exp(z) = e z ,<br />

then ξ j is the imaginary part of z j = cos(jθ) + i sin(jθ). The next lemma follows by computing<br />

moments.<br />

j=1<br />

Lemma 2. The z j all have the same distribution; furthermore, for each j,asn →∞, the joint<br />

distribution of z n and z j converges weak-star, the two variables becoming independent.<br />


Lemma 3.<br />

(i) E(ξ j ) = 0; in fact, all odd moments vanish.<br />

(ii) E(ξj 2 ) = 1/2 and E(ξ4<br />

j ) = 3/8.<br />

(iii) E(ξ j ξ k ) = 0 for j ̸= k.<br />

(iv) ∑ n<br />

j=1 cos(jθ) is the real part of<br />

and ∑ n<br />

j=1 sin(jθ) is the imaginary part.<br />

n (θ) = e(n+1)iθ − e iθ<br />

e iθ − 1<br />

(v) ∑ n<br />

j=1 sin 2 (jθ) = 1 2 (n − q n) where q n = ∑ n<br />

j=1 cos(2jθ) is the real part of n (2θ).<br />

Example 3. Let X j = √ 2ξ j . Conditions (∗) are satisfied. However, S n converges in distribution,<br />

and D 2 n is of order n. Whether we normalize S n by √ n or D n —or not at all—there is no<br />

asymptotic normality.<br />

Sourav Chatterjee suggested that examples could be based on U-statistics. For l = 1, 2,...,<br />

let the U l be IID, with P(U l =±1) = 1/2. Let<br />

Q n =<br />

∑<br />

1≤j̸=k≤n<br />

( n∑ ) 2 ( n∑<br />

U j U k = U l −<br />

whose distribution is asymptotic to n(χ 2 1 − 1). <strong>Not</strong>e that Q n+1 − Q n = 2 ( ∑ n<br />

l=1 U l<br />

)<br />

Un+1 .<br />

Example 4. Let T j = ∑ j<br />

l=1 U l/ √ j and let X j+1 = T j U j+1 for j = 1, 2,....Let X 1 = U 1 .<br />

Conditions (∗) are easily verified; for the rest, we rely on simulations. To begin with, S n is very<br />

skewed to the right, so cannot be asymptotically normal. On the other hand, S n /D n —although<br />

not far from normal—has a negative mean. We can replace T j by f(T j ) for suitable functions f ,<br />

although varf(T j ) may then depend a little on j and n. Iff(x)= x 6 , then S n itself has a much longer<br />

tail than the normal; indeed, S n is roughly like a symmetrized log normal variable. By contrast,<br />

S n /D n is short-tailed and bimodal. (Numerator and denominator are somewhat dependent.) Neither<br />

S n / √ n nor S n /D n is asymptotically normal.<br />

Back-of-the-envelope arguments suggest<br />

1<br />

√ n<br />

n∑<br />

j=1<br />

1<br />

n D2 n = 1 n<br />

( 1<br />

f √j<br />

n∑<br />

j=1<br />

l=1<br />

j∑<br />

U l<br />

)U j+1 →<br />

l=1<br />

( 1<br />

f √j<br />

∫ 1<br />

0<br />

,<br />

l=1<br />

U 2 l<br />

)<br />

f(B t / √ t)dB t (1)<br />

j∑ ) ∫ 2 1<br />

U l → f(B t / √ t) 2 dt (2)<br />

l=1<br />

2<br />


where B is Brownian motion. Because the summands are uncorrelated,<br />

⎧<br />

⎫ ⎧<br />

⎨ n/K<br />

1 ∑ ( 1<br />

j∑ ) ⎬<br />

var √ f √j U l U j+1<br />

⎩ n ⎭ = 1 n/K<br />

∑ ⎨ ( 1<br />

j∑ ) ⎫ ⎬ ( ) 1<br />

var<br />

n ⎩ f √j U l<br />

⎭ = O K<br />

j=1<br />

Likewise,<br />

⎧<br />

⎨ n/K<br />

1 ∑<br />

E<br />

⎩n<br />

j=1<br />

[ ( 1<br />

f √j<br />

l=1<br />

j=1<br />

⎫ ⎧<br />

j∑ )] 2⎬ U l<br />

⎭ = 1 n/K<br />

∑ ⎨[<br />

E f<br />

n ⎩<br />

l=1<br />

j=1<br />

The singularity near 0 therefore seems unimportant.<br />

( 1 √j<br />

l=1<br />

⎫<br />

j∑ )] 2⎬ ( ) 1<br />

U l<br />

⎭ = O K<br />

l=1<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />

Example 5. (Chaterjee.) Let the summands be U j U k , with j 1 + 2.6 √ 2 } = .03,<br />

while P { |Z| > 2.6 } = .009, where Z is N(0,1). The tail area is off by a factor of 3, and it gets<br />

worse further out. On the other hand, annoyingly,<br />

P { (χ1 2 − 1)/√ 2 > 2 } {<br />

= P |Z| ><br />

l=1<br />

√<br />

1 + 2 √ 2} .= P {|Z| > 1.96}<br />

. = .05,<br />

The first probability is one-sided:<br />

P {(χ1 2 − 1)/√ 2 < −2} =P {Z 2 < 1 − 2 √ 2}=0,<br />

but the symmetric tail area is very close.<br />

Steve Evans has another construction, which gives a sequence X 1 ,X 2 ,... of uncorrelated<br />

random variables having mean 0 and variance 1, with subsequences of<br />

L { (X 1 +···+X n )/ √ n }<br />

close to any distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.<br />

For regression asymptotics assuming independent errors, see<br />

http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/census/Ftest.pdf<br />


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