Annual Review 2012 - Luxottica

Annual Review 2012 - Luxottica Annual Review 2012 - Luxottica
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190 | ANNUAL REPORT 2012 the Italian Civil Code; m) The company provided information, requested by articles 123 bis and 123 ter of the Italian consolidated financial law (Testo Unico della Finanza) article 84 quater of Issuers Regulation and both in the remuneration report and in the Corporate Governance Report; n) We are not aware of any events or complaints that should be mentioned to the shareholders’ meeting; o) With reference to the statement in article 36, paragraph 1 of the Markets regulation (CONSOB resolution no. 16191 of 20 October 2007), we inform that on December 31, 2012 the provisions were applied to the subsidiary companies which the Company indicated as significant with regard to the financial information control system: in this respect it has to be stated that no omissions were noted;p) The Audit company PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A., in charge of the audit from the Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 28, 2011, together with the other companies belonging to its network, were also appointed for the following activities, stated below with their respective remuneration (in thousands of Euro), as additional job to the activities required by the regulations for listed companies (audit of the statutory financial statements, the consolidated financial statements, as well as the limited review of the half-year financial statement and review of the regular keeping of company accounts during the fiscal year): Other audit services (thousands of Euro) PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. Luxottica Group S.p.A. 420 Italian subsidiaries 0 Foreign subsidiaries 788 Taking in consideration the nature of these activities and related fees, that were assigned to PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. and the companies within its network by Luxottica Group S.p.A. and the other companies of the Group, there are no aspects that give the Board of Statutory Auditors reason to doubt the independence of PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A.; q) During the 2012 fiscal year the Board of Auditors met ten times, the Board of Directors met eight times and the Control and Risk Committee met eleven times. Finally, we express our assent, within the limits of our responsibility, to the approval of the financial statements together with the Management Report for the 2012 fiscal year as presented by the Board of Directors, and to the consequent proposal, made by the Board itself, for a net income distribution of 354 Millions Euro. Milan, 5 April 2013 The Board of Statutory Auditors

Consolidated financial statements - BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS REPORT

Consolidated financial statements - BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS REPORT

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