Annual Review 2012 - Luxottica

Annual Review 2012 - Luxottica Annual Review 2012 - Luxottica
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188 | ANNUAL REPORT 2012 manifestly imprudent, high risky, in potential conflict of interest or able to compromise the integrity of the Company assets. From the information disclosed during the Board of Directors’ meetings, it appears that the Directors did not undertake any transactions that create potential conflict of interest with the Company; c) We investigated and verified, to the extent of our responsibility, that the organizational structure of the company was adequate, that the principles of fair management were respected and that the instructions given by the Company to its subsidiaries were coherent with article 114, paragraph 2 of Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998. These tasks were executed thanks to the information collected from the competent functional managers and from meetings with the Audit Company, according to a reciprocal exchange of the significant facts and figures. No significant issues concerning the main subsidiaries emerged from the assessment of the annual reports, annexed to the financial statements and issued by the Boards of Statutory Auditors (where they exist), and from the information sharing with the latter. d) We assessed and verified the adequacy of the internal control system and the administration and accounting system as well as the reliability of the latter to fairly represent operating events. This was achieved through: i) the review of reports issued by the manager responsible for the preparation of the Company’s accounting records according to the provisions stated in article 154-bis of Italian Legislative Decree 58/98; ii) the review of the internal audit reports, as well as the disclosures on the outcome of monitoring activities to check the fulfillment of the corrective actions identified by the audit activity; iii) the review of company documents and the results of the work done by the Audit Company, taking into consideration also the activities performed by the latter in accordance with US Law (Sarbanes Oxley Act); iv) participating to the Control and Risk Committee’s activities and, when it was deemed necessary, dealing with the issues together with the Committee; v) the meetings with the Chief Risk Compliance Officer. From the performed activities, no anomalies arose to be considered as a sign of significant inadequacy of the Internal Control System. e) We looked over and gathered information on the management activities and procedures implemented in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001 regarding the administrative responsibilities of Bodies for the violations mentioned in the aforesaid regulations. The Supervisory Body, set up by the Board of Directors in the meeting of October 27, 2005, and renewed in the meeting of April 27, 2012, reported on the activities developed during the 2012 fiscal year; f) We supervised the actual implementation models of the Code of Conduct promoted by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and adopted by Luxottica Group S.p.A., in accordance with

Consolidated financial statements - BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS REPORT | 189 > article 149, paragraph 1, letter c-bis of Italian Legislative Decree 58/98, and among other things, but not limited to, we checked that the assessment criteria and procedures used by the Board to evaluate the independence of its members were applied correctly. We also verified that the criteria regarding the independence of the members of this Board of Statutory Auditors were respected, as provided for by the Code of Conduct; g) Based on the provisions of article 19 of Italian Legislative Decree of 27 January 2010, no. 39, the Board also reviewed: the financial information process; the statutory audit of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts; the independence of the statutory auditor, paying particular attention to the services provided outside the auditing process. It has to be noted, for what concerns financial information, that the Company also adopted the international accounting principles (IAS/IFRS) in preparing its reports for the Security Exchange Commission of the United States since 2010 fiscal year. No significant problems were found to be remarked; h) We did not find any atypical or unusual transactions that were set with companies of the Group, third parties or related parties. In its Management Report the Board of Directors provided a thorough explanation of the most important transactions of ordinary, economic and financial nature that were undertaken with subsidiary companies and related parties, as well as of the methods for determining the remuneration paid to them. Please refer to this specific report for further information. We also verified that the ordinary operating procedures in force within the Group were arranged in order to assure that the transactions with related parties were concluded according to market conditions; i) On October 25, 2010 the Board of Directors approved the “Procedure on Transactions with Associated Parties” in fulfillment of the Regulation approved by CONSOB resolution no.17221 of March 12, 2010 and subsequent amendments. The Board of Statutory Auditors believes that the procedures adopted by the company comply with the aforesaid principles indicated in the CONSOB Regulation; j) We set meetings with the managers of the Audit Company, also in accordance with article 150, paragraph 2 of Italian Legislative Decree 58/98 for the regulations provided for by the Sarbanes Oxley Act, during which no events or situations emerged that must be highlighted in this report; k) On April 5, 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. issued the opinions without remarks in accordance with article 156 of Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998, for the statutory financial statement for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2012 and the consolidated financial statements of the Group prepared according to IFRS accounting principles. From these opinion letters it emerges that the financial statements represent a true and fair view, in accordance with their respectively accounting principles, of the balance sheet, the financial and economic position, the equity movements and the cash flows as of December 31, 2012. Furthermore, in accordance with article 156, paragraph 4-bis of Italian Legislative Decree 58/98, the Audit Company certified that the Management Report is consistent with the statutory financial statement and the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2012; l) The Board advised on remuneration in accordance with article 2389, paragraph 3, of

Consolidated financial statements - BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS REPORT<br />

| 189 ><br />

article 149, paragraph 1, letter c-bis of Italian Legislative Decree 58/98, and among other<br />

things, but not limited to, we checked that the assessment criteria and procedures used<br />

by the Board to evaluate the independence of its members were applied correctly. We<br />

also verified that the criteria regarding the independence of the members of this Board<br />

of Statutory Auditors were respected, as provided for by the Code of Conduct;<br />

g) Based on the provisions of article 19 of Italian Legislative Decree of 27 January 2010,<br />

no. 39, the Board also reviewed: the financial information process; the statutory audit<br />

of the annual accounts and consolidated accounts; the independence of the statutory<br />

auditor, paying particular attention to the services provided outside the auditing<br />

process. It has to be noted, for what concerns financial information, that the Company<br />

also adopted the international accounting principles (IAS/IFRS) in preparing its reports<br />

for the Security Exchange Commission of the United States since 2010 fiscal year. No<br />

significant problems were found to be remarked;<br />

h) We did not find any atypical or unusual transactions that were set with companies of the<br />

Group, third parties or related parties. In its Management Report the Board of Directors<br />

provided a thorough explanation of the most important transactions of ordinary,<br />

economic and financial nature that were undertaken with subsidiary companies and<br />

related parties, as well as of the methods for determining the remuneration paid to<br />

them. Please refer to this specific report for further information. We also verified that<br />

the ordinary operating procedures in force within the Group were arranged in order to<br />

assure that the transactions with related parties were concluded according to market<br />

conditions;<br />

i) On October 25, 2010 the Board of Directors approved the “Procedure on Transactions<br />

with Associated Parties” in fulfillment of the Regulation approved by CONSOB<br />

resolution no.17221 of March 12, 2010 and subsequent amendments. The Board of<br />

Statutory Auditors believes that the procedures adopted by the company comply with<br />

the aforesaid principles indicated in the CONSOB Regulation;<br />

j) We set meetings with the managers of the Audit Company, also in accordance with<br />

article 150, paragraph 2 of Italian Legislative Decree 58/98 for the regulations provided<br />

for by the Sarbanes Oxley Act, during which no events or situations emerged that must<br />

be highlighted in this report;<br />

k) On April 5, 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. issued the opinions without<br />

remarks in accordance with article 156 of Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998, for the<br />

statutory financial statement for the fiscal year ending on December 31, <strong>2012</strong> and the<br />

consolidated financial statements of the Group prepared according to IFRS accounting<br />

principles. From these opinion letters it emerges that the financial statements represent<br />

a true and fair view, in accordance with their respectively accounting principles, of<br />

the balance sheet, the financial and economic position, the equity movements and<br />

the cash flows as of December 31, <strong>2012</strong>. Furthermore, in accordance with article 156,<br />

paragraph 4-bis of Italian Legislative Decree 58/98, the Audit Company certified that<br />

the Management Report is consistent with the statutory financial statement and the<br />

consolidated financial statements as of December 31, <strong>2012</strong>;<br />

l) The Board advised on remuneration in accordance with article 2389, paragraph 3, of

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