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foaie informativă - Institutul Naţional de Standardizare şi Metrologie


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FI-noiembrie-08<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />


referitoare la literatura intrată în<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

în luna noiembrie 2008<br />


1. Buletinul <strong>de</strong> <strong>Standardizare</strong>, Moldova-Standard<br />

Nr.5/2008<br />

2. Бизнес право<br />

№9/2008<br />

3. Contabilitate şi audit<br />

Nr.11/2008<br />

4. Законодательная и прикладная метрология<br />

№4/2008<br />

5. Молочная промышленность<br />

№10/2008<br />

6. Швейная промышленность<br />

№5/2008<br />

7. Вестник Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию и<br />

метрологии<br />

№10/2008<br />

8. Хлебопродукты<br />

№ 10/2008<br />


1. SM GOST 30722:2008 Pompe <strong>de</strong> foraj cu tije. Tipuri şi parametri <strong>de</strong> bază<br />

2. SM GOST 31274:2008<br />

Zgomot emis <strong>de</strong> maşini. Determinarea nivelurilor <strong>de</strong> putere<br />

(ISO 3741:1999)<br />

acustică ale surselor <strong>de</strong> zgomot utilizînd presiunea acustică.<br />

3. SM GOST 31275:2008<br />

(ISO 3744:1994)<br />

4. SM GOST 31276:2008<br />

(ISO 3743-1:1994,<br />

ISO 3743-2:19)<br />

5. SM GOST 31277:2008<br />

(ISO 3746:1995)<br />

Meto<strong>de</strong> exacte pentru camere <strong>de</strong> reverberaţie<br />

Zgomot emis <strong>de</strong> maşini. Determinarea nivelurilor <strong>de</strong> putere<br />

acustică ale surselor <strong>de</strong> zgomot utilizînd presiunea acustică.<br />

Metoda tehnică într-un cîmp acustic esenţial liber <strong>de</strong>asupra<br />

unui plan reflectant<br />

Zgomot emis <strong>de</strong> maşini. Determinarea nivelurilor <strong>de</strong> putere<br />

acustică ale surselor <strong>de</strong> zgomot utilizînd presiunea acustică.<br />

Meto<strong>de</strong> tehnice pentru surse <strong>de</strong> zgomot mici transportabile în<br />

cîmpuri reverberante în încăperi cu pereţi duri şi în camere<br />

reverberante speciale<br />

Zgomot emis <strong>de</strong> maşini. Determinarea nivelurilor <strong>de</strong> putere<br />

acustică ale surselor <strong>de</strong> zgomot utilizînd presiunea acustică.<br />

Metoda orientativă care utilizează o suprafaţă <strong>de</strong> măsurare<br />

<strong>de</strong>asupra unui plan reflectant<br />

6. SM GOST 31296.2:2008<br />

(ISO 1996-2:2007)<br />

Zgomot. Descrierea, măsurarea şi evaluarea zgomotului pe<br />

teren. Pareta 2: Determinarea nivelurilor prisiunii acustice<br />

7. SM GOST 31304:2008 Servicii <strong>de</strong> întreţinere tehnică a autovehiculelor. Servicii ale<br />

staţiilor <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>servire tehnică. Tipuri <strong>de</strong> servicii, modul <strong>de</strong><br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

prestare şi cerinţe pentru calitatea lor<br />

8. SM GOST EN 30-2-2:2008 Aparate <strong>de</strong> gătit casnice care utilizează combustibili gazoşi.<br />

Partea 2-2: Utilizarea raţională a energiei. Securitatea<br />

aparatelor cu convecţie forţată în cuptoare şi/sau grătare<br />

9. SM GOST ISO 15407-1:2008 Acţionări pneumatice. Distribuitoare pneumatice cu cinci<br />

orificii cu dimensiuni <strong>de</strong> 18 mm şi 26 mm. Partea 1:<br />

Suprafeţe <strong>de</strong> îmbinare ale plăcilor <strong>de</strong> montaj fără conector<br />

electric<br />

10. SM GOST ISO 15407-2:2008 Acţionări pneumatice. Distribuitoare pneumatice cu cinci<br />

orificii cu dimensiuni <strong>de</strong> 18 mm şi 26 mm. Partea 2:<br />

Suprafeţe <strong>de</strong> îmbinare ale plăcilor <strong>de</strong> montaj cu conector<br />

electric<br />

11. SM GOST ISO 8138:2008 Acţionări hidraulice volumice. Cilindri cu tijă unilaterală cu<br />

presiunea 16 MPa (160 bari) - serie compactă. Dimensiuni ale<br />

orificiilor <strong>de</strong> legătură pentru admisiunea lichidului <strong>de</strong> presiune<br />

12. SM GOST ISO 8778:2008 Acţionări pneumatice. Condiţii ale atmosferei normale <strong>de</strong><br />

referinţă<br />

13. SM GOST ISO/CEI 15459-1:2008 I<strong>de</strong>ntificarea automată. I<strong>de</strong>ntificatoare unice internaţionale.<br />

Partea 1: I<strong>de</strong>ntificatoare unice pentru unităţile transportate<br />

14. SM GOST ISO/CEI 15459-2:2008 I<strong>de</strong>ntificare automată. I<strong>de</strong>ntificatoare unice internaţionale.<br />

Partea 2: Modul <strong>de</strong> înregistrare<br />

15. SM GOST R 51318.14.1:2008<br />

(CISPR 14-1:2005)<br />

Compatibilitatea electromagnetică a echipamentului tehnic.<br />

Aparate <strong>de</strong> uz casnic, scule electrice şi dispozitive similare.<br />

Perturbaţii radioelectrice industriale. Norme şi meto<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

măsurare<br />

16. SMV EN 12396-1:2008 Produse alimentare negrase. Determinarea reziduurilor <strong>de</strong><br />

ditiocarbamat şi disulfură <strong>de</strong> tiuram. Partea 1: Metoda<br />

spectrometrică<br />

17. SMV EN 12396-3:2008 Produse alimentare negrase. Determinarea reziduurilor <strong>de</strong><br />

ditiocarbamat şi disulfură <strong>de</strong> tiuram. Partea 3: Metoda<br />

spectrometrică în UV utilizînd xantogenat<br />

18. SMV EN 14103:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> ester şi<br />

ester metilic ai acidului linolenic<br />

19. SMV EN 14104:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea indicelui <strong>de</strong> aciditate<br />

20. SMV EN 14105:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> glicerol<br />

liber şi total şi a mono-, di- şi trigliceri<strong>de</strong>lor (Metoda <strong>de</strong><br />

referinţă)<br />

21. SMV EN 14106:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> glicerol<br />

liber<br />

22. SMV EN 14107:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> fosfor prin<br />

spectrometrie <strong>de</strong> emisie cu plasmă cuplată inductiv (metoda<br />

ICP)<br />

23. SMV EN 14108:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> sodiu prin<br />

spectrometrie <strong>de</strong> absorbţie atomică<br />

24. SMV EN 14109:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> potasiu<br />

prin spectrometrie <strong>de</strong> absorbţie atomică<br />

25. SMV EN 14110:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> metanol<br />

26. SMV EN 14111:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea indicelui <strong>de</strong> iod<br />

27. SMV EN 14112:2008 Produse <strong>de</strong>rivate din grăsimi şi uleiuri. Esteri metilici ai<br />

acizilor graşi (FAME). Determinarea stabilităţii la oxidare<br />

(încercare <strong>de</strong> oxidare accelerată)<br />

28. SMV EN ISO 11816-1:2008 Lapte şi produse lactate. Determinarea activităţii fosfatazei<br />

alcaline. Partea 1: Metoda fluorimetrică pentru lapte şi<br />

băuturi pe bază <strong>de</strong> lapte<br />

29. SMV EN ISO 3727-1:2008 Unt. Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> umiditate, substanţă<br />

uscată negrasă şi grăsime Partea 1: Determinarea<br />

conţinutului <strong>de</strong> umiditate (Metoda <strong>de</strong> referinţă)<br />

30. SMV EN ISO 3727-2:2008 Unt. Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> umiditate, substanţă<br />

uscată negrasă şi grăsime. Partea 2: Determinarea<br />

conţinutului <strong>de</strong> substanţă uscată negrasă (Metoda <strong>de</strong><br />

referinţă)<br />

31. SMV EN ISO 8968-1:2008 Lapte. Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> azot. Partea 1: Metoda<br />

Kjeldahl<br />

32. SMV EN ISO 8968-2:2008 Lapte. Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> azot. Partea 2: Metoda<br />

prin mineralizare în bloc (Metoda macro)<br />

33. SMV EN ISO 8968-4:2008 Lapte. Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> azot. Partea 4:<br />

Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> azot nonproteic<br />

34. SMV EN ISO 8968-5:2008 Lapte. Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> azot. Partea 5:<br />

Determinarea conţinutului <strong>de</strong> azot proteic<br />


1 RGML 02:2008 Sistemul naţional <strong>de</strong> metrologie. Acordarea avizului tehnic <strong>de</strong><br />

înregistrare<br />


1. ГОСТ 123-2008<br />

2. ГОСТ 849-2008<br />

3. ГОСТ 5221-2008<br />

4. ГОСТ 5761-2005<br />

5. ГОСТ 15763-2005<br />

6. ГОСТ 31340-2007<br />

7. ГОСТ 31364-2007<br />

p.11<br />

p.11<br />

p.15<br />

p.17<br />

p.43<br />

p.39<br />

p.19<br />

Кобальт. Технические условия<br />

ICS 77.120.70<br />

Никель первичный. Технические условия<br />

ICS 77.120.040<br />

Проволока из оловянно-цинковой бронзы. Технические<br />

условия<br />

ICS 77.150.30<br />

Клапаны на номинальное давление не более PN 250. Общие<br />

технические условия<br />

ICS 23.060<br />

Соединения трубопроводов резьбовые и фланцевые на РN<br />

(Ру) до 63 МПа (до 630 кгс/см2). Общие технические условия.<br />

ICS 23.04.60<br />

Предупредительная маркировка химической продукции.<br />

Общие требования<br />

ICS 13.100<br />

Стекло с низкоэмиссионным мягким покрытием. Технические<br />

условия<br />

ICS 81.040.20<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />


1. ГОСТ Р 7.0.6-2008<br />

2. ГОСТ Р<br />

p.8<br />

p.49<br />

3. ГОСТ Р 51318.16.1.1-2007<br />

(СИСПР 16-1-1:2006)<br />

p.58<br />

4. ГОСТ Р 51891-2008<br />

()ИСО 1161:1984)<br />

p.31<br />

Система стандартов по информации, библиотечному и<br />

издательскому делу. Международный стандартный номер<br />

издания музыкального произведения (ISMN).<br />

Издательское оформление и использование<br />

ICS 01.140.30<br />

Система стандартов безопасности труда. Средства<br />

индивидуальной защиты глаз. Методы испытаний<br />

оптических и неоптических параметров<br />

ICS 13.340.20<br />

Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная.<br />

Требования к аппаратуре для измерения параметров<br />

индустриальных радиопомех и помехоустойчивости и<br />

методы измерений. Часть 1-1. Аппаратура для измерения<br />

параметров индустриальных радиопомех и<br />

помехоустойчивости и методы измерений. Часть 1-1<br />

ICS 33.100<br />

Контейнеры грузовые серии 1. Фитинги. Технические<br />

условия<br />

ICS 55.180.10<br />

5. ГОСТ Р 51901.14-2007<br />

(МЭК 61078:2006)<br />

6. ГОСТ Р 52808-2007<br />

7. ГОСТ Р 52824-2007<br />

8. ГОСТ Р 52862-2007<br />

(МЭК 60068-2-65:1993)<br />

9. ГОСТ Р 52895-2007<br />

(ИСО 8579-1:2002)<br />

10. ГОСТ Р 52900-2007<br />

11. ГОСТ Р 52930-2008<br />

12. ГОСТ Р 52934-2008<br />

p.28<br />

P.15<br />

P.23<br />

p.27<br />

p.44<br />

P.23<br />

p.27<br />

p.22<br />

Менеджмент риска. Структурная схема надежности и<br />

булевы методы<br />

ICS 03.120.01<br />

Нетрадиционные технологии. Энергетика биоотходов.<br />

Термины и определения<br />

ICS 13.020<br />

Добавки пищевые. Натрия и калия трифосфаты Е451.<br />

Технические условия<br />

ICS 67.220.20<br />

Методы испытаний на стойкость к механическим внешним<br />

воздействующим факторам машин, приборов и других<br />

технических изделий. Испытания на воздействие<br />

акустического шума (вибрация, акустическая<br />

составляющая)<br />

ICS 19.060<br />

Шум машин. Приемочные испытания зубчатых редукторов<br />

на шум<br />

ICS 17.140.20<br />

Шины пневматические для легковых автмобилей и<br />

прицепов к ним. Технические условия<br />

ICS 83.160<br />

Водки, водки особые и вода для их приготовления.<br />

Определение массовой концентрации катионов, аминов,<br />

анионов неорганических и органических кислот методом<br />

капиллярного электрофореза<br />

ICS 67.160.10<br />

Зерновое крахмалосодержащее сырье для производства<br />

этилового спирта. Методы определения массовой доли<br />

сбраживаемых углеводов<br />

ICS 67.160.10<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

13. ГОСТ Р 52939-2008<br />

14. ГОСТ Р 52943-2008<br />

15. ГОСТ Р 52950-2008<br />

16. ГОСТ Р 52952-2008<br />

17. ГОСТ Р 52967-2008<br />

(ИСО 3859:2000)<br />

18. ГОСТ Р ЕН 12916-2008<br />

19. ГОСТ Р ЕН 237-2008<br />

p.12<br />

p.8<br />

p.8<br />

p.8<br />

p.6<br />

p.18<br />

p.11<br />

20. ГОСТ Р ИСО 11095-2007<br />

p.36<br />

21. ГОСТ Р ИСО 13402-2008<br />

p.7<br />

22. ГОСТ Р ИСО 22523-2007<br />

p.70<br />

23. ГОСТ Р ИСО 580-2008<br />

24. ГОСТ Р ИСО 6385-2007<br />

25. ГОСТ Р ИСО 7731-2007<br />

p.10<br />

p.16<br />

p.16<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

Руды железные товарные необогащенные. Общие<br />

технические условия<br />

ICS 73.060.10<br />

Птицеперерабатывающая промышленность. Продукты<br />

переработки яиц сельскохозяйственной птицы пищевые.<br />

Термины и определения<br />

ICS 67.120.20, 01.040.67<br />

Палладий. Метод определения потери массы при<br />

прокаливании<br />

ICS 39.060<br />

Гели косметические. Общие технические условия<br />

ICS 71.100.70<br />

Фрезы для обработки пазов типа «Ласточкин хвост».<br />

Размеры<br />

ICS 25.100.20<br />

Нефтепродукты. Определение типов ароматических<br />

углеводородов в средних дистиллятах. Метод<br />

высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с<br />

детектированием по коэффициенту рефракции<br />

IDT: EN 12916:2006<br />

ICS 75.160.20<br />

Нефтепродукты жидкие. Определение малых<br />

концентраций свинца методом атомно-абсорбционной<br />

спектрометрии<br />

IDT: EN 237:2004<br />

ICS 75.160.20<br />

Статистические методы. Линейная калибровка с<br />

использованием образцов сравнения<br />

IDT: ISO 11095: 1996<br />

ICS 03.120.30<br />

Инструменты хирургические и стоматологические ручные.<br />

Определение устойчивости к автоклавированию,<br />

коррозии и тепловому воздействию. Методы испытаний<br />

IDT: ISO 13402: 1995<br />

ICS 11.060.01<br />

Протезы конечностей и ортезы наружные. Требования и<br />

методы испытаний<br />

IDT: ISO 22523:2006<br />

ICS 11.180.10<br />

Трубопроводы из пластмасс. Детали соединительные<br />

литьевые из термопластов. Методы определения<br />

изменения внешнего вида после прогрева<br />

IDT: ISO 580: 2005<br />

ICS 23.040.45, 83.140.30<br />

Эргономика. Применение эргономических принципов при<br />

проектировании производственных систем<br />

IDT: ISO 6385:2004<br />

ICS 13.180<br />

Эргономика. Сигналы опасности для административных и<br />

рабочих помещений. Звуковые сигналы опасности<br />

IDT: ISO 7731:2003<br />

ICS 13.180<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

26. ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 15459-5-<br />

2008<br />

p.11<br />

27. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60601-1-8-2007<br />

p.61<br />

28. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60605-6-2007<br />

p.31<br />

29. ГОСТ Р МЭК 61508-1-2007<br />

p.50<br />

30. ГОСТ Р МЭК 61508-2-2007<br />

p. 64<br />

31. ГОСТ Р МЭК 61508-7-2007<br />

p. 64<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

Автоматическая идентификация. Идентификаторы<br />

уникальные международные. Часть 5. Уникальные<br />

идентификаторы возвратных транспортных упаковочных<br />

средств<br />

IDT: ISO 7731:2003<br />

ICS 13.180<br />

Изделия медицинские электрические. Часть 1-8. Общие<br />

требования безопасности. Общие требования, испытания<br />

и руководящие указания по применению систем<br />

сигнализации медицинских электрических изделий и<br />

медицинских электрических систем<br />

IDT: IEC 60605-6:2007<br />

ICS 11.040<br />

Надежность в технике. Критерии проверки постоянства<br />

интенсивности отказов и параметра потока отказов<br />

IDT:IEC 60605-6:2007<br />

ICS 03.120.30<br />

Функциональная безопасность систем электрических,<br />

электронных, программируемых электронных, связанных<br />

с безопасностью. Часть 1. Общие требования<br />

IDT: IEC 61508-1:1998<br />

ICS 13.110<br />

Функциональная безопасность систем электрических,<br />

электронных, программируемых электронных, связанных<br />

с безопасностью. Часть 2. Требования к системам<br />

IDT: IEC 61508-2:2000<br />

ICS 13.110:<br />

Функциональная безопасность систем электрических,<br />

электронных, программируемых электронных, связанных<br />

с безопасностью. Часть 7. Методы и средства<br />

IDT: IEC 61508-7:2000<br />

ICS 13.110<br />


1. СТБ 740-2008<br />

11 p<br />

2. СТБ 1832-2008<br />

14 p<br />

3. СТБ 1833-2008<br />

49 p<br />

4. СТБ EN 12158-1-2008<br />

52 P<br />

5. СТБ EN 12158-2-2008<br />

34 P<br />

Изделия похоронного ритуала. Общие технические условия<br />

ICS 03.080.30<br />

Соки плодово-ягодные спиртованные. Общие технические<br />

условия<br />

ICS 67.160.10<br />

Суда внутреннего и смешанного плавания. Требования<br />

безопасности<br />

ICS 47.020<br />

Подъемники строительные грузовые. Часть 1. Подъемники с<br />

доступной платформой<br />

(EN 12158-1:2000, IDT)<br />

ICS 53.020<br />

Подъемники строительные грузовые. Часть 2. Наклонные<br />

подъемники с недоступными грузоподъемниками<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

6. СТБ EN 12952-1-2008<br />

17 P<br />

7. СТБ EN 41003-2008<br />

12 P<br />

8. СТБ IEC 60974-10-2008<br />

25 P<br />

9. СТБ IEC 61204-3-2008<br />

37 P<br />

10. СТБ IEC 61204-2008<br />

25 p<br />

11. СТБ IEC 61230-2008<br />

31 P<br />

12. СТБ IEC 61851-1-2008<br />

35 p<br />

13. СТБ ISO 2602-2008<br />

12 p<br />

14. СТБ ISO 7439-2008<br />

16 P<br />

15. СТБ ISO 7724-1-2008<br />

13 P<br />

16. СТБ ISO 7724-2-2008<br />

14 P<br />

17. СТБ ISO 7724-3-2008<br />

9 P<br />

18. СТБ ISO 10303-21-2008<br />

65 P<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

(EN 12158-2:2000, IDT)<br />

ICS 53.020<br />

Котлы паровые и вспомогательное оборудование. Часть 1.<br />

Общие положения<br />

(EN 12952-1:2001, IDT)<br />

ICS 27.040<br />

Дополнительные требования безопасности к оборудованию,<br />

подключаемому к телекоммуникационным сетям<br />

(EN 41003:1998, IDT)<br />

ICS 33.050.01<br />

Оборудование для дуговой сварки. Часть 10. Требования к<br />

электромагнитной совместимости<br />

(IEC 60974-10:2007, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.160.30<br />

Источники питания постоянного тока низковольтные. Часть 3.<br />

Электромагнитная совместимость<br />

(IEC 61204-3:2000, IDT)<br />

ICS 29.200; 33.100<br />

Источники питания постоянного тока низковольтные. Рабочие<br />

характеристики<br />

(IEC 61204:2001, IDT)<br />

ICS 29.200<br />

Работы, выполняемые под напряжением. Переносное<br />

оборудование для заземления или для заземления и<br />

закорачивания<br />

(IEC 61230:1993, IDT)<br />

ICS 13.260; 29.240.20; 29.260.99<br />

Система зарядки электрических транспортных средств<br />

проводная. Часть 1. Общие требования<br />

(IEC 61851-1:2001, IDT)<br />

ICS 43.120<br />

Статистическая интерполяция результатов испытаний.<br />

Оценивание математического ожидания. Доверительный<br />

интервал<br />

(ISO 2602:1980, IDT)<br />

ICS 03.120.30<br />

Средства внутриматочные противозачаточные<br />

медьсодержащие. Технические требования и методы контроля<br />

(ISO 7439 :2002, IDT)<br />

ICS 11.200<br />

Краски и лаки. Колориметрия. Часть 1. Основные положения<br />

(ISO 7724:1984, IDT)<br />

ICS 17.180.20; 87.040<br />

Краски и лаки. Колориметрия. Часть 2. Цветовые измерения<br />

(ISO 7724-2:1984, IDT)<br />

ICS 17.180.20; 87.040<br />

Краски и лаки. Колориметрия. Часть 3. Расчет цветовых<br />

различий<br />

(ISO 7724-3:1984, IDT)<br />

ICS 17.180.20; 87.040<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 21. Методы реализации. Кодирование открытым<br />

текстом структуры обмена<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

19. СТБ ISO 10303-22-2008<br />

148 P<br />

20. СТБ ISO 10303-42-2008<br />

221 P<br />

21. СТБ ISO 10303-45-2008<br />

33 P<br />

22. СТБ ISO 10303-201-2008<br />

375 p<br />

23. СТБ ISO 10303-202-2008<br />

473 P<br />

24. СТБ ISO 10303-239-2008<br />

328 p<br />

25. СТБ ISO 13697-2008<br />

19 P<br />

26. СТБ ISO/TS 10303-1006-<br />

2008<br />

26 P<br />

27. СТБ ISO/TS 10303-1019-<br />

2008<br />

22 P<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

(ISO 10303-21:2002, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 22. Методы реализации. Стандартный интерфейс<br />

доступа к данным<br />

(ISO 10303-22:1998, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 42. Интегрированные родовые ресурсы. Геометрическое<br />

и топологическое представление<br />

(ISO 10303-42:2003, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 45. Интегрированные обобщенные ресурсы. Материалы<br />

(ISO 10303-45:1998, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 201. Протокол прикладной программы. Точное<br />

изготовление чертежей<br />

(ISO 10303-201:1994, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 202. Протокол прикладной программы. Ассоциативные<br />

чертежи<br />

(ISO 10303-202:1996, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 239. Прикладной протокол. Поддержка жизненного<br />

цикла изделия<br />

(ISO 10303-239:2005, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Оптика и фотоника. Лазеры и относящееся к лазерам<br />

оборудование. Методы испытаний для определения<br />

коэффициентов зеркального отражения и направленного<br />

пропускания оптических лазерных элементов<br />

(ISO 13697:2006, IDT)<br />

ICS 17.180; 31.260<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 1006. Модуль прикладных программ. Базовое<br />

представление<br />

(ISO/TS 10303-1006:2006, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 1019. Модуль прикладных программ. Определение<br />

представления изделия<br />

(ISO/TS10303-1019:2006, IDT)<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

28. СТБ ISO/TS 10303-1127-<br />

2008<br />

26 P<br />

29. СТБ ISO/TS 10303-1128-<br />

2008<br />

21 P<br />

30. СТБ ISO/TS 10303-1134-<br />

2008<br />

22 P<br />

31. СТБ ISO/TS 10303-1164-<br />

2008<br />

32. СТБ ISO/TS 10303-1266-<br />

2008<br />

31 p<br />

33. СТБ ISO/TS 10303-1290-<br />

2008<br />

55 P<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 1127. Модуль прикладных программ. Идентификация<br />

файла<br />

(ISO/TS 10303-1127:2004, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 1128. Модуль прикладных программ. Присваивание<br />

внешних атрибутов обозначения изделия<br />

(ISO/TS 10303-1128:2004, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 1134. Модуль прикладных программ. Структура изделия<br />

(ISO/TS 10303-1134:2004, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 1164. Модуль прикладных программ. Изделие как<br />

отдельный объект<br />

(ISO/TS 10303-1164:2004, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 1266. Модуль прикладных программ. Управление<br />

ресурсами<br />

(ISO/TS 10303-1266:2004, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />

Системы автоматизации производства и их интеграция.<br />

Представление данных об изделии и обмен этими данными.<br />

Часть 1290. Модуль прикладных программ. Управление<br />

документооборотом<br />

(ISO/TS 10303-1290:2004, IDT)<br />

ICS 25.040.40<br />


1 CEN Gui<strong>de</strong> 13:2008 Validation of environmental test methods<br />

2 CEN/TR 15735:2008 Postal services - Quality of service - Distance to access points<br />

ICS 03.240<br />

3 CEN/TR 15775:2008 Child use and care articles - National translations of warnings<br />

and instructions for use in child use and care articles standards<br />

ICS 97.190<br />

4 CEN/TS 15747:2008 Solid recovered fuels - 14C-based methods for the <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

of the biomass content<br />

ICS 75.160.10<br />

5 CEN/TS 99001:2008 Business support - Support services provi<strong>de</strong>d to small<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

enterprises - Terminology, quality and performance<br />

ICS 03.080.20<br />

6 EN 1005-1:2001+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 1:<br />

Terms and <strong>de</strong>finitions<br />

ICS 01.040.13; 13.110; 13.180<br />

7 EN 1005-2:2003+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 2:<br />

Manual handling of machinery and component parts of<br />

Machinery<br />

ICS 13.110; 13.180<br />

8 EN 1005-3:2002+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 3:<br />

Recommen<strong>de</strong>d force limits for machinery operation<br />

ICS 13.110; 13.180<br />

9 EN 1005-4:2005+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 4:<br />

Evaluation of working postures and movements in relation to<br />

Machinery<br />

ICS 13.110; 13.180<br />

10 EN 10083-3:2006/AC:2008 Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 3: Technical <strong>de</strong>livery<br />

conditions for alloy steels<br />

ICS 77.140.10<br />

11 EN 10269:1999/A1:2006/<br />

AC:2008<br />

Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified elevated<br />

and/or low temperature properties<br />

ICS 77.120.40; 77.140.20<br />

12 EN 10324:2004/AC:2008 Steel wire and wire products - Hose reinforcement wire<br />

ICS 77.140.65<br />

13 EN 1114-3:2001+A1:2008 Plastics and rubber machines - Extru<strong>de</strong>rs and extrusion lines -<br />

Part 3: Safety requirements for haul-offs<br />

ICS 83.200<br />

14 EN 1124-3:2008 Pipes and fittings of longitudinally wel<strong>de</strong>d stainless steel pipes<br />

with spigot and socket for waste water systems - Part 3: System<br />

X – Dimensions<br />

ICS 23.040.10; 23.040.40<br />

15 EN 1170-8:2008 Test method for glass-fibre reinforced cement - Part 8: Cyclic<br />

weathering type test<br />

ICS 91.100.40<br />

16 EN 12002:2008 Adhesives for tiles - Determination of transverse <strong>de</strong>formation for<br />

cementitious adhesives and grouts<br />

ICS 91.100.10<br />

17 EN 12003:2008 Adhesive for tiles - Determination of shear adhesion strength of<br />

reaction resin adhesives<br />

ICS 91.100.10<br />

18 EN 12336:2005+A1:2008 Tunnelling machines - Shield machines, thrust boring machines,<br />

auger boring machines, lining erection equipment - Safety<br />

requirements<br />

ICS 91.220; 93.060<br />

19 EN 12385-1:2002+A1:2008 Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 1: General requirements<br />

ICS 77.140.65<br />

20 EN 12409:2008 Plastics and rubber machines - Thermoforming machines -<br />

Safety requirements<br />

ICS 83.200<br />

21 EN 12487:2007/AC:2008 Corrosion protection of metals - Rinsed and non-rinsed<br />

chromate conversion coatings on aluminium and aluminium<br />

alloys<br />

ICS 25.220.40<br />

22 EN 1264-2:2008 Water based surface embed<strong>de</strong>d heating and cooling systems -<br />


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Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

Part 2: Floor heating: Prove methods for the <strong>de</strong>termination of<br />

the thermal output using calculation and test methods<br />

ICS 91.140.10<br />

23 EN 1264-5:2008 Water based surface embed<strong>de</strong>d heating and cooling systems -<br />

Part 5: Heating and cooling surfaces embed<strong>de</strong>d in floors,<br />

ceilings and walls - Determination of the thermal output<br />

ICS 91.140.10<br />

24 EN 12808-1:2008 Grouts for tiles - Part 1: Determination of chemical resistance of<br />

reaction resin mortars<br />

ICS 83.180; 91.100.10<br />

25 EN 12808-2:2008 Grouts for tiles - Part 2: Determination of resistance to abrasion<br />

ICS 91.100.10<br />

26 EN 12808-3:2008 Grouts for tiles - Part 3: Determination of flexural and<br />

compressive strength<br />

ICS 83.180; 91.100.10<br />

27 EN 12808-5:2008 Grouts for tiles - Part 5: Determination of water absorption<br />

ICS 91.100.10<br />

28 EN 12882:2008 Conveyor belts for general purpose use - Electrical and<br />

flammability safety requirements<br />

ICS 53.040.20<br />

29 EN 12983-1:2000/AC:2008 Cookware - Domestic cookware for use on top of a stove, cooker<br />

or hob - Part 1: General requirements<br />

ICS 97.040.60<br />

30 EN 13108-20:2006/AC:2008 Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 20: Type<br />

Testing<br />

ICS 93.080.20<br />

31 EN 13108-21:2006/AC:2008 Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 21: Factory<br />

Production. Control<br />

ICS 93.080.20<br />

32 EN 13126-4:2008 Building hardware - Requirements and test methods for<br />

windows and doors height windows - Part 4: Espagnolettes<br />

ICS 91.190<br />

33 EN 13138-1:2008 Buoyant aids for swimming instruction - Part 1: Safety<br />

requirements and test methods for buoyant aids to be worn<br />

ICS 97.220.40<br />

34 EN 13157:2004/AC:2008 Cranes - Safety - Hand powered lifting equipment<br />

ICS 53.020.20<br />

35 EN 13176:2008 Chemicals used for treatment of water inten<strong>de</strong>d for human<br />

consumption – Ethanol<br />

ICS 71.100.80<br />

36 EN 13218:2002+A1:2008/<br />

AC:2008<br />

Machine tools - Safety - Stationary grinding machines<br />

ICS 25.080.50<br />

37 EN 13297:2007/AC:2008 Textile floor coverings - Classification of needled pile floor<br />

coverings<br />

ICS 59.080.60<br />

38 EN 13329:2006+A1:2008 Laminatbö<strong>de</strong>n - Elemente mit einer Deckschicht auf Basis<br />

aminoplastischer, wärmehärtbarer Harze - Spezifikationen,<br />

Anfor<strong>de</strong>rungen und Prüfverfahren<br />

ICS 97.150<br />

39 EN 13367:2005+A1:2008 Ceramic machines - Safety - Transfer platforms and cars<br />

ICS 81.100<br />

40 EN 13411-1:2002+A1:2008 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 1: Thimbles for<br />

steel wire rope slings<br />

ICS 21.060.70; 53.020.30<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

41 EN 13411-2:2001+A1:2008 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 2: Splicing of<br />

eyes for wire rope slings<br />

ICS 21.060.70; 53.020.30<br />

42 EN 13411-3:2004+A1:2008 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 3: Ferrules and<br />

ferrule-securing<br />

ICS 21.060.70; 53.020.30<br />

43 EN 13411-4:2002+A1:2008 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 4: Metal and<br />

resin socketing<br />

ICS 53.020.30; 77.140.99<br />

44 EN 13411-5:2003+A1:2008 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 5: U-bolt wire<br />

rope grips<br />

ICS 21.060.70; 53.020.30<br />

45 EN 13411-6:2004+A1:2008 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 6: Asymmetric<br />

wedge socket<br />

ICS 21.060.70; 53.020.30<br />

46 EN 13411-7:2006+A1:2008 Terminations for steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 7: Symmetric<br />

wedge socket<br />

ICS 21.060.70; 53.020.30<br />

47 EN 13414-1:2003+A2:2008 Steel wire rope slings - Safety - Part 1: Slings for general lifting<br />

Service<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

48 EN 13414-2:2003+A2:2008 Steel wire rope slings - Safety - Part 2: Specification for<br />

information for use and maintenance to be provi<strong>de</strong>d by the<br />

manufacturer<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

49 EN 13418:2004+A1:2008 Plastics and rubber machines - Winding machines for film or<br />

sheet - Safety requirements<br />

ICS 83.200<br />

50 EN 13445-5:2002 (E) Issue 27 (2007-06)<br />

Issue 27 (2007-06):2008<br />

51 EN 13445-5:2002/A10:2008 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 5: Inspection and testing<br />

ICS 23.020.30<br />

52 EN 13531:2001+A1:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Tip-over protection structure (TOPS)<br />

for compact excavators - Laboratory tests and performance<br />

requirements<br />

(ISO 12117:1997 modified)<br />

ICS 53.100<br />

53 EN 13561:2004+A1:2008 External blinds - Performance requirements including safety<br />

ICS 91.060.50<br />

54 EN 13659:2004+A1:2008 Shutters - Performance requirements including safety<br />

ICS 91.060.50<br />

55 EN 13747:2005+A1:2008 Precast concrete products - Floor plates for floor systems<br />

ICS 91.100.30<br />

56 EN 13757-5:2008 Communication systems for meters and remote reading of<br />

meters - Part 5: Wireless relaying<br />

ICS 33.200; 35.100.10; 35.100.20<br />

57 EN 13757-6:2008 Communication systems for meters and remote reading of<br />

meters - Part 6: Local Bus<br />

ICS 33.200; 35.100.10; 35.100.20<br />

58 EN 13859-1:2005+A1:2008 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Definitions and characteristics<br />

of un<strong>de</strong>rlays - Part 1: Un<strong>de</strong>rlays for discontinuous roofing<br />

ICS 01.040.91; 91.100.50<br />

59 EN 13859-2:2004+A1:2008 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Definitions and characteristics<br />

of un<strong>de</strong>rlays - Part 2: Un<strong>de</strong>rlays for walls<br />


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Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

ICS 01.040.91; 91.100.50<br />

60 EN 13951:2003+A1:2008 Liquid pumps - Safety requirements - Agrifoodstuffs equipment -<br />

Design rules to ensure hygiene in use<br />

ICS 23.080; 67.260<br />

61 EN 13957:2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extru<strong>de</strong>d round, coiled tube<br />

for general applications – Specification<br />

ICS 77.150.10<br />

62 EN 13958:2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cold drawn, round, coiled<br />

tube for general applications – Specification<br />

ICS 77.150.10<br />

63 EN 14017:2005+A1:2008 Agricultural and forestry machinery - Solid fertilizer distributors -<br />

Safety<br />

ICS 65.060.25<br />

64 EN 14267:2004/AC:2008 Irrigation techniques - Irrigation hydrants<br />

ICS 65.060.35<br />

65 EN 14343:2005/AC:2008 Rotary positive displacement pumps - Performance tests for<br />

acceptance<br />

ICS 23.080<br />

66 EN 1434-3:2008 Heat Meters - Part 3: Data exchange and interfaces<br />

ICS 17.200.10<br />

67 EN 1436:2007+A1:2008 Road marking materials - Road marking performance for road<br />

Users<br />

ICS 93.080.30<br />

68 EN 14444:2005/AC:2008 Structural adhesives - Qualitative assessment of durability of<br />

bon<strong>de</strong>d assemblies - Wedge rupture test<br />

(ISO 10354:1992 modified)<br />

ICS 83.180<br />

69 EN 14459:2007/AC:2008 Control functions in electronic systems for gas burners and gas<br />

burning appliances - Methods for classification and assessment<br />

ICS 91.140.40; 97.100.20<br />

70 EN 14545:2008 Timber structures - Connectors – Requirements<br />

ICS 91.080.20<br />

71 EN 14592:2008 Timber structures - Dowel-type fasteners – Requirements<br />

ICS 91.080.20<br />

72 EN 14604:2005/AC:2008 Smoke alarm <strong>de</strong>vices<br />

ICS 13.220.20; 13.320<br />

73 EN 14844:2006+A1:2008 Precast concrete products - Box culverts<br />

ICS 91.100.30<br />

74 EN 15093:2008 Safety of Machinery - Safety requirements for hot flat rolling<br />

mills<br />

ICS 77.180<br />

75 EN 15094:2008 Safety of Machinery - Safety requirements for cold flat rolling<br />

Mills<br />

ICS 77.180<br />

76 EN 15181:2008 Measuring method of the energy consumption of gas fired ovens<br />

ICS 97.040.20<br />

77 EN 15220-1:2008 Railway applications - Brake indicators - Part 1: Pneumatically<br />

operated brake indicators<br />

ICS 45.060.01<br />

78 EN 15258:2008 Precast concrete products - Retaining wall elements<br />

ICS 91.100.30<br />

79 EN 15327-1:2008 Railway applications - Passenger alarm subsystem - Part 1:<br />

General requirements and passenger interface for the passenger<br />

emergency brake system<br />


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ICS 13.320; 45.060.01<br />

80 EN 15355:2008 Railway applications - Braking - Distributor valves and<br />

distributor-isolating <strong>de</strong>vices<br />

ICS 45.060.01<br />

81 EN 15427:2008 Railway applications - Wheel/rail friction management - Flange<br />

lubrication<br />

ICS 21.260; 45.040<br />

82 EN 15564:2008 Precast concrete products - Resin bound concrete -<br />

Requirements and test methods<br />

ICS 91.100.30<br />

83 EN 15613:2008 Knee and elbow protectors for indoor sports – Safety<br />

requirements and test methods<br />

ICS 13.340.40; 13.340.50<br />

84 EN 15619:2008 Rubber or plastic coated fabrics - Safety of temporary structures<br />

(tents) - Specification for coated fabrics inten<strong>de</strong>d for tents and<br />

related structures<br />

ICS 59.080.40; 97.200.30<br />

85 EN 15620:2008 Steel static storage systems - Adjustable pallet racking -<br />

Tolerances, <strong>de</strong>formations and clearances<br />

ICS 53.080<br />

86 EN 15624:2008 Railway applications - Braking - Empty-loa<strong>de</strong>d changeover<br />

Devices<br />

ICS 45.060.01<br />

87 EN 15625:2008 Railway applications - Braking - Automatic variable load sensing<br />

<strong>de</strong>vices<br />

ICS 45.060.01<br />

88 EN 1634-1:2008 Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door, shutter and<br />

openable window assemblies and elements of building hardware<br />

- Part 1: Fire resistance tests for doors, shutters and openable<br />

windows<br />

ICS 13.220.50; 91.060.50<br />

89 EN 474-11:2006+A1:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 11: Requirements for<br />

earth and landfill compactors<br />

ICS 53.100<br />

90 EN 474-12:2006+A1:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 12: Requirements for<br />

cable excavators<br />

ICS 53.100<br />

91 EN 474-2:2006+A1:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Safety - Part 2: Requirements for<br />

tractor-dozers<br />

ICS 53.100<br />

92 EN 485-2:2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Sheet, strip and plate –<br />

Part 2: Mechanical properties<br />

ICS 77.150.10<br />

93 EN 500-2:2006+A1:2008 Mobile road construction machinery - Safety - Part 2: Specific<br />

requirements for road-milling machines<br />

ICS 93.080.10<br />

94 EN 500-3:2006+A1:2008 Mobile road construction machinery - Safety - Part 3: Specific<br />

requirements for soil-stabilising machines and recycling<br />

machines<br />

ICS 93.080.10<br />

95 EN 500-6:2006+A1:2008 Mobile road construction machinery - Safety - Part 6: Specific<br />

requirements for paver-finishers<br />

ICS 93.080.10<br />

96 EN 528:2008 Rail <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt storage and retrieval equipment – Safety<br />


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requirements<br />

ICS 53.080<br />

97 EN 539-2:2006/AC:2008 Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying - Determination of<br />

physical characteristics - Part 2: Test for frost resistance<br />

ICS 91.100.25<br />

98 EN 547-2:1996+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Human body measurements - Part 2:<br />

Principles for <strong>de</strong>termining the dimensions required for access<br />

openings<br />

ICS 13.110; 13.180<br />

99 EN 81-40:2008 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Special<br />

lifts for the transport of persons and goods - Part 40: Stairlifts<br />

and inclined lifting platforms inten<strong>de</strong>d for persons with impaired<br />

mobility<br />

ICS 11.180.10<br />

100 EN 842:1996+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Visual danger signals – General<br />

requirements, <strong>de</strong>sign and testing<br />

ICS 13.110<br />

101 EN 861:2007/AC:2008 Safety of woodworking machines - Surface planing and<br />

thicknessing machines<br />

ICS 79.120.10<br />

102 EN 894-1:1997+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the <strong>de</strong>sign of<br />

displays and control actuators - Part 1: General principles for<br />

human interactions with displays and control actuators<br />

ICS 13.110; 13.180<br />

103 EN 894-2:1997+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the <strong>de</strong>sign of<br />

displays and control actuators - Part 2: Displays<br />

ICS 13.110; 13.180<br />

104 EN 894-3:2000+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the <strong>de</strong>sign of<br />

displays and control actuators - Part 3: Control actuators<br />

ICS 13.100; 13.180<br />

105 EN 894-3:2000+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the <strong>de</strong>sign of<br />

displays and control actuators - Part 3: Control actuators<br />

ICS 13.100; 13.180<br />

106 EN 980:2008 Symbols for use in the labelling of medical <strong>de</strong>vices<br />

ICS 01.080.20; 11.120.01<br />

107 EN 981:1996+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - System of auditory and visual danger and<br />

information signals<br />

ICS 13.110<br />

108 EN ISO 10407-2:2008 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Rotary drilling equipment<br />

- Part 2: Inspection and classification of used drill stem elements<br />

(ISO 10407-2:2008)<br />

ICS 75.180.10<br />

109 EN ISO 10472-1:2008 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 1:<br />

Common requirements<br />

(ISO 10472-1:1997)<br />

ICS 97.060<br />

110 EN ISO 10472-2:2008 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery – Part 2:<br />

Washing machines and washer-extractors<br />

(ISO 10472-2:1997)<br />

ICS 97.060<br />

111 EN ISO 10472-3:2008 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery – Part 3:<br />

Washing tunnel lines including component machines<br />

(ISO10472-3:1997)<br />

ICS 97.060<br />


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112 EN ISO 10472-4:2008 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery – Part 4:<br />

Air dryers<br />

(ISO 10472-4:1997)<br />

ICS 97.060<br />

113 EN ISO 10993-7:2008 Biological evaluation of medical <strong>de</strong>vices - Part 7: Ethylene oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

sterilization residuals<br />

(ISO 10993-7:2008)<br />

ICS 11.100.20<br />

114 EN ISO 11542-2:1998/<br />

AC:2008<br />

115 EN ISO 11562:1997/<br />

AC:2008<br />

Plastics - Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (PE-UHMW)<br />

moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test<br />

specimens and <strong>de</strong>termination of properties<br />

(ISO 11542-2:1998/Cor 1:2007)<br />

ICS 83.080.20<br />

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture:<br />

Profile method - Metrological characteristics of phase correct<br />

filters<br />

(ISO 11562:1996/Cor1:1998)<br />

ICS 17.040.20<br />

116 EN ISO 11806:2008 Agricultural and forestry machinery - Portable hand-held<br />

combustion engine driven brush cutters and grass trimmers -<br />

Safety<br />

(ISO 11806:1997)<br />

ICS 65.060.80<br />

117 EN ISO 12004-1:2008 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Determination of forminglimit<br />

curves - Part 1: Measurement and application of forminglimit<br />

diagrams in the press shop<br />

(ISO 12004-1:2008)<br />

ICS 77.040.10<br />

118 EN ISO 12004-2:2008 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Determination of forminglimit<br />

curves - Part 2: Determination of forming-limit curves in the<br />

laboratory<br />

(ISO 12004-2:2008)<br />

ICS 77.040.10<br />

119 EN ISO 12085:1997/<br />

AC:2008<br />

120 EN ISO 12179:2000/<br />

AC:2008<br />

Geometrical product specification (GPS) - Surface texture:<br />

Profile method - Motif parameters<br />

(ISO 12085:1996/Cor 1:1998)<br />

ICS 17.040.20<br />

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture:<br />

Profile method - Calibration of contact (stylus) instruments<br />

(ISO 12179:2000/Cor 1:2003)<br />

ICS 17.040.30<br />

121 EN ISO 12499:2008 Industrial fans - Mechanical safety of fans – Guarding<br />

(ISO 12499:1999)<br />

ICS 23.120<br />

122 EN ISO 13349:2008 Industrial fans - Vocabulary and <strong>de</strong>finitions of categories<br />

(ISO 13349:1999)<br />

ICS 01.040.23; 23.120<br />

123 EN ISO 13350:2008 Industrial fans - Performance testing of jet fans<br />

(ISO 13350:1999)<br />

ICS 23.120<br />

124 EN ISO 13351:2008 Industrial fans - Dimensions<br />

(ISO 13351:1996)<br />

ICS 23.120<br />

125 EN ISO 13680:2008 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Corrosion-resistant alloy<br />


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seamless tubes for use as casing, tubing and coupling stock -<br />

Technical <strong>de</strong>livery conditions<br />

(ISO 13680:2008)<br />

ICS 77.140.75; 75.180.10<br />

126 EN ISO 13968:2008 Plastics piping and ducting systems - Thermoplastics pipes -<br />

Determination of ring flexibility<br />

(ISO 13968:2008)<br />

ICS 23.040.20<br />

127 EN ISO 14113:2008 Gas welding equipment - Rubber and plastics hose and hose<br />

assemblies for use with industrial gases up to 450 bar (45 MPa)<br />

(ISO 14113:2007)<br />

ICS 83.140.40; 25.160.30<br />

128 EN ISO 14172:2008 Welding consumables - Covered electro<strong>de</strong>s for manual metal<br />

arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys - Classification<br />

(ISO 14172:2008)<br />

ICS 25.160.20<br />

129 EN ISO 14509-1:2008 Small craft - Airborne sound emitted by powered recreational<br />

craft - Part 1: Pass-by measurement procedures<br />

(ISO 14509-1:2008)<br />

ICS 17.140.30; 47.080<br />

130 EN ISO 1736:2008 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of fat<br />

content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)<br />

(ISO 1736:2008)<br />

ICS 67.100.10<br />

131 EN ISO 1737:2008 Evaporated milk and sweetened con<strong>de</strong>nsed milk - Determination<br />

of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)<br />

(ISO 1737:2008)<br />

ICS 67.100.10<br />

132 EN ISO 1854:2008 Whey cheese - Determination of fat content – Gravimetric<br />

method (Reference method)<br />

(ISO 1854:2008)<br />

ICS 67.100.30<br />

133 EN ISO 19115:2005/<br />

AC:2008<br />

Geographic information - Metadata<br />

(ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1:2006)<br />

ICS 35.240.70<br />

134 EN ISO 22854:2008 Liquid petroleum products - Determination of hydrocarbon types<br />

and oxygenates in automotive-motor gasoline - Multidimensional<br />

gas chromatography method<br />

(ISO 22854:2008)<br />

ICS 75.080<br />

135 EN ISO 2450:2008 Cream - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method<br />

(Reference method)<br />

(ISO2450:2008)<br />

ICS 67.100.10<br />

136 EN ISO 25539-1:2008 Cardiovascular implants - Endovascular <strong>de</strong>vices - Part 1:<br />

Endovascular prostheses<br />

(ISO 25539-1:2003 including Amd 1:2005)<br />

ICS 11.040.40<br />

137 EN ISO 3834-5:2005/<br />

AC:2008<br />

Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials -<br />

Part 5: Documents with which it is necessary to conform to<br />

claim conformity to the quality requirements of ISO 3834-2, ISO<br />

3834-3 or ISO 3834-4<br />

(ISO 3834- 5:2005/Cor 1:2007)<br />

ICS 25.160.01<br />


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138 EN ISO 4287:1998/AC:2008 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture:<br />

Profile method - Terms, <strong>de</strong>finitions and surface texture<br />

parameters<br />

(ISO 4287:1997/Cor1:1998/Cor 2:2005)<br />

ICS 17.040; 17.040.20<br />

139 EN ISO 4373:2008 Hydrometry - Water level measuring <strong>de</strong>vices<br />

(ISO 4373:2008)<br />

ICS 17.120.20<br />

140 EN ISO 4611:2008 Plastics - Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat,<br />

water spray and salt mist<br />

(ISO 4611:2008)<br />

ICS 83.080.01<br />

141 EN ISO 5436-2:2001/<br />

AC:2008<br />

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture:<br />

Profile method; Measurement standards - Part 2: Software<br />

measurement standards<br />

(ISO 5436-2:2001/Cor 1:2006/Cor 2:2008)<br />

ICS 17.040.30<br />

142 EN ISO 5801:2008 Industrial fans - Performance testing using standardized airways<br />

(ISO 5801:2007 including Cor 1:2008)<br />

ICS 23.120<br />

143 EN ISO 5802:2008 Industrial fans - Performance testing in situ<br />

(ISO 5802:2001)<br />

ICS 23.120<br />

144 EN ISO 638:2008 Paper, board and pulps - Determination of dry matter content -<br />

Oven-drying method<br />

(ISO 638:2008)<br />

ICS 85.040; 85.060<br />

145 EN ISO 648:2008 Laboratory glassware - Single-volume pipettes<br />

(ISO 648:2008)<br />

ICS 17.060<br />

146 EN ISO 7208:2008 Skimmed milk, whey and buttermilk - Determination of fat<br />

content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)<br />

(ISO 7208:2008)<br />

ICS 67.100.10<br />

147 EN ISO 7328:2008 Milk-based edible ices and ice mixes - Determination of fat<br />

content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)<br />

(ISO 7328:2008)<br />

ICS 67.100.40<br />

148 EN ISO 8041:2005/AC:2008 Human response to vibration - Measuring instrumentation<br />

(ISO 8041:2005/Cor 1:2007)<br />

ICS 13.160<br />

149 EN ISO 8230-1:2008 Safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines - Part 1:<br />

Common safety requirements<br />

(ISO 8230-1:2008)<br />

ICS 97.060<br />

150 EN ISO 8230-2:2008 Safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines - Part 2:<br />

Machines using perchloroethylene<br />

(ISO 8230-2:2008)<br />

ICS 97.060<br />

151 EN ISO 8230-3:2008 Safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines - Part 3:<br />

Machines using combustible solvents<br />

(ISO 8230-3:2008)<br />

ICS 97.060<br />

152 EN ISO 8381:2008 Milk-based infant foods - Determination of fat content -<br />


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Gravimetric method (Reference method)<br />

(ISO 8381:2008)<br />

ICS 67.230<br />

153 EN ISO 9073-16:2008 Textiles - Test methods for nonwovens - Part 16: Determination<br />

of resistance to penetration by water (hydrostatic pressure)<br />

(ISO 9073-16:2007)<br />

ICS 59.080.30<br />

154 EN ISO 9073-5:2008 Textiles - Test methods for nonwovens - Part 5: Determination<br />

of resistance to mechanical penetration (ball burst procedure)<br />

(ISO 9073-5:2008)<br />

155 EN ISO 9308-1:2000/<br />

AC:2008<br />

ICS 59.080.30<br />

Water quality - Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli<br />

and coliform bacteria - Part 1: Membrane filtration method<br />

(ISO 9308-1:2000/Cor 1:2007)<br />

ICS 13.060.30<br />

156 EN ISO 9936:2006/AC:2008 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of tocopherol<br />

and tocotrienol contents by high-performance liquid<br />

chromatography<br />

(ISO 9936:2006/Cor 1:2008)<br />

ICS 67.200.10<br />


1. ISO 10441:2007 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Flexible<br />

couplings for mechanical power transmission -- Special-purpose<br />

applications<br />

2. ISO 105-C12:2004/<br />

Cor 1:2007<br />

Textiles – Tests for colour fastness – Part C12: Colour fastness to<br />

industrial laun<strong>de</strong>ring – Technical Corrigendum 1<br />

3. ISO 12003-1:2008 Agricultural and forestry tractors -- Roll-over protective structures<br />

on narrow-track wheeled tractors -- Part 1: Frontmounted ROPS<br />

4. ISO 12003-2:2008 Agricultural and forestry tractors -- Roll-over protective structures<br />

on narrow-track wheeled tractors -- Part 2: Rearmounted ROPS<br />

5. ISO 12257:2008 Aerospace -- Internal six-lobe drives – Metric series<br />

6. ISO 13628-11:2007 Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Design and operation of<br />

subsea production systems – Part 11: Flexible pipe systems for<br />

subsea and marine applications<br />

7. ISO 13885-1:2008 Bin<strong>de</strong>rs for paints and varnishes -- Gel permeation chromatography<br />

(GPC) -- Part 1: Tetrahydrofuran (THF) as eluent<br />

8. ISO 13988:2008 Passenger vehicle wheels -- Clip balance weight and rim flange<br />

nomenclature, test procedures and performance requirements<br />

9. ISO 14132-5:2008 Optics and photonics -- Vocabulary for telescopic systems – Part 5:<br />

Terms for night vision <strong>de</strong>vices<br />

10. ISO 1496-2:2008 Series 1 freight containers – Specification and testing -- Part 2:<br />

Thermal containers<br />

11. ISO 15181-4:2008 Paints and varnishes -- Determination of release rate of bioci<strong>de</strong>s<br />

from antifouling paints -- Part 4: Determination of<br />

pyridinetriphenylborane (PTPB) concentration in the extract and<br />

calculation of the release rate<br />

12. ISO 15549:2008 Non-<strong>de</strong>structive testing – Eddy current testing – General principles<br />

13. ISO 15706-1:2002/<br />

Amd 1:2008<br />

Information and documentation – International Standard<br />

Audiovisual Number (ISAN) -- Part 1: Audiovisual work i<strong>de</strong>ntifier --<br />

Amendment 1: Alternate encodings and editorial changes<br />

14. ISO 15736:2006 Ships and marine technology -- Pyrotechnic lifesaving appliances --<br />


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Testing, inspection and marking of production units<br />

15. ISO 16282:2007 Methods of test for <strong>de</strong>nse shaped refractory products --<br />

Determination of resistance to abrasion at ambient temperature<br />

16. ISO 16812:2007 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries -- Shell-andtube<br />

heat exchangers<br />

17. ISO 17660-1:2006 Welding -- Welding of reinforcing steel -- Part 1: Loadbearing<br />

wel<strong>de</strong>d joints<br />

18. ISO 17660-2:2006 Welding -- Welding of reinforcing steel -- Part 2: Non load-bearing<br />

wel<strong>de</strong>d joints<br />

19. ISO 19054:2005 Rail systems for supporting medical equipment<br />

20. ISO 20160:2006 Implants for surgery – Metallic materials -- Classification of<br />

microstructures for alpha+beta titanium alloy bars<br />

21. ISO 20776-1:2006 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems –<br />

Susceptibility testing of infectious agents and evaluation of<br />

performance of antimicrobial susceptibility test <strong>de</strong>vices -- Part 1:<br />

Reference method for testing the in vitro activity of antimicrobial<br />

agents against rapidly growing aerobic bacteria involved in<br />

infectious diseases<br />

22. ISO 21068-1:2008 Chemical analysis of silicon-carbi<strong>de</strong>containing raw materials and<br />

refractory products -- Part 1: General information and sample<br />

preparation<br />

23. ISO 21068-2:2008 Chemical analysis of silicon-carbi<strong>de</strong>containing raw materials and<br />

refractory products -- Part 2: Determination of loss on ignition,<br />

total carbon, free carbon and silicon carbi<strong>de</strong>, total and free silica<br />

and total and free silicon<br />

24. ISO 21068-3:2008 Chemical analysis of silicon-carbi<strong>de</strong>containing raw materials and<br />

refractory products -- Part 3: Determination of nitrogen, oxygen<br />

and metallic and oxidic constituents<br />

25. ISO 23717:2006 Steel wire and wire products – Hose reinforcement wire<br />

26. ISO 3451-1:2008 Plastics -- Determination of ash -- Part 1:General methods<br />

27. ISO 5360:2006 Anaesthetic vaporizers -- Agent-specific filling systems<br />

28. ISO 5362:2006 Anaesthetic reservoir bags<br />

29. ISO 5832-5:2005 Implants for surgery – Metallic materials – Part 5: Wrought cobaltchromiumtungsten-<br />

nickel alloy<br />

30. ISO 5834-3:2005 Implants for surgery -- Ultrahigh- molecularweight polyethylene --<br />

Part 3: Accelerated ageing methods<br />

31. ISO 6145-11:2005 Gas analysis -- Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using<br />

dynamic volumetric methods – Part 11: Electrochemical generation<br />

32. ISO 6531:2008 Machinery for forestry – Portable chain-saws – Vocabulary<br />

33. ISO 7112:2008 Machinery for forestry -- Portable brushcutters and grass-trimmers<br />

-- Vocabulary<br />

34. ISO 7267-1:2008 Rubber-covered rollers -- Determination of apparent hardness --<br />

Part 1: IRHD method<br />

35. ISO 7267-2:2008 Rubber-covered rollers -- Determination of apparent hardness --<br />

Part 2: Shoretype durometer method<br />

36. ISO 7540:2006 Ground paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) – Specification<br />

37. ISO 7619-1:2004/<br />

Amd 1:2008<br />

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic -- Determination of in<strong>de</strong>ntation<br />

hardness -- Part 1: Durometer method (Shore hardness) --<br />

Amendment 1: Precision data<br />

38. ISO 7886-4:2006 Sterile hypo<strong>de</strong>rmic syringes for single use -- Part 4: Syringes with<br />

re-use prevention feature<br />

39. ISO 7900:2006 Steel wire and wire products for fences – Zincand zinc-alloycoated<br />

steel barbed wire<br />

40. ISO 7989-1:2006 Steel wire and wire products -- Non-ferrous metallic coatings on<br />


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steel wire -- Part 1: General principles<br />

41. ISO 8068:2006 Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) -- Family T<br />

(Turbines) -- Specification for lubricating oils for turbines<br />

42. ISO 8279:2008 Aerospace -- Nuts, hexagonal, plain, normal height, normal across<br />

flats, with MJ threads, classifications: 600 MPa (at ambient<br />

temperature)/120 <strong>de</strong>grees C, 600 MPa (at ambient<br />

temperature)/235 <strong>de</strong>grees C, 900 MPa (at ambient<br />

emperature)/425 <strong>de</strong>grees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient<br />

temperature)/235 <strong>de</strong>grees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient<br />

temperature)/315 <strong>de</strong>grees C, 1 100 MPa (at ambient<br />

temperature)/650 <strong>de</strong>grees C, 1 210 MPa (at ambient<br />

temperature)/730 <strong>de</strong>grees C, 1 250 MPa (at ambient<br />

temperature)/235 <strong>de</strong>grees C and 1 550 MPa (at ambient<br />

temperature)/600 <strong>de</strong>grees C – Dimensions<br />

43. ISO 8362-7:2006 Injection containers and accessories -- Part 7: Injection caps ma<strong>de</strong><br />

of aluminiumplastics combinations without overlapping plastics part<br />

44. ISO 8502-11:2006 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and<br />

related products -- Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness -<br />

- Part 11: Field method for the turbidimetric <strong>de</strong>termination of<br />

water-soluble sulfate<br />

45. ISO 8502-6:2006 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and<br />

related products -- Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness -<br />

- Part 6: Extraction of soluble contaminants for analysis – The<br />

Bresle method<br />

46. ISO 8536-1:2006 Infusion equipment for medical use -- Part 1: Infusion glass bottles<br />

47. ISO 8871-4:2006 Elastomeric parts for parenterals and for <strong>de</strong>vices for pharmaceutical<br />

use -- Part 4: Biological requirements and test methods<br />

48. ISO 9187-1:2006 Injection equipment for medical use -- Part 1: Ampoules for<br />

injectables<br />

49. ISO/IEC 15444-13:2008 Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system: An<br />

entry level JPEG 2000 enco<strong>de</strong>r -- Part 13:<br />

50. ISO/IEC 9075-1:2008 Information technology – Database languages -- SQL -- Part 1:<br />

Framework (SQL/ Framework)<br />

51. ISO/IEC 9075-10:2008 Information technology – Database languages -- SQL -- Part 10:<br />

Object Language Bindings (SQL/ OLB)<br />

52. ISO/IEC 9075-11:2008 Information technology – Database languages -- SQL -- Part 11:<br />

Information and Definition Schemas (SQL/ Schemata)<br />

53. ISO/IEC 9075-13:2008 Information technology – Database languages -- SQL -- Part 13:<br />

SQL Routines and Types Using the Java TM Programming<br />

Language (SQL/ JRT)<br />

54. ISO/IEC 9075-14:2008 Information technology – Database languages --SQL -- Part 14:<br />

XML-Related Specifications (SQL/XML)<br />

55. ISO/IEC 9075-2:2008 Information technology – Database languages -- SQL -- Part 2:<br />

Foundation (SQL/ Foundation)<br />

56. ISO/IEC 9075-3:2008 Information technology – Database languages -- SQL -- Part 3:<br />

Call-Level Interface (SQL/ CLI)<br />

57. ISO/IEC 9075-4:2008 Information technology – Database languages -- SQL -- Part 4:<br />

Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM)<br />

58. ISO/IEC 9075-9:2008 Information technology – Database languages -- SQL -- Part 9:<br />

Management of External Data (SQL/MED)<br />

59. ISO/TR 22979:2006 Ophthalmic implants – Intraocular lenses -- Guidance on<br />

assessment of the need for clinical investigation of intraocular lens<br />

<strong>de</strong>sign modifications<br />

60. ISO/TS 11135-2:2008 Sterilization of health care products -- Ethylene oxi<strong>de</strong> -- Part 2:<br />


FI-noiembrie-08<br />

Fondul Naţional <strong>de</strong> Documente Normative<br />

Guidance on the application of ISO 11135-1<br />

61. ISO/TS 14823:2008 Traffic and travel information -- Messages via media in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

stationary dissemination systems -- Graphic data dictionary for<br />

retrip and in-trip information dissemination systems<br />

62. ISO/TS 17837:2008 Processed cheese products -- Determination of nitrogen content<br />

and cru<strong>de</strong> protein calculation -- Kjeldahl method<br />

63. ISO/TS 22595-2:2008 Dentistry – Plant area equipment -- Part 2: Compressor systems<br />

64. ISO/TS 23810:2006 Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs -- Checklist for<br />

preoperative extracorporeal circulation equipment setup<br />

65. IWA 5:2006 Emergency preparedness<br />


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