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FI-mai-08<br />

Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

<strong>FOAIE</strong> INFORMATIVĂ<br />

referitoare la literatura intrată în<br />

Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

in luna mai 2008<br />

<strong>DOCUMENTE</strong> <strong>NORMATIVE</strong><br />

1. SM GOST R 51193:2008 Ochelari de corecţie. Condiăii tehnice generale<br />

2. SM GOST R 51580:2008 Lentile de contact moi. Condiţii tehnice generale<br />

3. SM GOST R 51711:2008 Lentile de contact moi colorate. Condiţii tehnice generale<br />

4. SM STB CEI 60335-2-2:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-2: Prescripţii particulare pentru aspiratoare şi aparate<br />

de curăţare cu aspirare de apă<br />

5. SM STB CEI 60335-2-3:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-3: Prescripţii particulare pentru fiare de călcat electrice<br />

6. SM STB CEI 60335-2-4:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-4: Prescripţii particulare pentru storcătoare centrifugale<br />

7. SM STB CEI 60335-2-5:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-5: Prescripţii particulare pentru maşini de spălat vase<br />

8. SM STB CEI 60335-2-6:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-6: Prescripţii particulare pentru maşini de gătit, reşouri,<br />

cuptoare şi aparate similare staţionare<br />

9. SM STB CEI 60335-2-7:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-7: Prescripţii particulare pentru maşini de spălat rufe<br />

10. SM STB CEI 60335-2-8:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-8: Prescripţii particulare pentru aparate electrice de<br />

ras, maşini de tuns şi aparate similare<br />

11. SM STB CEI 60335-2-13:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-13: Prescripţii particulare pentru vase de prăjit în<br />

grăsime, tigăi de prăjit şi aparate similare<br />

12. SM STB CEI 60335-2-14:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-14: Prescripţii particulare pentru aparate de bucătărie<br />

13. SM STB CEI 60335-2-15:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-15: Prescripţii particulare pentru aparate de încălzit<br />

lichide<br />

14. SM STB CEI 60335-2-25:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-25: Prescripţii particulare pentru cuptoare cu<br />

microunde, inclusiv cuptoare cu microunde combinate<br />

15. SM STB CEI 60335-2-28:2008 Aparate electrice pentru uz casnic şi scopuri similare. Securitate.<br />

Partea 2-28: Prescripţii particulare pentru maşini de cusut<br />

16. SM STB CEI 60601-1-1:2008 Aparate electromedicale. Partea 1-1: Cerinţe generale de<br />

securitate. Cerinţe de securitate pentru sisteme electromedicale<br />

17. SM STB CEI 60601-1-2:2008 Aparate electromedicale. Partea 1-2: Cerinţe generale de<br />

securitate. Compatibilitatea electromagnetică. Cerinţe şi metode<br />

de încercări<br />

18. SM STB CEI 60950-1:2008 Echipamente pentru tehnologia informaţiei. Securitate. Partea 1.<br />

Cerinţe generale<br />

19. SMV ISO/CEI 18013-1:2008 Tehnologia informaţiei. Identificarea persoanei. Permis de<br />

conducere conform cu ISO. Partea 1: Caracteristicile fizice şi<br />

setul de date de bază<br />


FI-mai-08<br />

Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />


1. Пищевая промышленность<br />

№ 1/2008, № 2/2008, № 3/2008, №4/2008<br />

2. Calitate şi management<br />

Nr.3//2008<br />

3. Стандарты и качество<br />

№ 4/2008<br />

4. Бизнес право<br />

№4/2008’<br />

5. Contabilitate şi audit<br />

Nr.5/2008,<br />

6. Бухгалтерские и налоговые консультации<br />

№5/2008<br />

7. Молочная промышленность<br />

№4/2008,№5/2008<br />

8. Швейная промышленность<br />

№2/2008<br />

9. Вестник Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию и метрологии<br />

№4/2008<br />

10. Документ Логос Пресс<br />

№ 5/2008<br />

1. ГОСТ 1293.0-2006<br />

p.12<br />

2. ГОСТ 10119-2007<br />

p.11<br />

3. ГОСТ 27259-2006<br />

(ИСО 7096: 2000)<br />

Р.23<br />

4. ГОСТ 30630.1.3-2001<br />

p.29<br />

5. ГОСТ 30881-2002<br />

6. ГОСТ 30886-2002<br />

P.18<br />

p.14<br />


Сплавы свинцово-сурьмянистые. Общие требования к методам<br />

химического анализа<br />

2<br />

ICS 77.120.60<br />

Консервы из сардин атлантических и тихоокеанских в масле.<br />

Технические условия<br />

ICS 67.120.30<br />

Вибрация. Лабораторный метод оценки вибрации, передаваемой<br />

через сиденье оператора машины. Машины землеройные<br />

ICS 13.160, 53.100<br />

Методы испытаний на стойкость к механическим внешним<br />

воздействующим факторам машин, приборов и других<br />

технических изделий. Испытания на воздействие ударов<br />

ICS 19.060<br />

Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная.<br />

Устойчивость к электромагнитным помехам профессио-нальной<br />

аудио-, видео-, аудиовизуальной аппаратуры и аппаратуры<br />

управления световыми приборами для зрелищных мероприятий.<br />

Требования и методы испытаний<br />

ICS 33.100<br />

Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная.<br />

Помехоэмиссия от профессиональной аудио-, видео-, аудиовизуальной<br />

аппаратуры и аппаратуры управления световыми<br />

приборами для зрелищных мероприятий. Нормы и методы<br />

испытаний<br />

ICS 33.100<br />

7. ГОСТ 30889-2002 Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная.

FI-mai-08<br />

Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

8. ГОСТ 31192.1-2004<br />

(ИСО 5349-1: 2001)<br />

9. ГОСТ 31193-2004<br />

(ЕН 1032: 2003)<br />

P.13 Оборудование для дуговой сварки. Требования и методы<br />

испытаний<br />

Р.28<br />

Р.28<br />

10. ГОСТ 31194.1-2004<br />

(ИСО 13090-1:1998)<br />

Р.20<br />

11. ГОСТ 31248-2004<br />

(ИСО 10056:2001)<br />

Р.23<br />

12. ГОСТ 31317.2-2006<br />

(ИСО10326-2:2001)<br />

Р.20<br />

13. ГОСТ 31318-2006<br />

(ЕН 13490:2001)<br />

14. ГОСТ 31321-2006<br />

(ИСО 7475:2002)<br />

15. ГОСТ 31322-2006<br />

(ИСО 8821: 1989)<br />

16.<br />

17.<br />

Р.16<br />

Р.24<br />

Р.19<br />

ГОСТ 31342.1-2007<br />

p.11<br />

ГОСТ 31342.2-2007<br />

p.6<br />

18. ГОСТ 31348-2007<br />

(ИСО 22867:2004)<br />

Р.19<br />

19. ГОСТ 9544-2005<br />

(ИСО 22867: 2001)<br />

Р.15<br />

20. ГОСТ ЕН 10028-1-2007<br />

p.11<br />

21. ГОСТ ЕН 10028-2-2007<br />

p.26<br />

22. ГОСТ ЕН 10028-3-2007<br />

p.16<br />

23. ГОСТ ЕН 10028-4-2007<br />

p.14<br />

Вибрация. Измерение локальной вибрации и оценка ее<br />

воздействия на человека. Часть 1. Общие требования<br />

3<br />

ICS 33.100<br />

ICS 13.160<br />

Вибрация. Определение параметров вибрационной<br />

характеристики самоходных машин. Общие требования<br />

ICS 13.160<br />

Вибрация и удар. Меры безопасности при проведении испытаний<br />

с участием людей. Общие требования<br />

ICS 13.160<br />

Вибрация. Измерение и анализ общей вибрации,<br />

воздействующей на пассажиров и бригаду рельсового<br />

транспортного средства<br />

ICS 13.160, 45.060.01<br />

Вибрация. Лабораторный метод оценки вибрации сидений<br />

транспортных средств. Часть 2. Сиденья железнодорожного<br />

транспорта<br />

ICS 13.160, 53.060<br />

Вибрация. Лабораторный метод оценки вибрации, передаваемой<br />

через сиденье оператора машины. Напольный транспорт<br />

ICS 45.060.01<br />

Вибрация. Станки балансировочные. Ограждения и другие<br />

средства защиты<br />

Вибрация. Требования к балансировке элементов ротора,<br />

собираемых с помощью шпонки<br />

ICS 21.120.40<br />

ICS 21.120.40<br />

Транспортные средства для отдыха АВТОКАРАВАНЫ Часть 1.<br />

Требования к условиям проживания<br />

ICS 43.100<br />

Транспортные средства для отдыха АВТОКАРАВАНЫ Часть 2.<br />

Установка отопительных приборов, работающих на жидком<br />

топливе или сжиженном нефтяном газе<br />

ICS 43.100<br />

Ручные машины. Измерения вибрации на рукоятке. Машины для<br />

лесного хозяйства бензиномоторные<br />

ICS 65.060.80<br />

Арматура трубопроводная запорная. Классы и нормы<br />

герметичности затворов<br />

ICS 23.060<br />

Изделия плоские стальные для использования под давлением.<br />

Часть 1. Общие требования<br />

IDT:EN 10028-1:2000/A1:2002 ICS 77.140.30, 77.140.50<br />

Изделия плоские стальные для использования под давлением.<br />

Часть 2. Нелегированные и легированные стали с точно<br />

установленными свойствами при повышенных температурах<br />

IDT:EN 10028-2:2003 ICS 77.140.30, 77.140.50<br />

Изделия плоские стальные для использования под давлением.<br />

Часть 3. Нормализованные свариваемые мелкозернистые стали<br />

IDT:EN 10028-3:2003 ICS 77.140.30, 77.140.50<br />

Изделия плоские стальные для использования под давлением.<br />

Часть 4. Никельсодержащие стали с установленными свойствами

FI-mai-08<br />

24. ГОСТ ЕН 10028-5-2007<br />

p.14<br />

25. ГОСТ ЕН 10028-6-2007<br />

p.14<br />

26. ГОСТ ЕН 10028-7-2007<br />

p.46<br />

27. ГОСТ ЕН 10269-2007<br />

p.46<br />

28. ГОСТ ИСО 6727-2007<br />

P.7<br />

29. ГОСТ ИСО 6970-2007<br />

P.12<br />

Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

при низкой температуре<br />

IDT:EN 10028-4:2003 ICS 77.140.30, 77.140.50<br />

Изделия плоские стальные для использования под давлением.<br />

Часть 5. Cвариваемые термомеханически обработанные<br />

мелкозернистые стали<br />

IDT:EN 10028-5:2003 ICS 77.140.30, 77.140.50<br />

Изделия плоские стальные для использования под давлением.<br />

Часть 6. Cвариваемые закаленные и отпущенные мелкозернистые<br />

стали<br />

IDT:EN 10028-6:2003 ICS 77.140.30, 77.140.50<br />

Изделия плоские стальные для использования под давлением.<br />

Часть 7. Нержавеющие стали<br />

IDT:EN 10028-7:2000 ICS 77.140.30, 77.140.50<br />

Стали и никелевые сплавы для крепежных изделий с заданными<br />

свойствами при высоких и/или низких температурах.<br />

Технические условия<br />

IDT:EN 10269:1999 ICS 77.140.30, 77.140.20<br />

Транспорт дорожный МОТОЦИКЛЫ Символы для органов<br />

управления, индикаторов и сигнальных устройств<br />

IDT:ISO 6727:1981 ICS 77.140.30, 77.140.50<br />

Мотоциклы и мопеды. Испытания на загрязнение окружающей<br />

среды. Динамометрический стенд<br />

IDT:ISO 6970:1994 ICS 13.040.350, 43.140.<br />

1. ГОСТ Р 12.4.238-2007<br />

2. ГОСТ Р 50763-2007<br />

3. ГОСТ Р 51317.4.11-2007<br />

(МЭК 61000-4-11:2004)<br />

4. ГОСТ Р 51317.4.4-2007<br />

(МЭК 61000-4-4:2004)<br />

5. ГОСТ Р 52350.19-2007<br />

(МЭК 60079-19:2006)<br />

6. ГОСТ Р 52699-2006<br />

7. ГОСТ Р 52797.2-2007<br />

(ИСО 11690-2:1996)<br />


p.31<br />

p.15<br />

P.24<br />

Р.27<br />

Р.42<br />

Р.8<br />

Р.7<br />

Система стандартов безопасности труда. Средства<br />

индивидуальной защиты глаз и лица при сварке и<br />

аналогичных процессах. Общие технические условия<br />

ICS 13.340.20<br />

Услуги общественного питания. Продукция общественного<br />

питания, реализуемая населению. Общие технические<br />

условия<br />

ICS 67.230<br />

Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная.<br />

Устойчивость к провалам, кратковременным прерываниям<br />

и изменениям напряжения электропитания. Требования и<br />

методы испытаний<br />

8. ГОСТ Р 52812-2007 Смеси кормовые. Технические условия<br />

4<br />

ICS 33.100<br />

Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная.<br />

Устойчивость к наносекундным импульсным помехам.<br />

Требования и методы испытаний<br />

ICS 33.100<br />

Взрывоопасные среды. Часть 19. Ремонт, проверка и<br />

восстановление электрооборудования<br />

ICS 29.260.20<br />

Комбикорма. Метод определения альдегидов<br />

ICS 65.120<br />

Акустика. Рекомендуемые методы проектирования<br />

малошумных рабочих мест производственных помещений.<br />

Часть 2. Меры и средства защиты от шума<br />

ICS 13.140

FI-mai-08<br />

9. ГОСТ Р 52817-2007<br />

10. ГОСТ Р 52826-2007<br />

11. ГОСТ Р 52830-2007<br />

(ИСО 7251:2005)<br />

12. ГОСТ Р 52849-2007<br />

13. ГОСТ Р 52853-2007<br />

14. ГОСТ Р 52869-2007<br />

(ЕН 983: 1996)<br />

15. ГОСТ Р 52874-2007<br />

16. ГОСТ Р 52888-2007<br />

17. ГОСТ Р 52896-2007<br />

18. ГОСТ Р 52906-2008<br />

19. ГОСТ Р 52907-2008<br />

20. ГОСТ Р 7.0.47-2008<br />

21. ГОСТ Р ЕН 1609-2008<br />

P.12<br />

22. ГОСТ Р ИСО 10005-2007<br />

23. ГОСТ Р ИСО 10015-2007<br />

Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

Р.8 ICS 65.120<br />

Джемы. Общие технические условия<br />

Р.16<br />

ICS 67.080.10<br />

Спирт этиловый. Спектрофотометрический метод<br />

Р. 12 определения содержания денатурирующих добавок<br />

(битрекса, керосина, бензина)<br />

ICS 67.160.10, 71.080.60<br />

Микробиология пищевых продуктов и кормов. Метод<br />

обнаружения и определения количества презумптивных<br />

P.15 бактерий Escherichia coli. Метод наиболее вероятного числа<br />

ICS 65.120<br />

Автомобильные транспортные средства. Камеры тормозные<br />

Р.19 пневматических приводов. Технические требования и<br />

методы испытаний<br />

ICS 43.040.40<br />

Автомобили легковые. Устройства для защиты от выбросов<br />

Р.6 из-под колес.Технические требования<br />

ICS 43.040. 60<br />

Пневмоприводы. Требования безопасности<br />

ICS 13.100, 23.100<br />

Р.28<br />

Рабочее место для инвалидов по зрению специальное.<br />

Р.12 Порядок разработки и сопровождения<br />

ICS 11.180.01, 03.040<br />

Социальное обслуживание населения. Социальные услуги<br />

Р.11 детям<br />

ICS 03.080<br />

Производство лекарственных средств. Оборудование<br />

Р.16 технологическое для производства твердых лекарственных<br />

форм. Общие требования<br />

ICS 11.040.99<br />

Оборудование авиатопливообеспечения. Общие<br />

Р.41 технические требования<br />

ICS 49.100<br />

Источники электропитания радиоэлектронной аппаратуры.<br />

Р.12<br />

Термины и определения<br />

ICS 29.020<br />

Система стандартов по информации, библиотечному и<br />

Р.12 издательскому делу. Формат для представления на<br />

машиночитаемых носителях словарей информационных<br />

языков и терминологических данных. Содержание записи<br />

ICS 01.140.20<br />

Изделия теплоизоляционные, применяемые в<br />

строительстве. Метод опредения водопоглощения при<br />

кратковременном и частичном погружении<br />

IDT: EN 1609:1996<br />

Менеджмент организации. Руководящие указания по<br />

P.24 планированию качества<br />

IDT: ISO 10005:2005<br />

ICS 03.100.30, 03.120.10<br />

Менеджмент организации. Руководящие указания по<br />

P.19 обучению<br />

IDT: ISO 10015: 1999<br />

ICS 03.100.30, 03.120.10<br />


FI-mai-08<br />

24. ГОСТ Р ИСО 10664-2007<br />

P.11<br />

Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

Углубление звездообразное под ключ для болтов и винтов<br />

IDT: ISO 10664:2005<br />

ICS 21.060.10<br />

25. ГОСТ Р ИСО 11612-2007<br />

26. ГОСТ Р ИСО 15025-2007<br />

P.11<br />

P.16<br />

27. ГОСТ Р ИСО 15202-1-2007<br />

P. 20<br />

28. ГОСТ Р ИСО 6486-2-2007<br />

P.8<br />

29. ГОСТ Р ИСО 7176-3-2007<br />

P. 15<br />

30. ГОСТ Р МЭК 61084-2-2-2007<br />

P.24<br />

Система стандартов безопасности труда. Одежда для<br />

защиты от тепла и пламени. Методы испытаний и<br />

эксплуатационные характеристики теплозащитной одежды<br />

IDT: ISO 11612:1998<br />

ICS 13.340.10<br />

Система стандартов безопасности труда. Одежда<br />

специальная для защиты от тепла и пламени. Метод<br />

испытаний на ограниченное распространение пламени<br />

IDT: ISO 15025: 2000<br />

ICS 13.340.10<br />

Воздух рабочей зоны. Определение содержания металлов и<br />

металлоидов в твердых частицах аэрозоля методом<br />

атомной эмиссионной спектрометрии с индуктивно<br />

связанной плазмой. Часть 1. Отбор проб<br />

IDT: ISO 15202-1:2000<br />

ICS : 13.040.30<br />

Посуда керамическая, стеклокерамическая и стеклянная<br />

столовая, используемая в контакте с пищей. Выделение<br />

свинца и кадмия. Часть 2. Допустимые пределы<br />

IDT: ISO 6486-2:1999<br />

ICS: 81.040.30, 81.060.20<br />

Кресла-коляски. Часть 3. Определение эффективности<br />

действия тормозной системы<br />

IDT: ISO 7176-3:2003<br />

ICS: 11.080.10<br />

Системы кабельных и специальных кабельных коробов для<br />

электрических установок. Часть 2-2. Частные требования.<br />

Системы кабельных и специальных кабельных коробов,<br />

предназначенные для установки под и заподлицо с полом<br />

IDT: IEC 61084-2-2:2003<br />

ICS: 29.120.10<br />




1. СТБ 34.101.30-2007<br />

2. СТБ 363-2007<br />

3. СТБ 797-2007<br />

7 p<br />

14 p<br />

12 p<br />

Информационные технологии. Методы и средства<br />

безопасности. Объекты информатизации. Классификация<br />

ICS 35.040<br />

Элементы надгробий. Общие технические условия<br />

ICS 03.080.30<br />

Услуги похоронные (ритуальные). Общие требования<br />

ICS 03.080.30<br />


FI-mai-08<br />

4. СТБ 948-2007<br />

5. СТБ 1789-2007<br />

6. СТБ 1790-2007<br />

7. СТБ 1791-2007<br />

8. СТБ EN 609-1-2007<br />

9. СТБ EN 50274-2007<br />

5 p<br />

10 p<br />

14 p<br />

114 p<br />

21 p<br />

14 p<br />

10. СТБ IEC 61851-21-2007<br />

17 p<br />

11. СТБ ISO 666-2007<br />

12. СТБ П 34.101.28-2007<br />

13. СТБ П 34.101.29-2007<br />

19 p<br />

8 p<br />

8 p<br />

Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

Материалы и изделия текстильные. Обозначения состава<br />

сырья<br />

ICS 59.080; 61.020<br />

Государственная геодезическая сеть Республики Беларусь.<br />

Пункты государственной геодезической сети Республики<br />

Беларусь. Карточки обследования и восстановления. Форма и<br />

содержание<br />

ICS 07.040<br />

Разработка и постановка алкогольной продукции на<br />

производство. Основные положения<br />

ICS 03.100.40; 67.160.10<br />

Элементы заземления. Общие технические условия<br />

ICS 29.060.10<br />

Машины для сельскохозяйственных работ и лесоводства.<br />

Безопасность машин. Часть 1. Станки дровокольные клиновые<br />

IDT: EN 609-1:1999 ICS 65.060.80; 79.120.10<br />

Низковольтные комплектные устройства распределения и<br />

управления. Защита от поражения электрическим током.<br />

Защита от непреднамеренного прямого контакта с опасными<br />

токоведущими частями<br />

IDT: EN 50274:2002 ICS 13.260; 29.130.20<br />

Проводная система зарядки электрических транспортных<br />

средств. Часть 21. Требования к электрическим транспортным<br />

средствам в части подключения к источнику питания<br />

переменного или постоянного тока<br />

IDT: IEC 61851-21:2001 ICS 43.120<br />

Станки шлифовальные. Крепление фланцевое шлифовальных<br />

кругов ICS<br />

IDT: ISO 666:2006 ICS 25.100.70<br />

Информационные технологии. Средства защиты речевой<br />

информации виброакустические. Классификация и общие<br />

технические требования<br />

ICS 35.020<br />

Информационные технологии. Средства контроля защиты<br />

речевой информации. Общие технические требования<br />

ICS 35.020<br />

1 CEN ISO/TS 17450-1:2007/<br />

AC:2008<br />


Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - General concepts –<br />

Part 1: Model for geometrical specification and verification<br />

(ISO/TS 17450-1:2005/Cor 1:2007)<br />

ICS 17.040.01<br />

2 CEN/TR 15615:2008 Explanation of the general relationship between various<br />

European standards and the Energy Performance of Buildings<br />

Directive (EPBD) - Umbrella Document<br />

ICS 91.140.99<br />

3 CEN/TR 15678:2008 Concrete - Release of regulated dangerous substances into soil,<br />

groundwater and surface water - Test method for new or<br />

unapproved constituents of concrete and for production<br />

concretes<br />

ICS 91.100.30<br />


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4 CEN/TR 15697:2008 Cement - Performance testing for sulfate resistance - State of<br />

the art report<br />

ICS 91.100.10<br />

5 CEN/TR 15709:2008 Hardware for furniture - Terms for slide fittings for sliding doors<br />

and roll fronts<br />

ICS 97.140<br />

6 CEN/TS 13388:2008 Copper and copper alloys - Compendium of compositions and<br />

products<br />

ICS 77.120.30; 77.150.30<br />

7 CEN/TS 15209:2008 Tactile paving surface indicators produced from concrete, clay<br />

and stone<br />

ICS 11.180.30; 93.080.10<br />

8 CEN/TS 15223:2008 Plastics piping systems - Validated design parameters of buried<br />

thermoplastics piping systems<br />

ICS 23.040.01<br />

9 CEN/TS 15324:2008 Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of equiviscous<br />

temperature based on Low Shear Viscosity using a Dynamic<br />

Shear Rheometer in low frequency oscillation mode<br />

ICS 91.100.50<br />

10 CEN/TS 15511:2008 Postal services - Quality of service - Information available on<br />

postal services<br />

ICS 03.240<br />

11 CEN/TS 15717:2008 Parquet flooring - General guideline for installation<br />

ICS 97.150<br />

12 CEN/TS 81-82:2008 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts –<br />

Existing lifts - Part 82: Improvement of the accessibility of<br />

existing lifts for persons including persons with disability<br />

ICS 91.140.90<br />

13 CWA 15740:2008 Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for<br />

European Industry (RIMAP)<br />

ICS 03.100.01<br />

14 CWA 15832:2008 Humanitarian mine action - Follow-on processes after the use of<br />

demining machines.<br />

ICS 95.020<br />

15 CWA 15833:2008 Humanitarian mine action - Quality management – Quality<br />

assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) for mechanical<br />

demining<br />

ICS 95.020<br />

16 EN 10084:2008 Case hardening steels - Technical delivery conditions<br />

ICS 77.140.10<br />

17 EN 10111:2008 Continuously hot rolled low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold<br />

forming - Technical delivery conditions<br />

ICS 77.140.50<br />

18 EN 10216-5:2004/AC:2008 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery<br />

conditions - Part 5: Stainless steel tubes<br />

ICS 77.140.75; 23.040.10<br />

19 EN 1028-2:2002+A1:2008 Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer<br />

- Part 2: Verification of general and safety requirements<br />

ICS 13.220.10<br />

20 EN 1037:1995+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Prevention of unexpected start-up<br />

ICS 13.110<br />

21 EN 1127-2:2002+A1:2008 Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection -<br />

Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining<br />

ICS 13.230; 73.100.01<br />


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22 EN 1159-3:2003/AC:2008 Advanced technical ceramics - Ceramic composites,<br />

thermophysical properties - Part 3: Determination of specific<br />

heat capacity<br />

ICS 81.060.30<br />

23 EN 1173:2008 Copper and copper alloys - Material condition designation.<br />

ICS 77.120.30<br />

24 EN 12077-2:1998+A1:2008 Cranes safety - Requirements for health and safety - Part 2:<br />

Limiting and indicating devices<br />

ICS 53.020.20<br />

25 EN 12273:2008 Slurry surfacing – Requirements<br />

ICS 93.080.20<br />

26 EN 12602:2008 Prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated<br />

concrete<br />

ICS 91.100.30<br />

27 EN 12620:2002+A1:2008 Aggregates for concrete<br />

ICS 91.100.15; 91.100.30<br />

28 EN 12859:2008 Gypsum blocks - Definitions, requirements and test methods.<br />

ICS 91.100.10<br />

29 EN 12881-1:2005+A1:2008 Conveyor belts - Fire simulation flammability testing - Part 1:<br />

Propane burner tests<br />

ICS 13.220.40; 53.040.20<br />

30 EN 12881-2:2005+A1:2008 Conveyor belts - Fire simulation flammability testing - Part 2:<br />

Large scale fire test<br />

ICS 13.220.40; 53.040.20<br />

31 EN 13161:2008 Natural stone test methods - Determination of flexural strength<br />

under constant moment<br />

ICS 73.020; 91.100.15<br />

32 EN 13384-1:2002+A2:2008 Chimneys - Thermal and fluid dynamic calculation methods –<br />

Part 1: Chimneys serving one appliance<br />

ICS 91.060.40<br />

33 EN 13478:2001+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Fire prevention and protection<br />

ICS 13.110; 13.220.01<br />

34 EN 13557:2003+A2:2008 Cranes - Controls and control stations<br />

ICS 53.020.20<br />

35 EN 13586:2004+A1:2008 Cranes. Access<br />

ICS 53.020.20<br />

36 EN 13755:2008 Natural stone test methods - Determination of water absorption<br />

at atmospheric pressure<br />

ICS 73.020; 91.100.15<br />

37 EN 14033-2:2008 Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction and<br />

maintenance machines - Part 2: Technical requirements for<br />

working<br />

ICS 45.120; 93.100<br />

38 EN 14502-2:2005+A1:2008 Cranes - Equipment for the lifting of persons - Part 2: Elevating<br />

control stations<br />

ICS 53.020.20<br />

39 EN 14677:2008 Safety of machinery - Secondary steelmaking - Machinery and<br />

equipment for treatment of liquid steel<br />

ICS 77.180<br />

40 EN 14710-2:2005+A1:2008 Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps without<br />

primer - Part 2: Verification of general and safety requirements<br />

ICS 13.220.10<br />

41 EN 14973:2006+A1:2008 Conveyor belts for use in underground installations – Electrical<br />

and flammability safety requirements<br />


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Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

ICS 13.220.40; 53.040.10<br />

42 EN 15037-1:2008 Precast concrete products - Beam-and-block floor systems –<br />

Part 1: Beams<br />

ICS 91.100.30<br />

43 EN 15435:2008 Precast concrete products - Normal weight and lightweight<br />

concrete shuttering blocks - Product properties and performance<br />

ICS 91.100.30<br />

44 EN 15456:2008 Heating boilers - Electrical power consumption for heat<br />

generators - System boundaries – Measurements<br />

ICS 91.140.10<br />

45 EN 15492:2007 Ethanol as a blending component for petrol - Determination of<br />

inorganic chloride and sulfate content - Ion chromatographic<br />

method<br />

ICS 75.160.20<br />

46 EN 15498:2008 Precast concrete products - Wood-chip concrete shuttering<br />

blocks - Product properties and performance<br />

ICS 91.100.30<br />

47 EN 1677-2:2000+A1:2008 Components for slings - Safety - Part 2: Forged steel lifting<br />

hooks with latch, Grade 8<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

48 EN 1677-3:2001+A1:2008 Components for slings - Safety - Part 3: Forged steel selflocking<br />

hooks - Grade 8<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

49 EN 1710:2005+A1:2008 Equipment and components intended for use in potentially<br />

explosive atmospheres in underground mines<br />

ICS 73.100.30<br />

50 EN 1715-1:2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 1:<br />

General requirements and technical conditions for inspection<br />

and delivery<br />

ICS 77.150.10<br />

51 EN 1715-2:2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 2:<br />

Specific requirements for electrical applications<br />

ICS 77.150.10<br />

52 EN 1715-3:2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 3:<br />

Specific requirements for mechanical uses (excluding welding)<br />

ICS 77.150.10<br />

53 EN 1715-4:2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 4:<br />

Specific requirements for welding applications<br />

ICS 77.150.10<br />

54 EN 1811:1998+A1:2008 Reference test method for release of nickel from products<br />

intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin<br />

ICS 39.060<br />

55 EN 1829-2:2008 High-pressure water jet machines - Safety requirements - Part<br />

2: Hoses, hose lines and connectors<br />

ICS 97.080<br />

56 EN 1912:2004+A2:2008 Structural timber - Strength classes - Assignment of visual<br />

grades and species<br />

ICS 79.040<br />

57 EN 1916:2002/AC:2008 Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and<br />

reinforced<br />

ICS 23.040.50; 93.030<br />

58 EN 1917:2002/AC:2008 Concrete manholes and inspection chambers, unreinforced, steel<br />

fibre and Reinforced<br />

ICS 93.030<br />


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Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

59 EN 1982:2008 Copper and copper alloys - Ingots and castings<br />

ICS 77.150.30<br />

60 EN 2399:2008 Aerospace series - Heat resisting steel FE-PA2601<br />

(X4NiCrTiMoV26-15) - Rm ≥ 900 MPa - Bars for forged bolts - D<br />

≤ 25 mm<br />

ICS 49.025.10<br />

61 EN 3033:2008 Aerospace series - Nuts, self-locking, hexagonal with captive<br />

washer, in heat resisting steel FE-PA2601 (A286), uncoated -<br />

Classification : 1 100 MPa/425 °C<br />

ICS 49.030.30<br />

62 EN 3148:2008 Aerospace series - Shank nuts, self-locking, flange restrained -<br />

Installation procedure<br />

ICS 49.030.30<br />

63 EN 3201:2008 Aerospace series - Holes for metric threaded fasteners – Design<br />

Standard<br />

ICS 49.030.01<br />

64 EN 3293:2008 Aerospace series - Bolts, T-head, close tolerance, medium<br />

thread length, in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-P100HT<br />

(Inconel 718), uncoated - Classification: 1 275 MPa/650 °C<br />

ICS 49.030.20<br />

65 EN 3294:2008 Aerospace series - Bolts, T-head, close tolerance, in heat<br />

resisting nickel base alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy), uncoated for<br />

increased height nuts -Classification: 1 210 MPa/730 °C<br />

ICS 49.030.20<br />

66 EN 3298:2008 Aerospace series - Inserts, thin wall, self-locking – Installation<br />

and removal procedure<br />

ICS 49.030.30<br />

67 EN 3368:2008 Aerospace series - Aerospace design standard - Holes for<br />

locating pins<br />

ICS 49.030.01<br />

68 EN 352-8:2008 Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 8:<br />

Entertainment audio ear-muffs<br />

ICS 13.340.20<br />

69 EN 3630:2008 Aerospace series - Fluid fittings, flanged, straight - Sealing by<br />

Oring for 0,8 mm thick tube<br />

ICS 49.080<br />

70 EN 3635:2008 Aerospace series - Weld lip - Geometrical configuration<br />

ICS 49.080<br />

71 EN 3636:2008 Aerospace series - Screws, reduced pan head, offset cruciform<br />

recess, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting steel<br />

FEPA92HT (A286), silver plated - Classification: 900 MPa/650°C<br />

ICS 49.030.20<br />

72 EN 3660-012:2008 Aerospace series - Cable outlet accessories for circular and<br />

rectangular electrical and optical connectors - Part 012:<br />

Grommet nut, style A for EN 3372 - Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

73 EN 3660-013:2008 Aerospace series - Cable outlet accessories for circular and<br />

rectangular electrical and optical connectors - Part 013: Cable<br />

outlet, style A, straight, unsealed, with cable tie strain relief -<br />

Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

74 EN 3660-014:2008 Aerospace series - Cable outlet accessories for circular and<br />

rectangular electrical and optical connectors - Part 014: Cable<br />

outlet, style A, 90°, unsealed, with cable tie strain relief –<br />


FI-mai-08<br />

Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

75 EN 3660-015:2008 Aerospace series - Cable outlet accessories for circular and<br />

rectangular electrical and optical connectors - Part 015: Cable<br />

outlet, style A, 45°, unsealed, with cable tie strain relief –<br />

Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

76 EN 3660-022:2008 Aerospace series - Cable outlet accessories for circular and<br />

rectangular electrical and optical connectors - Part 022: Cable<br />

outlet, style A, straight, composite, unsealed, with cable tie<br />

strain relief - Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

77 EN 3660-023:2008 Aerospace series - Cable outlet accessories for circular and<br />

rectangular electrical and optical connectors - Part 023: Cable<br />

outlet, style A, 90 , composite, unsealed, with cable tie strain<br />

relief - Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

78 EN 3660-024:2008 Aerospace series - Cable outlet accessories for circular and<br />

rectangular electrical and optical connectors - Part 024:<br />

Grommet nut, style A, composite - Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

79 EN 3685:2008 Aerospace series - Bolts in heat resisting steel FE-PA2601 (A286)<br />

- Classification: 1 100 MPa/650 °C – Technical specification<br />

ICS 49.030.20<br />

80 EN 3710:2008 Aerospace series - Sockets, bi-hexagonal – Technical<br />

Specification<br />

ICS 25.140.30<br />

81 EN 3711:2008 Aerospace series - Wrench-double ended, bi-hexagonal -<br />

Straight, cranked, offset<br />

ICS 25.140.30<br />

82 EN 3717:2008 Aerospace series - Tubes - Selection for engines fluid systems<br />

ICS 49.080<br />

83 EN 3728:2008 Aerospace series - Shaft-nuts, self-locking, left-hand thread, in<br />

heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver plated<br />

ICS 49.030.30<br />

84 EN 3729:2008 Aerospace series - Rings, threaded, self-locking, left-hand<br />

thread, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver plated<br />

ICS 49.030.99<br />

85 EN 3733-002:2008 Aerospace series - Connector, optical, circular, single channel,<br />

coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature 150 °C<br />

continuous - Part 002: List of product standards<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

86 EN 3733-003:2008 Aerospace series - Connector, optical, circular, single channel,<br />

coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature 150 °C<br />

continuous - Part 003: Plug connector for cable according to<br />

EN 4532, product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

87 EN 3733-004:2008 Aerospace series - Connector, optical, circular, single channel,<br />

coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature 150 °C<br />

continuous - Part 004: Receptacle, connector, four hole fixing<br />

cable according to EN 4532, product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

88 EN 3733-006:2008 Aerospace series - Connector, optical, circular, single channel,<br />

coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature 150 °C<br />


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continuous - Part 006: Receptacle, connector, jam nut fixing for<br />

cable according to EN 4532, product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

89 EN 3733-103:2008 Aerospace series - Connector, optical, circular, single channel,<br />

coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature up to 150 °C<br />

continuous - Part 103: Protective cover jam nut receptacle -<br />

Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

90 EN 3733-104:2008 Aerospace series - Connector, optical, circular, single channel,<br />

coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature up to 150 °C<br />

continuous - Part 104: Receptacle connector dummy four holes<br />

fixing - Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

91 EN 3733-105:2008 Aerospace series - Connector, optical, circular, single channel,<br />

coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature up to 150 °C<br />

continuous - Part 105: Receptacle connector dummy two holes<br />

fixing - Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

92 EN 3733-106:2008 Aerospace series - Connector, optical, circular, single channel,<br />

coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature up to 150 °C<br />

continuous - Part 106: Receptacle connector dummy jam nut -<br />

Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

93 EN 3733-108:2008 Aerospace series - Connector, optical, circular, single channel,<br />

coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature up to 150 °C<br />

continuous - Part 108: Cable support boot - Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

94 EN 3745-203:2008 Aerospace series - Fibres and cables, optical, aircraft use – Test<br />

methods - Part 203: Cable dimensions<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

95 EN 3745-602:2008 Aerospace series - Fibres and cables, optical, aircraft use – Test<br />

methods - Part 602: Toxicity<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

96 EN 378-1:2008 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and<br />

environmental requirements - Part 1: Basic requirements,<br />

definitions, classification and selection criteria<br />

ICS 01.040.27; 27.080; 27.200<br />

97 EN 3905:2008 Aerospace series - Six lobe recesses for bolts – Technical<br />

Specification<br />

ICS 49.030.20<br />

98 EN 3915:2008 Aerospace series - Insert, thin wall, self-locking, MJ threads, in<br />

heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-PH2601 (NI-P100HT, Inconel<br />

718), for salvage of components - Classification: 1 275 MPa (at<br />

ambient temperature) / 550 °C - Technical specification<br />

ICS 49.030.99<br />

99 EN 4165-003:2008 Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, rectangular, modular -<br />

Operating temperature 175 °C continuous - Part 003: Modules<br />

series 2 and series 3 - Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

100 EN 4300:2008 Aerospace series - Identification marking of engine items -<br />

Design standard<br />

ICS 49.050<br />

101 EN 4399:2008 Aerospace series - Rings, threaded, self-locking, in heat resisting<br />

steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver plated<br />


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Fondul Naţional de Documente Normative<br />

ICS 49.030.50<br />

102 EN 4493:2008 Aerospace series - Inserts, screw thread, helical coil, selflocking,<br />

in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-PH1801 (NIP96HT,<br />

Nimonic 90), silver plated<br />

ICS 49.030.10<br />

103 EN 4626-002:2008 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular,<br />

multicontact, rack and panel, Quadrax cavity, 2,5 mm diameter<br />

ferrule - Operating temperatures - 65 °C to 125 °C (cable<br />

dependent) - Flush contacts - Part 002: Specification of<br />

performance and contact arrangements<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

104 EN 4626-003:2008 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular,<br />

multicontact, rack and panel, Quadrax cavity, 2,5 mm diameter<br />

ferrule - Operating temperatures - 65 °C to 125 °C (cable<br />

dependent) - Flush contacts - Part 003: Adaptor for plug<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

105 EN 4626-004:2008 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular,<br />

multicontact, rack and panel, Quadrax cavity, 2,5 mm diameter<br />

ferrule - Operating temperatures - 65 °C to 125 °C (cable<br />

dependent) - Flush contacts - Part 004: Adaptor for receptacle<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

106 EN 4626-101:2008 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular,<br />

multicontact, rack and panel, Quadrax cavity, 2,5 mm diameter<br />

ferrule - Operating temperatures - 65 °C to 125 °C (cable<br />

dependent) - Flush contacts - Part 101: Optical contact<br />

(subassembly) for plug - Product standard<br />

ICS 49.060<br />

107 EN 4632-001:2008 Aerospace series - Welded and brazed assemblies for aerospace<br />

constructions - Weldability and brazeability of materials –<br />

Part 001: General requirements<br />

ICS 49.025.01<br />

108 EN 4632-002:2008 Aerospace series - Welded and brazed assemblies for aerospace<br />

constructions - Weldability and brazeability of materials –<br />

Part 002: Homogeneous assemblies aluminium and aluminium<br />

alloys<br />

ICS 49.025.01<br />

109 EN 54-24:2008 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 24: Components of<br />

voice alarm systems – Loudspeakers<br />

ICS 13.310<br />

110 EN 818-1:1996+A1:2008 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 1: General<br />

conditions of acceptance<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

111 EN 818-2:1996+A1:2008 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 2: Medium<br />

tolerance chain for chain slings - Grade 8<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

112 EN 818-3:1999+A1:2008 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 3: Medium<br />

tolerance chain for chain slings - Grade 4<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

113 EN 818-4:1996+A1:2008 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 4: Chain<br />

slings - Grade 8<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

114 EN 818-4:1996+A1:2008 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 4: Chain<br />

slings - Grade 8<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />


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115 EN 818-5:1999+A1:2008 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 5: Chain<br />

slings - Grade 4<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

116 EN 818-6:2000+A1:2008 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 6: Chain<br />

slings - Specification for information for use and maintenance to<br />

be provided by the manufacturer<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

117 EN 818-7:2002+A1:2008 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 7: Fine<br />

tolerance hoist chain, Grade T (Types T, DAT and DT)<br />

ICS 53.020.30<br />

118 EN 9101:2008 Aerospace series - Quality management systems – Assessment<br />

(based on EN ISO 9001:2000)<br />

ICS 03.120.10; 49.020<br />

119 EN ISO 10270:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Aqueous corrosion testing of<br />

zirconium alloys for use in nuclear power reactors<br />

(ISO 10270:1995/Cor 1:1997)<br />

ICS 77.060; 27.120.10<br />

120 EN ISO 10321:2008 Geosynthetics - Tensile test for joints/seams by wide-width strip<br />

method<br />

(ISO 10321:2008)<br />

ICS 59.080.70<br />

121 EN ISO 11303:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Guidelines for selection of<br />

protection methods against atmospheric corrosion<br />

(ISO 11303:2002)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

122 EN ISO 11463:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Evaluation of pitting corrosion<br />

(ISO 11463:1995)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

123 EN ISO 11782-1:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosion fatigue testing – Part<br />

1: Cycles to failure testing<br />

(ISO 11782-1:1998)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

124 EN ISO 11782-2:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosion fatigue testing – Part<br />

2: Crack propagation testing using precracked specimens<br />

(ISO 11782-2:1998)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

125 EN ISO 1179-1:2008 Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud<br />

ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal<br />

sealing - Part 1: Threaded ports<br />

(ISO 1179-1:2007)<br />

ICS 23.100.40<br />

126 EN ISO 1179-2:2008 Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud<br />

ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal<br />

sealing - Part 2: Heavy-duty (S series) and light-duty (L series)<br />

stud ends with elastomeric sealing (type E)<br />

(ISO 1179-2:2007)<br />

ICS 23.100.40<br />

127 EN ISO 1179-3:2008 Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud<br />

ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal<br />

sealing - Part 3: Light-duty (L series) stud ends with sealing by<br />

O-ring with retaining ring (types G and H)<br />

(ISO 1179-3:2007)<br />

ICS 23.100.40<br />

128 EN ISO 1179-4:2008 Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud<br />


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ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal<br />

sealing - Part 4: Stud ends for general use only with metaltometal<br />

sealing (type B)<br />

(ISO 1179-4:2007)<br />

ICS 23.100.40<br />

129 EN ISO 11844-1:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Classification of low corrosivity<br />

of indoor atmospheres - Part 1: Determination and estimation of<br />

indoor corrosivity<br />

(ISO 11844-1:2006)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

130 EN ISO 11844-2:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Classification of low corrosivity<br />

of indoor atmospheres - Part 2: Determination of corrosion<br />

attack in indoor atmospheres<br />

(ISO 11844-2:2005)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

131 EN ISO 11844-3:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Classification of low corrosivity<br />

of indoor atmospheres - Part 3: Measurement of environmental<br />

parameters affecting indoor corrosivity<br />

(ISO 11844-3:2006)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

132 EN ISO 11846:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Determination of resistance to<br />

intergranular corrosion of solution heat-treatable aluminium<br />

alloys<br />

(ISO 11846:1995)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

133 EN ISO 12215-5:2008 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 5: Design<br />

pressures for monohulls, design stresses, scantlings<br />

determination<br />

(ISO 12215-5:2008)<br />

ICS 47.020.10; 47.080<br />

134 EN ISO 12215-6:2008 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 6: Structural<br />

arrangements and details<br />

(ISO 12215-6:2008)<br />

ICS 47.080<br />

135 EN ISO 12732:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Electrochemical potentiokinetic<br />

reactivation measurement using the double loop method (based<br />

on Cihal's method)<br />

(ISO 12732:2006)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

136 EN ISO 14116:2008 Protective clothing - Protection against heat and flame – Limited<br />

flame spread materials, material assemblies and clothing<br />

(ISO 14116:2008)<br />

ICS 13.340.10<br />

137 EN ISO 14159:2008 Safety of machinery - Hygiene requirements for the design of<br />

machinery<br />

(ISO 14159:2002)<br />

ICS 13.110<br />

138 EN ISO 14978:2006/<br />

AC:2008<br />

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - General concepts and<br />

requirements for GPS measuring equipment<br />

(ISO 14978:2006/Cor 1:2008)<br />

ICS 17.040.30<br />

139 EN ISO 15012-2:2008 Health and safety in welding and allied processes -<br />

Requirements, testing and marking of equipment for air filtration<br />

- Part 2: Determination of the minimum air volume flow rate of<br />


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captor hoods and nozzles<br />

(ISO 15012-2:2008)<br />

ICS 25.160.30<br />

140 EN ISO 15324:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Evaluation of stress corrosion<br />

cracking by the drop evaporation test<br />

(ISO 15324:2000)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

141 EN ISO 15329:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Anodic test for evaluation of<br />

intergranular corrosion susceptibility of heat-treatable aluminium<br />

alloys<br />

(ISO 15329:2006)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

142 EN ISO 16000-12:2008 Indoor air - Part 12: Sampling strategy for polychlorinated<br />

biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs),<br />

polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polycyclic aromatic<br />

hydrocarbons (PAHs)<br />

(ISO 16000-12:2008)<br />

ICS 13.040.20<br />

143 EN ISO 16151:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Accelerated cyclic tests with<br />

exposure to acidified salt spray, ''dry'' and ''wet'' conditions<br />

(ISO 16151:2005)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

144 EN ISO 16701:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosion in artificial<br />

atmosphere - Accelerated corrosion test involving exposure<br />

under controlled conditions of humidity cycling and intermittent<br />

spraying of a salt solution<br />

(ISO 16701:2003)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

145 EN ISO 16784-1:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosion and fouling in<br />

industrial cooling water systems - Part 1: Guidelines for<br />

conducting pilot-scale evaluation of corrosion and fouling control<br />

additives for open recirculating cooling water systems<br />

(ISO 16784-1:2006)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

146 EN ISO 16784-2:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosion and fouling in<br />

industrial cooling water systems - Part 2: Evaluation of the<br />

performance of cooling water treatment programmes using a<br />

pilot-scale test rig<br />

(ISO 16784-2:2006)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

147 EN ISO 17081:2008 Method of measurement of hydrogen permeation and<br />

determination of hydrogen uptake and transport in metals by an<br />

electrochemical technique<br />

(ISO 17081:2004)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

148 EN ISO 17475:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Electrochemical test methods.<br />

Guidelines for conducting potentiostatic and potentiodynamic<br />

polarization measurements<br />

(ISO 17475:2005/Cor 1:2006)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

149 EN ISO 17864:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Determination of the critical<br />

pitting temperature under potientiostatic control<br />

(ISO 17864:2005)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />


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150 EN ISO 19131:2008 Geographic information - Data product specifications<br />

(ISO 19131:2007)<br />

ICS 35.240.70<br />

151 EN ISO 19137:2008 Geographic information - Core profile of the spatial schema<br />

(ISO 19137:2007)<br />

ICS 35.240.70<br />

152 EN ISO 19432:2008 Building construction machinery and equipment - Portable,<br />

hand-held, internal combustion engine driven cut-off machines -<br />

Safety requirements and testing<br />

(ISO 19432:2006)<br />

ICS 91.220<br />

153 EN ISO 21079-1:2008 Chemical analysis of refractories containing alumina, zirconia<br />

and silica - Refractories containing 5 percent to 45 percent of<br />

ZrO2 (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method) - Part 1:<br />

Apparatus, reagents and dissolution<br />

(ISO 21079-1:2008)<br />

ICS 81.080; 71.040.40<br />

154 EN ISO 21079-2:2008 Chemical analysis of refractories containing alumina, zirconia,<br />

and silica - Refractories containing 5 percent to 45 percent of<br />

ZrO2 (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method) - Part 2:<br />

Wet chemical analysis<br />

(ISO 21079-2:2008)<br />

ICS 81.080; 71.040.40<br />

155 EN ISO 21079-3:2008 Chemical analysis of refractories containing alumina, zirconia,<br />

and silica - Refractories containing 5 percent to 45 percent of<br />

ZrO2 (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method) - Part 3:<br />

Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) and<br />

inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP -AES)<br />

(ISO 21079-3:2008)<br />

ICS 81.080; 71.040.40<br />

156 EN ISO 21549-5:2008 Health informatics - Patient healthcard data - Part 5:<br />

Identification data<br />

(ISO 21549-5:2008)<br />

ICS 35.240.80<br />

157 EN ISO 21549-6:2008 Health informatics - Patient healthcard data - Part 6:<br />

Administrative data<br />

(ISO 21549-6:2008)<br />

ICS 35.240.80<br />

158 EN ISO 23251:2007/<br />

AC:2008<br />

159 EN ISO 3166-1:2006/<br />

AC:2008<br />

Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Pressurerelieving<br />

and depressuring systems<br />

(ISO 23251:2006/Cor 1:2007)<br />

ICS 75.180.20<br />

Codes for the representation of names of countries and their<br />

subdivisions - Part 1: Country codes<br />

(ISO 3166-1:2006/Cor 1:2007)<br />

ICS 01.140.30<br />

160 EN ISO 7197:2006/AC:2008 Neurosurgical implants - Sterile, single-use hydrocephalus<br />

shunts and components<br />

(ISO 7197:2006/Cor 1:2007)<br />

ICS 11.040.40<br />

161 EN ISO 7539-8:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Stress corrosion testing – Part<br />

8: Preparation and use of specimens to evaluate weldments<br />

(ISO 7539-8:2000)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />


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162 EN ISO 7539-9:2008 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Stress corrosion testing –<br />

Part 9: Preparation and use of pre-cracked specimens for tests<br />

under rising load or rising displacement<br />

(ISO 7539-9:2003)<br />

ICS 77.060<br />

163 EN ISO 9073-9:2008 Textiles - Test methods for nonwovens - Part 9: Determination<br />

of drapability including drape coefficient<br />

(ISO 9073-9:2008)<br />

ICS 59.080.30<br />


1. ISO 10110-7:2008 Optics and photonics -- Preparation of drawings for optical<br />

elements and systems – Part 7: Surface imperfection tolerances<br />

2. ISO 10303-216:2003/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data<br />

representation and exchange -- Part 216: Application protocol: Ship<br />

moulded forms – Technical Corrigendum 1<br />

3. ISO 10675-1:2008 Nondestructive testing of welds – Acceptance levels for<br />

radiographic testing – Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys<br />

4. ISO 10993-12:2007 Biological evaluation of medical devices -- Part 12: Sample<br />

preparation and reference materials (corrected)<br />

5. ISO 11553-2:2007 Safety of machinery -- Laser processing machines – Part 2: Safety<br />

requirements for hand-held laser processing devices (corrected)<br />

6. ISO 11611:2007 Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes<br />

(delayed publication of the French version)<br />

7. ISO 11660-1:2008 Cranes -- Access, guards and restraints -- Part 1: General<br />

8. ISO 11660-3:2008 Cranes -- Access, guards and restraints -- Part 3: Tower Cranes<br />

9. ISO 11783-2:2002/<br />

Amd 1:2006<br />

Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry – Serial control<br />

and Communications data network -- Part 2: Physical layer --<br />

Amendment 1 (delayed publication of the French version)<br />

10. ISO 12643-3:2008 Graphic technology – Safety requirements for graphic technology<br />

equipment and systems -- Part 3: Binding and finishing equipment<br />

and systems<br />

11. ISO 13287:2006 Personal protective equipment -- Footwear -- Test method for slip<br />

resistance (delayed publication of the French version)<br />

12. ISO 13363:2004/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

Rubber and plastics hoses for marine-engine wet-exhaust systems -<br />

- Specification – Technical Corrigendum 1<br />

13. ISO 13726:2008 Hydraulic fluid power -- Single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar)<br />

compact series with bores from 250 mm to 500 mm – Accessory<br />

mounting dimensions<br />

14. ISO 13790:2008 Energy performance of buildings -- Calculation of energy use for<br />

space heating and cooling<br />

15. ISO 14175:2008 Welding consumables -- Gases and gas mixtures for fusion welding<br />

and allied processes<br />

16. ISO 14978:2006/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

17. ISO 15614-1:2004/<br />

Amd 1:2008<br />

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) –General concepts and<br />

requirements for GPS measuring equipment – Technical<br />

Corrigendum 1<br />

Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic<br />

materials – Welding procedure test -- Part 1: Arc and gas welding<br />

of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys --Amendment 1<br />

18. ISO 15878:2008 Road construction and maintenance equipment – Asphalt pavers –<br />

Terminology and commercial specifications<br />

19. ISO 15930-7:2008 Graphic technology – Prepress digital data exchange using PDF --<br />


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Part 7: Complete exchange of printing data (PDF/X-4) and partial<br />

exchange of printing data with external profile reference (PDF/X-<br />

4p) using PDF 1.6<br />

20. ISO 16001:2008 Earth-moving machinery – Hazard detection systems and visual<br />

aids – Performance requirements and tests<br />

21. ISO 16852:2008 Flame arresters – Performance requirements, test methods and<br />

limits for use<br />

22. ISO 1704:2008 Ships and marine technology -- Stud-link anchor chains<br />

23. ISO 17088:2008 Specifications for compostable plastics<br />

24. ISO 17090-1:2008 Health informatics -- Public key infrastructure -- Part 1: Overview of<br />

digital certificate services<br />

25. ISO 17090-2:2008 Health informatics -- Public key infrastructure -- Part 2: Certificate<br />

profile<br />

26. ISO 17090-3:2008 Health informatics -- Public key infrastructure -- Part 3: Policy<br />

management of certification authority<br />

27. ISO 17314:2008 Manually portable forest machinery – Recyclability and<br />

recoverability -- Calculation method<br />

28. ISO 17484-1:2006/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

Plastics piping systems -- Multilayer pipe systems for indoor gas<br />

installations with a maximum operating pressure up to and<br />

including 5 bar (500 kPa) -- Part 1: Specifications for systems –<br />

Technical Corrigendum 1<br />

29. ISO 17615:2007/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

Aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Alloyed ingots for remelting –<br />

Specifications – Technical Corrigendum 1<br />

30. ISO 18434-1:2008 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Thermography<br />

-- Part 1: General procedures<br />

31. ISO 18436-3:2008 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Requirements<br />

for qualification and assessment of personnel -- Part 3:<br />

Requirements for training bodies and the training process<br />

32. ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information -- Web map server interface (delayed<br />

publication of the French version)<br />

33. ISO 19133:2005 Geographic information -- Location-based services -- Tracking and<br />

navigation (delayed publication of the French version)<br />

34. ISO 19135:2005 Geographic information -- Procedures for item registration<br />

(delayed publication of the French version)<br />

35. ISO 20299-3:2008 Film for wrapping rubber bales -- Part 3: Ethylenepropylenediene<br />

rubber (EPDM), acrylonitrilebutadiene rubber (NBR), hydrogenated<br />

nitrilebutadiene rubber (HNBR), acrylicethylene rubber (AEM) and<br />

acrylic rubber (ACM)<br />

36. ISO 20848-1:2006 Packaging -- Plastics drums -- Part 1: Removable head (open head)<br />

drums with a nominal capacity of 113,6 l to 220 l (delayed<br />

publication of the French version)<br />

37. ISO 20848-2:2006 Packaging -- Plastics drums -- Part 2: Nonremovable head (tight<br />

head) drums with a nominal capacity of 208,2 l and 220 l<br />

(delayed publication of the French version)<br />

38. ISO 20848-3:2006 Packaging -- Plastics drums -- Part 3: Plug/bung closure systems<br />

for plastics drums with a nominal capacity of 113,6 l to 220 l<br />

(delayed publication of the French version)<br />

39. ISO 21094:2008 Optics and hotonics – Telescopic systems – Specifications for night<br />

vision devices<br />

40. ISO 21207:2004/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres – Accelerated corrosion<br />

tests involving alternate exposure to corrosionpromoting gases,<br />

neutral salt- spray and drying – Technical Corrigendum 1<br />

41. ISO 24213:2008 Metallic materials -- Sheet and strip -- Method for springback<br />

evaluation in stretch bending<br />


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42. ISO 24233:2008 Tools for moulding – Tool specification sheet fordiecasting dies<br />

43. ISO 26845:2008 Chemical analysis of refractories – General requirements for wet<br />

chemical analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and<br />

inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-<br />

AES) methods<br />

44. ISO 4360:2008 Hydrometry -- Open channel flow measurement using triangular<br />

profile weirs<br />

45. ISO 5145:2004/<br />

Amd 2:2008<br />

Cylinder valve outlets for gases and gas mixtures -- Selection and<br />

dimensioning -- Amendment 2<br />

46. ISO 5489:2008 Ships and marine technology – Embarkation ladders<br />

47. ISO 5519:2008 Fruits, vegetables and derived products – Determination of sorbic<br />

acid content<br />

48. ISO 5667-18:2001/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 18: Guidance on sampling of<br />

groundwater at contaminated sites – Technical Corrigendum 1<br />

49. ISO 6009:1992/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

Hypodermic needles for single use -- Colour coding for<br />

identification – Technical Corrigendum 1<br />

50. ISO 7176-14:2008 Wheelchairs -- Part 14: Power and control systems for electrically<br />

powered wheelchairs and scooters – Requirements and test<br />

methods<br />

51. ISO 7233:2006 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies -- Determination of<br />

resistance to vacuum (delayed publication of the French<br />

version)<br />

52. ISO 8536-1:2006 Infusion equipment for medical use -- Part 1: Infusion glass bottles<br />

(delayed publication of the French version)<br />

53. ISO 9043:2008 Mopeds – Measurement method for moments of inertia<br />

54. ISO 9058:2008 Glass containers – Standard tolerances for bottles<br />

55. ISO 9112:2008 Truck and bus tyres – Methods of measuring tyre rolling<br />

circumference -- Loaded new Tyres<br />

56. ISO 9241-410:2008 Ergonomics of human-system interaction -- Part 410: Design<br />

criteria for physical input devices<br />

57. ISO/IEC 10646:2003/<br />

Amd 3:2008<br />

58. ISO/IEC 13818-1:2007/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

59. ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/<br />

Amd 16:2008<br />

60. ISO/IEC 14709-2:1998/<br />

Amd 1:2005<br />

Information technology – Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character<br />

Set (UCS) -- Amendment 3: Lepcha, Ol Chiki, Saurashtra, Vai and<br />

other characters<br />

Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and<br />

associated audio information: Systems – Part 1: -- Technical<br />

Corrigendum 1<br />

Information technology -- Coding of audiovisual objects -- Part 4:<br />

Conformance testing -- Amendment 16: MPEG-J GFX Conformance<br />

Information technology -- Configuration of customer premises<br />

cabling (CPC) for applications -- Part 2: ISDN primary access --<br />

Amendment 1<br />

61. ISO/IEC 14776-322:2007 Information technology -- Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)<br />

-- Part 322: SCSI Block Commands – 2 (SBC-2)<br />

62. ISO/IEC 15457-1:2008 Identification cards – Thin flexible cards -- Part 1: Physical<br />

characteristics<br />

63. ISO/IEC 15457-3:2008 Identification cards – Thin flexible cards -- Part 3: Test methods<br />

64. ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008 Information technology – Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) -- Part<br />

8: Reference software<br />

65. ISO/IEC 23001-1:2006/<br />

Amd 2:2008<br />

Information technology – MPEG systems technologies -- Part 1:<br />

Binary MPEG format for XML – Amendment 2: Conservation of<br />

prefixes and extensions on encoding of wild cards<br />

66. ISO/IEC 24713-1:2008 Information technology – Biometric profiles for interoperability and<br />

data interchange -- Part 1: Overview of biometric systems and<br />

biometric profiles<br />


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67. ISO/IEC 24778:2008 Information technology – Automatic identification and data capture<br />

techniques -- Aztec Code bar code symbology specification<br />

68. ISO/IEC 7811-8:2008 Identification cards – Recording technique -- art 8: Magnetic stripe<br />

-- Coercivity of 51,7 kA/m (650 Oe)<br />

69. ISO/IEC Guide 77-3:2008 Guide for specification of product properties and classes – Part 3:<br />

Experience gained<br />

70. ISO/TS 14687-2:2008 Hydrogen fuel – Product specification -- Part 2: Proton exchange<br />

membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for road vehicles<br />

71. ISO/TS 21872-1:2007/<br />

Cor 1:2008<br />

Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal method<br />

for the detection of potentially enteropathogenic Vibrio spp. – Part<br />

1: Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae –<br />

Technical Corrigendum 1<br />

72. ISO/TS 24534-3:2008 Automatic vehicle and equipment identification – Electronic<br />

Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles – Part 3: Vehicle data<br />

73. ISO/TS 24534-4:2008 Automatic vehicle and equipment identification – Electronic<br />

Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles – Part 4: Secure<br />

communications using asymmetrical techniques<br />

74. ISO/TS 24534-5:2008 Automatic vehicle and equipment identification – Electronic<br />

Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles – Part 5: Secure<br />

communications using symmetrical techniques<br />

75. ISO/TS 29001:2007 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries -- Sectorspecific<br />

quality management systems -- Requirements for product<br />

and service supply organizations (delayed publication of the<br />

French version)<br />


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