Amino Acid Transport

Amino Acid Transport

Amino Acid Transport

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US ~ epar~ent of Agriculture-~~S and ~epartment of Plant ~iology,<br />

~niversi~ of ~llinois at Urb~na-Champai~n, Urbana, Illinois<br />

*<br />

of the uni~ue features of lants as multicellular organisms is their ability to synthes<br />

from simple inorganic salts and the free ener~y made<br />

tr~sduction reactions of photosyn~esis.<br />

no acids. ~lthoug~ every pla<br />

capacity to assi~late inorganic ni<br />

ly restricted to cells in mature leave<br />

no acids from sites of pri<br />

trogen. I ~ aminoacids ~ s ~ e ~<br />

esis, they are also the precursors of every ~~ogen<br />

luding nucleic acids, gro~th regulators, ~hotosynarray<br />

of other essential compounds. In m ~ y<br />

of ~~ogen me~bolis~ in the plant and underd<br />

bet~een organs is a ~ndamental ~uestio~ in<br />

ids in plants must neces<br />

from the soil solution by the<br />

h onium ions<br />

ssl~lated in the root, or

3 ush<br />

general patterns have been identified (Pate 1980, 1983; Andrews 1986). Temperate perennials<br />

and legumes frequently carry out primary assimilation in the roots, whereas<br />

tropical and subtropical species strongly favor leaf assimilation. Temperate annuals fall<br />

into both categories. Significantly, if high concentrations of nitrate are available in the<br />

soil solution (>1 mM), many species carry out primary assimilation in the leaf. Even<br />

symbiotic nitrogen assimilation is suppressed in the presence of high levels of nitrate<br />

(Harper 1994; Pate 1980).<br />

Once assimilated into amino acids, there are several pathways for the long-distance<br />

transport of reduced nitrogen (Fig. 1). For those plants and conditions in which primary<br />

assimilation occurs in the leaf, amino acids are transported to the heterotrophic tissues<br />

by the phloem-translocation stream. In species that use an apoplastic phloem-loading<br />

mechanism (Bush 1992; Turgeon 1996), this requires the release of amino acids from<br />

mesophyll cells into the apoplastic space, with subsequent loading into the phloem. A<br />

few amino acids (generally a combination of two or more of the following: glutamate,<br />

aspartate, glutamine, asparagine, alanine, and serine) are more concentrated in the<br />

phloem-translocation stream than in the cytoplasm of the mesophyll (Riens et al. 1991;<br />

Winter et al. 1992; Lohaus et al. 1994; Lam et al. 1995). These amino acids must be<br />

actively transported into the phloem (Bush 1993a). In contrast, the measured concentrations<br />

of other amino acids in the phloem suggests they are at or below ~ermodyn~c<br />

equilibrium with the mesophyll and passive transport activity has been suggested (Riens<br />

et al. 199 1; Winter et al. 1992; Lohaus et al. 1994). However, it is important to recognize<br />

that the phloem represents a dynamic pool of amino acids that is rapidly turning over as<br />

pressure-driven mass flow continuously removes the loaded metabolites. Thus, although<br />

snap-shot determinations of amino acid concentrations may implicate passive transport<br />

mechanisms for some amino acids, the kinetics of amino acid turnover suggests that high<br />

rates of transport activity must occur, and passive transport activity, for which the rate<br />

of transport is directly proportional to the concentration difference, may not be rapid<br />

enough to maintain the phloem pools that are quickly flushed away. Given the dynamics<br />

of rapid exchange at the phloem interface, it is not surprising that several high-affinity,<br />

proton-coupled amino acid transporters have been described in plasma membrane vesicles<br />

isolated from mature leaf tissue (Li and Bush 1990, 1991, 1992; Williams et al.<br />

1990, 1992, 1996; Weston et al. 1995). These active transporters can maintain high rates<br />

of flux, even against substantial concentration differences. Nevertheless, evidence for<br />

low levels of facilitated diffusion is also present in membrane vesicles isolated from leaf<br />

tissue (Williams et al. 1990; D. R. Bush unpublished data). Although the participation<br />

of facilitated transporters in phloem loading has yet to be demonstrated, such porters are<br />

likely candidates to play an important role in releasing amino acids from the surrounding<br />

mesophyll cells.<br />

When nitrate or ammonium ions are assimilated in the root, amino acids are transported<br />

to mature leaf tissue in the xylem by the transpiration stream (Pate 1980, 1983).<br />

Because the nitrogen requirement of mature leaves is low, a substantial portion of the<br />

amino acids arriving with the transpiration stream are cycled into the phloem for redistribution<br />

to heterotrophic sinks (see Fig. 1). Cycling amino acids from the xylem to the<br />

phloem in mature leaf tissue is also a fundamental process in symbiotic nitrogen fixation.<br />

For example, atmospheric nitrogen assimilated in the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis is<br />

exported from the root in the transpiration stream as amide amino acids (examples include,<br />

clover and alfalfa) or ureides (mung bean and soybean; Schubert 1986; Winkler<br />

et al, 1988). Even though some of the amide amino acids may be removed from the

<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acid</strong> Import<br />

Developing leaves,<br />

<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acid</strong> Import<br />

<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acid</strong> Cycling<br />

(xylem to phloem)<br />

<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acid</strong> Import<br />

<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acid</strong> Export<br />

Primary ~ssimilation<br />

<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acid</strong> Cycling<br />

(phloem to xylem)<br />

/<br />

<strong>Amino</strong> <strong>Acid</strong> Import<br />

- - = Xylem<br />

Phloem<br />

Figure 1 Schematic presentation of amino acid transport pathways in the plant: <strong>Amino</strong> acids<br />

synthesized in the root from primary assimilation or symbiotic relations are transported to mature<br />

leaf tissue in the xylem (----). <strong>Amino</strong> acids synthesized in the leaf, or arriving from the root in the<br />

xylem, are transported out of the leaf in the phloem (-) to satisfy the needs of heterotrophic<br />

sids. Import-dependent tissues include developing leaves, roots, cortical cells in the stem, seed<br />

and fruits, and apical meristems.<br />

transpiration stream by stem tissues (McNeil et al. 1979; Pate 1983), much of that nitrogen<br />

arrives in mature leaf tissue, from whichit is redistributed by the phloem. The<br />

ureides also arrive in the leaf, but instead of being redistributed in the phloem, they are<br />

catabolized to C02 and (Winkler et al. 1988). Released ammonia is incorporated<br />

into amino acids that are used in leaf metabolism or redistributed to heterotrophic tissues<br />

by the phloem.<br />

Nitrogen cycling between the vascular systems is not restricted to the leaf tissue.<br />

Several lines of evidence show that amino acids can also move from the phloem to the

xylem in the root (Pate 1983; Cooper and Clarkson 1989; Schurr and Schulze 1995).<br />

Thus, cycling amino acids between the two vascular systems in mature leaf and root<br />

tissue (see Fig. 1) permits dynamic adjustments of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in<br />

response to developmental queues or environmental change. For example, the metabolic<br />

needs of the mature root system emphasizes catabolic reactions associated with maintenance<br />

reactions versus the anabolic reactions that drive early growth. Therefore, excess<br />

amino acids transported to the root under these conditions can be redirected to the shoot<br />

for subsequent incorporation into developing seed. Significantly, excess amino acid nitrogen<br />

arriving at the root may also represent a dynamic signal that triggers the downregulation<br />

of nitrate assimilation (Cooper and Clarkson 1989; Crawford 1995; Padgett<br />

and Leonard 1996).<br />

In addition to its role in primary assimilation, amino acid transport is a key process<br />

in leaf senescence and seed germination. In rice, for example, more than 60% of the<br />

amino nitrogen delivered to developing leaves and ears is derived from amino acids<br />

retrieved from senescing older leaves (Mae et al. 1983, 1985; Feller and Fischer 1994).<br />

Likewise, amino acids released from storage proteins during seed ge~nation are the<br />

principal nitrogen source in growing seedlings (Schobert and Komor 1989). Taken together,<br />

it seems clear that amino acids are the currency of nitrogen exchange in the plant.<br />

<strong>Amino</strong> acids are transported into plant cell by proton-coupled symporters that link translocation<br />

across the plasma membrane to the proton-motive force generated by the €I?-<br />

pumping ATPase (Fig. 2; Bush 1993a). These are widely expressed carriers that appear<br />

to be the primary pathways for amino acid transport into plant cells. However, there is<br />

some evidence for facilitated transporters that mediate passive amino acid transport, although<br />

little biochemical and no molecular characterization of such porters has been<br />

published.<br />

The amino acid symporters have been investigated in recent years using purified<br />

membrane vesicles and imposed proton electrochemical potential differences (Bush<br />

1993a). Purified membrane vesicles are a very useful experimental system for studying<br />

membrane transporters. Although membrane transport activity can be examined with<br />

intact cells, there are many complications associated with metabolism and intracellular<br />

comp~mentation that limit experimental interpretation. Additionally, it is difficult to<br />

dissect the bioenergetics of a transport system in intact tissues because of complex interactions<br />

among the primary pumps, ion channels, and other unrelated porters. Isolated<br />

membrane vesicles, on the other hand, allow one to focus on specific transport processes<br />

while minimizing problems associated with the living cell. The major attributes of the<br />

membrane vesicle approach include (1) unequivocal identification of membrane location<br />

using purified vesicles, (2) elimination of posttransport metabolism and compartmentation,<br />

and (3) the ability to control both intra- and extravesiculq solution composition<br />

(Bush 1992). The ability to control solution co~position on both sides of the membrane<br />

is particularly useful for investigating the bioenergetics of the transport process. With<br />

this approach, the basic transport properties of the plant amino acid symporters have<br />

been described (Bush 1993a).<br />

Plant amino acid symporters are electrogenic transporters. Electrogenicity was

Model of amino acid symporter-mediated transport into plant cells: The H+-ATPase<br />

generates a substantial proton electrochemical potential difference (both ApH and AY) that can<br />

drive transport reactions three or four orders of magnitude away from equilibrium. A diagrammatic<br />

representation of the 11 transmembrane domains (TMDs) of NAT2/AAPl is also presented.<br />

demonstrated in isolated membrane vesicles by examining the effect of membrane electrical<br />

potential (AY) on ApH-dependent transport activity. Potassium gradients and valinomycin<br />

were used to manipulate AY. In the absence of compensating charge flow, a low<br />

rate of amino acid flux was observed. When the AY was clamped at zero, transport was<br />

stimulated fourfold, and when a negative AY was imposed, transport was stimulated<br />

sixfold. These data are consistent with an electrogenic transport system that results in<br />

primary charge separation as proton cotransport drives substrate accumulation (Li and<br />

Bush 1990). Similar results were reported for this porter expressed in Xenopus oocytes<br />

(Boorer et al. 1996).<br />

The stoichiometry of H"-amino acid cotransport was recently measured using electrophysiologic~<br />

methods to measure conductance through another plant amino acid symporter<br />

(AAP5) expressed in Xenopus oocytes (Boorer and Fischer 1997). Boorer and<br />

Fischer (1997) used direct measurements of [3H]amino acid uptake and simultaneous<br />

measurements of inward current to show that the stoich~o~etry of the amino acid symporters<br />

is one w' per one amino acid. This held true for the basic, neutral, and acidic<br />

amino acids examined. Because the acidic amino acids also carried one positive charge,<br />

these results suggest they are transported in their neutral forms.<br />

The number of symporters that mediate amino acid transport into higher-plant cells<br />

has yet to be determined. <strong>Transport</strong> competition experiments with isolated membr~e<br />

vesicles provided evidence of at least four amino acid symporters: an acidic amino acid<br />

symporter, a basic amino acid symporter, and two symporters for the neutral amino acids<br />

(Li and Bush 1990, 1991). The neutral amino acid porters were resolved in the competition<br />

experiments because of their differential affinity for isoleucine, valine, threonine,<br />

and proline. A more thorough examination of the kinetics of inter-amino acid transport

competition among the neutral amino acids confirmed the initial conclusion. Li and Bush<br />

(1991) hypothesized that branching at the fharbon in isoleucine, valine, and threonine<br />

results in steric interactions that block their access to one of the neutral porters. More<br />

recently, several amino acid symporters have been cloned, and we now know that many<br />

amino acid symporters are found in the plant (see later discussion).<br />

The ability of various amino acid analogues to compete for transport into purified<br />

membrane vesicles was used to identify molecular determinants that are important for<br />

substrate recognition by the neutral amino acid symporters (Li and Bush 1992). D-ISOmers<br />

of alanine and isoleucine were not effective transport antagonists of the L-isomers,<br />

thereby implicating stereospecificity and suggesting that positional relations between the<br />

a-amino and carboxyl groups is an important parameter in substrate recognition. This<br />

conclusion was supported by the observation that p-alanine and analogues with methylation<br />

at the a-carbon, at the carboxyl group, or at the a-amino group, were not effective<br />

transport antagonists. In contrast, analogues with various substitutions at the distal end<br />

of the amino acid were less potent antagonists. More recently, el~trophysiological investigations<br />

of AAPS expressed in Xenopus oocytes also identified the a-amino and carboxyl<br />

groups, as well as the P-carbon, as important dete~inants in defining substrate<br />

specificity (Boorer and Fischer 1997). Thus, the binding site for the carboxyl end of the<br />

amino acid is a well-defined space that is characterized by compact, asymmetric positional<br />

relations and specific ligand interactions (Li and Bush 1992).<br />

The amino acid symporters are inhibited by carbonyl cyanide ~-chlorophenyl hydrazone<br />

(CCCP) and diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC; Bush and Langston-~nkefer 1988; Li<br />

and Bush 1990). CCCP is a protonophore that inhibits amino acid transport by dissipating<br />

the proton-motive force that drives the symport reaction. DEPC is a small molecule that<br />

forms covalent bonds with the imidazole ring of histidine residues. The time-dependent<br />

inactivation of alanine transport in the presence and absence of amino acids showed that<br />

substrate binding protects the symporter from DEPC inactivation (Fig. 3). This observation<br />

is consistent with DEPC binding at (or at least confo~ationally linked to) the<br />

substrate-binding site of the carrier (Bush and Li 1991; see Bush 1993b, for discussion).<br />

Since histidine residues frequently participate in protonation reactions, this observation<br />

implicates a histidine residue in the reaction mechanism.<br />

Initial efforts to identify the amino acid syrnporters by using standard biochemical strategieswerelargelyunsuccessful.Althoughthiswasoftenquitefrustrating,<br />

it was not<br />

too surprising, given that these are very low-abundance, integral membrane prot6ins.<br />

Fortunately, a novel molecular approach was successfully used to clone several plant<br />

amino acid symporters and biochemical analysis has moved forward using these clones<br />

and a variety of expression systems.<br />

The first plant amino acid symporter cloned was identified using ~nctional complementation<br />

of yeast amino acid transport mutants (Frommer et al. 1993; Wsu et ai.<br />

1993). ~acc~aro~~ces cerevisiae strains that are auxotrophic and transport-deficient for<br />

a specific amino acid were tr~sfo~ed with plant cDNA libraries that are constructed<br />

in yeast expression vectors. Those transformants that successfully expressed an appropriate<br />

plant amino acid symporter were easily identified by screening for growth on low<br />

concentrations of the limiting amino acid. Because these yeast strains are both auxotrophic<br />

and transport-deficient, a simple secondary screen in the absence of the limiting

80<br />

40<br />

8 20<br />

0<br />

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0<br />

ure 3 Time- and concentration-dependent inactivation of proton-coupled alanine transport<br />

into purified plasma membrane vesicles (PMVs) isolated from sugar beet leaf tissue: PMVs were<br />

pretreated with DEPC plus or minus alanine for the indicated times, at which point the reaction<br />

was stopped. The vesicles were pelleted and resuspended in inhibitor-~ee buffer, and transport<br />

activity was measured as described previously (Li and Bush 1990).<br />

amino acid was used to show that growth was dependent on amino acid transport, rather<br />

than complementation of the biosynthetic pathway. This is a powerful approach because<br />

it allows one to clone transporter cDNAs without protein sequence information, and<br />

because it provides a useful expression system for subsequent investigations of the biochemical<br />

properties of the trans~ort protein (Bush 1993a; Tanner and Casper 1996). The<br />

screens used for functional co~ple~entation s~ould also id en ti^ high-affinity facilitated<br />

diffusion transpo~ers. in spite of numerous screens of different expression<br />

libraries in a variety of ast strains, no examples of facilitated transporte~ have<br />

been reported.<br />

The cDNA clone of the first amino acid symporter identi~ed with functional complementation<br />

encoded a protein containing 486 amino acids with a calculated molecul~<br />

mass (MJ of 52.9 kDa (Prommer et al. 1993; Hsu et al. 1993). Hy~opathy analysis of<br />

the deduced amino acid sequence suggests this is a typical hydrophobic membrane protein<br />

with 10 to 12 membrane-spanning domains and three sites of potential N-linked<br />

glycosylation. The transport kinetics, substrate specificity, and inhibitor sensitivity of the<br />

heterologously expressed carrier matched those described for one of the neutral amino<br />

acid symporters ch~acterized in purified membrane vesicles (Li and ush 1991). Hsu et<br />

al. (1993) designated this gene ~A~ for neutral amino acid transporter TI, and Prommer<br />

et al. (1993) termed it ~~~. No homologues were identi~ed in the databases, suggesting<br />

that this plant amino acid sympo~er was the first example of a new class of tr~s~rters.

Fromer’s group identified five additional amino acid transporters (AAP2-AAP6)<br />

that are closely related to NAT2/AAPl (Kwart et al, 1993; Fischer et al. 1995; Rentsch<br />

et al. 1996). They are similar in size and predicted topology, and sequence homologies<br />

range from 70 to 95% amino acid si~larity, thus providing good evidence that these<br />

clones represent a family of amino acid translocators (Fischer et al. 1995; Rentsch et al.<br />

1996). As might be expected for a gene family within a given organism, these porters are<br />

differentiated by a combination of unique expression patterns and substrate specificities.<br />

Individually, the AAP transporters have broad substrate specificity, although each exhibits<br />

some preference (lower Km or higher Yma) for certain classes of amino acids. For<br />

example, AAP4 is particularly active for valine and proline, whereas AAP5 is an effective<br />

lysine transporter (Fischer et al, 1995). Within the family, however., there appears to<br />

be some redundancy, for AAP1, AAP2, AAP4, and Asup6 share similar patterns of substrate<br />

specificity, whereas AM3 and AN5 are similar (Fischer et al. 1995; Rentsch et<br />

al. 1996).<br />

Although similar substrate specificity could lead to widespread functional redundancies<br />

between the AAPs., differential expression patterns appear to separate the various<br />

AAI? gene products from one another. For example, AAPS and AAPlNAT2 are widely<br />

expressed in all tissues, whereas AAP3 expression is restricted to the root (Fischer et al.<br />

1995). Moreover, even when related AAPs are expressed in the same organ, they can be<br />

functionally isolated by restricting expression to different cell types within that organ.<br />

Four other classes of plant amino acid transporters have been cloned that are not<br />

members of the AAP gene family. Two of them are basic amino acid ~anspo~ers that<br />

were also cloned by functional complementation: UTI encodes a lysine and arginine<br />

transpo~er that has 533 amino acids and 14 putative transmembrane domains (Frommer<br />

et al. 1995). It is a single-copy gene in ~r~bi~o~sis and sequence alignments suggest it<br />

is closely related to a human basic amino acid transporter (Yoshimoto et al. 1991; Christensen<br />

1992). The second basic amino acid transporter cloned is LHTl (Chen and Bush,<br />

1997). It is a lysine and histidine transporter that contains 446 amino acids and 9-10<br />

transmembrane domains. In contrast to AATl , LHTl does not transport arginine. RNA<br />

gel blot analysis and whole-mount in situ hybridization indicate that LHTl is most<br />

strongly expressed in pollen, siliques, and on the root surface. AATl is most strongly<br />

expressed in vascular tissue and flowers (Frornmer et al. 1995). The expression patterns<br />

of LHTl and UT1 complement one another, suggesting ~HTl may be involved in<br />

amino acid acquisition, whereas AATl may contribute to long-distance transpo~. In<br />

addition to these basic amino acid transporters, an aromatic amino acid transporter has<br />

also been recently characterized.<br />

An aromatic amino acid transporter was identified using functional expression of<br />

an EST cDNA that exhibited low levels of sequence homology to NAT2/AAPl (L. Chen<br />

and D. R. Bush, unpublished data). The cDNA is 1.6 kb, with an open-reading frame<br />

that codes for a protein with 432 amino acids and a calculated M, of 50 ma. Hy~opathy<br />

analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence suggests this is an integral membrane protein<br />

with 11 putative transmembrane domains. This protein exhibits sequence si~l~ty<br />

with AUX1 (a putative auxin transporter; Bennett et al. 1996) and to tryptophan and<br />

tyrosine translocators in E. coli (Wookey and Pittard 1988; Sarsero et al. 1991; Heatwole<br />

and Somerville 1991). RNA gel blot analysis has shown that this transporter is expressed<br />

at very low levels and that it is in all tissues. Whole-mount in situ hybridization further<br />

localized ART1 expression on the surface of roots and leaves and in young seedlings

and in stomata. Overall, ART1 belongs to<br />

favors aromatic amino acids and, perhaps,<br />

Chen and D. R. Bush, unpublished data).<br />

Two proline transporters have also<br />

a new class of amino acid transporter that<br />

to other aromatic compounds in plants (L.<br />

been recently cloned, ProTl and Pro72<br />

(Rentsch et al. 1996). These transporters were identified by complementing a Shr3- yeast<br />

strain that is unable to target yeast amino acid transporters to the plasma membrane.<br />

Significantly, the plant amino acid transporters are not affected by this processing mutation;<br />

therefore, several amino acid transporters (many of which were previously identified)<br />

complemented this yeast strain. A survey of different amino acids for evidence of<br />

transport through these porters showed that they are proline translocators. However, the<br />

rate of proline transport in yeast cells expressing these porters is 300 times slower than<br />

proline transport by AAP6 expressed in the same cell line. It is not known if this is a<br />

result of lower expression levels, or if it is an intrinsic property of these transporters.<br />

ProTl and ProT2 are closely related genes that encode typical membrane proteins that<br />

contain 442 and 439 amino acids, and have 10 putative transmembrane domains. Both<br />

genes are widely expressed in Arabidopsis, with ProTl strongest in roots, flowers and<br />

stems. Significantly, Pro22 expression was enhanced under conditions of water or salt<br />

stress, which is consistent with proline’s putative role in water and salt tolerance (Delauney<br />

and Verma 1993).<br />

Molecular descriptions of amino acid transport have included the isolation of several<br />

transport mutants in Arabidupsis. Two mutants that lack a low-affinity basic amino<br />

acid transport activity were isolated based on their resistance to lysine plus threonine or<br />

to ~-2-~inoethyl-~-cysteine, respectively (Heremans et al. 1997). The specificity of the<br />

lost transport activities were resolved based on apparent K, and sensitivity to transport<br />

inhibitors. Although both mutations have been mapped to chromosome 1, it is not clear<br />

if they are allelic. In a similar approach, the raz1 mutant of Arabidopsis was selected<br />

based on its resistance to the toxic proline analogue, azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (Verbruggen<br />

et al. 1996). Likewise, we have isolated two T-DNA-tagged lines that are resistant<br />

to high concentrations of valine in their growth medium (Chen and Bush 1994).<br />

Exogenous valine is a powerful plant growth inhibitor because it is a negative regulator<br />

of acetohy~ozyacid synthase (also known as acetolactate synthase), an enzyme in the<br />

valine biosynthetic pathway. Once down-regulated in the presence of excess valine,<br />

growth is inhibited because the cells starve for other amino acids, the precursors of which<br />

also pass through acetohy~oxyacid synthase. We were able to show that our lines are<br />

transport mutants versus regulation mutants because they are also resistant to azaserine,<br />

a toxic amino acid analogue that targets other enzymes in the cell. Thus, resistance to<br />

azaserine is consistent with loss of transport activity. We are currently attempting to<br />

identify the disrupted gene(s).<br />

One of the unexpected observations emerging from recent molecular descriptions<br />

of plant transporter genes is that there are large families of related porters that function<br />

in assimilate partitioning (Bush et al. 1996). Examples include the AHA family of protonpumping<br />

ATPases (Harper et al. 1990), the major facilitator superfamily of sugar transporters<br />

(Griffith et al. 1992; Bush et al. 1996), and the amino acid transporter families<br />

reviewed here. Although it is easy to imagine how these porters fulfill complementary<br />

functions in different organs and cells, it is clear that a major challenge in this field is<br />

to determine the unique contributions of the various transporters and, ultimately, to integrate<br />

their combined activities across the plant as a multicellular organism.

Given the central role played by plant amino acid symporters in nitrogen p~itioning<br />

into cells and between organs, and the complexity presented by the many transporters<br />

cloned to date, it is necessw to obtain basic information about their structure and regulation<br />

as the foundation for understanding their contributions to plant growth. Unfortunately,<br />

these kinds of investigations have only recently become possible with the cloning<br />

of the various transporters; therefore, very little has been published in this area. However,<br />

several laboratories have initiated projects investigating st~cture and function, and we<br />

anticipate significant progress in the near future.<br />

itiated a detailed investigation of N<br />

transporter family. We chose NAT<br />

sed, it transports many amino acid e co~on in the<br />

phloem-translocation stream, and because at least one member of this gene fdly appears<br />

to be expressed in every tissue of the plant. We are using an integrated approach<br />

with both biochemical and molecular strategies to learn more about the structure and<br />

function of this protein.<br />

The initial focus of our §tructural analysis has been establishing the membrane<br />

topology of ~ A This ~ is an , important question because our initial analysis suggested<br />

it does not contain 12 membrane-spanning helices as is commonly described for other<br />

metabolite translocators. We started by engineering a c-myc epitope on either the NH2-<br />

or COOH-termini of the expressed protein. We then used in vitro trans~ation, partial<br />

digestion with proteinase , and immuno~recipitation to determine the location of the<br />

NH2- and COOH-termini and to identify a family of oriented peptide fragments that we<br />

resolved on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryldde gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).<br />

These results showed that the ~H2-terminus is located inside the cell and the COOHterminus<br />

is outside. In addition, the lengths of the peptide fragments recovered after<br />

partial proteolysis allowed us to predict the location of protease-accessible cleavage sites<br />

between putative ~ansmembrane domains. We independently identified the location of<br />

the NH2- and COOH-termini using immuno~uorescence microscopy of NAT2 expressed<br />

in COS-1 cells. From the combined data, we proposed an 11 ~ansmembrane domain<br />

model, with the NH2-terminus in the cytoplasm and CO~H-terminus facing outside of<br />

cell (see Fig. 2; Chang and Bush 1997). This model of protein topology anchors our<br />

co~plement~ investigations of porter structure and function using site-directed and<br />

random mutagenesis.<br />

Previous biochemical investigations of ~E~C-dependent inactivation of the amino<br />

acid sympo~ers implicated a histidine residue in the reaction ~echanism (Li and Bush<br />

1990; see Fig. 3). An inspection of the ~ A gene family ~ identi~ed / two ~ histidine ~<br />

is-337, that are conserved in every transporter. Therefore, we used<br />

site-directed mutagenesis to change se residues and then we determined the effect of<br />

those changes on transport activity 0th residues are essential because the modified<br />

proteins were no longer active, owever, the change in is-337 destabiliz~ the protein,<br />

thereby complicating our inte~re~tion of that result. Several amino acid substitutions of<br />

His-47, on the other hand, blocked transport activity in the stable protein, thus demonstrating<br />

the significa~ce of this residue in the transport reaction (L. Chen and D. R. Bush,<br />

un~ublished data).<br />

A second approach we have employed to identify impo~nt &no acid residues<br />

and protein domains uses random mutagenesis and highly selective screens. The advan-

tage of this approach is that it does not require prior biochemical knowledge to identify<br />

residues for potential modification. ~ A ~ was randomly / ~ mutagenized ~ l in a mutator<br />

strain of E. coli and then thousands of modified versions of ~ A were trans- ~ /<br />

formed back into the yeast transport mutants. The yeast were then screened under new<br />

growth conditions that wild-type ~ A ~ does / not permit ~ ~ growth. l For example, we<br />

identified cells that acquired the ability to grow in the presence of transport competitors<br />

and others that grew on very low concentrations of histidine. This kind of positive selection<br />

identified mutant forms of the porter that exhibit new transport properties while<br />

eliminating those that simply lost transport activity. Although loss of function mutants<br />

might be revealing, far too many would inhibit transport activity for unspecific reasons,<br />

such as premature te~ination of the peptide. Thus far, we have identified important<br />

residues in TMDs 1,5,6,8, and 11. ~reliminary analysis of these results suggests TMDs<br />

1, 5, 6, and 8 may be involved in defining the substrate translocation pathway through<br />

this transporter (L. Chen and D. R. Bush, unpublished data).<br />

The amino acid symporters described here are excellent candidates for using biotechnological<br />

methods to modify the nutritional value of harvested tissues. For example, many<br />

cereals are poor sources of protein for animals because they are low t~ptophan, in lysine,<br />

and threonine (Bright and Shewry 1983; z and Larkins 1991 ; Galili 1995), and legumes<br />

are low in cysteine and methionine (Shewry et al. 1995). One strategy for modifying<br />

the nutrition^ value of these deficient crops would be to use targeted expression of<br />

high-affinity amino acid transporters to enhance the content of specific amino acids in<br />

harvested seed. For instance, targeted expression MTl in the phloem of mature leaf<br />

tissue may increase the amount of lysine and histidine transported per unit carbon. This<br />

would increase the lysine and histidine content in developing seeds. The success of this<br />

approach is dependent on several unknown variables, such as reciprocal increases in<br />

mesophyll synthesis and release as these amino acids are actively transported into the<br />

phloem. There is precedence for increased rates of synthesis under increased demand,<br />

and recent work in Heldt’s laboratory suggests the mesophyll pool may be dynamically<br />

linked to phloem loading (Mens et al. 1991 ; Winter et al. 1992; Lohaus et al. 1994) and,<br />

thus, active loading by a high-affinity transporter may shift the equation to increased<br />

synthesis. Other examples of potential engineering include targeted expression in stem<br />

tissue to capture amino acids passing by in the phloem, combining ove~roduction and<br />

targeted expression, or targeted expression to engineer uptake of novel xenobiotics.<br />

Our understanding of amino acid transport has progressed si~nificantly in recent<br />

years. The challenges that lay ahead focus on defining the coarse and fine-con~ol mechanisms<br />

that regulate that function of these amino acid transporters. This knowledge will<br />

be the fo~ndation of our understanding of resource allocation across the plant as a multicellular<br />

organism, and for developing novel strategies for improving crop yields and<br />

nu~tion~ value.<br />

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David Rhodes<br />

Purdue Unjversj~, West ~fa~ette, Indiana<br />

~n~ve~si~ of M~sso~~i, Colu~bia, Missouri<br />

1. INT TI<br />

This chapter will consider the central role of amino acid metabolism in abiotic stress<br />

resistance of plants. We will attempt to ~ighlight progress made since the last comprehensive<br />

review of this field by Stewart and Larher (1980). Major emphasis will be placed<br />

on the role of amino acid metabolism in the synthesis of compatible osmolytes. This<br />

class of molecules includes certain amino acids (notably proline), quaternary ammonium<br />

compounds (e.g., glycinebetaine, prolinebetaine, P-alaninebetaine, and choline-0-sulfate),<br />

and the tertiary sulfonium compound 3-dim~thylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), The<br />

quaternary ammonium compounds and DMSP are derived from amino acid precursors.<br />

These compounds share the property of being uncharged at neutral pH and are of high<br />

solubility in water (Ballantyne and Chamberlin 1994). Moreover, at high concen~ations<br />

they have little or no perturbing effect on macromolecule-solvent interactions (Yancey<br />

et al. 1982; Low 1985; Somero 1986; Timasheff 1993; Yancey 1994). Unlike perturbing<br />

solutes (such as inorganic ions) that readily enter the hydration sphere of proteins, favoring<br />

unfolding, compatible osmolytes tend to be excluded from the hydration sphere of<br />

proteins and stabilize folded protein structures (Low 1985). These compounds are<br />

thought to play a pivotal role in plant cytoplasmic osmotic adjustment in response to<br />

osmotic stresses (Wyn Jones et al. 1977).<br />

The synthesis of quate~ary ammonium and tertiary sulfonium compounds requires<br />

participation of the “activated methyl cycle’’ to provide methyl groups for the onium<br />

moieties of these compounds (Hanson et al. 1995; Bohnert and Jenson 1996). Therefore,<br />

attention is given to the role of sulfur amino acid metabolism, and in particular, the role<br />

of methionine and ~-adenosylmethionine (SAM) in the biosynthesis of these methylated<br />

onium compounds. The central position of SAM in stress metabolism in plants is further<br />

illustrated by briefly considering its role as a precursor of the hormone ethylene (Kende<br />

1983) and of the polyamines spermine and spermidine (Flores et ai. 1989). The role of<br />

sulfur amino acid metabolism in plant stress-resistance mechanisms is further explored<br />

in relation to the p~icipation of cysteine as a precursor of peptides (glutathione and<br />


phytochelatins) that chelate heavy metals (Rauser 1990, 1995) and facilitate detoxification<br />

of herbicides (Li et al. 1995; Kreuz et al. 1996) and active oxygen species (Alscher<br />

1989; Foyer et al. 1995; Smirnoff 1995).<br />

The amino acids alanine and y-aminobutyrate (CABA) accumulate markedly in<br />

response to anaerobic stress in plants (Streeter and Thompson 1972); these amino acids<br />

are specifically discussed in relation to anaerobic carbon metabolism, and intracellular<br />

pH regulation. Because it is now recognized that CABA synthesis is catalyzed by a<br />

C~-calmodulin-activated enzyme, glutamate decarboxylase (Snedden et al. 1995), we<br />

will consider the specific role of GfU3A connecting intermediary amino acid metabolism<br />

to perturbations of cytoplasmic Ca" concentrations induced by stress.<br />

Because proline is treated in a separate chapter in this volume (see Chap. 8), and has<br />

been the subject of numerous reviews over the last 20 years (see, e.g., Stewart and Larher<br />

1980; Thompson 1980; Stewart 1981; Hanson and Hitz 1982; Csonka and Baich 1983;<br />

Rhodes 1987; Delauney and Verma 1993; Samaras et al. 1995), including a comprehensive<br />

recent review (Hare and Cress 1997), our treatment of this amino acid will be brief.<br />

Proline accumulation represents a common metabolic responses of higher plants to water<br />

deficits and salinity stress. This highly water-soluble imino acid is accumulated to osmotically<br />

significant levels by leaves of many halophytic higher-plant species grown in saline<br />

environments (Stewart and Lee 1974; Treichel 1975; Briens and Larher 1982), in leaf<br />

tissues and shoot apical meristems of plants experiencing water stress (Barnett and<br />

Naylor 1966; Boggess et al. 1976; Jones et al. 1980), in desiccating pollen (Hong-qi et<br />

al. 1982; Lansac et al. 1996), and in cultured plant cells adapted to water stress (Handa<br />

et al. 1986; Rhodes et al. 1986), or NaCl stress (Katz and Tal 1980; Treichel 1986;<br />

Binzel et al. 1987; Rhodes and Handa 1989; Thomas et al. 1992). In the apical millimeter<br />

of maize roots, proline represents a major solute, reaching concentrations of 120 mM in<br />

roots growing at a water potential of -1.6 MPa (Voetberg and Sharp, 1991). The accurnulated<br />

proline accounts for a significant fraction ("50%) of the osmotic adjustment in this<br />

region (Voetberg and Sharp 1991). Proline accumulation in maize root apical meristems<br />

in response to water deficits involves increased proline deposition to the growing region<br />

(Voetberg and Sharp 1991) and requires abscisic acid (ABA; Ober and Sharp 1994;<br />

Sharp et al. 1994).<br />

At high concentrations, proline protects membranes and proteins against the adverse<br />

effects of inorganic ions and temperature extremes (reviewed in Samaras et al.<br />

1995). Proline may also function as a hydroxyl radical scavenger (Smirnoff and Cumbes<br />

1989). Its synthesis is implicated as a mechanism of alleviating cytoplasmic acidosis,<br />

and it may maintain NADP+/NAPH ratios at values compatible with metabolism (Hare<br />

and Cress, 1997). Rapid catabolism of proline after relief of stress may provide reducing<br />

equivalentsthatsupportmitochondrialoxidativephosphorylationandthegeneration of<br />

ATP for recovery from stress and repair of stress-induced damage (Hare and Cress, 1997).<br />

In vivo-labeling studies with 14C-labeled precursors (Moms et al. 1969; Oaks et al.<br />

1970; Boggess et al. 1976), ["CC]glutamate (Hayser et al. 1989a,b) or ''NH~/''NO~<br />

(Rhodes et al. 1986; Rhodes and Handa 1989) suggest that glutamate is a major precursor

of osmotic stress-induced proline accumulation in plants. Osmotic stress results in an<br />

increase of proline biosynthesis rate (Boggess et al. 1976; Stewart, 1981; Rhodes et al.<br />

1986; Rhodes and Handa 1989). Proline accumulation involves induction of enzymes of<br />

proline biosynthesis (Peng et al. 1996; and see Chap. 8), possibly coupled with a relaxation<br />

of proline feedback-inhibition control of the pathway (Boggess et al. 1976; Stewart<br />

1981), decreased proline oxidation to glutamate (Stewart et al. 1977; Stewart and Boggess<br />

1978; Wuang and Cavalieri 1979; Sells and Koeppe 1981; Elthon and Stewart 1982),<br />

mediated at least partly by down-regulation of proline dehydrogenase (Kiyosue et al.<br />

1996, Peng et al. 1996), decreased utilization of proline in protein synthesis (Boggess<br />

and Stewart 1980; Stewart 1981), and enhanced protein turnover (Fukutoku and Yamada<br />

1984). Water deficits induce dramatic increases in the proline concentration of phloem<br />

sap in alfalfa (Girousse et al. 1996), suggesting that increased deposition of proline at<br />

the root apex in water-stressed plants (e,g., Voetberg and Sharp 1991) could occur partly<br />

by phloem transport of proline (Girousse et al. 1996). A proline transporter gene ProT2<br />

is strongly induced by water and salt stress in Arnbidopsis t~~Ziann (Rentsch et al. 1996).<br />

In bacteria, proline synthesis from glutamate is catalyzed by three enzymes: y-<br />

glutamyl kinase (GK; EC I), y-glutamyl phosphate reductase (GPR; glutamic semialdehyde<br />

dehydrogenase; EC 1.2.1 Al), and A1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (PSCR;<br />

EC 1.5,1.2), encoded by genes pro& proA, and yroC, respectively (Adams and Frank<br />

1980; Csonka and Baich 1983). In higher plants it is now clear that a similar pathway<br />

operates, with the exception that GK and GPR are embodied in one bifunctional polypeptide,<br />

A1-py~oline-5-carboxylate synthetase (PSCS), encoded by a single gene (Hu et al.<br />

1992; Fig. 1). The prevailing evidence is that both PSCS and PSCR are localized in the<br />

cytoplasm (Hare and Cress, 1997). The GK activity of the bifunctional PSCS is inhibited<br />

by proline (Nu et al. 1992). PSCS gene expression is induced by desiccation, salinity<br />

stress, and abscisic acid (ABA; Hu et al. 1992; Yoshiba et al. 1995; Peng et ai. 1996;<br />

Savourk et al. 1997). P5CR transcripts also increase in abundance in response to osmotic<br />

stress (Delauney and Verma 1990; Williamson and Slocum, 1992; Verbruggen et al.<br />

1993). Savourd et al. (1997) suggest that the expression of the proline biosynthetic genes<br />

are dependent on at least two signal transduction cascades: one triggered by exogenously<br />

applied ABA in the absence of stress, and the other triggered by cold and osmotic stress<br />

independently of exogenously applied ,ABA.<br />

Recently, transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing PSCS have been obtained, and<br />

these appear to have increased resistance to both water deficits and salinity stress (Kishor<br />

et al. 1995). However, insufficient data are available to conclude with certainty that<br />

proline accumulation in these transgenic plants contributes to their enhanced stress resistance<br />

by osmotic adjustment, or by some other mechanisms (Sharp et al. 1996). As discussed<br />

by Hare and Cress (1997), the controversial data reported for the water relations<br />

of these transgenic plants emphasize the need to investigate nonosmotic explanations for<br />

the phenotypes observed.<br />

A decrease in proline oxidation rate can contribute to net proline accumulation<br />

during drought and salinity stress. Proline is oxidized to PSC by proline dehydrogenase<br />

(EC and the resulting P5C is further oxidized to glutamate by P5C dehydrogenase<br />

(EC; see Fig. 1). Both enzymes are localized in the mitochondrion (reviewed<br />

in Hare and Cress, 1997). A cDNA-encoding proline dehydrogenase (PDH) has<br />

recently been cloned from Arn~i~opsis and is induced by proline under nonstressed conditions,<br />

but strongly repressed in response to osmotic stress (Kiyosue et al. 1996). It<br />

appears that osmotic stress overrides proline induction of proline dehydrogenase gene

OH glutamate +<br />

8<br />

0 0<br />

*.<br />

I<br />

*<br />

*.<br />

NADH<br />

+ H+<br />

NADS<br />

* *<br />

.I<br />

0 .<br />

.*.*<br />

PSCR<br />

H O<br />

proline -<br />

P<br />

proline<br />

FADH2<br />

+ H20<br />

FAD +<br />

c<br />

+ 02<br />

iigure 1 Pathways of synthesis and oxidation of proline in higher plants: GK, y-glutamyl kinase;<br />

GPR, y-glutamylphosphate reductase; PSC, A1-pyrroline-5-~arboxylate; PSCS, A'-pyrroline-S-carboxylate<br />

synthetase; PSCR, A'-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase; PDH, proline dehydrogenase;<br />

PSCDH, A1-pyrroline-S-c~boxylate dehydrogenase. The dotted line denotes feedback inhibition of<br />

the GK activity of PSCS by the end product, proline,

expression (Kiyosue et al. 1996). The reciprocal regulation of PSCS and PD<br />

count for the rapid accumulation of proline in response to osmotic stress and its rapid<br />

catabolism after stress relief (Peng et al. 1996). To our knowledge the gene encoding<br />

P5C dehydrogenase has not yet been cloned from higher plants, but the enzyme has<br />

recently been extensively purified and characterized (Forlani et al. 1997).<br />

Hare and Cress (1997) argue that the different subcellular localizations of proline<br />

biosynthesis (cytoplasm) and oxidation (mitochondrion), the NADPH cofactor preference<br />

of the biosynthetic enzymes, and NADH cofactor preference for the proline oxidation<br />

pathway, would enable proline biosynthesis to enhance activity of the cytoplasmic oxidative<br />

pentose phosphate pathway and provide a mechanism of interconversion of the phosphorylated<br />

and nonphosphorylated pools of pyridine nucleotide cofactors. They suggest<br />

that the osmoprotective effects of proline accumulation may be of secondary impo~ance<br />

to the associated metabolic implications of proline synthesis and degradation. Further<br />

investigations of transgenic plants, engineered for altered proline synthesis or catabolism,<br />

clearly need to consider not only the consequences on absolute proline level and the<br />

biophysical effects exerted by elevated cytoplasmic proline concentrations, but also the<br />

fluxes to and from the proline pool (Hare and Cress 1997).<br />

In growing tissue, the proline deposition rate will be equal to the combined rates<br />

of proline synthesis, proline release from protein, and proline import, minus the combined<br />

rates of proline catabolism, proline export, proline utilization in protein synthesis,<br />

and the rate of pool dilution caused by water uptake during growth (Rhodes and Handa<br />

1989; Voetberg and Sharp 1991). The latter, in turn, will be determined by fundamental<br />

plant-water relations of the growing region, including water potential, solute potential,<br />

yield threshold, turgor, and potential difference between the xylem and growing cells<br />

(Nonami et al. 1997), as well as the levels of growth inhibitory metabolites such ABA, as<br />

for which synthesis or compartmentation may respond rapidly to changes in turgor or<br />

metabolism (e.g., intracellular pH; Rhodes 1987). The feedback loops in this system are<br />

clearly complex, with ABA and osmotic signals altering expression of genes encoding<br />

proline biosynthesis enzymes, proline and osmotic signals altering expression of PD<br />

proline feedback inhibiting its own synthesis, and proline itself (if accumulated to sufficiently<br />

high levels) contributing to solute potential and, hence, turgor and growth maintenance.<br />

The full promise of transgenic plants engineered for proline metabolism toward<br />

an understanding of proline’s role(s) in stress resistance will likely not be realized until<br />

attention is given to the growing regions as well as mature tissues (cf., Kishor et al.<br />

1995). The consideration of growing and nongrowing tissues and the fluxes between<br />

them will be essential in testing the intriguing scheme, recently proposed by Hare and<br />

Cress (1997), in which proline and PSC might act as an intercellu1~-signaling system.<br />

In this scheme, proline produced from P5C in an “effector” tissue is transported by the<br />

phloem to a “target” tissue, characterized by a high-energy requirement, where proline<br />

degradation generates reducing equivalents needed to drive the tricarboxylic acid (TCA)<br />

cycle activity. The PSC or glutamate generated may then be translocated back to the<br />

effector tissue where conversion to proline regenerates the NADP’ needed to prime the<br />

oxidative pentose phosphate pathway.<br />

Stress-hypersensitive mutants of higher plants that exhibit disturbed proline metabolism<br />

(e.g., the sosl mutant of Ar~~i~o~sis; Liu and Zhu 1997) can contribute significantly<br />

to the elucidation of thesignalsto which proline accumulation may respond.<br />

However, we urge caution in concluding from such mutants that “Pro accumulation is a<br />

symptom of stress injury rather than an indicator of stress tolerance” (Liu and Zhu 1997).

324 ~ho~es et a!.<br />

111. IN0 ACIDS AS PREC<br />



The role of quaternary ammonium compounds as compatible solutes has been extensively<br />

reviewed (Wyn Jones and Storey 1981 ; Anthoni et al. 199 1 ; Rhodes and Hanson 1993;<br />

Gorham 1995). These zwitterionic compounds include glycinebetaine, choline-0-sulfate,<br />

P-alaninebetaine, prolinebetaine, and hydroxyprolinebetaine. They possess a fully<br />

methyl-substituted nitrogen atom (creating a permanent positive charge on the N moiety)<br />

and a negatively charged carboxyl group (in the case of betaines) or sulfate group (in<br />

the case of choline-0-sulfate). The function of these compounds as osmoprotectants is<br />

illustrated by their stimulation of the growth of Escherichia coli or ~aZ~oneZZa ~ ~ ~ i ~<br />

rium in saline medium (Strom et al. 1983; Hanson et al. 1991, 1994a). In these assays,<br />

glycinebetaine, P-alaninebetaine, prolinebetaine, and choline-0-sulfate at 1-mM concentrations<br />

are more effective than 1 mM of proline (Hanson et al. 1991, 1994a). Choline,<br />

an alcohol without a negatively charged group, is not an osmoprotectant per se. Although<br />

it stimulates the growth of wild-type E. coli in a saline medium, it must be oxidized to<br />

glycinebetaine to function as an osmoprotectant. Thus, betA mutants of E. coli, defective<br />

in choline oxidation, are unable to use choline as an osmoprotectant (Hanson et al. 1991).<br />

Similar to proline, glycinebetaine and structurally related compounds have stabilizing<br />

effects on proteins and membranes (Rhodes and Hanson 1993), and are implicated in<br />

frost protection (Kishitani et al. 1994; Nomura et al. 199Sb).<br />

In higher plants, choline is derived from the amino acid serine, presumably by decarboxylation<br />

of serine to ethanolamine (Fig. 2). The NH?-moiety of ethanolamine is then N-<br />

methylated to (CH&-P- at the level of either free ethanolamine bases, O-phosphorylethanolamine<br />

bases, or 0-phosphatidylethanolamine bases, catalyzed by S-adenosylmethionine<br />

(SAM)-dependent N-methyltransferases (Rhodes and Hanson 1993; Corham<br />

1995; Hanson et .al. 1995). Datko and Mudd (1988a,b) have proposed phospho~lethanolamine<br />

(PE) as a common co~itting step in the synthesis of choline moieties in plants,<br />

implicating ethanolamine kinase (EC as a key enzyme in this pathway (see<br />

Fig. 2).<br />

In glycinebetaine-accumulating chenopods, the main pathway of choline synthesis<br />

appears to be by the phosphoryl-bases: PE, phospho~lmonomethylethanolamine (PMME),<br />

phosphoryldimethylethanolamine (PDME), and phosphorylcholine (PC) (Hanson and<br />

Rhodes 1983; Hanson et al. 1995; see Fig. 2). Choline is then liberated from PC by a<br />

phosphorylcholine phosphatase (Rhodes and Hanson 1993; Hanson et al. 1995; see<br />

Fig. 2).<br />

In grasses, PC is incorporated into phosphatidylcholine from which choline is then<br />

released (Giddings and Hanson 1982; Hitz et al.1.991),presumably by the action of<br />

phospholipase-D (Rhodes and Hanson 1993).<br />

Choline down-regulates its own synthesis at the level of the PMME and PDME N-<br />

methyltransferases (Mudd and Datko 1989a,b). These enzymes are induced by salinity<br />

stress in spinach (Weretilnyk and Summers 1992; Hanson et al. 1995; Weretilnyk et al.<br />

1995). PC may feedback-inhibit its own synthesis in sugar beet (Hanson and Rhodes<br />


6iotic Stress ~esista~ce<br />

ethanolamine @A)<br />

.<br />

e<br />

.<br />

0<br />

transferase<br />

0 SAHC<br />

0<br />

*<br />

. -0<br />

e N-<br />

H<br />

O<br />

phospho~lmonometh~lethanolamine<br />

(PIMME)<br />

phospho~ldimethylethanolamine<br />

(PDME)<br />

phospho~lcholine (PC)<br />

+-<br />

choline<br />

Figure 2 Pathway of choline synthesis in the Chenopodiaceae: The dotted line denotes feedback<br />

regulation of the first N-methyltransferase by choline.<br />

Glycinebetaine is synthesized from choline in a two-step oxidation catalyzed by a ferredoxin<br />

(Fd)-dependent choline rnonooxygenase (CMO) and a betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase<br />

(BADH; EC with a strong preference for NAD' (Rhodes and Hanson 1993;<br />

Fig. 3).

,-,. betaine ~dehyde<br />

+ H20 - H20<br />

0 - betaine aldehyde<br />

NAD+<br />

NADH + Elt<br />

~~ycinebetai~~<br />

Pathway of glycinebetaine synthesis in the Chenopo~iacea~: Fd, fe~e~oxin.<br />

th enzymes are predominantly localized in the chloroplast stroma of chenopods<br />

et al. 1986, 1988; Brouquisse et al. 1989), although in spinach leaves approximately<br />

10% of the BADH may exist as a cytosolic isofom (~eretilnyk and Hanson<br />

1988). ~lycinebetaine is also localized predominantly in the chloroplasts of salinized<br />

spinach leaves, where it provides osmotic adjustment (Robinson and Jones 1986). Oxygen-1<br />

8 tracer studies confirm that CMO uses molecular oxygen as a substrate (Lema et<br />

al. 1988).<br />

Both CMO (Burnet et al. 1995) and BADH (~eretilnyk and Hanson 1989) have<br />

been purified to homogeneity from spinach. Complementary DNAs encoding BADH<br />

n isolated from spinach (Weretilnyk and Hanson 1990) and sugar beet (McCue<br />

son 1992). Salinity stress leads to a two- to threefold increase of CMO and<br />

ene expression, and concomitant increases<br />

enzyme level (Hanson et al. 1995).<br />

ADH has an unusual chloroplast-transit target sequence (Rathinasabapathi<br />

ansgenic tobacco plants overexpressing chloroplast-localized BADH have<br />

been obtained (Rathinasabapathi et al. 1994). However, these are unable to accumulate<br />

glycinebetaine in the absence of exogenously supplied betaine aldehyde because tobacco<br />

lacks C ~ (~athinasabapathi<br />

O<br />

et al. 1994). A cDNA encoding CMO has recently been<br />

cloned from spinach (Rathinasabapathi et al. 1997). The cDNA sequence confirms that<br />

is an Fe-S protein, and that CMO has a typical chloroplast-transit peptide sequence<br />

inasabapathi et al, 1997). Expression of chloropIast-localized CMO in BADH-con-

taining transgenic tobacco plants will provide a critical test of the adaptive value of<br />

glycinebetaine in salinity and drought stress resistance.<br />

It should be cautioned, however, that BADH may be a general aldehyde dehydrogenase,<br />

acting on other aldehyde substrates in addition to betaine aldehyde (Trossat et al.<br />

1997).BADHwilluse 3-dimethylsulfoniopropionaldehyde, an intermediate in DMSP<br />

synthesis (see Sec. 1V.B) and certain aldehydes (3-aminopropionaldehyde and 4-aminobutyraldehyde)<br />

involved in polya~ne metabolism (Trossat et al, 1997). Transgenic<br />

plants engineered for BADH expression (Holmstrom et al. 1994; ~athinasabapathi et al.<br />

1994) may possibly exhibit phenotypes related to perturbed polyamine metabolism, in<br />

addition to phenotypes attributable to alterations in the glycinebetaine synthesis pathway<br />

(Trossat et al. 1997). The multiple substrate specificities of BADH may explain the<br />

occurrence of BADH in plants that do not accumulate glycinebetaine (Ishitani et al.<br />

1993; Weretilnyk et al. 1989), and in organs of glycinebetaine-accumulating plants that<br />

do not contain glycinebetaine (e.g., roots of cereals; Ishitani et al. 1995).<br />

In monocotylednous plants, recent studies suggest that BADH is localized in peroxisomes<br />

(Nakamura et al. 1997). All monocotyledenous BADHs have a COOH-terminal<br />

tripeptide (SKI.,) that is a signal for targeting preproteins to microbodies (Nakamura et<br />

al. 1997). This raises the question of whether the subcellular localization of the choline<br />

oxidation pathway is the same in grasses as in chenopods.<br />

In bacteria, such as E. coli, choline is an osmoprotectant only because it is oxidized<br />

to glycinebetaine. Mutants in which choline fails to serve as an osmoprotectant prove to<br />

have defects in choline transport (betT), choline oxidation (betA), betaine aldehyde oxidation<br />

(betB), or a regulatory locus (betl) encoding a repressor protein (Lamark et al, 1991,<br />

1996). The entire E. coli bet gene cluster has been introduced into the freshwater cyanobacterium<br />

~y~ec~ococc~s and has conferred glycinebetaine accumulation and increased<br />

salt tolerance, partly owing to stabilization of photosystem I1 (PS-11; Nomura et al.<br />

1995a). However, this increased salt tolerance appears to depend on the presence of an<br />

exogenous supply of choline. Transgenic plants expressing the E. coli betA gene encoding<br />

choline dehydrogenase putatively capable of oxidizing both choline and betaine aldehyde,arereportedtohaveincreasedsalttolerance<br />

(Liliusetal.1996).However,no<br />

evidence was presented that these transgenic plants actually accumulated glycinebetaine.<br />

In maize, several naturally occurring glycinebetaine-de~cient inbred lines have<br />

been identified (Brunk et al. 1989). These lack the ability to accumulate glycinebetaine<br />

in leaf tissue in response to either salinity stress or water deficits owing to a single<br />

recessive gene (betl), which has been mapped to the short arm of chromosome 3 near<br />

the centromere (Rhodes et al. 1993; rang et al. 1995). Glycinebetaine deficiency in<br />

maize is associated with an inability to oxidize ['4C]choline to ~'4C]glycinebetaine, but<br />

an unimpaired ability to oxidize [2H3]betaine aldehyde to [2H3]glycinebetaine, suggesting<br />

a lesion at the CMO step in the biosynthetic pathway (Lema et al. 1991). Homozygous<br />

glycinebetaine-de~cient maize lines appear to be more salt-sensitive than near-isogenic<br />

homozygous glycinebetaine-containing lines (Saneoka et al. 1995), and they exhibit<br />

greater membrane injury and damage to PS-I1 in response to heat stress (Yang et al.<br />

1996). ~lycinebetaine-deficient maize lines exhibit a signi~cantly elevated pool of free<br />

choline; however, choline does not accumulate to levels equal to the glycinebetaine level<br />

of glycinebetaine-containing lines, suggesting that choline must down-regulate its own<br />

synthesis (Yang et al. 1995). Consistent with this, glycinebeta~ne-deficient lines of maize<br />

exhibit an elevated level of serine in comparison with homozygous glycinebetaine-containing<br />

lines (Yang et al. 1995).

Clycinebetaine is thought to be the archetypal betaine in the plant kingdom (Weretilnyk<br />

et al. 1989; Hanson and Burnet 1994; Hanson et al. 1994a). Some species have apparently<br />

lost the capacity to accumulate large quantities of this compound, and others have<br />

evolved the capacity to synthesize alternative quaternary a~onium compounds, including<br />

choline- sulfate, p-alaninebetaine, or prolinebetaine. This is particularly well<br />

illustrated in a consideration of the quaternary ammonium compounds accumulated by<br />

membersofthePlumbaginaceae (Hansonetal.1994a).Ancestralsubfamilies of the<br />

Plumbaginaceae are glycinebetaine-accumulators (Hanson et al. 1994a). In more advanced<br />

subfamilies, however, glycinebetaine has been replaced in part or in whole by p-<br />

alaninebetaine or prolinebet~ne (Hanson et al. 1994a). In addition, all members of the<br />

Plumba~inaceae accumulate choline-0-sulfate. This compound is synthesized from choline<br />

by a salt stress-inducible cholinesulfotransferase (EC; Rivoal and Hanson<br />

1994b; Fig. 4).<br />

The adaptive significance of choline-0-sulfate in the Plumbaginac~ae is thought to<br />

reside in the fact that salt glands of these species can excrete chloride, but not sulfate;<br />

thus, conjugation of sulfate with choline is proposed to be a mechanism of sulfate detoxification,<br />

converting a normally deleterious anion to a compatible osmolyte (Hanson et<br />

al. 1994a). Because choline- sulfate synthesis competes with glycinebetaine synthesis<br />

for available choline, this may have cont~buted to the evolution of alternative betaine<br />

biosynthetic pathways (p-alaninebetaine or prolinebetaine) that draw on substrates other<br />

than choline (Hanson et al. 1994a).<br />

p-Alaninebetaine is confined to species of the Plurnbaginaceae (Hanson et ai. 1994a). It<br />

is synthesized by direct ~-methylation of the amino acid p-alanine, presumably catalyzed<br />

by SAM-dependent ~-methyltransferases (Hanson et al. 1991, 1994a; Fig. 5). In contrast<br />

with glycinebetaine synthesis, p-alaninebetaine does not require oxygen (Hanson et al.<br />

1994a). It is possible, therefore, that this pathway represents an adaptation to anoxic<br />

saline environments (Hanson et al. 1994a). The ~-alaninebetaine biosynthetic pathway is<br />

HO<br />

I<br />

3-phosp~oadenosi~~-<br />

5'phosphosulfate (PAPS)<br />

3-phosphoadenosine-<br />

0 5 'phosphate (PAP)<br />

- G~oli~e-0-sulfate<br />

Pathway of choline-0-sulfate synthesis in the Plumbaginaceae.

0<br />

ll<br />

HO NW, @-alanine<br />

SAM<br />

SAHG<br />

0<br />

"0 - @-~~inebetaine<br />

ure 5 Putative pathway of P-alaninebetaine synthesis in the Plumbaginaceae.<br />

active in both leaves and roots of p-alaninebetaine-accumulating Li~oniu~ species<br />

(Hanson et al. 1991 ). The precise origin of p-alanine remains obscure. This amino acid<br />

apparently is not derived from decarboxylation of aspartate in Li~o~2i~~<br />

species (Hanson<br />

and Burnet 1994).<br />

In some higher-plant species (notably members of the Labiateae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae,<br />

Bataceae, Rutaceae, Plumbaginaceae, and Capparaceae), proline can be metabolized to<br />

prolinebetaine (stachydrine; Naidu et al. 1987, 1992; Wood et al. 1991; Hanson et al.<br />

1994a; Bonham et al. 1995; Gorham 1995; Blunden et ai. 1996; McLean et al. 1996;<br />

Nolte et al. 1997). The synthesis of prolinebetaine is thought to involve N-methylation of<br />

proline by SAM[-dependent methyltransferases through the intermediate N-methylproline<br />

(hygric acid; Robertson and Marion, 1960; Essery et al. 1962), but the enzyme(s) have<br />

not yet been characterized (Fig. 6). Hydroxyprolinebetaine often (but not always) accumulates<br />

with prolinebetaine in these prolinebetaine-accu~ulating species (Wood et al.<br />

1991; Hanson et al. 1994a; Noltet al. 1997). The proline and N-methylproline hydroxylase(s)<br />

putatively involved in hydroxyproIinebetaine synthesis have not yet been characterized.<br />

Comparisons of related species with different capacities for accumulation of prolinebetaine<br />

and hydroxyprolinebetaine suggest that the free-proline pool size is inversely<br />

related to the total prolinebetaine plus hydroxyprolinebetaine pool size (Hanson et al.<br />

1994a; Nolte et al. 1997). Prolinebetaine is a more potent osmoprotectant than proline<br />

(Hanson et al. 1994a). Conversion of proline to prolinebetaine, therefore, may enhance<br />

osmotic stress resistance. In principle, increased flux of proline to N-methylated derivatives<br />

should alleviate P5CS from feedback regulation by proline by decreasing the pool

33 o~es et a/.<br />

HO<br />

. P5C P5C<br />

.<br />

.<br />

0<br />

sA.Hc<br />

SAM<br />

SAHC<br />

6 Putative pathway of prolinebetaine biosynthesis.<br />

size of free proline (See Sec. 11; and also Chap. 8), simultaneously restricting proline<br />

oxidation and, hence, osmolyte catabolism (Samaras et al. 1995). One isomer of hydroxyprolinebetaine<br />

(~~~~~-4-hydroxy-~-prolinebetaine) is a potent inhibitor of animal acetylcholinesterase<br />

(Friess et al. 1957), raising the possibility that the ac~umulation of this<br />

compound may serve a dual function: as a compatible osmolyte and an antifeedant,<br />

affording protection against herbivores (Hanson and Burnet 1994). In contrast, proline is<br />

a stimulant of insect herbivory (Haglund 1980).<br />

Pipecolatebetaine is accumulated together with prolinebetaine in certain species; notably<br />

~e~icago and Ac~i~Zea (Wood et al. 1991; Bonham et al. 1995). Pipecolic acid is often<br />

accumulated to high levels by members of the Fabaceae (Stewart and Larher 1980; Rosenthal<br />

1982), and indeed, free pipecolic acid is a major constituent of the free amino<br />

acid pool of ~e~icugo (Wood et al. 1991). The putative pathway of pipecolatebetaine

SAM<br />

SAHC<br />

SAM<br />

SAHC<br />

ure 7 Putative pathway of pip~colatebetaine biosynthesis.<br />

synthesis is illustrated in Figure 7. It is unknown if the proline and N-methylproline N-<br />

methyltransferases have dual substrate specificity, and if they are also capable of N-<br />

methylating pipecolic acid and N-methylpipecol~c acid, respectively. Pipecolic acid is<br />

derived from lysine catabolism by ~-aminoadipic semialdehyde (Gon~alves-Butruille et<br />

al. 1996), which spontaneously cyclizes to ~'-pipe~dine-6-c~boxylate. The latter can<br />

then be reduced to pipecolic acid in a reaction analogous with that catalyzed by P5CR<br />

(Stewart and Larher 1980; Rosenthal 1982; Galili 1995).<br />

tiv<br />

The synthesis of the foregoing ~uatern~y a~monium compounds is dependent on the<br />

activity of SAM-dependent ~-methyltransferases for N-methylation of ethanolamine<br />

bases, p-alanine, proline, and pipecolic acid. This implies that osmolyte accumulation is<br />

critically dependent on the supply of SAM as a methyl donor (Hanson et al. 1995;<br />

Bohnert and Jenson 1996). When SAM is used as a methyl donor in ~-~ethyl~ansferase<br />

reaction, the resulting ~-adenosylhomocysteine (SAHC) is recycled to homocysteine<br />

(HC) by adenosylhomoc~steinase (EC HC can then accept a methyl group from<br />

the ~5-~ethy1-tetrahy~ofolate (~~-m~thyl-THF) pool to regenerate methionine by the<br />

action of methionine synthase (EC and, thereby, SAM by the action of S<br />

synthetase (methionine adenosyltransferase; EC (Giovanelli et al. 1980; Fig. 8).<br />

The foregoing cycle is known as the act~v~te~ ~et~yl cycle (Bohnert and Jenson

T€€F<br />

ethionine<br />

TEE<br />

~o~ocysteine<br />

Ns-me~yl-THF (CH,-THF)<br />

FAD<br />

FADH,<br />

glycine NH, + CO, glycine serine<br />

N5,Nl0-~ethylene-T~F<br />

..<br />

N5,~l0-methe~yl-~HF<br />

formate<br />

+ THE:<br />

Alternative pathways of synthesis of ~5-methyl-tetr~ydrofolate as methyl donor for<br />

methionine synthesis from homocysteine: GDC, glycine decarboxylase; SHMT, serine hydroxymethyltransferase.<br />

hydrolase (EC, and ~5,~10-methenyl-THF dehydrogenase (EC 1.5.1 S ) occur on<br />

a single polypeptide called C1-THF synthase (Prabhu et al. 1996). In plants, however,<br />

the synthetase activity occurs on a protein moiety separate from that of the cyclohydrolase<br />

and reductase, which occur on a bifunctional protein (Prabhu et al. 1996). Because<br />

the latter reactions are reversible, this allows an equilibrium between the pools of Cl<br />

units at the formyl and methylene levels of oxidation (Cossins 1987). Therefore, serine,<br />

glycine, and formate can serve as the precursors for methionine synthesis (Cossins 1987;<br />

see Fig. 9). [13CG]Formate is metabolized to p-['3C]serine in Ar~bi~opsis in a manner<br />

consistent with C1-THF synthase and SHMT activities interacting with a common THF<br />

pool (Prabhu et al. 1996). Formate is a very effective precursor of the methyl groups of

choline and glycinebetaine in glycinebetaine-accumulating plant species (Delwiche and<br />

Bregoff 1958; Hitz et al. 1981). Formate can be derived from nonenzymatic Hz02-mediated<br />

decarboxylation of glyoxylate, although Kleczkowski and Givan (1988) question<br />

whether this pathway is of physiological significance.<br />

The sulfonium analogue of P-alaninebetaine, 3-dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), is<br />

synthesized and accumulated to osmotically significant levels in a few higher-p~ant species<br />

from diverse families; certain species of the Asteraceae (most notably WoZZasto~ia<br />

b$ora), and Poaceae (some [but not all] species of S~arti~ and Sacc~ar~~)<br />

(Paquet et<br />

al. 1994; J.ames et al. 1995b), and by many marine algae (see, e.g., Blunden and Gordon<br />

1986; Dickson and Kirst 1986; Gage et al. 1997). DMSP is as effective as glycinebetaine<br />

as an osmoprotectant for E. coli (Paquet et al. 1994), and is noted to be a potent cryoprotectant<br />

(~ishiguchi and Somero 1992; Karsten et al. 1996).<br />

In ~oZZaston~ff, DMSP is synthesized by methylation of methionine to S-methylmethionine<br />

(SMM) in the cytosol (Hanson et al. 1994b; James et al, 1995a,b), transport of<br />

SMM into the chloroplast, dec~boxylation and deamination of SMM to DMSP-aldehyde<br />

(James et al. 1995b), and oxidation of the aldehyde to DMSP in the chloroplast (Trossat<br />

et al. 1996; Fig. 30). The first enzyme of the pathway, SA~~L-methionine methylt transferase<br />

(EC has been purified from WoZlastoni~ leaves (James et al. 1995a).<br />

The final step in the pathway is catalyzed by a chloroplast-localized DMSP-aldehyde<br />

dehydrogenase, which may be identical with the BADH involved in glycinebetaine synthesis<br />

(James et al. 1995b; Trossat et al. 1996, 1997; Vojtechovd et al. 1997). The enzymes<br />

responsible for metabolism of SMM to DMSP-aldehyde are not yet known.<br />

In marine algae, DMSP synthesis occurs by a route that is entirely different from<br />

that in higher plants (Gage et al. 1997; Fig. 11). Methionine is first transaminated to 4-<br />

methylthio-2-oxobutyrate (MTOB), which is then reduced to 4-methylthio-~-hy~oxybutyrate<br />

(MTHB). S-Methylation of MTHB then yields 4-dimethylsulfonio-2-hydroxybutyrate<br />

(DMSWB), which is subs~uently oxidatively decarboxylated to DMSP (Gage et al.<br />

1997; see Fig. 11).<br />

Because DMSP does not contain nitrogen, the accumulation of DMSP could offer<br />

advantages over accumulation of nitrogenous onium compounds for osmotic adjustment<br />

in N-li~ting environments; N-deficiency increases DMSP levels ~oZZasto~i~<br />

in (Wanson<br />

et al. 1994b) and marine algae (Gage et al. 1997). The enzyme DMSP lyase generates<br />

the gas dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and the potentially toxic compound, acrylate, from<br />

DMSP. Acrylate generated from DMSP may play a role in defense against herbivores<br />

(Wolfe et al. 1997).<br />

S-Adenosylmethionine serves as a precursor of the plant hormone ethylene, implicated<br />

in the control of numerous developmental processes (Lieberman 1979; Yang and Hoffman<br />

1984; Yang 1989; Kende 1993). SAM is converted to the amino acid 1 -aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic<br />

acid (ACC) by ACC synthase (EC, which is then oxidized<br />

to ethylene by ACC oxidase (Kende 1993; Fig. 12).<br />

The HCN generated from the catalytic action of ACC oxidase is detoxified by rapid

‘S<br />

~~~:L-methionine<br />

~-methyltransf~ras~<br />

OH c ethionine<br />

SAM:<br />

SAHC<br />

tr~s~inatio~<br />

& dec~boxylation<br />

3-dime~ylsulfonio-<br />

(~~SP-alde~yde)<br />

Figure 10 Pathway of synthesis of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in ~ollffstonjff ~~orff:<br />

SAM, ~-adenosyl~ethionine; SAHC, S-adenosylhomocysteine.<br />

metabolism to the amino acid P-cyanoalanine that can then be hydrated to asparagine or<br />

conjugated to y-glut~yl-P-cyanoalanine (Yang 1989). 5’-~ethylthioadenosine is metabolized<br />

back to methionine by 5’-methyl~hio~bose and MTOB by the methionine salvage<br />

pathway (Miyazaki and Yang 198’7; see Fig. 12). ACC synthase may be regulated by its<br />

substrate SAM through S~-induced inactivation. This mechanism may be responsible<br />

for the short half-life of this enzyme in vivo (Yang 1989). ACC oxidase requires Fe2”<br />

for catalytic activity and, in some systems, is activated by C02 (Kende 1993). The plant<br />

species ~ ot~~ogeto~ ~ecti~at~s is unusual in that it lacks ACC oxidase and ethylene<br />

biosynthesis; this species is consequently rich in ACC (Summers et al. 1996).<br />

1 -<strong>Amino</strong>cyclopropane- 1 -carboxylate synthase is induced by various environmental<br />

stresses, including mechanical stress (wounding or mechanical impedance), drought,<br />

chilling, anoxia, and hypoxia (Yang 1989; Kende 1993; He et al. 1996a). ACC oxidase<br />

isalsoinduced by hypoxia and by mechanical impedance in maize roots (He et al.<br />

1996a); however, with the combination of hypoxia plus mechanical impedance, ethylene<br />

formation and ACC synthase induction exhibit a greater synergism than ACC oxidase<br />

induction, cellulase induction, and aerenchyma formation (He et al. 1996a). ~erenchyma<br />

formation accelerates the transfer of O2 from the aerial tissues to the ~2-de~cient tissues

ho~es et al.<br />

4-methylthio-2-<br />

OH hydro~bu~rate (MTHB)<br />

OH<br />

4-dime~ylsulfonio-2-<br />

hydro~ybu~rate ( ~ ~ S ~ )<br />

ure 11 Proposed pathway of synthesis of di~ethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in marine<br />

algae.<br />

of the stem base and root of flooded plants (He et al. 3996b). Ethylene production in<br />

response to hypoxia is implicated in the signal transduction pathway leading to cell death<br />

and lysis in the root cortex resulting in aerenchyma formation in maize roots (He et al.<br />

1996b; Drew 1997). Because ACC oxidase is oxygen-dependent, ACC can accumulate<br />

markedly in roots exposed to anoxia. In flooded tomato plants, the accumulated ACC is<br />

transported from the root to the shoot (through the xylem) where it is then rapidly oxidized<br />

to ethylene, inducing epinasty (Bradford and Yang 1980; English et al, 1995) and<br />

adventitious root formation (Visser et al. 1996). The latter may partly involve an ethylene-mediated<br />

increase in the sensitivity of root-forming tissue to endogenous indoleacetic<br />

acid (Visser et al. 1996).<br />

ACC can be conjugated to malonyl-ACC (MACC). MACC synthesis is catalyzed<br />

by ACC ~-~alonyltransferase (Yang1989;MartinandSaftner1995). An alternative<br />

ACC conjugate has recently been identified in tomato fruits: (y-gluta~yla~ino)-cyclo-

337<br />

ATP<br />

I<br />

\<br />

methio~ine<br />

salvage<br />

pathway<br />

PPi + Pi<br />

'S<br />

I<br />

Ad<br />

Smethyl-<br />

~hioadenosin~<br />

(rnA.1<br />

OH<br />

C,Hd + C02 + HCN + 2H20<br />

Figure 12 Pathway of ethylene (C21-&) biosynthesis in plants, and pathway of recycling of 5'-<br />

methylthioadenosine (MTA) to methionine (the methionine salvage cycle) in plants: ACC, 1-<br />

aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate; MTR, ~ethylthio~bose; MTOB, 4-methylthio-2-oxobutyrate;<br />

SAMS, ~-adenosylmethionine synthetase.<br />

propane-1-carboxylic acid (GACC; Martin et ai. 1995). MACC and GACC formation<br />

may contribute to the regulation of ACC levels and, thereby, of ethylene formation (Yang<br />

1989; Kende 1993; Banga et al. 1996).<br />

The diamine putrescine, the trimine spermidine, and the tetramine spermine are ubiquitous<br />

in plant cells (Smith et al. 1979; Bagni and Pistocchi 1992). They occur as free<br />

cations and as conjugates with phenolic acids and macromolecules (Galston and Sawnhey<br />

1990). Their levels increase greatly in response to environmental stresses, most notably<br />

under conditions of potassium deficiency, water deficits, salinity stress, anaerobiosis,<br />

and acid stress (Flores et al. 1989). Because polyamines are synthesized by amino acid<br />

decarboxylation reactions that consume €I?, polyamine accumulation may function as<br />

part of a homeostatic mechanism to keep intracellular pH at a constant value (Flores et<br />

al. 1985). Polyamines may also play a role in the regulation of DNA replication and cell<br />

division, and they are implicated in the control of senescence and morphogenesis (Evans<br />

and Malrnberg 1989; Galston and Sawnhey 1990).<br />

Arginine decarboxylase (ADC; EC chloroplast-localized enzyme;<br />

Borrell et al. 1995)"is induced by a variety of stresses (most notably potassium deficiency;<br />

Watson and Malmberg 1996) and is thought to be the enzyme primarily responsible<br />

for environmental stress-induced putrescine accumulation (Galston and Sawnhey

199~; Fig. 13). ADC of oats is clipped from a precursor into two polypeptides found in<br />

the soluble enzyme (Malmberg et al. 1992). The two polypeptides are linked by disul~de<br />

bonds to form the active enzyme (Watson and Malmberg 1996). The oat (Bell and Malmberg<br />

1990), tomato (Rastogi et al. 1993), and Ar~bi~o~si~ atso son and Malmberg 1996).<br />

C genes have been cloned. In Ar~bi~o~sis, ADC enzyme levels do not correspond<br />

to ADC protein amounts, suggesting post~anslational modification of the enzyme<br />

in response to potassium deficiency (Watson and Malmberg 1996). In osmotically<br />

stressed oat leaves, spermine inhibits posttranslational processing of the ADC precursor,<br />

with subsequent decreases in mature ADC (Borrell et al. 1996).<br />

a~~atine<br />

~athways of synthesis and metabolism of putrescine.

The alternative, more direct, pathway of synthesis of putresine through ornithine<br />

decarboxylation catalyzed by cytosolic ornithine decarboxylase (ODC; EC 4" 1.1.17; see<br />

Fig. 13) is proposed to be of little importance in stress-induced putrescine accumulation,<br />

but may be critical in regulation of developmental processes (Galston and Sawhney 1990;<br />

Walden et al. 1997). Increased putrescine biosynthesis, mediated by transgenic ODC,<br />

promotes somatic embryogenesis in carrots (Bastola and Minocha 1995). The diamine<br />

cadaverine, derived from the amino acid lysine by decarboxylation, may play an important<br />

role in root development (Gamarnik and Frydrnan 1991).<br />

The triamine spermidine is synthesized by condensation of putrescine with decarboxylated<br />

SAM, synthesized by SAM decarboxylase (EC; Flores et al. 1989):<br />

SAM + Ht SAM decarboxylase<br />

> decarboxylated SAM + C02<br />

The condensation of decarboxylated SAM and putrescine is catalyzed by spermine<br />

synthase (putrescine aminopropyltransferase; EC Further condensation of spermidine<br />

with decarboxylated SAM, catalyzed by spermine synthase (EC, produces<br />

the tetramine, spermine (Flores et al. 1989; see Fig. 13). Recently, the assumption<br />

that spermidine synthase and spermine synthase are two separate enzymes in plants, has<br />

been questioned (Bagga et al. 1997). The putrescine aminopropyltransferase of alfalfa<br />

may be responsible not only for spermidine and spermine synthesis, but also the synthesis<br />

of the uncommon polyamines, thermospermine, homocaldopentamine, and homocaldohexamine<br />

(Bagga et al. 1997).<br />

Antisense SAM decarboxylase potato plants show markedly altered phenotypes,<br />

including stunted growth; short internodes; stem branching and small leaves; decreased<br />

SAM decarboxylase transcripts; a reduction in SAM decarboxylase activity; reductions<br />

in the levels of putrescine, Spermidine, and spermine; and a marked increase in ethylene<br />

production (Kumar et al. 1996). This supports the idea that there is a competitive interaction<br />

between polyamine and ethylene biosynthesis (Walden et al. 1997).<br />

In addition to serving as a precursor of spermidine and spermine, putrescine has<br />

three other metabolic fates: conjugation with hydroxycinnamic acids, metaboli~m to y-<br />

aminobutyrate (GABA), and utilization in alkaloid biosynthesis, as indicated in Figure<br />

13. Hydroxycinnamic amide (HCA) conjugates of polyamines accumulate markedly in<br />

the floral apex during flower development and are implicated in the development of<br />

competence to flower; certain mutants of tobacco that are deficient in HCAs are unable<br />

to flower, and male sterile mutants of maize lack HCA accumulation in anthers (Flores<br />

et al. 1989). A novel polyamine conjugate, ~-hexanoylspermidine, has recently been<br />

identified in senescing pea ovaries and petals (Perez-Amador et al. 1996). GABA can be<br />

derived from putrescine (through y-aminobutyraldehyde) through the reactions catalyzed<br />

by diamine oxidase and y-aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase (Flores et al, 1989). As<br />

noted in Section III.B, the latter enzyme may be the same as BADH involved in glycinebetaine<br />

synthesis (Trossat et al. 1997). Putrescine serves as precursor of the nicotine and<br />

tropane alkaloids (Smith et al. 1979; Flores et al. 1989; Hashimoto and Yamada 1994),<br />

which may play important roles in plant defense against herbivores (see Fig. 13).<br />

The tripeptide glutathione (GSH), is synthesized from the amino acids glutamate, cysteine,<br />

and glycine by the enzymes y-glut~ylcysteine synthetase (EC and glutathione<br />

synthetase (EC; Meister 1983):

Glutamate + cysteine + ATP<br />

~Glutamylcysteine<br />

synthetase<br />

> y-glutamylcysteine + ADP + Pi<br />

y-glutamylcysteine + glycine + ATP<br />

synthetase > glutathione + ADP + Pi<br />

Glutathione (GSH)playsa key role in detoxification of certainxenobioticsin<br />

higher plants through the action of glutathione S-transferases (EC 2.5.1 I) 18; Breaux 1986;<br />

Pickett and Lu 1989; Rossini et al. 1996). The glutathione conjugate of a xenobiotic can<br />

then be transported into and sequestered by the vacuole (Li et al. 1995; Kreuz et al.<br />

1996; Marrs 1996). Glutathione S-transferases are induced by a wide range of chemical<br />

agents (Ulmasov et al. 1995), wounding, heavy metals, ethylene, and ozone (Marrs<br />

1996). These enzymes may have initially evolved to conjugate naturally occurring compounds,<br />

such as phenylpropanoids (Dean et al. 1995), and naturally occurring endogenous<br />

reactive electrophilic compounds (Marrs 1996), but may have then been recruited<br />

to detoxify anthropogenic exogenous xenobiotics (Kreuz et al, 1996; Mans 1996).<br />

Under a variety of environmental stresses (e.g., high light and low temperature,<br />

water deficits, or others that disrupt membrane-bound electron transport systems), plants<br />

produce a range of active oxygen species, including superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and<br />

the hydroxyl radical (Smirnoff 1993). Superoxide is converted to hydrogen peroxide by<br />

the action of superoxide dismutase. The hydroxyl radical can then form from the reaction<br />

of hydrogen peroxide with superoxide, particularly in the presence of iron or other transition<br />

state metals (Srnirnoff 1993). These toxic species can also form when plants are<br />

exposed to ozone, SO2, NO, and NO2. They react with membranes, proteins, and nucleic<br />

acids (Smirnoff 1993). Glutathione is involved in quenching these free radicals through<br />

the ascorbate-GSH cycle (Alscher 1989; Smirnoff 1993, 1995). Thus, hydrogen peroxide<br />

can be detoxified by the action of ascorbate peroxidase (EC, dehydroascorbate<br />

reductase (EC, and glutathione reductase (EC<br />

Ascorbate + H202 Ascorbate peroxidase > H20 + dehydroascorbate<br />

~ehydroascorbate<br />

Dehy~oascorbate<br />

reductase<br />

+ GSH ascorbate + oxidized glut at hi on^ (GSSG)<br />

GSSG + NADPH + H+ Glutathione reductase<br />

> GSH + NADP'<br />

Strictly speaking, the initial product of the ascorbate peroxidase reaction is monodehydroascorbate,<br />

which can then either be reduced back to ascorbate by the action of an<br />

NAD(P)H-dependent monodehydroascorbate reductase (EC 1.6.5,4), or directly reduced<br />

back to ascorbate by an electron from PS-I (Smirnoff 1995). Any monodehydroascorbate<br />

not so reduced disproportionates to ascorbate plus dehydroascorbate (Smirnoff 1995); it<br />

is only the latter that is reduced by glutathione in the reactions depicted in the foregoing.<br />

Specific isoforms of the enzymes of this cycle are chloroplast-localized and are induced<br />

by an array of environmental factors (Alscher 1989; Pastori and Trippi 1992; Smirnoff<br />

1995). Overexpression of glutathione reductase leads to an increase in antioxidant capacity<br />

and resistance to photoinhibition in poplar (Foyer et al. 1995). However, overproduction<br />

of ascorbate peroxidase in the tobacco chloroplast does not appear to provide protection<br />

against ozone (Torsethau~en et al. 199'7).

Although the chloroplast-localized ascorbate-glutathione cycle is well characterized,<br />

it is now becoming clear that the enzymes of this cycle are also found in mitochondria<br />

and peroxisomes, and they may represent an important antioxidant protection system<br />

against H203 generated in these organelles (Jimhez et al. 1997).<br />

Glutathione transferases may also be involved in conjugating electrophiles generated<br />

from the reaction of hydroxyl radicals with lipids and DNA and, thus, contribute to<br />

oxidative stress resistance (Marrs 1996). Apoplastic GST induction may be mediated by<br />

an oxidative signal in soybean (Flury et al. 1996).<br />

F. P ~ y ~ o c ~ ~<br />

of Heavy<br />

Glutathione serves as a precursor of peptides known as' phytochelatins9 which are composed<br />

of two or more repeating y-glutamylcysteine units, with a terminal glycine residue;<br />

(~-glutamylcysteine)~-gly, where n = 2-11 (Steffens et al, 1986; Reese and ~agner<br />

1987). The enzyme responsible for the synthesis of these peptides is known as phytochelatin<br />

synthase (Rauser 1990, 1995). Phytochelatins (PCs) play an important role in the<br />

detoxification of certain heavy metals (p~ticularly cad~ium) in plants (Rauser 1990,<br />

1995; Howden et al. 1995a,b). Phytochelatin synthase is activated by cadmium (Rauser<br />

1995). In certain plants (notably legumes) that can synthesize homoglutathione, in which<br />

g-alanine is substituted for glycine as the terminal amino acid, homophytochelatins are<br />

synthesized along with PCs in response to Cd (Klapheck et al, 1995).Inmaizeand<br />

certain other species of the Poaceae, a third family of phytochelatins has been found in<br />

which serine is the COOH-te~inal amino acid (Rauser and ~euwly 1995). ~admium<br />

detoxification may require transport of the Cd-phytochelatin complexes into the vacuole;<br />

a transport system has been recently described for these complexes (Salt and Rauser<br />

1995).<br />

In Rubia tinctoru~, phytochelatins (class I11 metallothionein) are induced by many<br />

metal ions, but only a few (Ag, Cd, and Cu) are bound to the PCs that they induce<br />

(Maitani et al. 1996).<br />

v. A<br />

A<br />

During anaerobic stress, pyruvate must be metabolized to either lactate (by lactate dehydrogenase;<br />

LDH) or ethanol (by pyruvate decarboxylase [PDC] and alcohol dehydrogenase<br />

[ADH]) to regenerate the NAD" required to sustain glycolysis and associated ATP<br />

production (Davies 1980). Lactate fermentation may cont~bute to the acidification of the<br />

cytoplasm (Roberts et al, 1984; Ratcliffe 1995), which may progressively inhibit LDH<br />

and activate PDC, promoting alcohol fe~entation (Rivoal and Hanson 1994a). Accumulation<br />

of pyruvate under anaerobic conditions may shift the equilibrium of alanine aminotransferases<br />

toward alanine accumulation; a rapid response of plants to anaerobic stress<br />

(Streeter and Thompson 1972; Stewart and Larher 1980):<br />

Pyruvate + amino acid 3 alanine + 2-keto acid

An alanine a~notransferase (g1utamate:pyruvate a~notransferase; EC is induced<br />

under anaerobic conditions in barley roots (Good and Crosby 1989; Good and<br />

uench 1992). The precise function of alanine accumulation under anoxia is unknown,<br />

butitisspeculatedthatit may serve as a storage form of pyruvate (perhaps in the<br />

vacuole), controlling supply of pyruvate to LDH and PIX and, thereby, the flux to<br />

lactate and ethanol (Good and Crosby 1989; Good and Muench 1992). The synthesis of<br />

alanine may occur at the expense of the acidic amino acids, glutamate and aspartate<br />

(Streeter and Thompson 1972; Stewart and Larher 1980), and occurs concomitantly with<br />

the accumulation of GABA (see following Section VI).<br />

.<br />

The accumulation of the amino acid y-~nobutyrate (GABA) is markedly stimulated<br />

under anaerobic conditions (Streeter and Thompson, 1972; Stewart and Larher 1980;<br />

Aurisano et al. 1995; Ratcliffe 1995; Drew 1997). Although G A can be derived from<br />

putrescine (see Sec. IV.D), the anaerobic stress-induced accumulation of GABA is<br />

thought to result primarily from the catalytic action of glutamate decarboxylase (EC<br /> In part, the stimulation of glutamate decarboxylase may be the consequence of<br />

cytoplas~c acidification; glutamate decarboxylase has an acid pH optimum (-5.8; Patterson<br />

and Graham 1987):<br />

Glutamate + H+ ‘lutarnate<br />

> GABA + CQ2<br />

ause this reaction is proton-consuming, it could represent an adaptive response conuting<br />

to regulation of cytoplasmic pH (Patterson and Graham 1987; Crawford et al,<br />

atcliffe 1995). Crawford et al. (1994) have shown that weak acids causing cytoplasmic<br />

acidification also induce GABA accumulation, and they conclude that this response<br />

is consistent with a role for GABA synthesis in active pH regulation.<br />

y-A~nobutyrate can be transaminated with pyruvate to yield alanine (or with 2-<br />

oxoglutarate to yield glutamate), generating succinic semialdehyde, which can then be<br />

metabolized to succinate by the action of succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (Vandewalle<br />

and Qlsson 1983; Patterson and Graham 1987; Shelp et al. 1995; Fig. 14). The<br />

latter enzymes are mitochondrial (Hear1 and Churchich 1984; Breitkreuz and Shelp 1995)<br />

and have alkaline pH optima (Patterson and Graham 1987). GABA accumulation promoted<br />

by cytosolic acidi~cation may partly result from inhibition of GABA-transaminases.<br />

The conversion of glutamate to succinate by the action of glutamate decarboxylase,<br />

GABA ~ansa~nases, and succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase is known as the<br />

GABA shunt (Vandewalle and Olsson 1983; Patterson and Graham 1987; Breitkreuz and<br />

Shelp 1995; Shelp et al, 1995), affording an alternative pathway for glutamate entry into<br />

the TCA cycle (see Fig. 14).<br />

The accumulation of GABA is induced<br />

response to a sudden decrease in temperature<br />

(Wallace et al. 1984; Patterson and Graham 1987), heat shock (Mayer et al. 1990),<br />

mechanical manipulation (Wallace et al. 1984), and water stress (Rhodes et al. 1986).<br />

Rapid GABA accumulation in response to wounding may play a role in plant defense<br />

against insects (Ramputh and Brown 1996).<br />

Glutamate decarboxylase is a cytosol-localized enzyme (Breitkreuz and Shelp

glutamate<br />

NH,<br />

2-oxo<br />

HO<br />

succinate<br />

Figure 14 Pathway of synthesis and metabolism of GABA.<br />

1995) and has recently been shown to be a calmodulin-binding protein that is<br />

C~~al~odulin activated (Baum et al. 1993; Ling et al. 1994; Baum and Fridmann<br />

1996; Arazi et al. 1995; Snedden et al. 1995). Crawford et al. (1994) note that reduced<br />

cytosolic pH values increase Ca”* levels, and rapid and transient increases in Ca”’ levels<br />

occur in response to mechanical stress and cold stress; conditions that elicit rapid GABA<br />

accumulation (Wallace et al. 1984). The Ca”+-calmodulin activation of glutamate decarboxylase<br />

provides a link between intermedi~ amino acid metabolism and perturbations<br />

of cytosolic ea2+ (Ling et al. 1994; Baum and Fridmann 1996; Arazi et al. 1995; Snedden<br />

et al. 1995) that regulate a host of other metabolic activities (Allan and Trewavas 1985;<br />

Bush 1995).<br />

The only other enzyme of glutamate metabolism currently known to be stimulated<br />

by Ca” in plants in glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH; EC, a ~itochondrial enzyme<br />

(Turano et al. 1997):<br />

NH~ + 2-oxoglutarate + NADH + H+ < dehydrogenase > glutamate + NAD+<br />

A calcium-binding domain has been identified in the f3-subunit of GDH encoded<br />

by GDH2, but not in the a-subunit of GDH encoded by GDHI in Arabidopsis, suggesting<br />

that the different isoforms of the hexameric GDH composed of different combinations<br />

of subunits, may be differentially regulated by Ca” (Turano et al. 1997).

We have attempted to highlight areas of amino acid metabolism that may play an important<br />

role in plant “stress” resistance, by osmotic adjustment and the accumulation of<br />

compatible osmolytes; the detoxi~cation of active oxygen sp<br />

heavy metals; and intracellular pH regulation. The advances since 1980 have been primarily<br />

in the cloning of the genes encoding key enzymes of these biosynthetic pathways<br />

and the characterization of their regulation in relation to environmental stimuli. As noted<br />

by Bohnert et al. (1993, the use of metabolic engineering holds great promise for testing<br />

hypotheses conce~ing the role of radical scavenging and osmolyte accumulation as<br />

stress-protection mechanisms (e.g., Foyer et al. 1995; Kishor et al. 1995). These traits<br />

are not restricted to amino acid metabolism; significant advances have also been achieved<br />

in engineering of superoxide dismutase, and the accumulation of polyols and fructans as<br />

compatible solutes or radical scavengers that may limit injury (Bohnert et al. 1995; Shen<br />

et al. 1997, and references cited therein), These traits may eventually need to be combined<br />

with modified ion uptake, exclusion or co~partmentation, facilitated water permeability,<br />

molecular chaperones, modified membrane properties, or stress-signaling pathways<br />

to realize their full potential (Bohnert et al. 1995; Bohnert and Jensen 1996). The<br />

next decade is likely to witness further exciting progress in these areas. In the testing of<br />

transgene effects on plant resistance to low water potentials and salinity stress, we urge<br />

(1) careful measurements of growth and water relations to quantify the degree of stress<br />

and to assess potential growth penalties of transgene expression, (2) consideration of<br />

relevant fluxes in addition to pool sizes, and (3) consideration of the metabolism of<br />

growing regions as well as mature tissues.<br />

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