Morphogenetic Studio - Rum

Morphogenetic Studio - Rum

Morphogenetic Studio - Rum


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<strong>Morphogenetic</strong> <strong>Studio</strong><br />

Phase 1<br />

15.09.2010-15.10.2010<br />

The first phase is an investigation of principles for versatile parametric or self-organizing spatial systems. They can be<br />

inspired by biological, physical, geometrical or architectural organizational principles, but the main point is to identify<br />

non-uniform systems that are able to create diverse and unpredictable results. Focus should be on bottom-up processes:<br />

how individual shapes, elements, attractors can form complex wholes. Phase 1 is carried out in three shorter<br />

steps: The first step is aimed at the identification and analytical description of relevant systemic principles; the second<br />

step is aimed at producing a physical model that explores these principles, and the third step is aimed at transferring<br />

the experiences of the physical model into a digital model.<br />

Phase 1.1<br />

15.09.2010-21.09.2010<br />

The first step is aimed at identifying and analyzing organizational geometrical or spatial principles that could form the<br />

basis of further studies. We encourage you to look for organizations that are systematic and ordered in non-uniform<br />

ways. By non-uniform we mean systems that are able to create diverse and unpredictable results. A flock of birds or a<br />

school of fish where each animal has independent movements but adjust its speed and directions to the neighbours<br />

could be one example of a non-uniform system, in opposition to an orthogonal grid where each cell is identical to the<br />

next one. The system may be inspired by organizational principles found in biology, physics, geometry, architecture or<br />

something completely different. At this early stage the spatial characteristics are of less importance (plenty of time for<br />

that later). In fact in many cases it might be better to look at 2D principles that might be easier to analyze and describe.<br />

The focus of the analysis should be from a bottom-up perspective. That means how do elements or shapes join to create<br />

larger entities. In order to promote this view we want you to describe the organizational principle with focus on a<br />

single element. How does it relate to other elements? In additional processes where one element is joined to the next<br />

one after the other? Or in processes where several elements relate to each other at the same time (as for instance in<br />

flocking) or in processes that diversify the elements through subdivisions or branching? Is the organizational principle<br />

based on geometry, such as proportions, angles and dimensions? Or perhaps forces, distances or …? We want you to<br />

present your selected principle through a short text and in diagrams that analyse and describe how the principle functions.<br />

The main point of this first step is to identify and describe relations and rules in a clear and diagrammatical way, so it<br />

can form the basis on further investigations in the following steps. There is no point in finding the most complex principle,<br />

if this couldn’t be described diagrammatically.<br />

The chosen principle should be explained in diagrams, through reference images and sketches, using the course indesign<br />

template.<br />

Over the run of the course, each group of students are asked to record the progress of their project in a book, using<br />

the ‘morphogenetic interferences’-layout on the intranet. This template should also be used for all presentations and<br />

reviews. The final book will be a collection of all presentations.

DorphoEene9F InterferenFes <strong>Studio</strong><br />

September 2010<br />

week 37 13 14 15 16 17 18 19<br />

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday<br />

Topic Phase 1.1 Seminar Inst I<br />

AocaBon<br />

Studsgade <br />

Seminar space<br />

GymnasBksalen<br />

Descripton<br />

10:00, Welcome <br />

and IntroducBon<br />

self study<br />

09:15 Interference <br />

Seminar<br />

Erik W Petersen Erik <br />

Steffensen Karl Aage <br />

Rasmussen<br />

September 2010<br />

week 38 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday<br />

Topic<br />

AocaBon<br />

End of Phase 1.1 <br />

Presenta9on<br />

Nørreport 15 <br />

Basement<br />

Phase 1.2<br />

Descripton Self study self study self study self study<br />

13:00 PresentaBon <br />

15:00 IntroducBon <br />

Phase II<br />

15:00 InsBtue <br />

lecture -­‐ KrisBne <br />

Jensen<br />

September 2010 October 2010<br />

week 39 27 28 29 30 1 2 3<br />

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday<br />

Topic<br />

Phase 1.2<br />

Grasshopper <br />

Course<br />

End of Phase 1.2 <br />

Presenta9on<br />

AocaBon<br />

Nørreport 15 <br />

Basement<br />

Nørreport 15 <br />

Basement<br />

Nørreport 17 <br />

Basement<br />

Descripton self study self study 9:00 -­‐ 16:00 9:00 -­‐ 16:00 10:00 PresentaBon,<br />

Grasshopper Grasshopper 16:00 IntroducBon <br />

Phase III<br />

`<br />

October 2010<br />

week 40 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t<br />

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday<br />

Topic Phase 1.3<br />

AocaBon<br />

Descripton self study self study self study self study self study<br />

October 2010<br />

week 41 11 12 13 14 15 16 17<br />

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday<br />

Topic<br />

AocaBon<br />

Phase 1.3<br />

End Phase 1.3 <br />

Presenta9on<br />

Nørreport 17 <br />

Basement<br />

Descripton self study self study self study self study 10:00 PresentaBon<br />

October 2010<br />

week 42 18 19 20 21 22 23 24<br />

Monday Tuesday Saturday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday<br />

Topic<br />

Autumn Break<br />

AocaBon<br />


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