

: March |/,i Housfon Tent Preparing to Select Charitable Project to Support ities, R. J. O'Donneil, national chief barker and Col. William McGraw, executive director, outlined charitable activities being carried on by the Dallas tent and by tents over the nation. "Look about you," O'Donneil said, "there are opportunities everywhere to lend a helping hand to some underprivileged children. You will find the truest measure of personal happiness in giving from the heart." The state tent now supports the Copperas Grove Boys Ranch and aids in supporting another. I John Paul Goodwin, chief barker of the Houston branch of the Variety Club of Texas, oversees two young women from Houston as they pin floral boutonnieres on two members of the Dallas tent before they attend the special "side show" presented for the visiting Dallas barkers by the Houston branch. Left to right: Goodwin, Val Flower, "Doc" Allen of Dallas. Henrietta Hilscher and Chief Barker Julius Schepps of Dallas. HOUSTON—The Houston Variety Club ii studying several charitable projects from which it will chose one for sponsorship. The 135 members already are planning to give a benefit show featuring motion picture and radio entertainers to raise funds for the project. This was disclosed by Chief Barker John Paul Goodwin at the two-day meeting here of barkers of the local tent and the Variety Club of Texas, of which the Houston club is a branch. The visit of the Dallas delegation marked the formal opening of the Houston club's new quarters in the Texas State hotel. At a banquet in the Rice hotel climaxing the festiv- NEW ORLEANS pill Shields, salesman for RKO, has been appointed local manager tor Selznick Releasing Organization . . . Joseph Beregi, Emery C. Beregi and Nicholas L. Erdey, operators of the Fox Theatre, Livingston, La., were Pilmrow visitors. Booking for this house is handled by Broggi Booking Co. Wednesd,ay (25) was quite an eventful day in the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Auslet of Dixie Films. On that day Mrs. Auslet celebrated her birthday, and she and Mr. Auslet celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. The Auslets were guests at a surprise party arranged by personnel of Dixie Films, and attended by the entire third floor of the Film Bldg. and a number of persons from other offices on the Row. Cecile Robbins, head inspector, composed a poem for the occasion . . . Mr. and Mrs. Auslet were called to Tliibo- Griggs Seating Is Better! Illustrated is Model IGMBW — newest member of the Griggs line of comfortable theatre seats. This chair may be had in any one of several color schemes and with a choice of end designs. There's a dealer near you- Write today for full details. GRIGGS C^cj^ulpment Compani^ BOX 630 BELTON, TEXAS MANUFACTURERS OF COMFORTABLE SEATING FOR ALL OCCASIONS BOXOFFICE ; 6, 1948 i

. . . Exhibitors . . Joy : March . . daux. La., by the death of their aunt, Mrs. Paul Auslet. A tradescreening of "The Miracle of the Bells" was held at the Circle March 1 . . . The Nila in New Iberia, operated by Lee Fung, did not close on March 1 as previously announced it would. Due to a revision of plan, the theatre will continue to operate as before . . . Mississippi exhibitors on the Rowlast week included Arthur Lehman, who with his brother was here from Jackson, and Pic Moseley, from Picayune . . . Out-of-town Louisiana exhibitors in town were T. L. Mc- Elroy, Shreveport; Roy L. Saxon, Franklinton; Roy Pfeiffer, Baton Rouge; Don George. Alexandria, and Phillip and Warren Salles, Covington. Visitors to the local Altec office were C. J. Zern and George Wiltse of the Dallas office Poster Service has an elaborate new sign above its entrance . . . Bill Cobb. EPS president was on a trip through the territory this week. Filmrow visitors included George French, Mendenhall, Miss.; A. W. Vowell, Taylorsville, Miss.; Bill Jenkins, De Ridder, La.; W. Morehead, Dlo, Miss.; and J. O'Quinn, Welsh, La. . . . Jack Pope of the Joy circuit was a visitor from Rayville, La. . . . Leon Felder, Altec sound engineer, returned from Alexandria, La . Houck. president and general manager of the Joy circuit, returned from a business trip to Texas. Bob KeUy, Screen Guild, left for Slidell, La., and a trip through eastern Louisiana . . . HOUSTON Y'le Tower Theatre wa.s reopened at 6:30 p. m. Febi-uary 27 after a complete job of remodeling and renovation. The cost, said Manager Russel Rindy, was $50,000. The opening attraction was "Killer McCoy" . Ralph T. Dodge, manager of the Uptown, has opened the Nut Hut. an auxiliary nut and popcorn stand, featuring all kinds of nuts, popcorn, apples, etc. . . . Al Lever, city manager for Interstate Theatres, has announced that "Harvey," Mary Chase's Pulitzer prizewinning comedy, will be brought to Houston for five performances at the Music Hall April 8-10. Joe E. Brown will play the starring role. F. M. Fletcher, manager of the Iris, reports Frankie Mota is back with the theatre as chief of staff. Before entering the service, Frankie was with the Iris for 11 years. He recently returned from overseas duty . . . The concert of Ezio Pinza, bass baritone of the Metropolitan Opera, was regarded as an outstanding vocal event of the cm-rent season. Other celebrities due this month are Nelson Eddy at the City Auditorium March 11 and James Melton March 18 . . . Anne Edwards. Houston singer and actress, has signed a contract with the Indianapolis Theatre Ass'n. Inc.. to play leading roles in forthcoming operetta productions. Ben Donaldson, west Texas showman, has returned to his home state after ten years in Kansas. He resigned late last manager of the Star Theatre, owned by W. A. Snell and F. L. Lane at Hays, Kas. Last September he came to Galnsville. Tex., as manager of the L. C. Dennis theatre and In December was tran-sferred to Houston. He is now manager of the Avalon of O. K. Theatres. WE PREFER That you investigate thoroughly the character ol any Premium Concern olfering to solicit your neighborhood mer chants on giveaways. Too bad we have to make this suggestion. NATIONAL THEATRE ADVERTISING CO. Max 4 loe Berenson 1325 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago S, 111. 15 Years of Successful Operation Speed-O-Bikes * Radio Phonograph Combinations * 3-Pc. Luggage Sets Bicycles * Hobby Horses and Other Items at No Cost to the Exhibitor. WnUe fjO^ PoAticula/ii BOXOFFICE : 6, 1948

. . . Exhibitors<br />

. . Joy<br />

: March<br />

. .<br />

daux. La., by the death of their aunt, Mrs.<br />

Paul Auslet.<br />

A tradescreening of "The Miracle of the<br />

Bells" was held at the Circle March 1 . . .<br />

The Nila in New Iberia, operated by Lee<br />

Fung, did not close on March 1 as previously<br />

announced it would. Due to a revision of<br />

plan, the theatre will continue to operate as<br />

before . . . Mississippi exhibitors on the Rowlast<br />

week included Arthur Lehman, who with<br />

his brother was here from Jackson, and Pic<br />

Moseley, from Picayune . . . Out-of-town<br />

Louisiana exhibitors in town were T. L. Mc-<br />

Elroy, Shreveport; Roy L. Saxon, Franklinton;<br />

Roy Pfeiffer, Baton Rouge; Don George.<br />

Alexandria, and Phillip and Warren Salles,<br />

Covington.<br />

Visitors to the local Altec office were C. J.<br />

Zern and George Wiltse of the Dallas office<br />

Poster Service has an elaborate<br />

new sign above its entrance . . . Bill<br />

Cobb. EPS president was on a trip through<br />

the territory this week.<br />

Filmrow visitors included George French,<br />

Mendenhall, Miss.; A. W. Vowell, Taylorsville,<br />

Miss.; Bill Jenkins, De Ridder, La.; W. Morehead,<br />

Dlo, Miss.; and J. O'Quinn, Welsh, La.<br />

. . . Jack Pope of the Joy circuit was a visitor<br />

from Rayville, La. . . . Leon Felder, Altec<br />

sound engineer, returned from Alexandria,<br />

La . Houck. president and general manager<br />

of the Joy circuit, returned from a business<br />

trip to Texas.<br />

Bob KeUy, Screen Guild, left for Slidell,<br />

La., and a trip through eastern Louisiana . . .<br />


Y'le Tower Theatre wa.s reopened at 6:30<br />

p. m. Febi-uary 27 after a complete job<br />

of remodeling and renovation. The cost, said<br />

Manager Russel Rindy, was $50,000. The<br />

opening attraction was "Killer McCoy" .<br />

Ralph T. Dodge, manager of the Uptown, has<br />

opened the Nut Hut. an auxiliary nut and<br />

popcorn stand, featuring all kinds of nuts,<br />

popcorn, apples, etc. . . . Al Lever, city manager<br />

for Interstate Theatres, has announced<br />

that "Harvey," Mary Chase's Pulitzer prizewinning<br />

comedy, will be brought to Houston<br />

for five performances at the Music Hall April<br />

8-10. Joe E. Brown will play the starring<br />

role.<br />

F. M. Fletcher, manager of the Iris, reports<br />

Frankie Mota is back with the theatre as<br />

chief of staff. Before entering the service,<br />

Frankie was with the Iris for 11 years. He<br />

recently returned from overseas duty . . . The<br />

concert of Ezio Pinza, bass baritone of the<br />

Metropolitan Opera, was regarded as an outstanding<br />

vocal event of the cm-rent season.<br />

Other celebrities due this month are Nelson<br />

Eddy at the City Auditorium March 11 and<br />

James Melton March 18 . . . Anne Edwards.<br />

Houston singer and actress, has signed a contract<br />

with the Indianapolis Theatre Ass'n.<br />

Inc.. to play leading roles in forthcoming<br />

operetta productions.<br />

Ben Donaldson, west Texas showman, has<br />

returned to his home state after ten years<br />

in Kansas. He resigned late last<br />

manager of the Star Theatre, owned by W. A.<br />

Snell and F. L. Lane at Hays, Kas. Last<br />

September he came to Galnsville. Tex., as<br />

manager of the L. C. Dennis theatre and In<br />

December was tran-sferred to Houston. He<br />

is now manager of the Avalon of O. K.<br />

Theatres.<br />


That you investigate thoroughly the<br />

character ol any Premium Concern olfering<br />

to solicit your neighborhood mer<br />

chants on giveaways.<br />

Too bad we have to make this suggestion.<br />


Max 4 loe Berenson<br />

1325 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago S, 111.<br />

15 Years of Successful Operation<br />

Speed-O-Bikes * Radio Phonograph<br />

Combinations * 3-Pc. Luggage Sets<br />

Bicycles * Hobby Horses and Other<br />

Items at No Cost to the Exhibitor.<br />

WnUe fjO^<br />

PoAticula/ii<br />


6, 1948

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