

: .t . . . Jack hore ..rvice . . Harry . . Playhouse . . . . . Orchestra . . Mathilda . . James . . Werner . . . Frank . . The . . John . . The : March . . PITTSBURGH nnthony Weyrauch, veteran Filmiow shipper, will be a grandpop this spring. His son James and wife are expecting . . . Dr. H. C. Winslow, Meadville physician, theatre and radio station owner, is vacationing in Florida . . . Joseph Kosco, Brockway exhibitor, and family have returned from a vacation in the south. Louis Averbaeh, newly appointed assistant division manager for Paramount, spent last ; weeker after enjoying his initial week •' on I"', job . . . Jack Servies, National T! . district supervisor, was here :.:e: -iig with Newt Williams, manager . Filmrow Bowling league plans a special roller skating party at Navari's Flamingo, East Liberty . Minsky Kalmine, head of the national Warner circuit and former local zone manager, was here last weekend . . . Abe Weiner, Monogram manager, announces a special drive April 2-July 2. Charles E. Warner, Clarksburg, W. Va., was a Filmrow visitor . . . Gabe Rubin of the Art Cinema was in New York on business Balmer, .son of James G. Balmer, Harris executive, is manager of the Gardens, succeeding Howard Adelsberger, who resigned due to illness. John Jaffurs jr., Glassport exhibitor, and his bride, have returned from New York where they spent their honeymoon . . . The new picture being produced by Bert M. Stearn and Harry Hendel for Screen Guild release has a jungle backgroiuid. Hendel is in Los Angeles working on this production. South Hills Theatre, Dormont, operated by the Warner circuit for a score of years, reverts to the Harris interests May 1 . . . Jim Alexander of the Alexander Theatre Supply has been very active in the YMCA membership campaign . production of "All My Sons" will open March 12 . . . Columbia is not replacing Sidney Goldberg for the present, his West Virginia area being covered by Jack Judd and Leo Isaacs, main line and north area sales representatives. Andy Battiston flew to Chicago in connection with the opening of "Citizen Saint" in the Studebaker Theatre March 13 . . . Bert M. Stern departed March 5 for a week's busi- WE PREFER That you investigate thoroughly the character of any Premium Concern offering to solicit your neighborhood merchants on giveaways. Too bad we have to make this sugges- NATIONAL THEATRE ADVERTISING CO. Max & Joe Berenson 1325 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago 5, HI. 15 Years of Successful Operation Speed-O-Bikes * Radio Phonograph Combinations * 3-Pc. Luggage Sets Bicycles * Hobby Horses and Other Items at No Cost to the Exhibitor. Wlile. pvi PaiticuloAi. ness trip to Hollywood . "Fuzzy" Lund, circuit exhibitor, sold his Twin Gables night club. Fred A. Beedle, Allied MPTO board chairman, staged a general membership meeting March 5 instead of calling only directors of the association. The Ascap situation, government suit and other matters were to be discussed . Kiel, Allied MPTO's assistant secretary, who resided in Brentwood for a number of years, now has a residence in Arlington Heights . . . Israel Roth, city exhibitor, is up and around and looking in good health after an illness. I. Elmer Ecker reports that dozens of local barkers will attend the April 12-17 convention of Variety Clubs Intern.nional in Miami Beach . M. Totman, publicity director Warner Theatres in the zone, for spoke on "Promotion" before the Etna Chamber of Commerce. The Film Council of Allegheny county has been organized under direction of Dr. Herbert T. Olander, professor of visual eiucaticn at the University of Pittsburgh, of persons interested in the showing of 16mm A $200,000 improvement program is announced for the Fulton this summer. Included will be reseating, redecorating and installation of a cooling system. The Shea operated house will be closed during most of June and July. John D. Walsh, Fulton manager, has rented a house in Newport, R. I., for the summer ... An animal act from Hollywood is being booked in the area bookings at theatres in the tristate district in recent months have not met with success. . . . Margaret George Comuntzis, veteran Morgantown exhibitor and restaurant operator, is back from a vacation in New Orleans Miller, former switchboard operator at Paramount who resigned after a score of years, has joined the film inspection staff at UA. Maurice Fruhlinger, Baltimore exhibitor, was a Filmrow visitor in company with John Lengyel, local projectionist ... A favorite show in Clarksburg, W. Va., the Elk's Minstrels, will be revived at the Robinson Grand there March 10-11. Tickets are $2 . . . The Penn, Ambridge, used a ten-inch display in the Daily Citizen to advertise the newsreel .subject, "Cinderella Romance," the Winthrop Rockefeller-Barbara Sears newlyweds. The John D. (Fulton) Walsh juniors and the William J. (Ascap) O'Brien juniors were hosts at the family night party in the Variety Club February 27 . . . Tom McCleary, R^A ciistiict manager, was here from Detroit . . . Ray Laux of the Warner Mount Oliver is the new assistant manager at the downtown Warner, and his brother Jim, who managed the circuit's Whitehall, now is at the Memorial, replacing temporarily the ailing Lou Fordan. Charles Argentine reported that the stork hovered over the Keith, Burgettstown, one night recently and almost dropped a little bundle from heaven in Lana's lap. (The Keith was screening "Green Dolphin Street."! The young woman from Avella, who figured her days too few, received ministrations from a local medic, and promptly hurried home to her own fireside where the blessed event took place. Malcolm MacMillan, who has been in the radio business in Scranton for a year or so, rejoined the local Altec organization . Bill Serrao, New Kensington-Arnold exhibitor, is vacationing in Florida for a month . . . Bill Graham, projectionist at the Rialto, broke his eye glasses and was getting ready to depart from his home to have them replaced when he fell down a flight of stairs and broke his collar bone. He is in South Side hospital . . . Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mc- Gillick, Coraopolis exhibitors, after vacationing in Florida, were expected back this week. Theodore Gri:nce, president of Outdoor Theatres, Inc., has enrolled the Super Castle drive-in. New Castle, with Co-operative Theatre Service . . . C. W. Dickinson, Brownville exhibitor, is motoring through the south and southwest, headed for Mexico . . . Aaron Rosenzweig resigned as salesman for Eagle Lion . . . Joseph Parrell and Edward J. Mulcahy's new Fairview drive-in, St. Marys, Pa., will be represented by Co-operative Theatre Service. C. C. Kellenberg, 20th-Pox manager, is back on the job having recuperated from an illness. Mrs. Kellenberg has lost her parents during recent weeks, her father having died less than a month after the death of her mother . . . Betty Kearns McConnell was absent from the MGM office for several days due to the death of her mother-in-law. John J. Maloney, MGM central division manager, was called to an executive session in Los Angeles . E. Stahl, Homestead exhibitor, is proceeding with construction of his new commercial building in Homestead. Later lie and his son John S. Stahl plan to construct a new theatre building there. John A. Reilly, manager of the Mervis circuit's Rialto, set this week aside for teeth extraction. William Brooks, Paramount booker, has assumed city sales duties, succeeding Louis Averbach, who was promoted to Philadelphia as assistant mideast division manager. A. Harry Passarell, office manager, is assuming additional duties as booking manager. . Welden Waters, 20th-Fox manager, was called to Wilkes-Barre last week due to the sudden death of his father State, Altoona, used a full page ad "Body and on Soul" in the Tribune, which carried a hearty recommendation of Jack Day, manager . . . August F. Joerger and William J. Betz have registered the Hillmount Amusement Co., Pittsburgh . David Hadburgs of the Hazelwood are vacationing in Miami Beach . . . Sylvia Linder of Jimmy Totman's publicity department at Warner circuit headquarters is departing for a vacation in Florida . . . Larry Lapidus, Penn State student and son of Jules Lapidus, Warner eastern-Canaaian sales manager, and Lois Liff, New York City, are engaged. T ou Hanna has been named film buyerbooker for the Butler drive-in, Butler, and the Skyline drive-in. New Castle, the appointment having been made by R. O. Fredley, representing the outdoor theatres Michael, until recently with the army in the Pacific, will assist his mother, Mrs. Martha Michael, in management of BOXOFHCE : 6, 1948

. . The . . . Ike . . George . . Sunset : March . . Allied . . The . . . . William . . Joe . . the Rex. Next fall, he plans to enter college. Glenn Carruthers, Grove City exhibitor, reports that community's sesquicentennial will be an event of next August . . . Larry Lowstetter. Meyersdale exhibitor, has sold "Miss Economy." his race honse . . . Lee Conrad put on a stage show at the Park, Meadville, which featured the three Kress sisters of Meadville, former Rockettes who have made three USO overseas tours . . M. A. . Silvers, Warner circuit zone manager, is active again after being down with virus X. John Perry, Belle Vernon exhibitor and liotel man, was active at the state restaurant owners' convention here, as was Jack Mapel, Point Marion theatre owner-restaurateur Hi-Way Theatre, summer playhouse, will present eight plays in the Ebensburg- Cambria high school auditorium June 26 to August 21. Warners' Harris in Donora, is advertising for musicians and entertainers Browarsky, local exhibitor, has been \acationing in Florida . MPTO directors were in session March 5 at headquarters . Jaffee of the Casino has been taking the" baths at Hot Springs. Junior Miss America contest, scheduled for May, has been set back to September, according to the Pittsburgh Junior Chamber of Commerce ... An Equity summer theatre will open at Colonial Manor near Irwin in June with Carl Low and Clay Flagg producing, and Paul Foley directing . . . P. D. "Dinty" Moore, Warner manager, would like to take his vacation to "bake out" a lingering cold but he can't get away from the office. The M. A. Rosenbergs. McKee.s Rocks exhibitors, have returned from their vacation in Florida . Drive-In at Meadowbrook, W. Va., has installed pipes for in-acar speaker field stands and the former screen structure is screen. being replaced by a larger Mrs. Ray Hickman Elected To Late Husband's Posts CLEVELAND—Mrs. Ray C. Hickman has been elected vice-president and secretary of the Washington Theatre Co.. to fill the offices held by her late husband. John Woodard, Dover, Ohio, has been named to succeed Hickman on the board of directors. Steve Broidy to Visit PITTSBURGH—Exhibitor friends of Steve Broidy, president of Monogram and Allied Artists, will greet him here next Thursday 111). Broidy will stop here en route to New York from Amarillo, Tex., where he attended the premiere of AA's "Panhandle," sepia tone western thriller starring Rod Cameron. "Panhandle," will open locally in the Fulton at an early date. Fined for Obscene Show GREENSBURG, PA.—Charged with giving and permitting the exhibition of an obscene show and obscene pictures, Tom R. Kamerer, Charles Kisner and Sam W. Betters were fined $100 and costs by Judge Edward G. Bauer. State police pressed charges following a raid on a North Huntingdon township tavern last June 22. •BOXOFFICE : Quiz Show Takes to Air From National. Louisville LOUISVILLE SomclhinK new in quiz shows has reached Louisville by way of the National Theaatre. Sponsored by a local ice cream manufacturer, the show is called "Heaa of the Family." The initial program was presented to the theatre audience Wednesday night, February 25, and was broadcast over station WHAS. The program i.s of the audience participation type with prizes awarded to the winners. The show is scheduled as a weekly affair and is to continue for an indefinite run. The National is herded by Vance Schwartz and is managed by Jimmy Robertson. From the BOXOFFICE Files (Twenty Years Ago) E. FONTAINE has returned to Cleveland J as manager of the Paramount exchange. He has been in Pittsburgh for Paramount. H. Brauer and Harry Dodge succeeded him in Cleveland. Brauer is now in Columbus, and Dodge has gone in the advertising business. Harry Goldstein, Albany manager, has become Pittsburgh manager. K. G. Robinson, salesman from Boston, has taken over the Albany exhange. Fines are being paid weekly by three motion picture theatre managers in Dover, Ohio. This has been going on all winter. Every Sunday the proprietors of the Ohio, Webber and Pike theatres are arrested for infraction of the law. pay a fine of $15.45 ani then go back to their shows. Reade's Hippodrome in Cleveland has inaugurated a bargain matinee policy of all seats in the house at 25 cents till 5 p. m. . J. C. Hudges of Hillsboro, Ohio, has purchased the theatre in Leesburg from H. L. Wiggins of Hillsboro. H. W. Byrd of the Forum Tlieatre has a lease on this house . Playhouse, at Jackson. Ohio, has been sold by O. J. Welsh to Harold Priest. Joseph and Robert Stern, operators of the Marlow, Grand, Eastern and Lyric at Ironton, are planning the erection of a new theatre in Jackson at a cost of $60,000. It will be across from the Cambria hotel. The Troy Amusement Co. has opened its new $100,000 theatre in Troy, Ohio, the Mayflower. It is a two-story playhouse in the Georgian style . . . A. G. Longbrake, formerly m?nager of the Band Box Theatre in Springfield, has been transferred to the Regent in the same capacity . . . Phil Charnas, manager cf the Bucyrus Theatres Co., has announced plans to erect a new theatre in Bucyrus. George Shenker has sold the Cozy Theatre in Lorain. Ohio, to the Interstate Theatres. Inc. This was the last of a chain of houses in Lorain owned by Shenker. Sam T. Read is managing the Cozy. . . Richard Weil, formerly in charge of publicity for Progress Pictures Corp., has been heard from. He is with Educational Films on the west coast and agrees with Arthur Brisbane that there's nothing like California . "The Jazz Singer" blazed a Out of nev." trail in Columbus, now in its eighth week at the Grand, a history-making engagement. COLUMBUS prcd Astaire was to look at his proposed dance studios on East Broad street . . . John B. Brobst of the Ohio, known as Benny to his Loew's co-workers, was given a pin by Manager Walter Kessler, signifying completion of a score of years as electrician at the Ohio and Broad E. Brown, stage and screen star and native of Holgate, was invited to be a at the Variety Club membership dinner held during his local appearance in "Harvey" at the Hartman. Charles Koch, operator at the Southern for 17 years, is taking a three or four-week vacation in California. Bert Fletcher, his fellow operator, just returned from a holiday in Mexico. Tom Johnston is subbing for Koch ... J. Real Neth is recovering at his home from an illness which has kept him from his desk for several weeks. A cashier and usher at Neth's Eastern were held up by two bandits who threatened them and then fled with $170 in cash. Florence H3ll. cashier and Lewis Hagen, usher, were in the boxoffice when one of the gunmen drew a pistol from under his jacket and ordered: "Give us all the money you got. We mean business." J. A. "Jimmy" Tallman, manager, told police Miss Hall gave the gunman all the money in the booth. Lou Holleb, Robert Nelson, John Bracroft and Leo Haenlein of the Variety Club landed in the Dispatch as some of the bachelor targets for the Leap Year party held last Saturday in the clubrooms. They were pictured with a local model and one of the 20 from a New York modeling school who picked the most eligible bachelor at the party . The sophomore class of Capitol university here presented "Knickerbocker Holiday," the old Nel-son Eddy film, on the campus for 35 cents, "including refreshments." Show held one performance only on Saturday night. Other campus organizations are planning similar film shows. Thertres are fating other forms of competidon, too. First boxing bill in some years w.^'s held last week at Memorial hal! with 3,462 patrons paying $14,723. An ice rink large enough to permit hockey games is under consideration in the Ohio State university district. The rink, to cost $100,000. would permit skating nine months a year Perry, known along the Rialto as "Jiggs." was killed when he walked into a house trailer while crossing a downtown street. Jiggs was a ballyhoo man who worked street stunts for all downtown theatres at one time or another. . . Harold The Variety Club will take over the first night's sale of tickets for "The Skating Vanities of 1948." which will be staged here starting April 27. Portion of the proceeds will go into the heart fund . . . Patricia "Pat" Moore was chosen "Miss Loew Springtime" to symbolize Loew's Springtime Hit Parade now being celebrated at the Ohio and Broad. She is a local model . painter, reports a first Martindrle. Loew's sign of spring—he caught a two-foot blacksnake in his back yard. Gory Category Eagle Lion will make its film title. "Blood on the Snow." less sanguine and call it "Canon City" instead. 6. 1948 77

: .t<br />

. . . Jack<br />

hore<br />

..rvice<br />

. . Harry<br />

. . Playhouse<br />

. .<br />

. . . Orchestra<br />

. . Mathilda<br />

. . James<br />

. . Werner<br />

. . . Frank<br />

. . The<br />

. . John<br />

. . The<br />

: March<br />

. .<br />


nnthony Weyrauch, veteran Filmiow shipper,<br />

will be a grandpop this spring. His<br />

son James and wife are expecting . . . Dr.<br />

H. C. Winslow, Meadville physician, theatre<br />

and radio station owner, is vacationing in<br />

Florida . . . Joseph Kosco, Brockway exhibitor,<br />

and family have returned from a vacation<br />

in the south.<br />

Louis Averbaeh, newly appointed assistant<br />

division manager for Paramount, spent last<br />

;<br />

weeker after enjoying his initial week<br />

•'<br />

on I"', job . . . Jack Servies, National<br />

T! . district supervisor, was here<br />

:.:e: -iig with Newt Williams, manager .<br />

Filmrow Bowling league plans a special<br />

roller skating party at Navari's Flamingo,<br />

East Liberty .<br />

Minsky Kalmine,<br />

head of the national Warner circuit and former<br />

local zone manager, was here last weekend<br />

. . . Abe Weiner, Monogram manager,<br />

announces a special drive April 2-July 2.<br />

Charles E. Warner, Clarksburg, W. Va., was<br />

a Filmrow visitor . . . Gabe Rubin of the<br />

Art Cinema was in New York on business<br />

Balmer, .son of James G. Balmer,<br />

Harris executive, is manager of the Gardens,<br />

succeeding Howard Adelsberger, who resigned<br />

due to illness.<br />

John Jaffurs jr., Glassport exhibitor, and<br />

his bride, have returned from New York<br />

where they spent their honeymoon . . . The<br />

new picture being produced by Bert M. Stearn<br />

and Harry Hendel for Screen Guild release<br />

has a jungle backgroiuid. Hendel is in Los<br />

Angeles working on this production.<br />

South Hills Theatre, Dormont, operated by<br />

the Warner circuit for a score of years, reverts<br />

to the Harris interests May 1 . . . Jim<br />

Alexander of the Alexander Theatre Supply<br />

has been very active in the YMCA membership<br />

campaign . production of<br />

"All My Sons" will open March 12 . . . Columbia<br />

is not replacing Sidney Goldberg for<br />

the present, his West Virginia area being<br />

covered by Jack Judd and Leo Isaacs, main<br />

line and north area sales representatives.<br />

Andy Battiston flew to Chicago in connection<br />

with the opening of "Citizen Saint" in<br />

the Studebaker Theatre March 13 . . . Bert<br />

M. Stern departed March 5 for a week's busi-<br />


That you investigate thoroughly the<br />

character of any Premium Concern offering<br />

to solicit your neighborhood merchants<br />

on giveaways.<br />

Too bad we have to make this sugges-<br />


Max & Joe Berenson<br />

1325 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago 5, HI.<br />

15 Years of Successful Operation<br />

Speed-O-Bikes * Radio Phonograph<br />

Combinations * 3-Pc. Luggage Sets<br />

Bicycles * Hobby Horses and Other<br />

Items at No Cost to the Exhibitor.<br />

Wlile. pvi PaiticuloAi.<br />

ness trip to Hollywood . "Fuzzy"<br />

Lund, circuit exhibitor, sold his Twin Gables<br />

night club.<br />

Fred A. Beedle, Allied MPTO board chairman,<br />

staged a general membership meeting<br />

March 5 instead of calling only directors of<br />

the association. The Ascap situation, government<br />

suit and other matters were to be discussed<br />

. Kiel, Allied MPTO's assistant<br />

secretary, who resided in Brentwood<br />

for a number of years, now has a residence<br />

in Arlington Heights . . . Israel Roth, city<br />

exhibitor, is up and around and looking in<br />

good health after an illness.<br />

I. Elmer Ecker reports that dozens of local<br />

barkers will attend the April 12-17 convention<br />

of Variety Clubs Intern.nional in Miami<br />

Beach . M. Totman, publicity director<br />

Warner Theatres in the zone,<br />

for<br />

spoke on "Promotion" before the Etna<br />

Chamber of Commerce.<br />

The Film Council of Allegheny county has<br />

been organized under direction of Dr. Herbert<br />

T. Olander, professor of visual eiucaticn<br />

at the University of Pittsburgh, of<br />

persons interested in the showing of 16mm<br />

A $200,000 improvement program is announced<br />

for the Fulton this summer. Included<br />

will be reseating, redecorating and<br />

installation of a cooling system. The Shea<br />

operated house will be closed during most<br />

of June and July. John D. Walsh, Fulton<br />

manager, has rented a house in Newport,<br />

R. I., for the summer ... An animal act<br />

from Hollywood is being booked in the area<br />

bookings at theatres in the<br />

tristate district in recent months have not<br />

met with success.<br />

. . . Margaret<br />

George Comuntzis, veteran Morgantown<br />

exhibitor and restaurant operator, is back<br />

from a vacation in New Orleans<br />

Miller, former switchboard operator at<br />

Paramount who resigned after a score of<br />

years, has joined the film inspection staff<br />

at UA.<br />

Maurice Fruhlinger, Baltimore exhibitor,<br />

was a Filmrow visitor in company with John<br />

Lengyel, local projectionist ... A favorite<br />

show in Clarksburg, W. Va., the Elk's Minstrels,<br />

will be revived at the Robinson Grand<br />

there March 10-11. Tickets are $2 . . . The<br />

Penn, Ambridge, used a ten-inch display in<br />

the Daily Citizen to advertise the newsreel<br />

.subject, "Cinderella Romance," the Winthrop<br />

Rockefeller-Barbara Sears newlyweds.<br />

The John D. (Fulton) Walsh juniors and<br />

the William J. (Ascap) O'Brien juniors were<br />

hosts at the family night party in the Variety<br />

Club February 27 . . . Tom McCleary, R^A<br />

ciistiict manager, was here from Detroit . . .<br />

Ray Laux of the Warner Mount Oliver is<br />

the new assistant manager at the downtown<br />

Warner, and his brother Jim, who managed<br />

the circuit's Whitehall, now is at the<br />

Memorial, replacing temporarily the ailing<br />

Lou Fordan.<br />

Charles Argentine reported that the stork<br />

hovered over the Keith, Burgettstown, one<br />

night recently and almost dropped a little<br />

bundle from heaven in Lana's lap. (The<br />

Keith was screening "Green Dolphin<br />

Street."! The young woman from Avella,<br />

who figured her days too few, received<br />

ministrations from a local medic, and<br />

promptly hurried home to her own fireside<br />

where the blessed event took place.<br />

Malcolm MacMillan, who has been in the<br />

radio business in Scranton for a year or<br />

so, rejoined the local Altec organization .<br />

Bill Serrao, New Kensington-Arnold exhibitor,<br />

is vacationing in Florida for a month<br />

. . . Bill Graham, projectionist at the Rialto,<br />

broke his eye glasses and was getting ready<br />

to depart from his home to have them replaced<br />

when he fell down a flight of stairs<br />

and broke his collar bone. He is in South<br />

Side hospital . . . Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mc-<br />

Gillick, Coraopolis exhibitors, after vacationing<br />

in Florida, were expected back this<br />

week.<br />

Theodore Gri:nce, president of Outdoor<br />

Theatres, Inc., has enrolled the Super Castle<br />

drive-in. New Castle, with Co-operative Theatre<br />

Service . . . C. W. Dickinson, Brownville<br />

exhibitor, is motoring through the south<br />

and southwest, headed for Mexico . . . Aaron<br />

Rosenzweig resigned as salesman for Eagle<br />

Lion . . . Joseph Parrell and Edward J.<br />

Mulcahy's new Fairview drive-in, St. Marys,<br />

Pa., will be represented by Co-operative Theatre<br />

Service.<br />

C. C. Kellenberg, 20th-Pox manager, is<br />

back on the job having recuperated from an<br />

illness. Mrs. Kellenberg has lost her parents<br />

during recent weeks, her father having died<br />

less than a month after the death of her<br />

mother . . . Betty Kearns McConnell was<br />

absent from the MGM office for several days<br />

due to the death of her mother-in-law.<br />

John J. Maloney, MGM central division<br />

manager, was called to an executive session<br />

in Los Angeles . E. Stahl, Homestead<br />

exhibitor, is proceeding with construction<br />

of his new commercial building in Homestead.<br />

Later lie and his son John S. Stahl<br />

plan to construct a new theatre building<br />

there. John A. Reilly, manager of the Mervis<br />

circuit's Rialto, set this week aside for<br />

teeth<br />

extraction.<br />

William Brooks, Paramount booker, has<br />

assumed city sales duties, succeeding Louis<br />

Averbach, who was promoted to Philadelphia<br />

as assistant mideast division manager. A.<br />

Harry Passarell, office manager, is assuming<br />

additional duties as booking manager.<br />

.<br />

Welden Waters, 20th-Fox manager, was<br />

called to Wilkes-Barre last week due to the<br />

sudden death of his father State,<br />

Altoona, used a full page ad "Body and<br />

on<br />

Soul" in the Tribune, which carried a hearty<br />

recommendation of Jack Day, manager . . .<br />

August F. Joerger and William J. Betz have<br />

registered the Hillmount Amusement Co.,<br />

Pittsburgh . David Hadburgs of the<br />

Hazelwood are vacationing in Miami Beach<br />

. . . Sylvia Linder of Jimmy Totman's publicity<br />

department at Warner circuit headquarters<br />

is departing for a vacation in<br />

Florida . . . Larry Lapidus, Penn State student<br />

and son of Jules Lapidus, Warner<br />

eastern-Canaaian sales manager, and Lois<br />

Liff, New York City, are engaged.<br />

T ou Hanna has been named film buyerbooker<br />

for the Butler drive-in, Butler,<br />

and the Skyline drive-in. New Castle, the<br />

appointment having been made by R. O.<br />

Fredley, representing the outdoor theatres<br />

Michael, until recently with the<br />

army in the Pacific, will assist his mother,<br />

Mrs. Martha Michael, in management of<br />

BOXOFHCE :<br />

6, 1948

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