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V. U. Young Stricken<br />

Ai Home in Florida<br />

INDIANAPOLIS—V. U. Young, pioneer<br />

motion picture theatre operator here, died<br />

at his home in Miami Beach last week.<br />

He was 70 years old, and returned to<br />

Florida recently after an operation at the<br />

Mayo clinic in Rochester,<br />

president of the Y&W Management<br />

Minn.<br />

Corp.,<br />

He was<br />

operators of 27 theatres in Indiana, with offices<br />

in Indianapolis. He began his career<br />

in the entertainment business in 1907 at<br />

Gary, Ind., formerly his home, and had retired<br />

about five years ago.<br />

Survivors include the wife, a daughter,<br />

Mrs. Roy Clore of Gary: one son Robert of<br />

Indianapolis, and three brothers.<br />

Kato Film Delivery Trucks<br />

Start Running in Kentucky<br />

INDIANAPOLIS—The Kato Theatre Service,<br />

operated by Andy Anderson. Kentucky<br />

exhibitor, is now picking up film at local<br />

exchanges and making door deliveiy in remote<br />

parts of Kentucky served from Indianapolis.<br />

Before the organization of this<br />

sei-vice, exhibitors had to rely on express delivery,<br />

which was vei-y unsatisfactoi-y. Trucks<br />

pick up and deliver thi-ee days each week.<br />

Indiana ATO to Convene<br />

At French Lick July 26<br />

INDIANAPOLIS—The midsununer meeting<br />

of the ATO of Indiana will be held at<br />

French Lick hotel, French Lick, Ind., July 26<br />

aiiu 28, it was announced by William Carroll,<br />

executive secretarj'.<br />

Charles A. Mast Dies<br />

ST. LOUIS—Charles A. Mast, who joined<br />

the St. Louis Theatrical Brotherhood Sept.<br />

8, 1892, and who worked for various times<br />

in practically every theatre in St. Louis, died<br />

of the infirmities of age February 24. He<br />

was born July 28, 1869. His most recent employment<br />

was at the Grand Opera House<br />

early in 1945,<br />

Joe Burke Redecorates<br />

BATAVIA, ILL.—The Capitol Theatre<br />

closed for three days recently to permit the<br />

completion of a redecoration project. Joe<br />

Burke, who has operated the theatre for 21<br />

years, said the theatre has been given new<br />

carpets and furniture, except for theatre<br />

seats, which were renovated: the walls have<br />

been redecorated, and the exterior repaired<br />

and improved. The work cost between $5,000<br />

and $6,000. Roses were given to all the<br />

women patrons when the theatre reopened<br />

with "Golden Earrings."<br />

Plan Soo Renovation<br />

SAULT STE. MARIE. MICH. — The Soo<br />

Amusement Co. has plans to redecorate the<br />

Soo Theatre and remodel the Temple this<br />

spring, according to Joseph DePaul. manager.<br />

The marquee on the old Colonial<br />

Theatre here was recently removed and it<br />

is likely the property will be converted<br />

to other than theatre use.<br />

BOXOFFICE : : March 6, 1948<br />

Bottler Suggests Coin<br />

Between Dime, Nickel<br />

MILWAUKEE—Here's a new thought for<br />

theatre operators who sell -soft drinks.<br />

A new 7';; cent "convenience" coin was<br />

advocated here last week by Edward W.<br />

Mehren, president of the Squirt Bottling<br />

Co.. Beverly Hills. Calif. Speaking before<br />

the 33rd annual convention of the Wisconsin<br />

Bottlers of Carbonated -Beverages, Mehren<br />

said:<br />

"It is evident the nickel has become a<br />

dodo in the soft drink industry. We cannot<br />

junk millions of dollars worth of bottles to<br />

change sizes in tune with changing nickel<br />

value. So. the price must go up. And the<br />

next convenient coin is a dime.<br />

"We need a new convenient coin, a coin<br />

of les.ser value than a dime, to save people<br />

money, to give us greater production, and<br />

to give thousands of bottlers a profit they<br />

need to stay in business."<br />

Mehren asserted the use of a 7'-: cent coin<br />

would make raising the price of nickel .soft<br />

drinks to 7'j cents feasible, because the<br />

industry has become strong on one-coin<br />

sales.<br />

Navy Cites Bryn Griffiths<br />

For Photography in Battle<br />

MILWAUKEE—Bryn Griffiths, former Pox<br />

Wisconsin public relations director and theatre<br />

manager, received a belated war honor<br />

last week when the navy announced that he<br />

is among a group of men to receive the<br />

presidential unit citation.<br />

The citation was awarded to inembers of<br />

the crew of the USS Lunga Point, aircraft<br />

carrier on which Griffiths served for two<br />

years during World War II. The carrier<br />

participated in the Leyte, Iwo Jima, Luzon,<br />

Okinaw^a and Third Fleet operations against<br />

Japan.<br />

Stage Show Is Cancelled<br />

In Dispute With Union<br />

INDIANAPOLIS—The Circle Theatre last<br />

week canceled a stage show because of a<br />

dispute with the American Federation of<br />

Musicians. AFL. over hiring of standby musicians.<br />

The theatre has not hired standby<br />

musicians since the Taft-Hartley act became<br />

a law. The show was to consist of Harry<br />

Cool's orchestra, the Harmonicats and other<br />

acts. "If You Knew Susie" was substituted<br />

for<br />

the stage attraction.<br />

Fred Reeth Vacationing<br />

MADISON—Fi-ed Reeth. manager of the<br />

Capitol, and Mi-s. Reeth left February 27<br />

for a four week's vacation trip to the west<br />

coast. They will visit relatives in California<br />

and will also visit Hollywood studios. Tlie<br />

trip is being made by automobile. Ray<br />

Rackow. manager of a Warner house in<br />

Sheboygan and former manager of the<br />

Majestic here, is managing the Capitol during<br />

Reeth's absence.<br />

Crack Theatre Safe<br />

INDIANAPOLIS—Yeggs roUed a heavy safe<br />

from the office of the Rivoli Theatre and<br />

hammered it open in an aisle. The strong<br />

box was destroyed and two days' receipts<br />

were taken. The loss w^as not estimated by<br />

Walter Pursley, manager.<br />

Variety Club to Benefit<br />

From Ansell Picture<br />

ST. LOUIS- Receipts from the local premiere<br />

of the An.sell Bros, production, "Woman<br />

in the Night," will be turned over to<br />

the heart fund of the Variety Club, according<br />

to Tommy James, chief barker.<br />

The picture will open the night of March<br />

30 in the Fanchon & Marco Fox Theatre.<br />

James al.so disclo.sed plans for a series<br />

of midnight shows to be held in local theaties<br />

to help boost the charity fund. The<br />

first of these will be at the Esquire Theatre.<br />

Joe Smith, booker of floor shows here, will<br />

supply the talent.<br />

Another money-raising venture of the<br />

local tent will be a hor.se show here in the<br />

spring. Club leaders hope to net from $3.-<br />

000 to $5,000 through this promotion.<br />

Between 30 and 50 new members are to<br />

be initiated into the club at the March<br />

meeting. A guest at the last session was<br />

Gordon Halloran, former chief barker of the<br />

Des Moines Variety Club, who recently came<br />

here as succes.sor to B. B. Reingold as manager<br />

of 20th-Fox exchange.<br />

Gordon Craddock Joins EL<br />

As Indianapolis Manager<br />

INDIANAPOLIS—Gordon C. Craddock has<br />

been named Indianapolis branch manager for<br />

Eagle Lion by William J. Heineman. vicepresident<br />

in charge of distribution. Craddock<br />

has held various sales posts with Universal,<br />

including branch manager in Indianapolis<br />

and Portland and home office sales<br />

executive.<br />

Drive-In Plans Rebuffed<br />

CHICAGO — Efforts of a group of Chicagoans<br />

to force the village of Skokie. suburb<br />

north of here, to issue a permit for construction<br />

of a drive-in theatre have been<br />

rebuffed in court. Judge Paul McWilliams<br />

of Litchfield. 111., sitting in superior court,<br />

ruled that there was some doubt that the<br />

Chlcagoans had complied with an ordinance<br />

requiring them to submit plans and specifications<br />

to the village and for that reason he<br />

ruled the village need not issue a permit.<br />

Promotions in Jefferson City<br />

JEFFERSON CITY—A shift of managers<br />

of two of the local theatres in the Durwood<br />

was announced by Arnold Gould, city<br />

circuit<br />

manager. Howard Griffen. who has been<br />

manager of the Roxy, has been promoted to<br />

manager of the larger State. He succeeds<br />

Robert Howard who is returning to his home<br />

in Phoenix, Ariz. Raymond Spencer, who<br />

has been assistant manager of the Roxy.<br />

has been upped to manager for that house.<br />

Albyn England Dies<br />

GARY. IND.—Albyn England, manager of<br />

the Gary Theatre and advertising manager<br />

in this district for the Y&W Management<br />

Corp.. died here recently of a heart attack.<br />

He was 47 years old. Before entering service<br />

England was city manager for Y&W in<br />

Richmond. Ind. He came to Gary three<br />

years ago. Surviving are his wife and three<br />


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