Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...

Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...

Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...


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<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>PRSP</strong> Implementation in Malawi<br />

The study intends to focus not exclusively on PFM at central but also at local<br />

government level. Because the situations differ significantly in urban and<br />

rural districts, the research team decided to concentrate on rural districts,<br />

given that roughly 85 percent of the population and 90 percent of Malawi’s<br />

poor live in these areas (Ellis et al. 2003, 1497; IFAD 2002, 9). The team<br />

selected two rural districts (Dedza in the central region and Rumphi in the<br />

north), choosing one considered a relatively good per<strong>for</strong>mer and one considered<br />

to face particularly many challenges regarding PFM (<strong>for</strong> a map of Malawi,<br />

see Annex 4). By resorting to this maximum difference sampling strategy,<br />

the study aims at covering the broadest possible range of per<strong>for</strong>mance in<br />

order to identify critical differences as well as general features in terms of<br />

factors and context conditions. 4 There<strong>for</strong>e, in addition to PFM per<strong>for</strong>mance,<br />

three other criteria have been taken into account <strong>for</strong> district selection:<br />

— Pilot-districts <strong>for</strong> devolution in the education sector;<br />

— Different donor agencies involved in decentralisation/PFM activities at<br />

district level;<br />

— Regional and political party division in Malawi.<br />

The analysis is predominantly based on qualitative data collected during a<br />

three month field trip to Malawi. The main instrument of data collection has<br />

been semi-structured interviews with individually adjusted interview guidelines.<br />

Furthermore, official documents as well as grey literature have been<br />

collected. Data from a number of non-participatory observations and in<strong>for</strong>mal<br />

conversations complement the data gained through interviews and documents.<br />

The analysis of these data has been qualitative and guided by the principles<br />

of Grounded Theory. Annex I provides more details on methodology<br />

and research strategy.<br />

4 For the initial evaluation of the districts’ PFM per<strong>for</strong>mance, the research team relied on<br />

assessments by different stakeholders in Malawi, in particular the local partner institution<br />

<strong>for</strong> this project, the National Local Government Finance Committee as well as donor representatives<br />

involved in activities with local governments.<br />

German Development <strong>Institut</strong>e 43

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