Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...

Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...

Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...


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Stefan Leiderer et al.<br />

of government. At the same time there is a need to effectively address specific<br />

and sometimes very different capacity development needs of individual<br />

districts. While MoLGRD should assume the overall responsibility <strong>for</strong> the<br />

mini-basket, the management of funds and activities could be assigned to the<br />

NLGFC.<br />

Strengthened support <strong>for</strong> the National Assembly to improve budget<br />

scrutiny and control<br />

Malawi’s National Assembly is severely underfunded. Currently very few<br />

donors are supporting the National Assembly, not least because in the light of<br />

modern development approaches such as <strong>PRSP</strong>s, budget support and other<br />

programme-based approaches most international donors tend to focus on the<br />

executive. In order to increase parliament’s relevance and its ability to contribute<br />

to a sound PFM by executing its oversight functions, it is recommended<br />

that more development assistance be directed towards the National<br />

Assembly. In order to minimize coordination needs, it is suggested that donor<br />

agencies pool their funds and delegate the programme implementation to one<br />

lead donor. This could be done in a similar fashion as DFID is currently contributing<br />

funds to the CIDA-run parliamentary programme.<br />

Provision of equipment and financial resources <strong>for</strong> administrative<br />

processes<br />

One important capacity shortcoming in Malawi’s PFM system is insufficient<br />

equipment and financial resources in government institutions, especially at<br />

local level. Donors should continue to assist local authorities by providing<br />

equipment. For good reasons, maintenance of equipment is not always a<br />

priority <strong>for</strong> donors, who argue that in the interest of sustainability recurrent<br />

costs of development investments should be covered by the recipient government.<br />

However, it must be kept in mind that local authorities often simply<br />

do not have enough own resources to cover operational costs and central<br />

government may have few incentives to provide the necessary resources.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e, there is a role <strong>for</strong> donors to ensure that the responsibility <strong>for</strong> operational<br />

costs is clearly assigned and en<strong>for</strong>ced. Nonetheless, as the resource<br />

envelope of local government institutions is usually thin, donors should also<br />

consider financing recurrent costs by providing some <strong>for</strong>m of budgetary support.<br />

Donors should also take into account that spare parts <strong>for</strong> special equipment<br />

and technologies are not always available or af<strong>for</strong>dable in Malawi. They<br />

146<br />

German Development <strong>Institut</strong>e

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