Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...

Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...

Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...


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<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>PRSP</strong> Implementation in Malawi<br />

to adhere to its budget. This is a noteworthy turnaround from experience in<br />

previous years” (IMF 2005).<br />

Shortly after the new government was elected, a number of measures were<br />

taken as symbolic steps to indicate commitment to budgetary discipline and<br />

sound debt management. One such step was moving government offices from<br />

Blantyre to Lilongwe. In addition, to limit travelling expenditures, approval<br />

procedures <strong>for</strong> travels made by ministers and PSs were transferred from line<br />

ministries to the Office of the President.<br />

In an attempt to improve cash planning in line ministries, the treasury gave<br />

back the responsibility of utility costs to line ministries, from which it had<br />

originally been taken away to avoid accumulation of arrears. This measure<br />

includes sanctioning mechanism, withholding cash transfers in case of new<br />

arrears.<br />

The new government also introduced a sanctioning mechanism in order to<br />

achieve better budget control at local level. The new <strong>Financial</strong> Reporting<br />

Guidelines <strong>for</strong> Local Authorities state that funds <strong>for</strong> local authorities may be<br />

withheld in case financial reports are not submitted to the NLGFC on time.<br />

Finally, funding was increased <strong>for</strong> the National Audit Office (NAO) and Anti<br />

Corruption Bureau (ACB). The initial anti-corruption drive saw a number of<br />

senior officials, including some <strong>for</strong>mer ministers, arrested. Yet, the most<br />

prominent case was the one of Minister of Education Yusuf Mwawa, who in<br />

May 2005 was dismissed and later convicted <strong>for</strong> using government funds <strong>for</strong><br />

a private wedding celebration.<br />

However, most elements of the old system of inappropriate power distribution<br />

and perverse incentives remain in place. In addition, during the field<br />

research most observers agreed that the current political commitment depended<br />

heavily on very few people at the top, above all the new President and<br />

the Minister of Finance. This created a certain degree of uncertainty about the<br />

sustainability of the apparent commitment to sound PFM of the new administration.<br />

Even a genuinely well-intentioned President, within such a system,<br />

may lack support and may be threatened by a coalition of those who previously<br />

profited from the old system (IDD and Associates 2005, 28).<br />

The role weak political commitment might still play in creating a parallel<br />

PFM system of in<strong>for</strong>mal rules and procedures in Malawi should thus not be<br />

underestimated. Nonetheless, the evidence collected and observations made<br />

during the field study suggest that at this time, the absence of political will to<br />

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