Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...

Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...

Public Financial Management for PRSP - Deutsches Institut für ...


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Stefan Leiderer et al.<br />

to consolidate local and central monitoring ef<strong>for</strong>ts. At the planning stage,<br />

national and local processes are also poorly coordinated as there is no operational<br />

mechanism linking DDPs to national strategies and plans, in particular<br />

the M<strong>PRSP</strong> and the PSIP. Such a link, which needs to be both bottom up as<br />

well as top down at the same time, is indispensable if decentralisation is taken<br />

further ahead. However, a certain trade-off does exist between further devolution<br />

of government functions and concerted ef<strong>for</strong>ts by donors and central<br />

government to implement national development strategies such as the<br />

M<strong>PRSP</strong>.<br />

6.4.4 Horizontal coordination at local government level<br />

This section analyses local institutions and stakeholders and their involvement<br />

in the PFM process. It pays special attention to procedures of financing<br />

mechanisms how they are coordinated with local institutions.<br />

Although the Government of Malawi and the donor community welcome<br />

decentralisation as an important re<strong>for</strong>m, severe difficulties in Malawi’s public<br />

administration make local governance more vulnerable to in<strong>for</strong>mal procedures<br />

and render its institutions less credible.<br />

In-depth analysis of the qualitative data collected of local stakeholders involved<br />

in the PFM process suggests the following: 41<br />

First, sound PFM at the local government level has not yet developed due to a<br />

poorly institutionalised local governance system, in which local stakeholders<br />

and PFM procedures are characterised by a high degree of uncertainty. In the<br />

course of decentralisation, new organised institutions collide with existing<br />

ones. This leads to undefined fields of responsibility and sometimes arbitrary<br />

and in<strong>for</strong>mal procedures.<br />

Second, uncertainty of local institutions and procedures is boosted by uncoordinated<br />

financing mechanisms of government and <strong>for</strong>eign donor funds.<br />

41 Stakeholders involved in the analysis are: The District Assembly (DA) and its elected<br />

councillors, including committees; the DAs administrative body, the District Secretariat and<br />

its senior and minor staff; the Traditional Authorities (TAs) that have to be distinguished<br />

into Paramount Chiefs, Senior Chiefs, Chiefs, Sub-Chiefs, Group Village Headman, and<br />

Village Headman; local NGOs; donor agencies; and other influential stakeholders such as<br />

business people.<br />

118 German Development <strong>Institut</strong>e

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