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apRap<br />

Newsletter of the Australasian Performing Right Association www.apra.com.au JULY 2007<br />

RIP: Billy Thorpe<br />

& Lobby Loyde<br />

Celebrating <strong>25</strong> years<br />

of the <strong>APRA</strong> <strong>MUSIC</strong> <strong>AWARDS</strong><br />

Sick Puppies GOING GLOBAL<br />

FAN-BASE:<br />

build it and they will come<br />

> Kev Carmody, Missy Higgins, Paul Kelly.<br />

Photo > Tony Mott

Anthea Sarris<br />

Brett Cottle<br />

Photo > Jan Kuczerawy<br />

Photo > Jan Kuczerawy<br />

editor’s wrap<br />

In an eclectic fusion of tuxedos, sequins and sneakers; the seasoned campaigners<br />

and the young guns of Australian music gathered for the <strong>25</strong>th Annual <strong>APRA</strong> Music<br />

Awards at the Melbourne Town Hall in June. The night was a celebration of the<br />

outstanding achievements of our songwriters over the past year and a moving tribute<br />

to a quarter of a century of great Australian music. Master of ceremonies, Jonathan<br />

Biggins, delivers his ‘view from the stage’ on page 8 along with a full list of winners<br />

and a photo gallery from the night.<br />

In this issue of Aprap, we turn the spotlight on building a fan-base and the influence<br />

of technology. we’ve spoken to the experts – songwriters, managers, booking agents<br />

and venue managers – and they all agree: a decent fan-base can be your launch pad<br />

to success. Check out their views on building a fan-base and the pros and cons of<br />

technologies like MySpace and youTube on pages 11-13.<br />

Social networking sites are the focus of frank Rodi’s article on the licensing and<br />

copyright challenges associated with online, user generated content (uGC) on<br />

page 14. <strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS’ Online & Mobile Licensing Manager presents an insightful<br />

overview of the brave new world of uGC where the balance is shifting from<br />

broadcasters to creators.<br />

Also in this issue, we bid farewell to two Australian rock legends: Billy Thorpe<br />

and Lobby Loyde (p.15); we catch up with PdA winners damian Crosbie (p.3) and<br />

John Chong-Nee (p.21); map the course of Sick Puppies’ global journey (p. 6); and<br />

much, much more. enjoy!<br />

Anthea Sarris<br />

to the point<br />

during the last week in May some 600 delegates from around the world<br />

gathered in Brussels to discuss and debate the role of copyright in the digital age.<br />

The occasion was the triennial CISAC Copyright Summit. CISAC is the international<br />

confederation of authors’ and composers’ societies.<br />

Speakers from academia, record companies, publishing companies, digital service<br />

providers, telcos, collecting societies and government joined authors, composers,<br />

artists and film directors to try to find common ground - if not solutions - to some<br />

of the challenges and problems that confront us in the internet age. while the news<br />

from the record industry was generally negative – the industry is significantly down<br />

around the world – many of the protagonists found positives in the new environment.<br />

Billy Bragg spoke of the flourishing live scene in the uK; Glenn Ballard spoke of how<br />

technology has revolutionised his creative life.<br />

One key area of discussion involved the so-called<br />

creative commons movement which encourages<br />

authors to make their work available on the web<br />

for “transformative” or “non-commercial” use,<br />

for free, by anybody. we oppose the movement<br />

as misconceived and involving serious practical<br />

risks for authors, but the debate is healthy, and<br />

some useful ideas (hopefully entailing the creative<br />

commons movement expressly recognising the<br />

role that collecting societies play for authors)<br />

were explored.<br />

At the General Assembly following the Summit,<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> was re-elected to the CISAC Board.<br />

Crucially, for the increasing imperative that<br />

creators assert themselves and their rights in a<br />

high profile way, Robin Gibb was elected President<br />

of CISAC for the next three years and Mexican<br />

film director, Alfonso Cuaron (Harry Potter and the<br />

Prisoner of Azkaban) was elected Vice-President.<br />

Their voices will be of immense significance to<br />

us in the years ahead.<br />

Brett Cottle<br />

CeO <strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS<br />

> CISAC director General eric Baptiste, CISAC President Robin Gibb,<br />

CISAC Chair of Board directors Brett Cottle and CISAC Vice President<br />

Alfonso Cuaron. Brussels 1 June 2007. © GVw/CISAC2007<br />

What is it you most value about music?<br />

freedom of expression, and being able to tell a story.<br />

What are you currently working on?<br />

Our debut album, titled Reflections.<br />

What are you listening to?<br />

Rick Ross’s Port of Miami; T.I’s King and young Jeezy’s<br />

The Inspiration album.<br />

What is your favourite film that is about music<br />

or is it a musical?<br />

Tupac’s Resurrection, oh and our soon to be released<br />

documentary about S.H.A.d.O.w.S by renowned film<br />

director, Shalom Almond!<br />

What is your favourite book/website about music?<br />

we mainly read hip hop magazines, such as The Source,<br />

Vibe magazine and Adelaide street press.<br />

What is the best live performance you’ve ever been to,<br />

whether you were performing or not?<br />

u2 were amazing when we saw them in december 2006,<br />

but Scribe puts on some awesome shows.<br />

What is the quickest piece you have written and which<br />

piece took the longest to write?<br />

Hmm, ‘destiny’ took the longest, that’s from our debut e.P,<br />

but the quickest, and also from that e.P was ‘Give a little’.<br />

Who have been your greatest musical influences?<br />

well there are three really: The warumpi Band, Bob Marley,<br />

and N.w.A<br />


<strong>MUSIC</strong> BUSINESS BY THE BOOK<br />


KEEP AN EYE ON… PBS 106.7 FM<br />



2007 <strong>APRA</strong> <strong>MUSIC</strong> <strong>AWARDS</strong><br />













4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 23<br />

Photo > Mark Ludbrook<br />


S.H.A.D.O.W.S<br />

[Soldiers Hungry Approaching<br />

Difficult Obstacles Wanting Survival]<br />

Damien Hampton aka Big D, Colin<br />

Darcy aka Caper and John Gomez<br />

aka Johnny G, have been rapping<br />

and producing hip hop individually<br />

for over ten years. They have<br />

been performing and recording<br />

collectively as S.H.A.D.O.W.S for<br />

close to two years. Currently in<br />

Derbyshire, UK recording their debut<br />

EP with producer, Peter Harrington,<br />

S.H.A.D.O.W.S have been <strong>APRA</strong><br />

members since 2006.<br />

What is your most marked characteristic as songwriters?<br />

we talk from a base of real life experience, so we draw on<br />

that heavily.<br />

Who would you most like to collaborate with and why?<br />

Talib Kweli because he writes in a similar way to S.H.A.d.O.w.S,<br />

Midnight Oil because of their political views, and Lauryn Hill,<br />

because she has so much soul.<br />

What’s your favourite piece (that you’ve written)?<br />

Probably ‘S.H.A.d.O.w.S’, but our debut album has some<br />

pretty strong tracks, which could become favourites.<br />

What piece written by another writer do you wish you<br />

had written, and why?<br />

Tupac’s ‘unconditional Love’, because of the meaningful<br />

lyrics, and everyone can relate to it.<br />

What is the quality you most admire in a composer/songwriter?<br />

Hearing something coming from the heart.<br />

What is the best career advice you were ever given?<br />

That nothing comes easily, and you have to work hard.<br />

If you were not a songwriter, what might you have<br />

ended up doing?<br />

well as there are three of us, it would either be a social<br />

worker (damien), working at Native Title SA (Colin), and<br />

an instrumentation electrician (Johnny).<br />


<strong>APRA</strong> NZ: JOHN CHONG-NEE<br />



MOMENTS IN <strong>MUSIC</strong><br />

A P r A P J u ly 2 0 0 7 > 0 2<br />



All aboard!<br />

Damian Crosbie<br />

and his little<br />

rock locomotive,<br />

The Panda Band,<br />

have been touring<br />

the US: gaining a<br />

lot of momentum<br />

and even more<br />

fans. An <strong>APRA</strong><br />

Professional<br />

Development<br />

Award has<br />

helped them<br />

stay on track<br />

and firmly in<br />

control<br />

Sometimes I see people in the street or at<br />

a show, and frighten them; my smile in turn<br />

excites my eyebrows in recognition of a past<br />

meeting. Only we haven’t ever met, and it’s<br />

a case of wrong city, wrong accent, wrong<br />

country. Sometimes all three. I bite my<br />

bottom lip in confusion, fooled again by what<br />

I’ve come to discover as our tiny planet’s<br />

lack of true genetic diversity.<br />

Five national tours, one international tour<br />

with another planned for this year’s end,<br />

Northbridge to New York, birthdays in San<br />

Francisco, time warped, sleep disjointed,<br />

daylight deprived, and culturally enhanced.<br />

And hopefully it’s only just begun, because<br />

it is most enjoyable.<br />

The timing of my winning the <strong>APRA</strong> PDA<br />

couldn’t have been better. ‘Twas the eve of<br />

the recording of our first album, This Vital<br />

Chapter. As a young band, we were strong<br />

in our wish to remain independent to begin<br />

with, to hold on dearly to our industry<br />

‘virginity’ for future bargaining power. The<br />

key to this is owning one’s own recordings.<br />

The <strong>APRA</strong> fairies made our wish come true.<br />

We released the album independently in<br />

Australia, through Bam*Boo! - our own label<br />

- and in the U.S.A. through hipsters FILTER<br />

U.S. Recordings. Licensing to, and releasing<br />

through FILTER has been such a positive step<br />

for us. They have only a few bands, run<br />

a magazine, and also do marketing for the<br />

US major labels. So they have ‘vays oond<br />

means’ of getting you heard!<br />

On our recent US trip, which included<br />

SXSW, we were able to get the attention of<br />

the massive college radio network. Stations<br />

such as KCRW have become great supporters<br />

of The Panda Band, and this will lead to live<br />

on-air performances and a brighter spotlight<br />

in the future. The college circuit is very<br />

important for bands such as ours, not only<br />

because they have a large and loyal audience,<br />

but also because you are able to base a whole<br />

US national tour on playing campus shows.<br />

I am now concentrating on writing for our<br />

next album. It’s exciting and empowering to<br />

know that our little rock locomotive is building<br />

up steam, now has a lot more passengers,<br />

and that we still have the controls. Plus<br />

petrol’s getting really expensive so more folks<br />

might start catching the train now. Sweet.<br />

Music Business<br />

by the book<br />

> Ben O’Hara<br />

By Georgia Blain<br />

With the internet and cheaper recording costs<br />

changing the shape of the music industry<br />

dramatically, young people want the business<br />

skills to make the most of these opportunities,<br />

says music teacher Karen Reid.<br />

She believes the publication of a new series of seven Music<br />

Business supplements by musicians turned teachers, Mark<br />

Beard and Ben O’Hara, will be an invaluable help for teachers,<br />

students and people starting out in the industry.<br />

Karen, who is the coordinator of Music Business at Sydney<br />

Institute of TAFE, says there’s been a dramatic growth in music<br />

business courses across the country offering everything from<br />

diploma to degree level studies.<br />

“The supplements contain a thorough and practical coverage<br />

of each topic, illustrated by simple examples and tables that<br />

students and practitioners of any level can handle,” she said.<br />

“There are also additional online resources to access and<br />

although they are Australia orientated they are generic enough<br />

to be read by anyone.”<br />

It’s a sentiment echoed by Tui Lyon and Ashley Breukers, both<br />

of whom are studying at Box Hill Institute of TAFE. For Tui, the<br />

books provided just the right amount of information in<br />

a very practical way. “All the online references (available at<br />

www.thebiz.com.au) were also incredibly helpful,” she said.<br />

Ashley, who is also working as a manager, has found he uses the<br />

books outside his studies. “At the moment, I’m starting work on<br />

a major concert and everything I need to cover for the event is<br />

written out in an easy to follow manner,” he said.<br />

Author, Ben O’Hara, said he and Mark wrote the books because<br />

they saw a need for material packaged into “manageable<br />

chunks”.<br />

Collecting<br />

Society Code<br />

of Conduct<br />

Compliance<br />

Review<br />

Your feedback helps drive<br />

our performance<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> and AMCOS subscribe to<br />

a voluntary Code of Conduct for<br />

Copyright Collecting Societies.<br />

The Code came into effect in July 2002,<br />

and was reviewed in February 2005.<br />

Some minor amendments were made<br />

after that review and again recently in<br />

May 2007. A copy of the updated Code<br />

can be viewed on and downloaded from<br />

the <strong>APRA</strong> website at http://www.apra.<br />

com.au/corporate/voluntary_code_of_<br />

conduct.asp<br />

Each year, an independent reviewer<br />

assesses whether the participating<br />

copyright collecting societies have<br />

complied with the Code. That review<br />

is currently being conducted by<br />

former Federal Court Judge,<br />

Mr James Burchett QC.<br />

Members who have concerns about<br />

a collecting society’s compliance with<br />

the Code are able to make submissions<br />

directly to the code reviewer,<br />

Mr Burchett. Your submissions should<br />

be made in writing and sent directly to<br />

Mr Burchett at the following address<br />

by no later than Tuesday, 31 July 2007.<br />

The Code Reviewer<br />

Suite 704<br />

4 Young Street<br />

Neutral Bay NSW 2089<br />

Australia<br />

codereviewer@screen.org<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> encourages all members to<br />

become familiar with the Code of<br />

Conduct. We welcome your feedback<br />

on our compliance with the standards<br />

outlined in that Code – the information<br />

you provide helps us to maintain a<br />

consistently high standard in the<br />

services we provide to our members,<br />

licensees and the general public.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>P July 2007 > 04<br />

Students and people who are new to the industry can also<br />

access information through the web, with sites such as <strong>APRA</strong>’s –<br />

www.apra.com.au – containing answers to frequently asked<br />

questions. The Australian Music Publishers’ Association Limited<br />

(AMPAL) site – www.ampal.com.au - also contains information<br />

about publishing, and feature articles on the music business.<br />

Special <strong>Of</strong>fer for <strong>APRA</strong> Members<br />

Purchase one of the Music Business supplements<br />

for $24.99 each and receive free postage.<br />

Or, purchase a set of three for $65<br />

– save $10 plus free postage.<br />

Simply contact Kee Sook Griffith on 02 8323 0103<br />

or email orders@musicsales.com.au to make your purchase.<br />

Direct debit, Mastercard, Visa and cheque accepted.

Keep an eye on…<br />

PBS 106.7 FM Live Music Week<br />

to deliver 60 live<br />

performances<br />

in 7 days<br />

PBS 106.7FM will launch its annual<br />

Live Music Week with an epic live broadcast<br />

from Federation Square in Melbourne on Sunday<br />

2 December. The main stage will host free live<br />

performances throughout the day, kicking off at<br />

11am and wrapping up at sunset. The full line-up<br />

of artists will be released closer to the event.<br />

> Clive Harrison<br />

> Thirsty Merc. Photo > Jeff Darmanin.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS can help unpublished<br />

writers collect royalties for the<br />

“reproduction” of their musical works.<br />

That means you may be able to receive<br />

royalties when your work is:<br />

• made available for download (including<br />

as ringtones) or as online streaming<br />

on the internet<br />

• reproduced (synchronised) into<br />

programming made for broadcast<br />

• released on CD or in another form<br />

of audio or audio-visual recording<br />

for retail or commercial purposes.<br />

It’s part of the service we can offer members<br />

because of our affiliation with AMCOS<br />

(Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners<br />

Society). <strong>APRA</strong> has managed the day-to-day<br />

business of AMCOS since 1997. If you’re an<br />

unpublished writer, you can sign up for AMCOS<br />

membership and authorise us to collect<br />

royalties for the reproduction of your works.<br />

You can tailor your AMCOS membership to suit<br />

you. You decide what types of reproductions or<br />

licences you would like AMCOS to administer<br />

on your behalf, and which ones you would<br />

prefer to negotiate yourself. For more<br />

information, check the Writers page of www.<br />

apra.com.au, or call us on 1800 642 634.<br />

Clive Harrison, film and TV composer<br />

(Blinky Bill, Bambaloo, Wicked) and Rai<br />

Thistlethwayte, singer/songwriter, Thirsty<br />

Merc, talk about their decision to take up<br />

AMCOS membership.<br />

How has the AMCOS service changed things<br />

for you?<br />

Clive: There are so many forces at work<br />

trying to diminish our income stream that<br />

it’s just incredible to have the backing of<br />

such powerful and worthy people like at<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS. Let’s face it, most musicians<br />

are pussies when it comes to negotiating<br />

and dealing with money issues. <strong>APRA</strong> and<br />

AMCOS are my backup.<br />

“Live Music Week highlights the core of what PBS is<br />

all about – showcasing quality live performances of<br />

the best Australian and international music – its real<br />

music and real radio,” said PBS Event Manager Todd<br />

James.<br />

“As far as we are aware PBS is the only radio station in<br />

Australia, possibly in the world that presents so many<br />

live performances in one week. For that reason we are<br />

taking our station, with the assistance of Federation<br />

Square Management, into the heart of Melbourne for<br />

one day to let the public enjoy the performances of<br />

the artists celebrating the launch of Live Music Week<br />

with us.”<br />

“PBS 106.7FM Live Music Week” 2- 8 December 2007.<br />

Check www.pbsfm.org.au or tune in to PBS 106.7FM<br />

for regular updates.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|Amcos services for<br />

unpublished<br />

writers<br />

Rai: As an unpublished writer, I have to<br />

keep an eye on all streams of income and<br />

with both <strong>APRA</strong> and AMCOS membership<br />

I can ensure all areas will be covered. For<br />

a small fee, I know my royalties are being<br />

collected in areas that are outside of the<br />

normal income streams being collected<br />

by my record company. The bottom line<br />

is: if you’re unpublished, and you’re not a<br />

member of AMCOS, you can’t get some of<br />

these streams of income at all.<br />

How important has it been for you as a<br />

creator and artist, to be able to exercise<br />

and manage your rights through <strong>APRA</strong> and<br />

AMCOS? Why?<br />

Clive: My rights, my royalties make up<br />

nearly my entire income these days. It’s<br />

simply how I survive and pay the mortgage<br />

and live month to month. So it is absolutely<br />

vital to me and my family. It frees my<br />

head up to do what I do: compose, without<br />

endlessly stressing about finance.<br />

Rai: I view <strong>APRA</strong> and AMCOS as my business<br />

partners. They help me manage the royalty<br />

collection part of my business and allow me<br />

the freedom to concentrate on the creative<br />

side of my craft. I can be a scatterbrain in<br />

business, time management, accounting,<br />

so it’s good to know I’ve got working<br />

relationships with people in this area who<br />

aren’t: they get it right and do a great job.<br />

Kicking off a successful band while you’re still at school<br />

and working away for the next ten years until you make<br />

it internationally is a fairly big ask – but not for Shimon<br />

Moore and Emma Anzai. Sharing a love of silverchair, The<br />

Living End and Greenday, the Mosman High students began<br />

jamming together in the school’s music room in 1997.<br />

Drummer Chris Mileski joined and Sick Puppies were born.<br />

Moving on from playing covers, to performing their own music<br />

in pubs across suburbia, they built local recognition resulting<br />

in the 1999 release of their debut EP, A Dogs Breakfast.<br />

Shimon dabbled in acting – playing lead role in feature film<br />

Selkie and a guest spot in medical drama All Saints – but the<br />

music biz beckoned when Sick Puppies anthem “Nothing<br />

Really Matters” won Best Song in Triple J’s 2001 Unearthed<br />

Competition. A record deal soon followed, and their debut<br />

album Welcome to the Real World was released. They finished<br />

off the year with a gong from the Australian Live Music Awards<br />

for Best Live Performance.<br />

Tours across the country<br />

soon followed with bands<br />

such Good Charlotte, The<br />

Butterfly Effect as well as<br />

the legendary Deep Purple and Midnight Oil. However, dreams<br />

of cracking the global music market compelled Sick Puppies<br />

to prepare for a ‘make or break’ trip to the USA.<br />

Needing extra money the band members took day jobs.<br />

Shimon scored a posting in Sydney’s Pitt Street Mall, wearing<br />

a sandwich board advertising half price shoes. Pacing the<br />

pavement everyday, he became good friends with Juan Mann<br />

– a performance artist bearing a hand-written sign, generously<br />

offering ‘free hugs’. Watching the initial scepticism and suspicion<br />

of passers-by turn to smiles and warm embraces, gave Shimon<br />

an idea for a documentary. He soon began filming his friend’s<br />

unusual hugs service in action, however, the documentary was<br />

shelved when Sick Puppies headed to LA.<br />

Signing a record deal with indie label RMR in September 2005,<br />

they began work on their new album with new drummer,<br />

Mark Goodwin. Almost a year later, running out of money<br />

and on the verge of returning home, Shimon discovered<br />

Juan was also going through tough times. Creating a cheer<br />

up message, he edited his Free Hugs documentary footage<br />

into a video clip, using Sick Puppies song “All The Same” as<br />

the music bed. Sending it to Juan as a present, he also put<br />

the clip onto video sharing site YouTube – and suddenly Sick<br />

Puppies’ fortunes changed.<br />

Scoring one million hits in its first six days, the quirky<br />

heart-warming clip became a sensation. Prime time<br />

breakfast programme, Good Morning America, broadcast<br />

it to millions of TV viewers. Sick Puppies appearances<br />

on Oprah, 60 Minutes, CNN and a live performance on<br />

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno soon followed. Added<br />

to LA’s influential KROQ in early January 2007, “All The<br />

Same” became a top requested single at commercial<br />

radio stations across North America, entering Billboard’s<br />

Modern Rock chart at #23.<br />

The chorus of support from broadcast, cable and online<br />

media set up a massive welcome for the US debut of<br />

their album. It also sparked interest from numerous<br />

record distributors, including Virgin Records, who signed<br />

Sick Puppies to a deal, just as their album Dressed Up As<br />

Life neared completion.<br />

Released in North America in early April 2007, the album<br />

debuted on Billboard’s Top Heat Seekers chart/new artist<br />

chart at #4. Since then, Sick Puppies have been kept busy<br />

doing guest appearances on radio stations across Canada<br />

and the USA.<br />

Hooking up with Aussie globe<br />

trotters, Wolfmother, at the<br />

SoCo Festival in Atlanta,<br />

the band has also played<br />

support for Jet’s latest<br />

tour, as well as tours with<br />

Texan quintet Flyleaf and<br />

Breaking Benjamin. Their<br />

new single “My World” is<br />

finding a home on US<br />

rock radio and with<br />

plans afoot for tours<br />

of UK, Germany and<br />

Japan, Sick Puppies’<br />

journey from high<br />

school music room<br />

to international<br />

stage is only just<br />

beginning!<br />

By Kathy Grant,<br />

Manager International Distribution<br />

& Monitoring <strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>P July 2007 > 06

Colin Hay. Photo > Kane Hibbard<br />

> David Albert, John Watson,<br />

Michael McMartin, John Woodruff. Photo > Tony Mott<br />

> Renee Geyer and Marianna Annas.<br />

Photo > Tony Mott<br />

> Shannon Noll and Adam Reily.<br />

Photo > Tony Mott<br />

> Damian Trotter, Augie March and<br />

Clare Bowditch. Photo > Tony Mott<br />

> Eskimo Joe. Photo > Kane Hibbard<br />

> Peter Garrett, Shadow Minister for Climate<br />

Change, Environment & Heritage, Arts.<br />

Photo > Kane Hibbard<br />

> Auntie Joy Murphy. Photo > Kane Hibbard<br />

> Katie Noonan. Photo > Kane Hibbard > Phrase.<br />

Photo > Kane Hibbard<br />

> Senator, The Honourable George Brandis SC,<br />

Minister for The Arts and Sport.<br />

Photo > Kane Hibbard<br />

> Eddie Jacobsen.<br />

Photo > Tony Mott<br />

2007 <strong>APRA</strong> <strong>MUSIC</strong> AWARD WINNERS<br />

Most Performed Australian Work<br />

Title: Lift<br />

Artist: Shannon Noll<br />

Writers: Adam Reily* / Bryon Jones /<br />

Shannon Noll^ / Andrew Roachford (PRS)#<br />

Publishers: BMG Music Publishing Australia* /<br />

eMI Music Publishing Australia Pty Ltd^ /<br />

Mushroom Music Pty Ltd #<br />

Most Performed Foreign Work<br />

Title: Feel Better<br />

Artist: Santana featuring Steven Tyler<br />

Writers: Burleigh Johnson (ASCAP) /<br />

damon Johnson (ASCAP) /<br />

James Scoggin (ASCAP)*<br />

Publishers: Peermusic Pty Ltd / EMI Music<br />

Publishing Australia Pty Ltd*<br />

Most Performed Australian Work Overseas<br />

Title: Are You Gonna Be My Girl<br />

Artist: Jet<br />

Writers: Nicholas Cester / Cameron Muncey<br />

Publishers: BMG Music International / Famous Music<br />

on behalf of Get Jet Music. Inc<br />

Most Performed Dance Work<br />

Title: Flaunt It<br />

Artist: TV Rock featuring Seany B<br />

WriterS: Sean Berchik / Ivan Gough / Grant Smillie<br />

Publisher: Sony / ATV Music Publishing Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Most Performed Urban Work<br />

Title:<br />

Artist:<br />

Writer:<br />

> Jonathan Biggins.<br />

Photo > Kane Hibbard<br />

Get Up Outta The Dirt<br />

Butterfingers<br />

eddie Jacobson<br />

Most Performed Country Work<br />

Title: Nothing At All<br />

Artist: Kasey Chambers<br />

Writer: Kasey Chambers<br />

Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Most Performed Blues and Roots Work<br />

Title: Songbird<br />

Artist: Bernard Fanning<br />

Writer: Bernard Fanning<br />

Publisher: BMG Music Publishing Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Most Performed Jazz Work<br />

Title: Love Me For The Cool<br />

Artist: Mark Sholtez<br />

Writer: Mark Sholtez<br />

Publisher: EMI Music Publishing Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Song of The Year<br />

Title: One Crowded Hour<br />

Artist: Augie March<br />

Writer: Glenn Richards<br />

Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Breakthrough Songwriter<br />

Glenn Richards<br />

Songwriter of the Year<br />

Myles Heskett / Christopher Ross /<br />

Andrew Stockdale (Wolfmother)<br />

Ted Albert Award For Outstanding Services<br />

to Australian Music<br />

Michael McMartin<br />

the view from the stage<br />

By Jonathan Biggins<br />

The 2007 <strong>APRA</strong> Awards, this year celebrating <strong>25</strong> years of rewarding excellence in<br />

Australian songwriting, was a curiously restrained affair. Maybe the audience was<br />

over-awed by the opulence of the venue, Melbourne’s magnificent Town Hall with its<br />

pendulous chandeliers and vast pipe organ dominating the stage. Mind you, always<br />

good to be at a music awards where the biggest organ on display doesn’t belong to<br />

one of the nominees.<br />

Even most of the live performances, after a rousing start from Eskimo Joe performing<br />

their Song-of-the-Year nomination, Black Fingernails Red Wine, took on an introspective<br />

flavour. I think we can safely say Phrase’s urban work Hold On is on this side of melancholy<br />

but while Katie Noonan’s exquisite cover of Bernard Fanning’s Watch Over Me was never going to wander into<br />

toe-tapping territory, TV Rock with Seany B (not to be confused with Humphrey B) certainly did. Colin Hay returned in<br />

solo acoustic mode to reprise Who Can it Be Now, the first hit from Men at Work’s legendary Business as Usual, which<br />

in 1982 (the first year of the <strong>APRA</strong> awards) was the highest selling album in the world. You could understand every word he<br />

sang - probably because we all knew every word. And funny to think that even now, after twenty-five years, we still<br />

have no idea who it could’ve been now.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>P July 2007 > 08<br />

Things brightened up with the simultaneous appearance of Tex Perkins and Tim Rogers. Obviously workshopping<br />

some material for their future careers as new-wave stand-up comedians, rock’s senior enfants terribles took us<br />

briefly to an edgier universe, although it’s hard to pump the ‘tude when you’re working through the nominations list<br />

for Most-Performed Jazz Work. Maybe they should’ve torn up the winner’s envelope in a frenzy as some sort of<br />

post-modern tribute to the guitar-trashing antics of The Who and every other pale imitation since.<br />

> Tex Perkins, Bernard Fanning and Tim<br />

Rogers. Photo > Tony Mott<br />

Federal Arts minister Senator George Brandis did an admirable job reading out the nominations for most-performed<br />

Australian work overseas. Later, Midnight Oil frontman and Shadow Minister for the Arts, Peter Garrett, recognised the<br />

40th anniversary of the 1967 referendum on Aboriginal rights and introduced Kev Carmody, Paul Kelly and Missy Higgins,<br />

who navigated their way through Droving Woman, a reflective story-telling epic that ran for a good nine minutes. And Songof-the-Year<br />

winners Augie March (wrapping up proceedings with a solid live performance of One Crowded Hour) have all<br />

but cornered the introspection market with their tweed coats, leather elbow patches and Edwardian facial hair - if they<br />

were any more contemplatively laid-back they’d be carpet tiles.<br />

> TV Rock<br />

- Sean Berchik,<br />

Ivan Gough and<br />

Grant Smillie.<br />

Photo > Tony Mott<br />

> David Faulkner and David<br />

HirSchfelder. Photo > Tony Mott<br />

Still, I did manage a rock-and-roll moment at the after-show party which was held in a small phone-booth masquerading<br />

as a pub in Bourke Street. I was accosted by an inebriated woman, apparently romantically attached to an unspecified<br />

nominee, who seemed to specifically blame me for their failure to take out the award. She fixed me with eyes struggling<br />

to focus and slurred repeatedly “I wanna kick your arse”. Thankfully, she didn’t. Or, more accurately, couldn’t - it was<br />

all she could do to remain upright. Roll on next year!

The Copyright Summit – Creators First –<br />

CISAC conference in Brussels.<br />

CISAC, the international umbrella<br />

organisation representing all creators’<br />

collecting societies, held its first creators’<br />

summit in Brussels at the end of May 2007.<br />

The Summit replaced CISAC’s Congress of<br />

Societies with an outward looking two-day<br />

global debate on the future of copyright. The<br />

CISAC Board of Directors (which is chaired<br />

by <strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS CEO Brett Cottle) decided<br />

the Summit was an essential strategy given<br />

the growing pressure to soften the legal<br />

protection afforded to creators in the online<br />

environment.<br />

Digital technologies have instigated a<br />

worldwide reassessment of the notion and<br />

value of copyright and author’s economic and<br />

moral rights. The CISAC Summit programme<br />

explored the complex approaches to these<br />

issues taken by the creative community,<br />

technology companies and policy makers.<br />

The Summit featured three major themes:<br />

• creators and their rights in the<br />

21st century<br />

• the changing role of collective<br />

management, and<br />

• whether there should be a<br />

new deal for creators and the<br />

entertainment industry.<br />

It was timely that the Summit was held in<br />

Brussels since EC and US policymakers and<br />

ICT industries have recently been focusing<br />

on the value of creative content and the<br />

nature of the expanded creative content<br />

sector. The Brussels location meant that all<br />

the stakeholders in the future of copyright<br />

and the development of viable online art<br />

and entertainment were able to participate.<br />

The Summit fostered a frank dialogue<br />

between influential authors, artists,<br />

creative industry leaders, copyright society<br />

professionals, content service providers,<br />

broadcasters, telcos, aggregators, DSPs,<br />

technology experts, academics, economists,<br />

political figures and lawmakers.<br />

CISAC has been in dialogue for several<br />

years with many emerging actors in the<br />

digital rights debate. It seeks to nurture<br />

productive relationships with all sectors,<br />

including prominent companies and<br />

organisations such as Google, Microsoft,<br />

Creative Commons, and YouTube, and to<br />

advance solutions such as interoperable<br />

DRMs and standard international<br />

numbering and reporting systems. The<br />

keynote speakers included representatives<br />

of these companies as well as creators<br />

such as Charles Aznavour, Billy Bragg, and<br />

Michael Apted to name a few.<br />

The Summit’s programme focused on giving<br />

a voice to creators and how new technologies<br />

will impact their ability to make a living from<br />

their creative work. One of the highlights of<br />

the programme was the debate between<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS CEO and Chair of CISAC,<br />

Brett Cottle and the founder of Creative<br />

Commons, Professor Laurence Lessig on<br />

“The Value of Copyright in the 21st century –<br />

should it be free for all….Really?”<br />

The Summit galvanised co-operation<br />

between societies representing creators<br />

worldwide in meeting the challenges of<br />

using new technology to re-assert the<br />

value and importance of creators and the<br />

administration of their IP rights in the<br />

digital age.<br />

CISAC appoints songwriter Robin Gibb as<br />

its new President and filmmaker.<br />

Renowned songwriter Robin Gibb (of Bee<br />

Gees Fame) has been elected President of<br />

CISAC at the CISAC General Assembly, held<br />

as part of the Summit. Robin will replace<br />

the German composer Christian Bruhn who<br />

has served two terms. Robin’s music career<br />

began in Australia with the Bee Gees. He<br />

has co-written their famous songs such<br />

as ‘Night Fever’ and others such as ‘Chain<br />

Reaction’ for Diana Ross and ‘Heartbreaker’<br />

for Dionne Warwick. Robin has a clear<br />

understanding of the importance of the<br />

international network of collecting societies<br />

to creators and has appeared before the<br />

EC in their defence against attacks from<br />

European broadcasters.<br />

The role of CISAC President is an important<br />

non-executive role representing the millions<br />

of creators who make up collecting societies<br />

around the world. Past Presidents of CISAC<br />

include Richard Strauss (1938-46) and<br />

more recently Marylin Bergman (1994-98).<br />

Acclaimed Mexican film director, Alfonso<br />

Cuaron (Y Tu Mama También and Harry Potter<br />

and the Prisoner of Azkaban), will assume the<br />

role of Vice-President of CISAC.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS CEO Brett Cottle re-elected<br />

Chair of the CISAC Board of Directors<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS CEO Brett Cottle has been<br />

elected Chair of the CISAC Board of Directors.<br />

Brett has been acting Chair for the last year.<br />

As Chair of the CISAC Board, he will lead<br />

an organisation that represents over 200<br />

societies and the world’s several million<br />

creators. The Chair of the CISAC Board<br />

serves a three year term and is elected by<br />

the Societies that make up the Board.<br />

International<br />

Notes<br />

Scot Morris<br />

Director International Relations <strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS<br />

Photo > Jan Kuczerawy<br />

Song Summit<br />

Sydney Dates<br />

announced<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>’s inaugural Song Summit will be held<br />

at Fox Studios, Sydney on 3 – 5 April, 2008.<br />

We are thrilled to<br />

announce a key<br />

partnership deal<br />

with the NSW Government<br />

which will<br />

deliver investment<br />

and resources<br />

to support the event. Designed to provide<br />

practical information and workshop<br />

sessions aimed at developing your music<br />

career, Song Summit will boast a stellar<br />

line up of international and Australian iconic<br />

songwriters and business leaders. More<br />

announcements will be made soon. For<br />

further information contact Sarah Cattell<br />

at S3@apra.com.au or check the <strong>APRA</strong><br />

website.<br />

Online<br />

Services<br />

To complement your online <strong>APRA</strong> royalty<br />

statements, we have recently developed<br />

an International Royalty Summary which<br />

provides a review of your foreign income<br />

on a per territory basis across the financial<br />

year, including withholding tax rates and<br />

administrative charges. You can review your<br />

International Royalty Summary via the secure<br />

members section at www.apra.com.au.<br />




The deadline for on-line LPRs (Live<br />

Performance Returns) for the period 1 July<br />

2006 – 30 June 2007 is 31 August. Don’t<br />

miss out. www.apra.com.au<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> Awards<br />

Having just packed our air guitars away<br />

after celebrating <strong>25</strong> years of the <strong>APRA</strong><br />

Awards (see pages 7-8), we now look<br />

forward to honouring our contemporary<br />

classical composers at the Classical<br />

Music Awards, to be held at the Sydney<br />

Theatre on Wednesday 12 September.<br />

While your diaries are open, the Screen<br />

M u s i c A w a rd s a re s l a te d fo r Tu e s d a y<br />

27 November at City Recital Hall in Sydney.<br />

Call for nominations for the Screen Music<br />

Awards are now open. Entry forms can<br />

be downloaded from www.apra.com.au.<br />

For more information, contact Jana Gibson<br />

– jgibson@apra.com.au<br />

the <strong>APRA</strong> roadshow<br />

By Sally Howland<br />

Director Member Services<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS<br />

Photo > Jan Kuczerawy<br />

The <strong>APRA</strong> Roadshow is coming to a town near you. Register your interest and keep an<br />

eye on www.apra.com.au for details.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>P July 2007 > 10<br />

Further online developments include a<br />

fully integrated membership application<br />

process for both writer and publisher <strong>APRA</strong><br />

and AMCOS applicants. Typically, over the<br />

course of 12 months, <strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS would<br />

send approximately 7,000 membership<br />

packs to aspiring new members. The new<br />

online membership application process will<br />

virtually eliminate the need for any paperbased<br />

forms. The administrative savings<br />

in terms of handling costs, postage and<br />

stationery will deliver to members’ further<br />

reductions in overheads associated with<br />

this process. We expect the new facility to<br />

be available this September.<br />

City Date/venue Topic register your interest<br />

Adelaide Tuesday 9 October The Indie Special sant@apra.com.au<br />

– Part II<br />

Perth Wednesday 10 October The Indie Special wa@apra.com.au<br />

– Part II<br />

Brisbane Monday 15 October The Songwriter qld@apra.com.au<br />

and the Producer<br />

Melbourne Monday 29 October The Songwriter victas@apra.com.au<br />

and the Producer

ANBASE:<br />


Try the<br />

personal<br />

touch<br />

Laura Imbruglia - singer/<br />

songwriter.<br />

Compiled by Kirti Jacobs and Anthea Sarris,<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS Communications<br />

No-one<br />

likes a lazy<br />

band<br />

Meredith Webb –<br />

Booker, The Annandale.<br />

Here’s why you need to build a fanbase:<br />

it’s like money in the bank. It<br />

can get you that residency you’ve<br />

been coveting. It can get your music<br />

heard. It can get booking agents and<br />

managers to pay attention. You can<br />

bring it to the table, along with your<br />

music, and people will notice.<br />

We’ve spoken to the experts. Singer/<br />

songwriters, managers, booking<br />

agents, venue managers – they all<br />

agree: a decent fan-base can be your<br />

launch pad to success.<br />

And the only way to make it happen is<br />

to work at it. Like all relationships,<br />

a fan-base takes careful nurturing.<br />

Being business-like helps, but it’s<br />

the personal touch that keeps fans<br />

loyal. And today, internet technology<br />

makes that easier. Read on to find<br />

out how and why.<br />

USE IT OR<br />

lose it<br />

Dorry Kartabani – Booking<br />

Agent, The Harbour Agency<br />

There are many ways to<br />

collect data: email lists,<br />

MySpace, posters, handbills,<br />

press ads and so on. People<br />

need to know about you<br />

before they become fans.<br />

However, collecting data<br />

does not make an effective<br />

fan-base. The artist needs to<br />

interact with their fan-base:<br />

whether by personal group<br />

emails or by hanging out at<br />

a show after a performance<br />

and always performing at<br />

their best. That’s what gets<br />

people talking and that’s<br />

how an effective fan-base<br />

comes about.<br />

On building a fan-base…<br />

MySpace and YouTube should<br />

only be a part of the strategy,<br />

not all of the strategy, in<br />

collecting a fan-base. They<br />

can be a total waste of time<br />

if not used correctly.<br />

Shihad. They changed their<br />

name to Pacifier and had<br />

to start over. They’ve now<br />

reverted to their old name,<br />

Shihad, and did some dates<br />

recently with Evanescence<br />

and played to a brand new<br />

crowd. They did a great job<br />

warming up the crowd – it<br />

was inspiring to watch them.<br />

They haven’t had a record out<br />

in 18 months, but their hard<br />

core fans are still there; and<br />

they’re consciously working<br />

at establishing themselves<br />

with a younger crowd.<br />

Multinational corporations<br />

spend millions on setting<br />

themselves up as a life style<br />

choice for a generation.<br />

Bands need to do the<br />

same thing. Go back to the<br />

well frequently, challenge<br />

yourself, take the time to<br />

draw new crowds – it’s<br />

important to still reconnect<br />

with the younger crowd.•<br />

Bring the<br />

fans into<br />

your world<br />

Gregg Donovan - Step2 Artist<br />

Management<br />

Photo > Tristan Still.<br />

I’ve been playing since late<br />

2001, and I’ve always taken<br />

a mailing list with me to<br />

my shows so people can<br />

put their email down and I<br />

let them know when I have<br />

shows coming up. I guess<br />

a personal touch works<br />

wonders.<br />

It doesn’t take long to write<br />

something once a month or<br />

whenever you have time to<br />

directly address your fans<br />

(as few or many as you may<br />

have). People feel like you’re<br />

their friend. The personal<br />

touch thing has been the<br />

best. It has a subtle effect. I<br />

don’t know if it’s measurable,<br />

but people seem to enjoy my<br />

silly emails. And if they don’t,<br />

they can unsubscribe!<br />

On MySpace pages…<br />

I think they are a really<br />

positive thing. You can hear a<br />

song on a friend’s page, click<br />

on the music player, and be<br />

taken directly to the band’s<br />

page to hear more! Or if<br />

someone hears one song of<br />

mine on the radio, MySpace<br />

gives them the opportunity<br />

to listen to other tracks, see<br />

what shows I have coming up,<br />

and learn a bit more about<br />

me. <strong>Of</strong> course, a website can<br />

offer these things too, but<br />

MySpace provides a familiar<br />

format that is easy and quick<br />

to navigate.<br />

Don’t forget to…<br />

Be humble, be nice to<br />

people, reply to their emails,<br />

take time to talk to them<br />

(even if they’re really weird).<br />

The weirdos are the most<br />

passionate, devoted music<br />

fans out there. Trust me - I<br />

work in a record store.•<br />

Bands need to be very<br />

organised in terms of following<br />

work sheets, playing<br />

times, loading instructions<br />

and be very proactive in<br />

promoting themselves, the<br />

event and the hotel. No one<br />

likes a lazy band!<br />

A fan-base is very important.<br />

If they have a huge following<br />

that comes to their shows<br />

(not just a huge MySpace<br />

friend list) every booker,<br />

venue and promoter will take<br />

notice. Lots of fans mean<br />

lots of gigs.<br />

On building a fan-base …<br />

Our [The Annandale’s]<br />

website is by far the best<br />

source of developing a fanbase<br />

as is MySpace. All of<br />

our show and venue info is<br />

listed on our site, plus we do<br />

most of our ticketing trade<br />

through there. People have<br />

the option to sign up to our<br />

weekly newsletter. To date<br />

we have over 8,000 recipients<br />

plus a good whack of mates<br />

on our MySpace page too!<br />

On MySpace pages…<br />

I think they’re perfect for<br />

bookers, as it gives you the<br />

ability to really see what a<br />

band has to offer in the way<br />

of demos, gig listings, what<br />

they’re up to, where they’ve<br />

been and even who is seeing<br />

them/being their friends. I<br />

think a MySpace site can<br />

show a lot more of a band’s<br />

‘personality’ than a proper<br />

website.•<br />

You can<br />

never have<br />

enough<br />

advertising<br />

Loren McHenry - Booker, The<br />

Hopetoun, Surry Hills<br />

We ask bands to email<br />

their full details and playing<br />

history in Sydney. We also<br />

have a new band program<br />

that runs on Monday nights<br />

so bands can show us what<br />

they’ve got.<br />

We have no day trade in here<br />

so we totally rely on bands<br />

bringing the people into the<br />

room so the main criteria is<br />

that they make the effort to<br />

get people along to their shows<br />

and that they show initiative<br />

in the way they promote and<br />

organise the show.<br />

The band/artist’s fan-base is<br />

the main factor when deciding<br />

to book them. We are a very<br />

small boutique pub; the only<br />

way we can survive is to have<br />

people spending money over<br />

the bar.<br />

On building a fan-base…<br />

Use mailing lists, street teams,<br />

just basically get news about<br />

your show out through every<br />

avenue possible. There’s plenty<br />

of free advertising out there for<br />

bands on a budget and you can<br />

never have enough advertising.<br />

Websites and MySpace pages<br />

are awesome. It makes my job<br />

a hell of a lot easier to contact<br />

and listen to different bands.•<br />

Use it or<br />

Don’t lose them once you have<br />

them. Collecting names is<br />

easy, keeping them interested<br />

is the challenge. Keep building<br />

your profile in the media and<br />

on the scene. Make sure your<br />

show and songs are up to<br />

scratch. Promote all your<br />

shows in the right media. Get<br />

the right people talking about<br />

you (e.g., reviews). In regards<br />

to looking for an agency,<br />

always remember, the good<br />

agent will always find you...•<br />

Go back to<br />

the well<br />

Owen Orford, Booking Agent<br />

– TPA Entertainment Agency<br />

Responsive career bands<br />

have a depth in their<br />

relationships with their<br />

audience. You can salvage<br />

a career when you’ve got a<br />

great live fan-base. We’ve<br />

just had a really pleasant<br />

result for Shihad – the group<br />

hit a rough patch after 9/11<br />

when their American label<br />

refused to release their<br />

album under the name<br />

The kind of artists we<br />

manage – Melanie Horsnell,<br />

Josh Pyke, Grinspoon and<br />

Airbourne – they’re singer/<br />

songwriter acts that put on<br />

great live shows; artists<br />

who have a long life-span<br />

ahead of them. They’re not<br />

artists who are aiming for<br />

just one big radio hit. If you<br />

don’t have a fan-base, but<br />

you have some good media<br />

and a bit of a song, the next<br />

time round, those people<br />

aren’t going to be there<br />

for you. There’s no base to<br />

fall back on. Creatively, all<br />

artists have records that<br />

aren’t as strong as the last<br />

one and maybe the next<br />

one’s going to be stronger<br />

than all the previous ones.<br />

But if you have a core fanbase<br />

that’s always there for<br />

you, it gives you the luxury<br />

of being able to make<br />

mistakes, to experiment<br />

more and to do more with<br />

your career.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>P July 2007 > 12

User Generated Content<br />

licensing and copyright challenges<br />

By Frank Rodi, Online & Mobile Licensing Manager,<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS<br />

Josh Pyke’s debut album<br />

came in at number four. And<br />

that’s because he had a core<br />

fan-base there to launch off.<br />

It took four years of serious<br />

development to create that<br />

launch pad to go from.<br />

Without that launch pad, you<br />

might have a great looking<br />

rocket, but you’re not going<br />

anywhere.<br />

What’s the best way of<br />

using the internet to build<br />

a fan-base?<br />

The internet is crucial and<br />

it’s a fabulous new tool but it<br />

has to be looked at like one<br />

of those big pin-up notice<br />

boards at university that’s<br />

full of stuff about guitar<br />

lessons and houses to rent<br />

and other ads. Everybody’s<br />

walking by it not necessarily<br />

paying attention. There’s<br />

still a lot of important work<br />

to be done offline in order<br />

to attract people to you<br />

online. To make sure your<br />

ad is pulled off that bulletin<br />

board and you’re the focus<br />

when people are walking by<br />

– that’s the really big job<br />

to do offline. So online is a<br />

fabulously powerful tool, but<br />

you still need to do all the<br />

traditional things to make<br />

it work.<br />

Forget that you’re in the<br />

music business and start<br />

seeing yourself as being<br />

in the entertainment business.<br />

That’s where the industry<br />

seems to be heading in the<br />

short term: delivering a<br />

whole package that’s seen<br />

as value for money. So, for<br />

example, offering a DVD<br />

that contains the music, a<br />

documentary on the band,<br />

a t-shirt or a cap, all at a<br />

lower price. Think of your<br />

music as a whole package.<br />

Think in terms of ringtones,<br />

wallpaper on your website,<br />

creating a brand that has<br />

a community around it,<br />

video games, downloadable<br />

t-shirts prints that they<br />

can print on themselves<br />

and having things that they<br />

can interact with. Get them<br />

involved and into the band’s<br />

world. •<br />

Fan<br />

maintenance<br />

is the key<br />

Paul Stepanek - Paul<br />

Stepanek Management (PSM)<br />

These days building a fanbase<br />

is definitely a multiple<br />

strategy. Not only do you have<br />

to use traditional methods<br />

by playing live and being in<br />

people’s faces on a regular<br />

basis, the importance of<br />

online marketing and the web<br />

is undeniable. Apart from your<br />

own site, community based<br />

websites and playing live,<br />

brand associations are also<br />

more and more common.<br />

Finally, fan maintenance is the<br />

absolute key to the success of<br />

a band/artist. If you have a<br />

good product, obtaining fans<br />

is the easy part, however,<br />

keeping them is what many<br />

bands struggle with.<br />

What works …<br />

Having a functional website<br />

that communicates information<br />

to your audience<br />

quickly is the best way to<br />

go. Kids want the info fast<br />

and unless you can give it<br />

to them within a couple of<br />

clicks you will lose them.<br />

Having ’Fan Traps’ and<br />

‘Auto Responders’ on your<br />

website will assist in fan<br />

maintenance and encourage<br />

your fans in feeling part of a<br />

community.<br />

Regular blogs which create<br />

a thread about the band that<br />

people want to follow and<br />

check in on from time to time<br />

is also an excellent tool. Give<br />

something away to your fans<br />

for signing up to a mailing<br />

list e.g. a free download,<br />

wallpaper, banner, 2-for-1<br />

entry to your next show –<br />

it all helps to secure their<br />

email address. Short viral<br />

videos are an excellent tool<br />

to keep people interested in<br />

the artist as communication<br />

is more intimate through<br />

visuals, so a visual tour diary<br />

or video blog are both great<br />

ideas.<br />

On MySpace<br />

and YouTube …<br />

These two sites alone have<br />

changed certain aspects of<br />

the music business. It gives<br />

the consumer the power to<br />

choose what they like and<br />

taste-test the artist. It also<br />

gives the artist/management<br />

instant market research<br />

and shows what people are<br />

reacting to by the number of<br />

plays, views, comments etc<br />

In my opinion, the greatest<br />

aspect of these sites is that<br />

they give you instant access<br />

to your fans. It is key for<br />

bands to embrace these<br />

sites and know everything<br />

there is to know about them<br />

and maintain contact with<br />

their fans on a daily basis<br />

and update the content as<br />

often as possible. It certainly<br />

helped Sick Puppies on their<br />

journey in having over 15<br />

million people take notice<br />

of their “Free Hugs/All the<br />

same” video.•<br />

The<br />

Ultimate<br />

Fan Club!<br />

Melanie Horsnell – singer/<br />

songwriter<br />

Having a fan-base is the only<br />

way an independent artist<br />

can really get some of the<br />

bigger gigs if there is no<br />

label to push you onto a bill.<br />

You have to rely on building<br />

up a good crowd to prove<br />

yourself for bigger shows<br />

and supports.<br />

On MySpace pages…<br />

It’s the best way for fans<br />

to find and communicate<br />

with you. It’s the ultimate<br />

fan club! I remember being<br />

annoyed at band sites that<br />

were purely a front and who<br />

never answered messages,<br />

so I have tried to be active<br />

and reply to as many people<br />

as possible. This really<br />

helps as then those people<br />

reply and tell their friends.<br />

It compounds. It is time<br />

consuming but dreadfully<br />

fun in an old school fan club<br />

sense. I’ve found it much<br />

more useful than a regular<br />

website, much more instant<br />

and alive.•<br />

One of the great things about my<br />

job at <strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS is the constant<br />

evolution of new technologies and<br />

applications. This also happens<br />

to be one of the most challenging<br />

parts of my role as Online & Mobile<br />

Licensing Manager, as often there<br />

are no simple answers for dealing<br />

with rapidly shifting paradigms<br />

and in an environment where<br />

legislative and regulatory changes<br />

often lag behind.<br />

Over the last few years we’ve been<br />

catapulted into a new world of<br />

digital media, where users have<br />

taken control of how they engage<br />

and interact with content. No<br />

longer beholden to music directors<br />

of multinational radio stations or<br />

the odd late night music show on<br />

TV, audiences have much greater<br />

access to a wide range of content<br />

that can be consumed at a time<br />

and place of the user’s choosing.<br />

The balance of control is shifting<br />

from the broadcaster to the creator<br />

– to the point where media content is<br />

now being produced and determined<br />

by the end-users themselves. This<br />

2007 call for apra & amcos<br />

board nominations<br />

In accordance with the <strong>APRA</strong> and<br />

AMCOS Constitutions, nominations<br />

for the position of Director can be<br />

received up to 60 days prior to<br />

the date of the Annual General<br />

Meeting (AGM).<br />

The <strong>APRA</strong> AGM and the AMCOS<br />

AGM will be held on 16 November<br />

2007. Accordingly, nominations for<br />

the <strong>APRA</strong> Director positions and<br />

AMCOS Director positions must be<br />

received by the Company Secretary<br />

at the <strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS head office in<br />

Sydney, by no later than close of<br />

business Friday 14 September.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> Board<br />

At the AGM, the <strong>APRA</strong> writer full<br />

members are to elect two (2)<br />

Writer Directors, including a New<br />

Zealand Writer Director, and the<br />

publisher full members are to elect<br />

two (2) Publisher Directors. The<br />

New Zealand Writer Director will<br />

be elected by New Zealand Writer<br />

Full Members, and Australian<br />

Writer Full Members will elect the<br />

Australian Writer Director.<br />

The retiring <strong>APRA</strong> Directors have<br />

served three (3) successive annual<br />

terms in office. All four (4) retiring<br />

new phenomena is known as User<br />

Generated Content (UGC) - part<br />

of the Web 2.0 revolution - and is<br />

characterised by the emergence of<br />

such sites as MySpace, YouTube,<br />

Wikipedia, Flickr and Second Life.<br />

Web 2.0 has been enabled by the<br />

arrival of faster, cheap and widelyavailable<br />

broadband, and is a term<br />

applied to the perceived ongoing<br />

transition of the World Wide Web<br />

from a collection of websites to<br />

a full-fledged computing platform<br />

serving web applications to end<br />

users. Ultimately it’s claimed that<br />

Web 2.0 services will replace many<br />

desktop computing applications.<br />

Web 2.0 also has a strong emphasis<br />

on online collaboration and sharing<br />

among users. The perception that<br />

individuals are being handed back<br />

‘control of the web’ may also be<br />

one of the reasons user generated<br />

sites such as MySpace and YouTube<br />

have been so quickly embraced by<br />

the masses.<br />

Popular content across Web 2.0<br />

ranges from music, digital video,<br />

Directors are eligible, and intend to<br />

stand, for re-election.<br />

AMCOS Board<br />

At the AGM, AMCOS full members<br />

are to elect four (4) Directors. The<br />

retiring AMCOS Directors have<br />

served three (3) successive annual<br />

terms in office. All four (4) retiring<br />

directors are eligible, and intend to<br />

stand, for re-election.<br />

Nominations<br />

Writer Directors of <strong>APRA</strong> must be<br />

Writer Full Members. Publisher<br />

Directors of <strong>APRA</strong> must be<br />

representatives of Publisher Full<br />

Members. Nominees for positions<br />

on either Board must be eligible<br />

to receive notice of, and attend and<br />

vote at, the AGM in November.<br />

AMCOS Directors must either be Full<br />

Members, or the representatives of<br />

Full Members.<br />

Nominations must be in writing<br />

and signed by a full member,<br />

and must also be signed by the<br />

nominee. For a copy of the <strong>APRA</strong><br />

and/or AMCOS Nomination Forms<br />

and to discuss your eligibility for<br />

nomination, please contact <strong>APRA</strong><br />

blogging, podcasts, photography,<br />

games, virtual spaces and wikis –<br />

a term used to describe websites<br />

where visitors can add, remove,<br />

edit and change content.<br />

The dilemma for copyright<br />

owners is determining the most<br />

appropriate approach: initiating<br />

take-down regimes, entering<br />

into licence agreements, or a<br />

combination of the two. Indeed<br />

recently, some copyright owners<br />

have sought deals with particular<br />

UGC websites, whilst others are<br />

intent on preventing their property<br />

being used on these services. What<br />

is abundantly clear is that many<br />

UGC sites rely on access to and<br />

use of, the intellectual property of<br />

others to drive their sites.<br />

<strong>Of</strong> course it isn’t just users that<br />

have been attracted to UGC sites;<br />

they have also raised the interest of<br />

big media players. The last couple<br />

of years have seen billions of dollars<br />

exchange hands with News Limited<br />

purchasing MySpace and Google<br />

buying YouTube.<br />

and AMCOS Company Secretary,<br />

Dean Ormston on (02) 9935 7900 or<br />

email dormston@apra.com.au.<br />

If you are nominated for a position<br />

on either Board, and you consent to<br />

the nomination, you will be asked to<br />

provide short biographical details<br />

that we will provide to all eligible<br />

full members prior to the AGMs<br />

in accordance with the <strong>APRA</strong> and<br />

AMCOS Constitutions. You can read<br />

the Constitutions, and the Charters<br />

of Corporate Governance which<br />

outline the responsibilities of <strong>APRA</strong><br />

and AMCOS Directors, at http://<br />

www.apra.com.au/corporate/<br />

DocsPolicies.asp<br />

Queries<br />

Any queries relating to the<br />

nomination process or eligibility for<br />

nomination should be directed to<br />

the Company Secretary.<br />

Dean Ormston<br />

Company Secretary<br />

Corporate Affairs & Communications<br />

02 9935 7900<br />

dormston@apra.com.au<br />

Other sites such as Second Life have<br />

developed a virtual world where<br />

avatars can roam through virtual<br />

streets, attend virtual rock concerts<br />

and have a dance at virtual nightclubs<br />

- whilst listening to real copyright<br />

music. Again, wonderful new licensing<br />

challenges which need to be carefully<br />

considered and addressed. Perhaps<br />

one solution would be to establish a<br />

virtual collecting society within this<br />

new virtual world!<br />

Major Australian media companies<br />

are also becoming involved, with<br />

organisations such as the ABC and<br />

Telstra purchasing virtual land on<br />

Second Life. Currently they are in<br />

the process of finding new ways to<br />

exploit their (and others’) content<br />

within this cyberspace.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS sees these<br />

challenges as new opportunities to<br />

generate money for our members.<br />

As an organisation we’ve always<br />

embraced new distribution models,<br />

while reinforcing the basic rights of<br />

our members to control how their<br />

work is used and to receive fair<br />

remuneration. Watch This Space!<br />

THINK<br />

GREEN<br />

THINK<br />

E-VOTING<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>|AMCOS is<br />

committed to improving the<br />

way we do business to help the<br />

environment and reduce costs.<br />

Over the past year we have been<br />

inviting members to register for<br />

e-voting and other electronic<br />

communications, including<br />

accessing Annual Reports and<br />

AGM notices online. To date,<br />

24% of <strong>APRA</strong> members (eligible<br />

to vote) have signed up for<br />

electronic communications.<br />

14<br />

This year we are aiming to<br />

increase this to 50% and make<br />

significant reductions in paper<br />

use and costs. If you haven’t<br />

already registered, please email<br />

enotices@apra.com.au with the<br />

subject heading “Register Me”<br />

and we’ll make sure you become<br />

part of our green solution.

Lobby Loyde<br />

This year, the Australian music industry was saddened by the passing<br />

of two rock greats: Billy Thorpe and Lobby Loyde. Billy and Lobby shared<br />

the stage in the late sixties and early seventies as Billy Thorpe and The Aztecs.<br />

Over the past four decades they have inspired several generations<br />

of songwriters, performers and music lovers.<br />

Lobby Loyde<br />

1942-2007<br />

“More than anyone else, Lobby helped create the Australian guitar<br />

sound. Long before Angus (Young) or Billy Thorpe or the Angels or<br />

Rose Tattoo. Lobby inspired Australian bands to step forward and<br />

play as loud and aggressively as they could. People are still trying<br />

to copy it today.” Angry Anderson (The Age, 2006)<br />

Lobby Loyde – born John Baslington Lyde – influenced countless<br />

performers both here and overseas through his playing,<br />

songwriting and production work. After ground-breaking stints with<br />

the Purple Hearts and the Wild Cherries, and a crucial tenure from<br />

1969-1972 as a member of Billy Thorpe’s new Aztecs, Loyde forged<br />

a new band, The Coloured Balls, in 1972. They performed with Billy<br />

Thorpe and others on the sunbury ‘73 live album, Summer Jam.<br />

in the mid-70s, Lobby released a solo album and spent four years<br />

in the UK where he embraced punk. Upon his return to Australia<br />

he joined rose Tattoo as bass player. Then in the ‘80s, Lobby<br />

moved into production and live sound mixing, producing acclaimed<br />

recordings for the sunnyboys, Kevin Borich, Machinations, Flaming<br />

Hands, X and Painters and Dockers. He returned to the stage in<br />

the early ‘90s with the super group Dirt.<br />

2002 was a stellar year for Lobby: he reunited The Coloured Balls<br />

to take part in the Long Way to the Top concert tour and celebrated<br />

his 40th year in music by being inducted into the Australian Blues<br />

Foundation Hall of Fame.<br />

in 2006 Lobby was inducted into the AriA Hall of Fame. Having<br />

been part of the Australian musical landscape since the 1960s,<br />

Lobby was a true rock and roll renegade, loved by music fans and<br />

musicians alike. Lobby passed away on saturday 21st April after a<br />

long battle with lung cancer. He will be sorely missed.<br />

Billy Thorpe<br />

Billy Thorpe<br />

1946-2007<br />

Most people knew Billy Thorpe as a master showman;<br />

a charismatic presence on the stage who could work a crowd<br />

like no other performer. Billy was also an exceptional songwriter:<br />

over his 50-year career, he crafted and performed iconic Australian<br />

pop and rock songs. songs such as “it’s Almost summer” and “Most<br />

People i Know...” are part of our national history as much as they<br />

are part of the personal hist ory of any music lover in the 60s and<br />

70s. Billy’s songs inspired and influenced generations of Australian<br />

songwriters and musicians. His talent, enthusiasm and genuine<br />

passion for the Australian music industry will be greatly missed,<br />

but never forgotten.<br />

in February of this year, Billy was appointed Director of support Act<br />

Limited. His acceptance letter to the sAL Board captured perfectly<br />

his spirit and dedication to Australian songwriters and music.<br />

“One of my main reasons for the benefit idea is to help fill SAL’s<br />

coffers with some serious funds ASAP that can both elevate SAL<br />

and its effectiveness as an organisation and be used to give<br />

applicants a more significant amount of money when needed…<br />

The public will soon grow weary of fund raisers for old musicians;<br />

I felt something needed to be done now that affords more meaningful<br />

grants to those who genuinely need it. Particularly terminal patients.<br />

And that takes real money. Hence the idea of a super benefit that<br />

produces a super SAL fund and negates the necessity of doing a<br />

benefit every time one of our musical brothers or sisters goes down.”<br />

Billy was farewelled by family and friends at a memorial service<br />

at the sydney entertainment Centre in March. All in attendance<br />

echoed the sentiment expressed by Billy’s close friend, Michael<br />

Chugg, in his tribute to the rock legend:<br />

“Have a safe journey mate; don’t be too hard on Elvis, Lennon<br />

and Hendrix when you tell them you’re taking over the band.”<br />

> Lobby Loyde & Billy Thorpe – inducted into the ARIA Hall of fame, 2006. Photo > Martin Philbey, courtesy ARIA<br />

> david Hirschfelder<br />

> Basil Hogios<br />

By Michelle O’donnell, Manager – film & TV writers <strong>APRA</strong> | AMCOS<br />

Michelle O’donnell<br />

Photo > Jan Kuczerawy<br />

YAnTrA De viLDer has scored the new film by<br />

david Bradbury. while politicians and sections of the<br />

media call for a nuclear ‘solution’ to global warming,<br />

award-winning film-maker david Bradbury’s latest<br />

documentary, A Hard Rain, presents the other side of<br />

the debate, exposing the hidden agendas and the grim<br />

truths behind this push for a nuclear Australia. It’s a<br />

compelling and chilling indictment against uranium<br />

mining and the nuclear industry. david Bradbury is<br />

one of Australia’s best known and most successful<br />

documentary filmmakers. His films have been shown<br />

on all the major Australian commercial and public<br />

broadcast networks as well as overseas. He has<br />

won countless international film festival prizes and<br />

been the winner of five AfI awards and two Academy<br />

Award nominations (Frontline and Chile:Hasta Cuando?)<br />

Bradbury has been following the nuclear debate for<br />

the past 30 years and has previously made three major<br />

films on the issue: Public Enemy Number One, Jabiluka,<br />

and Blowin’ in the Wind.<br />

Richard Roxburgh’s new film Romulus My Father has<br />

a score composed by BAsiL HoGios. films featuring<br />

Basil’s work have also screened in major film festivals<br />

around the world. His orchestral score for SuB was<br />

nominated for an <strong>APRA</strong>/AGSC award for Best Score<br />

for a Short film, and he won the prestigious directors’<br />

Choice Gold Medal at the Park City film Music<br />

festival. A graduate of the AfTRS Screen Composing<br />

course, Basil received the 2005 Sydney Theatre Award<br />

for Best Score, for the critically acclaimed Three<br />

Furies (Scenes from the Life of Francis Bacon). He has<br />

worked with major Australian theatre companies,<br />

including Melbourne Theatre Company (Don’s Party),<br />

Bell Shakespeare (The Tempest) and Griffin (Holding<br />

The Man, Mr Bailey’s Minder and Burning.)<br />

DAviD HirsCHFeLDer has been extremely busy;<br />

he has just finished the score for the Canadian film<br />

adaptation of Romeo dallaire’s autobiography, Shake<br />

Hands with the Devil. The book details the personal<br />

journey of dallaire as uN Commander through the<br />

1994 Rwandan genocide and how dallaire’s request for<br />

more aid went ignored by the united Nations. The film<br />

was shot in Rwanda, post production in Montreal and<br />

the score was composed and recorded in Melbourne.<br />

Shake Hands with the Devil will be released late 2007.<br />

david’s second project is the film The Children of Huang<br />

Shi with director Roger Spottiswoode and a stellar<br />

cast including Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Radha Mitchell,<br />

Chow yun-fat, Michelle yeoh and david wenham. It is<br />

the true story of young British journalist, George Hogg<br />

(Meyers), who with the assistance of a courageous<br />

nurse (Mitchell) and a Chinese partisan fighter, saves<br />

a group of orphaned children during the Japanese<br />

invasion of China in 1937. Scoring commenced in<br />

Melbourne in April.<br />

Veteran Melbourne-based composer GeorGe<br />

DreYFUs will be travelling to Germany later this year<br />

for a series of concerts featuring live performances<br />

of his music accompanying Tim Burstall’s silent film,<br />

Sebastian’s Greatest Adventure. The performance will<br />

take place at the Apollo-Saal of the Staatsoper unter<br />

den Linden in Berlin on November 4 & 5. for more<br />

information email gdreyfus@bigpond.net.au .<br />

The federal Government’s film Package, announced<br />

in the 2007 budget, will be seen as a huge boost to<br />

Australian filmmakers and the future of the Australian<br />

film production industry. The value of the commitment<br />

by Government is an estimated additional $280 million<br />

over the next four years. The new Producers’ Rebate<br />

scheme will replace 10BA, and hopefully simplify the<br />

process of Government taxation concessions and is<br />

not artificially capped. The increased Location Rebate<br />

also includes post production, digital and visual effects<br />

(PdV) expenditure.<br />

A P r A P J u ly 2 0 0 7 > 1 6

Byron Bay singer-songwriter MATT SEABERG has<br />

released his debut album, Gemini’s Many Sides.<br />

Working with producers PAUL GOMERSALL (BLUR,<br />


the album features nine tracks showcasing a plethora<br />

of vocal styles and smorgasbord of influences from<br />

funk, rock and ballads, to groove, blues and world<br />

music. Matt will be touring the east coast in august,<br />

check out www.mattseaberg.com or www.myspace.<br />

com/mattseabergmusic for gig details<br />


are strapping on their trustworthy Doc Marten boots for<br />

another trip to the States in July and August, this time to release<br />

their acclaimed follow up album, Red Wine and Postcards,<br />

through Baria Records. More info - www.womenindocs.com<br />

and www.myspace.com/womenindocs<br />

West Australian bluesman DAVE HOLE has just released his<br />

ninth album. Rough Diamond is available locally through Black<br />

Cat/Shock and in USA on the Blind Pig label. Widely regarded<br />

as one of the all-time slide guitar greats, Dave has just returned<br />

from a European tour which<br />

included a sell-out concert at the<br />

prestigious Moscow International<br />

Performing Arts Centre. See -<br />

www.davehole.com<br />

On their latest release, Australian<br />

afro-guitar enthusiasts OKAPI<br />

GUITARS seem to be drifting<br />

northwards. Their new album Haram<br />

Homebrew is drier and harsher than<br />

their previous release. The band’s<br />

> David Hole’s new album Rough Diamond.<br />

characteristic interplay of two or more<br />

melodic guitars is augmented by banjo,<br />

bottleneck slide, dulcimer, pedal steel and sparse horn parts. Frequently<br />

drum kit is bypassed in favour of smaller percussion such as bongos and<br />

doumbek. www.okapiguitars.com<br />

ALIKI is about to release her third album in six years. One year in the<br />

making, Promise will deliver a surprise package to listeners past and<br />

new. Radio and television airplay is in the pipeline, including a nice piece<br />

for Country Music Television fans. Radio savvy, catchy melodies make this<br />

album a stand out, the result of work by producer/co-writer STEVEN DIX.<br />

Promise will be available through Crossroad Distribution, Koorong and at ALIKI<br />

concerts across Australia - www.aliki.com.au<br />

Northern Territory singer and songwriter HARMONY JAMES has taken<br />

out first place in the country division of the International Songwriting<br />

Competition with her song “Tailwind”. The song is also her current radio<br />

single and has been turning heads throughout the country since its March<br />

release. Harmony’s recently released, self-titled debut EP is available for<br />

purchase at www.harmonyjames.com<br />

Sydney-based singer-songwriter LUKE RUSSELL has released his debut album<br />

The Kiss That Lasted All Weekend - a little bit pop, a touch alt-country, with a dash<br />

of folk and blue-eyed soul. A heartfelt, hand-made record (the album was recorded<br />

in his bedroom); The Kiss That Lasted All Weekend is available now on Half A Cow,<br />

distributed by MGM. www.halfacow.com.au<br />

Compiled by<br />

Bowden Campbell<br />

and Milly Petriella<br />

Contributions should be emailed<br />

to bcampbell@apra.com.au<br />

Deadline for the December 2007<br />

issue is 19 October 2007.<br />


album Lost Men and Angry Girls<br />

(Reckless Records) topped the<br />

Freeform Americana Roots<br />

(FAR) chart in February and<br />

March, and reached #2 on the<br />

EuroAmericana chart in March.<br />

Her song “Losing Faith” won<br />

the Chris Austin Song Contest,<br />

MerleFest in 2006. More info -<br />

www.audreyauld.com<br />

> Audrey Auld Mezera<br />

Perth based big band MFO,<br />

lead by 2004 <strong>APRA</strong> PDA<br />

recipient MACE FRANCIS, has<br />

just released a brand new CD<br />

– MFO LIVE, recorded while on<br />

tour in the eastern states last<br />

November. 2007 has already<br />

been a successful year for MFO<br />

with the release of the new CD, a<br />

WAMI nomination for Best Jazz<br />

Act, commissioning of new work<br />

and plans for another eastern<br />

states tour later this year. See<br />

www.macefrancis.com or www.<br />

myspace.com/macefrancis.<br />

Australia’s Vietnam Veterans are<br />

delighted that ABC Shops have<br />

chosen to add the new fundraiser<br />

CD, Vietnam Dreamscape, to<br />

their retail shelves. The album<br />

features 14 original songs<br />

that provide the listener with a<br />

window into the conscious and<br />

subconscious minds of combat<br />

veterans. Written and performed<br />

by FRANCIS EDWARDS; for<br />

more information go to www.<br />

myspace.com/francisjedwards<br />

> Francis Edwards<br />

After a year of trekking between<br />

the west and east coasts, Perth<br />


have released their debut<br />

album, Trips Between Worlds;<br />

recorded in Sydney under the<br />

direction (and drumming) of<br />

TIM POWLES along with the<br />

bass of STEVE KILBEY (fellow<br />

member of THE CHURCH). The<br />

band will be gigging heavily to<br />

support the release – see www.<br />

myspace.com/thewoodenelves<br />

or www.thewoodenelves.com<br />

for details.<br />

> The Woodenelves<br />

Melbourne-based garage rock<br />

‘n blues ‘n soulers, 84 have<br />

released their debut album, You,<br />

Me and Infamy. Having completed<br />

a North American tour, they<br />

recorded their debut album<br />

at Chowtown Studios, Detroit.<br />

The band toured nationally to<br />

celebrate the release in May, and<br />

performed at Toronto’s NXNE<br />

Music Conference in June.<br />

The album is available now<br />

on Warthog Records through<br />

Shock. Visit www.myspace.<br />

com/84ishere for more.<br />


EMPIRE) has teamed up with<br />

noted composer, producer<br />

and <strong>APRA</strong> Award winner<br />

JAN SKUBISZEWSKI to form<br />


debut album, The Fire Is On the<br />

Bird, is described as “a true<br />

breath of jazzy, funky, afro-beaty,<br />

hip-hoppy fresh air”. Out now<br />

on EMI – see www.myspace.<br />

com/jacksonjacksonmusic<br />

AZTEC <strong>MUSIC</strong> continue to<br />

release classic Australian<br />

albums from the past. Aztec have<br />

re-issued singer-songwriter<br />

ROSS RYAN’s third album …my<br />

name means horse, packaged<br />

in their famous six panel digipak,<br />

with two bonus tracks, a<br />

24 page book with rare photos<br />

and liner notes by Ted Lethborg.<br />

Also re-issued is At Home With<br />

You, the classic second album<br />

from the legendary<br />

X. Featuring<br />


LUCAS and CATHY<br />

GREEN, the album<br />

was produced by<br />


and features the<br />


horn section on three tracks.<br />

The disc also contains an entire<br />

show recorded live for a 3PBS FM<br />

radio broadcast at The Prince <strong>Of</strong><br />

Wales Hotel, Melbourne in 1985.<br />

More info - www.aztecmusic.net<br />

‘The Girl Who Wants To Be With<br />

The Girls’ is the second single<br />

for Brisbane’s THE INCREDIBLE<br />

STRAND. Recorded at Black<br />

Box Studios, the song has been<br />

lifted from the foursome’s debut<br />

platter, The Name <strong>Of</strong> This Band<br />

Is The Incredible Strand and<br />

follows the 2006 release of ‘You<br />

Broke My Heart At The Big Day<br />

Out’. A video and solid touring<br />

are ahead – check out www.<br />

theincrediblestrand.com for all<br />

the info.<br />

> The Incredible Strand<br />

JUZZIE SMITH’s music is the<br />

result of an eclectic blend of<br />

many genres and cultures.<br />

His music travels from a<br />

mellow world music vibe with<br />

slide guitar, didge and throat<br />

singing to high energy, foot<br />

stomping blues numbers with<br />

his harmonica, resonator, beats<br />

and kahun percussion. He has<br />

now released his third album,<br />

Happy Daze and is embarking on<br />

a string of pub and club dates to<br />

support the release. More info -<br />

www.juzziesmith.com<br />

Maverick music/<br />

art group, THE<br />

BRASS BED,<br />

known for their<br />

unique trashnoir<br />

sound, have<br />

released their<br />

first DVD, The Super 8 Video LP. It’s<br />

the complete visual companion to<br />

their album Save Your Breath. The<br />

DVD is available online at www.<br />

geocities.com/thebrassbed<br />

and for more good times see<br />

myspace.com/thebrassbed.<br />

DARREN PERCIVAL spent the<br />

90s touring the world with<br />

JAMES MORRISON. A trip to<br />

New York in 2004 to study under<br />

his mentor, a cappella master<br />

BOBBY MCFERRIN, inspired<br />

him to create the live show Out <strong>Of</strong><br />

The Loop. Now performing under<br />

the moniker MR PERCIVAL, he<br />

has released a CD of the show,<br />

painting with his voice to create<br />

rich soundscapes and sublime<br />

grooves. Distributed by Vitamin,<br />

Out <strong>Of</strong> The Loop is available now<br />

and MR PERCIVAL is touring in<br />

support. www.mrpercival.com<br />

Sydney band RASTAWOOKIE<br />

are sharing their global sounds<br />

with their debut album Perfectly<br />

Ordinary. Produced by TONY<br />


BLUE KING BROWN), their<br />

compositions are influenced by<br />

music from South America, the<br />

Caribbean and across the globe<br />

to the modern western world<br />

where organic meets electronic.<br />

Perfectly Ordinary is out now<br />

through MGM – check out www.<br />

rastawookie.com for tour dates.<br />

AMANDA EASTON is well known<br />

as the promoter of POP TARTS;<br />

she’s also well known<br />

as a session and backing<br />

singer, performing<br />

with artists such as<br />




But she has now released<br />

her own second<br />

album of theatrical pop,<br />

Chanteuse. In stores nationally<br />

and available for download at<br />

www.amandaeaston.com<br />

Former LEFT NUT drummer<br />

MATT PURSELL built himself a<br />

studio in a rural setting outside<br />

Perth; taught himself a bit of<br />

guitar and the art of recording<br />

and the result is his new project –<br />

A BUCKET OF PUS. Raw and Sore<br />

is an album influenced by years of<br />

listening to metal, punk and great<br />

Australian hard rock, as well as<br />

playing in and watching many<br />

awesome local bands. www.<br />

myspace.com/abucketofpus<br />

The first song JOANNE<br />

MCDONNELL wrote - “Treat<br />

Me Good” - ended up being<br />

a hit for a popular Australian<br />

band, BACHELOR GIRL. Twelve<br />

months ago, McDonnell had<br />

a humanitarian calling. After<br />

researching the Darfur crisis,<br />

Joanne wrote “Beautiful Mother<br />

(Song For Darfur)” Joanne is<br />

selling “Beautiful Mother” on<br />

Broadjam and will donate all<br />

proceeds to Oxfam Australia’s<br />

Sudan appeal. See - www.<br />

broadjam.com/jo<br />

MIST & SEA is a new collaboration<br />





CROSSOVER). The debut album,<br />

Unless, released on Popfrenzy<br />

Records, features 13 new songs<br />

of electro pop and wall of sound<br />

guitars! See www.popfrenzy.<br />

com.au<br />



Compiled by<br />

Mark Eades and Anthea Sarris<br />

Contributions are welcome and should<br />

be emailed to asarris@apra.com.au<br />

Deadline for the December 2007 issue<br />

is Friday 19 October.<br />

> Simon Carter<br />

EMI Music<br />

Publishing Australia<br />

EMI Music Publishing Australia<br />

has signed singer/songwriter/<br />

producer SIMON CARTER of<br />

Sydney band, THE COPS, to a<br />

worldwide Publishing Agreement.<br />

The Cops have finished their<br />

second album Drop it in their<br />

Laps which they describe as<br />

“a mashing of rock, funk, soul,<br />

electro, hip hop and pop… a<br />

cross-pollinating smorgasbord<br />

of tasty sing-along choruses,<br />

arse-shaking beats and whacked<br />

out lyrical quests”.<br />

All Music<br />

Publishing and<br />

Distribution (AMPD)<br />

Essex Music of Australia and<br />

Cromwell Music of Australia<br />

have entered into a print music<br />

agreement with AMPD for the<br />

exclusive administration of<br />

their print rights in Australia<br />

and New Zealand, commencing<br />

1 February 2007.<br />

AMPD (formerly Allans<br />

Publishing) will produce a series<br />

of print music publications<br />

based on the Essex and<br />

Cromwell catalogues, and will<br />

also administer licences for<br />

further exploitation of the print<br />

rights, including single sheet<br />

music and digital print rights.<br />

Print publications based on the<br />

Essex and Cromwell catalogues<br />

will be released under the new<br />

Sasha Music Publishing label<br />

which AMPD has developed for<br />

contemporary popular repertoire.<br />

Catherine Gerrard, Executive<br />

Director Publishing and Copyright<br />

of AMPD said, “We are delighted<br />

to represent these catalogues. It<br />

is a great step forward for us in<br />

our publishing activities which<br />

have been growing steadily and<br />

solidly for the last few years<br />

in the contemporary popular<br />

area. The catalogues are full<br />

of great works including many<br />

significant tracks from across<br />

the last few decades!”<br />

Bob Aird, who signed the deal<br />

as a Director of both Essex and<br />

Cromwell said that it is a very<br />

exciting opportunity to further<br />

expose the catalogues in print<br />

– both as printed books and in<br />

new digital exploitation avenues.<br />

“There are songs in these<br />

catalogues which are part of the<br />

world’s music heritage, including<br />

classics from Pete Seeger, Shel<br />

Silverstein, Marc Bolan, John<br />

Denver, and many others. We<br />

are confident that AMPD will<br />

introduce them to new print/<br />

digital audiences with focused<br />

marketing and distribution”.<br />

Fogsongs Music<br />

Fogsongs Music Publishing<br />

has signed TRAVIS CAUDLE -<br />

principal song writer for Perth<br />

band THE WOODENELVES to a<br />

worldwide publishing agreement.<br />

Travis said; “Having Fogsongs<br />

on board helping us as we<br />

launch our first album is a<br />

great support, and we’re really<br />

excited about it. It’s given me a<br />

chance to further concentrate<br />

on songwriting and gigging with<br />

the band as Marshall and Paul<br />

help look for new opportunities<br />

for us in new markets.”<br />

Marshall Cullen MD of Fogsongs<br />

said “signing a Perth writer as<br />

talented as Travis adds the<br />

much needed WA location to<br />

our roster so that we now have<br />

writers signed in every state and<br />

territory. As we are looking at<br />

strong US opportunities for The<br />

Woodenelves material, I believe<br />

great things will come from our<br />

partnership - expect to see the<br />

boys on the east coast sooner<br />

than you think.”<br />

ABC<br />

Music Publishing<br />

JONAH’S ROAD writers JOHN<br />

KATER and ROD AULD have<br />

been signed to ABC Music<br />

Publishing – bringing with them<br />

their current repertoire, featured<br />

on the new Jonah’s Road<br />

album, Counting Down The Days<br />

(2007), and their personal and<br />

individual repertoires of original<br />

and outstanding songs.<br />

“The addition of Rod and<br />

John is a great step in further<br />

consolidating our roster of<br />

strong songwriters – I’ve always<br />

been very keen on Jonah’s Road<br />

since I first came across them,<br />

playing live in 2005 when they<br />

were nominated for Best New<br />

Talent and Best Vocal group/<br />

Duo at the Golden Guitars.<br />

They’ve gone on to confirm the<br />

industry belief that they’re the<br />

contemporary country pop group<br />

this music has been looking out<br />

for. As writers, their songs are<br />

fresh, dynamic and very much<br />

new country”, said Head of ABC<br />

Music Publishing, Eloise Nolan.<br />

Songwriters, record producers<br />

and screen music composers<br />

JOHN KANE and MARK<br />

WALMSLEY were joint winners<br />

of Best Song at the 2007 JD<br />

Light Music Awards, for their<br />

song “Satellite of Love”,<br />

co-written with upcoming<br />

artist and songwriter, DIANNA<br />


Kane and Walmsley are no<br />

strangers to the ABC – as screen<br />

composers they have written<br />

theme music and underscore<br />

for the Simpson le Mesurier and<br />

ABC TV serial drama Something<br />

in the Air, Dimensions, George<br />

Negus Tonight, Australia Wide,<br />

The Hopman Cup Tennis, The<br />

Australian Womens’ Open Golf<br />

and the current ABC 2 Digital TV<br />

station idents. Recently John and<br />

Mark were invited to compose<br />

theme music and underscore<br />

for the prestigious celebration of<br />

fifty years of ABC television, The<br />

ABC <strong>Of</strong> Our Lives.<br />

Mushroom<br />

Music Publishing<br />

Mushroom Music Publishing<br />

have experienced a busy and<br />

successful year supporting the<br />

international launches of LOVE<br />




while somehow managing to<br />

find a spare hand to sign the<br />

next wave of talent.<br />

May saw the signing of ARIA<br />

award winning Best Female<br />

Artist, CLARE BOWDITCH. Next<br />

in line for Bowditch’s crown<br />

will be the recently acquired<br />

freshcomer songstress AMAYA<br />

LAURICIA whose moody and<br />

beautifully crafted music<br />

channels the brilliance of Mazzy<br />

Star, Neko Case and Neil<br />

Young.<br />

Mushroom also celebrated the<br />

signing of KID CONFUCIUS, the<br />

Sydney based dynamic 9-piece<br />

soul/hip-hop/gospel/funk/urban<br />

act whose nostalgic output is<br />

classic Detroit era Motown driven<br />

by African rhythmed big beats<br />

and angelic falsetto vocals.<br />

Melbourne raucous garage<br />

punks EDDY CURRENT<br />

SUPPRESSION RING will now<br />

be penning underground hits<br />

under the Mushroom banner.<br />

Mushroom has also picked up<br />

DAVE McKINNEY who produces<br />

funky jams and block party<br />

breaks as FLOW DYNAMICS.<br />

> Fur Patrol<br />

> Clare Bowditch<br />

> Amaya Lauricia<br />

> Kid Confucius<br />

> Eddy Current Suppression Ring<br />

> Flow Dynamics<br />

Native Tongue<br />

New signings:<br />

Singer-songwriter NED COLLETTE<br />

who released his debut album<br />

Jokes & Trials in ’06 and is now<br />

supporting Joanna Newsom<br />

and Camera Obscura in the UK<br />

and Europe.<br />


BATTERSBY of the brilliant<br />

blues rock duo THE FUMES.<br />

Brothers DAN and BILL<br />

HAZARD of Brisbane Electro/<br />

Breaks icons SOMA RASA who<br />

have just scored a placement in<br />

the forthcoming Microsoft game<br />

Project Gotham Racing v.4.<br />

Auckland bred SXSW sensation<br />

GASOLINE COWBOY, set to<br />

release their debut album Pave<br />

The Way this year.<br />

NZ Electronic trio MINUIT who<br />

are also releasing their debut<br />

Australian album in 07.<br />

New releases:<br />

Australia’s Queen of rockin’<br />

blues MIA DYSON will release<br />

her third studio album in June.<br />

THE BRUNETTES are about<br />

release their stunning new<br />

album Structure & Cosmetics<br />

through Sub Pop in the US.<br />

After a short break FUR PATROL<br />

will release the brand new Long<br />

Distance Runner EP in June.<br />

International:<br />

Native Tongue has secured<br />

administration of the Stage<br />

Three Music catalogue that<br />

includes songs by Aerosmith,<br />

ZZ Top, CSS, Boy Least Likely<br />

To, Gerry Rafferty, David Essex,<br />

The Decemberists, The Subways<br />

and Mattafix among others.<br />

Synchronisation licenses<br />

THE DUKES “Mornin” in the<br />

US series Brothers & Sisters<br />

screening on the ABC network<br />

in America and the 7 Network in<br />

Australia.<br />


Truth” in the PBS series Carrier.<br />

ORiGiN Music Group<br />

The ORiGiN Music Group have<br />

had an action packed 2007 to<br />

date with new international<br />

catalogues added including<br />

Rive Droite/Right Bank an<br />

independent publishing, management<br />

and production<br />

powerhouse based in Paris,<br />

London and Los Angeles.<br />

US Composer PETER WOLF has<br />

signed with ORiGiN Network to<br />

represent his compositions in<br />

Australia and NZ for the hit TV<br />

series Commissioner Rex (SBS)<br />

ORiGiN also now represents the<br />

Miami based publishing catalogues<br />

of Nota & J & N Publishing and<br />

the Music Asset Management<br />

Catalogue out of LA.<br />

New local signings for ORiGiN<br />

include…<br />

Composer/actor PAUL GODDARD<br />

aka COLEMAN SMITH who<br />

has recorded an album of<br />

songs, instrumental works and<br />

a children’s project with the<br />

working title of Lavender Lane.<br />

KRIS SCHROEDER of the<br />

dynamic Melbourne based band<br />

THE BASICS. Their new album<br />

Stand Out Fit In (MGM) is out now<br />

and the band will tour in Japan<br />

and the UK in September.<br />

Composer TIM HOPKINS who<br />

has returned from New Zealand<br />

after recording his new album<br />

Hear Now After.<br />

Melbourne based multi<br />

instrumentalist and composer<br />

JAKE MASON. Jake’s band<br />


has recorded a new album.<br />

Baked, Boiled & Fried is due for<br />

release in June on the No Frill<br />

label (Inertia) in Australia and<br />

Freestyle Records in the UK.<br />

Screen composer and 2006 <strong>APRA</strong><br />

Award winner JAY STEWART<br />

has signed with ORiGiN for all<br />

international territories outside<br />

of Australia & NZ.<br />

ORiGiN Music has acquired the<br />

publishing rights to the music<br />

for CHERYL WEBB’s conceptual<br />

piece The Numerology Suite and<br />

will be assisting Cheryl to get<br />

the music out there.<br />

Bonza Music Publishing<br />

has entered into a worldwide<br />

association with ORiGiN.<br />

Bonza is developing a number<br />

of original Australian artists<br />

including BLACK GENIUS,<br />



DIANA ANAID has released a<br />

solo acoustic album Live at the<br />

Bush Theatre, recorded near her<br />

home in northern NSW.<br />

> Diana Anaid<br />


is recording an album with<br />

a new band she has formed<br />

with guitarist/composer PHIL<br />

BURTON. Nashville based NICK<br />

BROPHY is producing the album.<br />

MARK O’SHEA is in Nashville<br />

co-writing with DONAVAN<br />


Mark has demoed four new songs<br />

with producer MARK MOFFATT.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> Award winning composer<br />


made a short film titled Hero. In<br />

addition to writing and directing,<br />

the film features his own music.<br />

ALLAN CASWELL’s Golden<br />

Guitar winning duet with DREW<br />

McALISTER “There’s a little bit<br />

of country in us all” is now out<br />

as the new single and video from<br />

Allan’s Al’s Bar & Grill album.<br />

Flashpoint Productions<br />

- represented by ORiGiN<br />

worldwide - have completed<br />

the production of a great new<br />

album by singer songwriter<br />

LOUISE ANTON. The album was<br />

produced by HARRY VANDA with<br />

string arrangements by LARRY<br />


<strong>APRA</strong>P July 2007 > 20

John Chong-Nee: 2007 <strong>APRA</strong> NZ PDA Recipient<br />

Celebrating the craft of songwriting<br />

Compiled by Abbie Rutledge, Communications and Events Coordinator <strong>APRA</strong> New Zealand<br />

> John Chong-Nee. Photo > TOPIC<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> NZ is proud to announce<br />

the recipient of the 2007 <strong>APRA</strong> NZ<br />

Professional Development Award<br />

- John Chong-Nee.<br />

To say John Chong-Nee has had a successful run<br />

would be an understatement. <strong>APRA</strong> member since<br />

2000, he is registered as being a writer and/or<br />

co-writer of over 60 works, including the 2003 Silver<br />

Scroll nominated I11 Semantics track ‘Highway’.<br />

It began in the early ‘90s with seven piece group<br />

Semi-MCs, out of which formed AKA Brown a duo<br />

with Sam Feo II. AKA Brown were picked up by UPR<br />

(Urban Pacifika Records), Phil Fuemana saw beyond<br />

John’s MCing talents and the young musician began<br />

his ever-blossoming career working with the likes<br />

of Dobbyn and Finn. Following their performance at<br />

the ’98 Silver Scroll Awards the AKA Brown remix<br />

of the iconic Dave Dobbyn track “Beside You”,<br />

brought Chong-Nee’s skills into the limelight and<br />

Dawn Raid Entertainment soon signed him up as<br />

their in-house producer.<br />

Undeniably John Chong-Nee is one of New<br />

Zealand’s most in demand collaborators, even<br />

P-Money agrees, rating him as “Australasian RnB<br />

producer #1 hands down”.<br />

His Dawn Raid production credits are literally<br />

a list of the ‘who’s who’ of Urban Pacific<br />

music - The Deceptikonz’ Elimination album,<br />

Mareko’s debut album White Sunday, plus<br />

groundbreaking compilations Southside Story<br />

and Str8 From Tha Streets.<br />

The credits don’t stop there, writing and producing<br />

on various other projects including - Che Fu “2 b<br />

Spasifik”, Ben Lummis “One Road”, PNC “Rookie<br />

Card”. Remixing for the likes of Katchafire and<br />

providing his own tracks for multi-platinum selling<br />

compilations Major Flavours & RnB Superclub. A<br />

career highlight would have to be his work on “First<br />

Edition” with Dei Hamo; in 2004 they achieved three<br />

#1 singles including the highest selling single of<br />

the year “We Gon’ Ride”.<br />

Stepping out from behind the desk and back to<br />

his original musical roots, John Chong-Nee finally<br />

released his own album Just Getting By On Love in<br />

2006 – producing no less than six Top 20 NZ Airplay<br />

chart hits.<br />

John’s skills have not gone unnoticed internationally<br />

and the PDA is going to allow him to travel to<br />

the United States to accept invitations of various<br />

writing, producing and performance collaborations.<br />

With his legacy of training up local musicians and<br />

being extremely open with his knowledge, <strong>APRA</strong><br />

believe this award will not only benefit Chong-Nee<br />

but many New Zealand artists in the future.<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> presented six songwriting sessions over the Easter Long Weekend in April.<br />

Sessions at BluesFest and The Great Escape provided valuable opportunities to<br />

discuss, examine, promote and celebrate the craft of songwriting.<br />

BluesFest 2007 > Byron Bay<br />

> Paul Greene plays a Gibson Guitar<br />

In collaboration with BluesFest and Southern Cross University<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> presented three Songwriter Speaks sessions at Byron Bay<br />

High School. The sessions were open to <strong>APRA</strong> members and SCU<br />

students and featured international guest songwriter, zydeco master,<br />

Terrance Simien as well as home-grown artists Kevin Bennett<br />

(The Flood) and Paul Greene (Hirst and Greene).<br />

Feedback from attendees….<br />

> Terrance Simien and <strong>APRA</strong> member Bonnie > Terrance Simien and The Zydeco Experience > ‘How to get a gig’ - panel discussion<br />

“What I enjoyed most was that the musicians and industry leaders were presented in an accessible<br />

light showing them for the people they are and allowing them to be accessible to myself and others.”<br />

“Each of the three sessions was inspiring and informative and made us aware of the opportunities<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> offers to artists. We have made a mental note to check the <strong>APRA</strong> website every week from here<br />

on in. To be able to sit with Peter Noble and Chuggy was amazing! Congratulations to all those who<br />

made this possible.”<br />

In addition, <strong>APRA</strong> and Music Bound hosted a panel discussion<br />

on “How to get a gig” with a focus on issues faced by Indigenous<br />

performers. The panel featured promoter Michael Chugg, BluesFest<br />

organiser Peter Noble, Glenn Wright from Vitamin Records and<br />

Indigenous songwriters/performers Troy n Trevelyn.<br />

The Great Escape > Newington Armory,<br />

Sydney Olympic Park<br />

> Dan Kelly, Bow Campbell and Melanie Horsnell > Carlo and Natalie from Blue King Brown<br />

Songwriter Speaks sessions were held each afternoon of<br />

The Great Escape Festival, in the Mess Hall at Newington Armory,<br />

Sydney Olympic Park.<br />

The first session featured indie soul favourite, Dan Kelly and<br />

NuFolk songwriter Melanie Horsnell; then Blue King Brown’s<br />

Carlo Santone and Natalie Pa’Apa’A discussed their unique fusion<br />

of soul, percussive rhythm, sweet melodies and political lyrics in<br />

the second session; and finally, eclectic storyteller and composer<br />

of bold pop songs, Darren Hanlon and ARIA Nominee Holly<br />

Throsby lead the third.<br />

In spite of the cold and blustery conditions, the energy of the festival<br />

flowed into the Mess Hall with over 80 people attending each session.<br />

All sessions covered a diverse range of topics including: song writing<br />

techniques – how to take an idea and develop it into something<br />

that can be performed or recorded; co-writing - how it works, and<br />

sometimes doesn’t; as well discussions on the creative evolution<br />

of particular songs. Several of the songwriters treated the audience<br />

to live acoustic performances. The audiences in return were highly<br />

responsive and enthusiastic<br />

during the Q&A component.<br />

Photos > Edwina Pickles<br />

<strong>APRA</strong>P July 2007 > 22<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> has a regular, annual program of Songwriter Speaks sessions.<br />

Check the website www.apra.com.au for details of sessions near you.

Glenn Shorrock<br />

“As well as reminding me of my youthful attractiveness<br />

this photo brings back memories of two fine gentlemen in<br />

particular our great former chairman, Ted Albert.”<br />

Snapped at the Sydney Hilton: Glenn Shorrock (left), and<br />

Hal David (right), presented Board Chairman and head of<br />

J. Albert & Son, Ted Albert (centre), with the first of two<br />

gold awards at the inaugural <strong>APRA</strong> Music Awards in 1982.<br />

Alberts won the awards on behalf of songwriters Harry<br />

Vanda and George Young, for “Love is in the Air”; and Bon<br />

Scott, Angus and Malcolm Young for “Highway to Hell”.<br />


IN <strong>MUSIC</strong><br />

By Glenn Shorrock<br />

Where it all began –<br />

the first ever <strong>APRA</strong> Music<br />

Awards 1982<br />

Have you<br />

got a photograph<br />

that captures a<br />

moment in music?<br />

Send your<br />

submission<br />

with <strong>25</strong>0<br />

words on why<br />

it’s special to<br />

asarris@apra.com.au<br />

and it could<br />

appear on the<br />

back of the<br />

next Aprap.<br />

Design: Elastik Printing: No Time To Lose ©2007 Australasian Performing Right Association Ltd, Sydney, Australia. Print Post No: 55003/02262 ISSN: 1441-4910. Printed on environmentally friendly paper using soy-based inks.<br />

Box 6315, Wellesley St, Auckland 1141, New Zealand. The opinions expressed in articles in Aprap are not necessarily those of the Australasian Performing Right Association. Editor: Anthea Sarris asarris@apra.com.au<br />

(08) 9382 8299 Facsimile (08) 9382 8224 NEW ZEALAND HEAD OFFICE Unit 113, Zone 23, 21-23 Edwin St, Mt Eden, New Zealand Telephone: 64 9 623 2173 Freephone: 0800 692 772 Facsimile 64 9 623 2174 PO<br />

1113 SOUTH AUSTRALIA unit 54, 55 Melbourne Street North Adelaide SA 5006 Telephone: (08) 8239 2222 Facsimile: (08) 8239 0744 WESTERN AUSTRALIA suite 1, 12-20 Railway Road Subiaco WA 6008 Telephone<br />

Branches: VICTORIA 3-5 Sanders Place Richmond VIC 3121 Telephone: (03) 9426 5200 Facsimile: (03) 9426 5211 QUEENSLAND 3 Winn Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Telephone: (07) 3<strong>25</strong>7 1007 Facsimile (07) 3<strong>25</strong>7<br />

of NZ Operations: Anthony Healey Registered <strong>Of</strong>fice: 6-12 Atchison Street St Leonards NSW 2065 Telephone: (02) 9935 7900 Facsimile: (02) 9935 7999 Email: apra@apra.com.au Internet: www.apra.com.au<br />

EMI Songs Australia Pty Ltd, Ian James Mushroom Music Pty Ltd, Peter Karpin BMG Music Publishing, Fifa Riccobono J Albert & Son, Damian Trotter Sony/ATV Music Publishing Chief Executive: Brett Cottle LLB Director<br />

Arthur Baysting [New Zealand], Eric McCusker, Richard Meale LLD AM MBE, Jenny Morris, Chris Neal, Michael Perjanik [Chairman] Publisher directors: Robert Aird Universal Music Publishing Pty Ltd, John Anderson<br />

<strong>APRA</strong> is an association of composers, authors and publishers of music in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific having affiliations with similarly constituted organisations around the world. Writer directors:

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