Experiences of Farmers in India Experiences of Farmers in ... - AgSri

Experiences of Farmers in India Experiences of Farmers in ... - AgSri Experiences of Farmers in India Experiences of Farmers in ... - AgSri

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FarmersExperiences Merugu Narayana Gaddegudem Devarakadra (Mandal) Mahabubnagar (D.t) Andhra Pradesh Contact: Mr. Anil Kumar, AME, Mahabubnagar, A.P. Ph: 9885682301. Age: 62 years Education: Matriculate Occupation(s): Agriculture No. of years in farming: 30 Paddy cultivation Merugu Narayana has 11 acres of total agricultural land; of which four acres is paddy land. His water sources are the well and bore well and the inputs that he uses include chemical fertilizers (Urea, DAP), and pesticides (Phorate granules, Chloropyriphos, Mancozeb). Yields obtained by the flooding method are 18.60 q/ acre. SRI adoption He came to know about the SRI from AME Foundation, Mahabubnagar Area Unit. He is very much curious about SRI cultivation, started it as an experiment initially in 0.5 acre of land. The AME staff provided timely technical advice. Some of the cultivation practices he followed in the SRI plot were: green manuring with daincha and incorporation before flowering; raised bed nursery prepared with FYM and organic manures; used the Rope Marker for marking; transplanted 11 day-old seedlings; weeding with Rotary Weeder (three times); implements procured from the Department of Agriculture with AMEF’s support; and no chemicals were applied against the pests and diseases, only Neem Seed Kernal Extract (NSKE) solution was sprayed twice. With the above efforts the yield has been increased to 25.9 q/acre. 5

Andhra Pradesh Innovations and modifications He has been using locally-made markers using rope in place of the mechanical marker. Benefits In place of 12 labourers for transplanting and 12 for weeding in one acre, which costs Rs.1200/- for wages, SRI cultivation requires only eight labourers for transplanting and eight for weeding, reducing the cost of cultivation by Rs.280/. Narayana was himself able to use the Rotary Weeder for weeding which reduced dependence on labourers at a crucial stage – due to greater demand for labour at critical stages, manual weeding increases the cost of cultivation. In some cases women did weeding with the Rotary Weeder. Pest incidence was less and he experienced good results with the application of NSKE solution for the control of Leaf-folder. With heavy rains, conventional paddy fields were affected by lodging which did not occur in SRI cultivation. SRI cultivation has reduced the drudgery on women. Constraints in adoption SRI has affected the employment opportunities for agricultural labour due to the use of the Rotary Weeder. The quality of the implements is such that they do not last for more than two seasons. Lessons learnt Contrary to the conventional belief that paddy is a water loving crop, Merugu Narayana is convinced that it grows better under semi-arid conditions with less water input. 6

<strong>Farmers</strong>’ <strong>Experiences</strong><br />

Merugu Narayana<br />

Gaddegudem<br />

Devarakadra (Mandal)<br />

Mahabubnagar (D.t)<br />

Andhra Pradesh<br />

Contact: Mr. Anil Kumar, AME,<br />

Mahabubnagar, A.P.<br />

Ph: 9885682301.<br />

Age: 62 years<br />

Education: Matriculate<br />

Occupation(s): Agriculture<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> years <strong>in</strong> farm<strong>in</strong>g: 30<br />

Paddy cultivation<br />

Merugu Narayana has 11 acres <strong>of</strong> total agricultural land; <strong>of</strong> which four acres is<br />

paddy land. His water sources are the well and bore well and the <strong>in</strong>puts that he<br />

uses <strong>in</strong>clude chemical fertilizers (Urea, DAP), and pesticides (Phorate granules,<br />

Chloropyriphos, Mancozeb). Yields obta<strong>in</strong>ed by the flood<strong>in</strong>g method are 18.60 q/<br />

acre.<br />

SRI adoption<br />

He came to know about the SRI from AME Foundation, Mahabubnagar Area Unit.<br />

He is very much curious about SRI cultivation, started it as an experiment <strong>in</strong>itially<br />

<strong>in</strong> 0.5 acre <strong>of</strong> land. The AME staff provided timely technical advice. Some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

cultivation practices he followed <strong>in</strong> the SRI plot were:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

green manur<strong>in</strong>g with da<strong>in</strong>cha and <strong>in</strong>corporation before flower<strong>in</strong>g;<br />

raised bed nursery prepared with FYM and organic manures;<br />

used the Rope Marker for mark<strong>in</strong>g;<br />

transplanted 11 day-old seedl<strong>in</strong>gs;<br />

weed<strong>in</strong>g with Rotary Weeder (three times);<br />

implements procured from the Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture with AMEF’s support;<br />

and<br />

no chemicals were applied aga<strong>in</strong>st the pests and diseases, only Neem Seed<br />

Kernal Extract (NSKE) solution was sprayed twice.<br />

With the above efforts the yield has been <strong>in</strong>creased to 25.9 q/acre.<br />


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