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aTDMMF5707AAssistsaf.. - Splash Maritime Training

aTDMMF5707AAssistsaf.. - Splash Maritime Training


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Assessment Strategies<br />

TDMMF5707A Assist in safe operations and emergency<br />

procedures on a coastal vessel<br />

(Part 2.2 Initial RTO registration requirements - <strong>Training</strong> and assessment strategies)<br />

Assessment planning-the Process<br />

Assessment<br />

planner/records<br />

Assessment options- the Method<br />

a.<br />

Practical<br />

assessment<br />

b.<br />

Questioning<br />

These outline the course/unit elements and allow the trainee and<br />

trainer/assessor to develop an assessment plan (with recording<br />

sheet) that is valid, flexible and fair.<br />

Observation of a trainee by the assessor:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

in the workplace<br />

at demonstrations and/or simulations<br />

in role plays and/or scenarios<br />

It includes questioning and a written report. Questions are used to<br />

probe, assess and confirm the trainee’s:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

depth of knowledge, skills and experience.<br />

ability to transfer skills in order to handle new situations.<br />

values and attitudes.<br />

c.<br />

Assignment<br />

A document or collection collated/written by a trainee, confirming their<br />

ability to:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

gain knowledge.<br />

source technical information.<br />

demonstrate the required written skills.<br />

d.<br />

Test<br />

An examination completed by a trainee that confirms:<br />

depth of knowledge, skills and experience.<br />

ability to transfer skills in order to handle new situations.<br />

understanding of legislation, policies and procedures.<br />

values and attitudes.<br />

e.<br />

Testimonials<br />

f.<br />

Evidence folder<br />

A statement from an employer, trainer or supervisor confirming their<br />

observation of a trainee’s ability to fulfill the requirements of a unit of<br />

competency to workplace standards, being a:<br />

reference of work experience and performance, and/or a,<br />

<br />

report of observations of specified performance criteria.<br />

A collection of evidence that may be presented to an assessor in<br />

support of a trainee’s competence.<br />

Version 1 <strong>Splash</strong>maritime © 2008

Practical &<br />

Questions<br />

Assignment<br />

Test<br />

Testimonial<br />

Evidence folder<br />

Sufficient<br />

Standard assessment planner/record<br />

(Part 2.2 Initial RTO registration requirements - <strong>Training</strong> and assessment strategies)<br />

Course: TDM10107<br />


Unit: TDMMF5707A Assist in safe operations and emergency procedures on a coastal<br />

vessel<br />

Trainee name:<br />

Assessor name:<br />

Trainee number:<br />

Instructions & Context: At RTO and on a real/simulated small commercial vessel<br />

1. Circle yes/no to indicate sufficient evidence for<br />

competency.<br />

Evidence method<br />

2. Evaluate on the evidence provided and circle NYC or C.<br />

1<br />

3. Complete the comment section detailing areas requiring<br />

further evidence and/or training.<br />

1.a<br />

Task<br />

Implement basic safety practices and procedures<br />

Available information on basic safety and hazard control<br />

practices/ procedures on vessel is obtained/ interpreted<br />

Basic safety practices, precautions and procedures are<br />

1.b applied when assisting other members of the crew in<br />

operations on a coastal vessel<br />

2 Locate and use personal safety equipment<br />

2.a<br />

2.b<br />

The location of personal safety equipment on a vessel is<br />

checked and noted<br />

Information on the use of the personal safety equipment<br />

is obtained from the master or senior members of crew<br />

The use of personal safety equipment is correctly<br />

2.c demonstrated as per company procedures and<br />

regulatory requirements<br />

3 Apply basic seamanship skills applicable to a deckhand<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

3.a<br />

3.b<br />

3.c<br />

4<br />

4.a<br />

Procedures for the safe mooring, anchoring and<br />

berthing of coastal vessels are interpreted and applied<br />

during vessel operations<br />

Basic rope handling skills are safely performed during<br />

vessel operations<br />

Items of deck equipment are cared for and stored in<br />

Yes<br />

accordance with company procedures and good<br />

seamanship practice<br />

No<br />

Assist in the use of basic firefighting equipment available on a coastal vessel<br />

Information on procedures in the event of a fire<br />

emergency on the vessel is obtained from the skipper or<br />

Version 1 <strong>Splash</strong>maritime © 2008<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />


4.b<br />

4.c<br />

5<br />

5.a<br />

5.b<br />

5.c<br />

senior members of crew or from published information<br />

or signage on the vessel and is correctly interpreted and<br />

applied<br />

The location of firefighting equipment on a vessel is<br />

checked and identified<br />

Assistance in the use of portable firefighting equipment<br />

is correctly demonstrated as per operating instructions<br />

Provide assistance in the event of an emergency<br />

Emergency situations are correctly recognised and<br />

appropriate responses made<br />

Assistance is provided in crowd control in emergency<br />

situations in accordance with established vessel<br />

procedures<br />

Correct action is taken on discovery of an actual or<br />

potential emergency in accordance with established<br />

vessel procedures<br />

6 Assist in vessel abandonment procedures<br />

6.a<br />

6.b<br />

Information on procedures in the event of vessel<br />

abandonment is obtained from the master or senior<br />

members of crew or published information or signs on<br />

the vessel and is correctly interpreted<br />

Appropriate assistance is provided in the use of survival<br />

equipment on a vessel<br />

Participation in abandon vessel drills confirms readiness<br />

6.c to correctly carry out appropriate assistance in the event<br />

of vessel abandonment<br />

Assessment event planner<br />

Assessment<br />

event<br />

Practical<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

Content Date/ due Time Duration Location What to bring<br />

Assignment n/a n/a<br />

Test<br />

Completed<br />

assignment<br />

Testimonial n/a n/a Testimonial<br />

Evidence<br />

Folder<br />

Assessor’s Comments<br />

n/a n/a Folder<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

The Trainee is assessed as (circle option): Competent Not yet competent<br />

Assessor signs:<br />

Date:<br />

I acknowledge receipt of the assessor’s comments and competency determination.<br />

Trainee signs:<br />

Date:<br />

Version 1 <strong>Splash</strong>maritime © 2008

Assessment by practical activity & questioning<br />

(Part 2.3.a Initial RTO registration requirements - Assessment materials)<br />


Unit: TDMMF5707A Assist in safe operations and emergency procedures on a coastal vessel<br />

Trainee name:<br />

Assessor name:<br />

Location:<br />

Trainee number:<br />

Date:<br />

Instructions for the assessor:<br />

Observe the trainee completing the task.<br />

Circle yes/no for the trainee’s completion of the task to the required standard.<br />

Confirm the trainee’s underpinning knowledge using the questions list. Link<br />

Circle yes/no to show that the trainee answered the questions sufficiently.<br />

Complete the feedback section.<br />

Conditions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

1<br />

1.a<br />

1.b<br />

2<br />

Task Criteria Yes No<br />

Implement basic safety practices and procedures<br />

Available information on basic safety and hazard control<br />

practices and procedures on a vessel is obtained and<br />

interpreted<br />

Basic safety practices, precautions and procedures are<br />

applied when assisting other members of the crew in<br />

operations on a coastal vessel<br />

Locate and use personal safety equipment<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Version 1 <strong>Splash</strong>maritime © 2008

The location of personal safety equipment on a vessel is<br />

2.a<br />

checked and noted<br />

Information on the use of the personal safety equipment is<br />

2.b<br />

obtained from the master or senior members of crew<br />

The use of personal safety equipment is correctly<br />

2.c demonstrated as per company procedures and regulatory<br />

requirements<br />

Apply basic seamanship skills applicable to a deckhand<br />

3<br />

3.a<br />

3.b<br />

3.c<br />

Procedures for the safe mooring, anchoring and berthing of<br />

coastal vessels are interpreted and applied during vessel<br />

operations<br />

Basic rope handling skills are safely performed during<br />

vessel operations<br />

Items of deck equipment are cared for and stored in<br />

accordance with company procedures and good<br />

seamanship practice<br />

4 Assist in the use of basic firefighting equipment available on a coastal vessel<br />

Information on procedures in the event of a fire emergency<br />

on the vessel is obtained from the skipper or senior<br />

4.a<br />

members of crew or from published information or signage<br />

on the vessel and is correctly interpreted and applied<br />

The location of firefighting equipment on a vessel is<br />

4.b<br />

checked and identified<br />

Assistance in the use of portable firefighting equipment is<br />

4.c<br />

correctly demonstrated as per operating instructions<br />

Provide assistance in the event of an emergency<br />

5<br />

Emergency situations are correctly recognised and<br />

5.a<br />

appropriate responses made<br />

Assistance is provided in crowd control in emergency<br />

5.b situations in accordance with established vessel<br />

procedures<br />

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Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No<br />

Yes No

Correct action is taken on discovery of an actual or<br />

5.c potential emergency in accordance with established vessel<br />

Yes No<br />

procedures<br />

6 Assist in vessel abandonment procedures<br />

Information on procedures in the event of vessel<br />

abandonment is obtained from the master or senior<br />

6.a<br />

members of crew or published information or signs on the<br />

Yes No<br />

vessel and is correctly interpreted<br />

Appropriate assistance is provided in the use of survival<br />

6.b<br />

equipment on a vessel<br />

Yes No<br />

Participation in abandon vessel drills confirms readiness to<br />

6.c correctly carry out appropriate assistance in the event of<br />

Yes No<br />

vessel abandonment<br />

The Trainee’s overall performance was Sufficient Insufficient<br />

Feedback to trainee<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Trainee signs:<br />

Date:<br />

Assessor signs:<br />

Date:<br />

Version 1 <strong>Splash</strong>maritime © 2008

Assessment by confirmation & challenge questions list<br />

(Part 2.3.b Initial RTO registration requirements - Assessment materials)<br />

Course: Certificate One TDM10107 Deckhand<br />

Unit: TDMMF5707A Assist in safe operations and emergency procedures on a coastal<br />

vessel<br />

Trainee name:<br />

Assessor name:<br />

Trainee number:<br />

Assessor Instructions:<br />

Questioning checks a trainee’s underpinning knowledge and provides further evidence to<br />

support practical assessment, testimonials and folders.<br />

The Trainee answered the following questions: Link<br />

1<br />

1.a<br />

1.b<br />

2<br />

Implement basic safety practices and procedures<br />

Available information on basic safety and hazard control practices and<br />

procedures on a vessel is obtained and interpreted<br />

Basic safety practices, precautions and procedures are applied when<br />

assisting other members of the crew in operations on a coastal vessel<br />

Locate and use personal safety equipment<br />

The location of personal safety equipment on a vessel is checked and<br />

2.a<br />

noted<br />

Information on the use of the personal safety equipment is obtained from<br />

2.b<br />

the master or senior members of crew<br />

The use of personal safety equipment is correctly demonstrated as per<br />

2.c<br />

company procedures and regulatory requirements<br />

Perform tasks aloft and over vessel’s side<br />

3<br />

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Sufficient<br />

response<br />

Procedures for the safe mooring, anchoring and berthing of coastal Yes No<br />

3.a<br />

vessels are interpreted and applied during vessel operations<br />

3.b Basic rope handling skills are safely performed during vessel operations Yes No<br />

3.c<br />

Items of deck equipment are cared for and stored in accordance with Yes No<br />

company procedures and good seamanship practice<br />

4 Assist in the use of basic firefighting equipment available on a coastal vessel<br />

4.a<br />

4.b<br />

4.c<br />

5<br />

Information on procedures in the event of a fire emergency on the vessel<br />

is obtained from the skipper or senior members of crew or from published<br />

information or signage on the vessel and is correctly interpreted and<br />

applied<br />

The location of firefighting equipment on a vessel is checked and<br />

identified<br />

Assistance in the use of portable firefighting equipment is correctly<br />

demonstrated as per operating instructions<br />

Provide assistance in the event of an emergency<br />

Emergency situations are correctly recognised and appropriate<br />

Yes No<br />

5.a<br />

responses made<br />

5.b Assistance is provided in crowd control in emergency situations in Yes No<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />


5.c<br />

accordance with established vessel procedures<br />

Correct action is taken on discovery of an actual or potential emergency<br />

in accordance with established vessel procedures<br />

6 Assist in vessel abandonment procedures<br />

Information on procedures in the event of vessel abandonment is<br />

6.a obtained from the master or senior members of crew or published<br />

information or signs on the vessel and is correctly interpreted<br />

Appropriate assistance is provided in the use of survival equipment on a<br />

6.b<br />

vessel<br />

6.c<br />

Participation in abandon vessel drills confirms readiness to correctly<br />

carry out appropriate assistance in the event of vessel abandonment<br />

The Trainee’s underpinning knowledge is Sufficient Insufficient<br />

Feedback to trainee<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Trainee signs:<br />

Date:<br />

Assessor signs:<br />

Date:<br />

Version 1 <strong>Splash</strong>maritime © 2008

Assessment by testimonial<br />

(Part 2.3.e Initial RTO registration requirements - Assessment materials)<br />


Unit: TDMMF5707A Assist in safe operations and emergency procedures on a coastal<br />

vessel<br />

Trainee name:<br />

Trainee number:<br />

Location:<br />

Instructions for the referee:<br />

1. Over a period of time make three observations of the trainee completing a task.<br />

2. Enter the date & conditions on which each observation was made.<br />

3. Tick in the box to show completion of the task to the standard expected.<br />

4. Complete the feedback sections.<br />

Date & Conditions:<br />

Observation 1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Observation 2: --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Observation 3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Observations of Tasks 1 2 3<br />

Implement basic safety practices and procedures<br />

1<br />

1.a<br />

1.b<br />

2<br />

2.a<br />

2.b<br />

2.c<br />

3<br />

Available information on basic safety and hazard control practices<br />

and procedures on a vessel is obtained and interpreted<br />

Basic safety practices, precautions and procedures are applied<br />

when assisting other members of the crew in operations on a<br />

coastal vessel<br />

Locate and use personal safety equipment<br />

The location of personal safety equipment on a vessel is checked<br />

and noted<br />

Information on the use of the personal safety equipment is<br />

obtained from the master or senior members of crew<br />

The use of personal safety equipment is correctly demonstrated as<br />

per company procedures and regulatory requirements<br />

Apply basic seamanship skills applicable to a deckhand<br />

3.a Procedures for the safe mooring, anchoring and berthing of coastal<br />

vessels are interpreted and applied during vessel operations<br />

3.b Basic rope handling skills are safely performed during vessel<br />

operations<br />

3.c Items of deck equipment are cared for and stored in accordance<br />

with company procedures and good seamanship practice<br />

4 Assist in the use of basic firefighting equipment available on a coastal vessel<br />

Version 1 <strong>Splash</strong>maritime © 2008

4.a Information on procedures in the event of a fire emergency on the<br />

vessel is obtained from the skipper or senior members of crew or<br />

from published information or signage on the vessel and is<br />

correctly interpreted and applied<br />

4.b The location of firefighting equipment on a vessel is checked and<br />

identified<br />

4.c Assistance in the use of portable firefighting equipment is correctly<br />

demonstrated as per operating instructions<br />

5 Provide assistance in the event of an emergency<br />

5.a Emergency situations are correctly recognised and appropriate<br />

responses made<br />

5.b Assistance is provided in crowd control in emergency situations in<br />

accordance with established vessel procedures<br />

5.c Correct action is taken on discovery of an actual or potential<br />

emergency in accordance with established vessel procedures<br />

6 Assist in vessel abandonment procedures<br />

6.a Information on procedures in the event of vessel abandonment is<br />

obtained from the master or senior members of crew or published<br />

information or signs on the vessel and is correctly interpreted<br />

6.b Appropriate assistance is provided in the use of survival equipment<br />

on a vessel<br />

6.c Participation in abandon vessel drills confirms readiness to<br />

correctly carry out appropriate assistance in the event of vessel<br />

abandonment<br />

Referee’s report:<br />

Referee name<br />

Qualifications<br />

Relationship to<br />

Trainee<br />

Contact address<br />

Contact<br />

phone<br />

Referee comments<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Referees Declaration: The information I provided above is true and correct.<br />

Referee’s signs:<br />

Date:<br />

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Non Standard and RPL Assessment Record<br />

(Part 2.3.f Assessment materials)<br />

Your folder is a collection of evidence that may be presented to an assessor to prove<br />

your competence at a task.<br />

What evidence can I include?<br />

Evidence<br />

Explanation<br />

Work history Current and previous job descriptions<br />

<strong>Training</strong> logbook<br />

<strong>Training</strong> or<br />

certificates<br />

Journal or diary<br />

Awards<br />

A record that includes details of your:<br />

evidence of you applying your knowledge and skills<br />

completion of tasks to industry standards<br />

contributions to team output<br />

response to critical incidents<br />

Results of courses, training certificates or studies you have<br />

completed that relate to the competency standards.<br />

A record of work roles, tasks and responsibilities, and<br />

contributions to team outputs. You should get your diary / journal<br />

entries signed by a supervisor or experienced colleague.<br />

Awards you have received at work or relevant activities.<br />

Testimonials<br />

Work samples<br />

Photos / videos of<br />

your work<br />

A statement from a competent person confirming their<br />

observation of your ability to fulfill the requirements of a unit of<br />

competency to workplace standards, being a: reference and/or<br />

a, report of observations of specified performance criteria<br />

Items, letters/memos, job specifications, quotes etc.<br />

Describe and date any photos, videos and explain how they<br />

relate to the work.<br />

When collecting evidence and putting it together in your folder you need to inform the<br />

assessor of the task that the evidence relates to by using the evidence folder contents<br />

sheet below and tagging/labelling the items submitted.<br />

It is important that the assessor can see more than one type of evidence that shows<br />

you can do the work. The evidence you use must be:<br />

Valid - related to the work described.<br />

<br />

<br />

Authentic - your own.<br />

Sufficient - enough to show you can do all aspects of the work.<br />

Current - if your evidence is too old it may not be useful.<br />

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Work history<br />

<strong>Training</strong><br />

logbook<br />

certificates<br />

Journal<br />

Awards<br />

Testimonials<br />

Photos / videos<br />

valid<br />

authentic<br />

current<br />

sufficient<br />

insufficient<br />

N/a<br />

Your evidence folder’s content and assessor’s evaluation.<br />

(Part 2.3.f Initial RTO registration requirements - Assessment materials)<br />


Unit: TDMMF5707A Assist in safe operations and emergency procedures on a coastal vessel<br />

Trainee name:<br />

Assessor name:<br />

The item of evidence supplied is tagged with the number:<br />

Trainee number:<br />

Assessor's evaluation<br />

Evidence is:<br />

Description of evidence<br />

1<br />

1.a<br />

Implement basic safety practices and procedures<br />

Available information on basic safety and hazard control practices<br />

and procedures on a vessel is obtained and interpreted<br />

Basic safety practices, precautions and procedures are applied<br />

1.b when assisting other members of the crew in operations on a<br />

coastal vessel<br />

Locate and use personal safety equipment<br />

2<br />

The location of personal safety equipment on a vessel is checked<br />

2.a<br />

and noted<br />

Information on the use of the personal safety equipment is obtained<br />

2.b<br />

from the master or senior members of crew<br />

The use of personal safety equipment is correctly demonstrated as<br />

2.c<br />

per company procedures and regulatory requirements<br />

Apply basic seamanship skills applicable to a deckhand<br />

3<br />

3.a Procedures for the safe mooring, anchoring and berthing of coastal<br />

vessels are interpreted and applied during vessel operations<br />

Version 1 <strong>Splash</strong>maritime © 2008

3.b Basic rope handling skills are safely performed during vessel<br />

operations<br />

3.c Items of deck equipment are cared for and stored in accordance<br />

with company procedures and good seamanship practice<br />

4 Assist in the use of basic firefighting equipment available on a coastal vessel<br />

4.a Information on procedures in the event of a fire emergency on the<br />

vessel is obtained from the skipper or senior members of crew or<br />

from published information or signage on the vessel and is<br />

correctly interpreted and applied<br />

4.b The location of firefighting equipment on a vessel is checked and<br />

identified<br />

4.c Assistance in the use of portable firefighting equipment is correctly<br />

demonstrated as per operating instructions<br />

5 Provide assistance in the event of an emergency<br />

5.a Emergency situations are correctly recognised and appropriate<br />

responses made<br />

5.b Assistance is provided in crowd control in emergency situations in<br />

accordance with established vessel procedures<br />

5.c Correct action is taken on discovery of an actual or potential<br />

emergency in accordance with established vessel procedures<br />

6 Assist in vessel abandonment procedures<br />

6.a Information on procedures in the event of vessel abandonment is<br />

obtained from the master or senior members of crew or published<br />

information or signs on the vessel and is correctly interpreted<br />

6.b Appropriate assistance is provided in the use of survival equipment<br />

on a vessel<br />

6.c Participation in abandon vessel drills confirms readiness to<br />

correctly carry out appropriate assistance in the event of vessel<br />

abandonment<br />

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Trainee Declaration:<br />

Trainee Signs:<br />

The evidence I present is my own work and accurately represents my abilities.<br />

Date:<br />

In the case of Reports from Referees:<br />

Referee name Qualifications Relationship to Trainee Contact address Contact phone Dates of observation<br />

Feedback to Trainee:<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

---------------------------------<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

---------------------------------<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

---------------------------------<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

---------------------------------<br />

Assessor signs:<br />

Date:<br />

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Notes:<br />

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