COGNOS Business Intelligence Series 7




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<strong>COGNOS</strong> (R) <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Intelligence</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 7<br />

Cognos PowerPlay (R)<br />


7.3 MR2<br />

7.3 MR2<br />

About PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

View the Readme<br />

Enterprise Server Guide<br />



Product Information<br />

This document applies to Cognos PowerPlay (R) Version 7.4 and may also apply to subsequent releases. To check for newer versions of this<br />

document, visit the Cognos Global Customer Services Web site (http://support.cognos.com).<br />

Copyright<br />

Copyright (C) 2006 Cognos Incorporated.<br />

Portions of Cognos(R) software products are protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 6,609,123 B1; 6,611,838 B1; 6,662,188<br />

B1; 6,728,697 B2; 6,741,982 B2; 6,763,520 B1; 6,768,995 B2; 6,782,378 B2; 6,847,973 B2; 6,907,428 B2; 6,853,375 B2; 6,986,135 B2;<br />

6,995,768 B2.<br />

Cognos and the Cognos logo are trademarks of Cognos Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other names are<br />

trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.<br />

While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete, some typographical errors or<br />

technical inaccuracies may exist. Cognos does not accept responsibility for any kind of loss resulting from the use of information contained in<br />

this document.<br />

This document shows the publication date. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Any<br />

improvements or changes to either the product or the document will be documented in subsequent editions.<br />

U.S. Government Restricted Rights. The software and accompanying materials are provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or<br />

disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions in subparagraph (C)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software<br />

clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or subparagraphs (C) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at<br />

48CFR52.227-19, as applicable. The Contractor is Cognos Corporation, 15 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803.<br />

This software/documentation contains proprietary information of Cognos Incorporated. All rights are reserved. Reverse engineering of this<br />

software is prohibited. No part of this software/documentation may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,<br />

transmitted in any form or by any means, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Cognos Incorporated.

Table of Contents<br />

Introduction 7<br />

Chapter 1: Enterprise Reporting 9<br />

How Enterprise-wide Deployment Works 9<br />

PowerPlay Client Applications 9<br />

Server Architecture 10<br />

Data Sources 13<br />

Retain Cubes from Previous Versions 14<br />

Chapter 2: Configure Servers 15<br />

A Central Starting Point for Server Administration 15<br />

PowerPlay Server Configuration 15<br />

Services and Daemons 15<br />

Start and Stop Windows Services 16<br />

Start and Stop UNIX Daemons 16<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server Cleanup 17<br />

Check the Windows Environment Variables 17<br />

Change Display Settings with Style Sheets 18<br />

Specify the Portal to Which Reports are Published 18<br />

Enable Data Export on the Web 19<br />

Modify the Locale Settings and Data Formats 19<br />

Enable Accessibility Support 20<br />

PDF Server Configuration 20<br />

Font Support Within PDF Generation 20<br />

Security 21<br />

Change the Enterprise Server Port Number 21<br />

Restrict the Outgoing Web Port 21<br />

Change the Port for Windows Connections 22<br />

Configure Security on a Microsoft Web Server 22<br />

Performance Monitor 23<br />

Configure the Access Manager Server 24<br />

Secure a Server 24<br />

Disable Saving of Cognos Sub-Cubes 25<br />

Specify an Authentication Namespace For a Cube 25<br />

Chapter 3: Control Processes 27<br />

Distributed Processing 27<br />

Set the PowerPlay Service for User Logon 27<br />

Server Groups 28<br />

Ppservertemp 28<br />

Mount At 28<br />

Load Balancing using Mirror References 29<br />

Monitor Processes 31<br />

Monitor Web Connections 32<br />

Monitor Windows Connections 33<br />

Define the Maximum Number of Processes 33<br />

Limit the Processing Time 34<br />

Configure How Windows Processes are Scheduled 34<br />

Stop Processing Requests 34<br />

Set the Process Cache Size 35<br />

Switch Between the Enhanced and Generic Interface 36<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 3

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports 37<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration 37<br />

Connect to a Server 38<br />

Discover Servers 39<br />

Folders and Collections 39<br />

Add a Folder 40<br />

Add a Collection 40<br />

Cubes and Reports 40<br />

Add a Cube or Report 41<br />

Add a Mirror Reference 41<br />

Update Reports to Reference Remote Cubes 42<br />

Move or Copy a Cube or Report 42<br />

Remove a Cube or Report 43<br />

Set the PDF Layout Style 43<br />

Add Custom Buttons 44<br />

Add Dimension Line Information to an Exported CSV File 45<br />

Add a Title 45<br />

Restrict Embedded HTML Tags in Report Titles 45<br />

Search for a Cube or Report 46<br />

Move Cube and Report NewsItems from Upfront to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 46<br />

Web Reports 49<br />

Test a Connection 49<br />

Publish to Upfront 49<br />

Publish to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 51<br />

Publish a Report as a Link in Upfront 52<br />

Notify Upfront Users About an Updated Cube 52<br />

Show a Table of Contents 53<br />

Disable a Table of Contents 53<br />

Enable Preference Settings 54<br />

Customize the PowerPlay Web Viewer Modify Report Page 54<br />

Specify a URL 55<br />

Improve Web Performance 57<br />

Set Export PDF Preferences 58<br />

Include Explain Drill Links in a Report 59<br />

Embed Fonts in a Report 59<br />

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access 61<br />

General Drill Through Considerations 61<br />

Set Up Drill-through Targets in Transformer 62<br />

Drill Through to Third Party OLAP Sources 63<br />

Drill Through from Cube to Cube 64<br />

Enable Drill Through to Cubes 64<br />

Set Up Drill-through Access to a Target in a NewsBox 64<br />

Drill Through to Cognos Query 65<br />

Design Queries as Drill-through Targets 66<br />

Save a Drill-through Target in Cognos Query 66<br />

Enable Drill Through to Cognos Query 66<br />

Drill Through to Impromptu Web Reports 67<br />

Enable Drill Through to Impromptu Web Reports 67<br />

Drill Through to Impromptu 68<br />

Drill Through to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 68<br />

Create a Folder for Target Reports 68<br />

Set the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 Environment 69<br />

Select Filters for the Target Report 69<br />

Create the Target Report 70<br />

Disable Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 Drill Through Assistance 70<br />

4 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity 71<br />

Enable Auditing 72<br />

Set Up an Audit Database 72<br />

Restore the Sample Backup Database 72<br />

Set Up a Connection String to the Audit Database 73<br />

PPESAuditFileProcessor Utility 73<br />

Use the Sample Audit Reports 74<br />

Understand the Sample Audit Reports 74<br />

Understand the Audit Database 75<br />

Dispatcher Table 76<br />

Session Table 77<br />

Request Table 77<br />

Administration Source Table 78<br />

User Source Table 78<br />

Dimension Usage Table 78<br />

Level Usage Table 79<br />

Measure Usage Table 79<br />

Appendix A: Context Help 81<br />

Server Properties (General tab) 81<br />

Server Properties (Settings tab) 81<br />

Options 81<br />

Audit Log Generator 83<br />

PowerPlay Web Explorer 83<br />

PowerPlay Web Viewer 84<br />

Publishing 84<br />

Cube Properties (General tab) 84<br />

Report Properties (General tab) 85<br />

Folder Properties (General tab) 85<br />

Folder, Cube, and Report Properties (Settings tab) 86<br />

Options 86<br />

Process Control 88<br />

Publishing 89<br />

Authentication 90<br />

Display 90<br />

Drill Through 95<br />

Connect to Server 97<br />

Set Server Password 97<br />

Set Security 98<br />

Search 98<br />

Select Mirror References 98<br />

Title 99<br />

Shortcut 99<br />

Rename 99<br />

Appendix B: Batch Administration 101<br />

The ppadmtool Program 101<br />

Name 101<br />

Synopsis 101<br />

Description 103<br />

Conventions 103<br />

Options 103<br />

Appendix C: Managing Temporary Files 109<br />

Temporary File Modes 109<br />

Temporary File Access Configuration 109<br />

Configuring Mirrored Servers and Cubes 110<br />

Fetch Temporary Files 110<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 5

Setting the Base HREF 110<br />

Glossary 113<br />

Index 117<br />

6 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Introduction<br />

What Is in This Document<br />

Other Documentation<br />

Questions or Comments?<br />

The PowerPlay Enterprise Server Guide shows you how to administer PowerPlay servers and<br />

deploy cubes and reports to PowerPlay users in the Windows environment or on the Web.<br />

This document contains<br />

• an overview of deploying PowerPlay reporting for the enterprise<br />

• information on configuring and securing your PowerPlay servers and their processes<br />

• cube and server deployment tasks using the PowerPlay Enterprise Server administration tool<br />

• details on setting up drill through from cubes<br />

• syntax for using the ppadmtool command-line utility<br />

The Enterprise Server Guide does not include information about administering Upfront, Access<br />

Manager, Cognos ReportNet, or Cognos 8. Please see the Upfront Server Administrator Guide,<br />

the Access Manager Administrator Guide, the Cognos ReportNet Administration and Security<br />

Guide, and the Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide.<br />

This document is also available in Acrobat format from the PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

administration tool (Help menu).<br />

Our documentation includes user guides, tutorial guides, reference books, and other pieces to<br />

meet the needs of our varied audience.<br />

All information is available in online help. Online help is available from the Help button in a Web<br />

browser, or the Help menu and Help button in Windows products.<br />

The information in each online help system is available in online book format (PDF). However,<br />

the information from a given help system may be divided into more than one online book. Use<br />

online books when you want a printed version of a document or when you want to search the<br />

whole document. You can print selected pages, a section, or the whole book. Cognos grants you a<br />

non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use, copy, and reproduce the copyright materials, in<br />

printed or electronic format, solely for the purpose of providing internal training on, operating,<br />

and maintaining the Cognos software.<br />

In Windows products, online books are available from the Windows Start menu (Cognos) and<br />

from the product Help menu (Books for Printing). In a Web browser, online books may be<br />

available from the Welcome section of the help system, or from within the Cognos Web portal.<br />

You can also read the product readme files and the installation guides directly from the Cognos<br />

product CDs.<br />

Only the installation guides are available as printed documents.<br />

An annotated list of other documentation, the Documentation Roadmap, is available from the<br />

Windows Start menu.<br />

For additional technical information about using PowerPlay Enterprise Server, visit the Cognos<br />

Global Customer Services Web site (http://support.cognos.com) or Knowledge Base<br />

(http://support.cognos.com/kb-app/knowledgebase).<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 7

Introduction<br />

8 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 1: Enterprise Reporting<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server is the Cognos solution for enterprise OLAP (on-line analytical<br />

processing) reporting. It offers<br />

• a centralized OLAP application server for Web, Windows, Excel, and mobile users<br />

• a scalable architecture to meet the growing needs of the enterprise<br />

• flexible deployment options to support your existing Windows servers, UNIX servers, and<br />

installed databases<br />

• centralized administration from any platform on the network<br />

• LDAP-based security to control access to data, or portions of the data, depending on the user<br />

• automatic load balancing using distributed processing of user requests<br />

• a browser-based portal to organize access to all your business intelligence information<br />

How Enterprise-wide Deployment Works<br />

Enterprise-wide deployment means making the technology available to everyone in your<br />

organization. Users can access reports and cubes at will, explore and analyze the data, and then<br />

share or publish new reports back to the server. When new data is published, it immediately<br />

becomes available to all users.<br />

Because PowerPlay Enterprise Server handles simultaneous requests from any client type (Web or<br />

Windows) to any cube or report, users can access the data they want when they want it.<br />

If security is a concern, you can deploy cubes that are user class protected, granting user privileges<br />

to specified drill-down levels in the multidimensional cube data.<br />

Enterprise-wide deployment consists of the following:<br />

• All PowerPlay systems start with a multidimensional data source (p. 13) called a cube. You<br />

can use cubes from several OLAP providers, including the Cognos PowerCube.<br />

• Using PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, you then publish cubes and reports to<br />

one or more application servers, depending on the anticipated load. You can add mirror<br />

references to cubes and reports on another computer where the processing takes place,<br />

administering all your cubes and reports from one computer.<br />

• You can specify cube and report attributes such as drill-through URLs, the maximum number<br />

of processes to use, and whether a cube is available from the Web or Windows, or from both.<br />

• You can publish cubes and reports to Upfront or Cognos Connection, the Cognos portals.<br />

Alternatively, report authors can publish cubes and reports directly to Upfront from any<br />

PowerPlay client application (PowerPlay for Windows, PowerPlay for Excel, or PowerPlay<br />

Web). Published cubes are automatically registered with PowerPlay Enterprise Server and<br />

saved in a common format that is accessible by any PowerPlay client application.<br />

• Users open deployed cubes and reports by connecting to the PowerPlay server with either a<br />

URL, such as from Upfront, or a server name (from Windows client applications). Users can<br />

also drill through to details in other applications or in other cubes located in the same<br />

environment (Web or Windows).<br />

PowerPlay Client Applications<br />

The Enterprise Server client applications belong to the PowerPlay family of products. When you<br />

deploy cubes to PowerPlay Enterprise Server, you can provide analysis and reporting capabilities<br />

to Windows or Web-based client applications from a centralized production environment.<br />

PowerPlay users can use the following applications.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 9

Chapter 1: Enterprise Reporting<br />

Web Clients<br />

PowerPlay<br />

Web Explorer<br />

Web Server<br />

Windows Clients<br />

PowerPlay for<br />

Windows<br />

PowerPlay<br />

Web Viewer<br />

PowerPlay<br />

for Excel<br />

PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server<br />

Client applications run from the Web or in Windows.<br />

On the Web<br />

PowerPlay Web Explorer is a zero-footprint<br />

client, offering all essential OLAP analysis in<br />

HTML format.<br />

PowerPlay Web Viewer offers report consumers<br />

the ability to run published reports and view<br />

them in PDF format.<br />

PowerPlay Web Explorer and PowerPlay Web<br />

Viewer are related Web applications,<br />

collectively referred to as PowerPlay Web.<br />

In Windows<br />

PowerPlay for Windows offers advanced OLAP<br />

functionality for in-depth analysis and report<br />

authoring and viewing.<br />

PowerPlay for Excel offers full OLAP analysis<br />

and reporting to users who prefer to work with<br />

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.<br />

The client applications connect to local cubes directly or to remote cubes on a server.<br />

Client<br />

(Local Cubes)<br />

Server<br />

(Remote Cubes)<br />

PowerPlay Web<br />

(using a Web<br />

browser)<br />

PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server<br />

PowerPlay for<br />

Windows<br />

PowerPlay<br />

for Excel<br />

Server Architecture<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server consists of three components that you can install separately:<br />

• The gateway component is, by default, a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) program that<br />

handles Web requests. Alternate gateways (p. 11) may also be used. The gateway must be<br />

located on all Web servers that receive PowerPlay requests. When a request is received, an<br />

instance of the gateway is created to handle the request.<br />

10 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 1: Enterprise Reporting<br />

• The dispatcher is a Windows service or a UNIX daemon that receives PowerPlay requests<br />

(either directly from a Windows client or from the gateway for a Web client) and manages the<br />

request queue. The dispatcher passes the requests to a query or report processor on the same<br />

computer, or forwards the request to another dispatcher on another computer.<br />

• The processors process requests and generate results for the client applications. The query<br />

processor handles cube requests from PowerPlay Web Explorer, PowerPlay for Windows, and<br />

PowerPlay for Excel. The report processor handles report requests from PowerPlay Web<br />

Viewer and printing requests from PowerPlay Web Explorer. Several instances of either<br />

processor may be started, limited only by available memory. The maximum number of<br />

processes can be set in the administration tool, PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

Windows client<br />

LAN<br />

Web client<br />

Gateway<br />

Dispatcher<br />

Processors<br />

Extranet/Intranet<br />

Alternate Gateways<br />

The PowerPlay Enterprise Server architecture adapts to your existing and expanding IT<br />

infrastructure in a mixed computing environment. You can install components on separate<br />

computers, or combine components on one or more computers. Most components have a<br />

Windows and UNIX equivalent, and you can combine these in any way.<br />

For example, you may have a data mart that consists of several UNIX computers on which you<br />

plan to store cubes, but a Web server that runs on Windows.<br />

If you install multiple dispatchers, you can also configure the system to allow each dispatcher to<br />

share the reports that are published to the portal. This allows users to locate their published<br />

reports regardless of the dispatcher they are routed to. For example, if you use a router to<br />

distribute Web requests to different gateways and different dispatchers, you can ensure that your<br />

users will always be able to locate their reports.<br />

This flexibility is almost limitless, but requires careful consideration in order to get optimum<br />

performance. For information about installing and configuring the various components of<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server, see the installation guide and the Planning Advanced Installations<br />

Guide.<br />

To improve Web server performance, you can configure Cognos Web products to use alternate<br />

gateways that replace the default CGI programs. The alternate gateways are native server<br />

extensions for ISAPI to support Microsoft Internet Information Server on Windows, for NSAPI to<br />

support Sun Java System Web servers on both Windows and UNIX, and for the Apache module.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 11

Chapter 1: Enterprise Reporting<br />

Cognos Web products include the following alternate gateways:<br />

Server Group<br />

Cognos Query<br />

Impromptu Web Reports<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

Cognos Visualizer Server<br />

Alternate Gateways<br />

cqisapi.dll (Windows)<br />

cqnsapi.dll (Windows)<br />

cqmod.dll (Windows)<br />

cqmod.sl (HP-UX)<br />

cqmod.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

cqnsapi.sl (HP-UX)<br />

cqnsapi.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

cqmod<br />

imrapisapi.dll (Windows)<br />

imrapnsapi.dll (Windows)<br />

imrapmod.dll (Windows)<br />

imrapmod.sl (HP-UX)<br />

imrapmod.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

imrapnsapi.sl (HP-UX)<br />

imrapnsapi.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

imrapmod<br />

ppdsisapi.dll (Windows)<br />

ppdsnsapi.dll (Windows)<br />

ppdsmod.dll (Windows)<br />

ppdsmod.sl (HP-UX)<br />

ppdsmod.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

ppdsnsapi.sl (HP-UX)<br />

ppdsnsapi.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

ppdsmod<br />

vizisapi.dll (Windows)<br />

viznsapi.dll (Windows)<br />

vizmod.dll (Windows)<br />

vizmod.sl (HP-UX)<br />

vizmod.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

viznsapi.sl (HP-UX)<br />

viznsapi.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

vizmod<br />

12 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 1: Enterprise Reporting<br />

Server Group<br />

Upfront<br />

Upfront File Manager<br />

NoticeCast<br />

Notification<br />

Alternate Gateways<br />

upfisapi.dll (Windows)<br />

upfnsapi.dll (Windows)<br />

upfmodi.dll (Windows)<br />

upfmod.sl (HP-UX)<br />

upfmod.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

upfnsapi.sl (HP-UX)<br />

upfnsapi.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

upfmod<br />

fmisapi.dll (Windows)<br />

fmnsapi.dll (Windows)<br />

fmmod.dll (Windows)<br />

fmmod.sl (HP-UX)<br />

fmmod.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

fmnsapi.sl (HP-UX)<br />

fmnsapi.so (AIX and Solaris)<br />

fmmod<br />

NoticeCast server groups reference the Upfront<br />

gateway. If you change the Upfront gateway, you must<br />

also update the NoticeCast Gateway URL property.<br />

Notification server groups reference the Upfront<br />

gateway. If you change the Upfront gateway, you must<br />

also update the NoticeCast Gateway URL property.<br />

Data Sources<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server uses multidimensional cubes (.mdc) and PowerPlay portable reports<br />

(.ppx) as data sources for client applications.<br />

Cubes (.mdc)<br />

PowerCube from Transformer<br />

pointer file from<br />

PowerPlay Connect<br />

Reports (.ppx)<br />

PowerPlay portable report<br />

from PowerPlay client application<br />

.mdc cube<br />

OLAP server<br />

Cubes<br />

Cubes can be created using Transformer, and stored in a directory. Cubes can also be OLAP data<br />

sources from any of the following OLAP servers:<br />

• Hyperion Essbase<br />

• IBM DB2 OLAP Server<br />

• Microsoft Analysis Services, previously known as Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services<br />

(PowerPlay Enterprise Server on Windows only)<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 13

Chapter 1: Enterprise Reporting<br />

• Cognos Planning<br />

• Cognos Consolidation<br />

These other OLAP sources require an associated pointer file (.mdc) that is easily created using the<br />

PowerPlay Connect utility. For information about OLAP data sources, see the OLAP Server<br />

Connection Guide.<br />

For information about the most recent database versions supported, see the Cognos Global<br />

Customer Services Web site (http://support.cognos.com).<br />

You can add cubes to a PowerPlay server using PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration or<br />

the ppadmtool command-line utility (p. 101).<br />

Reports<br />

Reports are prepared for report consumers using any PowerPlay client application. PowerPlay<br />

users can register a report on the server (publishing) themselves. To publish a report, users must be<br />

connected to a cube on PowerPlay Enterprise Server (a remote cube). Publishing a report creates a<br />

.ppx file that is associated with the cube.<br />

You may add reports using PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration or the ppadmtool<br />

command-line utility. However, you must ensure that the associated cube is also on a PowerPlay<br />

server, which should always be the case if the .ppx file was created while the user was connected to<br />

a remote cube.<br />

Location<br />

The data source files for cubes and reports may be located on the same computer as the server,<br />

that is, the query or report processor component, or elsewhere on the LAN.<br />

Performance<br />

Performance is generally faster when the data sources are located on the computer that processes<br />

them.<br />

You can also optimize cube performance in Transformer. For example, you can partition large<br />

cubes to speed up access to more frequently requested categories. For information about creating<br />

and optimizing cubes, see Discovering Transformer.<br />

Consider placing cubes on a computer where PowerPlay Enterprise Server is installed to reduce<br />

network traffic. This also ensures that cubes are read into memory for processing as quickly as<br />

possible.<br />

Windows Privileges<br />

Under Windows, services can log on only to system directories, by default. To allow PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server to access remote cubes, for example, if you use a UNC path, you must give<br />

account logon privileges for the remote systems to PowerPlay Enterprise Server.<br />

For information about configuring account logon privileges, see the Windows documentation for<br />

the Services application of the Control Panel to configure Startup properties.<br />

Retain Cubes from Previous Versions<br />

If you upgrade from a previous version of PowerPlay Enterprise Server, you can retain the settings<br />

for the cubes you currently administer.<br />

For instructions about upgrading from a previous version of PowerPlay Enterprise Server, see the<br />

installation guide.<br />

14 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

This chapter describes the operations you use to configure your PowerPlay servers. It contains<br />

information about<br />

• Server Administration<br />

• Windows services and UNIX daemons<br />

• configurations at the operating system level<br />

• the PDF server<br />

• security<br />

A Central Starting Point for Server Administration<br />

The Cognos server products, namely Cognos Query, Cognos NoticeCast, Impromptu Web<br />

Reports, and PowerPlay Enterprise Server, contain common administration tools as well as<br />

server-specific administration tools.<br />

The Cognos Server Administration utility provides a single point of entry into the administration<br />

tools and indicates the order that should be followed to set up and run a Cognos server-based<br />

application. Cognos Server Administration acts as a console for relevant administration utilities,<br />

including the PowerPlay Enterprise server.<br />

To launch Cognos Server Administration, from the Start menu, select Programs, select Cognos,<br />

and then click Cognos Server Administration.<br />

PowerPlay Server Configuration<br />

Services and Daemons<br />

Many of the PowerPlay server settings are available from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration. However, some advanced settings must be configured at the operating system<br />

level. The Cognos Configuration Manager is the interface tool that you use to configure all<br />

components of a Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7 installation. The advanced settings discussed in this chapter can<br />

also be configured using the Cognos Configuration Manager. For information about configuring<br />

the components of PowerPlay Enterprise Server using the Configuration Manager, see the Cognos<br />

Configuration Manager User Guide.<br />

The following Windows services and UNIX daemons are associated with a PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

Server installation:<br />

Windows service name Windows process UNIX daemon<br />

Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

Server (cern)<br />

Cognos Access Manager Server<br />

(cern)<br />

Cognos Upfront Administration<br />

Service (cern)<br />

Cognos Upfront Data Store<br />

(cern)<br />

ppserver.exe<br />

amserver.exe<br />

UpfrontAdministration.exe<br />

upfdbsrv.exe<br />

ppserver<br />

amserver<br />

UpfAdmin<br />

dbserv<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 15

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

Windows service name Windows process UNIX daemon<br />

Cognos Upfront Dispatcher<br />

(cern)<br />

Cognos Upfront Event Server<br />

(cern)<br />

UpfDispatcherService.exe<br />

ncdispatcher.exe<br />

UpfDispatcherService<br />

ncdispatcher<br />

Start and Stop Windows Services<br />

To start or stop a Windows service, use the Windows Services program. For example, you can<br />

stop PowerPlay servers running on individual computers by stopping the dispatchers, each of<br />

which runs as a service called Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server (cern).<br />

Note: You can also use Configuration Manager to start and stop services. For more information,<br />

see the Configuration Manager User Guide.<br />

By default, the service named Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server (cern) is configured to log on<br />

as the system when it is started. However, a system account may not have access privileges to<br />

certain locations on the network. For example, it may not be able to read remote cubes using a<br />

UNC path specified in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration. You would typically have<br />

the service log on using an account that already has the necessary privileges, such as a Domain<br />

user.<br />

Steps<br />

1. From the Start menu, click Settings, Control Panel.<br />

2. Double-click Administrative Tools.<br />

3. Double-click Services.<br />

4. Select a service and click the Start Service or Stop Service button.<br />

Start and Stop UNIX Daemons<br />

To start or stop a UNIX daemon, use one of the included scripts. For example, you can stop<br />

PowerPlay servers running on individual computers by stopping the dispatchers, each of which<br />

runs as a daemon. Use the stop_ppsrv.sh script.<br />

Daemon<br />

ppserver<br />

amserver<br />

UpfAdmin<br />

upfserver<br />

Scripts<br />

start_ppsrv.sh<br />

stop_ppsrv.sh<br />

By default, these scripts are located in the bin directory.<br />

This dispatcher is automatically restarted as needed.<br />

rc.amserver<br />

Usage: rc.amserver [start|stop|status]<br />

By default, this script is located in the bin directory.<br />

start-upfadmin<br />

stop-upfadmin<br />

By default, these scripts are located in the bin directory.<br />

start-dbserv<br />

stop-dbserv<br />

stop-upfadmin<br />

By default, these scripts are located in the bin directory.<br />

16 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

Daemon<br />

UpfDispatcherService<br />

ncdispatcher<br />

ncserver<br />

ns-admin<br />

ns-slapd<br />

Scripts<br />

start-dispatcher<br />

stop-dispatcher<br />

By default, these scripts are located in the bin directory.<br />

start-ncdispatcher<br />

stop-ncdispatcher<br />

By default, these scripts are located in the bin directory<br />

start-ncserver<br />

stop-nc-server<br />

By default, these scripts are located in the bin directory<br />

start-admin<br />

stop-admin<br />

By default, these scripts are located in the directory where you<br />

installed Sun ONE Directory Server.<br />

start-slapd<br />

stop-slapd<br />

By default, these scripts are located in the slapd-alias directory.<br />

Instead of using these scripts, you can use the Web browser<br />

interface of Sun ONE Administration Server (ns-admin) to start<br />

and stop the directory server.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Locate the script you want to run.<br />

2. Run the script from a UNIX shell.<br />

Tip: You can also run UNIX scripts using the command line interface in Configuration<br />

Manager. For more information, see the Configuration Manager User Guide.<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server Cleanup<br />

On a gateway machine using CGI Temp mode (p. 109) for temporary file access, a service is<br />

required to delete old files on the machine. There is a UNIX and Windows utility that periodically<br />

removes these files.<br />

The CGI process creates and reads the temporary files. To enable automatic removal of these files,<br />

the PowerPlay Enterprise Server cleanup service can be invoked (Configuration Manager,<br />

Advanced Properties).<br />

If a PPES cleanup service is installed on the machine, it will periodically manage the cleanup of<br />

these temporary files.<br />

Check the Windows Environment Variables<br />

The Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server (cern) service uses system environment variables, not<br />

user environment variables.<br />

To check environment variables, use the Windows System Properties.<br />

Steps<br />

1. From the Windows Start menu, click Settings, Control Panel.<br />

2. Double-click System.<br />

3. Click the Advanced tab.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 17

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

4. Click the Environment Variables button.<br />

5. Check the System Variables list.<br />

Change Display Settings with Style Sheets<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server uses a cascading style sheet (CSS) to describe how Web pages are<br />

presented in users' Web browsers. You can use the style sheet to customize the look of your pages.<br />

For example, you can reverse the font and background colors of table headings for emphasis. For<br />

information about cascading style sheets, visit the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web site<br />

at www.w3.org.<br />

The styles are defined in the file ppweb.css, which the PowerPlay server refers to when<br />

constructing each HTML page. This file contains a set of default styles and a description of what<br />

those styles affect.<br />

The style sheet definitions replace display settings for cubes that you set in PowerPlay Enterprise -<br />

Server Administration.<br />

The only supported method to change display settings in the Enhanced interface of PowerPlay<br />

Web is to edit the .css file.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Ensure that you back up ppweb.css before editing it.<br />

2. Open the file ppweb.css in a text editor.<br />

It is located in the webcontent/ppwb directory.<br />

3. Edit the properties to achieve the view that you want.<br />

Descriptions in commented text precede each block.<br />

4. Save and close the file.<br />

5. Ensure that the owner of the web server has read access to ppweb.css.<br />

6. Refresh the browser to see the resulting changes.<br />

Notes<br />

• Web browsers support CSS in different ways. You should test your style sheets with different<br />

Web browsers to be sure you have the correct effect.<br />

• You should not delete ppweb.css to disable styles, because some browsers do not function<br />

properly when a style sheet is referenced but not found. Instead, comment out the styles you<br />

don't want, or load a copy of the original ppweb.css file.<br />

Specify the Portal to Which Reports are Published<br />

You can specify that reports published from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration or<br />

PowerPlay Web are saved to one of the following portals:<br />

• Upfront<br />

Upfront is the Web interface to Cognos enterprise applications and other Web data. In<br />

PowerPlay Web you can save your report as a primary NewsItem in an Upfront NewsBox.<br />

For more information about Upfront, see the Web Portal User Guide.<br />

• Cognos Connection<br />

Cognos Connection is the portal to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8, the Web-based reporting<br />

solution. The Cognos Connection portal provides a single access point to all corporate data<br />

available in ReportNet or Cognos 8.<br />

For information about publishing reports from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, see<br />

"Publish to Upfront" (p. 49) or "Publish to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8" (p. 51).<br />

For information about publishing reports from PowerPlay Web, see the PowerPlay Web User’s<br />

Guide.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a server.<br />

18 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. If you want to specify Upfront as the portal, in the Default Portal box (Publishing), click<br />

Upfront.<br />

4. If you want to specify Cognos Connection as the portal, do the following:<br />

• In the Default Portal box (Publishing), click Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8.<br />

• In the Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Gateway URI box (Publishing), type the ReportNet<br />

or Cognos 8 external dispatcher URI. For more information, see the Cognos ReportNet<br />

or Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide.<br />

• In the Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Dispatcher URI box (Publishing), type the ReportNet<br />

or Cognos 8 dispatcher URI. For more information, see the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos<br />

8 Installation and Configuration Guide.<br />

• Specify whether published PowerPlay reports are deleted from the ReportNet or<br />

Cognos 8 server when they are deleted from the PowerPlay Enterprise Server. To specify<br />

that these reports are deleted, in the Delete related Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 objects<br />

when deleting local cubes box (Publishing), click Enabled.<br />

5. Click OK.<br />

Enable Data Export on the Web<br />

You can allow PowerPlay Web Explorer users to export report data from a cube for use in another<br />

application. The exported data is saved using the .csv (comma separated text values) file format,<br />

which can be read by applications such as Microsoft Excel.<br />

To enable data export, you configure a MIME (multipurpose Internet mail extension) mapping for<br />

the Web server and the Web browsers. For information about mapping MIME types, see the<br />

documentation provided with your Web server.<br />

For more information about exporting data as .csv, see the PowerPlay Web online help.<br />

Steps<br />

1. On the Web server, associate the .csv extension with the following MIME type:<br />

text/x-csv<br />

2. On user systems (for Internet Explorer) or Web browsers (for Netscape), have users associate<br />

the .csv extension with an application used to view the exported data and with the following<br />

MIME type:<br />

text/x-csv<br />

Modify the Locale Settings and Data Formats<br />

PowerPlay Web users can change their locale settings in the Table of Contents page (Preferences<br />

tab). These settings change the numeric and currency formats that appear in PowerPlay Web<br />

pages.<br />

Data formats depend on the locale configuration settings for your Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7 product. By<br />

default, Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7 server products and Cognos Impromptu use a data format configuration<br />

file named cerlocale.xml. Cognos Architect, Cognos Visualizer, Cognos PowerPlay for Windows,<br />

and Cognos Transformer use Windows Regional Settings for locale settings and data format<br />

information. However, these products can also be configured to use the data format configuration<br />

file.<br />

For information about managing data formats, copying data format information, or editing the<br />

data format configuration file, see the Configuration Manager User Guide, or contact your<br />

administrator.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 19

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

Enable Accessibility Support<br />

Cognos is committed to assisting people with disabilities, and promotes initiatives that make<br />

workplaces and technologies accessible. For example, Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7 provides a report-reading<br />

solution for accessibility. This report-reading solution is currently available in English. In addition<br />

to the English report-reading solution, the Upfront Accessible theme can be read in English and<br />

French.<br />

By default, reports published to a PowerPlay Enterprise Server are not accessible to disabled users.<br />

To enable accessibility, you must specify the appropriate setting in Configuration Manager.<br />

Note: PDF documents that support software accessibility guidelines contain additional markup<br />

information that increases the size of the PDF file produced and, as a result, may impact<br />

performance.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Start Configuration Manager.<br />

2. From the File menu, click Open the current configuration.<br />

The current configuration of your computer appears in the Configuration Manager window.<br />

3. From the View menu, click Advanced.<br />

4. Under the Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server/Dispatcher component, click the Accessibility<br />

category.<br />

5. Click the Accessible PDF property, and change the Value property to True.<br />

6. From the Actions menu, click Validate Selection.<br />

7. Click the Accessibility category, then from the Actions menu, click Apply Selection.<br />

Note: If you change the setting for Accessible PDF, existing saved report output in PDF format is<br />

not affected. In order to create PDF files that include accessibility markup tags, you must re-run<br />

your reports and re-save the output.<br />

PDF Server Configuration<br />

The PDF server is the component used by PowerPlay Enterprise Server that renders reports in PDF<br />

format. It works in the background whenever a user runs a report, either from Upfront or the<br />

Table of Contents.<br />

The PDF server is automatically tuned for optimal performance. However, you can adjust the<br />

settings using Cognos Configuration Manager.<br />

You can determine what settings are required by monitoring the status of running reports using<br />

the Monitor tab in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

Font Support Within PDF Generation<br />

You can specify the default font used for PDF generation. This font is used when the font specified<br />

in the report definition cannot be found on the server. Swiss 721 is the default font for Latin-1<br />

based languages, such as the Western European languages English, German, French, Spanish,<br />

Dutch, and Swedish. For non Latin-1 languages, including multi-byte languages, the default font<br />

is one of the larger world fonts from the Andale font family. The Swiss 721 font and Andale font<br />

family are supplied with your Cognos product.<br />

Use the Default Font property in Configuration Manager to change the default font.<br />

It is also beneficial to be able to search specified directories for fonts. You can use the System Font<br />

Files Paths property to specify a search list of font directories. This property is specified as a list of<br />

directory names separated by semi-colons, such as C:/WINNT/FONTS;D:/Program<br />

Files/Cognos/cern/bin/fonts.<br />

20 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

Security<br />

In order to secure your data, your network administrator should first take the necessary<br />

precautions to protect all servers from unauthorized intruders. You can then configure PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server to better secure your sensitive data. The following section describes some of the<br />

precautions you can take. For example,<br />

• if you need to put a PowerPlay server behind a firewall, you can restrict outgoing<br />

communication to a specific Web port (p. 21)<br />

• if you want detailed reports on the data accessed, you can enable auditing (p. 72)<br />

• if you want to prevent downloading of cubes, you can disable the saving of sub-cubes (p. 25)<br />

Cognos <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Intelligence</strong> products and data are secured with Access Manager, an access<br />

control application based on user classes. With Access Manager configured, you can secure your<br />

data by allowing controlled access from any Windows or Web application.<br />

For information about configuring Access Manager and user classes, see the Access Manager<br />

online help.<br />

Depending on how the server has been configured for security, users may see Cognos Application<br />

Firewall error messages. For more information, see the Cognos Application Firewall Secure<br />

Deployment Guide.<br />

Change the Enterprise Server Port Number<br />

The PowerPlay Enterprise Server dispatchers are set to communicate on port number 8010 by<br />

default for both Windows and Web connections. You may want to change the port number if<br />

there is a conflict with another product, or for security reasons. To make server administration<br />

easier, we recommend that you configure all PowerPlay servers to use the same port number.<br />

Use the Configuration Manager to confirm or change the Enterprise Server Port Number.<br />

Notes<br />

• If you change the port number to anything other than 8010, there are cases when you must<br />

provide the new port number as part of the server name whenever you refer to the PowerPlay<br />

server. For example, refer to the server as srv2:8015 when you use PowerPlay Enterprise -<br />

Server Administration.<br />

• Dispatcher and port information is defined in the cern.csx file. In the case of a multi-machine<br />

deployment, this file may be copied to many machines.<br />

• On a Windows computer, the file cern.csx is located in the installation_location\bin directory<br />

for a dispatcher machine or the installation_location\cgi-bin directory for a gateway machine.<br />

On a UNIX computer, the file is located in installation_location/bin or the<br />

installation_location/cgi-bin directory.<br />

Restrict the Outgoing Web Port<br />

By default, a PowerPlay server listens to the gateway on port 8010 and sends back outgoing Web<br />

pages on an arbitrary port number. Under most circumstances, this is acceptable. However, if your<br />

Web server is outside a firewall, you may have restrictions on outgoing ports.<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

Firewall<br />

Web Browser<br />

Gateway<br />

Dispatcher<br />

Processors<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 21

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

To work within this restriction, you must set the CGI (common gateway interface) to<br />

communicate only on the dispatcher port. This way, all communication to and from the gateway<br />

is on the same port.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Start Configuration Manager.<br />

2. Click the Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server.Gateway.General.Restrict the Outgoing Web<br />

Port property, and set the value to True.<br />

3. Click Apply.<br />

Change the Port for Windows Connections<br />

If you are connecting to a PowerPlay server using a Windows client application (PowerPlay for<br />

Windows or PowerPlay for Excel), you may want to restrict outbound communication to a<br />

specific port. For example, you may need to connect through a firewall.<br />

You can configure your firewall to allow TCP traffic through a specified port, and then configure<br />

the Windows client applications to listen on this port.<br />

Restricting the port number for Windows connections may affect performance if many client<br />

applications are accessing the server.<br />

Steps<br />

1. On the computers running the Windows client applications, open the file cern.ini in a text<br />

editor.<br />

It is located in the bin directory.<br />

2. Add or edit the following lines, replacing port_number with the port number you want to use:<br />

[PowerPlay Server - PPDSRemote]<br />

Port=port_number<br />

You can use any port number between 1025 and 65535 (inclusive).<br />

3. Save and close the file.<br />

Configure Security on a Microsoft Web Server<br />

You can use Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to control Web access to cubes on<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server by requiring network security information from users when they log<br />

on.<br />

In Microsoft IIS, you configure the network security using Microsoft Management Console. For<br />

information about Microsoft Management Console, see the documentation provided with the<br />

Microsoft Internet Information Server Web server.<br />

This table describes how the security properties affect access to cubes on a PowerPlay server.<br />

Check box<br />

Allow Anonymous<br />

Basic Authentication (Passwords Sent in Clear<br />

Text)<br />

Description<br />

Limits users to cubes in directories accessible<br />

by the Web server.<br />

Prompts for network security information<br />

when users access cubes using non Microsoft<br />

Web browsers.<br />

The Basic Authentication (Passwords Sent in Clear Text) check box affects user privileges. For<br />

example, if a cube is stored in a directory that a user doesn't have network privileges for, the user<br />

can’t open the PowerPlay Web page that is generated from the cube.<br />

22 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

Performance Monitor<br />

Define Network Security Information<br />

You can define the network security information that users enter. Typically, network security<br />

requires that users provide user IDs and passwords. For PowerPlay Enterprise Server, the network<br />

security must include the domain. For example, you register the following for a domain named<br />

europe and a user with the identifier smiths: europe\smiths<br />

Notes<br />

• Users with Internet Explorer Web browsers may not be prompted for network security<br />

information if they are already logged on to the network when they execute a request.<br />

You can use the PowerPlay Server and PowerPlay Web Cube objects in Performance Monitor to<br />

troubleshoot problems and monitor performance.<br />

The PowerPlay Server object contains counters that display information about the PowerPlay<br />

server service. The PowerPlay Web Cube object contains counters that display information about<br />

Web requests performed by PowerPlay Web for a specific cube.<br />

Both objects contain the same set of counters and they are listed below:<br />

Counter<br />

Current requests received<br />

Current queued requests<br />

Description<br />

Number of Web requests that were received in the last sampling<br />

period.<br />

Number of Web requests that are currently queued awaiting<br />

processing.<br />

Current requests completed Number of Web requests that were completed in the last sampling<br />

period.<br />

Average request time<br />

Request count base<br />

Total failed requests<br />

Total requests received<br />

Total requests completed<br />

Average time to process a Web request.<br />

Used to calculate the average. This counter is hidden from the user.<br />

Total number of Web requests that have failed since the service<br />

started.<br />

Total number of Web requests that have been received since the<br />

service started.<br />

Total number of Web requests that have been completed since the<br />

service started.<br />

These performance objects are not installed by default. You must install them manually.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Stop the Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server (cern) service from Services under Control<br />

Panel.<br />

2. From the command prompt, type ppserver -i from the installation_location\bin directory.<br />

3. From the command prompt, type lodctr ppwebperf.ini from the installation_location\bin<br />

directory.<br />

4. Start the Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server (cern) service from Services under Control<br />

Panel.<br />

5. If the PowerPlay Server and PowerPlay Web Cube performance objects are unavailable in<br />

Performance Monitor, reboot your machine.<br />

The PowerPlay Server and PowerPlay Web Cube performance objects are now available.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 23

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

Configure the Access Manager Server<br />

Secure a Server<br />

The Access Manager Server is a Cognos security component that manages two services:<br />

• a ticket service that issues tickets used to maintain single signons for users of Cognos<br />

products. A ticket service issues tickets for a specified period of time, allowing users to access<br />

multiple applications without having to re-enter authentication data.<br />

• an authentication service for authenticating users in web-based deployments. By default, the<br />

authentication service is not enabled.<br />

See the Access Manager Administrator Guide and the Configuration Manager User Guide for<br />

more information.<br />

You can restrict access to individual PowerPlay servers to prevent unauthorized administration<br />

from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration or the ppadmtool command-line interface.<br />

Server security may be based on a simple server password managed by the PowerPlay server, or on<br />

user classes and access control lists managed by Access Manager. The method of security that<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server uses depends on the following:<br />

• If Access Manager is installed and configured on the dispatcher computer and on the client<br />

(the computer running PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration), the user class method is<br />

used.<br />

• If Access Manager is not installed or configured on either the server or client, the server<br />

password method is used.<br />

For information about configuring Access Manager and user classes, see the Access Manager<br />

online help.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a server.<br />

2. From the Tools menu, click Security then Set Security.<br />

3. Do one of the following to secure the server with either a password or a user class:<br />

• In the New Password box, type a password, and then type it again in the Confirm New<br />

Password box.<br />

• In the Set Security box, select the user classes whose members are allowed to connect to<br />

the server.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Notes<br />

• The namespace that is used for authentication is the namespace set on the computer running<br />

the dispatcher. To configure a namespace, run Configuration Manager. For more information,<br />

see the Configuration Manager User Guide.<br />

• To use another namespace, you must first remove security (Tools menu).<br />

• If a server is not secured when you connect, you may be prompted to secure it. If security is<br />

not necessary, you can select the Don’t Show This Dialog Again check box.<br />

• To publish cubes and reports from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration to the portal,<br />

Access Manager security must be set. Also, PowerPlay Enterprise Server and the portal must<br />

both be configured to use the same namespace.<br />

In Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8, the <strong>Series</strong> 7 namespace must be configured, but it does not<br />

have to be the primary namespace. Also, you must use the same naming format to identify the<br />

location of the directory server in both Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7, and Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8.<br />

If you use computer name in one, and IP address in the other, to identify the location of the<br />

directory server, publishing will fail.<br />

24 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Disable Saving of Cognos Sub-Cubes<br />

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

In PowerPlay for Windows and PowerPlay for Excel, users can save cube data as a local sub-cube.<br />

This may be desirable for mobile users who want to take cubes with them on a notebook<br />

computer, for example. Later, they can re-synchronize the sub-cube back to the cube on the server.<br />

However, you may want to prevent the saving of sub-cubes for security reasons. You can do this<br />

for each cube.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Save as PowerCube box (Options), select Disabled.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Notes<br />

• You cannot save Cognos sub-cubes from third-party OLAP servers, for example Hyperion<br />

Essbase.<br />

• Users who don’t have PowerPlay Personal Server installed cannot save sub-cubes.<br />

• By default, the saving of sub-cubes is disabled.<br />

Specify an Authentication Namespace For a Cube<br />

When a secured cube is created, a reference to a namespace is stored as part of the cube. The cube<br />

data, or portions thereof, is made secure at runtime by Access Manager using the authentication<br />

information stored in the specified namespace, which resides in either a directory server or a<br />

portable .lae file.<br />

You may want to use a namespace different than the one the server is secured against. For<br />

example, if a PowerPlay Enterprise Server is secured against default you can secure a cube against<br />

a different namespace. You can then specify the second namespace in the cube properties in<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Namespace box (Authentication), type the name of the namespace to use.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Notes<br />

• This setting affects users accessing cubes from the Web only.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 25

Chapter 2: Configure Servers<br />

26 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

This chapter provides details about distributed server processes and what you can do to monitor<br />

and control the processes for optimum performance.<br />

Distributed Processing<br />

Cube data, containing a multidimensional representation of information, is processed by the<br />

query processor component of PowerPlay Enterprise Server. Report specifications, containing the<br />

report layout, are processed by the report processor component. Several processor instances may<br />

be started for a cube or report, and you can set the maximum number of processes for each cube<br />

or report. Each instance of a processor is called a process.<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server automatically balances the processing load by managing a set of<br />

processors for each cube and distributing requests for the cube data and report specifications<br />

among available processes. When a request arrives, the dispatcher forwards it to the first available<br />

processor associated with the requested cube or report.<br />

• For a Windows request, a connection with a single query processor is established for the<br />

duration of the session.<br />

• For a Web request, any of the available processors is chosen. In PowerPlay Web Explorer, a<br />

query processor is chosen each time the user performs an action, and the duration of the<br />

connection lasts only until the resulting HTML is generated. In PowerPlay Web Viewer, a<br />

report processor is chosen each time a report is run, and the duration of the connection lasts<br />

only until the resulting PDF is generated.<br />

If all the processors associated with the cube data or report specification are busy, PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server starts a new process, provided the maximum number of processes (p. 33) has<br />

not been reached. Only if this maximum is reached are requests put into a queue.<br />

In a distributed installation, security and reliability are important issues. To maximize<br />

performance in this type of environment, there are several settings you can adjust in PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server - Administration.<br />

If a problem results in a failed request by a process, the PowerPlay dispatcher kills that specific<br />

process and initiates a new one. Third-party diagnostic applications can cause problems for the<br />

dispatcher, interfering with the error recovery process. We recommend that diagnostic<br />

applications not be used on servers.<br />

Set the PowerPlay Service for User Logon<br />

By default, the Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server service is installed as a system account logon.<br />

For multiple PowerPlay machines to share data locations on a network, you must first assign a<br />

user logon account to the service.<br />

Ask your system administrator to create a special user account for the PowerPlay service that has<br />

the password defined to never expire.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In the Windows Control Panel, click Services.<br />

2. Click the Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server service and click Startup.<br />

3. In the Log On As panel, click This Account.<br />

4. In the list, click the special user account defined by your system administrator.<br />

5. In the Password text box, type the password for this account.<br />

6. In the Confirm Password text box, type the password again.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 27

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

Server Groups<br />

7. Click OK.<br />

A server group is a gateway and associated dispatchers. Server groups can provide failover<br />

protection. You can reference a server group by its name.<br />

You can make changes to the central configuration using the Cognos Configuration Manager. For<br />

server groups, these changes can include defining a name for the group, adding or removing<br />

servers in the failover list, and changing the port number for a server. For more information about<br />

using the Cognos Configuration Manager, see the Cognos Configuration Manager User Guide.<br />

You can choose a server group or a specific server and port combination for drill-through servers<br />

in the Server Properties box.<br />

You can name and use server groups for multiple purposes, including<br />

• drill-through targets<br />

• gateway to dispatcher communication<br />

Multiple Server Groups<br />

Multiple server groups are an advanced installation option that offers solutions for a variety of<br />

reporting environments. You can implement multiple server groups to manage and deliver<br />

different content for different user groups, and to reduce system maintenance requirements.<br />

Before you install and configure multiple server groups you should be familiar with planning<br />

considerations for advanced installations, and the procedures related to server group<br />

configuration in a distributed environment. For more information see the Planning Advanced<br />

Installations Guide.<br />

For Cognos products, a multiple server group consists of more than one server group running<br />

concurrently on one or more server computers. Multiple server groups may share some<br />

components, such as an Upfront NewsIndex and directory server. There are three general types of<br />

implementations for multiple server groups:<br />

• multiple server computers using a shared Upfront NewsIndex<br />

• multiple server groups on a single server computer using a shared Upfront NewsIndex<br />

• multiple server groups on a single server computer using separate Upfront NewsIndexes<br />

Ppservertemp<br />

You can set the ppservertemp location as a shared location across several servers. PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server caches the ppx files that are created when users save or publish PowerPlay<br />

reports. The ppservertemp directory stores these reports for 30 days. Subsequent requests received<br />

for one of these reports are serviced from the ppservertemp directory, rather than being rebuilt.<br />

By default, the ppservertemp location is on the machine where PowerPlay Enterprise Server is<br />

installed. To locate the directory behind a firewall, or share it across a multiple machine<br />

installation, change the ppservertemp directory location in the Properties dialog box.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a server.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. Under options in the Temporary Files location box, type the shared location for the temporary<br />

files.<br />

4. Click Apply.<br />

5. Click OK.<br />

Mount At<br />

When reports are published from PowerPlay for Windows or PowerPlay Web Explorer, PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server creates a folder that has the cube name in the imported_reports folder.<br />

28 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

In a multiple-server environment, users can publish and access reports from many machines. Each<br />

server must share the same location for the imported_reports folder. Mount At lets you map the<br />

imported_reports, or other folders, to a shared disk drive to provide this seamless access.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a folder.<br />

Note: You cannot use a folder that contains a collection as a mount at location.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties.<br />

3. In the Mount At box, click the Ellipses button to open the Select Location dialog box.<br />

4. Go to the location you want to share for imported_reports or another folder.<br />

5. Click Apply.<br />

6. Click OK.<br />

Load Balancing using Mirror References<br />

You can play a significant role in distributing the processing load of your PowerPlay system by<br />

adding mirror references. Mirror references (cube references, report references, and folder<br />

references) forward incoming requests to be processed remotely, rather than on the computer<br />

where you add the cube or report.<br />

A cube or report can have both a source (an .mdc or .ppx file accessible on the network) and a<br />

mirror reference (a pointer to another cube or report that you had added on another connected<br />

PowerPlay server).<br />

A cube or report can also have either a source or a mirror reference.<br />

Cube or report<br />

Set up with a source only<br />

Set up with a source and a mirror<br />

reference<br />

Set up with a mirror reference only<br />

Where requests are processed<br />

On the PowerPlay server that contains the cube or report<br />

On either the PowerPlay server that contains the cube or<br />

report, or the PowerPlay server that the mirror reference<br />

points to<br />

On the PowerPlay server that the mirror reference points<br />

to<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 29

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

You control the processing resources allocated to a cube or report by adjusting the Process<br />

Control settings, particularly Minimum Processes and Maximum Processes.<br />

Minimum Processes<br />

Minimum processes are the number of processes that remain running after they open. Keeping<br />

processes open improves performance, particularly with cubes and reports that are hit frequently.<br />

Maximum Processes<br />

When a cube or report starts receiving more requests than available processes can handle,<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server opens additional processes, up to the number you have defined as the<br />

maximum for the cube or report. If the maximum is reached, the dispatcher starts queuing<br />

requests until processes become available. By default, a queued request is deleted after 15 seconds.<br />

By setting minimum and maximum processes, you can control the number of processes that occur<br />

on each dispatcher. The number of processes does not have to reach its maximum value before<br />

additional processes can be sent to a different dispatcher. When the number of hits on the cube or<br />

report exceeds the Maximum Processes threshold, instead of queuing up requests, they are<br />

forwarded to the mirror reference, which is free to immediately process more requests.<br />

If you have a dispatcher that you want to act only as a router, that is, to only pass requests, you<br />

can set the Maximum Processes value for that dispatcher to 0. Then, all of the processing will take<br />

place at an available mirror location and no processing will take place on the dispatcher. You can<br />

even set the Maximum Processes value for individual cubes.<br />

Example 1: Dedicated Processors<br />

In the configuration depicted below, each of four cubes has a dedicated computer on which to<br />

process requests.<br />

These cubes are configured with no source and a single mirror reference. On the computers that<br />

process the cubes, each cube is configured with a source and must have sharing enabled.<br />

Example 2: A 7 x 24 System<br />

In the configuration depicted below, a report has three computers that can handle overflow. If the<br />

report processor is very busy, any of the supporting computers can pick up the request, relieving<br />

the first computer from having to queue reports. This effectively triples the number of available<br />

processes for the report without requiring you to increase the Maximum Processes limit to a level<br />

that the first computer may not be able to handle. This configuration is also useful in a 7 x 24<br />

system that offers redundancy to minimize any single point of failure.<br />

The report is configured with a source on the same computer and three mirror references.<br />

30 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

Example 3: Daisychaining<br />

In the configuration depicted below, a cube can be processed on any of the three computers,<br />

depending on how busy each processor is.<br />

The cube is configured with a source and a mirror reference. The mirrored cube is in turn<br />

configured with another mirror reference. By setting the Maximum Processes property for each<br />

cube to suit your processing needs, you can prevent queues on any of the computers. This<br />

configuration also establishes an order of preference for processing the cube, which always starts<br />

with the local computer.<br />

There are many custom configurations for mirror references that you can take advantage of to<br />

control processing. Consider experimenting with typical cubes and reports and monitoring the<br />

processes before moving to a full production environment.<br />

To manage your processing requirements effectively, remember that the processing of the cube or<br />

report takes place on a computer with a query or report processor, regardless of where the actual<br />

source resides. The .ppx or .mdc file may reside on another computer. However, requests are<br />

returned faster when the cube or report resides on the same computer that processes them.<br />

Monitor Processes<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server processes cubes with the query processor, and processes reports with<br />

the report processor. A new instance of a processor is started when all of the following conditions<br />

exist:<br />

• all available processors are busy handling requests<br />

• an additional request is received<br />

• the maximum number of processes set has not been reached<br />

In addition, connections from a PowerPlay Windows application can start another instance of the<br />

query processor depending on the value of the Scheduling Threshold (p. 88) setting.<br />

Windows<br />

In Windows, use the Windows Task Manager to monitor processes. The query processor is named<br />

Ppdsweb.exe, and the report processor is named Pprp.exe.<br />

You can also use the Performance Monitor to obtain more status and performance information.<br />

For information about the Performance Monitor, see the Microsoft Windows documentation.<br />

Do not use Windows Task Manger to end PowerPlay processes. Disable the associated cube using<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration or the ppadmtool command-line interface.<br />

UNIX<br />

In UNIX, use the monitoring tool for your version of UNIX or use one of the following<br />

commands to monitor processes:<br />

• ps -ef | grep process (on IBM AIX and HP-UX)<br />

• ps -ax | grep process (on Sun Solaris)<br />

The query process is named ppdsweb, and the report process is named pprp.<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server records server activity which can help you track processor usage over<br />

time.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 31

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration<br />

Use PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration to check the properties and monitor the status<br />

of each cube and report. PowerPlay client applications can only explore a cube or run a report<br />

when all of the following conditions are met:<br />

• The cube or report has been added to a PowerPlay server, or is a mirror reference on a<br />

PowerPlay server.<br />

• The cube, report, and its parent objects are enabled ( icon).<br />

• The PowerPlay server from which the cube is available is started and enabled.<br />

• Web ( icon) or Windows ( icon) access privileges have been correctly assigned.<br />

• Your preferred Web publishing method has been enabled and configured, to let users know<br />

that the data is available. You can also send users a direct URL to cubes and reports.<br />

• Any required network access rights and other forms of security access, such as Access<br />

Manager user classes, have been assigned.<br />

Use the Monitor tab to monitor the number of open processes for a cube or report (or all the<br />

cubes and reports in a folder), and the maximum number of processes available, as specified in the<br />

Cube or Report Properties dialog box. For example 2/5 means that there are currently two<br />

processes open out of five available processes.<br />

Other events you can monitor depend on whether the connection is for Web or Windows (or<br />

both).<br />

Monitor Web Connections<br />

For a connection from the Web to a query or report processor, you can monitor the following<br />

from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

Column<br />

Queue<br />

sec/Hit<br />

Hits/min<br />

Description<br />

The number of requests in the queue that are waiting to be processed<br />

The average time to process requests received in the last minute<br />

The number of PowerPlay Web requests (hits) received in the last minute<br />

For a Web connection, the server engine generates pages in HTML format. It generates a new page<br />

whenever data is requested by the user from the Web browser, for example, when a user opens a<br />

cube, drills down on a category, or changes the measure. Only the most recently generated<br />

information appears in the browser.<br />

During a session with PowerPlay Web Explorer, generated pages are treated as individual requests.<br />

The processing of each request is randomly routed to an available query processor. When the<br />

maximum number of open processes reaches its limit, requests will start to queue up.This is an<br />

indication that requests are taking longer to complete and you may have to consider adding<br />

available processes, possibly with mirror references.<br />

The requests sent to your servers probably differ substantially in complexity. The cube dimension<br />

structure, the report format, ranking, and the limit on the number of rows and columns returned<br />

are just some of the factors that affect processing time. You may want to determine the average<br />

time it takes to handle each request. The sec/Hit column gives you an average reading for the last<br />

minute. If you want to determine the average processing time for your site, you can enable<br />

auditing (p. 72) and compute the average from the records in the ppes_audit.log file.<br />

32 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Monitor Windows Connections<br />

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

For a connection from a Windows client application to a query processor, you can monitor the<br />

following from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

Column<br />

Delay (s)<br />

Connections<br />

Description<br />

The number of seconds that requests for the cube must wait for<br />

processing<br />

The number of Windows connections<br />

For a Windows request, the server engine generates cube results for the PowerPlay for Windows<br />

or PowerPlay for Excel clients. During a session with a Windows client, sockets communication is<br />

established and maintained with a single query process, resulting in minimal network<br />

transactions.<br />

As soon as a Windows connection is established with the client application, PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

Server assigns a query processor. That means that all requests from the same IP address are<br />

handled by a single process that you can monitor in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

For example, if the delay becomes too long, you can respond by<br />

• increasing the number of processes for the cube, thereby sharing the load.<br />

• adding another cube (pointing to the same .mdc file) so that Web and Windows requests are<br />

each allocated a dedicated process.<br />

• adding mirror references<br />

Define the Maximum Number of Processes<br />

When a cube or report is busy processing requests, it starts more processes for new requests, up to<br />

the number defined as the maximum. When the maximum is reached, the server does one of the<br />

following:<br />

• queues new requests until a processor becomes available<br />

• queues new requests up to the limit specified by the Local Process Threshold setting, and<br />

forwards requests to a mirror reference if the number in the queue exceeds this threshold. If<br />

Local Process Threshold is set to 0, requests are never queued.<br />

The maximum number of processes to define for a cube or report is a function of your peak time<br />

requirements, the size of the server, and the number of users, cubes, reports, and other<br />

applications running on the server. Also, because each process uses memory for its cache, you<br />

conserve memory if the maximum number of processes you define doesn't exceed the number of<br />

processes required to meet your peak requirements.<br />

If several agents run automatically when a cube is updated, the server can be overloaded with<br />

report requests, and you may need to re-tune the server.<br />

You may want to add more processes for a cube that is experiencing less than optimal throughput<br />

by increasing the Maximum Processes setting. If a server has available resources, adding processes<br />

provides better throughput. If it is running at or near 100% capacity, however, adding processes<br />

just makes all the requests take longer. Therefore, you should only add more processes under<br />

either of the following conditions:<br />

• the server has available resources<br />

• the server has no available resources, but the average request time is sufficiently fast that an<br />

increase in processing time would still meet your users’ expectations<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube or report.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 33

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Maximum Processes box (Process Control), type the number of processes.<br />

4. If you have defined mirror references and want to give processing preferences to the local<br />

source in order to queue requests rather than forward them to the mirror reference, type the<br />

number of requests to queue (beyond the maximum) in the Local Process Threshold box.<br />

5. Click OK.<br />

Tips<br />

• If, after adjusting the number of processes, you determine that more processing power is<br />

required, you can use mirror references to process remotely, or you may need to upgrade your<br />

computing resources.<br />

Limit the Processing Time<br />

You can set an absolute time limit that the query or report processor spends on any request.<br />

Adjusting this timeout may be useful for cases of "runaway" queries that would otherwise<br />

consume up to 15 minutes (the default) of processor time.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube or report.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Request Timeout box (Process Control), type the number of seconds.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Tips<br />

• This setting applies to all requests submitted by all users. Setting it too low may result in a<br />

high number of query or report failures.<br />

Configure How Windows Processes are Scheduled<br />

As a new request is received from a PowerPlay Windows application, there may be a delay before<br />

that request gets processed by a query processor (if it is busy). For any cube, you can choose how<br />

to distribute requests based on how busy each processor is, by setting a threshold to control the<br />

load balancing for these requests.<br />

The setting represents a ratio of delay time to active processing time.<br />

• A value of 0 means no delay, so each request is submitted to the first available processor,<br />

similar to the way Web requests are handled.<br />

• A value from 1 to 9 means each request is submitted to the next processor whose ratio of<br />

delay time to processing time is lower than the number specified. For example, a value of 5<br />

means each request is submitted to the first processor that has less than a 50% ratio of delay<br />

time to processing time.<br />

• A value of 10 means each request is submitted to the next processor in sequence, regardless of<br />

the load on that processor.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Scheduling Threshold(s) box (Process Control), type a number from 0 to 10.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Stop Processing Requests<br />

You can disable a PowerPlay server, folder, or individual cubes or reports to temporarily prevent<br />

the processor from accepting requests. This is useful, for example, when you have to replace a<br />

cube or report, or perform maintenance on several items at once. You can also use this feature to<br />

stop any runaway processes.<br />

34 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

When you stop the processing, the following dialog box appears.<br />

If you select Stop After all Requests Are Complete, the server stops accepting new requests,<br />

including any in the queue, but requests that are being processed continue until they are finished.<br />

You can monitor the processes in the Monitor tab of PowerPlay Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration. If you select Stop Immediately, the server stops processing requests.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select an item.<br />

2. From the Actions menu, click Stop.<br />

3. Select one of the stop options.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Notes<br />

• Selecting a server and stopping it is not the same as shutting it down (p. 15), but rather like<br />

stopping the processes of an implied folder at the root level.<br />

• If you are using the ppadmtool in Windows or on UNIX, you can stop processes by typing<br />

KILL and then the object name; for example, you can stop processes against the Great<br />

Outdoors cube by typing<br />

KILL "Great Outdoors"<br />

Set the Process Cache Size<br />

Whether a server request is for a cube (query processor) or report (report processor), the<br />

associated cube data must eventually be handled by a query processor. This is why the Maximum<br />

Processes setting (p. 33) for cubes is so vital for optimal server performance.<br />

Each instance of a query processor is allocated a memory cache that stores results previously<br />

retrieved from its associated cube. Using the cache, the process may generate results more quickly,<br />

because reusing results in a cache is faster than querying a cube again. When a cache is full, the<br />

results used least recently are discarded.<br />

By default, the memory cache is 8 MB on Windows and 16 MB on UNIX. You can increase the<br />

cache size to increase the probability that results are found in caches. However, there is a<br />

threshold at which the overhead of managing very large cache sizes outweighs any benefits gained<br />

from increasing the cache size. In addition, because all caches on a PowerPlay server are the same<br />

size, a large cache size can significantly impact memory resources of the server. For example, with<br />

a cache size of 16 MB, 12 processes require 192 MB (16 MB x 12) of available memory.<br />

Setting the optimal cache size can significantly improve performance, which means better response<br />

time for PowerPlay users. As a rule, the cache size should be 20% of your average cube size, and<br />

at most 32 MB.<br />

Some reasons for considering increasing the process cache size include<br />

• the average query (sec/Hit) time is too long<br />

• your typical cube size is large (greater than 10 MB)<br />

• monitoring your server shows that there is plenty of memory to spare<br />

• 80% of hits are on 20% of your cubes<br />

Steps for Windows<br />

1. Open the file cern.ini in a text editor.<br />

It is located in the bin directory.<br />

2. Locate or add the section [PowerPlay DataServer].<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 35

Chapter 3: Control Processes<br />

3. Edit or add the following line substituting KB with the cache size you want to allocate to each<br />

process.<br />

ReadCacheSize=KB<br />

For example, the following line allocates 16,384 KB to each process:<br />

ReadCacheSize=16384<br />

4. Save and close the file.<br />

Tip: You can also use Configuration Manager to set the process cache size.<br />

Step for UNIX<br />

• Set the environment variable PPDS_READ_MEMORY to the size you want used for each<br />

cache.<br />

For example, the following Bourne shell command allocates 32 MB:<br />

PPDS_READ_MEMORY=32768<br />

export PPDS_READ_MEMORY<br />

Notes<br />

• You shouldn’t set the cache size to more than 64 MB, because it may take the system more<br />

processing resources to manage the cache than it would to retrieve the data from disk again.<br />

• For a new cache size setting to take effect, you must restart each cube that is running. You can<br />

either stop and then enable the cubes (p. 34), or restart the PowerPlay server altogether<br />

(p. 15).<br />

Switch Between the Enhanced and Generic Interface<br />

To improve performance, you can switch between the Enhanced and Generic interface for folders<br />

containing cubes, or for the entire server.<br />

• Consider using the Enhanced User Interface (p. 114), which supports drag and drop and<br />

right-mouse clicking.<br />

The Enhanced User Interface can be viewed using higher level browsers and does not rely on<br />

cascading drop-down menus or menu-level filtering.<br />

• Consider using the Generic interface to improve user response times, especially for low<br />

network bandwidth environments, such as dial up lines.<br />

Generic HTML is the default for Web browsers that do not support enhanced Java-based Web<br />

pages.<br />

Steps to Use the Enhanced User Interface<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube, folder, or server.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Cube Settings tab.<br />

3. Expand Display (Web).<br />

4. In the Type box, select Enhanced.<br />

5. Click OK.<br />

Steps to Use the Generic HTML User Interface<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube, folder, or server.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Cube Settings tab.<br />

3. Expand Display (Web).<br />

4. In the Type box, select Generic.<br />

5. Click OK.<br />

36 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Use PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration to make your multidimensional data available<br />

to analysts and report consumers. This chapter introduces the PowerPlay Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration user interface and describes the various tasks you perform to deploy your data.<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration is a Java application that administrators use to<br />

configure PowerPlay servers and the cubes, reports, and folders registered on the servers.<br />

To start PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration:<br />

• In Windows, the PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administrator is run through Cognos Server<br />

Administration. To launch Cognos Server Administration, from the Start menu, select<br />

Programs, select Cognos, and then click Cognos Server Administration - OLAP Cubes and<br />

Reports.<br />

• In UNIX, run the script ppsrvadm.sh located in the bin directory.<br />

After you start the program, you are prompted to connect to an initial server (p. 38). You can<br />

enter the name of your computer for local administration, or the name of another networked<br />

computer for remote administration. Any computer that you administer must be running a<br />

dispatcher.<br />

The application window is divided into two panes. The left pane shows a hierarchical tree view of<br />

the connected servers and folders. You can expand and collapse objects in the hierarchy. The right<br />

pane shows a grid view of the objects in the selected server or folder. Use the tabs to choose<br />

between Explore view and Monitor view in the right pane.<br />

Tips<br />

• To sort the objects in the right pane, click the column headings.<br />

• In Explorer mode, you can use context sensitive menus. When you select an item in the either<br />

pane, click the right mouse button and a menu of available commands appears.<br />

Depending on the view chosen, the right pane shows the following.<br />

Category Explore view Monitor view<br />

Items<br />

All objects of the selected server or<br />

folder<br />

Only active objects of the selected<br />

server or folder<br />

Status ✔ ✔<br />

Access ✔ ✔<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 37

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Category Explore view Monitor view<br />

Processes<br />

The maximum and minimum<br />

number of processes set<br />

The number of processes running as<br />

a ratio of the maximum number set<br />

Statistics NA Statistics for Web and Windows<br />

connections<br />

Properties<br />

The description and the date/time<br />

the properties were last modified<br />

NA<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration uses a series of icons to represent items on the<br />

server, their status, and access privileges set.<br />

Category Icon Description<br />

Item<br />

A PowerPlay server.<br />

A folder.<br />

A folder with mirror references.<br />

A collection, that is, a folder with a physical directory as a<br />

data source. The contents of a collection are dynamically<br />

updated with the contents of the directory.<br />

A collection with mirror references.<br />

A cube.<br />

A cube with mirror references.<br />

An invalid object. An object is invalid if PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

Server cannot read its configuration file.<br />

A report.<br />

A report with mirror references.<br />

Status<br />

The item is enabled. Processes for cubes and reports are<br />

active.<br />

The item is disabled. Depending on the option selected,<br />

current processes for cubes and reports may continue to run<br />

until completed.<br />

Access<br />

Web (HTTP) access privileges. Users can access the data using<br />

a Web browser.<br />

Windows (sockets) access privileges. User can access the data<br />

from PowerPlay for Windows and PowerPlay for Excel.<br />

Connect to a Server<br />

When you start PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, you are prompted to connect to an<br />

initial PowerPlay server. You can later connect to other PowerPlay servers on your network to<br />

administer more cubes and reports.<br />

38 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Discover Servers<br />

Steps<br />

1. From the Server menu, click Connect to Server.<br />

2. Enter the name or IP address of the computer where a dispatcher is running and click OK.<br />

If the server is not using the default port, you must enter server:default port<br />

If the server you want to connect to is not secured, you may be prompted to secure it (p. 24).<br />

If you are connecting to a Windows server from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration<br />

on Unix, the IP address for the Windows server must be static and listed in the hosts file on<br />

Unix to use the server name. Otherwise, connect to the server using the IP address.<br />

When you run PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, you can view a list of other<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise servers that are running on your network. You can then connect to one of<br />

these servers to administer cubes and reports.<br />

Steps<br />

1. From the Server menu, click Discover Servers.<br />

2. Click a server and click Connect.<br />

The server name appears in the left pane, and its associated folders, cubes, and reports appear<br />

in the right pane.<br />

Folders and Collections<br />

Folders and collections (folders that are dynamically updated with the contents of a directory) are<br />

containers for other objects. Use folders and collections to organize and administer groups of<br />

cubes and reports.<br />

Folders and collections allow you to change the settings of all the descendant objects from a single<br />

dialog box. For example, if you want to change the settings for all the cubes within a folder, use<br />

the Cube Settings tab of the Folder Properties dialog box.<br />

New objects that you add acquire all the settings of the parent. You can modify individual settings<br />

for any of the objects in a folder, thereby overriding the parent setting. Settings that you override<br />

appear in bold for easy identification.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 39

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Add a Folder<br />

Add a Collection<br />

A bold setting means that it no longer acquires settings from its parent, unless you reset those<br />

settings by clicking the Reset or Reset All buttons. At the folder level, you can also force<br />

descendant objects to acquire new settings by clicking the Reset Descendants button.<br />

A folder is a container that can hold any combination of cubes, reports, or other folders. Use<br />

folders to organize and administer related objects in a hierarchy.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a PowerPlay server or a folder.<br />

2. From the Insert menu, click Folder.<br />

3. In the Name box, type a name for the folder.<br />

Tip: You can click the browse (...) button to locate a folder. If folders on mapped network<br />

drives do not appear, type the UNC location in the Name box and do not use drive letters. For<br />

example, \\server_name\source_location.<br />

4. Specify other settings if required and click OK.<br />

Note<br />

• If you specify a folder data source, the folder becomes a collection (p. 40) and takes on special<br />

characteristics.<br />

• Use Drag and Drop to move folders and collections to another location on the same server. To<br />

copy folders or collections, use CTRL and drag.<br />

A collection is a folder with a physical directory as a data source. This property enables the<br />

contents of a collection to be dynamically updated with the contents of the directory. Aside from<br />

that, a collection is still a folder that contains child objects that acquire the folder settings by<br />

default.<br />

With a collection, you can add cubes and reports by copying the source .mdc and .ppx files to the<br />

directory referenced by the collection. This offers a quick way to update an undetermined<br />

collection of items on a production system.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a PowerPlay server or a server.<br />

2. From the Insert menu, click Folder.<br />

3. In the Name box, type a name for the folder.<br />

4. In the Folder Source box, select a directory.<br />

The directory should contain data source files (.mdc or .ppx), or other directories that contain<br />

data source files.<br />

5. Specify other settings if required and click OK.<br />

Cubes and Reports<br />

A substantial proportion of the tasks that you perform as a PowerPlay server administrator<br />

probably entail distributing cubes and reports to your users. From an administrative perspective,<br />

the cubes and reports are iconic representations of the data sources or mirror references of the<br />

data sources. For example, when you add a cube, you don’t copy the actual cube data source (an<br />

.mdc file) to a directory. Also, folders are virtual groupings of cubes, reports, or other folders, and<br />

not representative of a directory. Therefore, any reference to cubes or reports in the following<br />

sections also applies to the folders of cubes and reports.<br />

40 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Add a Cube or Report<br />

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

To add a cube or report, you identify the server to be published to and specify a cube or report<br />

source. The server that a cube or report is available from is the dispatcher on which the cube or<br />

report is registered.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a PowerPlay server.<br />

2. From the Insert menu, click Cube or Report.<br />

3. In the Name box, type a name for the cube or report.<br />

4. In the Cube Source or Report Source box, click the ellipsis button.<br />

5. Select an .mdc or .ppx file and click OK.<br />

Note: If you specify a .ppx file, the associated cube must also exist (p. 13) on a PowerPlay<br />

server.<br />

Tip: If cubes or reports on mapped network drives do not appear, type the UNC location in<br />

the Name box and do not use drive letters. For example, \\server_name\source_location.<br />

6. Specify other settings if required and click OK.<br />

Notes<br />

• Cubes and reports are automatically enabled when you add them.<br />

• When you specify the data source, you can use the standard file notation for your operating<br />

system, such as C:\Cubes\Imports.mdc on Windows, or /cubes/imports.mdc on UNIX. You<br />

can also use a UNC path, for example //srv01/cubes/imports.mdc. If you want to browse using<br />

a UNC path, you must type the computer name and share directory in the Look In box, and<br />

then click OK to refresh the Contents list.<br />

• In Windows, services can log on only to system directories, by default. To allow PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server to access remote data sources, for example, to use a UNC path, you must<br />

give PowerPlay Enterprise Server account logon privileges for the remote systems. For<br />

information about configuring these privileges, see the Windows documentation about using<br />

the Services application of the Control Panel to configure Startup properties.<br />

• In UNIX, PowerPlay Enterprise Server must have access to the data sources that reside on the<br />

remote computer. You must grant this using standard UNIX permissions.<br />

Add a Mirror Reference<br />

A mirror reference is a mapped cube or report that forwards incoming requests to be processed<br />

remotely instead of on the computer where the object is added. Use mirror references to distribute<br />

the processing load among processors and servers.<br />

When you add a cube or report to PowerPlay Enterprise Server, you can specify a data source<br />

alone, a mirror reference alone, or both. You can also specify several mirror references for a cube<br />

or report (p. 29).<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube or report.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties.<br />

3. In the Cube Mirror References or Report Mirror References box, click the ellipsis button.<br />

4. In the Select Mirror References dialog box, click the Add button.<br />

5. In the Add Mirror Reference dialog box, select the mirror reference.<br />

6. Click OK in all the dialog boxes.<br />

Notes<br />

• The cube or report that you want to mirror to must have sharing enabled. See the Settings tab<br />

(Options).<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 41

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Update Reports to Reference Remote Cubes<br />

PowerPlay Portable Report files (.ppx) are published from PowerPlay client applications and can<br />

be added to the PowerPlay Enterprise Server (p. 41). You cannot publish to a portal any<br />

PowerPlay Portable Report files with local cube references, only those with remote cube<br />

references.<br />

You can change all .ppx file local cube references to remote cube references. You can then publish<br />

these reports to Upfront (p. 49) , or the portal used for Cognos ReportNet and Cognos 8 (p. 51).<br />

Steps<br />

1. From the command line, go to the installation_location\bin directory.<br />

2. Type the following:<br />

ppserver -local<br />

A list appears of all the .ppx files that reference local cubes. Here is an example:<br />

ppserver -local<br />

PPX files referencing local cubes : 1<br />

PPX file : E:/GO Market Research.ppx references local cube :<br />

E:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\samples\PowerPlay\Cubes and Reports\GO<br />

Market Research.mdc<br />

3. For each cube whose local cube reference you want to replace with a remote cube reference,<br />

type the following:<br />

ppserver -local Full_Path_of_Local_Cube "Remote_Cube_Name"<br />

All .ppx file local cube references are changed to remote cube references. Here is an example:<br />

ppserver -local "E:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\samples\PowerPlay\Cubes and<br />

Reports\GO Market Research.mdc" "Cubes/GO Market Research"<br />

Updating PPX files that reference local cube E:\Program<br />

Files\Cognos\cer4\samples\PowerPlay\Cubes and Reports\GO Market<br />

Research.mdc to use remote cube Cubes/GO Market Research<br />

PPX files referencing local cubes : 1<br />

PPX file : E:/GO Market Research.ppx references local cube : E:\Program<br />

Files\Cognos\cer4\samples\PowerPlay\Cubes and Reports\GO Market<br />

Research.mdc<br />

** Changed to reference remote server : PPES-SERVER1 cube : Cubes/GO<br />

Market Research<br />

Successfully updated : 1<br />

Failed : 0<br />

Total ppx files processed: 33<br />

Move or Copy a Cube or Report<br />

You can move a cube or report from one folder to another on the same server by cutting and<br />

pasting the icon, or by dragging it. The move procedure leaves behind a shortcut pointing to the<br />

actual moved object. This prevents bookmarked URLs from becoming broken links.<br />

In the same way, when you rename a cube or report, a shortcut is created. The shortcut for a<br />

renamed cube or report points to the original object in the same folder.<br />

You can recognize a shortcut in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration by the curved arrow<br />

symbol in the icon. The properties of the shortcut contain the target path of the actual object. Use<br />

the Find Target button to go to the folder or the cube defined in the target.<br />

42 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Steps to Move<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a cube or report.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Cut.<br />

3. Open the folder to which you want to move the cube or report.<br />

4. From the Edit menu, click Paste.<br />

Steps to Copy<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a cube or report.<br />

2. Hold down the CTRL button and drag the cube or report to the folder where you want a<br />

copy.<br />

Steps to Rename<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a cube or report.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Rename.<br />

3. In the Rename dialog box, type the new name and click OK.<br />

Remove a Cube or Report<br />

You can remove a cube or report from the PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration window<br />

when you no longer want it to be available to users. The data source isn't deleted.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube or report.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Delete.<br />

3. Click Yes to confirm the removal.<br />

Notes<br />

• The Print Settings report must exist for Export PDF. You cannot delete or rename this report.<br />

Set the PDF Layout Style<br />

The PowerPlay Enterprise Server can render reports in two different layout styles.<br />

• Web layout most closely resembles the HTML display from PowerPlay Web Explorer. This<br />

layout option preserves features from the default HTML display, such as colors, styles, and<br />

font settings.<br />

• Client layout resembles the display from PowerPlay for Windows. This layout option<br />

preserves display feature such as custom data formatting, and Reporter mode report contents.<br />

The client layout is the most appropriate layout for rendering reports created in PowerPlay for<br />

Windows. You must use client layout to preserve prompts. Client layout is always used when<br />

rendering a PowerPlay report from Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 if the report was authored<br />

using PowerPlay for Window.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 43

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Add Custom Buttons<br />

The default PDF layout setting is Automatic. With the default setting, PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

automatically determines the most appropriate layout to use for PDF rendering based on the<br />

authoring application for the report. Reports authored in PowerPlay Web, and cubes opened for<br />

exploration in PowerPlay Web, are rendered using Web layout. Reports authored in PowerPlay for<br />

Windows are rendered using client layout.<br />

If the default setting does not produce the desired results, you can specify which layout to use for<br />

PDF rendering, Web Layout or Client Layout.<br />

You can specify PDF layout format at the server, folder, cube, and report level. By default, cubes<br />

inherit the PDF layout settings from the server or folder settings. Reports published to Upfront, or<br />

added to the PowerPlay Web table of contents, inherit PDF layout settings from the server or<br />

folder. You can change the PDF layout setting for individual cubes and reports to have a different<br />

setting from a parent such as a folder.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Open PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, and select a server, folder, cube, or<br />

report.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties.<br />

• for the server or a folder, change the PDF Rendering Layout setting on the Cube Settings<br />

tab and Report Settings tab.<br />

• for a cube or report, change the PDF Rendering Layout setting on the Settings tab.<br />

3. Click Apply, then click OK.<br />

When you open the cube or report in PowerPlay Web Explorer and export to PDF, the specified<br />

layout is used to render the PDF.<br />

Reports set to use Web Layout have two related settings. Word Wrap controls whether labels for<br />

detail rows are wrapped or not. Status Line controls whether information about options affecting<br />

the data, such as zero suppression or use of non-default currency, is displayed at the bottom of the<br />

PDF output.<br />

PowerPlay Web users can set pagination options to control the page content for PDF output. For<br />

example, a user can specify that each page shows 20 rows of data for a crosstab report, or divide<br />

pages using each intermediate summary from the highest nest level. For bars charts, the user can<br />

specify how many bars to show on each page.<br />

You can add up to eight custom buttons to the PowerPlay Web Explorer toolbar to enable users to<br />

accomplish common tasks. For example, you can add buttons to let users link to a departmental<br />

table of contents or email the cube URL to a colleague. You can attach any JavaScript code to a<br />

custom button.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Open the file ppwbcustom.js in a text editor.<br />

It is located in the webcontent/ppwb directory.<br />

2. In one of the custom functions, create a JavaScript for the custom command.<br />

3. Save and close the file.<br />

4. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube.<br />

5. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

6. In the corresponding Custom box (Display, Toolbar), select Enabled to enable the button.<br />

7. Click OK.<br />

Notes<br />

• PowerPlay Web inserts custom buttons to the right of the Help button.<br />

44 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Add Dimension Line Information to an Exported CSV File<br />

Add a Title<br />

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

For each cube within PowerPlay Enterprise Server, you can specify if the dimension line<br />

information is included on a user-based CSV export from the Web. This is important when you<br />

need to understand information on which the cube was filtered after data was exported from the<br />

cube.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Open PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, and select a server.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Cube Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Options folder, click the Dimension Line in CSV Export box, and select Enabled.<br />

4. Click Apply, then click OK.<br />

The next time a cube is exported in CSV format, the dimension line information that appears on<br />

the Web also appears in the CSV file.<br />

You can add a title to the top of a PowerPlay Web Explorer page to give users more information<br />

about the cube they are exploring.<br />

If you want to use the symbols less than () in a title, ensure that there is a<br />

space before and after each symbol. Otherwise, PowerPlay Enterprise Server interprets the<br />

symbols as variable markers and ignores the text.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Title box (Options), click the ellipsis button after clicking to activate the property.<br />

4. In the Title box, type a descriptive title.<br />

5. If you want to add variables to the title, select any from the Variable box, and click the Insert<br />

button.<br />

6. Click OK, and click OK again.<br />

Restrict Embedded HTML Tags in Report Titles<br />

PowerPlay Web users can create their own report titles and format the titles using HTML tags.<br />

For more information, see the PowerPlay Web online help.<br />

You can restrict embedded HTML content in the titles of reports that users create. This ensures,<br />

for example, that unwanted scripts are not run when a consumer views a published report on the<br />

Web in interactive HTML exploration.<br />

By restricting embedded HTML tags in titles, you ensure that only the following HTML tags are<br />

valid:<br />

• , , , (with no attributes)<br />

• (with align, dir, style, class and title attributes permitted)<br />

• , (with dir, style and class attributes permitted)<br />

The following items are then exported as text only:<br />

• any unrecognized tags (or tags with invalid attributes)<br />

• any tag containing a style attribute with unexpected values<br />

• all text (both inside and outside of tags)<br />

• all attribute values<br />

• all results from VAR tags<br />

The style attribute, which is permitted on the , and tags, is only allowed to<br />

have the following values:<br />

• font<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 45

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

• font-size<br />

• font-weight<br />

• font-style<br />

• color<br />

• background-color<br />

• text-decoration<br />

Some style elements are not permitted. For example, the font-family element is not recognized.<br />

Also, the font-size element can have only numbers after it and the color element recognizes only<br />

the rgb (#,#,#) format.<br />

The default setting for this is on (Enabled). We recommend that you keep this setting enabled to<br />

improve security of your PowerPlay Web application.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Options folder, click the HTML Encode User Specified Title box, and select Enabled.<br />

4. Click Apply, then click OK.<br />

Search for a Cube or Report<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration includes a search utility to help you locate cubes,<br />

reports, or folders that you administer.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a server or folder from which to begin<br />

a search.<br />

2. From the Tools menu, click Search.<br />

3. In the Search For box, type a string to search for.<br />

4. In the Search Where box, select from the list of servers and folders you are connected to.<br />

5. Click Search Now.<br />

Any items matching the criteria appear in the lower display area of the dialog box.<br />

Tips<br />

• To go to any of the items found, double-click the item.<br />

• To sort the items found, click on the column headings.<br />

Move Cube and Report NewsItems from Upfront to Cognos<br />

ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

You can use a command-line tool to move cube and report NewsItems from Upfront to Cognos<br />

ReportNet or Cognos 8. This tool saves time by allowing you to reuse existing Upfront<br />

NewsItems instead of republishing or recreating the content for use in Cognos ReportNet or<br />

Cognos 8.<br />

The tool moves all cube and report NewsItems that you have access to. You cannot specify which<br />

items to move. If you want to make only some of the Upfront content available to Cognos<br />

ReportNet or Cognos 8 users, it may be easier to republish or recreate the content.<br />

The command-line tool included with PowerPlay Enterprise Server works with Cognos ReportNet<br />

1.1 MR1 and subsequent releases, and Cognos 8. Before you begin, ensure that Cognos<br />

ReportNet or Cognos 8 is installed, configured, and started.<br />

46 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Steps<br />

1. Configure PowerPlay Enterprise Server to specify Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 as the<br />

portal to which reports are published.<br />

For more information, see the PowerPlay Enterprise Server Guide.<br />

2. Ensure that the credentials you use to log on to PowerPlay Enterprise Server have read access<br />

to the Upfront NewsItems, and create and update permissions in Cognos ReportNet or<br />

Cognos 8.<br />

3. Ensure that NewsBoxes and NewsItems at the same level in Upfront use unique names.<br />

4. In a command prompt window on the computer where Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7 is installed, go to the<br />

installation_location\bin directory.<br />

5. Run the command-line tool to move the objects:<br />

• On Windows, the command format is<br />

ppserver -tocrn -un username [-pw password] [-replace]<br />

• On UNIX, the command format is<br />

upgrade_tocrn -un username [-pw password] [-replace]<br />

The following table describes the parameters you use with the ppserver -tocrn command.<br />

Note that all parameters are case sensitive.<br />

Parameter<br />

-un username<br />

-pw password<br />

-replace<br />

Description<br />

Specifies a user who has read access to the Upfront NewsItems and<br />

rights to publish to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8.<br />

Specifies the user password. If no password is specified, it is assumed<br />

that a password is not required.<br />

Specifies that existing PowerPlay objects in Cognos ReportNet or<br />

Cognos 8 are replaced when a name conflict occurs.<br />

6. When the move process is complete, check the ppmigration.log file to ensure that the process<br />

was successful. Correct reported errors.<br />

The log file is created in installation_location\cern\bin<br />

7. Finally, open Cognos Connection and test the content.<br />

Note: If you add or change any PowerPlay NewsItems in Upfront, you can run the tool again to<br />

update the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 content.<br />

Differences Between Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7 and Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

Because of differences between the two products, some functionality is not fully transferred during<br />

the move process. Wherever possible, <strong>Series</strong> 7 features are mapped to similar functionality in<br />

Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8.<br />

The following information will help you understand the move process, and identify additional<br />

work that may be required either before or after you run the command-line tool.<br />

Subject or Feature Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7 Cognos ReportNet and Cognos 8<br />

Organization of<br />

content in the<br />

portal<br />

The root level in Upfront, the<br />

NewsIndex, can contain both<br />

NewsBoxes and NewsItems.<br />

Similar to a folder structure, there<br />

may be several levels of<br />

NewsBoxes. A PowerPlay cube or<br />

report NewsItem can appear in<br />

the NewsIndex or a NewsBox.<br />

The root level in Cognos Connection<br />

contains only folders. Reports or other<br />

types of links cannot appear at the<br />

root level.<br />

If PowerPlay cube or report<br />

NewsItems appear in the Upfront<br />

NewsIndex, the move process creates a<br />

new folder in Cognos Connection<br />

named Additional Upfront NewsItems<br />

to contain these items.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 47

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Subject or Feature Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7 Cognos ReportNet and Cognos 8<br />

NewsBox names<br />

Upfront supports duplicate<br />

NewsBox names at the same level.<br />

Cognos Connection does not support<br />

duplicate folder names at the same<br />

level.<br />

When moving NewsBoxes from the<br />

same level with duplicate names, only<br />

one Cognos Connection folder is<br />

created.<br />

To avoid errors, ensure that all<br />

NewsBoxes at the same level have<br />

unique names.<br />

If there are no conflicts related to<br />

duplicate NewsBox names, the<br />

NewsItems are moved to Cognos<br />

ReportNet or Cognos 8 with full<br />

functionality.<br />

NewsItem names<br />

Report links<br />

Security<br />

Upfront supports duplicate<br />

NewsItem names in the same<br />

NewsBox.<br />

Upfront supports PowerPlay<br />

report link NewsItems.<br />

Upfront supports Access Control<br />

Lists (ACLs).<br />

Cognos Connection does not support<br />

duplicate cube, report or link names in<br />

the same folder.<br />

When moving NewsItems from the<br />

same level with duplicate names, only<br />

one item is moved. Other items with<br />

duplicate names are not moved and<br />

are reported as errors in the log file.<br />

To avoid errors, ensure that all<br />

NewsItems at the same level have<br />

unique names.<br />

If there are no conflicts related to<br />

duplicate NewsItem names, the cube<br />

or report NewsItem is moved to<br />

Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 with<br />

full functionality.<br />

Report links are not supported in<br />

Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8. The<br />

source report is moved instead.<br />

To avoid errors, ensure that the target<br />

of a report link does not create a<br />

naming conflict when moving the<br />

content.<br />

If there are no conflicts related to<br />

duplicate NewsBox or NewsItem<br />

names, the source report is moved to<br />

Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 with<br />

full functionality.<br />

The Upfront ACL information is not<br />

moved to Cognos ReportNet or<br />

Cognos 8. By default, access to the<br />

moved content is not restricted. You<br />

must set permissions on all objects in<br />

Cognos Connection.<br />

48 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Web Reports<br />

Test a Connection<br />

Publish to Upfront<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server provides several ways to make your data available to authorized<br />

users on the Web. Report authors can publish their findings from a PowerPlay client application<br />

directly to Upfront. As an administrator, you can bulk publish or update reports and cubes to<br />

Upfront or Cognos Connection using PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration or the<br />

ppadmtool command-line interface. In addition to the portal, cubes and reports that you add are,<br />

by default, included in a PowerPlay Web table of contents.<br />

Web reports are rendered in HTML or PDF format. These industry standard formats allow for a<br />

level of customization to be applied as the reports are generated. You use the Display settings for<br />

cubes and reports to customize the output to the Web.<br />

You can connect to a cube or report to ensure that it is accessible from the Web and properly<br />

configured.<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise server starts the Web browser and connects to the cube or report. For<br />

protected cubes, you must provide authentication information, such as a user ID or password,<br />

before the Web page appears in the browser.<br />

If you can't connect, you may be able to determine the cause of the error from logged auditing<br />

information.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube or report.<br />

2. From the Tools menu, click Open with Browser.<br />

3. If authentication properties are defined for this cube, enter the required information and click<br />

Log On.<br />

Notes<br />

• The Open with Browser command is not available for cubes set for Windows access only.<br />

You can publish cubes and reports as Upfront NewsItems to provide Web users with single click<br />

access to the data in PowerPlay Web Explorer and PowerPlay Web Viewer. If you publish a folder,<br />

all the cubes and reports in the folder are published to an Upfront NewsBox. In order to publish<br />

cubes and reports from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration to Upfront, Access Manager<br />

security (p. 24) must be set.<br />

Both the NewsBox to be published to and the Upfront server group are folder object properties<br />

and must be set before attempting to publish. The PowerPlay Enterprise Server Administration<br />

must be secured against the same namespace as the NewsIndex before attempting to publish. If the<br />

server is not secured, you are prompted to secure it when you click Publish to Portal. Also, the<br />

Default Portal property (p. 84) must be set to Upfront.<br />

You cannot publish to Upfront any PowerPlay Portable Report files (.ppx) that have local cube<br />

references, only those with remote cube references. PowerPlay Portable Report files are published<br />

from PowerPlay client applications and can be added to the PowerPlay Enterprise Server (p. 41).<br />

You can update all .ppx files that have local cube references to have remote cube references<br />

instead. For more information, see "Update Reports to Reference Remote Cubes" (p. 42).<br />

Users can connect to Upfront from their Web browsers using the following URL:<br />

http://server name/cognos/<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube, report, or folder.<br />

Note: Do not publish content located in the imported_reports folder.<br />

2. From the Tools menu, click Publish to Portal.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 49

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

The cube or report is published to the NewsBox specified in the Upfront NewsBox for Cubes<br />

or Upfront NewsBox for Reports box (Publishing). This setting is made at the folder level.<br />

Notes<br />

• Upfront NewsItems are links to the data, so there is no need to republish if the data source is<br />

updated.<br />

• Cubes and reports published from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration become<br />

linked items in Upfront. They can be deleted by an Upfront administrator, but the objects<br />

remain in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

• If you publish a folder to Upfront, only the cubes and reports contained in that folder appear<br />

in Upfront. The folder will not appear in Upfront. A folder hierarchy that you have created in<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration is not maintained when you publish the folder<br />

to Upfront.<br />

• In a multiple server environment, if a report or a cube is to be published, you must ensure that<br />

the report or cube resides in a folder mapped to a shared drive using the Mount At option.<br />

For more information, see "Mount At" (p. 28).<br />

Maintaining Properties When Saving Reports to Upfront<br />

Reports that are saved to Upfront are stored in an imported_reports folder on the PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server dispatcher computer. The first time a user saves a report, the Imported Reports<br />

folder is created on the computer and is displayed in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration. In the imported_reports folder, reports appear under a folder named for the cube.<br />

For example, the outdoors cube was added to PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration in the<br />

sales cubes folder:<br />

A user opens the outdoors cube, and saves a report to Upfront. While the report is available from<br />

Upfront, it is actually saved to the PowerPlay server.<br />

On the PowerPlay server, the imported_reports folder is created and contains a sales cubes folder,<br />

a folder named for the cube, and the report with a generated name (in this case, named 44_433):<br />

50 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Some cube properties are common to reports. These common properties are transferred to the<br />

folder named for the cube as report settings. The folder’s report settings are then applied to the<br />

reports in that folder.<br />

From the example above, the sales cubes folder in the imported_reports folder will have the same<br />

properties as the original sales cube folder.<br />

The outdoors folder will have the folder settings from its parent folder.<br />

The report (in this case, named 44_433) will have the following properties from the outdoors<br />

cube:<br />

• Sharing<br />

• Auditing Level<br />

• Publishing<br />

• Screen Resolution<br />

• Drill Through enabling<br />

The migration of these properties is done only once. After the creation of the folders, you will<br />

have to maintain the settings manually. This means that any modification of the cube or folder’s<br />

properties should also be applied to the equivalent cube or folder in the imported_reports folder.<br />

Publish to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

You can publish cubes and reports to Cognos Connection, the portal to Cognos ReportNet or<br />

Cognos 8, to provide Cognos ReportNet and Cognos 8 users with single click access to data in<br />

PowerPlay Web. If you publish a folder, all the cubes and reports in the folder are published to a<br />

Cognos Connection folder. In order to publish cubes and reports from PowerPlay Enterprise -<br />

Server Administration to Cognos Connection, Access Manager security (p. 24) must be set.<br />

The Cognos Connection folder to be published to is a folder object property (p. 90) and must be<br />

set before attempting to publish. The PowerPlay Enterprise Server must be secured against the<br />

same namespace as the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 server before attempting to publish. Also,<br />

the Default Portal property (p. 84) must be set to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8.<br />

If these are not set, then the Publish to Portal option is unavailable.<br />

You cannot publish PowerPlay Portable Report files (.ppx) that have local cube references.<br />

PowerPlay Portable Report files are published from PowerPlay client applications and can be<br />

added to the PowerPlay Enterprise Server (p. 41). You can update all .ppx files that have local<br />

cube references to have remote cube references instead. For more information, see "Update<br />

Reports to Reference Remote Cubes" (p. 42).<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube, report, or folder.<br />

Note: Do not publish content located in the imported_reports folder.<br />

2. From the Tools menu, click Publish to Portal.<br />

The cube or report is published to the folder specified in the Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8<br />

Folder for Cubes or Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Folder for Reports properties. This setting<br />

is made at the folder level.<br />

Notes<br />

• Cubes published from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration become linked items in<br />

Cognos Connection. References to the published reports are added to the Cognos ReportNet<br />

or Cognos 8 server. The references can be deleted by a Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

administrator, but the objects remain in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

• If you publish a folder to Cognos Connection, only the cubes and reports contained in that<br />

folder appear in Cognos Connection. The folder will not appear in Cognos Connection. A<br />

folder hierarchy that you have created in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration is not<br />

maintained when you publish the folder to Cognos Connection.<br />

• In a multiple server environment, if a report or a cube is to be published, you must ensure that<br />

the report or cube resides in a folder mapped to a shared drive using the Mount At option.<br />

For more information, see "Mount At" (p. 28).<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 51

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

• To publish to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8, the same <strong>Series</strong> 7 namespace must be used by<br />

both PowerPlay Enterprise Server and Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8. For more<br />

information, see "Secure a Server" (p. 24).<br />

Maintaining Properties When Saving Reports to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

When you publish a report to Cognos Connection, report information is not stored in an<br />

imported_reports folder on the PowerPlay Enterprise Server, as it is when a report is published to<br />

Upfront. A .ppx file is still created, but is stored instead by Content Manager, the Cognos<br />

ReportNet and Cognos 8 service that manages the storage of reporting applications.<br />

If you publish a report from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, the original report<br />

path is saved to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8. When the published report is run, the properties<br />

are determined by the original report’s .cfx file. If that original report is no longer available, it will<br />

default to use the cube's CFX settings.<br />

If you save a report from PowerPlay Web, the properties are determined by the report settings of<br />

the folder that contains the cube used by the published report. If the cube is not in a folder, then<br />

the root level report setting is used.<br />

Maintaining PowerPlay Objects on Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

If you are maintaining PowerPlay Objects on a Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 server, you may<br />

want to do the following.<br />

❑ Save objects from PowerPlay Web to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 that were previously<br />

published to Upfront. For information about publishing reports from PowerPlay Web, see the<br />

PowerPlay Web User’s Guide.<br />

❑<br />


migrate Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 objects to a different PowerPlay server, or after a<br />

PowerPlay server's gateway has changed. For more information, see "The ppadmtool<br />

Program" (p. 101).<br />

Publish a Report as a Link in Upfront<br />

You can publish report links to Upfront. Publishing a report as a link within PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

- Server Administration differs in these ways from publishing a report directly within PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise - Server Administration:<br />

• The report is not copied to an Imported Reports folder; it remains in its original location.<br />

• If you update either report properties or the physical report itself, for example with<br />

formatting changes, these changes are automatically reflected when you open the linked<br />

report from Upfront without having to republish.<br />

• If you save a report that you accessed from a report link in Upfront, the original source report<br />

referenced from PowerPlay Enterprise Server is updated.<br />

You can publish and remove report links using PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration<br />

(p. 52) or the ppadmtool command line program (p. 101).<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a report.<br />

2. From the Tools menu, click Publish Report Links to Upfront.<br />

A message appears telling you that the link was successfully published.<br />

Tip: To remove the link, click Remove Report Links to Upfront. The link is removed, but the<br />

source report in PowerPlay Enterprise Server remains unchanged.<br />

Notify Upfront Users About an Updated Cube<br />

If a cube published to Upfront has been updated, you can use PowerPlay Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration to notify Upfront users by<br />

• updating the Modified date and time for all the related cube and Report NewsItems in<br />

Upfront to the date and time when you choose the Notify option<br />

52 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

• changing the status of these NewsItems to Unread to reflect the fact that the cube data has<br />

changed<br />

• running the related PowerPlay Agents that had been scheduled to run on cube refresh<br />

Before notifying users, you must ensure that the refreshed cube has been copied successfully to the<br />

location as defined in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration. You must also ensure that the<br />

user has specified the connection to the PowerPlay Enterprise Server containing the refreshed<br />

cube.<br />

The Notify option is available in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration only if you have<br />

secured PowerPlay Enterprise - Server using Access Manager.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click the cube for which you want to notify<br />

Upfront users about the update.<br />

2. From the Tools menu, click Notify.<br />

Show a Table of Contents<br />

A table of contents gives Web users a single point of access to the folder hierarchy depicted in<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration. A table of contents lists the folders, cubes, and<br />

reports registered to a PowerPlay server, and shows the email address of the server administrator,<br />

if one is defined.<br />

You can use a table of contents to open cubes and reports at the root level of the server, or at any<br />

folder level. You can also use it as an extension to Upfront by adding a table of contents URL to<br />

an Upfront NewsBox. A table of contents is automatically generated each time it is accessed, so<br />

that it is always up-to-date.<br />

Users can connect to the server-level table of contents from their Web browsers using the<br />

following URL:<br />

http://server name/cognos/cgi-bin/ppdscgi.exe<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a PowerPlay server or a folder.<br />

The level that you select becomes the highest level of the table of contents.<br />

2. From the Tools menu, click Show Table of Contents.<br />

Notes<br />

• If you are using security, you may not want to let users access cubes and reports from the<br />

Table of Contents. You may want to allow users to access cubes and reports only from<br />

Upfront. This is because the Table of Contents does not prompt users for a user ID and<br />

password whereas Upfront does.<br />

Tips<br />

• To prevent individual cubes and reports from being listed, disable the Publish to a Table of<br />

Contents setting (Publishing).<br />

• To prevent the table of contents from being accessed, disable the Table of Contents setting<br />

(Options)<br />

• You can copy the links in a table of contents to another document. If you include the location<br />

of the gateway in the copied link, it is always up-to-date, as long as the object exists on the<br />

server. For example,<br />

Sales<br />

Disable a Table of Contents<br />

By default, users can view a table of contents in their web browsers that shows the cubes and<br />

reports at the root level of the server. You can disable this feature so that users can no longer<br />

access the table of contents.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 53

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a PowerPlay server.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Table of Contents box (Options), select Disabled.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Enable Preference Settings<br />

By enabling the user selection of preferences on a PowerPlay server, you allow users to choose<br />

• the locale (regional setting) used<br />

• the language of the application interface<br />

When you enable the preference settings, the Table of Contents page (p. 53) shows a Preferences<br />

tab.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a PowerPlay server.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Selection of Preferences box (Options), select Enabled.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Customize the PowerPlay Web Viewer Modify Report Page<br />

You can customize the PowerPlay Web Viewer Modify Report page so that, for example, it has the<br />

same customized look as an Upfront page. The Modify Report page appears when users open<br />

PowerPlay Web reports in Upfront or from the PowerPlay Web Table of Contents.<br />

The Modify Report page is rendered only if the report author specified that the report be deployed<br />

with prompting. For more information, see the PowerPlay User Guide.<br />

You cannot organize, enable, or disable the options on the Modify Report page.<br />

Modify Styles<br />

You can modify the background colors, margins, and font properties on the Modify Report page<br />

by editing the Modify Report CSS style sheet file.<br />

Modify the styles in the CSS style sheet as shown in the following table.<br />

Class Name<br />

promptPageBody<br />

promptModifyTitle<br />

promptModifyDescption<br />

promptDimBar<br />

promptSectionTitle<br />

promptSectionText<br />

promptTopBanner<br />

promptBottomBanner<br />

Modification Description<br />

Background color of the Prompt page body.<br />

Height, width, and font properties of the Modify<br />

Report title.<br />

Height, width, and font properties of the Provide<br />

Information to customize Your Report text.<br />

Background color of the dimension filter bar.<br />

Background color and font properties of the section<br />

headings Options and Currency and Format.<br />

Font properties of the text in each Option section.<br />

Background color of the top banner.<br />

Background color of the bottom banner.<br />

54 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Steps<br />

1. In the installation_location\webcontent\ppwb directory, locate and open the styles.css file.<br />

2. Modify the style sheet styles as appropriate.<br />

3. Save and close the file.<br />

Modify Images<br />

You can modify the images on the Modify Report page by editing the HTML template file.<br />

Modify the image files in the Modify Report HTML template file as shown in the following table.<br />

.gif File<br />

dialog_photo1.gif<br />

dialog_photo2.gif<br />

space.gif<br />

dialog_help1.gif<br />

cognos_logo_sml.gif<br />

Description<br />

Used in top banner.<br />

Used in top banner.<br />

Used in top banner.<br />

Used in top banner.<br />

Used in bottom banner.<br />

Specify a URL<br />

Steps<br />

1. In the installation_location\ppserver directory, locate and open the ppwv_prompt.html file.<br />

2. Modify the image files as appropriate.<br />

3. Save and close the file.<br />

Tips:<br />

• To change the background color of the top banner to match the new image, modify the<br />

promptTopBanner class in the CSS style sheet file.<br />

• To change the background color of the bottom banner to match the new image, modify the<br />

promptBottomBanner class in the CSS style sheet file.<br />

You can use a URL to invoke PowerPlay Web, either by typing it directly in the address box of a<br />

Web browser, or by generating the URL from another Web page.<br />

The URL can specify:<br />

• a server running the PowerPlay gateway program<br />

• the gateway technology to use, either CGI, NSAPI, or ISAPI<br />

• a cube or report to run (target)<br />

• the filtering to apply to each dimension (filter)<br />

• whether to run a report in PDF or HTML (format)<br />

For example, to specify the server running the PowerPlay gateway program and the gateway<br />

technology to use, the URL would appear in the following format:<br />

:////<br />

:////<br />

where:<br />

is the name of the server, is the defined Web<br />

alias, and is the name of the gateway program, such as ppdscgi.exe.<br />

You can also specify parameters on a URL, to open a cube or report, apply filters, and determine<br />

the format of a report. The format would be:<br />


Enterprise Server Guide 55

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Target Parameter<br />

Filter Parameter<br />

where:<br />

specifies the target cube or report to open, specifies the filter<br />

values, and specifies the format in which to open a report.<br />

The following sections describe building the parameters to specify how you want a cube or report<br />

to be displayed.<br />

The target parameter is the name of the PowerPlay report or cube to run. The name must be the<br />

name as specified in PowerPlay Enterprise Server - Administration, and is not the Upfront<br />

NewsItem name.<br />

If you publish a cube or report in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, the name is the<br />

object name that you assigned to it, and may be prefixed with a folder name. If a report was saved<br />

to Upfront from PowerPlay Web, it is the NewsItem ID that identifies the report, not its name.<br />

The filter parameter is a string with the following format:<br />

....<br />

When you specify a filter, the dimension name and category codes must match the dimension<br />

names and category codes known internally to PowerPlay. If PowerPlay encounters a dimension<br />

name that has no match or a category code that cannot be found, it is ignored.<br />

You can find the names and category codes by using the following steps.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Open a report or cube.<br />

2. Drill down or adjust the view until you have the categories and dimension you require<br />

displayed.<br />

For example, you can filter on 1997 in the Years dimension, Tents in the Products dimension,<br />

and Revenue in the Measures dimension.<br />

3. Save the view as a .ppx report.<br />

When you save the view as a .ppx report, it is available in the Imported Reports folder in the<br />

ppserver directory.<br />

4. In Upfront, click Report Properties, and then Advanced Properties.<br />

5. In the Source Report Name section, locate the unique identifier for the report, and note its<br />

filename and path.<br />

6. Open this file in Notepad or any text editor.<br />

7. Locate the following in the .ppx file:<br />

<br />

where value specifies the filter parameters used in the report.<br />

For example,<br />

<br />

8. Locate the filters in the .ppx file, using their reference Ids.<br />

For example, where the reference Ids are 277, 413, and 4, the following lines of code appear<br />

in the .ppx file.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Note: If your dimensions do not have recognizable names, you can identify them by the<br />

DimIdx. DimIdx="0" indicates the first dimension in the tree structure, DimIdx="1" the<br />

second, et cetera.<br />

56 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Format Parameter<br />

When you have located the reference Ids in the code, you can identify the category codes for<br />

the URL specification. In our code example, the following table shows the filter information.<br />

Dimension Filter RefID Category Code<br />

Years 277 19970101-19971231<br />

Products 413 Tents<br />

MEASURES 4 Measures<br />

Note: The category code for MEASURES is the<br />

default (the first available measure), as no filter was<br />

specified on this dimension.<br />

9. Build the Filter parameter for the URL, using its string format.<br />

For example, using our code example, the Filter parameter would be:<br />

FILTER=Years19970101-19971231ProductsTents<br />

As characters cannot appear in a URL and are typically replaced by the ASCII code<br />

(%09), the full URL specification for our example would appear as:<br />

http:////cgi-bin/ppdscgi.exe?TARGET=Great%20Outdoors&FILTER=Years%091997010<br />

1-19971231%09Products%09Tents&FORMAT=HTML<br />

3 rd Party Cubes<br />

You can use the same steps to build the filter parameter for 3 rd party cubes, however, the codes<br />

may be quite different.<br />

For example, the URL specification for a Microsoft Analysis Services cube might look like the<br />

following:<br />

http:////cgi-bin/ppdscgi.exe?TARGET=%2FImported%20Reports%2FFS%20Account%20Per<br />

formance%2F69e_29162&FILTER=2[Financial]%096[Financial].[FS].[Sell%20To%20Account].<br />

%26[10937]%092[Time]%096[Time].[Fiscal].[Year].%26[20030929]&FORMAT=HTML<br />

This URL passes an Account ID from a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to<br />

generate a filtered PowerPlay Web report. The first parameter (TARGET) defines the report in the<br />

Imported Reports/FS/Account Performance folder. The Account ID specified in the URL is<br />

[10937] from the Dimension defined by code 2[Financial] and the category defined by code<br />

6[Financial].[FS].[Sell to Account]. The URL also contains a filter on the Time dimension<br />

referenced by code 2[Time], specifying a filter on a particular fiscal year.<br />

The format parameter is required and must be specified as either HTML or PDF. There is no<br />

default.<br />

Example<br />

A full URL specification might appear as:<br />

http:////cgi-bin/ppdscgi.exe?TARGET=Great%20Outdoors&FILTER=Years%0919970101-19<br />

971231%09Products%09Tents&FORMAT=HTML<br />

Improve Web Performance<br />

You can improve the way PowerPlay Web Explorer displays cube data by changing the Zero<br />

Suppression setting in PowerPlay Enterprise Server. The Zero Suppression setting tells Enterprise<br />

Server whether or not to display calculated zero values.<br />

Performance can be enhanced by disabling the suppression of computed zeros.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 57

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

Steps<br />

1. Start the Configuration Manager from the Cognos Tools menu.<br />

2. In the Configuration Manager, select Connect from the File menu (CTRL+N).<br />

3. Select OLAP Data Access in the hierarchy.<br />

4. Open the data source entry ...<br />

5. Set the DisableMaxZeroSuppress property to 1.<br />

This setting tells Enterprise Server to suppress only zero values, and not calculated zeros. The<br />

result is faster display performance.<br />

6. Select Validate Selection from the Actions menu.<br />

7. Select Apply from the Actions menu to apply the changed configuration.<br />

Notes<br />

• The default setting is DisableMaxZeroSuppress = 0. Enterprise Server suppresses all zero<br />

values, including calculated zeros.<br />

Set Export PDF Preferences<br />

Users can print PowerPlay Web Explorer reports by exporting the report to a PDF and then<br />

printing the PDF. The settings for all exported PDFs are determined by the settings applied to the<br />

Print Settings default report. For example, if you set the page orientation of the Print Settings<br />

report to landscape, each report that is exported to PDF will use a landscape orientation.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select the Print Settings report.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Options folder, select an option for the following:<br />

• Sharing<br />

• Paper Size<br />

• Page Orientation<br />

• Display Frame(s) Border<br />

A report may consist of several elements, such as a chart, a table, and some text. By<br />

disabling the frame borders, you can give the report a more professional appearance.<br />

• Page By Page Report Serving<br />

• Explore in Interactive HTML Format<br />

• Explore in Windows Format<br />

• Auditing Level<br />

• Queued Request Timeout(s)<br />

• Explain Drill Links<br />

For more information, see "Include Explain Drill Links in a Report" (p. 59).<br />

4. In the Process Control folder, select an option for the following:<br />

• Connection Timeout (min)<br />

• Minimum Processes<br />

• Maximum Processes<br />

• Idle Process Timeout (min)<br />

• Report Timeout (min)<br />

• Local Process Threshold<br />

For example, if you have a large number of users who are using Export PDF, you may want to<br />

increase the value for Maximum Processes to set an appropriate maximum number of<br />

processes that can be started at the same time.<br />

5. In the Publishing folder, select an option for the following:<br />

• Publish to Table of Contents<br />

• Publish to Portal<br />

58 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

6. In the Display folder, expand Report and select an option for the following:<br />

• Lightweight PDF Generation<br />

• Pattern Simulation<br />

7. Click OK.<br />

Notes<br />

• The Print Settings report must exist for Export PDF. You cannot delete or rename this report.<br />

• For details on the available settings, click the Help button.<br />

Include Explain Drill Links in a Report<br />

Users can print PowerPlay Web Explorer reports by exporting the report to a PDF and then<br />

printing the PDF. You can specify whether reports run from either Upfront or the Table of<br />

Contents directly to a PDF will contain Explain drill links on the row or column labels.<br />

When you disable Explain drill links, the file size of the PDF is reduced. If bandwidth constraints<br />

are causing performance problems, you can improve performance by disabling Explain drill links.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select the Print Settings report.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Options folder, select an option for Explain Drill Links<br />

• Click Disabled to specify that reports run from either Upfront or the Table of Contents<br />

directly to PDF will not contain Explain drill links on the row or column labels.<br />

• Click Enabled to specify that reports run from either Upfront or the Table of Contents<br />

directly to PDF will contain Explain drill links on the row or column labels.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Embed Fonts in a Report<br />

If a font is used in a report but is not on the user’s computer, PowerPlay Web Viewer can substitute<br />

another font. However, substituting fonts may reduce the quality. An alternative is to embed fonts.<br />

When a font is embedded, it is used in the report whether or not it exists on the report consumer’s<br />

computer.<br />

Embedded fonts assure consistent appearance, but they increase the size of a report by<br />

approximately 75 to 250 kilobytes. Therefore, if report consumers are likely to have the fonts on<br />

their computers, you should turn embedding off.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a report.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Lightweight PDF Generation box (Display, Report), select Enabled to turn font<br />

embedding off.<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

Notes<br />

• Some fonts are licensed, and therefore cannot be embedded unless you add them to the<br />

Licensed Fonts list. You must have permission from the font vendor to embed licensed fonts.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 59

Chapter 4: Deploy Cubes and Reports<br />

60 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

This chapter describes how to set up drill-through access from a PowerPlay application to other<br />

reports and queries in<br />

• PowerPlay<br />

• Cognos Query<br />

• Impromptu Web Reports<br />

• Impromptu<br />

• Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

General Drill Through Considerations<br />

You can set up and enable drill-through access to cubes or reports from PowerPlay applications,<br />

queries from Cognos Query, reports from Impromptu Web Reports, reports from Impromptu, or<br />

reports from Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8, as depicted in the following table.<br />

To/From<br />

PowerPlay for Windows<br />

and PowerPlay for<br />

Excel<br />

PowerPlay Web<br />

Explorer<br />

PowerPlay Web Viewer<br />

PowerPlay<br />

Report<br />

Cube<br />

Report<br />

(see note)<br />

Cognos Query NA Query Query<br />

Impromptu Web<br />

Reports<br />

NA Report Report<br />

Impromptu Report NA NA<br />

Cognos<br />

ReportNet or<br />

Cognos 8<br />

NA Report Report<br />

When setting up drill-through access, ensure that the target cubes, queries, and reports provide<br />

information related to the report. For example, a report might show revenue for all countries, but<br />

a drill-through cube shows revenue only for Mexico.<br />

The current measure and dimension line of a report are applied to drill-through cubes and queries.<br />

Measures and dimensions that aren't included in a drill-through cube or query can't be applied.<br />

For example, a report is filtered for one product line. If the drill-through cube doesn't have a<br />

Product Line dimension, the filter can't be applied. The drill-through cube shows data for all<br />

product lines.<br />

You must be consistent when naming measures and dimensions. For example, the dimension<br />

Product Line in one report is not recognized as the same dimension as Prod Line in another report.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 61

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

Notes<br />

• You can only drill through from a local source to another local source or from a remote<br />

source (registered on PowerPlay Enterprise Server) to another remote source. For example,<br />

you cannot drill through to a PowerPlay Report (.ppr) from a server-only application such as<br />

PowerPlay Web. Instead, you should drill through to a PowerPlay Portable Report (.ppx) or a<br />

cube (.mdc).<br />

• If users attempt to drill through to a target that is located on a different computer, they may<br />

receive a Cognos Application Firewall rejection message. This is because Cognos Application<br />

Firewall validates URL parameters based on entries in the cern.csx file and the Valid Domain<br />

List in Configuration Manager.<br />

To avoid this situation, add the fully-qualified domain names for the drill-through targets to<br />

the Valid Domain List in Configuration Manager. For more information, see the<br />

Configuration Manager User Guide.<br />

For information about Cognos Application Firewall error messages, see the Cognos<br />

Application Firewall Secure Deployment Guide.<br />

Set Up Drill-through Targets in Transformer<br />

Before users can drill through to other sources of information, the cube that you want to drill<br />

from must contain an embedded list of drill-through targets. This is done in Transformer for<br />

PowerCubes.<br />

Note: To add definitions of drill-through targets to a third party OLAP source, you can use<br />

PowerPlay Connect. For more information, see the PowerPlay Connect Help.<br />

PowerPlay drill-through targets are<br />

• .mdc files (other cubes)<br />

• .ppx files (PowerPlay Portable Reports)<br />

• .ppr files (PowerPlay Reports)<br />

• .iqd files (for Cognos Query)<br />

• .imr files (Impromptu or Impromptu Web Reports)<br />

• .crr files (for Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8)<br />

If you want drill-through access to be available for all measures in a cube, you define the<br />

drill-through targets in the PowerCube property sheet. If you want drill-through access to be<br />

available for selected measures, you define the drill-through targets in the Measures property sheet<br />

of the specific measure.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Start Transformer and open the model that defines the PowerCube from which you want to<br />

drill through.<br />

2. Do one of the following:<br />

• Open the Measures property sheet for the measure you want to provide drill-through<br />

access on.<br />

• Open the PowerCube property sheet for the cube you want to drill from.<br />

3. In the Drill Through tab, select the Allow Drill Through for this Measure or the Allow Drill<br />

Through for this PowerCube check box.<br />

4. Click the Add button and locate the target file.<br />

Note: For Cognos Query, the .iqd files are stored in a hierarchical folder structure within the<br />

iqdfiles folder on the computer where the Cognos Query server is installed.<br />

Note: For Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8, select ReportNet Report (*.crr), and type the<br />

correct name for the report.<br />

Tip: This is the report name in Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8. There is no file with this<br />

name on your computer.<br />

When you choose a report, it is added to the Custom Reports list.<br />

62 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

5. Highlight the newly added report, then in the Report Description box, type a description for<br />

each drill-through target.<br />

This description is used in the menu of available drill-through targets in the PowerPlay client<br />

application.<br />

6. Click OK.<br />

7. From the Run menu, click Update PowerCubes.<br />

This writes the drill-through targets to the cube without actually reprocessing the cube.<br />

Notes<br />

• When setting up a cube as a drill-through target in Transformer, you specify a path to the<br />

.mdc file. This is valid for local cubes, however, for cubes deployed to PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

Server, paths are irrelevant. Instead, the server interprets the file name as the name of a cube<br />

added to the root folder, that is, at the server level. For example, the following drill-through<br />

path is entered in Transformer:<br />

c:\cubes\exports_feb.mdc<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server identifies the target as a cube by its .mdc extension, and searches<br />

for a cube with the exact name; for example, exports_feb. If found, it drills through to the<br />

cube.<br />

• When setting up cube to cube drill-through targets, ensure that the category codes match<br />

across the models that you use to create PowerCubes. When passing filter information during<br />

the drill-through operation, PowerPlay relies on matching category codes to filter the target<br />

cube based on the dimension line settings in the source cube. This is only an issue if the source<br />

and target cubes are based on different models. If the source and target cubes are both built<br />

from the same Transformer model, category names match automatically.<br />

• When setting up drill through to Cognos Query, if the cube is created from .iqd files other<br />

than those used for the drill through, or from another type of source data file (ASCII or<br />

Impromptu .iqd file, for example), you must ensure that the PowerCube column names<br />

exactly match the Cognos Query column names, including case. If the names do not match,<br />

then the filter that is applied in PowerPlay Web will not be recognized by Cognos Query. You<br />

can solve this potential problem in the following ways:<br />

• Change the query column names to match the column names in your Transformer model.<br />

This is the recommended approach whenever possible.<br />

• Edit the Column Names section of the .iqd file to map PowerPlay column names onto<br />

Cognos Query column names. This is recommended only if the above option is not<br />

possible.<br />

• Change the Transformer query column names to match the column names in Cognos<br />

Query. This is not recommended in most cases, as it can cause problems in existing<br />

models.<br />

Tips<br />

• When setting up drill through to Impromptu or Impromptu Web Reports, you use .imr files as<br />

drill-through targets. If you use an .iqd file as a data source for your Transformer model, the<br />

associated .imr file (if one exists) is automatically listed as an available drill-through target.<br />

Drill Through to Third Party OLAP Sources<br />

You can set up drill through from PowerPlay to a range of drill targets when connected to a third<br />

party OLAP source such as Hyperion Essbase. You can add definitions of drill-through targets in<br />

the connection information when you use PowerPlay Connect to connect to a third party OLAP<br />

source. You can use a PowerPlay report, or Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 report as a<br />

drill-through target. For more information, see the PowerPlay Connect Help.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 63

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

Drill Through from Cube to Cube<br />

You can set up drill-through access from one cube to another within the same environment<br />

(Windows or Web). When users drill through a report, a menu of drill-through targets appears.<br />

Users select a cube from this menu. This is useful in the following cases:<br />

• You create a summary cube based on a consolidated data source, and drill-through cubes with<br />

detailed data sources. You then set up drill through from the summary cube to the various<br />

detailed cubes.<br />

• You want to drill across from one set of cubes to another.<br />

To set up drill through in any PowerPlay client from one cube to another, you must perform the<br />

following tasks:<br />

• In Transformer, specify the drill-through targets (.mdc or .ppr files) for your measures or<br />

PowerCubes. You must then update all affected cubes (p. 62).<br />

Note: For remote cubes, that is, cubes accessible from PowerPlay Enterprise Server, the target<br />

cube is identified by the name of the cube rather than the full path entered in Transformer. For<br />

example, if the target cube entered in Transformer is c:\cubes\outdoors.mdc, the cube must be<br />

named outdoors in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

• In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, enable drill through as required for each<br />

cube.<br />

Notes<br />

• You cannot drill through to PowerPlay report files (.ppr) from the Web.<br />

Enable Drill Through to Cubes<br />

After you set up drill through in Transformer, you can enable drill through in PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise - Server Administration. For PowerPlay cubes, you specify the computer where the<br />

cubes you want to drill through to are located.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select a cube, report or folder.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the PowerPlay cubes box (Drill Through), select Enable.<br />

4. In the PowerPlay Windows Target box, enter either the name of the server group that contains<br />

the cube you want to provide drill-through access to, or the server name:port number for the<br />

computer on which the cube resides.<br />

5. In the PowerPlay Web Target box, enter the URL of the PowerPlay Web gateway program.<br />

For example, type http://server name/cognos/cgi-bin/ppdscgi.exe .<br />

Tip: You can also specify a PowerPlay Server group name in this field, such as PowerPlay<br />

Server Group 1. PowerPlay Enterprise Server resolves the location of the ppdscgi.exe file from<br />

the Server Group definition in the configuration file.<br />

Tips<br />

• To test the drill through as it would work on the Web, after the cube is added in PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise - Server Administration click Open with Browser on the Tools menu. Then drill<br />

through by clicking the Drill Through button and selecting the target cube.<br />

Set Up Drill-through Access to a Target in a NewsBox<br />

You can enable users to drill through from PowerPlay to targets that are not in the root server<br />

folder. Cube definitions can reference drill-through targets contained in an Upfront NewsBox<br />

hierarchy. After drill-through access in set up in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, a<br />

user can drill through to the target in an Upfront NewsBox.<br />

64 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

Steps to Set up Drill-through Access<br />

1. In Upfront, create a NewsBox using the name specified in the drill-through definitions for the<br />

source cube.<br />

For information about creating NewsBoxes, see the Cognos Web Portal User Guide.<br />

2. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a server.<br />

3. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and click the Folder Settings tab.<br />

4. If you are drilling through to a report, in the Upfront NewsBox for Reports box, type the<br />

name of the NewsBox containing the report, preceded by two slashes (//).<br />

Tip: You must specify NewsBox as<br />

• a fully qualified path from the root directory, such as //NewsIndex/Finance/Reports.<br />

• the path below the root directory, such as Finance/Reports or /Finance/Reports. This is<br />

equivalent to //NewsIndex/Finance/Reports.<br />

• // equivalent to the root directory, such as //NewsIndex.<br />

5. If you are drilling through to a cube, in the Upfront NewsBox for Cubes box, type the name<br />

of the NewsBox containing the cube.<br />

6. Click the Cube Settings tab.<br />

7. In the PowerPlay Cubes box, under Drill Through, click Enabled.<br />

8. In the PowerPlay Web Target box, under Drill Through, type the URL of the PowerPlay<br />

server.<br />

9. In the PowerPlay Web Drill Through NewsBox box, type the name of the NewsBox<br />

containing the cube or report.<br />

10. Click Apply.<br />

11. Add the source cube to PowerPlay Enterprise Server:<br />

• From the Insert menu, click Cube.<br />

• In the Name box, type a name for the cube or report.<br />

• In the Cube Source box, click the ellipsis (...) button.<br />

• Select an .mdc file with a drill-through target that includes the name of the NewsBox and<br />

click OK.<br />

Tip: You define drill-through targets using Transformer when you build a cube. For more<br />

information, see Step-by-Step Transformer. For information about defining drill-through<br />

targets in third party OLAP sources, see the PowerPlay Connect Help.<br />

12. Publish the target cubes to Upfront:<br />

• Click one or more cubes that you want to use as drill-through targets.<br />

Tip: Drill-through targets are case-sensitive. For drill-through access to work, the names<br />

of the target cubes must match the case of the names specified in the drill-through<br />

definition in the source cube.<br />

• From the Tools menu, click Publish to Portal.<br />

A message tells you that the items were successfully published to Upfront.<br />

Drill Through to Cognos Query<br />

To set up drill through from PowerPlay Web to a Cognos Query report, you must perform the<br />

following tasks:<br />

• In Cognos Query, save the query you want to drill through to as an .iqd file.<br />

• In Transformer, specify the drill-through targets (.iqd files) for your measures or PowerCubes.<br />

You must then update all affected cubes (p. 62).<br />

• In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, enable drill through and specify the required<br />

URL to start Cognos Query.<br />

Notes<br />

• When a drill through is executed, it passes the current dimension line settings as filter<br />

parameters. If the .iqd file cannot apply these filters, due to incorrect column labeling, the drill<br />

through may return unexpected results.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 65

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

• For a drill-through request to execute properly, a copy of the .iqd file must be replicated on<br />

the target Cognos Query server. The path must be the same relative to the folder in which<br />

Cognos Query is installed on the target server.<br />

• When performing a drill through, only the current dimension line settings are passed as filter<br />

parameters to the drill-through target. Unlike PowerPlay client, where the active cell is also<br />

passed with the dimension line setting, PowerPlay Web does not identify an active cell.<br />

Design Queries as Drill-through Targets<br />

The design criteria for a drill-through query are different from a cube creation query in the<br />

following ways:<br />

• Drill-through queries typically include many non-additive text properties that you would not<br />

include in a Transformer source query, such as Addresses and Phone Numbers. These columns<br />

are the objective of drilling through.<br />

• Drill-through queries should include links to other entities for further exploration. There is no<br />

reason to include links in .iqd files that you intend to use only for cube creation (not as<br />

drill-through queries).<br />

• Queries used as drill-through targets must be saved in a folder that all the drill-through users<br />

have access to.<br />

• Queries used as drill-through targets should contain the attributes used to define levels in the<br />

cube. Cognos Query can only filter on attributes included in the query.<br />

Save a Drill-through Target in Cognos Query<br />

PowerPlay Web requires an .iqd file to drill through to Cognos Query. To create the .iqd file, you<br />

must enable drill through for the report in Cognos Query and re-publish the report to Upfront.<br />

The .iqd file will be created.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In your Web browser, open or create a Cognos Query report to which you want to drill<br />

through.<br />

2. On the Cognos Query toolbar, click the Design button.<br />

3. On the Advanced tab, click Properties.<br />

4. Select the Enable Drill-Through Access check box.<br />

5. Click the Run Query button.<br />

6. On the Cognos Query toolbar, click the Save As button.<br />

7. Follow the steps in the NewsItem wizard, and click Finish.<br />

The Cognos Query report reappears in your Web browser and the .iqd file is created on the<br />

computer where the Cognos Query server is installed.<br />

Note: After you create the .iqd file, you must use Transformer to specify the drill-through<br />

targets (.iqd files) for your measures or PowerCubes and update the cubes that you want to<br />

drill from (p. 62).<br />

Notes<br />

• Ensure that you use Cognos Query to create your .iqd files for drill through from PowerPlay<br />

Web to Cognos Query. Do not use .iqd files from Impromptu.<br />

Enable Drill Through to Cognos Query<br />

After you set up your .iqd drill-through targets and update your cubes, you can enable drill<br />

through in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a cube, report, or folder.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Cognos Query box, click Enable.<br />

66 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

4. In the Cognos Query Server box, select the URL for the Cognos Query gateway, such as<br />

http://servername/cognos/cgi-bin/cqcgi.exe<br />

Tip: You can also specify a Cognos Query Server group name in this field, such as Cognos<br />

Query Server Group 1. PowerPlay Enterprise Server resolves the location of the Cognos<br />

Query gateway from the Server Group definition in the configuration file.<br />

5. To test that the drill through works, click Open with Browser on the Tools menu. Then drill<br />

through by clicking Drill Through and selecting the target report.<br />

Drill through to Cognos Query is now enabled.<br />

Drill Through to Impromptu Web Reports<br />

To set up drill through from PowerPlay Web to Impromptu Web Reports, you must perform the<br />

following tasks:<br />

• In Transformer, specify the drill-through targets (.imr files) for your measures or PowerCubes.<br />

You must then update all affected cubes (p. 62).<br />

• In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, enable drill through for each cube.<br />

Notes<br />

• Impromptu Web Reports requires users to log in to view a report. If your cubes use security,<br />

you can use the same authentication source if you want users to access Impromptu Web<br />

Reports without being prompted for a user ID and password.<br />

Impromptu Web Reports uses Access Manager to administer users and user class security, and<br />

a directory server to store the authentication information. If you have installed a ticket<br />

service, Web users will be prompted once per session for a user ID and password. If your cube<br />

is using the same authentication source, then users will not be prompted when drilling from<br />

the cube to an Impromptu Web Reports report.<br />

• Users need execute privileges for the drill-through target report to drill through to it from the<br />

PowerPlay cube or report. For more information about setting up drill-through reports, see<br />

the Cognos Web Portal User Guide.<br />

• If you design a cube based on an Impromptu query definition file (.iqd), the Impromptu report<br />

file (.imr) associated with the .iqd file is automatically added as a drill through target in<br />

Transformer. After you enable drill through to Impromptu Web Reports, the .imr file will also<br />

show up as a drill-through target.<br />

Enable Drill Through to Impromptu Web Reports<br />

After you set up your .imr drill-through targets, configure authentication, and update your cubes,<br />

you can enable drill through in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a cube, report, or folder.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Impromptu Web Reports box (Drill Through), click Enable.<br />

4. In the Impromptu Web Reports server box, select the URL of the Imrap.cgi file.<br />

For example, type http://server name/cognos/cgi-bin/imrap.cgi .<br />

Tip: You can also specify an IWR Server group name in this field, such as IWR Server Group<br />

1. PowerPlay Enterprise Server resolves the location of the Impromptu Web Reports gateway<br />

file from the Server Group definition in the configuration file.<br />

5. In the Impromptu Web Reports Drill Through Folder box, enter the name of the Upfront<br />

folder where the drill-through report is located.<br />

This folder name must match a top-level report folder in Upfront.<br />

Note: In Impromptu Web Reports, you can set up only one folder to contain drill-through<br />

targets for your PowerPlay Web cubes. However, more than one cube can drill through to this<br />

folder.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 67

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

6. To test that the drill through links work, click Open with Browser on the Tools menu. Then<br />

drill through by clicking Drill Through and selecting the target report.<br />

Drill Through to Impromptu<br />

To set up drill through from PowerPlay for Windows to Impromptu, you must perform the<br />

following tasks:<br />

• In Impromptu, save the query you want to drill through to as an .imr file.<br />

• In Transformer, specify the drill-through targets (.imr files) for your measures or PowerCubes.<br />

You must then update all affected cubes (p. 62).<br />

Notes<br />

• When a drill through is executed, it passes the current dimension line settings as filter<br />

parameters. If the .iqd file cannot apply these filters, due to incorrect column labeling, the drill<br />

through may return unexpected results (p. 66).<br />

Drill Through to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

To set up drill through from PowerPlay Web to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8, you must<br />

perform the following tasks:<br />

• Specify the drill-through targets (.crr)<br />

• In Transformer for your measures or PowerCubes<br />

• In PowerPlay Connect for other OLAP sources<br />

• Update all affected cubes (p. 62).<br />

• Create a folder for target reports in Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8.<br />

• Set the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 environment (p. 69).<br />

• Select the filters for the target report (p. 69).<br />

• Create the target report (p. 70).<br />

• Disable Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 Assistance (p. 70).<br />

Notes<br />

• Cognos ReportNet and Cognos 8 requires users to log in to view a report. If your cubes use<br />

security, you must use the same authentication source for both Cognos <strong>Series</strong> 7, and Cognos<br />

ReportNet or Cognos 8, if you want users to access Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 without<br />

being prompted for a user ID and password.<br />

Cognos ReportNet and Cognos 8 uses Access Manager to administer users and user class<br />

security, and a directory server to store the authentication information. If you have installed a<br />

ticket service, Web users will be prompted once per session for a user ID and password. If<br />

your cube is using the same authentication source as Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8, then<br />

users will not be prompted when drilling from the cube to a Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

report.<br />

If the computers running PowerPlay Enterprise Server and Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

are located in different domains, users will be prompted for a user ID and password when<br />

drilling from the cube to a Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 report.<br />

• Users need execute privileges for the drill-through target report to drill through to it from the<br />

PowerPlay cube or report. For more information about setting up drill-through reports, see<br />

the Cognos Web Portal User Guide.<br />

Create a Folder for Target Reports<br />

To enable drill through to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 for your users, you must create a folder<br />

in Cognos Connection to contain the target reports.<br />

68 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

Steps<br />

1. In Cognos Connection, click Public Folders or My Folders.<br />

2. Click New Folder.<br />

3. In the Name box, type a name for the folder and click Finish.<br />

4. Click Set Properties for the folder you created.<br />

5. Click View the Search Path and then select the search path of the folder.<br />

Note: You will need the exact search path of the target reports folder when you enable the<br />

cube for drill through to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8. The format for the search path<br />

includes the report name and is:<br />

/content/package[@name=’Go Sales and Retailers’]/folder[@name=’Report Studio Report<br />

Samples’]/report[@name=’Global Sales (1)’].<br />

You will need to select only the section of the path that relates to the folder and exclude the<br />

report name specification. For example, in the above path, you will want to select only:<br />

/content/package[@name=’Go Sales and Retailers’]/folder[@name=’Report Studio Report<br />

Samples’]<br />

6. Click CTRL+C to copy the path to the clipboard, and click Close.<br />

Set the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 Environment<br />

To enable drill through to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8, you must specify the server location<br />

and a folder location for Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a cube.<br />

Note: You must set up drill through for this cube before you can enable it in PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise - Server Administration (p. 62).<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Cube Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 box (Drill Through), click Enable.<br />

4. In the Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 server box, select appropriate gateway type.<br />

For example, type http://server name/crn/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi.<br />

5. In the Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 folder box, click CTRL+V to paste the Cognos<br />

Connection folder search path from the clipboard.<br />

This is the folder name that you copied to the clipboard when you created the target folder<br />

(p. 68).<br />

Note: In Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8, you can set up only one folder to contain<br />

drill-through targets for your PowerPlay Web cubes. However, more than one cube can drill<br />

through to this folder.<br />

6. In the Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Assistance box, click Enable.<br />

This enables the Assist Drill Through page, to help you set up drill through in the cube.<br />

7. Click Apply and then click OK.<br />

Select Filters for the Target Report<br />

When you enable Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Assistance in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration, clicking Drill Through on your cube opens the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8<br />

Assist Drill Through page. Use this page to identify the parameters that are defined for the drill<br />

through report.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click the cube to select it.<br />

2. Click Open with Browser on the Tools menu.<br />

The cube opens in PowerPlay Web Explorer.<br />

3. Navigate the dimensions in your cube until you have created the desired filtered view for drill<br />

through.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 69

Chapter 5: Provide Drill-through Access<br />

Note: This creates the drill through filter expressions that you will need for creating the<br />

Cognos ReportNet target report.<br />

4. Click the Drill Through button on the toolbar.<br />

The Assist Drill Through page appears. The PowerPlay cube metadata section lists the items<br />

available for drill through, and the filter expressions section lists the parameterized equivalent<br />

that you will build into the target report.<br />

5. Copy the first item you require from the filter expression section to the clipboard, using<br />

CTRL+C.<br />

6. Leave the Assist Drill Through page open as you create the target report.<br />

Create the Target Report<br />

In Cognos Report Studio, you create the target report to which this cube will drill through.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Open Cognos Report Studio and click New.<br />

2. Create a new report by adding query items and any other objects.<br />

3. From the Data menu, click Filters.<br />

4. Click the Add button, and in the Tabular Model Filter dialog box, create the parameterized<br />

filter in the Expression Definition box.<br />

Tip: Use CTRL+V to paste the filter expression you copied to the clipboard when you selected<br />

filters for the target report. Return to the Assist Drill Through page and copy the<br />

corresponding Parameter values entry.<br />

For example, if the value of the filter expression in the Assist Drill Through page is<br />

[Country]=?Country? and the corresponding Parameter values entry is United States, you will<br />

copy and paste the values into the Expression Definition box to get [Country]=?United States?<br />

5. Click OK.<br />

6. In the Usage box, click Optional.<br />

Tip: If you do not make the filter optional, a prompt page will appear each time a user drills<br />

through to the report. You may find it useful to leave the usage set to Required permanently,<br />

to ensure that users do not retrieve large datasets, or to Disabled temporarily, during the<br />

development of the report.<br />

7. Click Save to save the report.<br />

Note: The report name and case format (uppercase, lowercase or mixed case) must match the<br />

target report name that you built into your model in Transformer (or in PowerPlay Connect<br />

for other OLAP servers). For more information, see "Set Up Drill-through Targets in<br />

Transformer" (p. 62).<br />

For more information about creating reports and filters, see the Cognos Report Studio User<br />

Guide.<br />

Disable Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 Drill Through Assistance<br />

After you have created your target reports, tested the drill through functionality, and before<br />

deployment to production users, you will need to disable the Assist Drill Through page. By<br />

disabling the Assist Drill Through page, users drill through directly to the target reports.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click the cube.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties.<br />

3. In the Settings tab, expand the Drill Through folder.<br />

4. In the Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Assistance box, click Disabled.<br />

5. Click OK.<br />

70 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />

Use auditing to assess server, cube, and report activity and system performance of PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise servers. This information helps you make decisions both before and after you deploy<br />

cubes and reports to the Web, that can improve system performance.<br />

For example, if you know that only half of the 20 cubes published to your PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

server are accessed by users, you can stop publishing and maintaining the unused cubes.<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server auditing gathers data into text files. You can use the<br />

PPESAuditFileProcessor Utility (p. 73) to load the auditing details into a database.<br />

For auditing information to be logged, it must be enabled at both the server and cube or report<br />

levels. You can audit at the summary or detail level. The following table lists what is logged for<br />

each combination of settings.<br />

Cubes and<br />

Reports<br />

Servers<br />

None Summary Detail<br />

None<br />

Nothing<br />

logged.<br />

Server startup and<br />

shutdown messages.<br />

Details on requests made to<br />

the server from PowerPlay<br />

Web and by PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration.<br />

Summary<br />

Nothing<br />

logged.<br />

Server startup and<br />

shutdown messages.<br />

Server requests made to<br />

cubes and reports from all<br />

PowerPlay clients.<br />

Details on requests made to<br />

the server from PowerPlay<br />

Web and by PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration.<br />

Requests made to cubes<br />

and reports.<br />

Detail<br />

Nothing<br />

logged.<br />

Server startup and<br />

shutdown messages.<br />

Measures and dimensions<br />

accessed from PowerPlay<br />

Web.<br />

Details on requests made to<br />

the server from PowerPlay<br />

Web and by PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration.<br />

Associations between user<br />

requests and logged<br />

activities.<br />

Measures and dimensions<br />

accessed.<br />

Follow this process to set up auditing:<br />

❑ Enable auditing.<br />

❑ Set up an audit database using one of the following methods:<br />

• by restoring the Microsoft SQL Server sample database if you want to run the reports on<br />

the sample data.<br />

Note: To restore the sample database, you must install the samples. The samples are<br />

included with the default installation.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 71

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />

❑<br />

❑<br />

❑<br />

❑<br />

• using the scripts installed with PowerPlay Enterprise Server to create a relational<br />

database, such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server if you want to run the reports on data<br />

collected by the PPESAuditFileProcessor command line utility (p. 73).<br />

Set up a connection to the audit database.<br />

Run the PPESAuditFileProcessor command line utility to transfer audit data from text files to<br />

an audit database.<br />

Use the sample Impromptu catalog to query the audit database.<br />

Use the sample reports to assess cube, report and system activity.<br />

Enable Auditing<br />

In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, you can enable auditing for servers, cubes and<br />

reports. You can control the location where the log files are saved, and the maximum size of the<br />

log file.<br />

When you enable auditing in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, activity information is<br />

continuously recorded in the ppes_audit.log file. By default, log files are created in the<br />

installation_location\ppserver\audit directory. A new log file is opened each time the server is<br />

started, or when the size of the log file exceeds the maximum file size setting. The previous file is<br />

renamed ppes_auditxxx.log, where xxx is an incremental number representing the generation of<br />

the audit log.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, select one of the following:<br />

• A server, to enable server auditing.<br />

• A cube or report, to enable cube or report auditing.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Auditing Level box (Options), select Summary or Detail.<br />

4. Optionally, change the default values for the Maximum size of each file in kilobytes (kB) and<br />

Location for audit files settings.<br />

5. Click OK.<br />

Set Up an Audit Database<br />

You can set up an audit database two ways:<br />

• restore the sample backup SQL Server database from the file PPESBackup<br />

Use this method if you want to run the sample Impromptu reports or view the Transformer<br />

cube that is installed with PowerPlay Web.<br />

• run the following database table creation (DDL) scripts available in the installation<br />

location\cern\samples\ppwb\audit\scripts folder<br />

dbl_udb.sql<br />

mssql.sql<br />

oracle.sql<br />

Use this method if you want to populate the database with real data from PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server audit logs.<br />

Restore the Sample Backup Database<br />

You can restore a sample backup SQL Server database for PowerPlay Enterprise Server if you<br />

want to run reports on the sample data.<br />

To restore the sample database, you must install the samples.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Open Microsoft SQL Server.<br />

72 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />

2. Right-click Databases.<br />

3. Click All Tasks.<br />

4. Click Restore Database.<br />

5. Enter a name in the Restore as Database box.<br />

6. Click From Device as the Restore option.<br />

7. Click Select Devices.<br />

8. Click Add.<br />

9. In the Filename box, click the browse button, navigate to installation<br />

location\cern\samples\ppwb\audit and click PPESBackup<br />

10. Click OK.<br />

The sample PPES audit database is restored.<br />

Set Up a Connection String to the Audit Database<br />

Before you set up a connection to the audit database, ensure that you configure a namespace. For<br />

more information about namespaces, see the Configuration Manager User Guide.<br />

You set up a data source name in Access Manager Administration to record the connection string<br />

to the audit database.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Start Access Manager - Administration.<br />

2. Log on to the namespace.<br />

3. In the Authentication Information pane, right-click the Data Sources folder and select Add<br />

Database.<br />

4. In the Name box, type a name for the data source.<br />

5. On the Connection tab, select a database type from the DatabaseType drop-down list.<br />

6. Click Edit, and then enter or verify database definition settings.<br />

The database connection string appears in the Connection String box.<br />

Record all the text in the connection string after the equal sign (=) so you can enter it,<br />

enclosed in double quotes ("), when you run the PPESAuditFileProcessor utility. For example,<br />

enclose the following text in double quotes when you specify the -dbconnect argument<br />

(p. 74):<br />

^UserID:^ ?Password:;LOCAL;OR;ORACLE@%s@cyborg/%s<br />

7. Click Test to verify that the connection string is valid.<br />

8. When prompted, type a userid and password with read/write access to the database.<br />

9. Click Apply, and then close Access Manager - Administration.<br />

PPESAuditFileProcessor Utility<br />

Description<br />

Run the PPESAuditFileProcessor command line utility to process instances of audit log files<br />

generated by PowerPlay Enterprise Server and upload the information to a database.<br />

Discussion<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server can generate audit log files for servers, cubes, or reports. You specify<br />

one of the following auditing levels: None, Summary, or Detail. If the file ppes_audit.log exists, it<br />

is renamed to ppes_audit.logn when the dispatcher starts. Otherwise, a new ppes_audit.log file is<br />

created. A separate log file is created for each server.<br />

The PPESAuditFileProcessor processes all instances of ppes_audit.logn into a common database<br />

format, for example, Oracle, MS SQL Server, or DB2.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 73

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />

A typical command line contains the following entries.<br />

Command Line<br />

Argument<br />

-dbname<br />

-dbconnect<br />

-dbuser<br />

-dbpass<br />

-auditlocation<br />

-errorlog<br />

-nbrows<br />

-exitonerror<br />

Description<br />

The database name.<br />

The database connection string that contains the database type and<br />

connection information.<br />

Copy all the text in the connection string after the equal sign (=) from<br />

the Connection Tab in Access Manager - Administration and enclose<br />

it in double quotes. For more information, see "Set Up a Connection<br />

String to the Audit Database" (p. 73)<br />

A database user name with read and write access to the database.<br />

The password for the database user name.<br />

The location of the generated audit log files, usually the installation<br />

location\cern\ppserver folder.<br />

The name of the log file.<br />

The number or rows processed for each transaction.<br />

Stop processing when an error occurs.<br />

Example<br />

In the following example, audit data is transferred to an Oracle data source.<br />

C:\cd Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin<br />

C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin\PPESAuditFileProcessor -dbname<br />

OracleDataSource -dbconnect "^UserID:^<br />

?Password:;LOCAL;OR;ORACLE@%s@cyborg/%s" -dbuser Admin -dbpass AdminPW<br />

-auditlocation C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\ppserver<br />

Use the Sample Audit Reports<br />

Rather than creating an Impromptu catalog from scratch, you can use the sample audit catalog<br />

provided with PowerPlay Enterprise Server to query the audit database. Using the catalog means<br />

that you must have access to a computer that has Impromptu installed on it.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Open Impromptu.<br />

2. From the Catalog menu, click Open.<br />

3. Locate the PPES.cat file and double-click it.<br />

By default, the PPES.cat file is installed in the<br />

installation location\cern\samples\ppwb\audit folder.<br />

4. From the File menu, click Open and go to installation location\cern\samples\ppwb\audit<br />

folder.<br />

5. Select the report that you want to view.<br />

Understand the Sample Audit Reports<br />

The following is a list of the sample reports included with PowerPlay Enterprise Server. You can<br />

run the sample audit reports from the Impromptu client, or you can publish the reports and run<br />

them on the Web.<br />

74 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />

The Dimension Usage, Level Usage, and Measure Usage reports all record usage counts. Usage<br />

counts represent the number of crosstab cells generated by a user’s query. Therefore, a usage count<br />

is only an approximation of the actual usage. We recommend that you segment the range of usage<br />

counts into high, medium, and low categories, as shown in the example reports. This will help you<br />

to differentiate users who generate large queries from users who perform their analysis at a<br />

summary level.<br />

User Information<br />

This report lists the information in the audit database that is most often of interest to<br />

administrators. The report identifies the user, user class, source analyzed, and the number of times<br />

that the source was accessed.<br />

Dimension Usage<br />

This report shows the dimension counts for each dimension per cube. These are broken down by<br />

user.<br />

Use this report to evaluate how particular users view dimension data.<br />

Level Usage<br />

This report shows the level counts for each level per dimension in a cube. These are broken down<br />

by user.<br />

Use this report to evaluate how particular users view level data.<br />

Measure Usage<br />

This report shows the measure counts for each measure in a cube. These are broken down by user.<br />

Use this report to evaluate how particular users view measure data.<br />

Understand the Audit Database<br />

The PowerPlay Enterprise Server audit file processor extracts the auditing information from the<br />

audit files and populates the database with the processed audit information.<br />

The following diagram shows a model of the tables used to persist all audit data and their<br />

relationship to each other.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 75

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />























ACTION<br />









DIM_CODE<br />


DIM_NAME<br />




DIM_CODE (FK)<br />


















FK = Foreign Key<br />

Dispatcher Table<br />

The audit database tables are described in the following sections.<br />

The dispatcher table, named PPES_DISPATCHER, captures the following pieces of information<br />

from the audit log files.<br />

Column name<br />






Description<br />

Text (255). Specifies the dispatcher that created the log.<br />

Integer. Specifies the port that the dispatcher was<br />

listening on.<br />

Date. Specifies the date and time that the server started.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the time zone used for all entries in<br />

the log.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the version of PPES.<br />

76 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />

Column name<br />



Description<br />

Integer. Specifies the log file version.<br />

Integer. Specifies the generated log file number.<br />

Session Table<br />

The session table, named PPES_SESSION, captures the following pieces of information from the<br />

audit log files.<br />

Column name<br />



Description<br />

Text (255). Specifies the session ID.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the user name for the request. User names are<br />

written for web requests and remote requests.<br />

Request Table<br />

The request table, named PPES_REQUEST, captures the following pieces of information from the<br />

audit log files.<br />

Column name<br />





Description<br />

Text (255). Specifies the session ID.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request ID.<br />

Date. Specifies the request start date and time.<br />

Date. Specifies the request end date and time.<br />

REQUEST_STATUS Integer. Specifies the request status. failed = 0;<br />

succeeded = 1<br />



Text (255). Specifies the user class.<br />

Integer. Specifies whether the initial QP<br />

handled the request (1 or 0).<br />

REQUEST_TYPE Integer. Specifies the type of request. web = 0;<br />

remote =1; admin = 2<br />

ACTION<br />






Text (255). Specifies the type of action: GET,<br />

SET, or Publish.<br />

Text (255). Specifies one or more mirrors<br />

available.<br />

Text (255). Specifies message details provided<br />

in the log<br />

Text (255). Specifies the name of the PPES<br />

server.<br />

Integer. Specifies the port of the PPES server.<br />

Date. Specifies the start date and time of the<br />

PPES server.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 77

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />

Administration Source Table<br />

The Administration source table, named PPES_ADMIN_SOURCE, captures the following pieces<br />

of information from the audit log files.<br />

Column name<br />





Description<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request session ID.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request ID of the<br />

request.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the source name.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the source type ((cube,<br />

report, or folder).<br />

User Source Table<br />

The User source table, named PPES_USER_SOURCE, captures the following pieces of<br />

information from the audit log files.<br />

Column name<br />






Description<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request session ID.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request ID of the request.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the source name.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the source type ((cube, report, or<br />

folder).<br />

Text (255). Specifies the source filename.<br />

Dimension Usage Table<br />

The Dimension Usage Table, named PPES_DIM_USAGE, captures the following pieces of<br />

information from the audit log files.<br />

Column name<br />






Description<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request session ID.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request ID of the<br />

request.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the dimension code.<br />

Integer. Specifies the dimension count.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the dimension name.<br />

78 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Level Usage Table<br />

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />

The Level Usage Table, named PPES_LEVEL_USAGE, captures the following pieces of<br />

information from the audit log files.<br />

Column name<br />







Description<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request session ID.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request ID of the<br />

request.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the dimension code.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the level code.<br />

Integer. Specifies the level count.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the level name.<br />

Measure Usage Table<br />

The Measure Usage Table, named PPES_MEASURE_USAGE, captures the following pieces of<br />

information from the audit log files.<br />

Column name<br />






Description<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request session ID.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the request ID of the<br />

request.<br />

Text (255) . Specifies the measure code<br />

Integer. Specifies the measure count.<br />

Text (255). Specifies the measure name.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 79

Chapter 6: Audit Server Activity<br />

80 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

This section contains details about the interface items in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration. It is used as context-sensitive Help by the various dialog boxes, and is provided in<br />

print format as a reference.<br />

Server Properties (General tab)<br />

Server Name<br />

Shows the name of the currently selected PowerPlay server. You can't change this name.<br />

A PowerPlay server is a computer that contains either a dispatcher and query processor or a<br />

dispatcher only. If it contains only a dispatcher, it can only be used as a mirror reference, that is, it<br />

can’t have local data sources.<br />

Port<br />

Shows the port number that the PowerPlay server uses to communicate.<br />

Description<br />

Specifies a description for the PowerPlay server. For example, you can indicate the types of reports<br />

available from this server.<br />

The description appears for users in the Table of Contents beside "You are connected to:". It also<br />

appears in the status line of the PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration window when a<br />

server is selected.<br />

Gateway<br />

Specifies the Server Group name for this server. The Server Group is retrieved from the server<br />

configuration (cern.csx) file upon connection to a computer.<br />

A Server Group contains the URL to the PowerPlay Web gateway program, such as<br />

http://webgate/cognos/cgi-bin/ppdscgi.exe. The Server Group definition also contains a list of<br />

server name and port number combinations that the gateway program can send requests to. The<br />

first server name and port number combination is the primary dispatcher. If this dispatcher fails or<br />

becomes otherwise unavailable, the gateway program sends the request to the next server in the<br />

list.<br />

Server Mirror References<br />

Specifies a mirror reference for all the folders, cubes, and reports on the server. Use, for example,<br />

to set up a 24 x 7 system by reducing the risk of a single point of failure.<br />

Server Properties (Settings tab)<br />

Options<br />

Resource (/ppwb) Location<br />

Specifies the location where temporary files are stored. A directory named Temp must exist in this<br />

location.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 81

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Imported Reports Folder<br />

Specifies the directory, relative to the ppsroot directory, that is used to store reports published by<br />

PowerPlay client applications. If not set, users can’t publish reports.<br />

For information about sharing this location among multiple dispatchers, see the installation guide.<br />

Temporary Files Location<br />

Specifies the directory where the dispatcher and processors create temporary files on an as needed<br />

basis. For security purposes, this directory is not Web aliased.<br />

Temporary Directory Clean-Up Interval (min)<br />

Sets the time interval that the server checks the creation date and time of the files in the temporary<br />

directory location. Files that are older than the time limits set by the Temporary File Deletion<br />

Interval settings (PowerPlay Web Explorer and PowerPlay Web Viewer) are deleted.<br />

Security Dialog Box<br />

Prompts you to secure the server when connecting.<br />

Administrator Email Address<br />

Specifies the email address of the person responsible for responding to user inquiries about<br />

PowerPlay Web.<br />

The email address is displayed as a mailto: link on the Table of Contents page.<br />

Selection of Preferences<br />

Allows users to change the language and locale from the Table of Contents page (Preferences tab)<br />

in their Web browser.<br />

If you set this to Disabled, the Preferences tab is not available in the Table of Contents.<br />

Auditing Level<br />

Specifies the level of auditing for the server. If you enable auditing, PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

records information that may help you analyze and troubleshoot problems. The following<br />

auditing options are available:<br />

Option<br />

None<br />

Summary<br />

Detail<br />

Description<br />

Records no information.<br />

Records server startup and shutdown messages.<br />

Records detail on requests made to the server from PowerPlay Web and<br />

by the Enterprise Server Administration tool<br />

An Auditing Level setting is also available for cubes and reports.<br />

Auditing information is recorded in the file ppes_audit.log.<br />

Fetch Files<br />

Sets the location of the temporary files created by the dispatcher and processors.<br />

The default (setting of 0) places temporary files on your Web server. If set to 1, temporary files are<br />

placed on the PowerPlay dispatcher computer. You can enable or disable Fetch Files in PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise - Server Administration or in the Cognos Configuration Manager.<br />

In some customer deployments, it is important for security reasons to ensure that these temporary<br />

files are located not on the gateway, but behind a firewall where a dispatcher can access them. In<br />

this case, no temp files persist with the gateway.<br />

This topic is covered in more depth in "Managing Temporary Files" (p. 109)<br />

82 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Maximum Restrict Client Connections<br />

Specifies the maximum number of dispatcher threads that can be dedicated to a remote client.<br />

Restrict Connection Idle Timeout (min)<br />

Sets the number of minutes before a dedicated dispatcher thread exits due to a lack of requests<br />

from the remote client.<br />

Table of Contents<br />

Specifies whether users can access the Table of Contents from their Web browsers.<br />

Prompt for User Class<br />

Audit Log Generator<br />

Specifies whether users may be prompted for a user class when they open a cube.<br />

If you set this to Disabled (the default), users are not prompted for a user class. If you set this to<br />

Enabled, users are prompted only if the cube they are opening has been built with two or more<br />

user classes to which they belong.<br />

Silent User Class Switch<br />

Specifies whether users are notified when they switch to a cube that is associated with a different<br />

user class.<br />

If you set this to Disabled (the default), users are notified when they switch to a cube that is<br />

associated with a different user class. If you set this to Enabled, users are not notified when they<br />

switch to a cube that is associated with a different user class.<br />

Dynamic Stylesheet Compile<br />

Specifies that XSL stylesheets used to generate the Enhanced interface and .XLS (Excel) output are<br />

precompiled and stored in memory. This speeds up the response time for these requests. You<br />

should always set this to Enabled, unless you are certain that no one will issue requests to the<br />

Enhanced interface or for Export to XLS.<br />

Fonts Path<br />

Specifies the location of fonts on the local computer.<br />

Maximum size of each file in kilobytes (kB)<br />

Specifies the maximum size of the audit log file before a new file is created. If you restart the<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server, a new audit log file is created even if the maximum file size has not<br />

be reached.<br />

Location for audit files<br />

Specifies the location where audit log files are saved.<br />

PowerPlay Web Explorer<br />

Temporary File Deletion Interval (s)<br />

Sets the maximum amount of time temporary files will persist before they can be deleted. The<br />

server checks for the existence of temporary files with every occurrence of the Temporary<br />

Directory Clean-up Interval setting (Options).<br />

Alerts<br />

Allows users to create an Agent or Notification for a report from their Web browser.<br />

If you set this to Disabled, the Alerts button is not available in PowerPlay Web Explorer.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 83

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

PowerPlay Web Viewer<br />

Publishing<br />

Temporary File Deletion Interval (days)<br />

Sets the maximum amount of time temporary files will persist before they can be deleted. The<br />

server checks for the existence of temporary files with every occurrence of the Temporary<br />

Directory Clean-up Interval setting (Options).<br />

Default Portal<br />

Specifies the portal to which reports are published from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration or PowerPlay Web.<br />

If you set this to Upfront (the default), reports are published to Upfront. If you set this to Cognos<br />

ReportNet/Cognos 8, reports are published to Cognos Connection, the portal to Cognos<br />

ReportNet and Cognos 8.<br />

Note: Reports can be published to only one portal at a time.<br />

Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Gateway URI<br />

Specifies the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 gateway URI. For more information, see the Cognos<br />

ReportNet or Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide.<br />

Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Dispatcher URI<br />

Specifies the Cognos ReportNet and Cognos 8 dispatcher URI. For more information, see the<br />

Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide.<br />

Delete Related Cognos ReportNet and Cognos 8 Objects<br />

Specifies that reports published to Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 and later deleted from the<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server is also deleted from the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 server.<br />

Cube Properties (General tab)<br />

The General tab of the Cube Properties dialog box contains interface items that are not acquired<br />

by descendant cubes.<br />

Name<br />

Specifies a name to uniquely identify the cube.<br />

Description<br />

Specifies a description for the cube. Use to help users in PowerPlay client applications and Upfront<br />

identify the contents.<br />

Cube Source<br />

Specifies the location of the source .mdc file.<br />

The file can be local or remote, however for remote files, you must use a UNC. For example,<br />

\\srv01\cubes\imports.mdc.<br />

For information about UNCs, see the notes under "Add a Cube or Report" (p. 41).<br />

Cube Mirror References<br />

Specifies cubes that can be used as mirror references. Use to allow the processing of the cube to be<br />

handled by other resources.<br />

The mirror reference must have its Sharing setting (Options) enabled.<br />

84 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Parent<br />

Shows the parent folder.<br />

Report Properties (General tab)<br />

The General tab of the Report Properties dialog box contains interface items that are not acquired<br />

by descendant reports.<br />

Name<br />

Specifies a name to uniquely identify the report.<br />

The Print Settings report must exist for Export PDF. You cannot rename this report.<br />

Description<br />

Specifies a description for the report. Use to help users in Upfront identify the contents.<br />

Report Source<br />

Specifies the location of the source .ppx file.<br />

The file can be local or remote, however for remote files, you must use a UNC (Universal Naming<br />

Convention). For example,<br />

//srv01/reports/imports.ppx.<br />

For information about UNCs, see the notes under "Add a Cube or Report" (p. 41).<br />

Report Mirror References<br />

Specifies reports that can be used as mirror references. Use to allow the processing of the report to<br />

be handled by other resources.<br />

The mirror reference must have its Sharing setting (Options) enabled.<br />

Parent<br />

Shows the parent folder.<br />

Folder Properties (General tab)<br />

The General tab of the Folder Properties dialog box contains interface items that are not acquired<br />

by descendant folders.<br />

Name<br />

Specifies a name to uniquely identify the folder.<br />

Once set, the name can’t be changed because it would result in a shortcut.<br />

Description<br />

Specifies a description for the folder.<br />

Folder Source<br />

Specifies a directory containing .mdc or .ppx files.<br />

Folder Mirror References<br />

Specifies folders (or servers) that can be used as mirror references. Use to allow the processing of<br />

all cubes and reports in the selected folder to be handled by other resources.<br />

The mirror reference must have its Sharing setting (Options) enabled.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 85

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Mount At<br />

Specifies the shared location of the Imported_Reports folder. Use to handle processing of<br />

PowerPlay reports in a distributed, multiple-server environment. See "Mount At" (p. 28) for more<br />

information.<br />

Parent<br />

Shows the parent folder.<br />

Folder, Cube, and Report Properties (Settings tab)<br />

Options<br />

The Settings tab contains interface items that can be acquired by descendant cubes, reports, and<br />

folders.<br />

The settings described in the section below pertain to the selected cube or report. When a folder is<br />

selected, the settings pertain to all cubes and reports in the folder.<br />

Reset All<br />

Resets all the settings to those of its parent.<br />

Reset<br />

Restores the selected setting to that of its parent.<br />

Reset Descendants<br />

Applies the current settings to descendant objects of the same type and removes any overrides.<br />

Access Privileges<br />

Specifies whether the cube is made available to Web users (via a browser), Windows users (via<br />

PowerPlay for Windows or PowerPlay for Excel), or both.<br />

Title<br />

Specifies a title that appears at the top of the page. You can also add variables to the title.<br />

HTML Encode User Specified File<br />

Restricts embedded HTML content in the titles of reports that may be published to the Web.<br />

Sharing<br />

Makes the cube, report, or folder available for mirror referencing.<br />

Paper Size<br />

Specifies the default paper size for printing PDF reports.<br />

Page Orientation<br />

Specifies the default orientation for printing PDF reports.<br />

Display frame(s) border<br />

Specifies whether the Display Frame Borders checkbox is available, allowing users to add a border<br />

to their reports.<br />

Page by Page Report Serving<br />

Enables single page serving of multi-page documents rather than serving the entire document. This<br />

is also referred to as byte serving. For large reports, enabling this may improve access time.<br />

86 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

When this server setting is enabled, users can further improve access time by adjusting two settings<br />

in Adobe Acrobat Reader: Allow Background Download of Entire File and Use Page Cache.<br />

Explore in Interactive HTML Format<br />

Specifies whether users can explore PDF reports in interactive HTML format. This option also<br />

affects whether users can open reports in interactive HTML if the report is published to the portal.<br />

Explore in Windows Format<br />

Allows users in Upfront to explore the report in PowerPlay for Windows. Users must have<br />

PowerPlay for Windows installed.<br />

Save as PowerCube<br />

Specifies that PowerPlay for Windows and PowerPlay for Excel users can save the cube as a<br />

subcube.<br />

If this option is enabled, users who have PowerPlay Personal Server installed can connect to the<br />

remote cube and save portions of it as a subcube, i.e. a local PowerCube (.mdc file) on their local<br />

drives. This allows them to disconnect from the PowerPlay Enterprise Server and access the<br />

subcube on their notebook computer, for example. Later, they can re-synchronize to the remote<br />

server cube.<br />

This option has no effect on third-party cubes, such as Essbase. Only PowerCubes created with<br />

PowerPlay Transformer can be saved as subcubes.<br />

Get Data<br />

Allows users to explore a report without showing data in a crosstab display. When this is enabled,<br />

the user will be able to select Get Data Later from the Options menu and Get Data from within<br />

the display.<br />

Auditing Level<br />

Specifies the level of auditing for the cube or report. If you enable auditing, PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

Server records information that may help you analyze and troubleshoot problems. The following<br />

auditing options are available:<br />

Option<br />

None<br />

Summary<br />

Detail<br />

Description<br />

Records no information.<br />

Records requests made to cubes or reports.<br />

Records statistics on the measures, dimensions, and levels of a cube that<br />

are accessed by PowerPlay Web. This allows you to determine which<br />

areas of a cube are used more or less frequently, and may help you to<br />

develop a strategy for creating more efficient cubes.<br />

An Auditing Level setting is also available for the server.<br />

Auditing information is recorded in the file ppes_audit.log.<br />

Queued Request Timeout<br />

Sets the length of time, in seconds, that cube or report requests will remain queued. If these<br />

requests are not processed within the set time, users will receive a message asking them to try<br />

again.<br />

Explain Drill Links<br />

Specifies whether reports run from either Upfront or the Table of Contents directly to the PDF will<br />

contain Explain drill links on the row or column labels.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 87

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Process Control<br />

Dimension Line in CSV Export<br />

Specifies whether the dimension line information is included when a user exports a Comma<br />

Separated Value file (.csv) from the Web.<br />

Secure Temp Files<br />

Specifies that temporary files are encrypted.<br />

Connection Timeout (min)<br />

Sets the number of minutes a user's connection to cubes remains active between Client/server<br />

requests. This timeout is particularly important for connections to Access Manager-protected<br />

cubes. When the connection times out, the user must re-enter the authentication information to<br />

continue browsing the cube.<br />

Connection Timeout does not apply to connections to the server via PowerPlay for Windows<br />

because of the Common Logon Server.<br />

This setting may be shorter than that configured in the Access Manager Server.<br />

Minimum Processes<br />

Sets the minimum number of processes that remain running once they open.<br />

Maximum Processes<br />

Sets the maximum number of processes that can be open at the same time.<br />

Report Timeout<br />

Sets the maximum length of time that the report processor keeps a document open.<br />

Request Timeout (s)<br />

Sets the maximum length of time that the server spends processing requests. If the requests are not<br />

processed within the set time, users receive a message asking them to try again.<br />

Idle Process Timeout (min)<br />

Sets the number of minutes a process remains active between requests. When a process times out,<br />

the memory it used becomes available to the server.<br />

The Minimum Processes setting prevents all of the processes from shutting down.<br />

Recycle Time (min)<br />

Specifies the maximum amount of time a ppdesweb or pprp process is allowed to run before being<br />

retired. You can lower the default value if these processes consume too many resources.<br />

The default value is 1440 (24 hours). To disable the recycle time setting, set the value to 0 (zero).<br />

Scheduling Threshold<br />

Sets the queuing algorithm that decides to which server process the dispatcher will pass an<br />

incoming Client request.<br />

For each cube, you configure a maximum number of processes in PowerPlay Enterprise Server.<br />

Each of these processes can handle one request at a time. If more requests are received from<br />

PowerPlay Windows applications than there are processes, queuing occurs. PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

Server maintains one queue for each server process. The dispatcher then routes incoming requests<br />

to a server process based on the Scheduling Threshold parameter.<br />

There are three algorithms to control the routing of incoming requests:<br />

• A value of 10 means each request is submitted to the next server process in a round-robin<br />

fashion, regardless of the length of the current queue.<br />

88 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

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If most incoming requests are similar in duration, choose this algorithm to minimize time and<br />

CPU cycles.<br />

• A value of 0 means each request is submitted to the process with the shortest queue.<br />

If incoming requests vary in duration, choose this algorithm for better performance.<br />

• A value from 1 to 9 means each request is submitted to the process with the best queuing<br />

percentage.<br />

This algorithm polls each server process to determine the processing time taken for the current<br />

request and the amount of time queued requests have been waiting. The queuing percentage is<br />

calculated as wait time/process time for the current request, expressed as a percentage. The<br />

incoming request is then directed to the first process whose queuing percentage is less than 10<br />

times the threshold value. For example, a scheduling threshold value of 5 means that the<br />

request is passed to the first process whose queuing percentage is less than 50%.<br />

Under heavy load conditions, this algorithm is the most effective. It reduces wait time, but at<br />

the cost of lower overall throughput. To use this algorithm effectively, decrease its value to<br />

reduce the number of processes polled before one is selected.<br />

Local Process Threshold<br />

Sets the threshold at which requests are queued to be processed locally rather than forwarded to a<br />

mirror reference.<br />

When both a source and a mirror reference exist for a cube or report, the server chooses local<br />

(source) processing. If no local processes are available, requests can be queued up to the threshold<br />

set (provided the Maximum Processes limit has been reached).<br />

The default setting of 0 means requests are never queued. They are immediately forwarded to the<br />

mirror reference.<br />

Read Cache Size (mb)<br />

Sets the amount of disc space used for the read cache for the cube. If your system has sufficient<br />

resources, increasing the read cache size may improve performance.<br />

The default value is 0, which sets the read cache size to use the default server settings. The default<br />

server settings are 8mb for Windows, and 16mb for UNIX.<br />

Publishing<br />

Publish to a Table of Contents<br />

Lists the cube or report for Web users in the Table of Contents.<br />

By default, all data is published. You may want to prevent some cubes or reports from being listed<br />

in the Table of Contents. For example, some cubes can be made available only for drill-through<br />

access from another cube, or, some reports may be added for testing purposes.<br />

Note: You can also disable the entire Table of Contents (p. 53).<br />

Publish to Portal<br />

Lists the cube or report for Web users in the portal (Upfront or Cognos Connection).<br />

Upfront Server Group<br />

Specifies the name of the Upfront server group (Upfront Server Group by default). The name is<br />

retrieved from the server configuration file when you connect to a server in the PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise - Server Administration tool.<br />

The Upfront Server group specifies a URL to the Upfront gateway program such as<br />

http://portal/cognos/cgi-bin/upfcgi.exe.<br />

It also specifies a list of server name and port number combinations available to handle publishing<br />

requests. The gateway program communicates with the first server in the list, the primary<br />

processor. If this server should become unavailable, the gateway program communicates with the<br />

next server in the list, providing continuous service.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 89

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Authentication<br />

Display<br />

Upfront Publish Template<br />

Specifies a template file to use for prompting users when publishing to Upfront. Use when you<br />

create custom Upfront templates with file names that differ from the ones installed. If blank,<br />

Upfront uses the default template, NI_publish.utml.<br />

The Upfront Theme that is used is a user-specified preference. Therefore, ensure that the template<br />

file specified exists in all available theme folders.<br />

Upfront NewsBox for Cubes<br />

Upfront NewsBox for Reports<br />

Specifies the NewsBox on your Upfront server to which the cube or report gets published.<br />

This property applies only to publishing from PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration. In<br />

PowerPlay Web Explorer, a user is always prompted to choose a NewsBox when publishing to<br />

Upfront.<br />

The server name can be used here to ensure backward compatibility with earlier versions of<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server.<br />

Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Folder for Cubes<br />

Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Folder for Reports<br />

Specifies the folder on your Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 server to which the cube or report<br />

gets published.<br />

Namespace<br />

Specifies the directory server namespace used to authenticate Web users who access the cube. This<br />

setting overrides any namespace stored in the cube.<br />

This setting does not affect Windows users.<br />

The display settings allow you to change the way PowerPlay Web is shown on users’ Web<br />

browsers. Although the default foreground settings have been designed to be visually appealing<br />

with the default background settings, you can modify them to create a custom or corporate<br />

identity.<br />

The cascading style sheet ppweb.css can override these settings.<br />

Screen Resolution<br />

Optimizes the appearance of buttons and displays. Use to select the most common resolution for<br />

user workstations.<br />

If the resolution does not match the Web browser, the buttons and displays appear at a different<br />

scale from the text. If you aren't sure which resolution to use, 800 x 600 is recommended.<br />

Type<br />

Specifies the one of these available user interfaces:<br />

• Generic<br />

Restricts the generation of HTML pages to code supported by older Web browsers. If you<br />

enable this setting, users do not get DHTML rendering regardless of the browser used.<br />

If you have large cubes, DHTML can reduce performance of the server. If you enable Generic<br />

HTML, you can improve performance.<br />

• Enhanced<br />

Allows the generation of HTML pages to code supported by Internet Explorer 5.5 and later.<br />

The Enhanced user interface supports XSLT templates, which can provide more<br />

customization and interactivity for users.<br />

90 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

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Report<br />

Lightweight PDF Generation<br />

Allows system fonts on the server to be embedded in the report PDF. When disabled, all fonts on<br />

the server are embedded. When enabled, only the fonts specified in the Font Embed List in<br />

Configuration Manager are used. For more information, see the Configuration Manager User<br />

Guide.<br />

Pattern Simulation<br />

Specifies whether the server simulates patterns used in the report or substitutes a filled rectangle<br />

for the pattern. When enabled, patterns are reproduced as bitmaps in the report PDF. When<br />

disabled, a filled rectangle appears in the report PDF. While using pattern simulation assures<br />

accurate reproduction of patterns used in the original report, it also uses more resources.<br />

Page Size<br />

Row Limit<br />

Column Limit<br />

Limits the number of rows and columns that appear on a page. Use to improve the performance<br />

and readability of large reports.<br />

Report pages include navigation buttons that allow users to move forward and backward. For<br />

example, after opening the report, users can page forward to the next 20 columns or 50 rows.<br />

Buttons are also available for going directly to the first or last page of columns or rows.<br />

The page limits that you set are defaults only. Users can redefine the limits after they open<br />

paginated reports.<br />

Menu Size<br />

Dimensions Area<br />

Character Limit<br />

Limits the number of characters shown for category names.<br />

The box width is determined by the longest category name, up to the maximum set. Any category<br />

longer than the maximum limit is truncated. You may need to increase this limit if more characters<br />

are necessary to distinguish categories. You can also decrease the limit if categories are easily<br />

distinguishable with fewer characters.<br />

Item Limit<br />

Limits the number of categories shown per level. Use to prevent Web browser problems associated<br />

with displaying a large number of list items.<br />

If you can't redesign cubes so that dimensions contain fewer categories, you can limit the number<br />

of categories included in each level.<br />

For example, you limit dimension box categories to 50. Any level that exceeds 50 categories is<br />

truncated to show only the first 50 categories. A More Below or Page Down option is shown at<br />

the end of the list so users can view the next categories. The option name depends on the version<br />

of the user’s Web browser.<br />

For information about designing cubes, see the Transformer online help.<br />

Report Banner<br />

Shows the PowerPlay Web Explorer banner containing the name of the currently connected cube.<br />

Image<br />

Enables or disables the image specified in the Background Image File setting. (Generic interface<br />

only).<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 91

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Crosstab Frame<br />

Crosstab<br />

Chart Frame<br />

Background Image File<br />

Specifies a .gif or .jpg image to be used as the background of the area where the dimension lists<br />

appear. (Generic interface only).<br />

Background Color<br />

Specifies the background color of the area where the dimension lists appear.<br />

Transparency<br />

Allows the background to show.<br />

Link Color<br />

Specifies the color of hyperlinked text (such as category labels) in crosstab displays.<br />

Text Color<br />

Specifies the color of non-hyperlinked text (such as data values) in crosstab displays.<br />

Image<br />

Enables or disables the image specified in the Background Image File setting. (Generic interface<br />

only).<br />

Background Image File<br />

Specifies a .gif or .jpg image to be used as the background of the area on the page where the<br />

crosstab and dimension line are shown. (Generic interface only).<br />

Background Color<br />

Specifies the background color of the area on the page where the crosstab and dimension line are<br />

shown.<br />

Transparency<br />

Allows the background to show.<br />

Image<br />

Enables or disables the image specified in the Background Image File setting. (Generic interface<br />

only).<br />

Background Image File<br />

Specifies a .gif or .jpg image to be used as the background of the crosstab cell. (Generic interface<br />

only).<br />

Background Color<br />

Specifies the background color of the crosstab cells.<br />

Transparency<br />

Allows the background of crosstab cells to show.<br />

Link Color<br />

Specifies the color of linked text (such as category labels) in chart displays.<br />

92 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

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Text Color<br />

Specifies the color of non-linked text (such as data values) in chart displays.<br />

Image<br />

Enables or disables the image specified in the Background Image File setting. (Generic interface<br />

only).<br />

Background Image File<br />

Specifies a .gif or .jpg image to be used as the background of the area on the page where chart<br />

displays are shown. (Generic interface only).<br />

Background Color<br />

Specifies the background color of the area on the page where chart displays are shown.<br />

Transparency<br />

Allows the background to show.<br />

Toolbar<br />

Image<br />

Enables or disables the image specified in the Background Image File setting. (Generic interface<br />

only).<br />

Background Image File<br />

Specifies a .gif or .jpg image to be used underneath the toolbar. (Generic interface only).<br />

Background color<br />

Specifies the background color of the area at the bottom of the page where the toolbar is shown.<br />

Transparency<br />

Allows the background to show.<br />

Buttons<br />

Enables each the following default buttons in the PowerPlay Web Explorer toolbar (Enhanced<br />

interface only), and up to eight custom buttons.<br />

Button<br />

Setting<br />

Crosstab<br />

Indented Crosstab<br />

Pie<br />

Simple Bar<br />

Clustered Bar<br />

Stacked Bar<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 93

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Button<br />

Setting<br />

Multiline<br />

3D Bar<br />

Split View<br />

Display Options<br />

Edit Title<br />

Rows per Page (Generic interface only)<br />

Columns per Page (Generic interface only)<br />

Display Options (Generic interface only)<br />

Calculation<br />

Rank<br />

Hide/Show<br />

Custom Subsets<br />

Swap<br />

Zero Suppression Rows and Columns<br />

Zero Suppression Rows Only<br />

Zero Suppression Columns Only<br />

80/20 Suppression<br />

Automatic Exception Highlighting<br />

94 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Button<br />

Setting<br />

Custom Exception Highlighting<br />

Alert<br />

Explain<br />

Find<br />

Drill Through<br />

Help<br />

Reset<br />

Get Data Later<br />

Prepare Bookmark<br />

PDF Export Options<br />

Export PDF<br />

Export CSV<br />

Export XLS<br />

Save<br />

Save As<br />

Return to Source<br />

Drill Through<br />

PowerPlay Cubes<br />

Allows users to drill through to details in another cube. Use to enable or disable drill-through<br />

access in the client application.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 95

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Both PowerCubes created with PowerPlay Transformer and third party OLAP sources modified<br />

with PowerPlay Connect can allow drill-through.<br />

PowerPlay Windows Target<br />

Specifies the server that contains the cube you want to provide drill-through access to. This<br />

reference may be to a PowerPlay Server group or it may be quoted as a specific server name and<br />

port number combination. If a server group definition is used in this property, you can take<br />

advantage of increased fault tolerance that the server group definition contains. PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server resolves the machine name, port number, and URL from the server configuration<br />

file (cern.csx).<br />

PowerPlay Web Target<br />

Specifies the URL to the PowerPlay Web gateway program, such as<br />

http://webgate/cognos/cgi-bin/ppdscgi.exe<br />

Depending on how your network is configured, you may also need to include the domain name,<br />

such as http://webgate.yourorg.com/cognos/cgi-bin/ppdscgi<br />

To specify a port number other than the default port 80, append the number to the server name,<br />

such as http://webgate:88/cognos/cgi-bin/ppdscgi.exe<br />

If your Web server is using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), specify the HTTPS protocol with the server<br />

name, such as https://webgate/cognos/cgi-bin/ppdscgi<br />

Use the PowerPlay Server group in this field if you specified a server group in the PowerPlay<br />

Server Group field. PowerPlay Enterprise Server resolves the URL from the server configuration<br />

file.<br />

PowerPlay Web Drill Through Newsbox<br />

Specifies that users can drill through from PowerPlay to targets that are not in the root server<br />

folder. Cube definitions can reference drill-through targets contained in an Upfront NewsBox<br />

hierarchy.<br />

Cognos Query<br />

Allows users to drill through to details in Cognos Query. Use to enable or disable drill-through<br />

access in the client application.<br />

Cognos Query Server<br />

Specifies the URL to the Cognos Query gateway program, such as<br />

http://webgate/cognos/cgi-bin/cqcgi.exe<br />

Depending on how your network is configured, you may also need to include the domain name,<br />

such as http://webgate.yourorg.com/cognos/cgi-bin/cqcgi<br />

To specify a port number other than the default port 80, append the number to the server name,<br />

such as http://webgate:88/cognos/cgi-bin/cqcgi.exe<br />

If your Web server is using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), specify the HTTPS protocol with the server<br />

name, such as https://webgate/cognos/cgi-bin/cqcgi<br />

Impromptu Web Reports<br />

Allows users to drill through to details in an Impromptu report. Use to enable or disable<br />

drill-through access in the client application.<br />

Impromptu Web Reports Drill Through Newsbox<br />

Specifies the Upfront Newsbox of the published report set that contains the target drill-through<br />

report. For example, if the drill-through report go.imr is located in the Great Outdoors folder,<br />

type Great Outdoors in this box. The .imr file name must also be written in the cube if it was built<br />

using the cube/measure drill through properties in PowerPlay Transformer and was therefore<br />

included at build time.<br />

96 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Impromptu Web Reports Server<br />

Specifies the URL to the Impromptu Web Reports gateway program on Windows and UNIX, such<br />

as http://webgate/cognos/cgi-bin/imrap.cgi<br />

Depending on how your network is configured, you may also need to include the domain name.<br />

For example,<br />

http://webgate.yourorg.com/cognos/cgi-bin/imrap.cgi<br />

To specify a port number other than the default port 80, append the number to the server name,<br />

such as http://webgate:88/cognos/cgi-bin/imrap.cgi<br />

If your Web server is using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), specify the HTTPS protocol with the server<br />

name., such as https://webgate/cognos/cgi-bin/imrap.cgi<br />

Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8<br />

Allows users to drill through to details in Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8. Use to enable or<br />

disable drill-through access in the client application.<br />

Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Server<br />

Specifies the URL to the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 gateway program on Windows and<br />

UNIX, such as http://webgate/crn/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi<br />

Depending on how your network is configured, you may also need to include the domain name.<br />

For example,<br />

http://webgate.yourorg.com/crn/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi<br />

To specify a port number other than the default port 80, append the number to the server name,<br />

such as http://webgate:88/crn/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi<br />

If your Web server is using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), specify the HTTPS protocol with the server<br />

name., such as https://webgate/crn/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi<br />

Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Folder<br />

Specifies the Cognos ReportNet or Cognos 8 folder that contains the target drill-through report.<br />

Cognos ReportNet/Cognos 8 Assistance<br />

Specifies that when users click Drill Through on a cube, the Assist Drill Through page opens. Use<br />

this page to identify the parameters that are defined for the drill through report.<br />

Connect to Server<br />

Server Name<br />

Specifies the name or IP address of the PowerPlay server to log on to.<br />

The computer must be running PowerPlay Enterprise Server, that is, have a dispatcher installed.<br />

The Windows service Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server or UNIX daemon ppserver must be<br />

started.<br />

If you want to connect to a server that is not using the default port number (8010), you must<br />

provide the port number as part of the server name. For example, Srv01:8060 connects to server<br />

Srv01 on port 8060.<br />

Password<br />

Type a password, if one exists, for the PowerPlay server.<br />

Set Server Password<br />

Server Name<br />

Specifies the server name or IP address of the PowerPlay server.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 97

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Set Security<br />

Search<br />

Old Password<br />

Type the previously-defined password, if any.<br />

If the PowerPlay server is on a UNIX system, the password is case-sensitive.<br />

New Password<br />

Type the password you want to set, or leave this box blank if you do not want a password for the<br />

server.<br />

If the PowerPlay server is on a UNIX system, the password is case-sensitive.<br />

Confirm New Password<br />

Type the new password again.<br />

Don't Show This Dialog Again<br />

Prevents the dialog box from subsequently opening, which warns you that no password is set.<br />

Namespace<br />

Shows the directory server namespace used to authenticate the administrators who access the<br />

server. The namespace cannot be changed using PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration. To<br />

change the namespace, use Configuration Manager. We recommend first unsecuring the<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server, changing the namespace, and then resecuring the server.<br />

User Classes<br />

Specifies the user classes that you want to give administrative access for the selected server.<br />

Search For<br />

Specifies the name, or a portion of the name, of the item you want to find.<br />

Search Where<br />

Specifies the server where you want to search. You must first be connected to the server.<br />

Include Subfolders<br />

Specifies whether subfolders are also searched.<br />

Search Now<br />

Starts the search. Double-click any returned item to locate it in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server<br />

Administration.<br />

Select Mirror References<br />

Selected<br />

Lists the current mirror references.<br />

Add<br />

Adds a mirror reference.<br />

Before you can add a mirror reference on another server, you must connect to it.<br />

98 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

Delete<br />

Deletes the selected mirror reference.<br />

Title<br />

Shortcut<br />

Rename<br />

Title<br />

Type a title for the cube.<br />

Variable<br />

Adds the selected variable to the cube title. In the Title box, place the cursor where you would like<br />

the variable, select the variable from the list, and click Insert.<br />

Insert<br />

Inserts the selected variable at the cursor location in the title.<br />

Name<br />

Shows the name of the object that was moved or renamed.<br />

Created<br />

Shows the date and time that the object was moved or renamed.<br />

Target<br />

Shows the location to where the item was moved.<br />

Find Target<br />

Changes the main windows to the target location.<br />

Name<br />

Specifies a new name for the object.<br />

Changing the name of an object creates a shortcut to the original. You cannot rename the Print<br />

Settings report.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 99

Appendix A: Context Help<br />

100 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix B: Batch Administration<br />

This section describes the command-line options you can use to perform batch administration on<br />

PowerPlay servers.<br />

The ppadmtool Program<br />

Name<br />

Synopsis<br />

With the ppadmtool program, you can execute PowerPlay Enterprise Server commands directly<br />

from the Windows command prompt or UNIX command shell. The ppadmtool program saves<br />

you time. You can<br />

• enter your instruction from the command line rather than launching PowerPlay Enterprise<br />

Server Administrator<br />

• redirect stdin to use batch commands<br />

• redirect stdout to a log file<br />

In UNIX, the command-line administration tool can be accessed by using the ppadmtool.sh script.<br />

This script sets the appropriate environmental variables and starts the command line<br />

administration tool. Parameters appended to the script are passed to the administration tool for<br />

processing.<br />

After installation, the location of this script in UNIX is in the bin folder.<br />

Run this script using one of the following formats:<br />

• ./ppadmtool.sh<br />

• ./ppadmtool.sh CONNECT servername USER username<br />

• ./ppadmtool.sh CONNECT servername USER username PASSWORD password<br />

• ./ppadmtool.sh CONNECT servername:port/password (non Access Manager mode)<br />

ppadmtool - PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration<br />

You can issue single commands that connect and perform the desired action, for example<br />

PPADMTOOL CONNECT server[:port][/password] [option ...]<br />

or you can start a session by typing ppadmtool on the command line. You can then issue the<br />

following commands against PowerPlay servers, cubes, and reports until you type exit.<br />

ADD type name [PATH path] [DS mirror]<br />

ADD DS type name DS mirror<br />

CONNECT server[:port][/password]<br />

CONNECT server[:port] USER username PASSWORD password<br />

CD folder<br />

COPY name name<br />

CRN REPLACE {(GATEWAY | CUBENAME)} old_value new_value<br />

DISABLE name<br />

ENABLE name<br />

EXIT<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 101

Appendix B: Batch Administration<br />

HELP<br />

KILL name<br />

LIST [folder]<br />

MOVE name name<br />

NOTIFY {(CUBE_OBJECT objectname | CUBE_FILE filename)} EVENT = UPDATE<br />


PUBLISH name<br />

PUBLISHLINK name<br />

QUIT<br />

REMOVE type [PATH] name<br />

REMOVE DS name DS mirror<br />

REMOVELINK name<br />

RENAME source destination<br />

RESET name property<br />

RESET BELOW folder property<br />

SET name property=value<br />

SHOW name<br />

filename<br />

Specifies the fully qualified path of the mdc file, including the file extension.<br />

folder<br />

Specifies an object name of type FOLDER, which represents the folder path within the PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server hierarchy.<br />

mirror<br />

Mirror reference for the object. The syntax for a mirror reference is server[:port]/name.<br />

name<br />

Specifies the name of an object (cube, report, or folder). When the object is a folder, it can be used<br />

to form a folder hierarchy (see the Conventions section below). A server is also considered the<br />

root folder.<br />

objectname<br />

Specifies the logical name of the cube as defined in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration.<br />

option<br />

Specifies a command option, as described in the Options section below.<br />

password<br />

Specifies either a simple server password or the password for the specified Access Manager user<br />

name.<br />

path<br />

Specifies a physical path to the data source file. Uses the format of your operating system (UNIX<br />

or Windows).<br />

port<br />

Specifies Port number of the PowerPlay server.<br />

102 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix B: Batch Administration<br />

Description<br />

Conventions<br />

Options<br />

property<br />

Specifies an object property in (.) object hierarchy format. For a list of properties, use the SHOW<br />

command.<br />

server<br />

Specifies the name or IP address of a PowerPlay server.<br />

type<br />

Specifies the type of object. The type can be CUBE, REPORT, or FOLDER.<br />

username<br />

Specifies a user name belonging to an Access Manager user class.<br />

value<br />

Specifies the value for a property.<br />

The ppadmtool program executes PowerPlay server commands from the UNIX command shell or<br />

Windows Command Prompt.<br />

When entering file paths or the variable "name" (when the object is a folder), a dot (.) represents<br />

the current folder, two dots (..) represent the parent folder, and a slash (/) represents the root<br />

folder, which is the server. For example, the following script disables all objects on server hp_srv.<br />

ppadmtool<br />

> connect hp_srv<br />

> disable ./<br />

> exit<br />

When entering file names or paths containing spaces, enclose the entire file name or path in<br />

quotation marks ("). For example<br />

SHOW "great outdoors"<br />

COPY ../gnt "/CF systems/great outdoors"<br />

You can also redirect input from a file and output to a file.<br />

ppadmtool < ../adm/daily_update.txt > check.log<br />

ADD<br />

Adds a new object to the connected server. PATH indicates a data source file and DS indicates<br />

mirror reference. The following example adds the report "Finance" to the connected server:<br />

ADD REPORT Finance PATH /applications/finance.ppx<br />

The following example adds the folder "Finance" which has a mirror reference to the object<br />

"FinanceHQ" on server remote3, which is running a PowerPlay server on port 8065:<br />

ADD FOLDER Finance DS remote3:8065/FinanceHQ<br />

If a type is not specified, the object is assumed to be a cube.<br />

ADD DS<br />

Adds a mirror reference to an existing object. The following example adds two mirror reference<br />

(to the servers "remote2" and "remote3") to the cube "Marketing":<br />

ADD DS CUBE Marketing DS remote2/mkt<br />

ADD DS CUBE Marketing DS remote3/mkt<br />

If a type is not specified, the object is assumed to be a cube.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 103

Appendix B: Batch Administration<br />


Connects to a PowerPlay server. The server may be secured using a simple password or Access<br />

Manager. The following example connects to the server "srv28a" as the user name "JuliaX" using<br />

the password "neptune":<br />

CONNECT srv28a USER JuliaX PASSWORD neptune<br />

CD<br />

Changes the current folder. The command-line prompt indicates the current folder and the path<br />

from the root folder (the server). The following example changes the current folder from "/global<br />

networking/finances" to "/global networking/hub product/marketing". For clarity, the prompt is<br />

included in the example:<br />

global networking /finances> CD "../hub products/marketing"<br />

global networking/hub products/marketing><br />

COPY<br />

Creates a copy of an object and its associated overridden properties in a new object. The following<br />

example copies the report "gnt" from the parent folder to the folder "/CF systems" and names the<br />

new object "great outdoors":<br />

COPY ../gnt "/CF systems/great outdoors"<br />


Changes the cube name of all PowerPlay cubes or reports that match a current cube name and<br />

whose gateway matches the current server's gateway.<br />

The following example changes the name of all objects named "Great Outdoors" on the current<br />

gateway to "Sample Cube":<br />

CRN REPLACE CUBENAME "Great Outdoors" "Sample Cube"<br />


Changes the gateway of all PowerPlay cubes or reports that currently match a given gateway.<br />

The following example changes the gateway of all objects whose gateway is<br />

"http://myhost/ppdscgi.exe" to "http://otherhost/ppdscgi.exe"<br />

CRN REPLACE GATEWAY "http://myhost/ppdscgi.exe" "http://otherhost/ppdscgi.exe"<br />


Changes the status of an object so that it is unavailable to users. The following example makes the<br />

object "Finance" unavailable:<br />

DISABLE Finance<br />

The following example makes the object "Great Outdoors" unavailable:<br />

DISABLE "Great Outdoors"<br />

If the object is a folder or server, all child objects are also made unavailable.<br />

ENABLE<br />

Changes the status of an object so that it is available to users. The following example makes the<br />

object "Sales 98" available:<br />

ENABLE "Sales 98"<br />

If the object is a folder or server, all child objects are also made available.<br />

EXIT<br />

Closes the ppadmtool utility.<br />

HELP<br />

Shows a list of the ppadmtool commands.<br />

104 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix B: Batch Administration<br />

KILL<br />

Stops the process for the object. The following example, stops the current processes for the Great<br />

Outdoors cube:<br />

KILL "Great Outdoors"<br />

LIST<br />

Lists all the objects in the specified folder. The following example lists all objects in the folder<br />

"/docs/recent reports":<br />

LIST "/docs/recent reports"<br />

If no folder is specified, all the objects in the current folder are listed.<br />

MOVE<br />

Moves an object and its associated overridden properties to a new object, while leaving behind a<br />

shortcut to the new object to prevent broken links. The following example creates a new object<br />

"bls" in the "/new/" folder. It also replaces the original object "gnt" with a shortcut of the same<br />

name, linked to "bls":<br />

MOVE gnt "/new/bls"<br />

NOTIFY<br />

Invokes a cube update notification process. This process includes<br />

• updating the Modified date and time for all the related cube and Report NewsItems in<br />

Upfront to the date and time when you run the NOTIFY command<br />

• changing the status of these NewsItems to Unread to reflect the fact that the cube data has<br />

changed<br />

• running the related PowerPlay Agents that had been scheduled to run on cube refresh<br />

Before running the NOTIFY command, you must ensure that the refreshed cube has been copied<br />

successfully to the location as defined in PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration. You must<br />

also ensure that the user has specified the connection to the PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

containing the refreshed cube.<br />

The NOTIFY command uses the following syntax:<br />

NOTIFY {(CUBE_OBJECT objectname | CUBE_FILE filename)} EVENT = UPDATE [ON_ERROR<br />

IGNORE | FAIL]<br />

• CUBE_OBJECT objectname<br />

Use this option if you know the name that you have assigned to the cube.<br />

The following example invokes a cube update notification process on the refreshed cube<br />

Great Outdoors.mdc, specifying the object name "Great Outdoors":<br />


• CUBE_FILE filename<br />

Use this option when you want to reference the cube filename.<br />

The following example invokes a cube update notification process on the refreshed cube<br />

Great Outdoors.mdc, specifying the file path:<br />

NOTIFY CUBE_FILE "C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\ppserver\great_outdoors.mdc"<br />


• ON_ERROR<br />

The optional parameter ONERROR specifies the result of the command if the update<br />

notification failed for one of the listed objects.<br />

IGNORE - the command is considered successful if update notification is successful for at<br />

least one object.<br />

FAIL - the command is considered a failure if update notification failed for one of the listed<br />

objects.<br />


Publishes an object to the portal (Upfront or Cognos Connection). The following example adds<br />

the object "Marketing" as an Upfront NewsItem:<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 105

Appendix B: Batch Administration<br />

PUBLISH Marketing<br />

If the object is a folder or server, all child objects are also published.<br />


Publishes a report link to Upfront. The following example adds the object "Marketing" as a<br />

linked Upfront NewsItem:<br />

PUBLISHLINK Marketing<br />

REMOVE<br />

Removes an object or the reference to its data source file without deleting the actual file. If the<br />

operation removes all references, the object is removed in its entirety. The following example<br />

removes the cube "new_sales" from the connected server.<br />

REMOVE CUBE new_sales<br />

The following example removes the reference to the data source file for the object "general<br />

networks".<br />

REMOVE PATH "general networks"<br />

If the object is a folder, all child objects are also removed. If a type is not specified, the object is<br />

assumed to be a cube.<br />


Removes a report link from Upfront. The following example removes the object "Marketing" as a<br />

linked Upfront NewsItem:<br />

REMOVELINK Marketing<br />


Removes a mirror reference from an object. The following example removes the mirror reference<br />

to "great outdoors" on the server hp_srv from the "great outdoors" cube.<br />

REMOVE DS "great outdoors" DS "hp_srv/great outdoors"<br />

If the object is a folder, all child objects are also removed.<br />

RESET<br />

Resets the selected properties on an object to the properties inherited from higher level folders. If<br />

there are no higher level folders, the properties are set to the default properties for that object. The<br />

following example resets the value "LA" on the object "Great Outdoors" to the default value for<br />

the folder, or, if there is no default folder, the default value for the object type:<br />

RESET "Great Outdoors" LA<br />


Resets the properties on the contents of a folder and its subfolders, but not the properties of the<br />

folder itself. The following example resets the value "Published" on the contents of the root folder<br />

to the default value specified for the folder, or, if there is no folder default, the default for the<br />

object type:<br />

RESET BELOW / Published<br />

SET<br />

Assigns property values to an object. Properties are case-sensitive. You must enter the property<br />

name exactly as it is used. To display the properties for an object, use the SHOW option.<br />

The following example sets the maximum number of processes for the Great Outdoors cube to 5:<br />

SET "Great Outdoors" .PWQ.Control.MaxProcess=5<br />

To set a properties to apply to all of the objects on the server insert a "/" instead of an object<br />

name. The following example sets the property "PWQ.Control.MaxProcess" to "5" on the root<br />

folder (or server):<br />

SET / .PWQ.Control.MaxProcess=5<br />

106 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix B: Batch Administration<br />

You can create new properties by adding "force" after the object name. This will create the new<br />

property and set the value for that property. For example, you can create a new property called<br />

"Owner" for the Great Outdoors cube, and assign the value "asmith":<br />

SET "Great Outdoors" force .Owner=asmith<br />

After you have created a property, you do not need to add "force" after the object name to modify<br />

the property.<br />

SHOW<br />

Displays all the properties for the specified object. The following example displays all properties<br />

for the "Sales 98" object:<br />

SHOW "Sales 98"<br />

The following example displays .FLD.Control.MinProcess property for the testfolder2 object:<br />

SHOW /testfolder2 .FLD.Control.MinProcess<br />

Notes<br />

To get a list of ppadmtool commands, type ppadmtool -h. This is similar to the HELP option in<br />

interactive mode.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 107

Appendix B: Batch Administration<br />

108 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix C: Managing Temporary Files<br />

You can manage temporary file access for the CGI and PowerPlay Enterprise Server dispatcher<br />

processes in order to customize PowerPlay security in a Web deployment.<br />

Temporary File Modes<br />

The CGI and PowerPlay Enterprise Server dispatcher processes can use the temporary directory in<br />

one of three possible modes to provide maximum flexibility for directory privileges.<br />

Shared Temp<br />

The CGI and dispatcher processes share the PPWB_DIR directory. The CGI and dispatcher<br />

processes may be on the same or different machines, but still use a shared PPWB_DIR. This is the<br />

default mode. The CGI process does not attempt to write temporary files when honoring requests<br />

in this mode. It will only read files created by the dispatcher.<br />

CGI Temp<br />

This mode requires that the CGI process have write privileges to a temporary directory. This is the<br />

only mode that requires the system administrator to give the Web server write privileges to the<br />

temporary directory. The ppdscgi.conf file must contain an entry for PPWB_DIR. If the entry is<br />

missing, the CGI process will default back to the Shared Temp mode. Use Configuration Manager<br />

to set this property.<br />

CGI Temp mode offers good performance, but should not be used in deployments requiring the<br />

highest levels of Web server security.<br />

Dispatcher Temp<br />

This mode does not require the CGI process to have write privileges to the temporary directory.<br />

The dispatcher programs called by a CGI process control the temporary directory. The CGI<br />

process fetches the results from files that the dispatcher creates and manages.<br />

Dispatcher Temp mode offers high security at some cost in performance.<br />

Tip: You can turn on fetch temporary files for a given dispatcher with Configuration Manager.<br />

Temporary File Access Configuration<br />

Temporary file access modes can be set within the Configuration Manager using the Temporary<br />

File Access property.<br />

Values relating to the PPWB_DIR location are shown below.<br />

Value<br />

Dispatcher<br />

CGI<br />

Shared<br />

Description<br />

Only the dispatchers have read/write privileges for the directory.<br />

The CGI program has read/write privileges for the directory.<br />

The CGI and dispatcher programs share the directory. The CGI program reads<br />

and the dispatcher program writes to the directory.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 109

Appendix C: Managing Temporary Files<br />

Configuring Mirrored Servers and Cubes<br />

In a default installation of PowerPlay Enterprise Server, when a gateway and dispatcher are<br />

installed on the same machine, the Temporary File Access property is set to Shared Temp by<br />

default. This means that the gateway and the dispatcher share the same PPWB_DIR directory.<br />

Any mirrored server or cube in this configuration must also share the same PPWB_DIR directory.<br />

PPWB_DIR for both servers should point to the same disk location. The Web server must have<br />

read/write access to the Temp directory. In certain Web-based deployments, however, your Web<br />

server may not be able to access a shared drive directly. In this situation, you should set the<br />

Temporary File Access property to CGI or Dispatcher, depending on where the Temp directory is<br />

located, instead of the default Shared.<br />

The following table shows the permissions that the Web server and the dispatcher have to the<br />

Temp directory, depending on the setting you choose for the PPWB_TEMP_ACCESS property in<br />

Configuration Manager.<br />

CGI Shared Dispatcher<br />

Dispatcher n/a read/write read/write<br />

Web server read/write read n/a<br />

Fetch Temporary Files<br />

The fetch temporary files option can be used as an alternative to the sticky bit setting on your<br />

router. If you use the sticky bit setting, all communications related to a particular request are<br />

always passed to the same Web server. You can maintain better response times and a balanced<br />

load by using this option.<br />

Use the fetch temporary files option to specify which temporary file location PowerPlay Web<br />

Explorer uses when building a report. When a user requests data, PowerPlay creates a Web page<br />

for the data and a customized toolbar. The Web page is stored in the temporary file location until<br />

requested by the user’s Web browser. The temporary location is the ppwb\temp directory which is<br />

normally on your Web server. When you enable this option, PowerPlay uses the ppwb\temp<br />

directory on the PowerPlay dispatcher to store its temporary files.<br />

You can also use the fetch temporary files option if you have several Web servers, where requests<br />

are handled through a router. Because the data for a PowerPlay Web Explorer report is passed to<br />

the Web browser in two parts, you must enable fetch temporary files so that the temporary data is<br />

stored at the shared level of the PowerPlay server. When PowerPlay processes requests for multiple<br />

Web servers, this option ensures that the URLs for the data and customized toolbar can always be<br />

resolved, regardless of which Web browser requested the report.<br />

Steps<br />

1. In PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, click a server.<br />

2. From the Edit menu, click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.<br />

3. In the Fetch Files box (Options), type 1.<br />

4. Click Apply.<br />

5. Click OK.<br />

Fetch Files is now enabled.<br />

Setting the Base HREF<br />

The Web page sent to a user by PowerPlay Web Explorer consists of frames that contain URLs<br />

that are relative to the URL of the Web page. If your server configuration includes a router, these<br />

URLs may be incorrect, and the Base HREF value must be set to the name of the external server.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Start the Configuration Manager<br />

110 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Appendix C: Managing Temporary Files<br />

2. Locate the Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server entry.<br />

3. In the General section, under Gateway, modify the Remote HREF Prefix for (/ppwb) location.<br />

The Base HREF is now modified.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 111

Appendix C: Managing Temporary Files<br />

112 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Glossary<br />

Agent<br />

A user-defined process that runs according to a schedule and evaluates specific data based on a set<br />

of conditions. If the conditions are met, the agent notifies specified recipients by email. For<br />

example, a company uses an incentive program to provide bonuses to sales representatives who<br />

exceed a weekly performance target. An agent can run weekly to evaluate sales data and notify the<br />

sales manager if any sales representatives exceed the performance target.<br />

See also notification.<br />

Alert<br />

See notification.<br />

Alias<br />

A URL that has been mapped to a directory through the administration tool of a Web server. Also<br />

referred to as a virtual directory.<br />

Autoregression<br />

A method of forecasting based on the auto-correlation approach to time series forecasting.<br />

Autoregression forecasting is most reliable when the driving factors of your business affect your<br />

measures in a seasonal fashion.<br />

Collection<br />

In PowerPlay Enterprise Server, a folder with a physical directory as a data source. The contents of<br />

a collection are dynamically updated with the contents of the directory.<br />

Cube<br />

A multidimensional representation of data. A cube contains information organized into<br />

dimensions to provide faster retrieval and drill down in reports.<br />

Directory Server<br />

A specialized database that stores user attributes, object classes, and other schema-type<br />

information in a hierarchical format. Used by Access Manager to store and manage user and user<br />

class data.<br />

Dimension Viewer<br />

An organized view of all dimensions, levels, and categories in the selected cube. Use the dimension<br />

viewer to add categories as rows or columns and to filter information.<br />

You can also use the dimension viewer in Windows to add categories as layers, create subset<br />

definitions, format measures, and define sets of categories.<br />

Dispatcher<br />

A program that takes incoming user requests and directs them to an appropriate PowerPlay server<br />

for processing. Dispatchers can be configured in a multi-machine environment for the purposes of<br />

load balancing and failover protection.<br />

Drill Through<br />

An action that uses the current context of a report, to access information in another PowerPlay<br />

report, cube, Impromptu report, or macro.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 113

Cubes with drill-through access are set up in Transformer and must match on some combination<br />

of dimensions, measures, and details, although not necessarily all of them.<br />

Enhanced User Interface<br />

PowerPlay Web Explorer interface based on enhanced Web technology support.<br />

Event<br />

An action or occurrence that a program can respond to. An event can be simple, such as clicking a<br />

button, or complex, such as meeting a set of conditions defined in an agent.<br />

Forecast<br />

A calculation of future value by using existing values on the current display. In PowerPlay, you can<br />

use forecast to predict future values beyond that currently appearing in your window.<br />

Generic User Interface<br />

PowerPlay Web Explorer interface based on generic HTML.<br />

Growth<br />

A method of forecasting based on the exponential regression technique of time series forecasting.<br />

Growth forecasting is most reliable when the driving factors of your business affect your measures<br />

exponentially.<br />

Impromptu Query Definition File (.iqd)<br />

A file created by Impromptu or FrameWork Manager that contains the definition for a database<br />

query.<br />

LOG File<br />

A record of the activities that take place during a computer process. For example, a log file<br />

contains information about model processing in Transformer, or server activity in PowerPlay<br />

Enterprise Server.<br />

MDC File<br />

A Cognos file that represents a cube. The file may contain the data, or be a pointer file to another<br />

OLAP source.<br />

Mirror Reference<br />

In PowerPlay Enterprise Server, a mapped cube or report that forwards incoming requests to be<br />

processed on a computer other than the one where the object is added.<br />

Namespace<br />

A source of authentication data used by Access Manager that exists in a directory server or a<br />

Local Authentication Export file (.lae).<br />

The authentication data in a namespace consists of signon information for users, user classes,<br />

application servers, and data sources.<br />

NAT<br />

See Network Address Translation.<br />

Network Address Translation<br />

An application that can translate private addresses to public addresses that can be routed on the<br />

Internet.<br />

NewsBox<br />

In Upfront, an entry that can contains NewsItems.<br />

114 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

NewsItem<br />

In Upfront, an entry that represents a report, query, or URL.<br />

Notification<br />

An email message generated by an agent and sent to one or more recipients to provide information<br />

about a business event.<br />

See also agent.<br />

PDF File<br />

See Portable Document Format File (.pdf).<br />

PPX File<br />

See PowerPlay Portable Report File.<br />

Pointer File<br />

An .mdc file that contains information about the actual data source. For third party cubes, a<br />

pointer file stores the connection information.<br />

Portable Document Format File (.pdf)<br />

A file format that maintains the formatting of the original document. You can view and print a<br />

.pdf file without the need for the authoring application or fonts.<br />

PowerCube<br />

See cube.<br />

PowerPlay Portable Report File (.ppx)<br />

A file format that can be read by any PowerPlay client. You can create .ppx files in PowerPlay for<br />

Windows and PowerPlay for Excel.<br />

PowerPlay Web Explorer<br />

A Web-based application that is used to explore multidimensional data. One of two applications<br />

that make up PowerPlay Web.<br />

PowerPlay Web Viewer<br />

A Web-based application that is used for on-demand report viewing. One of two applications that<br />

make up PowerPlay Web, PowerPlay Web Viewer renders PowerPlay Portable Reports in PDF<br />

format.<br />

Protected Cube<br />

A cube where members of different user classes have access to specific categories, measures, or<br />

dimensions depending on their access privileges.<br />

Query Processor<br />

The component of PowerPlay Enterprise Server that processes cube requests and generates results<br />

for PowerPlay Web Explorer, PowerPlay for Windows, and PowerPlay for Excel.<br />

Report<br />

A document created in any PowerPlay client. A report consists of data selected from one or more<br />

cubes.When you save a report and later re-open it, you can open the report with the latest data<br />

from the cube.<br />

In PowerPlay for Excel, a report includes one or more PowerPlay worksheets and may include<br />

additional Excel sheets.<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 115

Report Processor<br />

The component of PowerPlay Enterprise Server that processes report requests and generates<br />

results for PowerPlay Web Viewer.<br />

Server<br />

A program that responds to commands from a client on the Internet or other network.<br />

Server group<br />

A server group is an application server gateway along with its list of dispatchers.<br />

Cognos server groups are used to allow gateways to find their dispatchers, provide for failover,<br />

and, in some cases, provide load balancing.<br />

Split View<br />

A combination display of both a crosstab and a chart (pie, line, bar, and so on) that remain<br />

synchronized during filtering, drill down, and slice and dice operations.<br />

Trend<br />

A method of forecasting based on the linear regression technique of time series forecasting. Trend<br />

forecasting is most reliable when the driving factors of your business affect your measures in a<br />

linear fashion.<br />

116 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Index<br />

Symbols<br />

.crr files, 62, 68<br />

.csv files, 19<br />

.imr files, 62, 67<br />

.iqd files, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68<br />

.lae files, 25<br />

.mdc files, 13, 31, 40, 62<br />

.ppr files, 62<br />

.ppx files, 13, 14, 31, 40, 62<br />

Numerics<br />

7x24 system, 30<br />

A<br />

access<br />

database, 17<br />

network, 32<br />

privileges, 16, 22, 32<br />

remote data sources, 41<br />

Web and Windows, 9<br />

World Read, 18<br />

Access Manager, 24, 25<br />

access manager server, 15<br />

configuring, 24<br />

access privileges<br />

setting, 86<br />

accessibility<br />

reporting solution overview, 20<br />

accessibility support<br />

enabling, 20<br />

account<br />

logon privileges, 14, 41<br />

system, 16<br />

adding<br />

collections, 40<br />

cubes and reports, 9, 41<br />

custom buttons, 44<br />

folders, 40<br />

mirror references, 41<br />

processes, 33<br />

titles, 45<br />

administration<br />

batch, 101<br />

command line, 101<br />

Java, 37<br />

remote, 37<br />

administrator email address<br />

setting, 82<br />

Alerts<br />

setting, 83<br />

architecture<br />

server, 10<br />

audit data<br />

collection problems, 75<br />

creating the database, 72<br />

file size, 72, 75<br />

location, 72, 75<br />

audit files<br />

location and size, 72, 75<br />

transaction count, 75<br />

audit reports, 74<br />

auditing<br />

enabling, 72<br />

auditing level<br />

setting, 82, 87<br />

authentication, 25<br />

automation, 101<br />

autoregression<br />

definition, 113<br />

B<br />

background color<br />

setting, 92, 93<br />

background image file<br />

setting, 92, 93<br />

Base HREF<br />

setting, 110<br />

batch administration, 101<br />

bold settings, 39<br />

buttons<br />

custom, 44<br />

Reset, 39<br />

settings, 93<br />

byte serving, 86<br />

C<br />

cache memory, 35<br />

cascading style sheets, 18<br />

category codes, 63<br />

cerlocale.xml, 19<br />

CGI<br />

dispatcher port, 21<br />

gateway, 10<br />

CGI Temp, 109<br />

challenge/response, 22<br />

character limit<br />

setting, 91<br />

client applications<br />

connections, 33<br />

data sources, 13<br />

PowerPlay, 9<br />

publishing, 9, 49, 51<br />

saving sub-cubes, 25<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 117

Index<br />

client layout<br />

using for PDF output, 43<br />

Cognos 8<br />

drill through, 68<br />

publishing, 51<br />

Cognos 8 Assistance<br />

setting, 97<br />

Cognos 8 Dispatcher URI<br />

setting, 84<br />

Cognos 8 Folder<br />

setting, 97<br />

Cognos 8 folder for cubes<br />

setting, 90<br />

Cognos 8 folder for reports<br />

setting, 90<br />

Cognos 8 Gateway URI<br />

setting, 84<br />

Cognos 8 Server<br />

setting, 97<br />

Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

service, 16<br />

Cognos Query<br />

drill through, 65<br />

setting, 96<br />

Cognos Query server<br />

setting, 96<br />

Cognos ReportNet<br />

drill through, 68<br />

enable drill through, 68<br />

publishing, 51<br />

setting, 97<br />

Cognos ReportNet Assistance<br />

setting, 97<br />

Cognos ReportNet Dispatcher URI<br />

setting, 84<br />

Cognos ReportNet drill through folder<br />

creating, 68<br />

Cognos ReportNet Folder<br />

setting, 97<br />

Cognos ReportNet folder for cubes<br />

setting, 90<br />

Cognos ReportNet folder for reports<br />

setting, 90<br />

Cognos ReportNet Gateway URI<br />

setting, 84<br />

Cognos ReportNet Server<br />

setting, 97<br />

collect audit data, 73<br />

collections<br />

adding, 40<br />

defined, 40<br />

column limit<br />

setting, 91<br />

column names, 63<br />

columns<br />

in audit database, 75<br />

components<br />

server, 10<br />

Windows and UNIX, 10<br />

configuring<br />

Access Manager, 24<br />

access manager server, 24<br />

daemons, 15<br />

data formats, 19<br />

Microsoft Web Server security, 22<br />

MIME mapping, 19<br />

PDF server, 20<br />

port number, 21<br />

PowerPlay servers, 15<br />

security for drill through, 67, 68<br />

servers, cubes, and reports, 37<br />

Windows services, 15<br />

Configuring temporary file access, 109<br />

connection timeout<br />

setting, 88<br />

connections<br />

monitoring Web, 32<br />

monitoring Windows, 33<br />

PowerPlay client applications, 33<br />

testing, 49<br />

to servers, 38<br />

Web request, 27<br />

Windows request, 27<br />

copyright, 2<br />

country codes, 19<br />

creating the audit database, 72<br />

CSS, 18<br />

cube mirror references<br />

setting, 84<br />

cube source<br />

setting, 84<br />

cubes<br />

.mdc files, 13<br />

adding, 9, 41<br />

data sources, 13<br />

database, 17<br />

deleting, 43<br />

drilling to, 64<br />

local, 9<br />

local/remote, 63<br />

location, 14<br />

mapping, 41<br />

moving, 41<br />

opening using URLs, 55<br />

overview, 40<br />

partitioning, 14<br />

performance, 14, 35<br />

PowerCubes, 9<br />

previous version, 14<br />

publishing, 49, 51<br />

removing, 43<br />

searching, 46<br />

secured, 25<br />

Transformer, 9<br />

D<br />

daemons<br />

configuring UNIX, 15<br />

data export<br />

enabling, 19<br />

data formats, 19<br />

configuring, 19<br />

data sources<br />

118 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Index<br />

cubes, 13<br />

location, 14<br />

mirror references, 29<br />

multidimensional, 9<br />

OLAP servers, 13<br />

reports, 14<br />

supported, 13<br />

database<br />

auditing, 75<br />

databases, 13<br />

used for audit details, 75<br />

DB2, 13<br />

DB2 OLAP Server, 13<br />

Default Portal<br />

setting, 84<br />

Define, 23<br />

delay, 33, 34<br />

Delete Related Cognos 8 Objects<br />

setting, 84<br />

Delete Related Cognos ReportNet Objects<br />

setting, 84<br />

deleting<br />

cubes and reports, 43<br />

deploying<br />

enterprise-wide, 9<br />

to PowerPlay Enterprise Server, 9<br />

description<br />

setting, 81, 84, 85<br />

Dimension Line in CSV Export<br />

setting, 88<br />

dimension line information<br />

adding to CSV file, 45<br />

dimension viewer<br />

definition, 113<br />

directories<br />

referenced by collections, 40<br />

disabling a Table of Contents, 53<br />

discover servers, 39<br />

disk cache size<br />

setting, 84<br />

dispatcher<br />

central, 9<br />

defined, 10<br />

port, 21<br />

queues, 30<br />

Upfront, 15<br />

Dispatcher Temp, 109<br />

Display frame(s) border<br />

setting, 86<br />

displays<br />

changing settings, 18<br />

distributed processing, 27, 34<br />

drill through<br />

configuring in PowerPlay Connect, 62<br />

configuring in Transformer, 62<br />

general considerations, 61<br />

local/remote, 63<br />

paths in Transformer, 63<br />

targets, 61, 62, 70<br />

to Cognos 8, 68<br />

to Cognos Query, 65<br />

to Cognos ReportNet, 68<br />

to cubes, 64<br />

to details, 9<br />

to Impromptu, 68<br />

to Impromptu Web Reports, 67<br />

to third party olap sources, 63<br />

Dynamic Stylesheet Compile<br />

setting, 83<br />

E<br />

embedded fonts, 59<br />

enable<br />

drill through to Cognos ReportNet, 68<br />

enhanced user interface<br />

definition, 114<br />

Enterprise Server<br />

change the port number, 21<br />

Enterprise Server Administration tool, 37<br />

monitoring, 32<br />

overview, 37<br />

publishing, 50, 51<br />

environment variables<br />

checking NT, 17<br />


Essbase, 13<br />

Excel, 9, 19<br />

Explain Drill Links<br />

setting, 87<br />

explore in interactive HTML format<br />

setting, 87<br />

explore in Windows format<br />

setting, 87<br />

Explore view, 37<br />

Export PDF<br />

settings, 58<br />

F<br />

fetch files<br />

setting, 82<br />

Fetch Temporary Files, 110<br />

firewalls, 21, 22<br />

folder mirror references<br />

setting, 85<br />

folder source<br />

setting, 85<br />

folders<br />

adding, 40<br />

defined, 40<br />

dynamically updated, 40<br />

publishing, 49, 51<br />

table of contents, 53<br />

Font support within PDF generation, 20<br />

fonts<br />

embedding, 59<br />

licensed, 59<br />

fonts path<br />

setting, 83<br />

forecast<br />

definition, 114<br />

formats<br />

data, 19<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 119

Index<br />

G<br />

gateway<br />

CGI, 21<br />

defined, 10<br />

setting, 81<br />

generic user interface<br />

definition, 114<br />

get data<br />

setting, 87<br />

growth<br />

definition, 114<br />

H<br />

hits, 32<br />

HTML Encode User Specified File<br />

setting, 86<br />

Hyperion Essbase, 13<br />

I<br />

IBM DB2, 13<br />

IBM DB2 OLAP Server, 13<br />

icons, 38<br />

idle process<br />

setting, 88<br />

IIS, 22<br />

image<br />

setting, 91, 92, 93<br />

imported reports folder<br />

publishing, 49, 51<br />

setting, 82<br />

Impromptu, 68<br />

Impromptu Web Reports, 67<br />

setting, 96<br />

Impromptu Web Reports drill through folder<br />

setting, 96<br />

Impromptu Web Reports server<br />

setting, 97<br />

Informix, 13<br />

item limit<br />

setting, 91<br />

J<br />

JavaScript<br />

custom buttons, 44<br />

L<br />

languages<br />

enable user settings, 54<br />

licensed fonts<br />

permission to embed, 59<br />

lightweight PDF generation<br />

setting, 91<br />

link color<br />

setting, 92<br />

linked items, 50, 51<br />

links<br />

copying, 53<br />

load balancing, 27, 29<br />

local cubes, 9<br />

local process threshold<br />

setting, 89<br />

locale<br />

settings, 19<br />

locale settings, 19, 54<br />

configuring, 19<br />

logging, 38<br />

logon privileges, 14, 41<br />

M<br />

Managing temporary file, 109<br />

mapping cubes, 41<br />

maximum processes<br />

defined, 30<br />

defining, 33<br />

setting, 88<br />

Maximum Restrict Client Connections<br />

setting, 83<br />

memory cache size<br />

processes, 35<br />

Microsoft<br />

Excel, 9<br />

Internet Information Server, 22<br />

SQL Server Analysis Services, 13<br />

SSAS, 13<br />

MIME types, 19<br />

minimum processes<br />

defined, 30<br />

setting, 88<br />

mirror references<br />

adding, 33, 41<br />

defined, 41<br />

deployment, 9<br />

overview, 29<br />

mirrored servers<br />

configuring, 110<br />

mobile users, 25<br />

Monitor view, 37<br />

monitoring<br />

processes, 31<br />

Mount At<br />

setting, 86<br />

Mount at, 28<br />

moving<br />

cubes and reports, 41<br />

multiple server groups, 28<br />

N<br />

name<br />

setting, 84, 85<br />

Namespace<br />

setting, 98<br />

namespace, 24<br />

overriding, 25<br />

setting, 90<br />

nat<br />

definition, 114<br />

Netscape<br />

Administration Server, 15<br />

Directory Server, 15<br />

network address translation<br />

120 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Index<br />

O<br />

definition, 114<br />

OLAP, 13<br />

P<br />

page by page report serving<br />

setting, 86<br />

page orientation<br />

setting, 86<br />

paper size<br />

setting, 86<br />

parent<br />

setting, 85, 86<br />

passwords<br />

defining server, 24<br />

pasting<br />

cubes and reports, 42<br />

paths<br />

drill through in Transformer, 63<br />

UNC, 14, 16, 41<br />

UNIX, 41<br />

pattern simulation<br />

setting, 91<br />

Pdf Generation<br />

font support within, 20<br />

PDF layout<br />

specifying layout format, 43<br />

PDF server<br />

configuration, 20<br />

performance, 14, 20<br />

Performance Monitor, 23<br />

pointer files, 13<br />

port<br />

changing, 21<br />

changing for Windows connections, 22<br />

dispatcher, 21<br />

restricting outgoing, 21<br />

setting, 81<br />

Windows, 22<br />

PowerPlay<br />

client applications, 9, 33<br />

PowerPlay Connect, 13, 62<br />

PowerPlay cubes<br />

setting, 95<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise - Server Administration, 37<br />

monitoring, 32<br />

overview, 37<br />

starting, 37<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

starting/stopping, 16<br />

PowerPlay for Excel, 9<br />

defined, 9<br />

PowerPlay for Windows, 9<br />

defined, 9<br />

PowerPlay Portable Reports<br />

.ppx files, 13<br />

PowerPlay Server<br />

cleanup, 17<br />

PowerPlay server<br />

setting, 96<br />

PowerPlay Server (Web Edition), 14<br />

PowerPlay server group<br />

setting, 96<br />

PowerPlay server performance object, 23<br />

PowerPlay service<br />

set user logon, 27<br />

PowerPlay Web<br />

defined, 9<br />

PowerPlay Web cube performance object, 23<br />

PowerPlay Web Drill Through Newsbox<br />

setting, 96<br />

PowerPlay Web Explorer<br />

defined, 9<br />

publishing, 49, 51<br />

PowerPlay Web Viewer<br />

defined, 9<br />

font substitution, 59<br />

publishing, 49, 51<br />

ppadmtool, 14, 101<br />

ppdscgi.conf, 22<br />

ppdsweb, 31<br />

ppdsweb.exe, 31<br />

ppes_audit.log, 32<br />

pprp, 31<br />

pprp.exe, 31<br />

Ppservertemp, 28<br />

ppsrvadm.sh, 37<br />

ppwbcustom.js, 44<br />

ppweb.css, 18<br />

preferences<br />

enable user settings, 54<br />

numeric and currency format, 19<br />

Print Settings report, 58<br />

printing reports<br />

settings, 58<br />

privileges<br />

challenge/response, 22<br />

network, 16<br />

Web or Windows, 32<br />

Windows, 14<br />

processes<br />

adding, 33<br />

available, 30<br />

balancing load, 27<br />

cache size, 35<br />

dedicated, 33<br />

defined, 27<br />

distributed, 27, 34<br />

instances, 31<br />

maximum, 30, 33<br />

minimum, 30<br />

monitoring, 31<br />

new, 27<br />

remote, 29<br />

scheduling, 34<br />

processors<br />

busy, 30<br />

dedicated, 30<br />

defined, 10<br />

limiting time, 34<br />

usage, 31<br />

Prompts for User Class<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 121

Index<br />

setting, 83<br />

properties<br />

bold, 39<br />

publish to a table of contents<br />

setting, 89<br />

publish to portal<br />

setting, 89<br />

publishing<br />

folders, 49, 51<br />

new data, 9<br />

reports, 14<br />

security, 24<br />

to Cognos 8, 51<br />

to Cognos ReportNet, 51<br />

to Upfront, 49<br />

Q<br />

queries<br />

as drill-through targets, 66<br />

runaway, 34<br />

query processor<br />

component, 27<br />

dedicated, 33<br />

defined, 10<br />

limiting processing time, 34<br />

routing, 32<br />

queued request timeout<br />

setting, 87<br />

queues, 27, 32, 33<br />

R<br />

regional settings, 19<br />

remote cubes, 9<br />

removing<br />

cubes and reports, 43<br />

rendering<br />

specify PDF layout, 43<br />

report banner<br />

setting, 91<br />

report mirror references<br />

setting, 85<br />

report processor<br />

component, 27<br />

defined, 10<br />

limiting processing time, 34<br />

report source<br />

setting, 85<br />

report timeout<br />

setting, 88<br />

reports<br />

accessibility, 20<br />

adding, 9, 14, 41<br />

auditing, 74<br />

data sources, 14<br />

deleting, 43<br />

embedded fonts, 59<br />

imported, 49, 51<br />

moving, 41<br />

opening using URLs, 55<br />

overview, 40<br />

publishing, 49, 51<br />

removing, 43<br />

searching, 46<br />

See also accessible reports, 20<br />

request timeout<br />

setting, 88<br />

requests<br />

queued, 27, 32, 33<br />

reset<br />

setting, 86<br />

reset all<br />

setting, 86<br />

reset descendants<br />

setting, 86<br />

resetting<br />

descendants, 39<br />

resource (/ppwb) location<br />

setting, 81<br />

resources<br />

available, 33<br />

Restrict Connection Idle Timeout<br />

setting, 83<br />

restricting embedded HTML content in titles, 45<br />

retaining<br />

cubes from a previous version, 14<br />

routers<br />

using with dispatchers, 10<br />

row limit<br />

setting, 91<br />

runaway queries, 34<br />

S<br />

sample<br />

audit reports, 74<br />

reports, 74<br />

save as PowerCube<br />

setting, 87<br />

saving<br />

sub-cubes, 25<br />

scheduling threshold<br />

setting, 88<br />

screen resolution<br />

setting, 90<br />

scripts, 16, 101<br />

searching<br />

cubes and reports, 46<br />

secure sockets layer (SSL), 81<br />

Secure Temp Files<br />

setting, 88<br />

security<br />

Microsoft Web Server, 22<br />

network, 23<br />

overview, 21<br />

server, 24<br />

user classes, 9<br />

security dialog box<br />

setting, 82<br />

selection of preferences<br />

setting, 82<br />

Server<br />

administration, 15<br />

Server administration, 15<br />

122 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

Index<br />

Server groups, 28<br />

server mirror references<br />

setting, 81<br />

Server Name<br />

setting, 97<br />

server name<br />

setting, 81<br />

servers<br />

configuring PowerPlay, 15<br />

connecting, 38<br />

defining passwords, 24<br />

disable, 34<br />

discovering, 39<br />

IIS, 22<br />

monitoring activity, 31<br />

starting/stopping, 16<br />

services<br />

Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise, 16<br />

configuring Windows, 15<br />

logging to system directories, 14, 41<br />

starting/stopping, 16<br />

Setting the base HREF, 110<br />

settings<br />

bold, 39<br />

Export PDF, 58<br />

locale, 19<br />

Shared Temp, 109<br />

sharing<br />

enabled for mirror references, 41<br />

setting, 86<br />

shortcuts, 42<br />

Silent User Class Switch<br />

setting, 83<br />

sockets, 33<br />

sorting<br />

objects, 37<br />

split view<br />

definition, 116<br />

SQL Server Analysis Services, 13<br />

starting<br />

Enterprise Server Administration tool, 37<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server, 16<br />

status<br />

monitoring, 37<br />

stopping<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server, 16<br />

requests, 34<br />

style sheets, 18<br />

sub-cubes<br />

disabling, 25<br />

Sybase, 13<br />

T<br />

Table of Contents<br />

disabling, 53<br />

setting, 83<br />

table of contents<br />

preventing, 53<br />

regional settings, 19<br />

showing, 53<br />

tables<br />

audit database, 75<br />

temporary directory clean-up interval<br />

setting, 82<br />

Temporary file<br />

managing, 109<br />

Temporary file access<br />

configuring, 109<br />

temporary file deletion interval<br />

setting, 83, 84<br />

Temporary file modes, 109<br />

CGI Temp, 109<br />

Dispatcher Temp, 109<br />

Shared Temp, 109<br />

temporary files location<br />

setting, 82<br />

testing<br />

connections, 49<br />

text color<br />

setting, 92, 93<br />

third party OLAP sources, drilling through, 63<br />

ticket service, 67, 68<br />

title<br />

report, 45<br />

setting, 86<br />

transaction count, 75<br />

Transformer, 62<br />

transparency<br />

setting, 92, 93<br />

trend<br />

definition, 116<br />

troubleshooting<br />

audit data not collected, 75<br />

Type<br />

setting, 90<br />

U<br />

UNC paths, 14, 16, 41<br />

Upfront<br />

administration, 15<br />

data store, 15<br />

deployment, 9<br />

dispatcher, 15<br />

linked items, 50, 51<br />

publishing, 49<br />

Upfront gateway<br />

setting, 89<br />

Upfront NewsBox for cubes<br />

setting, 90<br />

Upfront NewsBox for reports<br />

setting, 90<br />

Upfront publish template<br />

setting, 90<br />

Upfront server group<br />

setting, 89<br />

upgrading, 14<br />

URLs<br />

accessing cubes and reports, 55<br />

User Classes<br />

setting, 98<br />

user interface, 37<br />

Enterprise Server Guide 123

Index<br />

V<br />

version of document, 2<br />

W<br />

Web layout<br />

using for PDF output, 43<br />

Web reports<br />

testing, 49<br />

124 Cognos PowerPlay (R)

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