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COGNOS (R) 8 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE README Cognos 8 Readme 08-15-2005 Cognos 8 8.1 Cognos(R) 8 Business Intelligence Readme README THE NEXT LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE TM


README<br />

Cognos 8 Readme<br />

08-15-2005<br />

Cognos 8<br />

8.1<br />

Cognos(R) 8 Business Intelligence Readme<br />

README<br />


Product Information<br />

This document applies to Cognos (R) 8 Version 8.1 and may also apply to subsequent releases. To check for newer versions of this document,<br />

visit the Cognos support Web site (http://support.cognos.com).<br />

Copyright<br />

Copyright (C) 2005 Cognos Incorporated.<br />

Portions of Cognos(R) software products are protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 6,609,123 B1; 6,611,838 B1; 6,662,188<br />

B1; 6,728,697 B2; 6,741,982 B2; 6,763,520 B1; 6,768,995 B2; 6,782,378 B2; 6,847,973 B2; 6,907,428 B2; 6,853,375 B2.<br />

Cognos and the Cognos logo are trademarks of Cognos Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other names are<br />

trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.<br />

While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete, some typographical errors or<br />

technical inaccuracies may exist. Cognos does not accept responsibility for any kind of loss resulting from the use of information contained in<br />

this document.<br />

This document shows the publication date. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Any<br />

improvements or changes to either the product or the document will be documented in subsequent editions.<br />

U.S. Government Restricted Rights. The software and accompanying materials are provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or<br />

disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions in subparagraph (C)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software<br />

clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or subparagraphs (C) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at<br />

48CFR52.227-19, as applicable. The Contractor is Cognos Corporation, 15 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803.<br />

This software/documentation contains proprietary information of Cognos Incorporated. All rights are reserved. Reverse engineering of this<br />

software is prohibited. No part of this software/documentation may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,<br />

transmitted in any form or by any means, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Cognos Incorporated.

Table of Contents<br />

Cognos 8 Known Issues 9<br />

Installation and Configuration 9<br />

Unable to Load DB2 OLAP Library in Framework Manager 9<br />

Accented or Double-Byte Characters May Not Display Correctly When Installing<br />

Cognos 8 on Linux 9<br />

Cannot Load Apache Module into Server When Using Cognos 8 and Cognos Series 7<br />

Applications on the Same Web Server 10<br />

Non-ASCII Characters in Install Directory Will Cause Run-Time Errors 10<br />

Japanese Characters Corrupted When Running issetup 11<br />

Yen and Won Characters Appear as Backslashes 11<br />

Upgrading ReportNet 1.1 to Cognos 8 Using Oracle 10g Application Server 11<br />

Cannot Publish Series 7 Cubes to Cognos 8 Following Upgrade 12<br />

Choosing Only One Language When Installing Cognos 8 Transformer and<br />

PowerPlay 13<br />

Series 7 Integration 13<br />

Publish to Cognos 8 Fails if a Different Format is Used to Identify the Series 7 Directory<br />

Server 13<br />

Unsupported Cognos Planning 7.3 Features with Cognos 8 13<br />

Cannot Open PowerPlay 7 Reports Published to Cognos Connection 13<br />

Transformer Errors Using Excel Data Sources on Windows 2000 SP4 14<br />

Security 14<br />

Issues with Integrated Windows Authentication 14<br />

A Namespace Configured with LDAP SSL Is Not Available 14<br />

Error When Using the SDK Custom Authentication JDBC Provider Sample 14<br />

Charts do Not Appear When Internet Explorer 6.x Security Level Set to High 15<br />

Testing SQL Server Datasource Connection When Using External Namespace<br />

Authentication 15<br />

Administration 15<br />

Unable to Connect to a Cognos Planning - Contributor Data Source 15<br />

Index Update Options Appear When Selecting Default Options For a Job 16<br />

A Report Does Not Run as Scheduled 16<br />

General 16<br />

CMM Strategy Maps Not Rendered to Excel 16<br />

Problems When Printing PDF 16<br />

Text Does Not Appear Properly in Quick Tours 17<br />

Documentation CD not Included in the Cognos 8 Package 17<br />

Broken Links in Documentation 17<br />

Unable to Launch Toolbar Buttons in Cognos Viewer When Using Jaws S<strong>cr</strong>een Reading<br />

Software 17<br />

Drill-Through Performance Slower 17<br />

Adobe Reader Versions for Server Printing on Windows 17<br />

Server Printing on AIX 17<br />

DB2 Data Sources 18<br />

Query Fails When Using DB2 OLAP Server 18<br />

Unable to Open a Cube Using 8.2 DB2 OLAP or EssBase 7.1 18<br />

Incorrect Average Value if Using DB2 OLAP/Essbase 19<br />

Incorrect Count Value if Using DB2 OLAP/Essbase 19<br />

Member Attributes Are not Supported for DB2 OLAP/Essbase 19<br />

SAP BW Data Sources 19<br />

Readme 3

4<br />

Incorrect Units of Measure in Calculations 19<br />

Grouping Columns That Have the Count Summary 19<br />

Missing Measures in Crosstab Reports 19<br />

Custom Formatting for Empty Cells Does Not Appear in Cognos 8 20<br />

Default Value Is Not Highlighted for SAP BW Hierarchy Node Prompt 20<br />

Creating Sections on Reports That Access SAP BW Data Sources 20<br />

Calculation Displays Incorrect Unit Format 20<br />

Summary Rows Return Incorrect Total Values 20<br />

Calculated Key Figures Appear with the Non-Aggregate Icon 20<br />

Query Studio 21<br />

Limitation Using Custom Groups and Drill Down Features in Query Studio 21<br />

Cannot Use Hierarchies from Dimensionally Modeled Relational Models 21<br />

Text and Border Styles Are not Applied to Empty Reports 21<br />

Unable to Run a Report After Cognos 8 is Restarted 21<br />

Background Color Is not Applied to Empty Crosstab Cells 21<br />

Functions not Available 21<br />

Unable to Insert Data Items from Two Hierarchies of a Single Dimension 21<br />

Background Color in Template Does not Appear 22<br />

Drilling on Measures 22<br />

Grouping on an Attribute 22<br />

Subtotals in Grouped Lists 22<br />

Adding a Filter to a Crosstab with a Currency and a Calculation 22<br />

Filters May Not Work in Some Sectioned Reports 22<br />

Unable to Filter on Multiple Currencies at Once 22<br />

Summary Values of Non-additive Measures May Be Incorrect 23<br />

Report Studio 23<br />

Style Properties not Supported 23<br />

Bursting on MOLAP Data 23<br />

Aggregate Values Are Not Appearing in Crosstabs 23<br />

Connecting Queries Between Different Data Sources 23<br />

Creating a Chart from an Existing Query 24<br />

Key Transformation Validation Level Returns Partial Information 24<br />

Extra Rows Appear in a Grouped List 24<br />

Pivoting to a Crosstab Shows the Member of the Attribute 24<br />

Event Studio 24<br />

Tasks Do Not Run According to Execution Rules 25<br />

Agent Run Fails 25<br />

Analysis Studio 25<br />

Analysis Studio Limitations 25<br />

Filter by Label or Attribute is Case Sensitive 25<br />

Cells with '- -' are Represented as NULLS in Export to Excel 26<br />

Context Filter Limitations 26<br />

Defining Languages for OLAP Data Sources 26<br />

Crosstab Shows Percentage But Chart Shows Values 26<br />

Analysis Studio Does Not Reflect Package Configuration Settings 26<br />

Analysis Studio Ignores Changed Package Reference in Cognos Connection 26<br />

Server Error When Sorting a Selection-Based Set by Attribute 26<br />

Suppress Items when Accessing MS Analysis Services Cubes May Produce Unexpected<br />

Results 26<br />

Metric Studio 27<br />

Default Import Source Expects a Folder in the Deployment Directory 27<br />

Test Data Source in Cognos Connection Fails for Security Reasons 27<br />

Recommended Patches for Oracle 10g 27<br />

"To-Date" Comparisons are Not Available 27<br />

Concurrent Tasks May Corrupt Metric Store 27<br />

Oracle 9.2 Package Initialization Error if NLS_LANG Environment Variable is Not Set<br />

Appropriately Before Starting Up Cognos 8 Tomcat Server 27

User Permissions for the Metric Store Database (MS SQL Server) 28<br />

Metric Type Settings Lost When a Calendar is Cleared 28<br />

Equations Using Only Constants are not Allowed in Calculated Metrics Types 28<br />

Default Report and Diagram Setting not Exported 28<br />

When Migrating a CMM 2.2 Application With Translated Units to Metric Studio 8.1,<br />

Metric Values are not Migrated 28<br />

Data Format for Specifying Security on Groups and Group Types has Changed 29<br />

Group-type Names Display as Unreadable Characters (SQL Server Only) 29<br />

Multilingual Characters May not Print Correctly When Using an Oracle Metric Store 29<br />

Imports and Exports May Fail in a Distributed Installation 29<br />

Content that uses double-byte characters displays as unreadable characters (Oracle) 29<br />

Removing Periods From a Calendar That Contains Weeks May Remove the First Week of<br />

the First Remaining Year 30<br />

Errors During the Import of a Custom Calendar Are Not Shown in the Calendar Creation<br />

Wizard 30<br />

Oracle Database Created but Not Configured as Expected 30<br />

Unexpected Date Format in the User Interface 30<br />

Initializing an Oracle Metric Store Which Does Not Have the NLS_LANG Environment<br />

Variable Set Properly Has Unexpected Results 30<br />

Some Characters Cannot Be Loaded When the Database Has a Non Unicode Dataset 31<br />

Extending a Calendar That Has No Year-Level Fails If the Number of Periods of the<br />

Initial Calendar Contains a Partial Year 31<br />

Calculation Fails When the Decimal Period Is Not a Period 31<br />

The start_time_cd and <strong>cr</strong>eated_dt Columns of the .cmn Tab-Delimited File Must Be<br />

Formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (DB2) 31<br />

Imports and Exports May Fail in a Distributed Installation 31<br />

Printing a List of Scorecard Projects or Metric Actions Can Result in an Empty List 32<br />

Calendars Including Weeks Contain More Years and Start One Year Earlier than<br />

Expected 32<br />

Metric Lists Do Not Display When Using DB2 32<br />

Non-Integer Values Using a Character Other Than a Period as the Decimal Point Are Not<br />

Imported When Using DB2 32<br />

When Running the Metric Maintenance Task, Clear Metric History and Calendar Data,<br />

Some Calendar Properties May Be Lost 33<br />

Data Removed From Metric Data Store 33<br />

List View Displays Incorrect Week 33<br />

Metric Designer 33<br />

Metric Designer Does not Warn the User if the Metrics Extract Mapping do not Match<br />

the Metric Type Rollup Properties 34<br />

Error UDA-SQL-0564 When Executing a Notes Object Extract 34<br />

Metric Type Settings Lost When a Calendar is Cleared 34<br />

Framework Manager - Import Source and Anonymous User Language Preference 34<br />

Framework Manager - Import Source Connections and Credentials 34<br />

Metric Designer delivers unreadable values from Japanese Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft SQL Server Import<br />

Sources when writing to files 34<br />

Japanese Extracts to Oracle via Metric Studio Staging files Fails 35<br />

Cognos 8 Package Import Source - "No Accessible Views" Error 35<br />

Create Date Field for Object Extracts 35<br />

Metric Filters are Still Invalid After Upgrading a Model and Retargeting Broken<br />

References 35<br />

Unrecognized Vendor-Defined Japanese Characters in Cube Extracts 35<br />

Problem Trying to Execute an Extract Created Against a Framework Manager Model<br />

Going Against a Teradata Database 35<br />

IQD Import Source - Error Reading IQD file that Contains the Oracle 'Replace'<br />

Function 36<br />

Adding Multiple IQD files to an Import Source 36<br />

Data Sources Not Supported 36<br />

Readme 5

Incorrect Scorecard Rollup Values for PowerCube Expressions 36<br />

Previewing the Scorecard Tree and Assigning Metrics to Scorecards in the Metrics Scope<br />

page does not work 37<br />

Filters on Parent-Child Hierarchies are not Supported for Dimensional (OLAP) Data<br />

sources 37<br />

Error Occurs for a Metrics Extract Containing Static Text-type Scorecard Levels 37<br />

Metric Extracts Containing Typed-in Constant Metric Attribute Values Do Not Deliver<br />

Metrics for PowerCube Data Sources 37<br />

Mapping Levels to Qualifiers Using the Expression Editor for a PowerCube Data Source<br />

Does Not Work 37<br />

Error Occurs When Query Items Mapped to Metrics Qualifiers Are Referenced in<br />

Scorecard Filters 37<br />

Framework Manager 38<br />

Unable to Test Physical Model after Third-Party Metadata Import 38<br />

Invalid Expressions after Third-Party Metadata Import from DB2 Cube Views 38<br />

Levels in IBM DB2 Cube Views Are Not Assigned a Role of memberCaption 39<br />

Functional Dependencies in IBM DB2 Cube Views Are Not Defined as Determinants 39<br />

Occasional Session Issues When Testing Queries in Framework Manager 39<br />

Embedded Externalize Method 39<br />

Unable to Use an IQD Created in Framework Manager That Contains an Oracle Stored<br />

Procedure 39<br />

Problems Arising When an IQD File Exported from Framework Manager Connects to<br />

Two Databases 40<br />

Cannot Specify the Order of Members 40<br />

Full Outer Joins and Oracle 40<br />

Upgraded Report Does Not Run Due to Incompatible Datatype 41<br />

Cannot Synchronize a Project in a Repository 41<br />

Errors Using Non-English Version of Visual SourceSafe 6.0 41<br />

Unable to Start Framework Manager 41<br />

Cognos 8 Documentation Updates 43<br />

Cognos 8 Getting Started 43<br />

Example - Monitor Performance 43<br />

Example - Manage an Event 43<br />

Cognos 8 Troubleshooting Guide 43<br />

Application Error Appears When Upgrading a Report 43<br />

Log Files 44<br />

Mixed Languages Are Displayed in Cognos Connection When Using Samples 44<br />

Not Yet Optimized Cognos PowerCubes May Open Slowly in Cognos 8 44<br />

Failed to Execute Step step_name in Package package_name Because a Conflicting<br />

Process is Already Running. Please Try Again Later. 45<br />

Failed to Unlock the Database After Executing Step step_name in Package package_name.<br />

Please Contact Your System Administrator. 45<br />

Failed to Release Old Database Locks Where DIS ID Is: dispatcher 46<br />

QE-DEF-0177, UDA-SQL-0114, UDA-SQL-0458, and UDA-SQL-0475 Errors When<br />

Running a Report 46<br />

Series 7 Namespaces Do Not Initialize When Services are Started 46<br />

Cognos 8 Installation & Configuration Guide 47<br />

Create Databases for the Content Store and Metric Store 47<br />

Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide 47<br />

Setting Up Trigger-based Scheduling 47<br />

DB2 OLAP Data Sources and Scenario Dimensions 48<br />

Balanced Hierarchies Not Determined by DB2 OLAP Provider 48<br />

Specify Measure Formats 48<br />

Cognos 8 Report Studio User Guide 49<br />

Controlling the Rows Per Page for Multiple Containers in HTML and PDF 49<br />

Creating Charts Using an SAP BW Data Source 50<br />


Creating Burst Reports Using a Dimensional Data Source 50<br />

Using the Expression Editor 50<br />

Cannot View Burst Report 51<br />

Cognos 8 Query Studio User Guide 52<br />

Format Rules for Calculations Returning Number Data Types 52<br />

SAP BW 54<br />

Create a Simple Filter 54<br />

Cognos 8 Analysis Studio User Guide 54<br />

Insert Data 54<br />

Suppress Null Totals and Zero Totals 54<br />

Create a Custom Set 55<br />

Producing Reports in Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Excel Format 55<br />

Insert Data 56<br />

Sets 56<br />

Cognos 8 Metric Studio User Guide for Authors 56<br />

Weeks in Gregorian Calendars 56<br />

Framework Manager User Guide 57<br />

Checking Imported Metadata 57<br />

Moving a Framework Manager Model from One Relational Database to Another 57<br />

Analysis Studio Quick Tour 58<br />

Index 59<br />

Readme 7

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

This Readme contains late-breaking information, including<br />

• known issues<br />

• documentation updates<br />

The documentation included in this release is current as of November 11, 2005. To view<br />

subsequently discovered issues and documentation updates, visit the Knowledge Base on the<br />

Cognos support Web site (http://support.cognos.com/kb-app/knowledgebase).<br />

From within the online help, you can click the following link to open a printable version of this<br />

document (PDF).<br />

To view a complete list of environments currently supported by Cognos products, such as<br />

operating systems, patches, browsers, Web servers, directory servers, and database servers, visit<br />

the Cognos support Web site (http://support.cognos.com).<br />

Installation and Configuration<br />

This section contains known issues about installation and configuration.<br />

Unable to Load DB2 OLAP Library in Framework Manager<br />

You installed the DB2 OLAP 8.1 client and cannot load the DB2 OLAP library into Framework<br />

Manager. You receive the following message:<br />

DB2-ERR-0028 Unable to load the following DB2 OLAP library:<br />

"C:\ibm\db2olap\bin\essapin.dll"<br />

Cognos 8 is configured to use the DB2 OLAP library for Version 8.2. To resolve this problem, you<br />

must edit the qfs_config.xml file and rename the library for Version 8.1.<br />

nbna<br />

Steps<br />

1. In the c8_location\configuration directory, edit the qfs_config.xml file.<br />

2. Find the following code:<br />

<br />

3. Change the library name from doodp82 to doodp81 and save the changes.<br />

Accented or Double-Byte Characters May Not Display Correctly When<br />

Installing Cognos 8 on Linux<br />

If you are using issetup under a UTF-8 locale, accented or double-byte characters may not display<br />

correctly.<br />

To resolve this problem when installing in German or French, use a non-UTF-8 locale and then<br />

launch issetup or use the character-mode program issetupcc to install Cognos 8.<br />

To resolve this problem when installing in Japanese, use the character-mode program issetupcc<br />

and change the encoding setting of X Terminal to Shift-JIS, then install Cognos 8.<br />

Readme 9

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Cannot Load Apache Module into Server When Using Cognos 8 and Cognos<br />

Series 7 Applications on the Same Web Server<br />

When configuring an Apache gateway for Cognos 8 on a Web server that is also being used for<br />

Cognos Series 7 applications, the Web server may not start. You may see a message similar to the<br />

following:<br />

Syntax error on line 557 of //webserver/IHS_###/conf/httpd.conf:<br />

Cannot load /usr/cognos/cgi-bin/imrapmod.so into server: Exec format error<br />

In your Web browser, you may see the following message:<br />

500 Internal Server Error in the browser:<br />

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to<br />

complete your request.<br />

Please contact the server administrator, name@company.address and inform them<br />

of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have<br />

caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the<br />

server error log.<br />

The problem occurs because of incompatibilities between shared libraries used by the two gateway<br />

modules. Both gateway modules are loaded by one process, Apache Web server. A single Apache<br />

Web server cannot load both the Cognos 8 and version 7.3 application modules.<br />

To resolve this problem, upgrade your Cognos Series 7 applications to version 7.3 MR2 or higher,<br />

or run each gateway module in a separate Apache process using the method des<strong>cr</strong>ibed below.<br />

For example, configure the first instance of Apache as the proxy server and to load mod_cognos<br />

for Cognos 8. Configure the second instance to run the Cognos Series 7 gateway module.<br />

446124<br />

Steps<br />

1. Enable mod_proxy on the original Apache Web Server.<br />

This server becomes the proxy server.<br />

2. Install and configure a second instance of Apache on a different port.<br />

3. On the original server, do the following:<br />

• Remove any existing Cognos Series 7 configuration information from the httpd.conf file<br />

and then add the following information:<br />

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so # modify to suit platform<br />

<br />

ProxyPass http://hostname:port/cognos/cgi-bin/imrapmod<br />

<br />

• Edit the Apache envvars file and ensure that c8/cgi-bin appears before the cer4/bin and<br />

cer4/cgi-bin directories in the shared library search path.<br />

4. On the second server, do the following:<br />

• Configure the Apache module gateway settings that are required for Cognos Series 7.<br />

For more information, see the Change the Apache Web Server Settings for Apache<br />

Module Gateways topic in Configuration Manager User Guide.<br />

• Configure the server to use the same port as the one specified in the ProxyPass line in step<br />

3.<br />

• Edit the Apache envvars file and ensure that c8/cgi-bin is not in the shared library search<br />

path.<br />

Non-ASCII Characters in Install Directory Will Cause Run-Time Errors<br />

The use of non-ASCII characters in the name of the Cognos 8 installation directory will cause<br />

run-time errors. Some product functions, particularly report execution, will fail.<br />

To resolve this issue, use the default installation directory, \Program Files\cognos\c8, or use an<br />

alternate installation directory name which uses ASCII characters.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

483217<br />

Japanese Characters Corrupted When Running issetup<br />

487002<br />

If you run issetup from an X Windows client running on a Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Windows computer,<br />

Japanese characters may be corrupted.<br />

To work around this problem, follow these steps:<br />

1. When you install Cognos 8 on a UNIX computer, open the console display.<br />

2. Type LANG=C and LC_ALL=C to specify English only for the installation.<br />

Yen and Won Characters Appear as Backslashes<br />

In the Unicode standard map, the character stored as U+005C appears as a backslash. The yen and<br />

won characters are stored as U+00A5 and U+20A9 respectively. However, adherence to the standard<br />

is not universal and the U+005C storage value is often used for the yen symbol in Japan and as the<br />

won symbol in Korea.<br />

The appearance of character symbols depends on the font used. If you want to use U+005C as a<br />

yen or a won, change the font. In HTML and PDF output, the cascading style sheet file<br />

GlobalReportStyles.css controls which font is used and it is stored in the folders \Cognos\c8\bin\<br />

and \Cognos\c8\webcontent\schemas\.<br />

Cognos provides a standard default font, Andale WT, which uses the standard Unicode map for<br />

U+005C as backslash. Cognos also provides Andale WT J and Andale WT K, that map the U+005C<br />

value as a yen and a won respectively. You can download these fonts from the Cognos support<br />

Web site (http://support.cognos.com). To use the fonts, copy them to \Cognos\c8\bin\fonts\ (or the<br />

path set by Cognos Configuration) and then follow the steps below to modify the style sheet.<br />

1. Stop the Cognos 8 server.<br />

2. Enable one of the following sections as below:<br />

/* For Japanese: */<br />

.pg,<br />

.pp<br />

{<br />

font-family: 'MS UI Gothic', Tahoma, arial, geneva, helvetica,<br />

sans-serif, 'Andale WT J';<br />

}<br />

Or<br />

nbna<br />

/* For Korean: */<br />

.pg,<br />

.pp<br />

{<br />

font-family: Gulim, Tahoma, arial, geneva, helvetica, sans-serif,<br />

'Andale WT K';<br />

}<br />

3. Restart the Cognos 8 server.<br />

Upgrading ReportNet 1.1 to Cognos 8 Using Oracle 10g Application Server<br />

When you deploy Cognos 8 using the Oracle 10g application server, the Cognos 8 application<br />

code is run during the deployment step and then stopped automatically by Oracle. This may result<br />

in a partial update of the Content Manager data store. When a user attempts to access the portal,<br />

the following error message appears:<br />

There are no tabs available in your portal.<br />

This problem does not occur in a non-application server environment, or with other application<br />

servers.<br />

Readme 11

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

489870<br />

To avoid this issue, do the following:<br />

1. Configure the Cognos 8 Content Manager database to point to a new database before you<br />

deploy Cognos 8.<br />

2. Complete the installation and verify that the portal can be accessed.<br />

At this point, there is no content in the portal.<br />

3. Stop the Oracle OC4J instance.<br />

4. Run Cognos Configuration and specify the ReportNet 1.1 Content Manager database.<br />

5. Start the Oracle OC4J instance.<br />

The Content Manager data store is properly updated.<br />

Cannot Publish Series 7 Cubes to Cognos 8 Following Upgrade<br />

After you upgrade from Cognos ReportNet to Cognos 8 you may not be able to publish cubes<br />

from PowerPlay Enterprise Server to Cognos Connection. Similarly, if a user opens a cube from<br />

Cognos Connection that was published from PowerPlay Enterprise Server, they may receive the<br />

following error when they save the report to Cognos Connection: "Your session ticket is invalid. It<br />

may have expired."<br />

To resolve this problem, you can restructure your virtual directories so that the Series 7 and<br />

Cognos 8 gateways are within the same structure or change the default cookie path in Cognos 8.<br />

If you change the cookie path, you will not be able to run ReportNet and Cognos 8 on the same<br />

computer.<br />

Steps to Set the Virtual Directories<br />

• Create a virtual directory structure such that both the PowerPlay Enterprise Server Series 7<br />

gateway and the Cognos 8 gateway are within the same structure. For example, set up your<br />

virtual directories such as<br />

• Create an alias called cognos8 that points to the c8_location\webcontent directory.<br />

• Create an alias called cognos8/cgi-bin that points to the c8_location\cgi-bin directory.<br />

• Create an alias called cognos8/series7 that points to the series7_location\webcontent<br />

directory.<br />

• Create an alias called cognos8/series7/cgi-bin that points to the series7_location\cgi-bin<br />

directory.<br />

• Create an alias called cognos8/series7/help that points to the<br />

series7_location\Documentation directory.<br />

497254, 498533<br />

Steps to Change the Default Cookie Path<br />

1. Start Cognos Configuration.<br />

2. Click Actions, Edit Global Configuration, and click the Server tab.<br />

3. In the Path box under Cookie Setting, type<br />

/<br />

4. Click OK.<br />

5. Save your configuration.<br />

Note: If you change the cookie path, you will not be able to run ReportNet and Cognos 8 on the<br />

same computer. If you intend to run ReportNet and Cognos 8 on the same computer, you can<br />

correct this problem by changing your virtual directories as des<strong>cr</strong>ibed above.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Choosing Only One Language When Installing Cognos 8 Transformer and<br />

PowerPlay<br />

The Cognos 8 BI OLAP Modeling and Mobile Analysis packages are delivered on multiple CDs.<br />

Each CD is organized into two or more top-level language folders such as English, French, and<br />

Japanese. When installing these products, you must install them from one of the available<br />

language folders.<br />

The language that you choose becomes the language of the user interface of the product. However,<br />

the product can process data in any of the supported languages.<br />

Series 7 Integration<br />

This section contains known issues about Series 7 integration.<br />

Publish to Cognos 8 Fails if a Different Format is Used to Identify the Series 7<br />

Directory Server<br />

452195<br />

To publish from PowerPlay Enterprise Server to Cognos 8, you must use the same format to<br />

identify the connection information for the Series 7 namespace directory server in both Cognos<br />

Series 7 Version 3 and Cognos 8.<br />

For example, if you specify a host name in one product and then use the IP address in the other,<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server is not able to publish to the Cognos 8 portal. Instead, it detects a<br />

mismatched configuration, prompts for <strong>cr</strong>edentials and, even if valid <strong>cr</strong>edentials are entered, raises<br />

a "Publish failed" error.<br />

The solution is to use the same format to identify the directory server hosting the Cognos Series 7<br />

namespace in both product configurations; either a fully qualified host name or a specific IP<br />

address.<br />

Unsupported Cognos Planning 7.3 Features with Cognos 8<br />

nbna<br />

The following Planning - Contributor 7.3 features are unsupported with Cognos 8.<br />

• Publish to PowerPlay Enterprise Server admin extension - All unpublished data source<br />

tasks<br />

• Publish to PowerPlay Enterprise Server admin extension - Published data source task<br />

"Create PowerCubes and Publish to PowerPlay Enterprise Server"<br />

• Publish to PowerPlay Enterprise Server admin extension - Published data source task<br />

"Publish PowerCubes to a Cognos Portal"<br />

• Publish to Cognos Metrics Manager admin extension<br />

• View in PowerPlay Web client extension<br />

Cannot Open PowerPlay 7 Reports Published to Cognos Connection<br />

nbna<br />

In Cognos Connection, if you try to open published PowerPlay 7 reports in Report Studio or<br />

Analysis Studio, you receive an error message.<br />

You must upgrade PowerPlay 7 reports before you can open them in Cognos 8. This upgrade<br />

functionality was not available when you installed Cognos 8. To determine if the upgrade<br />

functionality is available, contact Cognos Customer Support.<br />

Readme 13

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Transformer Errors Using Excel Data Sources on Windows 2000 SP4<br />

501142, 501165<br />

Security<br />

Importing an Excel <strong>cr</strong>osstab into Transformer can cause errors in Transformer if you have<br />

Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.8 SP1 installed and you are using a<br />

Windows 2000 SP4 computer.<br />

Also, opening the data source viewer for an Excel data source can cause errors in Transformer if<br />

you have MDAC version 2.6 to 2.8 installed and you are using a Windows 2000 SP4 computer.<br />

This section contains known issues about security.<br />

Issues with Integrated Windows Authentication<br />

The single signon mechanism does not work when Cognos 8 is configured as follows:<br />

• Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Internet Explorer runs on a Windows NT computer.<br />

• The authentication namespace is configured with the Active Directory provider.<br />

• Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Internet Explorer on a Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 server is configured for<br />

Integrated Windows Authentication.<br />

As a result, users are prompted for their Active Directory <strong>cr</strong>edentials.<br />

This problem occurs because the Cognos 8 Active Directory provider uses ADSI protocol and<br />

Kerberos delegation for authentication in a single signon environment. When Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Internet<br />

Explorer runs on Windows NT, it cannot authenticate to the IIS server using Kerberos delegation.<br />

When your system is configured for Windows Integrated Authentication, for the single signon to<br />

work with IIS, you must<br />

• configure Cognos 8 to communicate with the Active Directory server using the LDAP<br />

provider.<br />

• configure the external identity mapping property to read the REMOTE_USER environment<br />

variable.<br />

A Namespace Configured with LDAP SSL Is Not Available<br />

When you use an LDAP namespace and you have SSL configured for communication with the<br />

directory server, the namespace may not be available when you start Cognos 8.<br />

This problem occurs if the directory that contains the cert7.db file does not contain the key3.db<br />

file. The key3.db file is required by the LDAP SDK version used with the current version of<br />

ReportNet.<br />

To avoid this problem, ensure that the key3.db and cert7.db files are in the same directory.<br />

Error When Using the SDK Custom Authentication JDBC Provider Sample<br />

When you want to use the sample, a run-time error occurs because the JDBC drivers for SQL<br />

Server are not available.<br />

To solve this problem, perform the following steps.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Install the JDBC drivers.<br />

The drivers are available on the Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Web site.<br />

2. Copy the following files from the jdbc_driver_installation/lib directory to the<br />

c8_installation/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib directory:<br />

• msbase.jar<br />

• mssqlserver.jar<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

• msutil.jar<br />

Charts do Not Appear When Internet Explorer 6.x Security Level Set to High<br />

In Cognos 8, HTML output reports are displayed in Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Internet Explorer 6.x with 24-bit<br />

transparency to ensure that the appropriate color depth is displayed, typically for charts.<br />

If you operate in an environment that requires the Internet Explorer 6.x security level to be set to<br />

high, charts may not appear. If you cannot lower the security setting for security reasons, you may<br />

want to disable chart transparency. Charts are displayed in Internet Explorer with transparencies<br />

displayed in white.<br />

To access the server administration tool, you must have execute permissions for the server<br />

administration secured feature and traverse permission for the Administration secured function.<br />

For more information, see "Securing Functions and Features" in the Administration and Security<br />

Guide.<br />

nbna<br />

Steps<br />

1. In Cognos Connection, click Tools, Server Administration.<br />

2. Click the Configure tab.<br />

3. In the Name column, click the dispatcher you want.<br />

4. For ReportService, in the Actions column, click the set properties button.<br />

5. Click the Settings tab.<br />

6. For the Environment category, next to Advanced settings, click the Edit link.<br />

7. If it appears, select the Override the settings acquired from the parent entry check box.<br />

Otherwise, proceed to the next step.<br />

8. In the Parameter column, type EnableChartTransparencyIE.<br />

9. In the Value column, type False to disable chart transparency in Internet Explorer.<br />

10. Click OK.<br />

11. Click OK again.<br />

Testing SQL Server Datasource Connection When Using External Namespace<br />

Authentication<br />

490323<br />

After you <strong>cr</strong>eate a datasource connection to SQL Server or SQL Server Analysis Services and select<br />

an external namespace for authentication, testing the connection will always result in the<br />

"RSV-SRV-0040 An application error has occurred" error. However, the connection may work<br />

correctly.<br />

To resolve this problem, you can confirm that the data source connection is valid using<br />

Framework Manager to import metadata or using one of the studios to query it.<br />

Administration<br />

This section contains known issues about administration.<br />

Unable to Connect to a Cognos Planning - Contributor Data Source<br />

Attempting to connect to a Cognos Planning - Contributor Data Source may result in a failed<br />

connection test or you may see a message similar to the following:<br />

A socket reported a communication error<br />

To successfully connect to a Cognos Planning - Contributor data source requires the installation of<br />

Cognos Planning 7.3 Service Pack 3 and the Cognos 8 - Integration Install, with the Cognos 8 -<br />

Contributor Data Server selected.<br />

Readme 15

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

475844<br />

These installation kits will be available as a download from the Cognos support website<br />

http://support.cognos.com<br />

Index Update Options Appear When Selecting Default Options For a Job<br />

500328<br />

When you are setting the default options for a job that schedules multiple entries, the option Index<br />

update options that appears is not functional. Settings that you choose for this option will not<br />

cause errors, but they will be ignored. These settings will be relevant in a future release.<br />

A Report Does Not Run as Scheduled<br />

481534<br />

General<br />

If you remove an authentication namespace from Cognos Configuration, a report may not run as<br />

scheduled if the owner’s stored <strong>cr</strong>edential included authentication for the deleted namespace.<br />

To correct this problem, refresh the owner’s stored <strong>cr</strong>edentials.<br />

Tip: Click Preferences, click the Personal tab, and then click Renew the <strong>cr</strong>edentials .<br />

This section contains general known issues.<br />

CMM Strategy Maps Not Rendered to Excel<br />

nbna<br />

Due to issues with Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Excel support for images in spreadsheets, Metric Studio strategy<br />

maps will not appear in reports saved to Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Excel format.<br />

Problems When Printing PDF<br />

You print a document in PDF format, but the print job is incomplete. For example, the job stops<br />

printing when it reaches a particular graphic.<br />

This is an Adobe Reader issue that can occur when printing some PDFs using some versions of<br />

Adobe Reader and some printer models. The same PDF may print correctly under one or both of<br />

the following conditions:<br />

• using a different version of Adobe Reader<br />

• using a different printer<br />

If you print from Adobe Reader 4.0 or later product, you can try the following solution.<br />

Steps to Force a Page to Print as an Image<br />

1. In Adobe Reader, from the File menu, click Print.<br />

2. In the Print dialog box, click Advanced.<br />

3. In the Advanced Print Setup dialog box, select the Print as image check box.<br />

Because files print more slowly using this option, make sure you specify only the non-printing<br />

page.<br />

4. In the Print Range section, click Pages from and Pages to, type only the page number of the<br />

non-printing page, and then click OK.<br />

You can print the rest of the PDF by resending the job starting on the next page.<br />

5. Clear the Print as image check box.<br />

6. In the Print Range section, click Pages from and Pages to, type the page range for the<br />

remaining pages, and then click OK.<br />

Although you can use the Print as image option to print the file, this setting does not resolve the<br />

original printing problem. For more information, see the Adobe Web site.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

nbna<br />

Text Does Not Appear Properly in Quick Tours<br />

471519<br />

If your computer uses large fonts, you may not see all the text or text may not wrap properly in<br />

the Cognos 8 quick tours. To fix this problem, do one of the following:<br />

• Use small fonts for your computer.<br />

• Use the smallest font setting in your Web browser.<br />

Documentation CD not Included in the Cognos 8 Package<br />

Cognos 8 documentation states that "All online books are available on the Cognos<br />

documentation CD". However, in an effort to reduce the total number of CDs, we have removed<br />

this redundant content.<br />

nbna<br />

All Cognos 8 online books continue to be available in the<br />

c8_location\webcontent\documentation\en directory.<br />

Broken Links in Documentation<br />

nbna<br />

In the HTML output of the Cognos 8 documentation, links to other documents in the<br />

Introduction chapters may be broken. Broken links occur if a component of Cognos 8 was not<br />

installed.<br />

Unable to Launch Toolbar Buttons in Cognos Viewer When Using Jaws S<strong>cr</strong>een<br />

Reading Software<br />

Users of Jaws s<strong>cr</strong>een reading software are able to navigate to the toolbar buttons and hear a<br />

des<strong>cr</strong>iption of each button when viewing a report in Cognos Viewer. However they cannot launch<br />

any of the buttons.<br />

The toolbar buttons in Report Viewer can be accessed via keyboard navigation when the s<strong>cr</strong>een<br />

reader is disabled.<br />

Drill-Through Performance Slower<br />

493659<br />

Drill-through performance in Cognos 8 may be slower than in ReportNet for the same reports.<br />

Adobe Reader Versions for Server Printing on Windows<br />

Due to an issue with earlier versions of Adobe Reader 7.x, Cognos 8 on Windows requires Adobe<br />

Reader 7.0.5 or higher for server printing. Alternatively, Adobe 5.0.5 or 6.x may also be used.<br />

492030<br />

Note that this issue does not affect the use of Adobe Reader 7 in the browser for viewing or<br />

printing.<br />

Server Printing on AIX<br />

500409<br />

Server-side printing on AIX may produce the following error message, despite the fact that the<br />

report was printed successfully.<br />

RSV-DST-0009 The print process returned a status code of 999<br />

You can ignore this error message, as the document was printed successfully.<br />

Readme 17

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

DB2 Data Sources<br />

The following issues were identified with software components of DB2 data sources. We are<br />

managing the status of these problems with the vendor, but, at the time of this release, the<br />

following issues are still unresolved in the product.<br />

Query Fails When Using DB2 OLAP Server<br />

When you run a query using data or metadata in a DB2 OLAP server, you may see an exception<br />

window indicating that something wrong happened with the query.<br />

The error occurred because Windows did not have enough remote procedure call (RPC) ports<br />

available.<br />

To resolve this problem, you must in<strong>cr</strong>ease the number of RPC ports that are available for<br />

program use. You do this by <strong>cr</strong>eating a MaxUserPort TCP/IP entry in the Registry Editor.<br />

Important: Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Incorrect use may cause problems that require<br />

you to reinstall your operating system. Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems<br />

that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly.<br />

476181<br />

Steps<br />

1. From the Start menu, click Run.<br />

2. In the Run dialog, type regedit and then click OK.<br />

3. In the Registry Editor window, click the following directory:<br />

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters<br />

4. From the Edit menu, click New, DWORD Value.<br />

The new value appears in the list of parameters.<br />

5. Type MaxUserPort and then press Enter.<br />

6. Double-click MaxUserPort.<br />

7. In the Edit DWORD Value window, do the following:<br />

• Select Decimal.<br />

• Type a value between 30000 and 65534.<br />

Tip: The maximum value, 65534, is recommended.<br />

• Click OK.<br />

8. Close the Registry Editor window.<br />

9. Restart the Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft CRM server.<br />

Unable to Open a Cube Using 8.2 DB2 OLAP or EssBase 7.1<br />

If you are using 8.2 DB2 OLAP or EssBase 7.1, you cannot open a cube which has been designed<br />

to use Aggregate Storage.<br />

When the Aggregate Storage Option (ASO) cube package is loaded into one of the Cognos 8<br />

Studios, the metadata is not shown.<br />

To ensure that you have the run-time library required to access the ASO feature, perform the<br />

following additional steps when installing your DB2 OLAP 8.2 client software.<br />

Steps to Access the Run-time Library<br />

1. In the DB2 OLAP 8.2 client installation wizard, select the Custom installation type, and then<br />

click Next.<br />

2. Select the Essbase API for Windows 32 option if it has not already been selected, and then<br />

proceed through the remaining pages of the installation wizard.<br />

3. When the installation is finished, locate libdb42.dll in the folder<br />

db2olap_installation_location\api\redist, and copy this file to the client installation folder<br />

db2olap_installation_location\bin.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

483570<br />

4. Restart your system.<br />

Note: If you apply a Fix Pak to your DB2 OLAP 8.2 client, remember to also recopy libdb42.dll<br />

(as explained above), to ensure that your \bin folder always contains the most up-to-date version<br />

of this required file.<br />

Incorrect Average Value if Using DB2 OLAP/Essbase<br />

500534<br />

If you are using DB2 OLAP/Essbase, you may obtain an incorrect value for an average in a<br />

grouped list report with a parent-child hierarchy. This is a known issue that will be addressed in a<br />

future release.<br />

Incorrect Count Value if Using DB2 OLAP/Essbase<br />

483788<br />

If you are using DB2 OLAP/Essbase, you may obtain an incorrect value for a count summary in a<br />

grouped list report. This is because the count for a root member is set to the sum of count values<br />

for its descendants. This is a known issue that will be addressed in a future release.<br />

Member Attributes Are not Supported for DB2 OLAP/Essbase<br />

These attributes will not be available for filtering and grouping in the Cognos 8 studios in this<br />

release.<br />

There is no workaround for this problem.<br />

SAP BW Data Sources<br />

The following issues were identified with software components of SAP BW data sources. We are<br />

managing the status of these problems with the vendor, but, at the time of this release, the<br />

following issues are still unresolved in the product.<br />

Incorrect Units of Measure in Calculations<br />

421591<br />

When <strong>cr</strong>eating calculations in Report Studio and Query Studio, you may encounter problems with<br />

the units of measure. For example, the calculation Cost*Cost returns the unit of measure CAD^2<br />

in BEx but * in Cognos 8.<br />

You can change the format of the corresponding column to obtain the desired unit of measure.<br />

Grouping Columns That Have the Count Summary<br />

435017<br />

If you add the Count summary to a non-fact column in a list and then group the column, the<br />

column will not be grouped when you run the report.<br />

To resolve this issue, group the column first before adding the Count summary.<br />

Missing Measures in Crosstab Reports<br />

437751<br />

If you have a <strong>cr</strong>osstab with multiple measures (multiple summary types and semi-additive<br />

aggregations), one measure may not render if the default aggregation function for the measures is<br />

set to Automatic.<br />

To resolve this issue, set the default aggregation function to None.<br />

Readme 19

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Custom Formatting for Empty Cells Does Not Appear in Cognos 8<br />

425064<br />

If the SAP BW server administrator configures custom formatting for empty cells on the SAP BW<br />

server, the custom format does not appear in Cognos 8 reports.<br />

Administrators should configure the formatting of empty cells using Cognos 8.<br />

Default Value Is Not Highlighted for SAP BW Hierarchy Node Prompt<br />

401113<br />

The hierarchy node variable is a placeholder that takes the place of a member in a hierarchical<br />

tree. It is <strong>cr</strong>eated with a default value. SAP BW may not return the correct default value for the<br />

hierarchical node variable.<br />

If a report uses a hierarchy node variable, the variable appears on the prompt page when you run<br />

the report in Cognos Report Studio or Query Studio, but the default value is not highlighted.<br />

Creating Sections on Reports That Access SAP BW Data Sources<br />

443696<br />

437613<br />

SAP BW data sources may have problems with sections in reports under the following<br />

circumstances:<br />

• using a lowest-level query item that represents an SAP BW hierarchy containing ragged paths<br />

as the section<br />

If a section in a report uses the lowest-level query item in a ragged hierarchy in an SAP BW<br />

data source (for example, the children of the "not assigned" node), you may receive this BAPI<br />

error:<br />

BAPI error occurred in function module BAPI_MDDATASET_SELECT_DATA. Value<br />

for characteristic unknown<br />

The solution is to remove the section from the lowest-level query item.<br />

• using several multicubes with SAP variables<br />

If you <strong>cr</strong>eate a section in a report using conformed multicubes with SAP variables, you may<br />

receive an SAP error message.<br />

The solution is to use one multicube when <strong>cr</strong>eating sections in reports.<br />

Calculation Displays Incorrect Unit Format<br />

421591, 494230<br />

When using an SAP BW data source, Cognos 8 does not correctly display the derived unit for<br />

calculated measures. This occurs because SAP does not return the correct unit format for the<br />

calculated measure, which is processed at runtime.<br />

Summary Rows Return Incorrect Total Values<br />

409532<br />

When the rollup of the measure is a minimum, summary rows return incorrect total values.<br />

Calculated Key Figures Appear with the Non-Aggregate Icon<br />

nbna<br />

Calculated key figures appear with the non-aggregate icon in the Key Figures folder.<br />

To solve this, edit the variable in SAP BW and set the TIME OF CALCULATION to Before<br />

Aggregation.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Query Studio<br />

This section contains known issues about Query Studio.<br />

Limitation Using Custom Groups and Drill Down Features in Query Studio<br />

483201<br />

You cannot drill down on an object that has a custom group defined.<br />

Cannot Use Hierarchies from Dimensionally Modeled Relational Models<br />

nbna<br />

When working with a dimensionally modeled relational model, you cannot insert hierarchies in a<br />

report.<br />

Text and Border Styles Are not Applied to Empty Reports<br />

463562<br />

If you specify text styles or border styles for an empty report, the styles are not applied. If you<br />

subsequently add a column to the report, the column will not have the styles you specified.<br />

Unable to Run a Report After Cognos 8 is Restarted<br />

470873<br />

If Cognos 8 is restarted while you are working in Query Studio or Report Studio, you will not be<br />

able to continue to work or run the report, and an error will appear.<br />

To resume working, close the browser and relaunch Query Studio or Report Studio.<br />

Tip: If you are working in Report Studio and you made changes since you last saved the report,<br />

you can preserve your changes by copying the report specification to the clipboard using the Copy<br />

to Clipboard command in the Tools menu. When you restart Report Studio, use the Open Report<br />

from Clipboard command in the same menu to open the report.<br />

Background Color Is not Applied to Empty Crosstab Cells<br />

478777<br />

When applying a background color to cells in a <strong>cr</strong>osstab, the color is not applied to cells that are<br />

empty.<br />

Functions not Available<br />

481930<br />

When working with a multidimensional data source, the Calculate menu does not show the<br />

following functions:<br />

• Rank<br />

• % of total<br />

• Percentile<br />

• Quartile<br />

Unable to Insert Data Items from Two Hierarchies of a Single Dimension<br />

488615<br />

In Query Studio or Report Studio, you cannot insert two data items from two hierarchies of a<br />

single dimension.<br />

Readme 21

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Background Color in Template Does not Appear<br />

484108<br />

Drilling on Measures<br />

476624<br />

When <strong>cr</strong>eating a Query Studio template in Report Studio, if you add a list object and change its<br />

background color, the color change does not appear when you apply the template to a Query<br />

Studio report.<br />

Do not add any objects to the page body when you are <strong>cr</strong>eating a Query Studio template. The<br />

page body should always be blank.<br />

When working with a dimensional data source, if you insert a folder of measures in which there<br />

are measures contained in another folder, you cannot drill on the measures.<br />

To drill on the measures, drag each measure into the report instead of the folder.<br />

Grouping on an Attribute<br />

497529<br />

When using a MSAS data source, grouping on an attribute may result in an empty report or in a<br />

report that is incorrectly grouped.<br />

Subtotals in Grouped Lists<br />

498295<br />

When using a PowerCube that contains a ragged hierarchy, if you group on the first level in the<br />

hierarchy, subtotals may appear in the wrong place or show wrong values.<br />

To resolve the issue, group on the second level.<br />

Adding a Filter to a Crosstab with a Currency and a Calculation<br />

500922<br />

When working with a PowerCube as the data source, if you have a <strong>cr</strong>osstab that contains both a<br />

parent-child hierarchy representing currency and a calculated measure, and you then <strong>cr</strong>eate a filter<br />

on the measure, summary values are rendered incorrectly.<br />

To work around this issue, ask your modeler to modify the currency dimension so that it is not a<br />

parent-child hierarchy, or do not filter on the measure.<br />

Filters May Not Work in Some Sectioned Reports<br />

491443<br />

In Query Studio, if a measure is cut and pasted before a sectioned item in a report when a filter is<br />

based on any sectioned item that is below the sectioned measure, any filters set for the sectioned<br />

grouping level will provide incorrect results. This is because Query Studio generates a filter with a<br />

FOR clause that includes the sectioned measure.<br />

Workaround: The FOR clause should exist to provide the level at which the filter is to be applied,<br />

but the measure should not be included in the FOR clause. You must open the query in Report<br />

Studio and remove the measure from the FOR clause<br />

Unable to Filter on Multiple Currencies at Once<br />

501536<br />

In Query Studio, if you filter on currencies, you can only filter on one or all currencies. For<br />

example, if your report contains four currencies and you filter on one or four currencies, the<br />

report is filtered correctly. But if you filter on two or three currencies at once, no filter is applied to<br />

the report. To filter on multiple currencies, you can use Analysis Studio.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Summary Values of Non-additive Measures May Be Incorrect<br />

496568<br />

If a list report in Query Studio or Report Studio contains multiple measures and a Calculated<br />

summary row, the summary row will always provide a Total summary of the associated rows,<br />

which may be incorrect if the measures are non-additive. For example, percentages and average<br />

values are summed.<br />

Report Studio<br />

This section contains known issues about Report Studio.<br />

Style Properties not Supported<br />

nbna<br />

The following style properties will work when running reports in HTML format but not in PDF.<br />

• The Show empty cell borders check box in the Table Properties dialog box.<br />

• The Horizontal Alignment property value Justify.<br />

• All options in the Text Flow & Justification dialog box:<br />

• Direction<br />

• Writing mode<br />

• Bi-directional<br />

• Kashida space<br />

• The Text indent value in the Spacing and Breaking dialog box.<br />

Bursting on MOLAP Data<br />

491948<br />

491952<br />

Report bursting is limited when the underlying data source is a cube (Cognos PowerCube,<br />

Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Analysis Services, Hyperion Essbase or IBM DB2/OLAP). The burst report must be a<br />

grouped report and the burst is restricted to the outermost grouping in the report. For example, if<br />

you have a report grouped on Country and State, then you can burst the report only on Country.<br />

Aggregate Values Are Not Appearing in Crosstabs<br />

When working with dimensionally modeled data, if you place members from the same hierarchy<br />

on opposite edges in a <strong>cr</strong>osstab and then aggregate them, blanks appear instead of totals.<br />

You can show the aggregate values.<br />

480409<br />

Steps to Show Aggregate Values<br />

1. Access the query in Query Explorer.<br />

2. In the Properties pane, set the Override Dimension Info property to Yes.<br />

3. Click the Dimension Info tab.<br />

4. For each level of the original dimension, <strong>cr</strong>eate a separate dimension with a single hierarchy<br />

and single level.<br />

5. Include all necessary facts.<br />

6. Lay out the query items in the report as per the original layout.<br />

When you run the report, the aggregate values appear as expected.<br />

Connecting Queries Between Different Data Sources<br />

Cognos 8 supports the following:<br />

Readme 23

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

nbna<br />

• RDBMS to RDBMS joins<br />

• set operations of any two queries<br />

• master-detail relationships of any two queries<br />

• drill from any query to any other query<br />

The following are not supported in this release:<br />

• cube-to-cube (homogeneous) joins<br />

• cube-to-cube (heterogeneous) joins<br />

• cube-to-RDBMS joins<br />

• cube-to-SAP BW joins<br />

• SAP-BW-to-RDBMS joins<br />

Creating a Chart from an Existing Query<br />

474114<br />

In Report Studio version 1.1, it is possible to <strong>cr</strong>eate a <strong>cr</strong>osstab report, add a chart object to the<br />

page, and use the same query data as the <strong>cr</strong>osstab to populate the chart automatically.<br />

To give you more control over which data is shown in the chart, the auto populate option is no<br />

longer included in Cognos 8. You must now define the data in the chart manually.<br />

Key Transformation Validation Level Returns Partial Information<br />

In Report Studio, if you revalidate a report using Validate with Options, and select the Key<br />

Transformation validation level, you will get back all errors, warnings, and information messages,<br />

but you may get little or no information back regarding the transformation steps from the report<br />

specification to the native query sent to the data source.<br />

While the documented des<strong>cr</strong>iption for the Key Transformation validation level is correct, the<br />

feature is only partially implemented at present and may not return data.<br />

Extra Rows Appear in a Grouped List<br />

If you are working with a DB2/OLAP or Essbase data source, extra rows may appear in a grouped<br />

list report when you add a filter and the Count function to the report. Or, you may see an empty<br />

report instead.<br />

To resolve this issue, remove the filter or the Count function from the report.<br />

Pivoting to a Crosstab Shows the Member of the Attribute<br />

nbna<br />

Event Studio<br />

You have a list style report or query and you have grouped by an attribute of a dimension.<br />

Grouping by attributes is not supported in this release. Thus, when you turn a report that is<br />

grouped by attributes into a <strong>cr</strong>osstab, you see the member to which the attribute belongs. This can<br />

affect summaries, particularly in cases where attribute values are repeated a<strong>cr</strong>oss members.<br />

For example, the report contains a dimension with this structure: Product=level, Product Id=Id,<br />

Product Name=caption, Color=attribute. Grouping on the attribute Color will give a different<br />

result than grouping on Product Name/Product Id.<br />

We recommend that report authors avoid <strong>cr</strong>eating <strong>cr</strong>osstab reports with grouped attributes for the<br />

current release.<br />

This section contains known issues about Event Studio.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Tasks Do Not Run According to Execution Rules<br />

492331<br />

If you run an agent with specified execution rules, then run the same agent again before the first<br />

run has completed, some event statuses may be incorrectly evaluated. This may cause the agent to<br />

perform tasks for event statuses that are not specified in the execution rules.<br />

To avoid this problem, wait until the agent finishes running before you run it again.<br />

Agent Run Fails<br />

nbna<br />

If you run an agent that does not include any data items from the package, then check the agent’s<br />

run history in Cognos Connection, you notice that the run failed. The following error message<br />

also appears.<br />

CNC-ASV-0025 Agent Condition invalid: CNC-EVE-3105 Unable to update the event<br />

status record. RSV-RND-0101 The layout does not refer to any data items. Unable<br />

to render the XML or CSV output.<br />

To avoid this problem, right-click a data item in the Insertable Objects area and click Insert as<br />

Data Item.<br />

Analysis Studio<br />

This section contains known issues about Analysis Studio.<br />

Analysis Studio Limitations<br />

In this release, the following limitations exist for Analysis Studio.<br />

Performance When Applying Filters<br />

Complex filters against large cubes is known to slow performance. In these scenarios, we<br />

recommend running the report from Cognos Connection, either by scheduling the report or using<br />

the notify option.<br />

Expand Level<br />

Expanding a level is limited to three levels in the <strong>cr</strong>osstab. To view more details at lower levels, we<br />

recommend expanding once and go down on a level until you reach the desired level of detail.<br />

This limitation was introduced to better manage performance when reading large data sources.<br />

Subtotals and Calculations<br />

Subtotals and calculations using calculated measures (e.g., count or average) will result in a "--"<br />

(two dashes) to be displayed in the cells, rather than a value. Calculated (or non-rollup) measures<br />

are visually distinguished by the measure icon in the data tree.<br />

Expanded Sets Cannot be Saved as a Custom Set<br />

Expanded sets cannot be saved as a custom set in this release.<br />

Context Filter Limitations<br />

In this release, sets filtered by a rule that references any of the automated subtotals, such as More<br />

and Hidden, Subtotal (Included) or Subtotal (Excluded), cannot be used in the context area.<br />

Filter by Label or Attribute is Case Sensitive<br />

486777<br />

When you define a filter rule by using a label or an attribute, the text is case sensitive.<br />

Readme 25

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Cells with '- -' are Represented as NULLS in Export to Excel<br />

488293<br />

When a value cannot be computed by the data provider, two dashes (--) are shown in the cell. To<br />

be compatible with the numeric format, this text appears as a null when exported to Excel.<br />

Exporting the text may result in an error message being shown when opening the file with<br />

versions older than Excel 2003.<br />

Context Filter Limitations<br />

In this release, you cannot use a set in the context section of the overview area if the filter rule of<br />

the set references automated subtotals such as More and Hidden, Subtotal (Included), or Subtotal<br />

(Excluded).<br />

Defining Languages for OLAP Data Sources<br />

499296<br />

The first time you publish a cube definition to Cognos Connection, you must identify all the<br />

languages that represent the data contained in the cube. If you add a language to the model after<br />

the cube is published, users with locales that match the added language locale may find that<br />

Analysis Studio does not recognize references to the member unique names. There is no impact on<br />

users whose locale matches the original language list.<br />

Crosstab Shows Percentage But Chart Shows Values<br />

494291<br />

When the <strong>cr</strong>osstab calculates the percentage of the total for an item, the chart does not show the<br />

values as a percentage.<br />

Analysis Studio Does Not Reflect Package Configuration Settings<br />

498615<br />

To improve performance, package configuration settings such as the default analysis and the<br />

display limits are cached the first time you access a package. When you make any additional<br />

changes, you must cycle or restart the report service to update the server cache.<br />

Analysis Studio Ignores Changed Package Reference in Cognos Connection<br />

499322<br />

You cannot change the package reference for an analysis from the Properties dialog box in Cognos<br />

Connection. This is because the analysis uses member unique name references.<br />

Server Error When Sorting a Selection-Based Set by Attribute<br />

492637<br />

When a selection-based set contains members from different levels, sorting the set by an attribute<br />

that is not common to all levels results in a server error.<br />

Similarly, if you append a member from a different level to a selection-based set that is sorted by<br />

attribute, the same error occurs.<br />

Suppress Items when Accessing MS Analysis Services Cubes May Produce<br />

Unexpected Results<br />

When accessing Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft SQL Server Analysis Services cubes, applying Suppress Items with other<br />

operations, such as Rank and Show as %, may produce the following results:<br />

• the results of a Rank calculation show as errors<br />

• when Show as % is applied, removes items that should not be removed<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

501682 and 501709<br />

Metric Studio<br />

This section contains known issues about Metric Studio.<br />

Default Import Source Expects a Folder in the Deployment Directory<br />

nbna<br />

When you <strong>cr</strong>eate a Metric Package the default Import Source is set import tab-delimited files from<br />

a folder called "cmm". To use this default location, manually <strong>cr</strong>eate the folder in the deployment<br />

directory. Alternatively, you can change the default import source to point to another folder in the<br />

Deployment directory.<br />

Test Data Source in Cognos Connection Fails for Security Reasons<br />

nbna<br />

The "Test Data Source" feature of the Cognos Connection Directory Tool does not work for<br />

Metric Studio installations. The following error is always returned:<br />

"RSV-BBP-0018 The current user does not have the capabilities required to execute the<br />

'testDataSourceConnection' operation. Please contact your Administrator. "<br />

This does not imply that the data source is unavailable or improperly configured.<br />

Recommended Patches for Oracle 10g<br />

nbna<br />

There are several Oracle bugs that may be encountered when attempting to run Metric Studio on<br />

Oracle 10g.<br />

Oracle bugs 2170512, 1326581, 1306577 and 2966778 cause intermittent ORA-00904 errors in<br />

the application, and are fixed by the application of the patch set. Oracle bug (4261258)<br />

which causes error ORA-7445 [KKOIJG] in select statement during parsing phase is resolved by<br />

patch 4287619.<br />

Consequently, we recommend the installation of the following patches if customers are using<br />

Oracle 10g:<br />

• patchset (available at http://metalink.oracle.com)<br />

• Patch 4287619 (available at http://updates.oracle.com/download/4287619.html)<br />

"To-Date" Comparisons are Not Available<br />

nbna<br />

In this release, "to-Date" comparisons are not available (e.g. Year-to-date summary values).<br />

Concurrent Tasks May Corrupt Metric Store<br />

473002<br />

The Data Integration Service does not prevent two tasks from running concurrently on the same<br />

metric store. If two or more tasks are run concurrently by one or more users, the metric store may<br />

be corrupted.<br />

Oracle 9.2 Package Initialization Error if NLS_LANG Environment Variable is<br />

Not Set Appropriately Before Starting Up Cognos 8 Tomcat Server<br />

You will encounter an exception error when trying to initialize a CMM package if the Oracle<br />

specific environment variable NLS_LANG is not set correctly.<br />

Readme 27

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

nbna<br />

Workaround: Cognos Series 8 requires that the Oracle specific environment variable NLS_LANG<br />

be set appropriately before starting up Cognos 8 Tomcat server. Please ensure that the character<br />

set portion of this variable is set to UTF8. For example, in the United States, this may be<br />

something like: AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8<br />

User Permissions for the Metric Store Database (MS SQL Server)<br />

486855<br />

The user account for the metric store database must be the database owner. You must use the<br />

owner user-account to log on to the Cognos 8 data source used in the Metric Package.<br />

For information about setting user permissions, see the MS SQL Server documentation for the<br />

sp_changedbowner utility.<br />

Metric Type Settings Lost When a Calendar is Cleared<br />

479177<br />

After you Clear metric history and calendar data for a Metric Studio package, you see that the<br />

metric types have lost their business calendar settings even after the Metric Studio calendar was<br />

re<strong>cr</strong>eated. If using Metric Designer, the metric types defined in Metric Studio are no longer visible.<br />

To preserve these settings, export your metric types before clearing the business calendar. After<br />

clearing the calendar, reload your exported .cmm file (metric types staging file) or edit the metric<br />

types manually to reset the different business calendar settings.<br />

Equations Using Only Constants are not Allowed in Calculated Metrics Types<br />

486808<br />

In the metric type properties page, users cannot <strong>cr</strong>eate an equation with a constant value but no<br />

metric type as operands. They will be prompted to cancel or modify the equation.<br />

Constant equations loaded through data staging will be ignored by Metric Studio.<br />

You can stage constant values for different metrics manually or using Metric Designer. You can<br />

also enter the constant values directly into other equations where they are used. Also, user entered<br />

values can be used.<br />

Default Report and Diagram Setting not Exported<br />

489347<br />

When you export objects and their related diagrams and reports to files, the settings for each<br />

object's default report and diagram are not included. When you import these files to a new metric<br />

store, you will have to set the default reports for each object using the user interface.<br />

Manually re-set the default diagrams and default reports in Metric Studio after running the import<br />

task.<br />

When Migrating a CMM 2.2 Application With Translated Units to Metric Studio<br />

8.1, Metric Values are not Migrated<br />

487230<br />

When migrating a CMM 2.2 application in which the user has translated units in CMM<br />

Administration, Metric Studio 8.1 will corrupt some metric types and the metric values will not be<br />

migrated to the new Metric Studio 8.1 application.<br />

To correct this issue, the user should upgrade to the latest hotsite version of CMM 2.2 before<br />

exporting their application data. Please contact Cognos Customer Support to obtain the latest<br />

CMM 2.2 hotsite.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Data Format for Specifying Security on Groups and Group Types has Changed<br />

490784<br />

Security defined for groups and group types that are in the policy stage flat files (cms), <strong>cr</strong>eated for<br />

the beta version of Metric Studio 8.1, will not load.<br />

The data format has changed since beta. Before, the group and group type objects were identified<br />

by name but now object ids are used.<br />

If the group and security data currently resides in a beta metric store then upgrade the metric store<br />

and export the groups, group types and the permissions.<br />

If the group and security data currently reside tab-delimited files, modify the files to load groups<br />

and group types using the object stage file and specify object ids for all of the groups and group<br />

types. Modify the policy stage file to reference the groups and group types by object id.<br />

Group-type Names Display as Unreadable Characters (SQL Server Only)<br />

490856<br />

After importing from Cognos Metrics Manager 2.2 files into Metric Studio 8.1, group-type names<br />

in double-byte character sets such as Japanese display as unreadable characters.<br />

Modify the Cognos Metrics Manager 2.2 .cmo file that contains the localized group type names so<br />

that it conforms to the Metric Studio 8.1 format (see the user documentation for details.) Load the<br />

new file from a Metric Studio 8.1 import source.<br />

Multilingual Characters May not Print Correctly When Using an Oracle Metric<br />

Store<br />

488010<br />

466171<br />

When using an Oracle metric store, some characters (for example Chinese, Japanese) may not<br />

show properly in the Printer Friendly version of a Metrics Studio page.<br />

To correct this problem, set the NLS_LANG environment variable as documented in the Set Up<br />

the Data Source or Import Source Environment section of the Installation and Configuration<br />

Guide.<br />

Imports and Exports May Fail in a Distributed Installation<br />

492065<br />

If Metric Studio is not installed on the same server as Content Manager, the import or export may<br />

fail because the import file path is not available.<br />

Install the Content Manager component on the application server where the Application Tier<br />

Components (Metric Studio) are installed.<br />

Content that uses double-byte characters displays as unreadable characters<br />

(Oracle)<br />

494367<br />

Content entered using a double-byte character, set such as Japanese, displays as unreadable<br />

characters in the user interface. This includes the navigation path shown at the top of most s<strong>cr</strong>eens<br />

and the Import Sources s<strong>cr</strong>een under the Tools menu.<br />

You must use a database character setting (NLS_CHARACTERSET) that supports the characters<br />

for the locale setting.<br />

Readme 29

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Removing Periods From a Calendar That Contains Weeks May Remove the First<br />

Week of the First Remaining Year<br />

500188<br />

When removing periods from a calendar that contains weeks, the first week of what is now the<br />

first year is missing. This occurs when the last week of a deleted year spans two years.<br />

Delete one less year than you otherwise would have.<br />

Errors During the Import of a Custom Calendar Are Not Shown in the Calendar<br />

Creation Wizard<br />

500259<br />

If the tab-delimited files that import your custom calendar contain errors, the resulting custom<br />

calendar may be missing custom names, or contain unexpected errors. However the import errors<br />

are not shown in the Initialize Metric Store wizard. Instead, the import errors are shown in *.bad<br />

files which can be found in directories under installation_location\logs\CMM_Dataload.<br />

Ensure that there are no *.bad files in directories under<br />

installation_location\logs\CMM_Dataload.<br />

Oracle Database Created but Not Configured as Expected<br />

497970<br />

A user running the cmm_<strong>cr</strong>eate_db s<strong>cr</strong>ipt to <strong>cr</strong>eate a metric store must be a member of the<br />

ORA_DBA group (Oracle on Windows) or the dba group (Oracle on UNIX). If they are not, some<br />

steps in the s<strong>cr</strong>ipt will fail.<br />

The database is <strong>cr</strong>eated but the s<strong>cr</strong>ipt steps fail so additional configuration, such as <strong>cr</strong>eation of the<br />

CMM user account and granting of privileges do not occur.<br />

The user cannot test the data source connection or access the data source when <strong>cr</strong>eating a new<br />

package.<br />

To work around this problem, after the database is <strong>cr</strong>eated, logon to the database as SYS and<br />

manually execute the configuration steps in the prepare_cmm_db.sql s<strong>cr</strong>ipt which is located in<br />

c8_install_location/configuration/schemas/cmm/oracle/util.<br />

Unexpected Date Format in the User Interface<br />

428347<br />

Short date formats are not set according to regional locale settings of the Windows OS. Instead,<br />

the date formats are based on the ICU standard called CLDR, documented at<br />

http://www.unicode.org/cldr. For example, if the locale is set to Italian and the date is December 1,<br />

2003, the Windows short date format is 01/12/2003 but the ICU date format is 1-dic-03.<br />

Initializing an Oracle Metric Store Which Does Not Have the NLS_LANG<br />

Environment Variable Set Properly Has Unexpected Results<br />

495504<br />

If you initialize an Oracle metric store without first setting the NLS_LANG environment variable<br />

correctly, results are inconsistent. The installation may fail or you may be asked to upgrade the<br />

metric store immediately after install.<br />

Set the NLS_LANG environment variable appropriately for your own environment. The purpose<br />

and syntax of setting this variable can be found at:<br />

http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10501_01/server.920/a96529/ch3.htm#49560<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Some Characters Cannot Be Loaded When the Database Has a Non Unicode<br />

Dataset<br />

If the database character set(s) does not support unicode characters, Metric Studio allows you to<br />

enter values using the user interface but those values cannot be imported using tab-delimited files.<br />

They will result in unreadable characters.<br />

498792<br />

The workaround for this problem is to use a database character set setting that supports the<br />

appropriate characters.<br />

Extending a Calendar That Has No Year-Level Fails If the Number of Periods of<br />

the Initial Calendar Contains a Partial Year<br />

If you attempt to extend a calendar that has no year-level and contains a partial year, you receive<br />

an error or the calendar is <strong>cr</strong>eated with incorrect period names.<br />

The periods in your initial calendar cannot equate to a partial year. You should also extend the<br />

calendar by any number of periods that equate to years.<br />

500197<br />

For example, if the top level of the calendar is 'Quarters', then the calendar must be <strong>cr</strong>eated with a<br />

multiple of 4 quarters. A calendar with 13 quarters will generate the above error when it is<br />

extended.<br />

Calculation Fails When the Decimal Period Is Not a Period<br />

Metric type calculation fails if the decimal placeholder in values typed into the expression editor is<br />

not a period. For example, in a French environment the decimal symbol, comma, will not be valid<br />

in the metric type expression editor of Metric Studio.<br />

494413<br />

Use periods instead of commas.<br />

The start_time_cd and <strong>cr</strong>eated_dt Columns of the .cmn Tab-Delimited File<br />

Must Be Formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (DB2)<br />

499787<br />

If the values in the start_time_cd and <strong>cr</strong>eated_dt columns of the .cmn tab-delimited file are not<br />

formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, you will receive the following error when you try to import<br />

the .cmn file into a DB2 database and the task will fail:<br />

DIS-RUN-3272 Failed to import file 'your_file.cmn' into package<br />

'your_package_name' from location 'Default Import Source'.<br />

The following messages will also be added to your *.cmn.log file under the subfolder of<br />

installation_location\logs\ CMM_DataLoad.<br />

SQL3112W There are fewer input file columns specified than database<br />

columns.<br />

SQL3519W Begin Load Consistency Point. Input record count = "0".<br />

SQL3520W Load Consistency Point was successful.<br />

SQL0180N The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is<br />

incorrect. SQLSTATE=22007<br />

SQL3185W The previous error occurred while processing data from row "1" of<br />

the input file.<br />

The values of the start_time_cd and <strong>cr</strong>eated_dt columns of the .cmn flat file must be changed to<br />

have the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (24 hour clock).<br />

Imports and Exports May Fail in a Distributed Installation<br />

If Metric Studio is not installed on the same server as Content Manager, the import or export may<br />

fail because the import file path is not available.<br />

Readme 31

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

492065<br />

496075<br />

Install the Content Manager component on the application server where the Application Tier<br />

Components (Metric Studio) are installed. Also ensure that the Deployment files location is set to<br />

a common location that can be accessed from all servers.<br />

Printing a List of Scorecard Projects or Metric Actions Can Result in an Empty<br />

List<br />

Printing from the scorecard projects or metric actions tab can result in a PDF showing only a<br />

heading and footer even though the list is visible in the user interface.<br />

The problem occurs if the configured gateway URI and the URL used by the user to access Metric<br />

Studio are different.<br />

499590<br />

For example, the Gateway URI value under Environment in Cognos Connection may be set to<br />

http://gatewayhostname:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi but users access Metric Studio using the<br />

URL http://localhost:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi. Or, the Gateway URI value under<br />

Environment in Cognos Connection may be set to http://localhost:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi<br />

but users access Metric Studio using the URL<br />

http://gatewayhostname:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi.<br />

You must configure the Gateway URI and the URL used by users to access Metric Studio with the<br />

same value. The recommended value is http://gatewayhostname:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi.<br />

Calendars Including Weeks Contain More Years and Start One Year Earlier than<br />

Expected<br />

500541<br />

After <strong>cr</strong>eating a calendar that contains weeks, the calendar starts one year earlier then the date<br />

you specified. The calendar also extends beyond the expected end-date. When you extend the<br />

calendar, it is extended by more years then you expect.<br />

This behavior is as designed and is because weeks can <strong>cr</strong>oss month and year boundaries.<br />

Metric Studio ensures that the first week of the calendar occurs before the start of your data<br />

because the first week is likely to be a partial week. Metric Studio also ensures that the calendar<br />

does not end on a partial week so that the calendar can be extended without affecting rollup<br />

results.<br />

Metric Lists Do Not Display When Using DB2<br />

500531<br />

Errors occur when viewing metrics if the system locale for a Metric Studio server installed on DB2<br />

is configured to format numbers using a character other than a period as the decimal point.<br />

On the server, add the following to the file db2cli.ini<br />

[DBALIAS]<br />

PATCH2=15<br />

Where DBALIAS is name of the DB2 database used as the metric store.<br />

On Windows, db2cli.ini can be found in [DB2InstallFolder]\sqllib and on UNIX db2cli.ini can be<br />

found in [DB2InstanceFolder]/sqllib/cfg.<br />

Non-Integer Values Using a Character Other Than a Period as the Decimal<br />

Point Are Not Imported When Using DB2<br />

If non-integer data values to be imported into Metric Studio use a character for the decimal point<br />

other than the period character, then the values are not loaded. A NULL value is loaded instead.<br />

An example of a warning message in the import logs located in the subfolder of<br />

Installation_Location\logs\CMM_DataLoad is<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

SQL3123W The field value in row "1" and column "7" cannot be converted to a<br />

PACKED DECIMAL value. A null was loaded.<br />

The following non-integer fields are affected<br />

Diagram staging file (.cdo)<br />


Value staging file (.cmv)<br />


500920<br />

Metric type staging file (.cmm)<br />


Always use a period, ".", as the decimal point in the data to be imported.<br />

When Running the Metric Maintenance Task, Clear Metric History and<br />

Calendar Data, Some Calendar Properties May Be Lost<br />

501076<br />

After running the Metric Maintenance task Clear Metric History and Calendar Data, objects, such<br />

as metric types, might lose calendar related properties. An example of a calendar property is the<br />

business calendar level. Also, some parts of the Metric Studio user interface might not work<br />

properly even after the calendar is re<strong>cr</strong>eated.<br />

You must reload all of the metadata and data files.<br />

Data Removed From Metric Data Store<br />

501076<br />

If the Clear calendar data metric maintenance task option is set, all data and objects, except global<br />

settings and display preferences, are permanently removed from the metric data store. This option<br />

is set when<br />

• you run the Clear metric history and calendar data metric maintenance task<br />

• you run a user-<strong>cr</strong>eated task that sets the Clear calendar data option<br />

To avoid this problem, export the content that you wish to preserve to files before you run the<br />

metric maintenance task.<br />

List View Displays Incorrect Week<br />

501076<br />

When the enabled business days of the first week are in the previous year, the List view starts with<br />

week two. Meanwhile, the List view for the previous year displays the first week. In this case, the<br />

first week will not have a subtotal row. To view the week total, the user must view the Scorecard<br />

for that specific metric and week.<br />

This issue can also occur with the last week of a year, typically week 52, which is displayed in the<br />

view for the next year.<br />

Metric Designer<br />

This section contains known issues about Metric Designer.<br />

Readme 33

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Metric Designer Does not Warn the User if the Metrics Extract Mapping do not<br />

Match the Metric Type Rollup Properties<br />

474101<br />

When the user maps more than the lowest time level(s) in a metric extract, Metric Designer does<br />

not warn the user if the metric type rollup calculation property is set to any setting other than<br />

'Supplied by Client'.<br />

The work around for this issue is for the user to confirm that the metric type rollup calculation<br />

property to be set to Supplied by client.<br />

Error UDA-SQL-0564 When Executing a Notes Object Extract<br />

475776<br />

This error (UDA-SQL-0564) occurs when the user has mapped a non-date value to the "Start<br />

Time Code" attribute. in an object extract.<br />

The user can use the "_make_timestamp" function in the expression editor to convert the<br />

non-date value to a date value.<br />

Metric Type Settings Lost When a Calendar is Cleared<br />

479177<br />

After you Clear metric history and calendar data for a Metric Studio package, you see that the<br />

metric types have lost their business calendar settings even after the Metric Studio calendar was<br />

re<strong>cr</strong>eated. If using Metric Designer, the metric types defined in Metric Studio are no longer visible.<br />

To preserve these settings, export your metric types before clearing the business calendar. After<br />

clearing the calendar, reload your exported .cmm file (metric types staging file) or edit the metric<br />

types manually to reset the different business calendar settings.<br />

Framework Manager - Import Source and Anonymous User Language<br />

Preference<br />

nbna<br />

When accessing an Framework Manager package using the anonymous user, Metric Designer uses<br />

the Regional Setting of the computer where Metric Designer is installed instead of the Cognos 8<br />

Language Preference.<br />

Workaround: Configure the computer Regional Settings to be the same as the Anonymous user<br />

Cognos 8 Language Preference.<br />

Framework Manager - Import Source Connections and Credentials<br />

nbna<br />

Metric Designer does not support Framework Manager import sources with missing connection<br />

or <strong>cr</strong>edentials or Framework Manager import sources with multiple import sources.<br />

Metric Designer delivers unreadable values from Japanese Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft SQL<br />

Server Import Sources when writing to files<br />

441923<br />

Metric Designer delivers unreadable values to Metric Studio when using an Import Source that<br />

references a MS SQL Server Japanese_CI_AS collation and writing the extract results to files.<br />

To correct this issue change the Metric Studio Import source Collation Sequence located in Tools,<br />

Import sources, to ‘Japanese Unicode’<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Japanese Extracts to Oracle via Metric Studio Staging files Fails<br />

Executing a Metric Designer extract to read from a SQL Server Japanese_CI_AS collation import<br />

source and deliver data to Metric Studio staging files that are loaded into a Metric Studio Oracle<br />

9i data base using the Import data from files into staging area option in Cognos Connection fails.<br />

448555<br />

Workaround: Set the NLS_LANG = JAPANESE_JAPAN.UTF8 and changing the Metric Studio<br />

Import File Collation to 'UTF8' on the Import Sources page, located under the Tools menu in<br />

Metric Studio.<br />

Cognos 8 Package Import Source - "No Accessible Views" Error<br />

448059<br />

While selecting a Cognos 8 package to use as a Metric Designer extract import source, you receive<br />

the message:<br />

"BME-AS-0019 There is no views accessible for the user".<br />

This issue may occur if you previously attempted to connect to a package and was denied by<br />

security.<br />

Workaround: Exit and reopen the extract wizard.<br />

Create Date Field for Object Extracts<br />

440772<br />

The <strong>cr</strong>eated date field is not available for extracts. Metric Studio uses the publish/execution date<br />

for the <strong>cr</strong>eate date.<br />

Metric Filters are Still Invalid After Upgrading a Model and Retargeting Broken<br />

References<br />

After upgrading a model and retargeting a broken reference to your import source, metric filters<br />

to that import source are not updated correctly.<br />

473386<br />

Open the extract, select the metric mapping page, and delete and re<strong>cr</strong>eate your metric filters.<br />

Unrecognized Vendor-Defined Japanese Characters in Cube Extracts<br />

When you define an extract using a cube import source, Metric Designer does not recognize all<br />

vendor-defined Japanese characters that were used in the cube.<br />

nbna<br />

Workaround: Do not use the limited vendor-defined characters.<br />

Problem Trying to Execute an Extract Created Against a Framework Manager<br />

Model Going Against a Teradata Database<br />

At execute time the follow error occurs: "E-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing<br />

operation 'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-69'.<br />

UDA-SQL-0043 The underlying database detected an error during processing the SQL request.<br />

[NCR][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata RDBMS] The number of digits specified must be<br />

between 1 and 18."<br />

In \configuration\pd.ini, there is now a new section called "ExecuteOptions", with<br />

two preferences:<br />

1. "castKPIValues" -- if set to "true", CMD still specifies the CAST expression.<br />

2. "castKPIValuesType" -- Applicable only if "castKPIValues" in (1) above is set to "true".<br />

Specifies what type to cast the measure to. Default is DECIMAL( 19, 5 ).<br />

Readme 35

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Workaround: Set the "castKPIValuesType" preference to DECIMAL( 18, 5 )<br />

468372<br />

Example:<br />

<br />

true<br />

DECIMAL(18,5)<br />

<br />

IQD Import Source - Error Reading IQD file that Contains the Oracle 'Replace'<br />

Function<br />

445064<br />

When using an IQD import source that contains a Oracle 'replace' function, the following error is<br />

displayed:<br />

QE-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation<br />

'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-228'.<br />

UDA-SQL-0450 An unexpected error encountered during the "fetch" operation.<br />

UDA-SQL-0450 An unexpected error encountered during the "fetch" operation.<br />

UDA-SQL-0450 An unexpected error encountered during the "fetch" operation.<br />

UDA-SQL-0219 The function "replace" is not available as an external, database,<br />

or built-in function.<br />

To correct this issue, edit the file "cogdmor.ini" located in the installation location\cognos\pd1\bin<br />

directory and set "Empty_String_Is_Null" to "F".<br />

Adding Multiple IQD files to an Import Source<br />

When you add multiple IQD files to a import source, Metric Designer <strong>cr</strong>eates an outer join<br />

between the first pair of non-numeric, non-date columns with matching names. The join approach<br />

is designed to work with a single fact IQD file and with multiple dimension IQD files.<br />

440049<br />

Metric Designer does not recognize joins where more than one column is required for a join<br />

condition. In this case, enter the IQD files into Metric Designer as separate import sources or<br />

combine into a single IQD using Impromptu.<br />

Data Sources Not Supported<br />

The following data sources are not supported as Metric Designer import sources in this release:<br />

• SAP BW data source<br />

• Cognos 8 Contributor data source<br />

• Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Analysis Services data source<br />

• IBM OLAP server data source<br />

• Hyperion Essbase data source<br />

• PowerCube data sources with DB2 target Metric Store<br />

nbna<br />

Incorrect Scorecard Rollup Values for PowerCube Expressions<br />

500830<br />

When a Cognos PowerCube metrics extract has more than one scorecard level in the scorecard<br />

hierarchy, and the metric attributes (Actual, Target, Tolerance, etc.) contain expressions <strong>cr</strong>eated<br />

using the Expression Editor, the rollup values of the parent scorecard in some cases may be<br />

incorrect.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Previewing the Scorecard Tree and Assigning Metrics to Scorecards in the<br />

Metrics Scope page does not work<br />

482648<br />

When previewing the Scorecard tree with levels that contain string expressions in the Scorecard<br />

Level attributes for a PowerCube metrics extract, the scorecard preview does not work. Also,<br />

refreshing the Metrics Scope page results in an empty window which prevents the user from<br />

assigning metric values to scorecards.<br />

Workaround: PowerCube metrics can be executed to staging tables and flat files or published to<br />

the content store despite this error. There is no workaround for metrics scoping other than to use<br />

complex filters on Scorecards.<br />

Filters on Parent-Child Hierarchies are not Supported for Dimensional (OLAP)<br />

Data sources<br />

494909, 497977<br />

Filters on parent-child hierarchies do not work correctly for dimensional (OLAP) data sources.<br />

Filtering the parent level does not filter the child level as it would for a hierarchy based on a<br />

regular level.<br />

Error Occurs for a Metrics Extract Containing Static Text-type Scorecard<br />

Levels<br />

500448<br />

Metrics extracts containing text-type scorecard levels produce a CCLUnknownError when<br />

previewing the scorecard tree, refreshing Metrics Scope page, or executing the extract.<br />

Workaround: Use the All (static) member. This alleviates the business need for text-type scorecard<br />

levels.<br />

Metric Extracts Containing Typed-in Constant Metric Attribute Values Do Not<br />

Deliver Metrics for PowerCube Data Sources<br />

500908<br />

A metrics extract containing typed-in constant metric attribute values (Actual, Tolerance, Target,<br />

etc.) fails to deliver rolled-up metrics for parent scorecard levels for a PowerCube data source. The<br />

execution of the extract delivers only the metrics at the lowest scorecard levels.<br />

Workaround: Use the Expression Editor to <strong>cr</strong>eate a summary expression for the Metrics attribute.<br />

For example:<br />

Average()<br />

Average (.25)<br />

Mapping Levels to Qualifiers Using the Expression Editor for a PowerCube Data<br />

Source Does Not Work<br />

501433<br />

When <strong>cr</strong>eating an expression for qualifiers that contain levels in the expression editor, and using a<br />

PowerCube data source, the qualifier data is not delivered into the staging files or tables.<br />

Workaround: Use query items instead of levels for mapping a qualifier<br />

Error Occurs When Query Items Mapped to Metrics Qualifiers Are Referenced<br />

in Scorecard Filters<br />

The following error occurs when query items mapped to a metrics qualifier are referenced in the<br />

scorecard filters for a Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft SQL server based Metric Studio data store.<br />

Readme 37

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

501492<br />

PD-MD-0089 An error occurred in the execution of the metric values query for extract<br />

.<br />

QFS-ERR-0130 The query is not supported<br />

Workaround: Filter by the caption or filter by PPDS_KEY instead of PPDS_CODE.<br />

Framework Manager<br />

This section contains known issues about Framework Manager.<br />

Unable to Test Physical Model after Third-Party Metadata Import<br />

481680<br />

After importing third-party metadata into Framework Manager, physical tables may fail while<br />

being tested.<br />

During the import, the model name may have been written into the database properties as a<br />

schema or catalog.<br />

To resolve this issue, check the database properties and delete the schema or catalog if it has the<br />

same name as your model.<br />

Invalid Expressions after Third-Party Metadata Import from DB2 Cube Views<br />

After importing DB2 Cube Views into Framework Manager, some expressions in calculations may<br />

be invalid because they use DB2CV references ($$1, $$2, and so on) instead of Framework<br />

Manager references. Query subjects that use these embedded calculations in DB2 Cube Views<br />

expressions will not be testable.<br />

To fix the invalid query subjects, do the following:<br />

1. In Framework Manager, identify all imported query items that represent embedded<br />

calculations using references such as $$1, $$2, and so on.<br />

2. In the Properties pane, find the information provided in the patternMapping property for<br />

each query item.<br />

The patternMapping property indicates the mapping between the DB2 Cube Views<br />

parameters in the imported calculation and the actual DB2 Cube Views object references in<br />

the original model.<br />

3. Double-click a broken query subject.<br />

4. Double-click the embedded calculation corresponding to the query item identified in step 1.<br />

5. If the calculation was assigned a default name ("Calculation..."), replace it with the actual<br />

query item name.<br />

6. Replace the DB2 Cube Views parameters with the actual Framework Manager object<br />

references that these parameters represent.<br />

7. Repeat these steps for each broken query subject.<br />

Here is an example:<br />

After importing a DB2 Cube Views model, "Logical Model" -> "Sales Model" -> "Sales Facts" is<br />

a broken query subject because of the calculation in the [Sales Model].[Profit] query item.<br />

The patternMapping property for this calculation contains:<br />

[OPEN BRACE]$$1[CLOSE BRACE]=Sales Facts.Revenue [OPEN BRACE]$$2[CLOSE<br />

BRACE]=Sales Facts.Costs<br />

Its expression is:<br />



Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

499847<br />

Using this information, change the expression of the query item to:<br />

[Physical Model].[SALESFACT].[REVENUE] - [Physical Model].[SALESFACT].[COSTS]<br />

Levels in IBM DB2 Cube Views Are Not Assigned a Role of memberCaption<br />

A default attribute is assigned to a level in DB2 Cube Views. The default attribute contains the<br />

data that will appear for the level. In the current release, this information is not assigned the role<br />

of memberCaption during the import of metadata.<br />

489386<br />

In Framework Manager, assign the memberCaption role to the attribute associated with the level.<br />

Functional Dependencies in IBM DB2 Cube Views Are Not Defined as<br />

Determinants<br />

In DB2 Cube Views, functional dependencies can be captured in their schemata for levels. In the<br />

current release, this metadata is not mapped into determinants during import of metadata.<br />

489381<br />

In Framework Manager, define the functional dependencies as determinants.<br />

Occasional Session Issues When Testing Queries in Framework Manager<br />

You may receive an error message when testing query subjects or expressions in Framework<br />

Manager. This is caused by query caching issues when working with more than one project in the<br />

same Framework Manager session.<br />

nbna<br />

To resolve this issue, save your work, close Framework Manager and reopen your project. If the<br />

error still occurs, it is not a session issue and additional troubleshooting will be required.<br />

Embedded Externalize Method<br />

nbna<br />

The Embedded externalize method appears in Framework Manager but does not represent<br />

functionality for the current release.<br />

Unable to Use an IQD Created in Framework Manager That Contains an Oracle<br />

Stored Procedure<br />

When trying to use an IQD <strong>cr</strong>eated in Framework Manager that contains an Oracle stored<br />

procedure, you may receive a message similar to the following:<br />

(TR0118) Transformer can't read the database [datasource] defined in \.iqd.<br />

DMS-E_General A general exception has occurred during operation 'execute'<br />

The native SQL generated in an IQD <strong>cr</strong>eated in Framework Manager is wrong. The IQD cannot<br />

be used in Transformer.<br />

nbna<br />

To resolve this problem, you should execute the stored procedure and set the Externalize Method<br />

to IQD. Create a model query subject from the executed stored procedure, then publish the<br />

package and open in Transformer.<br />

Readme 39

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Problems Arising When an IQD File Exported from Framework Manager<br />

Connects to Two Databases<br />

nbna<br />

When exporting data from Framework Manager to Transformer, it is possible to externalize a<br />

single IQD file that generates SQL for two different databases. However, due to differences in the<br />

way data access layers are handled in Cognos 8 and Transformer, Transformer cannot import such<br />

an IQD file.<br />

This is a known issue and Cognos is currently developing a solution to address it.<br />

Cannot Specify the Order of Members<br />

491332<br />

When you are defining a level for a regular dimension on a relational data source, you cannot<br />

specify the order of the members in the current release. This limitation results in the following<br />

functions returning members who are dependent on the sort order in which the data was<br />

retrieved:<br />

• firstFromSet<br />

• remainderSet<br />

• head<br />

• item<br />

• lag<br />

• lead<br />

• nextMember<br />

• prevMember<br />

• lastPeriods<br />

• closingPeriod<br />

• openingPeriod<br />

• parallelPeriod<br />

• periodsToDate<br />

• subset<br />

• cousin<br />

• firstChild<br />

• firstSibling<br />

• lastChild<br />

• lastSibling<br />

We recommend that you do not use these functions when using dimensionally modeled relational<br />

data sources. To ensure that report authors do not use these functions, use Quality of Service to<br />

exclude them from the functions list.<br />

Full Outer Joins and Oracle<br />

nbna<br />

By default, Cognos 8 will not send full outer joins to ORACLE 9 and 10G due to the Oracle bug<br />

#2874433. This requires using limited local processing in Cognos 8.<br />

To enable full outer joins with Oracle, you must:<br />

• Ensure that you have the required patch sets, which include the fix for Bug#2874433<br />

• Modify the cogdmor.ini file to turn on full outer joins (Full_outer_join=T)<br />

Please note any manual edits to the ini settings are overwritten by the next install and you must<br />

manually replicate them on all machines where you have installed Cognos 8 or Framework<br />

Manager.<br />


Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />

Upgraded Report Does Not Run Due to Incompatible Datatype<br />

Enhancements have been made in Cognos 8 to more strictly enforce datatype checking. When you<br />

upgrade a report to Cognos 8, the report may not run due to an error about incompatible<br />

datatypes.<br />

This can be caused by<br />

• <strong>cr</strong>eating a calculation that uses a prompt and not testing the calculation before saving it<br />

• manually setting an incorrect datatype in the Cognos ReportNet model<br />

To resolve this problem, open and test the calculation or query subject that is affected. This will<br />

correct the datatype.<br />

496391<br />

You can also manually correct the datatype in the Cognos ReportNet model and then upgrade the<br />

report again.<br />

Cannot Synchronize a Project in a Repository<br />

When you try to synchronize a project that is in a repository, nothing happens and no error is<br />

reported. This happens whether the project is checked in or checked out.<br />

499849<br />

To resolve this problem, use the Manage Projects command or the Save As command to make a<br />

copy of the project. This will remove repository information. Run synchronize again, and then put<br />

the project back into the repository.<br />

Errors Using Non-English Version of Visual SourceSafe 6.0<br />

451487<br />

You use a non-English version of Visual SourceSafe 6.0 and you <strong>cr</strong>eate a new VSS connection in<br />

the Connection Manager of the Dialog Repository. You encounter errors when<br />

• testing the connection<br />

• <strong>cr</strong>eating a new folder under the connection<br />

• adding the root of any project to VSS<br />

In this release, Framework Manager is unable to work with non-English versions of Visual<br />

SourceSafe 6.0.<br />

Unable to Start Framework Manager<br />

491879<br />

When starting Framework Manager, you may receive the following error message if you do not<br />

have administrator privileges on the local machine.<br />

BME-EX-0046 Unable to save the project. The file<br />

D:\ProgramFiles\Cognos8\win32\bin\../configuration\bmt.ini does not exist or<br />

has read-only attributes. Check if the file exists or change the attributes of<br />

the file to read-write and save the project again.<br />

To resolve this problem, ask your administrator to grant you administrator privileges on the local<br />

machine.<br />

Readme 41

Cognos 8 Known Issues<br />


Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

Cognos 8 Getting Started<br />

This section contains additions and corrections that will appear in the next version of Cognos 8<br />

Getting Started.<br />

Example - Monitor Performance<br />

Note: This topic will include the following additions in the next version of the Cognos 8 Getting<br />

Started.<br />

Step 2 should read as follows:<br />

In Cognos Connection, open Metric Studio and select the GO Metrics package.<br />

Step 4 should read as follows:<br />

Click the Asia Pacific - Return Quantity % metric and then click List.<br />

Example - Manage an Event<br />

Note: This topic will include the following additions in the next version of the Cognos 8 Getting<br />

Started.<br />

The query item Reason des<strong>cr</strong>iption is now named Return reason.<br />

In step 3, you should <strong>cr</strong>eate the following expression:<br />

[Return quantity]>0 AND [Return reason] IN ('Unsatisfactory product', 'Defective product',<br />

'Incomplete product', 'Wrong product shipped')<br />

Cognos 8 Troubleshooting Guide<br />

This section contains additions and corrections that will appear in the next version of Cognos 8<br />

Troubleshooting Guide.<br />

Application Error Appears When Upgrading a Report<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Troubleshooting appendix of the Report Studio User Guide<br />

in a future release.<br />

When upgrading a report, the following error appears if the report contains data items in the page<br />

layout that are not in a data container:<br />

RSV-SRV-0040 An application error has occurred. Please contact your Administrator.<br />

This error occurs when Cognos 8 cannot determine the query reference for a data item. Such data<br />

items are identified by a small red circle with a white x icon that appears in the lower left corner.<br />

To correct the error, drag the data items into a container. If the container is a list, we recommend<br />

that you drag the data items into the list page header or footer, or the overall header or footer. If<br />

you want to see the first row of the item on each page or in the overall report, drag the item to the<br />

list page header or overall header. If you want to see the item’s last row on each page or in the<br />

overall report, drag the item to the list page footer or overall footer.<br />

Tip: If a header or footer does not exist, <strong>cr</strong>eate it.<br />

Readme 43

Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

Log Files<br />

Note: This topic will include the following additions in the next version of the Cognos 8<br />

Troubleshooting Guide.<br />

The ReportNet to Cognos 8 Upgrade File<br />

This file contains a summary of the results of an upgrade from ReportNet to Cognos 8. The log<br />

file is named upgradeLog.xml and is located in the c8_location/log directory. The file is in xml<br />

format and references an xslt stylesheet. You can double click the file to have it appear in your<br />

browser.<br />

Mixed Languages Are Displayed in Cognos Connection When Using Samples<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Cognos 8 Troubleshooting Guide in a future release.<br />

You open a Cognos PowerCube in Cognos Connection and see a mixture of languages.<br />

When you restore the Cognos_samples.zip file in the webcontent/samples/content folder it<br />

contains multilingual content. When you change the locale setting on your computer, reports<br />

appear in the language specified for your computer. This is not true for sample Cognos<br />

PowerCubes. When you restore Cognos_powercubes.zip, a different folder is set up for each<br />

language. If you select a PowerCube from a language folder that is different than the language<br />

specified by the locale setting on your computer, a mixture of languages is displayed in Cognos<br />

Connection.<br />

There are two options for solving this problem:<br />

• Re-install the Cognos PowerCube. First ensure that your computer is set to the locale that is<br />

consistent with the language of the PowerCube package you are installing. Then, install only<br />

the package from the language folder that matches the locale setting.<br />

• Or, in Cognos Connection, open each PowerCube package, click the Set Properties button,<br />

and in the Language box, select the language of the Cognos PowerCube.<br />

Not Yet Optimized Cognos PowerCubes May Open Slowly in Cognos 8<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Cognos 8 Troubleshooting Guide in a future release.<br />

If your non-compressed PowerCubes take too long to open in the Cognos 8 Web studios, we<br />

recommend that you run a command line utility named pcoptimizer, supplied with Cognos 8, to<br />

improve run-time OLAP performance. This optimization utility is suitable for older PowerCubes<br />

when the model no longer exists or the data used to build the PowerCube is no longer available.<br />

With Transformer Version 7.3 Maintenance Release 2, you have the option of making this<br />

optimization an automatic part of the build process, by adding an entry to your Windows .ini file<br />

or by <strong>cr</strong>eating the required environment variable on UNIX. If you use this method, the<br />

optimization process also enables drill-through access on all PowerCube measures by default.<br />

There is an expected, but slight, in<strong>cr</strong>ease in PowerCube size and build times. However, in most<br />

production environments, run-time PowerCube OLAP performance improves significantly.<br />

Steps to Use the Command Line Utility (Cognos 8)<br />

1. Back up your target PowerCube, then navigate to the Cognos_8_installation_location/bin<br />

directory.<br />

2. On Windows, open a command line window and run PCOptimizer.exe.<br />

3. On UNIX, enter the following line to run the optimization command line utility:<br />

pcoptimizer [-t] [-v] [-h] <br />

where is the full PowerCube or time-based partitioned control cube name with<br />

the .mdc extension, if the PowerCube resides in the same location as pcoptimizer. Otherwise,<br />

is the full path with the .mdc extension.<br />


Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

Note: This method only supports metadata extraction. To set up user-configurable drill-through,<br />

you must use Transformer and specify automatic optimization. Wildcard character support is not<br />

currently available. You must therefore invoke the utility once per PowerCube. If is<br />

not provided, the program enters an interactive mode, prompting you for a PowerCube name and<br />

accepting keyboard input. The optional parameters are as follows:<br />

• -t or test mode; it tests whether the metadata was extracted and loaded into the PowerCube.<br />

The return code indicates the status.<br />

0 if the metadata was extracted and loaded<br />

10 if the metadata was not loaded<br />

20 if an error occurred while accessing the PowerCube<br />

• -v or verbose mode; text is output to standard output (stdout), indicating what was done,<br />

including error message if any. If running in interactive mode, -v is assumed. All text is<br />

currently output in English only.<br />

• -h for command-line help; if is not provided, it prints the usage and options to<br />

the s<strong>cr</strong>een.<br />

Steps to Configure Automatic Optimization (Transformer Version 7.3)<br />

1. On Windows, to enable automatic optimization for all PowerCube builds, locate the<br />

trnsfrmr.ini file in the installation_location\cern\bin directory, open it in any text editor, and<br />

add the following entry:<br />

EnablePCOptimizer=1<br />

Optimization is now turned ON for all PowerCube builds.<br />

2. On the Windows command line, to optimize a specific PowerCube build, type the following:<br />

trnsfrmr –DEnablePCOptimizer=1 –cm <br />

3. On UNIX, to enable optimization for all PowerCube builds during the current session, use the<br />

-D flag or define the environment variable EnablePCOptimizer in the trnsfrmr.rc file(s).<br />

Tip: To disable the feature, change the value of your optimization setting to zero or remove<br />

the definition.<br />

4. After your PowerCubes build, you can open the relevant log files and confirm that the<br />

following entries appear:<br />

Start updating of ‘cube_name’ with optimized metadata.<br />

. . .<br />

End updating of ‘cube_name’ with optimized metadata.<br />

This indicates successful extraction of the metadata needed to optimize the opening of each<br />

PowerCube in Cognos 8, as well as drill-through support for all measures in each PowerCube.<br />

Failed to Execute Step step_name in Package package_name Because a<br />

Conflicting Process is Already Running. Please Try Again Later.<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Cognos 8 Troubleshooting Guide in a future release.<br />

The data integration service performs tasks, such as the metric maintenance tasks on the metric<br />

store. Simultaneous execution of some tasks can cause data to be corrupted or lost. A locking<br />

mechanism ensures that this does not occur.<br />

This error occurs when a task does not start because a potentially conflicting task is already<br />

running or because a lock for a previous task did not clear.<br />

Wait and try to run the task at a later time. If the error continues to occur, check the <strong>cr</strong>n_client log<br />

file to identify the lock that was not cleared and use the appropriate statements to clear the lock<br />

(p. 45).<br />

Failed to Unlock the Database After Executing Step step_name in Package<br />

package_name. Please Contact Your System Administrator.<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Cognos 8 Troubleshooting Guide in a future release.<br />

Readme 45

Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

The data integration service performs tasks, such as the metric maintenance tasks on the metric<br />

store. Simultaneous execution of some tasks can cause data to be corrupted or lost. A locking<br />

mechanism ensures that this does not occur.<br />

This error occurs when a task being performed by the data integration service fails to remove a<br />

lock from the Task_Locks table in the metric store.<br />

The system administrator can clear locks by stopping and starting the data integration service. For<br />

more information, see the Administration and Security Guide.<br />

You can instead manually clear records in the Task_Locks table of the metric store by deleting<br />

locks.<br />

Step to Delete, from a Metric Store, All Locks<br />

• Execute the following statements:<br />

delete from task_locks where passport 'master_lock'<br />

update task_locks set lock_type = 0<br />

Step to Delete, from a Metric Store, All Locks Created by a Specific Data Integration<br />

Service Instance<br />

• Execute the following statements:<br />

delete from task_locks where lock_comment = ''<br />

update task_locks set lock_type = 0<br />

Step to Delete, from a Metrics Store, the Lock for a JBLP Task Step Created by a<br />

Specific Data Integration Service Instance<br />

• Execute the following statement:<br />

delete from task_locks where lock_type = and lock_comment<br />

= <br />

where the values for and can be<br />

determined by querying the task_locks table<br />

Failed to Release Old Database Locks Where DIS ID Is: dispatcher<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Cognos 8 Troubleshooting Guide in a future release.<br />

This error occurs when the lock for an automated procedure failed to clear.<br />

The system administrator must remove old locks by stopping and starting the service or manually<br />

clearing the lock (p. 45). For information about stopping and starting a service, see the<br />

Administration and Security Guide.<br />

QE-DEF-0177, UDA-SQL-0114, UDA-SQL-0458, and UDA-SQL-0475 Errors<br />

When Running a Report<br />

Note: This topic will include the following correction in the next version of the Cognos 8<br />

Troubleshooting Guide.<br />

The recommended maximum sort buffer size will be changed from 512 MB to 16 MB.<br />

Series 7 Namespaces Do Not Initialize When Services are Started<br />

Note: This new topic will appear in the Troubleshooting Guide and the Cognos Configuration<br />

User Guide in a future release.<br />

To address an issue related Series 7 namespaces, a new setting called<br />

Series7NamespacesAreUnicode has been added to Cognos Configuration. This setting instructs<br />

the Cognos 8 Series 7 provider to enable UTF-8 processing on the namespace data.<br />


Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

UTF-8 processing is only available with Series 7 namespaces of version 16.0 and above. For other<br />

versions, the behavior and actions are as follows:<br />

• In a multi-code page environment, do not disable the setting or the server may fail.<br />

• If the system finds a Series 7 version 15.2 namespace and the Series7NamespacesAreUnicode<br />

setting is enabled, Cognos 8 reverts to disabled behaviour.<br />

• If you have a mixed namespace environment, that is, a directory server with both version15.2<br />

and version 16.0 namespaces, the version 15.2 namespace may not initialize. In this case, you<br />

must disable the Series7NamespacesAreUnicode setting.<br />

Cognos 8 Installation & Configuration Guide<br />

This section contains additions and corrections that will appear in the next version of the<br />

Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide.<br />

Create Databases for the Content Store and Metric Store<br />

This topic will include the following steps in the next version of the Cognos 8 Installation and<br />

Configuration Guide.<br />

497970<br />

Steps for the Metric Store on Oracle If the Database Does Not Exist<br />

1. Log into the Oracle server as a user that belongs to the ORA_DBA group on Windows or the<br />

dba group on UNIX.<br />

2. Navigate to the c8_location/configuration/schemas/cmm/oracle directory, and run the<br />

cmm_<strong>cr</strong>eate_db.cmd s<strong>cr</strong>ipt by typing the following command:<br />

cmm_<strong>cr</strong>eate_db sid path database_version [user_to_<strong>cr</strong>eate]<br />

Use the following values in your command:<br />

• sid is the new database that will be <strong>cr</strong>eated.<br />

• path is the path where the data files will be <strong>cr</strong>eated.<br />

• database_version is the version of the Oracle software that is installed. For example,<br />

oracle9 or oracle10.<br />

• user_to_<strong>cr</strong>eate is the user <strong>cr</strong>eated by the s<strong>cr</strong>ipt and given database owner permissions.<br />

This value is optional.<br />

3. Determine which user account Metric Studio will use to access the database.<br />

The user account must be the database owner (dbo) or aliased to the database owner.<br />

Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide<br />

This section contains additions and corrections that will appear in the next version of the<br />

Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide.<br />

Setting Up Trigger-based Scheduling<br />

Note: This enhanced topic will appear in the Administration and Security Guide in a future<br />

release.<br />

To schedule an entry based on an occurrence and confirm trigger-based scheduling, you must have<br />

read, write, execute, and traverse permissions. You also require the following access permissions<br />

for all data sources used by the entry.<br />

• dataSource - Execute and Traverse<br />

• dataSourceConnection - Execute and Traverse<br />

With only Execute access, you are prompted to log on to the database.<br />

• dataSourceSignon - Execute<br />

Before setting up trigger-based scheduling, ensure that your <strong>cr</strong>edentials exist and are up to date.<br />

Readme 47

Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

Tip: Click Preferences, click the Personal tab, and then click Renew the <strong>cr</strong>edentials.<br />

Follow this process to set up trigger-based scheduling:<br />

❑ Schedule an entry based on the occurrence.<br />

❑ Have your administrator set up the trigger occurrence on a server. For more information, see<br />

the Administration and Security Guide.<br />

Trigger occurrences can also be set up by an SDK developer using the Cognos 8 Software<br />

Development Kit (SDK). For more information, see the Developer Guide.<br />

If you are an administrator, you can disable trigger-based scheduling. See the Administration and<br />

Security Guide.<br />

DB2 OLAP Data Sources and Scenario Dimensions<br />

Note: This topic will include the following correction in the next version of the Cognos 8<br />

Administration and Security Guide.<br />


Balanced Hierarchies Not Determined by DB2 OLAP Provider<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the next version of the Cognos 8 Administration and Security<br />

Guide.<br />

DB2 OLAP Provider does not determine if a hierarchy is balanced or unbalanced. It considers all<br />

hierarchies as being unbalanced by default.<br />

In a balanced hierarchy, each path descends to the same depth while the branches in an<br />

unbalanced hierarchy descend to different levels.<br />

Steps to Specify Balanced Hierarchies<br />

1. Ask the database administrator to <strong>cr</strong>eate a special User Defined Attribute (UDA) named<br />

COGNOS_HIERARCHY_BALANCED in the outline of the DB2 OLAP database. The UDA<br />

is <strong>cr</strong>eated for the root member of the corresponding dimension containing a balanced<br />

hierarchy.<br />

2. Set the attribute to 1.<br />

Specify Measure Formats<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the next version of the Cognos 8 Administration and Security<br />

Guide.<br />

To improve the readability of the values reported, you can specify an alternative format string for<br />

any measure. Define a UDA for nonlabel members in the Account dimension:<br />

COGNOS_FORMAT=format_string<br />

The format_string value can be any one of the predefined number formats listed in the table<br />

below. You can use a preset numeric format to show values as millions (M) or thousands (K). For<br />

example, 1,801,791 can be shown as 1.8M or 1,801.8K.<br />

The predefined format strings are as follows:<br />

Format Option Sample Value Example<br />

General 1000000 1000000<br />

0 1000000 1000000<br />

#,##0 1000000 1,000,000<br />

$0 1000000 $1000000<br />

$#,##0 1000000 $1,000,000<br />

0% 1000000 100000000%<br />

%0 1000000 %100000000<br />


Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

0E+000 1000000 1E+006<br />

0K 1000000 1000K<br />

#,##0K 1000000 1,000K<br />

K0 1000000 K1000<br />

K#,##0 1000000 K1,000<br />

$0K 1000000 $1000K<br />

$#,##0K 1000000 $1,000K<br />

0M 1000000000 1000M<br />

#,##0M 1000000000 1,000M<br />

M0 1000000000 M1000<br />

M#,##0 1000000000 M1,000<br />

$0M 1000000000 $1000M<br />

$#,##0M 1000000000 $1,000M<br />

With the exception of the General format string, you can also preset the number of decimal places<br />

to show, using the format string ~n, where n is the number of decimal places. For example,<br />

1,801,791 can be shown as $1,801,791.00 using the format string $#,##0~2. If you do not want<br />

any decimal places, end the format string with ~0.<br />

If your client application uses a different locale, you must replace the Currency ($), Thousands (,)<br />

and Decimal (.) symbols in the format_string value for the COGNOS_FORMAT UDA with the<br />

corresponding locale symbols in effect for the client application.<br />

If you do not specify the number of decimal places to show, or if the format string does not match<br />

one of the predefined values (including locale symbols), the General format string is used by<br />

default.<br />

You can apply a different format for each measure. The following illustrates some examples of<br />

how you can apply different formatting to different measures:<br />

Measure<br />

Applied Format<br />

Measures (Account dimension) COGNOS_FORMAT=#,##0<br />

Units<br />


Costs<br />

COGNOS_FORMAT=$#,###<br />

Profits<br />


Cognos 8 Report Studio User Guide<br />

This section contains additions and corrections that will appear in the next version of the<br />

Cognos 8 Report Studio User Guide.<br />

Controlling the Rows Per Page for Multiple Containers in HTML and PDF<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Running a Report section in the Report Studio User Guide in<br />

a future release.<br />

If you have more than one data container in a report, such as a list and a <strong>cr</strong>osstab, you can control<br />

how the report is rendered in HTML and PDF by setting the Rows Per Page property for each<br />

container.<br />

Cognos 8 uses the following rules when rendering reports in HTML and PDF:<br />

• If the Rows Per Page property is not set for any of the data containers, 20 rows per page are<br />

rendered in HTML and each page is completely filled in PDF. The first data container is<br />

rendered until there is no more data, followed by the next container, and so on.<br />

Tip: The number of rows that appear on a PDF page depends on the font size set in the report.<br />

Readme 49

Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

• If the Rows Per Page property is set for each data container, the specified numbers of rows are<br />

rendered in HTML and PDF on each page until there is no more data.<br />

• If the property is set for only some of the containers, the specified numbers of rows are<br />

rendered in HTML and PDF on each page until there is no more data. For the remaining<br />

containers, 20 rows per page are rendered on each page in HTML and each page is completely<br />

filled in PDF.<br />

For example, you have two lists, List1 and List2. You set the Rows Per Page property to 5 for<br />

List1. When you run the report in HTML, the first page contains the first 5 rows from List1<br />

followed by the first 15 rows of List2.<br />

• If no data is returned for a data container, an empty container is rendered.<br />

Creating Charts Using an SAP BW Data Source<br />

Note: This topic will be deleted in the Report Studio User Guide in a future release.<br />

If you <strong>cr</strong>eate charts using an SAP BW data source, and the fact query contains currency values, the<br />

currency format may be lost in the chart. To restore the currency format, edit the Data Format<br />

property of the fact query item and set the format type to currency.<br />

If a fact query item contains values in multiple currencies, only the currency of the first value is<br />

applied to the chart.<br />

Creating Burst Reports Using a Dimensional Data Source<br />

Note: This corrected topic will appear in the Report Studio User Guide in a future release. The<br />

title of the topic changed from Creating Burst Reports Using an SAP BW Data Source.<br />

You can burst a report using a dimensional data source by using burst information stored in the<br />

data source. We assume that you do not want to append bursting information to existing<br />

dimensional data sources. The solution is to <strong>cr</strong>eate a relational data source that contains the burst<br />

information.<br />

To burst a report using a dimensional data source, do the following:<br />

❑ In Framework Manager, include both the dimensional data source that is the basis for<br />

reporting and the relational burst table in the model.<br />

For more information about models, see the Framework Manager User Guide.<br />

❑ In Report Studio, <strong>cr</strong>eate a master-detail report in which the master query drives the report of<br />

interest and the detail query contains the burst information.<br />

The master query must be grouped by a data item that you are bursting on and that has a<br />

corresponding data item in the relational burst table.<br />

Author the detail query against the relational burst table. The burst table must contain two<br />

columns, the data item corresponding to the one used in the master report for bursting, and<br />

the data item that contains the recipient information. The recipient can be an email address or<br />

an expression that results in a search path to an object in Content Manager, such as an<br />

account, group, role, contact, or distribution list.<br />

For more information about master-detail queries, see Create a Master Detail Relationship.<br />

❑ Ensure that the detail query, which must be evaluated by Cognos 8 when the report is<br />

executed, is not visible:<br />

• Place a list that is based on the detail query in a conditional block for which the box type<br />

is set to None.<br />

• Link the master and detail queries using the following expression:<br />

[Master Burst Key] = [Detail Burst Key]<br />

When you set the burst options for the report, the master query provides the data items for the<br />

burst key, and the detail report provides the data items for the burst recipients.<br />

Using the Expression Editor<br />

Note: This topic will include the following corrections in the next version of the Framework<br />

Manager User Guide and the Report Studio User Guide.<br />


Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

This topic currently states the following:<br />

Note that SAP BW does not support any of the summary functions, constructs, and common<br />

functions, nor many of the operators and constants, that are listed in this appendix.<br />

The text will be changed to the following:<br />

SAP BW does not support all operators or summaries. This can be confusing if you have<br />

imported SAP BW metadata and non-SAP BW metadata into the same model.<br />

SAP BW does not support the following operators:<br />

• contains<br />

• ends with<br />

• like<br />

• lookup<br />

• starts with<br />

SAP BW does not support the following member summaries:<br />

• date-time<br />

• interval<br />

• interval month<br />

• interval day<br />

• interval day to hour<br />

• interval day to minute<br />

• interval day to second<br />

• interval hour<br />

• interval hour to minute<br />

• interval hour to second<br />

• interval minute<br />

• interval minute to second<br />

• interval second<br />

• interval year<br />

• interval year to month<br />

• time with time zone<br />

• timestamp with time zone<br />

Cell values are date, number, or time. Attribute values are strings.<br />

Cannot View Burst Report<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Troubleshooting section in the Report Studio User Guide in<br />

a future release.<br />

When you burst a report, each burst output is sent to the associated list of recipients. If a list of<br />

recipients contains invalid entries, the following occurs:<br />

• The burst output is not saved to Content Manager.<br />

Consequently, you cannot view the burst output in Cognos Connection.<br />

• If you choose to send the output by email, only valid recipients will receive an email.<br />

Although the output is sent as an attachment if you select the Attach the report check box, no<br />

link is generated if you select the Include a link to the report check box.<br />

• The following error message appears in the run history for the report, where parameter 1 is<br />

the burst key, parameter 2 is the list of recipients, and parameter 3 contains the error messages<br />

returned by Content Manager:<br />

An error occurred while saving the output for the burst instance with the recipients (). Here are the details:<br />

<br />

Note: The list of recipients includes both the valid and invalid recipients.<br />

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Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

For example, a report is set up to burst on Country, and the recipients are managers. Running the<br />

report produces the following countries and recipients:<br />

• Canada: John, Mary<br />

• U.S.: Peter, Frank<br />

• France: Danielle, Maryse<br />

Frank is an invalid recipient. The burst outputs for Canada and France are saved to Content<br />

Manager, but not the U.S. output. If you choose to send an email to each recipient and you<br />

selected the Include a link to the report check box, the email to Peter will not contain a link to the<br />

output for US. The error message that is generated will contain Peter and Frank as values for<br />

parameter 2 with no indication as to which is invalid.<br />

To resolve the problem, do the following:<br />

Steps to Correct or Remove Burst Recipients<br />

1. View the error message in the run history for the report.<br />

2. From the list of recipients, determine which recipients are invalid.<br />

You may need to consult with your administrator to find out which recipients are invalid.<br />

3. Correct or remove the invalid recipients.<br />

Correcting or removing invalid recipients will depend on how the list of recipients was<br />

defined, such as through a calculated field or a burst table.<br />

4. Run the report again.<br />

Cognos 8 Query Studio User Guide<br />

This section contains additions and corrections that will appear in the next version of the<br />

Cognos 8 Query Studio User Guide.<br />

Format Rules for Calculations Returning Number Data Types<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Add a Calculation to a Report section in the Query Studio<br />

User Guide in a future release.<br />

When you <strong>cr</strong>eate a calculation that returns a number, the formatting of the resulting column is<br />

based on<br />

• the calculation operation<br />

• the format of the parent column or columns<br />

• the number of decimals specified when a value is typed in the Number box<br />

Note that all non-numeric format elements are ignored when <strong>cr</strong>eating the calculation format.<br />

Sum, Difference, Maximum, Minimum<br />

The following applies when the calculation operation is sum, difference, maximum, or minimum:<br />

• If all calculation parents are percentages, the resulting column will also have a percentage<br />

format.<br />

• If all calculation parents are currency formats with the same currency code, the resulting<br />

column will have the currency format with that currency code.<br />

• For all other cases, the resulting column will have the number format.<br />

• The number of decimals of the resulting column is set to that of the parent that has the largest<br />

number of decimals.<br />

• All other formatting that is identical in all parents is passed to the resulting column.<br />

Product<br />

The following applies when the calculation operation is product:<br />

• If all calculation parents have the number format, the resulting column will also have the<br />

number format<br />


Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

• If the calculation parents are a mix of number and percent formats, the resulting column will<br />

have the percent format<br />

• If the calculation parents are a mix of currency and number or percent formats, the resulting<br />

column will have the currency format if all currency formats have the same currency code.<br />

Otherwise, the resulting column will have the number format.<br />

• If all calculation parents are percentages, the resulting column will also have a percent format<br />

• If the calculation parents are a mix of more than two format types, or some parents are<br />

unformatted, the resulting column will have the number format.<br />

• The number of decimals in the resulting column is set to that of the parent that has the largest<br />

number of decimals or to the number typed in the Number box, whichever number is higher.<br />

• All other formatting that is identical in all parents is passed to the resulting column.<br />

Division, Average<br />

The following applies when the calculation operation is division or average:<br />

• If all calculation parents have the number format, the resulting column will also have the<br />

number format.<br />

• If the calculation parents are a mix of number and percent formats, the resulting column will<br />

have the percent format.<br />

• If the calculation parents are a mix of currency and number or percent formats, the resulting<br />

column will have the currency format if all currency formats have the same currency code.<br />

Otherwise, the resulting column will have the number format.<br />

• If all calculation parents are percentages, the resulting column will also have a percent format.<br />

• If the calculation parents are a mix of more than two format types, or some parents are<br />

unformatted, the resulting column will have the number format.<br />

• The number of decimals in the resulting column is set to a maximum of three.<br />

• all other formatting that is identical in all parents is passed to the resulting column.<br />

Percent, Percent Difference, Percent Total<br />

The following applies when the calculation operation is percent, percent difference, or percent<br />

total:<br />

• The resulting column will have the percentage format.<br />

• The number of decimals in the resulting column is set to two.<br />

Percentile, Rank, Quartile, Quantile<br />

The following applies when the calculation operation is percentile, rank, quartile, or quantile:<br />

• The resulting column will have the number format.<br />

• The number of decimals of the resulting column is set to two.<br />

Round, Round Down<br />

The following applies when the calculation operation is round or round down:<br />

• The resulting column will have the same format as the parent.<br />

Absolute<br />

Power, Sqrt<br />

The following applies when the calculation operation is absolute:<br />

• The resulting column will have the same format as the parent.<br />

The following applies when the calculation operation is power or sqrt:<br />

• The resulting column will have the number format.<br />

• The resulting column will have the same format as the parent, such as number of decimals,<br />

sign, and scale.<br />

Readme 53

Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

SAP BW<br />

Note: This topic will be deleted in the Query Studio User Guide in a future release.<br />

In charts <strong>cr</strong>eated using an SAP BW data source, if a query item contains currency values, the<br />

currency format may be lost in the chart. To restore the currency format, set the Format category<br />

of the query item to Currency.<br />

In charts <strong>cr</strong>eated against an SAP BW data source, if a query item contains values in multiple<br />

currencies, only the currency of the first value is applied to the chart.<br />

Create a Simple Filter<br />

Note: This topic will include the following additions in the next version of the Query Studio User<br />

Guide.<br />

When filtering a level or <strong>cr</strong>eating a prompt, click Show details to view parent information for each<br />

member. The parent information appears in parentheses after each member. Viewing parent<br />

information is useful when identical names exist. For example, the level City contains Paris<br />

(Ontario) and Paris (France). If the data source you are using supports searching, parent<br />

information also appears when you search for specific values by clicking Search for Values.<br />

When filtering a dimension or hierarchy, members appear in a tree.<br />

Cognos 8 Analysis Studio User Guide<br />

Insert Data<br />

This section contains additions and corrections that will appear in the next version of the<br />

Cognos 8 Analysis Studio User Guide.<br />

Note: The following information will be added to the Insert Data topic in the Analysis Studio User<br />

Guide in a future release.<br />

Note: When you insert items from a relational data source containing sparse data, you may see the<br />

following error message:<br />

PCA-ERR-0017 Unable to find the child name of missing member.<br />

This error can occur when the underlying model does not use outer joins in the hierarchy<br />

definition. For more information, see the Framework Manager User Guide.<br />

Suppress Null Totals and Zero Totals<br />

Note: This corrected topic will appear in the Analysis Studio User Guide in a future release.<br />

To reduce clutter in an analysis, you can suppress items where the total results in a zero or null<br />

value.<br />

You can suppress rows, columns, or both. For example, you may want to suppress the data for a<br />

customer with whom you have no interaction over a time period (nulls), but not for a customer<br />

who repeatedly buys and returns goods, resulting in a net revenue of zero dollars (zeros).<br />

Note: When sets are stacked in rows or columns, then suppress totals is not available.<br />

Steps<br />

1. Click the suppress items button on the toolbar.<br />

2. Choose where to apply the suppression:<br />

• Apply to Rows Only<br />

• Apply to Columns Only<br />

• Apply to Rows and Columns<br />

3. Choose a suppression option to apply:<br />

• Total is Null<br />


Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

Create a Custom Set<br />

• Total is Zero<br />

• Total is Null or Zero<br />

4. A suppression icon next to the item label in the overview area indicates that suppression is<br />

applied.<br />

Tip: To remove suppression, repeat step 1 and click No Suppression.<br />

Note: The following information will be added to the Create a Custom Set topic in the Analysis<br />

Studio User Guide in a future release.<br />

You cannot save a set as a custom set under the following conditions:<br />

• The analysis contains a context filter based on a dynamic definition, such as a calculation or<br />

top or bottom filter, rather than a static item or items, such as 2005, or Camping Equipment<br />

and Personal Accessories.<br />

• The set contains a calculation that references multiple dimensions, such as ranking<br />

calculations, or a percent of base calculation that references an item from the opposite axis of<br />

the <strong>cr</strong>osstab.<br />

• The set contains a user-defined filter based on a calculation.<br />

• The set is expanded to show more than one level.<br />

Producing Reports in Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Excel Format<br />

Note: The following information will be added to the appendix Producing Reports in Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft<br />

Excel Format in the Analysis Studio User Guide in a future release.<br />

Using Reports Saved in XLS Format<br />

Charts and Custom Colors<br />

Repeating Pie Charts<br />

If you open a report that was saved in XLS format or run a report in XLS format, and security<br />

settings in your browser are set so that you are prompted to open or save the report, do not click<br />

Save. If you save the report, the spreadsheet content will not be saved. This is because Excel<br />

reports in Office 2000 HTML format use relative paths to the spreadsheets. The relative URL<br />

paths are no longer available when you open a saved XLS report.<br />

Instead, click Open first and then choose to save the report.<br />

When running a report containing a chart in Excel format, the chart requires that 16 Cognos 8<br />

default colors be added to the Excel custom palette. 16 is the maximum number of colors that<br />

Excel accepts in its custom palette. If the report contains a report object that uses an additional<br />

custom color, Excel cannot add it to the custom palette. Excel will attempt to match the custom<br />

color to one of its available standard colors. As a result, the report object will be a few shades<br />

away from the custom color used.<br />

If you have a report that has repeating pie charts, and you define a chart title, Excel will show<br />

each pie with a title that is a concatenation of the chart title and the data series. For example, if<br />

the chart title is Quantity Sold by Order Method and Product Line and the data series is Order<br />

method, the title of each pie in Excel will be<br />

Quantity Sold by Order Method and Product Line, order method<br />

Dis<strong>cr</strong>ete Axis Label Skip Control in Charts<br />

In Cognos 8 charts, you can control the skipping of dis<strong>cr</strong>ete axis labels. This feature is not<br />

supported in Excel charts.<br />

Text Strings with More Than 255 Characters<br />

Cells in Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Excel have a limit of 255 characters. If your report contains text strings that are<br />

longer than 255 characters, they will be formatted as text and appear as ######.<br />

Readme 55

Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

Insert Data<br />

Note: The following information will be deleted from the Insert Data topic in the Analysis Studio<br />

User Guide in a future release.<br />

When you insert items from a relational data source containing sparse data, you may see the<br />

following error message:<br />

PCA-ERR-0017 Unable to find the child name of missing member.<br />

This error can occur when the underlying model does not use outer joins in the hierarchy<br />

definition. For more information, see the Framework Manager User Guide.<br />

Sets<br />

Note: The following information will be added to the Sets topic in the Analysis Studio User Guide<br />

in a future release.<br />

In the <strong>cr</strong>osstab, you can <strong>cr</strong>eate a new selection-based set from an existing set by selecting the<br />

members you want, then clicking Keep in the right-click menu. The new selection-based set<br />

replaces the set from which it originates.<br />

Cognos 8 Metric Studio User Guide for Authors<br />

This section contains additions and corrections that will appear in the next version of the<br />

Cognos 8 Metric Studio User Guide for Authors.<br />

Weeks in Gregorian Calendars<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the Metric Studio User Guide for Authors in a future release.<br />

Metrics Manager lets you include weeks in Gregorian calendars. Unlike manufacturing calendars,<br />

these weeks can begin in one month, quarter or year, and end in another. This can affect how<br />

Metrics Manager loads and represents data.<br />

Weeks Cannot Rollup to Higher Period Levels<br />

Because a week might not end in the same month, quarter, or year in which it began, you cannot<br />

calculate higher period level totals by rolling up weekly totals. Therefore, if weeks are the lowest<br />

level in the calendar, you must set the data load level of the metric to a value other than weeks.<br />

Regardless of this setting, you can always load data at the week level.<br />

Load Months or Days to Get High-Level Rollups<br />

To calculate high-level rollups, you must load data at a level that does not span higher periods.<br />

• Loading Days<br />

In a calendar that includes days, you can load data at the daily level so that Metric Manager<br />

can calculate rollups for weeks, months, quarters and years.<br />

• Loading Weeks and Months<br />

In a calendar whose lowest level is weeks, you must load data at a higher level, such as<br />

months, so that Metric Manager can calculate rollups for quarters and years.<br />

Weeks Only Belong to a Month for Navigation Purposes<br />

Each week belongs to a month so that users can navigate to a specific week in the calendar. This<br />

setting is for navigation purposes only and does not imply any rollup from weeks to months.<br />

When you <strong>cr</strong>eate a Metric Package you can set a week to belong to:<br />

• the month in which it begins<br />

• the month in which it ends<br />

• the month to which the majority of its days belong<br />

This setting also controls how many weeks are in a year.<br />


Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

Weeks Affect Trends Calculations<br />

When you set a trend to Calculate trend by comparing to: Previous period, Metric Studio<br />

calculates trend arrows by comparing:<br />

• the same day of the previous week, at the daily level<br />

• the same week of the previous month, at the weekly level<br />

Metric Studio uses the value set in the calendar wizard to determine the week of the month.<br />

Gregorian Weeks Are Not Supported in Custom Calendars<br />

You cannot <strong>cr</strong>eate a custom calendar that contains weeks that span higher-level periods. This is<br />

only supported through the Metric Package calendar wizard.<br />

Framework Manager User Guide<br />

This section contains additions and corrections that will appear in the next version of the<br />

Framework Manager User Guide.<br />

Checking Imported Metadata<br />

Note: This topic will include the following additions in the next version of the Guidelines for<br />

Modeling Metadata, a separate documentation piece as well as a chapter in the Framework<br />

Manager User Guide. If you are using an Oracle database, see "Full Outer Joins and<br />

Oracle" (p. 7) for more information.<br />

483743<br />

Sparse Data<br />

When modeling for analysis or reporting, it is important to consider the nature of the business<br />

questions versus the nature of the data source.<br />

A common scenario is that a relationship between a dimension and a fact table in a star schema is<br />

optional. This means that not every dimensional member is mandatory in the fact table. OLAP<br />

engines compensate for this by inserting an appropriate value when <strong>cr</strong>eating the OLAP structure<br />

for any dimensional intersection points that do not have data.<br />

When modeling, it is common to override optional relationships between dimensions and facts for<br />

improved performance. However, when performing analysis or reporting on sparse data where<br />

you require information about dimensional members that have no facts, outer joins must be<br />

enabled to ensure that data is returned for valid dimensional intersection points.<br />

For example, an Analysis Studio user wants to <strong>cr</strong>eate this report:<br />

2004 2005<br />

Canada 1,000,000<br />

Mexico 500,000 750,000<br />

United States 1,000,000 2,000,000<br />

To enable outer joins, we recommend that you do the following:<br />

• Check with your database administrator to ensure that the data source can support full outer<br />

joins.<br />

• Import metadata with outer joins enabled.<br />

Moving a Framework Manager Model from One Relational Database to Another<br />

Note: This topic will be added to the next version of Guidelines for Modeling Metadata, a<br />

separate documentation piece as well as a chapter in the Framework Manager User Guide.<br />

Readme 57

Cognos 8 Documentation Updates<br />

There are several things to consider when moving a Framework Manager model from one<br />

relational database to another. Unlike changing from one identical database to another on the<br />

same platform, it may not be sufficient to simply change the data source connection information.<br />

To move a model from one relational database to another, do the following:<br />

❑ Evaluate the DDL to determine portability for physical names by<br />

• constraining physical names to a lowest common denominator, such as 31 characters<br />

• avoiding using reserved words as names<br />

• using a consistent case on names, such as all lowercase<br />

❑ Evaluate the DDL to determine portability for database qualification.<br />

❑ Evaluate the DDL to determine portability for data types in terms of compatibility and the<br />

precision and scale of datatypes.<br />

❑ Review any native SQL statements in your models and reports for relational-specific syntax<br />

that may or may not be supported.<br />

❑ Review usage of vendor-specific functions.<br />

There may not be an equivalent vendor function or common function. A common function<br />

that is unsupported by the relational database may result in local processing that did not<br />

previously occur.<br />

❑ Rebuild the physical tables.<br />

When you import tables, Framework Manager imports physical information about the tables<br />

and columns that is used internally at run time. For example, collation information is<br />

reconciled only by rebuilding the physical tables.<br />

❑ Test the moved model.<br />

There will be other differences, such as performance characteristics, how data is ordered<br />

based on collations, and so on, that are revealed only by testing.<br />

Analysis Studio Quick Tour<br />

The next version of the Analysis Studio Quick Tour will include the following corrections.<br />

• The suppress button shown on the toolbar is incorrect. The correct icon appears in Analysis<br />

Studio.<br />


Index<br />

Symbols<br />

.cmn<br />

DB2, 31<br />

.db files, 14<br />

.pro files, 58<br />

A<br />

a socket reported a communication error, 15<br />

accented characters<br />

not displayed properly, 9<br />

accessing data sources, 18, 19<br />

actions<br />

printing, 32<br />

administration<br />

Metric Studio strategy maps not rendered, 16<br />

Administration and Security Guide, 47<br />

administrative privileges, 41<br />

Adobe PDFs<br />

problems printing, 16<br />

Adobe Reader<br />

versions required for printing reports, 17<br />

agent run fails, 25<br />

AIX<br />

server-side printing, 17<br />

Analysis Studio<br />

context filter limitations, 25<br />

custom sets, 25<br />

dashes appearing instead of values, 25<br />

limitations, 25<br />

Analysis Studio quick tour, 58<br />

Analysis Studio User Guide, 54<br />

Apache gateway<br />

problems starting, 10<br />

as percentage<br />

values, 26<br />

attribute-based sorting, 26<br />

attributes<br />

grouping on, 22<br />

authentication<br />

Series 7 namespaces, 46<br />

auto populate option<br />

removal, 24<br />

B<br />

backslashes appear instead of currency, 11<br />

balanced hierarchies<br />

DB2 OLAP, 48<br />

blank values<br />

appearing instead of totals, 23<br />

burst reports<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating using a dimensional data source, 50<br />

bursting<br />

MOLAP data, 23<br />

C<br />

calculated key figures, 20<br />

calculated metrics<br />

constants, 28<br />

calculated summaries<br />

Query Studio and Report Studio, 23<br />

calculations<br />

CognosViewer, 26<br />

commas, 31<br />

format rules, 52<br />

SAP BW data sources, 19, 20<br />

calendar<br />

extending, 31<br />

incorrect time span, 32<br />

years, 32<br />

calendar data<br />

clearing in Metric Studio, 34<br />

calendar settings<br />

metric types, 28<br />

cert7.db file, 14<br />

changing<br />

package reference, 26<br />

character display<br />

incorrect, 29<br />

characters<br />

unrecognized Japanese, 35<br />

characters improperly displayed, 9<br />

chart<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating from an existing query, 24<br />

charts not appearing, 15<br />

Clear calendar data option, 33<br />

clear metric history and calendar data<br />

properties lost, 33<br />

Cognos 8<br />

integration with Cognos Planning, 13<br />

package, 35<br />

publishing from PowerPlay Enterprise Server, 13<br />

Cognos Configuration<br />

reconfiguring, 34<br />

Cognos Connection<br />

test data source fails, 27<br />

Cognos Planning<br />

integration with Cognos 8, 13<br />

Cognos Planning - Contributor<br />

connecting to data source, 15<br />

Cognos Viewer<br />

calculations, 26<br />

configuration settings, 26<br />

Readme 59

Index<br />

connections<br />

ODBC, 34<br />

context filter limitations, 25, 26<br />

copyright, 2<br />

corrupted<br />

metric store, 27<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating<br />

burst reports using a dimensional data source, 50<br />

simple filters, 54<br />

<strong>cr</strong>osstabs<br />

aggregate values not appearing, 23<br />

parent-child currency hierarchy, 22<br />

cubes<br />

apostrophes in package name, 35<br />

short names unsupported, 35<br />

taking too long to open, 44<br />

unrecognized Japanese characters, 35<br />

currencies<br />

filtering in Query Studio, 22<br />

currency<br />

won, 11<br />

yen, 11<br />

custom calendars<br />

import errors, 30<br />

custom formatting<br />

not appearing for empty cells, 20<br />

custom set<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating, 55<br />

custom sets in Analysis Studio, 25<br />

D<br />

dashes<br />

appearing instead of values in Analysis Studio, 25<br />

data export<br />

upgrade, 28, 29<br />

data removed from metric data store, 33<br />

data sources<br />

connecting to Cognos Planning - Contributor, 15<br />

unable to open a cube using 8.2 DB2 OLAP, 18<br />

unable to open a cube using Essbase 7.1, 18<br />

database character set<br />

unicode, 31<br />

datatypes<br />

incompatible, 41<br />

date display<br />

incorrect, 30<br />

date format<br />

.cmn, 31<br />

dates<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating for object extracts, 35<br />

DB2<br />

date format, 31<br />

import null values, 32<br />

incorrect average value, 19<br />

incorrect count value, 19<br />

metric lists display, 32<br />

DB2 Cube Views<br />

functional dependencies, 39<br />

roles, 39<br />

DB2 data sources<br />

problems accessing, 18<br />

DB2 OLAP<br />

query failure using DB2 OLAP Server, 18<br />

unable to load library, 9<br />

unable to open a cube using 8.2 DB2 OLAP, 18<br />

DB2-ERR-0028, 9<br />

determinants, 39<br />

diagrams<br />

missing, 28<br />

dimensional data<br />

filtering, 54<br />

dimensional data source<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating burst reports, 50<br />

dimensions<br />

order of members, 40<br />

display<br />

metric lists, 32<br />

distributed installation<br />

imports and exports, 31<br />

document<br />

version, 2<br />

documentation<br />

Administration and Security Guide, 47<br />

Analysis Studio quick tour, 58<br />

Analysis Studio User Guide, 54<br />

broken links, 17<br />

cubes taking too long to open, 44<br />

Getting Started, 43<br />

Installation and Configuration Guide, 47<br />

log files, 44<br />

Metric Studio User Guide for Authors, 56<br />

problems printing PDFs, 16<br />

Query Studio User Guide, 52, 57<br />

quick tours, 17<br />

Report Studio User Guide, 49<br />

Troubleshooting Guide, 43<br />

documentation CD, 17<br />

documentation updates<br />

Framework Manager User Guide, 33, 57<br />

double-byte characters<br />

improperly displayed, 9<br />

DPR-ERR-2002 error message, 11<br />

drilling down<br />

cannot <strong>cr</strong>eate custom groups in Query Studio, 21<br />

drill-through performance, 17<br />

E<br />

embedded externalize method, 39<br />

errors<br />

a socket reported a communication error, 15<br />

custom calendar import, 30<br />

DB2-ERR-0028, 9<br />

QE-DEF-0478, 21<br />

SDK Custom Authentication JDBC Provider sample, 14<br />

syntax error on line 557, 10<br />

TR0118, 39<br />

Essbase<br />

incorrect average value, 19<br />

incorrect count value, 19<br />

EssBase 7.1<br />

unable to open a cube, 18<br />


Index<br />

Excel Data sources<br />

Transformer error, 14<br />

execution error<br />

UDA-SQL-0564, 34<br />

expand command in Analysis Studio, 25<br />

export<br />

distributed installation, 31<br />

failing in a distributed installation, 29<br />

exporting<br />

IQD files, 40<br />

expression editor<br />

commas, 31<br />

expressions, 38<br />

extend<br />

calendars, 31<br />

externalizing query subjects, 39<br />

extracts<br />

unrecognized Japanese characters in cubes, 35<br />

F<br />

file not found errors, 17<br />

files<br />

adding multiple IQD, 36<br />

filtering<br />

currencies in Query Studio, 22<br />

dimensional data, 54<br />

filters<br />

invalid, 35<br />

filters not working in sectioned reports, 22<br />

format rules<br />

calculations, 52<br />

format strings, 48<br />

Framework Manager<br />

IQDs and Oracle stored procedures, 39<br />

issues, 38<br />

missing connections and <strong>cr</strong>edentials, 34<br />

problems using Visual SourceSafe 6.0, 41<br />

testing queries, 39<br />

TR0118 error, 39<br />

unable to load DB2 OLAP library, 9<br />

user language preference, 34<br />

Framework Manager User Guide<br />

documentation updates, 33, 57<br />

full outer joins<br />

Oracle, 40<br />

functional dependencies, 39<br />

functions<br />

order of members, 40<br />

G<br />

gateways<br />

problem starting Apache, 10<br />

Getting Started<br />

documentation updates, 43<br />

group types<br />

not importing correctly, 29<br />

grouping<br />

first level in a list, 22, 24<br />

on an attribute, 22<br />

grouping columns<br />

SAP BW data sources, 19<br />

H<br />

hierarchies<br />

DB2 OLAP, 48<br />

hierarchy node prompts, 20<br />

history data<br />

clearing in Metric Studio, 34<br />

I<br />

import<br />

custom calendar errors, 30<br />

distributed installation, 31<br />

failing in a distributed installation, 29<br />

group types, 29<br />

null values in DB2, 32<br />

Import Source<br />

loading data, 27<br />

Impromptu Web Reports<br />

conflict with Apache gateway, 10<br />

incorrect average value using DB2 or Essbase, 19<br />

incorrect count value using DB2 or Essbase, 19<br />

index update options not available, 16<br />

initialization, namespaces, 46<br />

initialize<br />

Oracle metric store, 30<br />

Installation and Configuration Guide, 47<br />

installation and configuration issues<br />

cannot load Apache module, 10<br />

cannot load DB2 OLAP library, 9<br />

run-time errors, 10<br />

installing<br />

Cognos 8 on Linux, 9<br />

Integrated Windows Authentication<br />

issues, 14<br />

interactions<br />

with Impromptu Web Reports, 10<br />

invalid expressions, 38<br />

IQD files<br />

adding multiple, 36<br />

problems exporting, 40<br />

replace function, 36<br />

issetup<br />

corrupt Japanese characters, 11<br />

J<br />

Japanese characters<br />

unrecognized in cube extracts, 35<br />

Japanese characters corrupted, 11<br />

Japanese currency, 11<br />

Japanese extracts<br />

MS SQL server, 34<br />

Oracle, 35<br />

JDBC drivers, 14<br />

jobs<br />

index update options not available, 16<br />

join relationships<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating in Report Studio, 23<br />

joins<br />

Oracle, 40<br />

outer, 57<br />

Readme 61

Index<br />

K<br />

key figures, 20<br />

key3.db file, 14<br />

known issues<br />

administration, 15<br />

Analysis Studio, 25<br />

Cognos Connection, 18<br />

DB2 data sources, 18<br />

Event Studio, 24<br />

Framework Manager, 38<br />

general, 16<br />

installation and configuration, 9<br />

Metric Studio, 27<br />

Query Studio, 21<br />

Report Studio, 23<br />

SAP BW data sources, 19<br />

security, 14<br />

Series 7 integration, 13<br />

Korean currency, 11<br />

L<br />

languages<br />

OLAP data sources, 26<br />

LDAP namespaces<br />

starting Cognos 8, 14<br />

levels<br />

DB2 Cube Views, 39<br />

limitations in Analysis Studio, 25<br />

Linux<br />

characters not displayed properly, 9<br />

List view in Metric Studio, 33<br />

lists<br />

grouping on first level, 22, 24<br />

loading data<br />

Import Source, 27<br />

log files<br />

documentation, 44<br />

logging on<br />

problems, 15<br />

M<br />

measures<br />

format strings, 48<br />

SAP BW data sources, 19<br />

members, order of, 40<br />

metadata query failure with DB2 OLAP server, 18<br />

metric lists<br />

display, 32<br />

metric store<br />

cannot access, 30<br />

corrupted, 27<br />

permissions, 28<br />

Metric Studio<br />

additional columns in Project tab-delimited file, 58<br />

List view, 33<br />

Metric Studio strategy maps<br />

in Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Excel reports, 16<br />

Metric Studio User Guide for Authors, 56<br />

metric type<br />

calculations, 31<br />

metric types<br />

calendar settings, 28<br />

re<strong>cr</strong>eating after clearing data, 34<br />

Mi<strong>cr</strong>osoft Excel reports<br />

Metric Studio strategy maps do not appear, 16<br />

migrating<br />

models, 57<br />

migration<br />

final data export, 28, 29<br />

models<br />

migrating from one relational database to another, 57<br />

MS SQL server<br />

Japanese extracts, 34<br />

N<br />

namespaces and initialization, 46<br />

no data<br />

rollups, 34<br />

null values<br />

import, 32<br />

numeric formats, 48<br />

O<br />

object extracts<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating dates, 35<br />

object properties<br />

lost, 33<br />

ODBC connection, 34<br />

OLAP data sources<br />

languages, 26<br />

Oracle<br />

database, 30<br />

full outer joins, 40<br />

Japenese extracts, 35<br />

metric store initialization, 30<br />

NLS_LANG environment variable, setting, 27<br />

NLS_LANG setting, 35<br />

replace function, 36<br />

running on 10g, 27<br />

order of members, 40<br />

outer joins<br />

Oracle, 40<br />

sparse data, 57<br />

P<br />

package reference<br />

changing, 26<br />

packages<br />

Cognos 8, 35<br />

import source security, 35<br />

parent-child currency hierarchy<br />

in <strong>cr</strong>osstabs, 22<br />

PDF<br />

unsupported style properties, 23<br />

performance<br />

drill-through, 17<br />

permissions<br />

metric store, 28<br />

pivoting to a <strong>cr</strong>osstab, 24<br />


Index<br />

ports<br />

setting the maximum number for program use, 18<br />

PowerPlay 7 reports<br />

cannot open, 13<br />

PowerPlay Enterprise Server<br />

publishing to Cognos 8, 13<br />

printer friendly page<br />

character display, 29<br />

printing<br />

actions, 32<br />

Adobe PDFs, 16<br />

after restarting dispatcher, 27<br />

empty lists, 32<br />

projects, 32<br />

printing reports<br />

Adobe Reader versions required, 17<br />

problems accessing DB2 data sources, 18<br />

problems accessing SAP BW data sources, 19<br />

projects<br />

printing, 32<br />

synchronizing, 41<br />

prompts<br />

hierarchy node, 20<br />

Published PowerPlay 7 reports<br />

cannot open, 13<br />

publishing to Cognos 8 from PowerPlay Enterprise Server, 13<br />

Q<br />

QE-DEF-0478 error, 21<br />

quarter rollup<br />

no data, 34<br />

query failure with DB2 OLAP server, 18<br />

Query Studio<br />

calculated summaries, 23<br />

filtering currencies, 22<br />

filters not working in sectioned reports, 22<br />

unable to <strong>cr</strong>eate custom groups, 21<br />

Query Studio User Guide, 52, 57<br />

query subjects<br />

externalizing, 39<br />

quick tours<br />

documentation update, 58<br />

problems with text, 17<br />

R<br />

regular dimensions<br />

order of members, 40<br />

relational models<br />

migrating, 57<br />

relationships<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating joins in Report Studio, 23<br />

replace function<br />

IQD, 36<br />

Report does not run as scheduled, 16<br />

Report Studio<br />

aggregate values not appearing, 23<br />

bursting on MOLAP Data, 23<br />

calculated summaries, 23<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating join relationships, 23<br />

Key Transformation validation level returns partial<br />

information, 24<br />

Report Studio (cont'd)<br />

style properties not supported, 23<br />

Report studio<br />

pivoting to a <strong>cr</strong>osstab, 24<br />

Report Studio User Guide, 49<br />

report styles<br />

defaults not preserved, 16<br />

ReportNet 1.1 documentation updates<br />

Framework Manager User Guide, 33, 57<br />

ReportNet 1.1 issues<br />

Framework Manager issues, 38<br />

reports<br />

formatting not preserved, 16<br />

missing, 28<br />

report execution fails, 10<br />

repository<br />

synchronizing projects, 41<br />

roles, 39<br />

run-time errors, 10<br />

S<br />

samples<br />

SDK Custom Authentication JDBC Provider, 14<br />

SAP BW<br />

key figures, 20<br />

summaries and functions, 50<br />

SAP BW data sources<br />

calculations, 19<br />

grouping columns, 19<br />

hierarchy node prompts, 20<br />

measures, 19<br />

problems accessing, 19<br />

sectioning reports, 20<br />

summary rows, 20<br />

unit formats, 20<br />

SDK Custom Authentication JDBC Provider sample, 14<br />

sectioned reports, 22<br />

sectioning reports<br />

SAP BW data sources, 20<br />

security<br />

issues with Integrated Windows Authentication, 14<br />

issues with the SDK Custom Authentication JDBC<br />

Provider sample, 14<br />

LDAP namespaces, 14<br />

problems logging onto a Series 7 namespace, 15<br />

security issues<br />

namespace configured with LDAP SSL is not available, 14<br />

SDK, 14<br />

using Integrated Windows Authentication, 14<br />

Series 7 namespaces<br />

authentication, 46<br />

problems logging on, 15<br />

Series7NamespacesAreUniccode, 46<br />

server-side printing on AIX, 17<br />

sets in Analysis Studio, 56<br />

settings<br />

Series7NamespacesAreUniccode, 46<br />

simple filters<br />

<strong>cr</strong>eating, 54<br />

single signon<br />

issues with Integrated Windows Authentication, 14<br />

Readme 63

Index<br />

socket reported a communication error, 15<br />

sorting<br />

attribute based, 26<br />

sparse data, 57<br />

SQL Server<br />

importing group types, 29<br />

testing datasource connections, 15<br />

starting Framework Manager, 41<br />

style properties missing in PDF reports, 23<br />

summary rows<br />

SAP BW data sources, 20<br />

suppress items, 26<br />

synchronizing<br />

projects, 41<br />

syntax error on line 557, 10<br />

T<br />

tasks, concurrent, 27<br />

Teradata<br />

executing a Framework Manager-based extract, 35<br />

testing<br />

models, 38<br />

SQL Server datasource connections, 15<br />

testing queries in Framework Manager, 39<br />

text<br />

problems in quick tours, 17<br />

third-party data sources<br />

8.2 DB2 OLAP, 18<br />

EssBase 7.1, 18<br />

third-party importing<br />

expressions, 38<br />

testing, 38<br />

To-Date comparisons, 27<br />

toolbar buttons, unable to launch, 17<br />

total values<br />

SAP BW data sources, 20<br />

Transformer<br />

using an IQD <strong>cr</strong>eated in Framework Manager, 39<br />

Transformer errors, 14<br />

Troubleshooting Guide, 43<br />

upgrading reports<br />

incompatible datatypes, 41<br />

V<br />

values<br />

as percentage, 26<br />

version<br />

document, 2<br />

Visual SourceSafe<br />

errors in Framework Manager, 41<br />

W<br />

Web servers<br />

problems starting, 10<br />

won character, 11<br />

Y<br />

year rollup<br />

no data, 34<br />

yen character, 11<br />

U<br />

UDA-SQL-0564<br />

execution error, 34<br />

unable to <strong>cr</strong>eate custom groups, 21<br />

unable to run reports, 10<br />

unbalanced hierarchies<br />

DB2 OLAP, 48<br />

unicode<br />

database character set, 31<br />

unit formats<br />

SAP BW data sources, 20<br />

unreadable characters, 29, 30, 32<br />

unsupported Cognos Planning 7.3 features, 13<br />

upgrade<br />

final data export, 28, 29<br />

upgrading<br />

reports, 16<br />

using Oracle 10g Application Server, 11<br />

upgrading ReportNet 1.1, 11<br />


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