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. . Bill<br />

. . Arlene<br />

. . Carol<br />

. . Harold<br />

Allen Johnson Backs<br />

Balk on Arbitration<br />

DK'l'Ht )ir Aiiuin liikcii by Nutloiiiil<br />

Allied In wlthdniwltiK support from the urbltrutloii<br />

pliiii iiiitl other stops at the ChlriiKo<br />

convention were strongly defended by Allen<br />

Johnson, who Is national director from<br />

MlehlRnn Allied, this week.<br />

Allied States Joined with other branches<br />

of the Industry entirely In good faith. Johnson<br />

Insisted, "In cooperative efforts to promote<br />

the best Interests of the whole Industry<br />

and thereby recapture public respect, goodwill<br />

and support."<br />

Exhibitors are In much the same pasltlon<br />

In business as contemporary nations, "forced<br />

by others to gird for war," Johnson said, becau.se<br />

of the reception given to such efforts<br />

by other .segments of the film business. "This<br />

cooperative and conciliatory attitude was<br />

greeted with gouging, confiscatory film prices<br />

which have closed many theatres and<br />

threaten many more. Allied assumed leadership<br />

at Chicago in what seems to be a necessary<br />

war with distributors of film whose greed<br />

or blindness threatens the very existence of<br />

countles.s theatres and the destruction of the<br />

whole industry."<br />

Admits Strikers Free<br />

AKRON—Guy Spayne. owner of the Lyn<br />

Theatre here, invited all Goodyear Aircraft<br />

Corp. workers who have been on strike, with<br />

their families, to attend the theatre November<br />

25 and 26 without charge. Spayne said<br />

'<br />

this was his way of saying "thanks to his<br />

customers for their past patronage. Employes<br />

had only to show their identification<br />

card to be admitted to the double feature<br />

program.<br />

FYom six months to a year is required to<br />

complete a full-length motion picture film<br />

in India.<br />

Important Announcement to<br />

Theatre Owners<br />

ARGUS, INC.<br />


owners<br />

OHcf the finest 35nim ond 16mm equipment<br />

repoir service, including sound.<br />

We invite inspection of our modern, newly<br />

equipped shop.<br />

206 Film Bidg. PRospect 1-7180<br />

Cleveland, Ohio<br />

=EXPERT=<br />

Upholstering. Repaitiog.<br />

Rearranging & Installing.<br />


Over 25 years experience<br />

Immediate service anywhere<br />


807 Noilli Wilson Royal Oak, Mich.<br />

Phone Lincoln 55720<br />


J^rthur Spaeth, ,^•|•^l^ crillt, wa,"i Kumt<br />

siH'akcr at the Nini-tnbcr meeting of the<br />

Motion Picture Council of Cleveland. HIji nub-<br />

Jecl WB.H "Tile Movll•^ mid Yoti " The council<br />

will<br />

Holland<br />

hold no meeiltiK<br />

of the Juck L<br />

In I<br />

< .'<br />

. . Robert<br />

- i prUe* hM<br />

doubled hl.s activities by uLw muimKlnK the<br />

Shaw Haydcn Theatre. He lake.'* over for<br />

Chick Taylor who has not been fecUiig well.<br />

. .<br />

Tom Chamberlln, former .nalenmnn for KinK<br />

Records, ha.s Joined the Loew'.H Theatre organization<br />

OS B-sslstant to Publicity Director<br />

Ted Barker . Sklrball of Sklrbull Bro-.<br />

theatre circuit arrived here from his we.it<br />

coast home and plans to remain In Cleveland<br />

until the first of the year . The Look TTicatre<br />

In Warren wa-s turned over to the Robins-<br />

Harris Interests November 26 . . . Al Verme.s.<br />

part owner of the Parma. Mercury. Yorktown<br />

and New Y theatres, welcomed hl.s third<br />

daughter.<br />

The highlight of marine Pvt. Jimmy Ochs<br />

home leave was the announcement of hLs<br />

engagement to Mary Kllbane. Jimmy Ls the<br />

youngest offspring of Herb Ochs, drlve-ln circuit<br />

owner, and is the last of the five Ochs<br />

children to marry. No wedding date Is set<br />

and Jim now is back at his base. Cherry<br />

Point, N. C.<br />

Harold Raives of the Schine circuit was<br />

around the exchanges introducing his new<br />

booker, Clyde Dickerson. newly arrived to<br />

succeed Bennett Goldstein . Marcus,<br />

daughter of NSS salesman Irving Marcus,<br />

celebrated her tenth birthday December 1.<br />

Carol Jacobs, daughter of the Max Jacobses.<br />

a Smith college freshman, spent the holiday<br />

weekend in Boston . . . Norton Greenberger,<br />

son of the Cedar-Lee's Sam Greenberger, was<br />

home from Yale . Schultz. daughter<br />

of Monogram's Nate Schultz, was home from<br />

Skidmore college.<br />

Henrietta Kunkle. for the last eight years<br />

cashier at the Falls Theatre. Cuyahoga Falls,<br />

has been named manager of the Ohio, Cuyahoga<br />

Falls, which M. B. Horwitz, owner of<br />

the Falls and State theatre, took over December<br />

1. An art picture policy has been introduced<br />

into the Ohio.<br />

Theodore Andrea of the Dennison Square<br />

Theatre lost S188 to a couple of hoodlums who<br />

hid in the theatre until after closing time and<br />

then demanded the cashbox from the .safe .<br />

Milton Mooney of Cooperative Theatres of<br />

Ohio and Moe Dudelson. United Artist district<br />

manager, were initiated into the Motion<br />

Picture Pioneers, which now numbers close to<br />

1.000 memtiers. J. E. Fontaine, one of the<br />

club's 11 charter members, attended the banquet<br />

from his Washington headquarters.<br />

Otto Braeunig, RKO office manager, had a<br />

busy Thanksgiving day. He started out by<br />

celebrating his 25th wedding anniversary and<br />

ended up '^ , • . .<br />

»artl Anr.' ,,..-<br />

ot t^rry Ct.U-i JuttU iH>ta«to Mtd Jafry<br />

LJ|HJW. huii'iiinn esp>ali«Uon pteturw under<br />

thr tianir i,{ KoMUhow* have acquired Um*<br />

picture*- - Tlie Iron Crown," ~Unkiiovn<br />

Inland" and "Two LokI Worlds '<br />

Edna art rwdv-<br />

Al MaoaliUM and his wife<br />

itiK concratulatlona on ttarir tftth v«ddliv<br />

uiiiilver»ary H" -rion. namcM<br />

of the AASoclated clr<br />

.(itown houMa.<br />

Return Salute Cards<br />

( IrvrUiul — I tlill>llur« ^rr rr^ur^lrd bj<br />

Krank .Murph>. rihlhllor rh,>lrrnan far<br />

the Will Kocrrt Mrnirl,>l tiiMplUI drlrr,<br />

to return to liltn An

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