. . . Film . . . Paramount . . Eddie . . Janet . , Elaine . . j ' \ ' KANSAS CITY . . . poy Haines, district sales manager for WB. New York, addressed a meeting here of brancli managers in Hall Walsh's district. Frank Hannon, Omaha; Leon Mendelson, Des Moines; Les Bona. St. Louis, and Ru-ssell Borg, Kansas City, attended. Norman Moray, Warner short subject sales manager, was here for a two-day meeting with bookers and salesmen on new product Cinda Kimbrell, bookkeeper in the same office, will marry Florenz Lorenzo on Roy Haines December 14 in Greenfield, N. M. Warner Bros, will tradescreen "Stop, . . . You're Killing Me" December 10. The company will hold its annual Christmas shindig on the 24th in the office clubroom. Jim Lewis, RKO manager, took the second week of his vacation . . . Two RKO salesmen were unable to get here for a meeting due to the snow clogged roads in parts of Kansas Joe Neger, 20th-Fox manager, returned . . . from a confab in Minneapolis. New product was the main topic during the two day session. Allied Independent Theatre Owners have temporarily shelved plans for several regional meetings, according to Fred Harpst, Allied GDCIIT MPTEPy STAGE EQUIPMENT COMPANY EVERYTHING ron THE STAGE . AUDITORIUM . uo BOX OFFICE • 1324 Grand Ave, Kantai Cily 6, Mo SELL YOUR THEATRE PRIVATELY target coverage in U.S. No "Net" listings. Highest reputation for l

BOXOmCE December 6, 1952 57 I . . -Baby D»'' John Schnack Sells Electric at Larned LARNED. KAS.—John Stliimck. who earlier this year celebrated hl.s 50th ntinlver.Miry a.s u motion picture exhibitor, will retire from the film business with the .sale of his Electric Theatre here to Ted Irwin of HolslnKton. The change In ownership will De effective January 1. Schnack ha.s owned and operated the Electric here since 1912. but he pioneered In film exhibition ten years earlier In 1902. when he and the late R. T. Webb formed the Edison Exhibition Co. and loured midwestern towns with an EMIson KInctoscope and a few reels of film. His first local theatre was opened here In 1906 on the second floor of his opera house on the present location of the Electric. Also slated for retirement at year's end Is Marvin Bybee, manager of the Electric for the hust 15 years, who toured the midwest with his own stock company before he Joined Schnack In the film business. Bybee recently purchased a local barber shop. This spring in recognition of his halfcentury in the film business. Schnack was guest of honor at a civic celebration, highlighted by a testimonial luncheon and dinner attended by a delegation representing the Kansas-Missouri Theatre Ass'n and other film groups. Shortly after that celebration. Schnack arranged for the of the John Schnack Express, a miniature train installed in Schnack park here. Ted Irwin, who will become the new owner of the Electric, has been manager of the Royal Theatre at Hoisington, one of the Commonwealth Theatres circuit houses, for the last seven years. A native of Great Bend, he had his first experience in theatre business in that city. Later he managed a theatre at Lyons. During World War II he operated the base theatre at the Herington army air field. Irwin, his wife and son Dennis, 12, will move here and they plan a few improvements at the theatre — "some things John planned to do," Irwin said. Elect Edward Butler Chairman ST. LOUIS—Edward L. Butler, representative of the ticket sellers, has been elected permanent chairman for the Amusement Employes Welfare fund of St. Louis. He was selected at a meeting of the representatives of various branches. He had been serving as the acting chaii-man in the preliminary stages of organization. Charles Bells Buy Pix Theatre BLUE MOUND. ILL.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray Bell of Terre Haute, Ind.. recently purchased the Pix Theatre from Byers Jordan of Decatur. 111. The Bells have moved to Blue Mound. .'^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EVERYTHING FOR THE THEATRE Theatre Supply Company St. Louis Arch Hosier 3310 Olive Slieel. St. Louis 3. Mo. Telephone lEiferson 7974 ST. LOUIS LTurry t. ,\rUiur, Punchuii Sc Marco prciidrnt and Rcnernl maiuiKer. rrtuntrd hrrr briefly after a bu-ilncan trip lo New York City and then planed to the went cosaI . IteporLs from MemphU arr that Herman Fer- RU.son. Maiden. Mo., thrnlrr owner. Iji making nice proKrcvi In hu recovery from Injurlen .suffered In an automobile accident near Maiden a couple of weets ago The new automobile of Charley Mound. Valley Park, Mo., exhibitor, waa damaged In a collision . . . Mrs Anna Leach, mother of Mary Lou Sturhahn. PBX operator for 30th- Fox, was burled In Calvary cemetery after services at St. Roch's Catholic church . Realart Pictures has "Hellgatc," Llppert picture .set to open In the Fanchon it Marco seven-day on December 17. Gordon llalloran, manager for 20th-Fox. attended a division sales conference at MlnncapolLs at which plans for the first nine months of 1953 were dlscus-sed. M. A. Levy, division manager, presided . . . Paul McCarthy, head of the McCarthy Theatre Supply Co., and his family returned Sunday (30) from a Thank.sgivlng day visit with relatives in Iowa. GeorKe Cohn, booker for Columbia, has been promoted to the sales staff and Ls traveling in Illinois. He is a son-in-law of Herman Gorelick, co-owner of Realart of St. Louis , . Joe Sarfaty, Universal salesman who was seriously injured in an automobile accident on Feb. 29. 1951. has visited FUmrow a couple of times recently. Out-of-town exhibitors seen along Pllmrow included L. A. "Bud" Mercler. Frederlcktown; Herman Tanner. Pana; Joe Katz. Benld; Bill Williams, Union; Elvin H. Wiecks. Staunton: Bill Turvey. Pawnee; Charley Beninatl, Carlyle; Dean Davis, West Plains; Mrs. Ora Redford. Auburn; Tom Edwards. Farmlngton; Bernard Temborius, Breese; Ed Fellis, HilLsboro; Herschel Eichhorn, Mounds; Bill Collins, DeSoto; Kenneth Hirth, Pacific; P. Val Mercler, Perryville. Mrs. William Sherman closed her drive-in near Jackson. Mo., for the season Sunday (30i . . Officers and directors of the Amu.sement . Employes Welfare fund are to meet in the Paramount screening room at 1 p. m. Wednesday i3». The furnace serving the United Artists exchange broke down Wednesday (26> and gave the office staff a very chilly time the remainder of the week. New oil heating equipment was put In Monday ill ... Charles Simonell. Universal eastern advertising and publicity department manager, was a recent visitor. He came here in connection with the campaigns for "Mississippi Gambler" . . . Ray Colvin. TEDA executive director, left December 1 for a speaking engagement at Indianapolis. The performance November 28 of "The Country Girl' at the American Theatre was called off at the last minute because of the illness of star Robert Young. A capacity crowd of 1,700 persons was disappointed. The American has no bookings until December 27 due to the closing of two musical productions. "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" and "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." and to a sudden switch in the routes of two other roadshows. "Top Banana" and "Paint Your Wagon." As book- W \K \Ml»\ VUt Ml» Itl - H .rr ( .Irthur. Irfl. ii( Kanrhon tl l.nul< ,\mu«rmrnt I o. Tl ind tilt^T M (|urrn, M. Ix>ul< Indrprndrni film priKlurrr. .irr ptrlurrd abotr tt thr flmt wiirld ln( ol (hr produrrr't nm "Uakamlu" al thr K&.M i.OOO-M-al dr luxe Fox Theatre. Ings now stand the theatre reopen* Saturday 1 27 1, With ft new comedy. "Strike a March" St. Loulslans are not without stage shows since Sidney Blackmer and Lois WlUon are guest stars at Anxell Bros. Emprcas Playhouse In "Chicken Every Sunday." On December 9 the Empress attraction will be Sylvia Sidney in "Goodbye My Fancy." Realart has secured the stngle-reeler. "Rudolph, the Rednosed Reindeer." and it is available for immediate bookings. It runs tor eight minutes and Includes many btg-name personalities . . . The St. LouLt Allied ArttstR- Monogram office, headed by Maurice Schweitzer, Is doing nicely in the 13-week new bustiMM drive. The first four weeks were destgnated the Morey "Razz" Goldstein drive. It continues through December and January. Some fine prizes go to the winners. St. Louis department store sales the week ended November 22 on a dollar volume baaU ran 18 per cent above the same week in 1961. the St. Louis Federal Reserve bank reports. The district as a whole gained 15 per cent . . Andy Devlne was here for the National Retriever Trial at Weldon Springs. Mo . . . Joe Favre. assistant stage manager at the Empress Playhouse, has been hobbling around with a broken foot, cast and all. He has refused to quit the Job because "the show must go on." Loew's State here will not carry the televised version of "Carmen" from New York City December 11, but It will have the James Lees & Sons carpet sales convention televised from New York City December 8 from 11 lo 12 noon. Distribution rights for U.S. 16mm films in the FVench West Indies are usually for six months to a year while for French films the range Is from three to five years. "SELECT" FOUNTAIN SYRUPS DRINK DISPENSERS Select Drink Inc. 4210 W riorittonl Ave Sr Louii. IS. Mo P>ion< MuHxfr-v 5219

. . . Film<br />

. . . Paramount<br />

. . Eddie<br />

. . Janet<br />

. , Elaine<br />

. .<br />

j<br />

'<br />

\<br />

'<br />


. . .<br />

poy Haines, district sales manager for WB.<br />

New York, addressed a meeting here of<br />

brancli managers in Hall Walsh's district.<br />

Frank Hannon,<br />

Omaha; Leon Mendelson,<br />

Des Moines; Les<br />

Bona. St. Louis, and<br />

Ru-ssell Borg, Kansas<br />

City, attended. Norman<br />

Moray, Warner<br />

short subject sales<br />

manager, was here for<br />

a two-day meeting<br />

with bookers and salesmen<br />

on new product<br />

Cinda Kimbrell,<br />

bookkeeper in the same<br />

office, will marry<br />

Florenz Lorenzo on<br />

Roy Haines<br />

December 14 in Greenfield,<br />

N. M. Warner Bros, will tradescreen<br />

"Stop,<br />

. . .<br />

You're Killing Me" December<br />

10. The company will hold its annual Christmas<br />

shindig on the 24th in the office clubroom.<br />

Jim Lewis, RKO manager, took the second<br />

week of his vacation . . . Two RKO salesmen<br />

were unable to get here for a meeting due<br />

to the snow clogged roads in parts of Kansas<br />

Joe Neger, 20th-Fox manager, returned<br />

. . . from a confab in Minneapolis. New<br />

product was the main topic during the two<br />

day session.<br />

Allied Independent Theatre Owners have<br />

temporarily shelved plans for several regional<br />

meetings, according to Fred Harpst, Allied<br />




BOX OFFICE • 1324 Grand Ave, Kantai Cily 6, Mo<br />


target coverage in U.S. No "Net" listings.<br />

Highest reputation for l

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