I 201 , ni9Q4««T . . Copper . . Walter . . Edgar . . John . . Hy . . Vic . . Jack . . Paying ' ' I ' SAN FRANCISCO »¥^e Robert L. Clark agency has been appointed northern California agent for Manhattan's foreign and domestic films. Clark, former sales manager for Paramount, recently moved his agency to 166 Golden Gate Ave. . . . Directors of the Independent Theatre Owners of Northern California recently changed the name of the organization to Northern California Theatre Owners. The board endorsed theatre collections for the March of Dimes and urged all exhibitors to lend their support . drippings collected from October 15 to the 29th added 242 pounds to the northern California total. Anne Belfer, publicist for North Coast Theatres, and Lou Maren of Columbia carried out a novel stunt for the opening of "Eight Iron Men" at the Orpheum Theatre. Eight Korean veterans came from Camp Stoneman to assist a blood procurement drive put on by State college. The winner of a donor contest was the guest of Mary Castle, star of the film, at a dinner dance at the Palace hotel. Between 8 and 9 opening night. Miss Castle signed autographs to pictures in the lobby. One of the students at State college had a problem—he didn't know whether to donate a pint of blood, which would enable him to date Miss Castle in a weakened condition, or save his blood and OnYourScreen ORDER 'ectteomoTion PICTURE SERVICE C; We have the iJIMJi HWi ^^ STRIL IIS SAN Fluuicisco t.ctxyi GERALD L.KARSKr 3n*i%^. Count on u« for Quick Action! mi (or YOUR THEATRE Ou( wrid* coDtacta «rtth th« •shibilsn auur« you ol solUltftlory r«sult&. [THEATRE EXCHANGE CO. Fint Arts Bldg. Portland 5. Oregon date a campus girl. The Dos Palos Drive-In, owned by Kegas- Hales, is now being handled by the Arch Buying and Booking Service, of which George Archibald is head. Incidentally, the Sundowne Drive-In at Los Malinos, now closed for the winter, will be handled by Archibald when it reopens in spring . Weiss, owner of the Isleton Theatre, has taken over the Vista Theatre at Rio Vista from William Laurie . Finn was along the Row booking and buying for his Chester Theatre at Chester, which he acquired recently from Bill Blair. "The Miracle of Fatima" will open at the Coliseum Theatre, a neighborhood house, for a limited engagement. The theatre, dark for the last six months, will remain open Rotus Harvey only for this booking . . . and his wife attended the Allied States convention in Chicago and then went on to Pittsburgh for the Variety Club event . . . Ed Clayes, former manager of the Shamrock Drive-In, San Jose, joined Redwood Theatres Bob Davis as a manager in Eureka . . . is papa of a baby girl. He is associated with the Triple S. Supply Corp . Stein, publicist, returned from a European jaunt ... Ed Levin, former operator of Paris Theatre in Oakland and now a Hollywood producer, was married recently . . Johnnie . Ray, the cry crooner, had a fair opening day Wednesday and gradually built up on Thanksgiving day and the weekend. . . Harry Boyd Sparrow, manager of Loew's Warfield, will leave for a month's vacation December 11 in Washington, D. C, his home. Taking over the reins in his absence will be Martin Burnett, division manager . Morgan, assistant at the Warfield, made a tie-in with the Oakland and San Francisco Mayflower restaurants on "Plymouth Adventure." Republic Starts Two Films; Readies 3 More for Camera HOLLYWOOD—Republic is hitting an alltime production peak for the Christmas season, with two films already in work and three others geared for camera starts before the end of the year. Currently filming are "A Perilous Voyage," starring Vera Ralston and Scott Brady, and "The Woman They Almost Lynched," with John Lund, Brian Donlevy and Audrey Totter. These will be followed by "City That Never Sleeps," to shoot on location in Chicago as a Gig Young-Mala Powers topliner; "Sea of Lost Ships," story of the coast guard, and "One for the Road," a prize ring drama. -^GOOOOOGOOOOGOOOOQOOOOO C5«0 O -:0 O O -O HEYWOODWAKEFIEID CHAIRS. Q MOTIOGRAPH PROJECTION & SOUND. lyet «eei* >& GULISTAN CARPETS. CUSTOM o WAGNER LEHERS & GLASS. G , O DRAPERIES & STAGE CURTAINS. O LOBBY & CONCESSION EOUIPMENT. O OOOGGGOOGOOOGGGOOOGGGGOOO ix 'n ',\ '/> 'P 'f /(> 'r^ '" !< '!> !- (1 'I' •!- 'r> 'I- i> 'n 'I- '1^ 'f 'I- 'n "^^ G O G Tha four B. F. SHEARER COMPANY offices, conveniently lototed, offer Pacifk Cooit theotre operators unequalled ond exceptlonol SERWCf. EocK office is completely slocked, equipped ond STAFFED by experts lo completely satisfy ty»fy possible requirement any iheotre needs. B. F. SHEARER COMPANY lOS ANGELES: I9S4 Stuth Virmoat . aochesiei IMS • PORTLAND: 1947 N. W. Kiicniy • M«alic )543 SAN FRANCISCO: 243 Olilin Gilc to. UNdnhill I ISI6 • SEATTLE: 2311 Seconil «vi. Elholl 1247 LOS ANGELESl pormerly operated by Harry Wineberg for many years, the Oriental Theatre, neighborhood house in Hollywood, has been taken over by Joe Buse . Singer, former Canadian theatre operator, has opened offices here to round up a cast and crew for a series of westerns which he plans to make in Calgary . Becker of Metro Theatre Service returned from Riverside after huddles there with Milt Hossfeldt, owner of the Avenue Theatre. In addition to his theatre interests (he operates several Spanish-language houses in this area), Frank Fouce is one of the principals in Spanish-International Television, Inc., which has applied to the FCC for approval to erect a TV station utilizing com- . . Harry mercial channel 34 here. His son Frank L. is also a member of the syndicate . Plunkett of the National Theatre Supply office in Seattle checked in for a visit at the local branch. William Z. Porter, Allied Artists field representative, returned from a midwestern junket, during which he huddled with branch managers regarding exchange operations in Chicago, Detroit and Indianapolis . one of his infrequent trips to the Row was Jack Zamsky, owner of the Coachella Valley Drive-In in Indio . Fairchild relinquished his lease on the Crenshaw The- , atre and the showcase has been temporarily ' closed for minor repairs. It reverts to the ; Western Amusement Co., which reports the i ' house will be reopened soon. | . . . Dan Sonney of the Sonney Amusement Co. i returned from a San Francisco business trip Here from New York for parleys at the local branch was Murray Lafayette, United Artists exploiteer . . . Vic Walker, owner of the Surf Theatre in \ Huntington i Beach, appointed Sam L. Terry as manager i of the house and instituted a new policy of 1 showings seven nights a week. In the re- ) cent past the theatre had been open on weekends only. Terry's new crew j includes ; Sally Ritter, cashier; Cai'olyn Cuff, in charge , of confections, and Bob Miller and Frank Green, projectionists. J. C. MeDonough has taken over the : Tower Theatre in Santa Paula from Fox West , Coast, effective next January 1. He al^o operi ates two Spanish-language houses in Brawley . . . Izzy . . . Back on the Row after a junket to Mexico i City was Ben Goldberg of Goldberg Film i DeUvery. He made the trip along with other i members of a Masonic organization . Berman, executive of the Eastland circuit, and wife took off for New York on a pleasure . trip On vacation in Las Vegas is Dan j Poller. Fox West Coast booker. The majority of the projectors in motion i picture theatres in Austria are prewar Gerj man machines. i| FOR FAST THEATRE SALES Write or Phone Irv Bowron, Soles Mgr. SCHWARY REALTY CO. Phone: LI 6SS5 10700 N. E. Sandy Blvd., Portlond, Oregon ( J, ^l!o

I ample I people, 1 Durwood Jif! are, Dij. «», lor,, opetti John J. Jones Elected Tent 26 Chief Barker CHICAGO—Variety Tent 26, meeting at the CongreKs hotel here Tuesday (25' elected t and B; Johnny J. Jones of Jones, Llnlck A Scliacfer BOWLING KANSAS criT- Commonwealth advanced from fifth to fourth place In the Men's Pllmrow BowUnK Icusue, u.n MOM .^llpp«'d out o( the first four. Pllm Delivery contlnupd lui the klnKPln of the leaKUc with 33 vlctorlen luul 20 I0.H.SC.S. The Fox Trottcri and RIU Tlieiitre were clone behind In .tecond place with 31 and 21. Jack Stewart rolled a new li'UKUc high 30 murk of 530 lo aid the leaders Teom JOHN J. JONES Theatres Co. as chief barker for 1953. Other officers elected include Nat Nathanson. Allied Artists, first assistant chief barker; James E. Coston, Coston Theatre Enterprises, second assistant chief barker; M. M. Gottlieb, Universal, property master, and Manny Smerling, Confection Cabinet Corp., doughguy. Canvasmen include James J. Donohue, Paramount; Arthur Schoenstadt, Schoenstadt Theatres; Tom Flannery, White Way Sign Co.; Max Rosenbaum. United Beverage Co.; Jack Kirsch, Allied Theatres of Illinois; Irving Mandel, theatre operator; Edwin Silverman, Es.saness Theatres; David Wallerstein. Balaban & Katz. and Irving Mack, Pilmack Trailer Co. International canvasman is Joseph Berenson, National Theatre Advertising Co., and international representative is Jack Rose, Indiana-Illinois Theatres. Or# KMTA Drive-In Session March 4 in Kansas City KANSAS CITY—Arrangements are being made for the annual Kansas-Missouri Theatre Ass'n's annual spring drive-in meeting that will take place March 4, 1953, at the Phillips hotel here. The one-day affair will have an inter-regional flavor, according to Stanley H. Durwood, chairman of the meeting. Ample display space has been reserved at the hotel to show the latest in equipment for drive-ins. Displays will be set up a day in advance of the meeting to a,ssure exhibitors time to view them. Drive-in operators from Nebraska, Oklahoma. Arkansas and lUijHOis, in addition to the Kansas and Missouri have shown an interest in attending. said there would be no registration fee. He also promised those planning to attend that the meeting would move rapidly from one topic to the next to insure a wide coverage in the discussions. Jack Braunagel, Commonwealth drive-in supervisor, is vicechairman of the affair.

I ample<br />

I<br />

people,<br />

1 Durwood<br />

Jif!<br />

are, Dij.<br />

«», lor,,<br />

opetti<br />

John J. Jones Elected<br />

Tent 26 Chief Barker<br />

CHICAGO—Variety Tent 26, meeting at<br />

the CongreKs hotel here Tuesday (25' elected<br />

t and B;<br />

Johnny J. Jones of Jones, Llnlck A Scliacfer<br />


KANSAS criT- Commonwealth advanced<br />

from fifth to fourth place In the Men's Pllmrow<br />

BowUnK Icusue, u.n MOM .^llpp«'d out o(<br />

the first four. Pllm Delivery contlnupd lui<br />

the klnKPln of the leaKUc with 33 vlctorlen<br />

luul 20 I0.H.SC.S. The Fox Trottcri and RIU<br />

Tlieiitre were clone behind In .tecond place<br />

with 31 and 21. Jack Stewart rolled a new<br />

li'UKUc high 30 murk of 530 lo aid the leaders<br /><br />

Teom<br />

JOHN J.<br />

JONES<br />

Theatres Co. as chief barker for 1953. Other<br />

officers elected include Nat Nathanson. Allied<br />

Artists, first assistant chief barker;<br />

James E. Coston, Coston Theatre Enterprises,<br />

second assistant chief barker; M. M. Gottlieb,<br />

Universal, property master, and Manny<br />

Smerling, Confection Cabinet Corp., doughguy.<br />

Canvasmen include James J. Donohue,<br />

Paramount; Arthur Schoenstadt, Schoenstadt<br />

Theatres; Tom Flannery, White Way Sign<br />

Co.; Max Rosenbaum. United Beverage Co.;<br />

Jack Kirsch, Allied Theatres of Illinois;<br />

Irving Mandel, theatre operator; Edwin Silverman,<br />

Es.saness Theatres; David Wallerstein.<br />

Balaban & Katz. and Irving Mack,<br />

Pilmack Trailer Co. International canvasman<br />

is Joseph Berenson, National Theatre<br />

Advertising Co., and international representative<br />

is Jack Rose, Indiana-Illinois<br />

Theatres.<br />

Or#<br />

KMTA Drive-In Session<br />

March 4 in Kansas City<br />

KANSAS CITY—Arrangements are being<br />

made for the annual Kansas-Missouri Theatre<br />

Ass'n's annual spring drive-in meeting<br />

that will take place March 4, 1953, at the<br />

Phillips hotel here. The one-day affair will<br />

have an inter-regional flavor, according to<br />

Stanley H. Durwood, chairman of the meeting.<br />

Ample display space has been reserved at<br />

the hotel to show the latest in equipment for<br />

drive-ins. Displays will be set up a day in<br />

advance of the meeting to a,ssure exhibitors<br />

time to view them. Drive-in operators<br />

from Nebraska, Oklahoma. Arkansas and lUijHOis,<br />

in addition to the Kansas and Missouri<br />

have shown an interest in attending.<br />

said there would be no registration<br />

fee. He also promised those planning to attend<br />

that the meeting would move rapidly<br />

from one topic to the next to insure a wide<br />

coverage in the discussions. Jack Braunagel,<br />

Commonwealth drive-in supervisor, is vicechairman<br />

of the affair.

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