Theatre Construction, Openings^ Sales and Leases CONSTRUCTION: Albuquerque, N. M.—A new drive-in is planned by Tom Griffin for o location at Carlisle and Menoul- Antigo, Mich.—The Antigo Outdoor will be built on Highway 45, south of the city. Construction has started and the theatre will open next spring. AppJeton, Wis.—S&M Theatres is to build a new outdoor theatre near here, to make its tenth outdoor situation. Broken Bow, Neb.— H. F. Kennedy and son plan to build a 400-car drive-in about a mile east on Highway 2, to open next spring. Carlyle, III.—Dominic Prisma and Charles Benanti hove begun construction of a drive-in three miles west of here, which they expect to open next spring. Camrose, Alto.—Stan Bailey will build a drive-in here, which is in the oil belt. Canton, S. D.—Math Wueben is ready to start construction of a drive-in next spring a mile west of town. Chariton, Iowa—Central States Theatre Corp. plans to build a 400-car dnve-in north on Highway 1 on the C. O. Brown farm. Cobden, III.—William Waring jr. will build two 200-car drive-ins to open early in 1953. One will be on Route 51 between here ond Anna; the other south of Jonesboro on Route J27. Council Grove, Kas.—Cle Bratton is completing his 300-car drive-in. Corner Brook, Nfld.—P. T. Coleman and partners wi!l build 300-car drive-in near here, siarting about May I Creston, Iowa—Construction is under way on a new drive-in for Commonwealth Theatre Corp. to serve 300 cars. Gushing, Okla.—Negotiations are under way to purchase 18 acres two miles north on Highway 18, for construction of a drive-in. Detroit, Mich.— Northeastern Theotres Co., operating the Alpena Theatre at Alpena, will build a 400-car dnve-in. Devil's Lake, N. D.—Joe Floyd and Eddie Ruben are building drive-ins at this ploce and Moorhead, Minn. Eureka, Kas.—Homer Strowig is completing his 300-car drive-in. Green Cove Springs, Flo.—MCM Theatres, with headquarters in Leesburg, has bought a tract of land on the Jacksonville highway and plans to erect a drive-in immediotely. Grinnell, Iowa—Groding is under way on o new drive-in north of here at the intersection of Highwoy 1 46 ond the east-west rood. lowo Falls, lowo—The Falls Drive-ln is under construction on Highway 65. Manager I. C. Jenson reports it will open in the spring. Jacksonville, Flo.— National Theatre Enterprises will build o 250-car new Negro dnve-in to be named the Moncnef. Kaukauna, Wis.—Harry Melcher and Mark Morgan plan to build an outdoor theatre on Highway 4 , 1 near here, for opening next spring. It will accommodate 800 cars. Key West, Flo.—A 500-car drive-in will be constructed on Stock island by the first of the year. Lexington, N. C.— H. E. Wessinger is constructing a dnve-in on the west side of town. Malvern, Ark.—Work is under way on the ex- Please accept my APOLOGY! Illness has delayed our public Sneak Preview planned for this time. However, we will soon demonstrate rixL cuMiewuoTL. We will announce a date for the showing (about Jan. 1) in BOXOFFICE. Third Dimension Pictures You Can Afford pension for an additional 1 20 cars at the Malvefn| drive-m. New copocity is to be 500 cars. Mulberry, Flo.— Bert Wells has storted construction on a dnve-in to be finished by Christmas time.i Oskosh, Wis.—Ben Marcus of S&M Theottes has I started construction on a second dnve-in here I for spring opening. It will be on Highwoy 45 Qnd| county road J. Pensacola, Flo.—T. G. Solomon is building a drive- in on Novy boulevard and Corry rood. Plainville, Kos.—Mrs. George Moore is constructing a 300-car drive-in. Pittsburgh, Po.—Associated Drive-ln Theatres is constructing its ninth drive-in on the Comp Horn ] road. Spooner, Wis.—Sheldon Grengs will construct drive- in here and one at Decoroh, lowo. Stuort, Flo.—Veebee Theatres has purchased land I r\Qor the city limits for construction of o 350-cor | drive-in, Tomah, Wis.—Groding hos been started on o 432- j cor drive- in here, on Highways 12 and 21 Topeka, Kos.—Claude Porrish is completing his ' 750-car dnve-in here. OPENINGS: ^Glenwood, Ark.—Mr and Mrs. Jim Eggerman have 1 opened their new Glenwood iwood Drive-ln, o miie north j I on Highway C. Horrisburg, III.—Turner and Forrer Theatres here opened its new 500-cor cfrive-tn, the Starlite, between Eldorado and here. Hazelhurst, Go.—The Stem Theatre chain opened the new 200-car Troil Drive-In a mile and a half south of town recently. Kermit, Tex.—The new 466-car Lariat Drive-ln was opened recently by Kermit Theatres, owned by Video Theatres, Inc. Lakeland, Flo.—Joe Florita and William Klem planned to open their Filmlond Drive-ln Thanksgiving day. Lynn Valley, B. C.—Sam Chizen's 350-seQt Quonset Theatre is to be opened by January 1. Monticello, Flo.—The Pugs Drive-ln has been opened on Highway 149 by Mr. and Mrs. George W Reed. It is owned by A. J. Blounstorm and G. W. Reed Nouvoo, III.—The 400-seat Nauvoo Theotre, operating since February, had its formal opening recently. New Smyrna, Flo.—The new Tower Dnve-ln was opened recently. Tampa, Flo.— J. B. Shipley and B. N. Pooly planned a December 1 opening for their Sundown Dnve-ln. Valpariso, Fla.^—^The 400-seat Jet Theatre with a balcony for Negroes has opened here. Winona, Miss.—The 400-car Winona Drive-ln was opened here by Exhibitors Services. C. O. Bishop IS owner. SALES AND LEASES: | Arcada, Flo.— Bernie Thompson and George West of this city have bought the DeSoto Theotre from B Swmey. Burnsville, Miss.— Hal Barnes has bought the Victory Theatre from Lester Ligion. DeFuniok Springs, Flo.—Martin Theatres has purchased the Trail and the Highway 90 drive-ins. Dierks, Ark.—C. O. Taylor has purchosed the Pines Theatre from K. D. Williams. Consider these special advantages: • Show the same as 35mm • Nothing added to projector • No varicolored glasses • No polaroid lenses needed • No special screen L. E. THOMAS Owner and Producer NEWCASTLE, INDIANA REPLACEMENT IN-A-CAR SPEAKERS Three Types — Three Sizes — Three Cones DiT-MCO SENIOR 5" — JUNIOR 3'2" UNIVERSAL 4" Available with Koiled Kords or Straight Cords BUY NOW WHILE A V A I L A B L E - B E F R E SPRING RUSH OTHER DIT-MCO PRODUCTS STANDEE SPEAKERS • PORT HOLE BLOWERS • LAMP HOUSE BLOWERS • RAMP LIGHTS 40" ENTRANCE LIGHTS • SCREEN COATING • NEO-SEAL BURIAL WIRE • 40" EXIT LIGHTS SCREEN MASKING • EASY CHANGE MARQUEE nOlUC IM TUCATDC tiCr rt\ LETTERS • DE LUXE AND TWO-WAY AISLE UKIVC-|N I HtATRC MPG. CO. LIGHTS • 20" ENTRANCE AND EXIT LIGHTS 505 W. 9th, KANSAS CITY, MO. 28

CHESTER FRIEDMAN EDITOR HUGH E. FRAZE Associate Editor SECTION PRACTICAL IDEAS FOR SELLING SEATS BY PRACTICAL SHOWMEN Starlet In Santo Claus Parade Ballyhoos Lusty Men in Frisco Eleanor Todd, one of the featured players In "The Lusty Men," was tied in on a Joint promotion with the Grand National horse show and rodeo in San Francisco, to sell the picture at the Golden Gg.te Theatre. The tlcup was arranged by Manager Mark AllinR and publicist Bill Blake. Upon her arrival in San Francisco. Miss Todd was met by a delegation of cowboys from the rodeo and escorted uptown where she appeared in the Santa Claus parade sponsored by the Emporium, department store. She donned a colorful costume from the picture and rode a horse. For four days, the starlet made personal appearances with the rodeo queens at the big show in the Cow Palace, wearing the same outfit. Posters announcing her appearance and the Golden Gate attraction were spotted around the Cow Palace, and periodic announcements were made to each audience over the public address system. On the first four days of the showing. Todd appeared on 16 top radio programs over station KFRC. KGO. KYA. KCBS and KROW. and on television programs over KPIX-TV. KRON-TV KGO-TV. In each instance, her personal appearances at the theatre and "The Lusty Men" playdates were plugged. III Itlllll A«Ak 'Ji Blake tied up with the distributor of Blue Bell Rangler's Jeans whereby all theatre employes were outfitted in cowboy costumes a week in advance and during the run. The distributor, in addition, placed window cards in all dealer stores in the San FrancLsco area. Rodeo atmosphere was achieved outside the theatre by a manufacturer of novelties sold at rodeo shows. He set up a booth and provided a salesman barker. Diiring the .session of livestock Judging at the Cow Palace. Miss Todd posed with the winning steer, photos of which were landed in every daily paper in the city. Treasure Hunt Spots Xaribbean' Publicity Before Auction A born at which auctloiu are held twice each week became the .tcenc of an uniuual tteup which helped "Caribbean" (or Mort Bcrmnn. manager of the Orpheum Theatre. Springfield. III. Herman tied In with the people who operate the auction (or a "Caribbean" treasure hunt on the Saturday night coincident with the opening o( the picture. The "trea.nure" wa.'* a number of theatre pa.s«es hidden In articles put up by the auctioneer (or .Mile. Some 700 people showed up to bid on the hidden treasure, having been enticed by large newspaper ads announcing the hunt. At the barn. Berman posted a 20-foot banner directly over the auctioneer's head, with the key line. "Speaking of trea.


EDITOR<br />


Associate Editor<br />



Starlet In<br />

Santo Claus Parade<br />

Ballyhoos Lusty Men in Frisco<br />

Eleanor Todd, one of the featured players<br />

In "The Lusty Men," was tied in on a Joint<br />

promotion with the Grand National horse<br />

show and rodeo in San Francisco, to sell the<br />

picture at the Golden Gg.te Theatre. The<br />

tlcup was arranged by Manager Mark AllinR<br />

and publicist Bill Blake.<br />

Upon her arrival in San Francisco. Miss<br />

Todd was met by a delegation of cowboys from<br />

the rodeo and escorted uptown where she appeared<br />

in the Santa Claus parade sponsored<br />

by the Emporium, department store. She<br />

donned a colorful costume from the picture<br />

and rode a horse.<br />

For four days, the starlet made personal appearances<br />

with the rodeo queens at the big<br />

show in the Cow Palace, wearing the same<br />

outfit. Posters announcing her appearance<br />

and the Golden Gate attraction were spotted<br />

around the Cow Palace, and periodic announcements<br />

were made to each audience<br />

over the public address system.<br />

On the first four days of the showing.<br />

Todd appeared on 16 top radio programs over<br />

station KFRC. KGO. KYA. KCBS and<br />

KROW. and on television programs over<br />

KPIX-TV. KRON-TV KGO-TV. In each instance,<br />

her personal appearances at the theatre<br />

and "The Lusty Men" playdates were<br />

plugged.<br />

III<br />

Itlllll<br />

A«Ak 'Ji<br />

Blake tied up with the distributor of Blue<br />

Bell Rangler's Jeans whereby all theatre employes<br />

were outfitted in cowboy costumes a<br />

week in advance and during the run. The<br />

distributor, in addition, placed window cards<br />

in all dealer stores in the San FrancLsco area.<br />

Rodeo atmosphere was achieved outside the<br />

theatre by a manufacturer of novelties sold at<br />

rodeo shows. He set up a booth and provided<br />

a salesman barker.<br />

Diiring the .session of livestock Judging at<br />

the Cow Palace. Miss Todd posed with the<br />

winning steer, photos of which were landed<br />

in every daily paper in the city.<br />

Treasure Hunt Spots<br />

Xaribbean' Publicity<br />

Before Auction<br />

A born at which auctloiu are held twice<br />

each week became the .tcenc of an uniuual<br />

tteup which helped "Caribbean" (or Mort<br />

Bcrmnn. manager of the Orpheum Theatre.<br />

Springfield. III.<br />

Herman tied In with the people who operate<br />

the auction (or a "Caribbean" treasure hunt<br />

on the Saturday night coincident with the<br />

opening o( the picture. The "trea.nure" wa.'*<br />

a number of theatre pa.s«es hidden In articles<br />

put up by the auctioneer (or .Mile. Some 700<br />

people showed up to bid on the hidden treasure,<br />

having been enticed by large newspaper<br />

ads announcing the hunt.<br />

At the barn. Berman posted a 20-foot banner<br />

directly over the auctioneer's head, with<br />

the key line. "Speaking of trea.

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