' The EXHIBITOR HAS HIS SAY (Continued from preceding page) House Theatre, Coaticook, Que. Small-town and rural patronage. With a Song in My Heart (20th-Fox)— Susan Hayward, David Wayne, Rory Calhoim. If you haven't played this picture, then you are missing a fine show. Played it late here to a gratifying business. It will please all ages.—C. J. Otts, Wakea Theatre, Waskom, Tex. Small-town patronage. With a Song in My Heart (20th-Fox)— Susan Hayward, Rory Calhoun, David V/ayne. I will not condemn a fine picture on boxoffice appeal only. Here is a fine piece of merchandise. This did not draw too well but there is such a thing as being a little proud of what your screen shows and I was proud to run this one. Played Sun., Mon. Weather: Fair and warm.—Joe and Mildred Faith, Linn Theatre, Linn, Mo. Small-town and rural patronage. UNITED ARTISTS High Noon (UA)—Gary Cooper, Thomas Mitchell, Lloyd Bridges. Through no fault of the feature we did not do too well with this. It is is a different western and good for any situation. Stanley Kramer knows his business. Played Wed., Thurs. Weather: Cold and clear.—Al Hatoff, Park Theatre. Brooklyn, N. Y. Neighborhood patronage. Island of Desire (UA)—Linda Darnell, Tab Hunter, Donald Gray. Not much can be said for this one, but it did average business. D. B. Piske, Fiske Theatre at Oak Grove, Lake and Lake Drive-In theatres at Lake Providence, La. Small-town and rural patronage. Try and Get Me (UA) — Frank Lovejoy, Kathleen Ryan, Richard Carlson. Drop this one a couple of times before playing. We have been playing a lot of murders lately. For us It was just another picture show. Comments were fair. Played Thurs., Fri., Sat. Weather: Mild.—Harold Bell, Opera House Theatre, Coaticook, Que. Small-town and rural patronage. UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL Bronco Buster (U-I)—John Lund, Scott Brady, Joyce Holden. Right down the alley for our action fans. Picture good—business good. Played Fri., Sat. Weather: Fair and Warm.—Dan Guest, Tower Theatre, Wichita Palls, Tex. Suburban and city patronage. Francis Goes to West Point (U-I)—Donald O'Connor, Lori Nelson, Alice KeUey. The magic has gone from the name "Francis" and it's just another show that didn't do average business. Business was below such pictures as "Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick" (Para), "A Girl in Every Port" (RKO) and "About Face" (WB). Whatever you do, don't buy this one at a top film rental as I did. Your customers won't get too excited about it. Played Sun., Mon. Weather: Pleasant.—Dwight Hanson, Valley Theatre, Eddyville, Iowa. Small-town and rural patronage. Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm (U-I) —Marjory Main, Percy Kilbride, Richard Long. We ran this picture very late and it did below average business.—D. B. Fiske, Fiske Theatre at Oak Grove, Lake and Lake Drivein theatres, Lake Providence, La. Small-town and rural patronage. Sally and Saint Anne (U-D—Ann Blyth, Edmund Gwenn. John Mclntire. Some of the titles that they give these motion pictures are very confusing and that's what happened to our crowd on this picture. Ann Blyth should be given some kind of an award for her acting in this film. It was excellent. Everyone who came to see the picture told us so, but they were very few. I feel producers should make nothing but "A" product. But at present we do very little even with an "A" film. Played Sun., Mon. Weather: Warm. —Jerry B. Walden, Crest Theatre, Seagoville, Tex. Small-town and rural patronage. Week End With Father (U-D—Van HefUn, Patricia Neal, Gigi Perreau. This is an entertaining little picture that drew a fair crowd and pleased everyone who saw it. I would say it is an ideal small-town feature. Played Thurs., Fri., Sat. Weather: Fair and warm.— Norman Barker, Lorimor Theatre, Lorimor, Iowa. Small-town and rural patronage. Willie and Joe in Back at the Front (U-I) Tom Ewell, Harvey Lembeck, Mari Blanchard. Star Joan Crawford Shines Bright for Showman OUDDEN FEAR (RKO)—Joan Crawford, Jack Palance, Gloria Grahame. "Feair" is one of the best of the year so far as suspense goes. Don't fail to play it. Joan Crawford is a motion picture symbol to me. It seems that every time we need a lift—there she is. Doubled this with "The First Time" (Col) to good business. Played Fri. to Mon. Weather: Clear and warm. —Al Hatoff, Park Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y. Neighborhood patronage. There was an almost constant ripple of laughter during this film. Ex-army boys all seemed to know someone just like Willie or Joe. This did business and left them laughing. We even enjoyed it! Played Sun., Mon., Tues. Weather: Cool.—R. J. Taylor, El Lago Theatre, Rice Lake, Wis. City and rural patronage. World in His Anns, The (U-I)—Gregory Peck, Ann Blyth, Anthony Quinn. Very, very good picture. Plenty of sea-story action and adventure. The schooner race is worth the price of the picture. Business was average. I wonder here again if the title was the right one. I believe if the title played up the sea and the sailing schooner angle Universal would have a good money-maker. Played Tues., Wed., Thurs. Weather: Cool.—Bill Myers, Rena Theatre, Kellogg, Idaho. Minetown patronage. Wyoming Mail (U-I)—Stephen McNally, Alexis Smith, Howard DaSylva. If your customers like superwesterns you will not go wrong in booldng tius one. It was thoroughly enjoyed by my folks. Played Wed., Thurs. Weather: Fair.—R. D. Gibbons, Mars Theatre, Falkville, Ala. Rural patronage. You Never Can Tell (U-I)—Dick Powell, Peggy Dow, Charles Drake. The trailer arrived four days late so I took to the stage and gave the patrons a rundown on the story every night, I must have been good for we did outstanding business. Doubled this with "Smugglers Island" (U-I) which is a mighty colorful adventure tale that will prove popular with most audiences. Played Sun., Mon , Tues. Weather: Mild.—Bob Walker, Uintah Tlieatre, Pruita. Colo. Small-town and rural patronage. WARNER BROS. Dodge City (WB)—Reissue. Errol Flynn, Olivia DeHavilland, Ann Sheridan. This is a darn good reissue. The photography and .sound are excellent. It was nice to see so many of the oldtimers.—Frank E. Sabin, Majestic Theatre, Eureka, Mont. Small-town and rural patronage. Flame and the Arrow, The (WB) —Burt Lancaster. Virginia Mayo, Robert Douglas. This is a very good picture. It is well worUf your playing time.—Harland Rankin, Beai Theatre, Belle River, Ontario. SmaU-towi; and rural patronage. I'll See You in My Dreams (WB)—^Dann Thomas, Doris Day, Frank Lovejoy. Musical are always below average at the boxofficj We run them for ourselves and a select grou only. Mr. A. said "The only show that didn't get tired of running." Played Sun., Moi Weather: Warm.—Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Altl- Bunceton Theatre, Bunceton, Mo. Small town and rural patronage. Jack and the Beanstalk (WB)—Bud Abbot Lou Costello, Dorothy Ford. It is a kids pic ture but on this one you get more adults tha: on a Disney. It did average business and tha is more than I expected after the panning i took from those "in the know." Which jut goes to prove that you loiow more about you business than anyone else. (This may dis appoint some film salesmen.) It is as good a any Abbott and Costello; so, if your tow: goes for them, they will like this one. Playe Thurs., Fri., Sat. Weather: Pleasant.—Dwigb Hanson, Valley Theatre, Eddyville, lowf Small-town and rural patronage. Room for One More (WB)—Gary Gran' Betsy Drake, Lurene Tuttle. This is a screai and a honey of a family pictm-e. The corned is light and gay and certainly delighted everj i one. Played Wed., Thurs. Weather: CooL-j G. J. Forhan jr., Montcalm Theatre, Hulj Que. Neigliborliood patronage. San Francisco Story (WB)—Joel McCret Yvonne DeCarlo, Sidney Blackmer. A stor of the early San Francisco days which playe to an average crowd. Should do all right i action houses. This should have been playe on the weekend. Played Tues., Wed. Weathei Cool and rain.—Harold Bell, Opera Hous Theatre, Coaticook, Quebec. Small-town an rural patronage. She's Working Her Way Through CoUeg (WB)—Virginia Mayo, Ronald Reagan, Gen Nelson. From all angles Vii'ginia Mayo look good to my small-town trade, with even tb farmers putting in a plug for her. Boy if you ai-e looking for fine entertainment, th: is it. But I wouldn't advise you to invite Oa local ministers out to this one as they miglget the wrong idea. Played Sun.. Mm Weather: Fine autumn.—I. Roche, Vemo Theatre, Vernon, Fla. Small-town and run patronage. Starlift I WB)—Doris Day, Ruth Romaii Dick Wesson. A very entertaining musical comedy that should do good business in arl i theatre. Dick Wesson, in my opinion, sto!! the show. He does an excellent impersom tion of James Cagney. The trailer, which ea] phasizes the all-star cast, will bring the cuj; 1 tomers in. Warners should have Roy Dj Ruth direct more of their pictures.—Harol Robinson, Brox Theatre, Broxton. Ga. Smal town and rural patronage. Streetcar Named Desire, A (WB)—Vivie Leigh, Marlon Brando, Kim Hunter. Bigge' night here in a long time was, chalked up Ij this cla.ssic. Well enjoyed by family trw, as well

: Pleasant-: . n....v ;Babai [ Klild | \ A llll*rpr*tl«* onolyin ot lay and tradtprau rcvlawi. Tha plut and mlnyt •!«» Indlcat* d»«ra« •« ^-H »iily; audlanc* clatiiflcotlan it not ratad. Lt«ttng« cov«r cyrrant raviawi, brought up to data raaularly «i ^gportmant larvat alio oi an ALPHABETICAL INDEX to taatura ralaatai. Numaial pracadtng tliM tMlflV* Culda RavUw paga numbar. For llstlngi by company, In tha ordar a* ralaata, mo X \Vt}\\m mi^\ Faaiura Chart. »? Very Good; + Good; - Fa ir; - Po. teejoj. "iflasele, i fayed fc i Ma K, \ mil, Mo ^ I'J Avan Sliik Fro* Punkln Crick U I' (95) Comtdy *"* lj>AMa

'<br />


(Continued from preceding page)<br />

House Theatre, Coaticook, Que. Small-town<br />

and rural patronage.<br />

With a Song in My Heart (20th-Fox)—<br />

Susan Hayward, David Wayne, Rory Calhoim.<br />

If you haven't played this picture,<br />

then you are missing a fine show. Played<br />

it late here to a gratifying business. It will<br />

please all ages.—C. J. Otts, Wakea Theatre,<br />

Waskom, Tex. Small-town patronage.<br />

With a Song in My Heart (20th-Fox)—<br />

Susan Hayward, Rory Calhoun, David V/ayne.<br />

I will not condemn a fine picture on boxoffice<br />

appeal only. Here is a fine piece of<br />

merchandise. This did not draw too well<br />

but there is such a thing as being a little<br />

proud of what your screen shows and I was<br />

proud to run this one. Played Sun., Mon.<br />

Weather: Fair and warm.—Joe and Mildred<br />

Faith, Linn Theatre, Linn, Mo. Small-town<br />

and rural patronage.<br />


High Noon (UA)—Gary Cooper, Thomas<br />

Mitchell, Lloyd Bridges. Through no fault of<br />

the feature we did not do too well with this.<br />

It is is a different western and good for any<br />

situation. Stanley Kramer knows his business.<br />

Played Wed., Thurs. Weather: Cold<br />

and clear.—Al Hatoff, Park Theatre. Brooklyn,<br />

N. Y. Neighborhood patronage.<br />

Island of Desire (UA)—Linda Darnell, Tab<br />

Hunter, Donald Gray. Not much can be said<br />

for this one, but it did average business.<br />

D. B. Piske, Fiske Theatre at Oak Grove, Lake<br />

and Lake Drive-In theatres at Lake Providence,<br />

La. Small-town and rural patronage.<br />

Try and Get Me (UA) — Frank Lovejoy,<br />

Kathleen Ryan, Richard Carlson. Drop this<br />

one a couple of times before playing. We have<br />

been playing a lot of murders lately. For us<br />

It was just another picture show. Comments<br />

were fair. Played Thurs., Fri., Sat. Weather:<br />

Mild.—Harold Bell, Opera House Theatre,<br />

Coaticook, Que. Small-town and rural patronage.<br />


Bronco Buster (U-I)—John Lund, Scott<br />

Brady, Joyce Holden. Right down the alley<br />

for our action fans. Picture good—business<br />

good. Played Fri., Sat. Weather: Fair and<br />

Warm.—Dan Guest, Tower Theatre, Wichita<br />

Palls, Tex. Suburban and city patronage.<br />

Francis Goes to West Point (U-I)—Donald<br />

O'Connor, Lori Nelson, Alice KeUey. The<br />

magic has gone from the name "Francis" and<br />

it's just another show that didn't do average<br />

business. Business was below such pictures as<br />

"Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick" (Para), "A<br />

Girl in Every Port" (RKO) and "About Face"<br />

(WB). Whatever you do, don't buy this one<br />

at a top film rental as I did. Your customers<br />

won't get too excited about it. Played Sun.,<br />

Mon. Weather: Pleasant.—Dwight Hanson,<br />

Valley Theatre, Eddyville, Iowa. Small-town<br />

and rural patronage.<br />

Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm (U-I)<br />

—Marjory Main, Percy Kilbride, Richard<br />

Long. We ran this picture very late and it<br />

did below average business.—D. B. Fiske, Fiske<br />

Theatre at Oak Grove, Lake and Lake Drivein<br />

theatres, Lake Providence, La. Small-town<br />

and rural patronage.<br />

Sally and Saint Anne (U-D—Ann Blyth,<br />

Edmund Gwenn. John Mclntire. Some of the<br />

titles that they give these motion pictures<br />

are very confusing and that's what happened<br />

to our crowd on this picture. Ann Blyth<br />

should be given some kind of an award for<br />

her acting in this film. It was excellent.<br />

Everyone who came to see the picture told<br />

us so, but they were very few. I feel producers<br />

should make nothing but "A" product.<br />

But at present we do very little even with an<br />

"A" film. Played Sun., Mon. Weather: Warm.<br />

—Jerry B. Walden, Crest Theatre, Seagoville,<br />

Tex. Small-town and rural patronage.<br />

Week End With Father (U-D—Van HefUn,<br />

Patricia Neal, Gigi Perreau. This is an entertaining<br />

little picture that drew a fair crowd<br />

and pleased everyone who saw it. I would say<br />

it is an ideal small-town feature. Played<br />

Thurs., Fri., Sat. Weather: Fair and warm.—<br />

Norman Barker, Lorimor Theatre, Lorimor,<br />

Iowa. Small-town and rural patronage.<br />

Willie and Joe in Back at the Front (U-I)<br />

Tom Ewell, Harvey Lembeck, Mari Blanchard.<br />

Star Joan Crawford Shines<br />

Bright for Showman<br />

OUDDEN FEAR (RKO)—Joan Crawford,<br />

Jack Palance, Gloria Grahame. "Feair"<br />

is one of the best of the year so far as suspense<br />

goes. Don't fail to play it. Joan<br />

Crawford is a motion picture symbol to<br />

me. It seems that every time we need a<br />

lift—there she is. Doubled this with "The<br />

First Time" (Col) to good business. Played<br />

Fri. to Mon. Weather: Clear and warm.<br />

—Al Hatoff, Park Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y.<br />

Neighborhood patronage.<br />

There was an almost constant ripple of<br />

laughter during this film. Ex-army boys all<br />

seemed to know someone just like Willie or<br />

Joe. This did business and left them laughing.<br />

We even enjoyed it! Played Sun., Mon., Tues.<br />

Weather: Cool.—R. J. Taylor, El Lago Theatre,<br />

Rice Lake, Wis. City and rural patronage.<br />

World in His Anns, The (U-I)—Gregory<br />

Peck, Ann Blyth, Anthony Quinn. Very, very<br />

good picture. Plenty of sea-story action and<br />

adventure. The schooner race is worth the<br />

price of the picture. Business was average. I<br />

wonder here again if the title was the right<br />

one. I believe if the title played up the sea<br />

and the sailing schooner angle Universal<br />

would have a good money-maker. Played<br />

Tues., Wed., Thurs. Weather: Cool.—Bill<br />

Myers, Rena Theatre, Kellogg, Idaho. Minetown<br />

patronage.<br />

Wyoming Mail (U-I)—Stephen McNally,<br />

Alexis Smith, Howard DaSylva. If your customers<br />

like superwesterns you will not go<br />

wrong in booldng tius one. It was thoroughly<br />

enjoyed by my folks. Played Wed., Thurs.<br />

Weather: Fair.—R. D. Gibbons, Mars Theatre,<br />

Falkville, Ala. Rural patronage.<br />

You Never Can Tell (U-I)—Dick Powell,<br />

Peggy Dow, Charles Drake. The trailer arrived<br />

four days late so I took to the stage<br />

and gave the patrons a rundown on the story<br />

every night, I must have been good for we did<br />

outstanding business. Doubled this with<br />

"Smugglers Island" (U-I) which is a mighty<br />

colorful adventure tale that will prove popular<br />

with most audiences. Played Sun., Mon , Tues.<br />

Weather: Mild.—Bob Walker, Uintah Tlieatre,<br />

Pruita. Colo. Small-town and rural patronage.<br />


Dodge City (WB)—Reissue. Errol Flynn,<br />

Olivia DeHavilland, Ann Sheridan. This is<br />

a darn good reissue. The photography and<br />

.sound are excellent. It was nice to see so<br />

many of the oldtimers.—Frank E. Sabin,<br />

Majestic Theatre, Eureka, Mont. Small-town<br />

and rural patronage.<br />

Flame and the Arrow, The (WB) —Burt<br />

Lancaster. Virginia Mayo, Robert Douglas.<br />

This is a very good picture. It is well worUf<br />

your playing time.—Harland Rankin, Beai<br />

Theatre, Belle River, Ontario. SmaU-towi;<br />

and rural patronage.<br />

I'll See You in My Dreams (WB)—^Dann<br />

Thomas, Doris Day, Frank Lovejoy. Musical<br />

are always below average at the boxofficj<br />

We run them for ourselves and a select grou<br />

only. Mr. A. said "The only show that<br />

didn't get tired of running." Played Sun., Moi<br />

Weather: Warm.—Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Altl-<br />

Bunceton Theatre, Bunceton, Mo. Small<br />

town and rural patronage.<br />

Jack and the Beanstalk (WB)—Bud Abbot<br />

Lou Costello, Dorothy Ford. It is a kids pic<br />

ture but on this one you get more adults tha:<br />

on a Disney. It did average business and tha<br />

is more than I expected after the panning i<br />

took from those "in the know." Which jut<br />

goes to prove that you loiow more about you<br />

business than anyone else. (This may dis<br />

appoint some film salesmen.) It is as good a<br />

any Abbott and Costello; so, if your tow:<br />

goes for them, they will like this one. Playe<br />

Thurs., Fri., Sat. Weather: Pleasant.—Dwigb<br />

Hanson, Valley Theatre, Eddyville, lowf<br />

Small-town and rural patronage.<br />

Room for One More (WB)—Gary Gran'<br />

Betsy Drake, Lurene Tuttle. This is a screai<br />

and a honey of a family pictm-e. The corned<br />

is light and gay and certainly delighted everj i<br />

one. Played Wed., Thurs. Weather: CooL-j<br />

G. J. Forhan jr., Montcalm Theatre, Hulj<br />

Que. Neigliborliood patronage.<br />

San Francisco Story (WB)—Joel McCret<br />

Yvonne DeCarlo, Sidney Blackmer. A stor<br />

of the early San Francisco days which playe<br />

to an average crowd. Should do all right i<br />

action houses. This should have been playe<br />

on the weekend. Played Tues., Wed. Weathei<br />

Cool and rain.—Harold Bell, Opera Hous<br />

Theatre, Coaticook, Quebec. Small-town an<br />

rural patronage.<br />

She's Working Her Way Through CoUeg<br />

(WB)—Virginia Mayo, Ronald Reagan, Gen<br />

Nelson. From all angles Vii'ginia Mayo look<br />

good to my small-town trade, with even tb<br />

farmers putting in a plug for her. Boy<br />

if you ai-e looking for fine entertainment, th:<br />

is it. But I wouldn't advise you to invite Oa<br />

local ministers out to this one as they miglget<br />

the wrong idea. Played Sun.. Mm<br />

Weather: Fine autumn.—I. Roche, Vemo<br />

Theatre, Vernon, Fla. Small-town and run<br />

patronage.<br />

Starlift I WB)—Doris Day, Ruth Romaii<br />

Dick Wesson. A very entertaining musical<br />

comedy that should do good business in arl i<br />

theatre. Dick Wesson, in my opinion, sto!!<br />

the show. He does an excellent impersom<br />

tion of James Cagney. The trailer, which ea]<br />

phasizes the all-star cast, will bring the cuj; 1<br />

tomers in. Warners should have Roy Dj<br />

Ruth direct more of their pictures.—Harol<br />

Robinson, Brox Theatre, Broxton. Ga. Smal<br />

town and rural patronage.<br />

Streetcar Named Desire, A (WB)—Vivie<br />

Leigh, Marlon Brando, Kim Hunter. Bigge'<br />

night here in a long time was, chalked up Ij<br />

this cla.ssic. Well enjoyed by family trw,<br />

as well

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