' ; ' '• FLOOR CARE MANUAL Continued from page 16 ittos mm m^m mmn Red, Yellow, Blue and Green Chrome trim. Chromium plated top • ELIMINATION OF BLACK MASKING ADDS MAGNITUDE TO THE PICTURE. • SPECIALLY A NEW DIMENSIONAL EFFECT. DESIGNED WINGS GIVE • SURROUNDING LIGHT AREA IMPROVES THE ILLUSION OF DEPTH. NO PERFORATIONS FOR PERFECT VISION FROM EVERY SEAT. • CUSTOM MADE AND INSTALLED IN EVERY SITUATION. i DISTRIBUTED THROUGH LEADING SUPPLY OEAlfRS IN ALL FILM CENTERS B. F. SHEARER COMPANY 2318 SECOND AVE., SEATTLE 1, WASHINGTON OFFICES IN LOS ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCO • POJtTLAND Improvement Pays . . . Do * iOUNO (OUirMlNI L ADLER CHANGEABLE LETTER DISPLAYS ADLER GLASS-IN-FRAME DIS- PLAYS — "REMOVA- PANEL" FRAMES — "THIRD DIMEN- SION" PLASTIC & CAST ALU- MINUM LETTERS. ' ADLER "SECTIONAD LOW COST CHANGEABLE LETTER DISPLAYS WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG ADLER Silhouette Letter Co. 302I0 W. 36th ST., CHICAGO 32, ILL. it Now! done by beginners with insufficient Icnowledge and experience, and even by some of ; ' the old timers who lack all of the equipment essential for a good job. Many of these operators are still using the old technique of merely scrubbing the carpeting with a soapy solution which is allowed to dry in the carpet. They make no effort I to remove the dirt, relying upon the cleaned' upper surface of the pile for the customer's I approval. Since the carpet does look much cleaner the approval is usually forthcoming, whereas all of the dirt remains in the carpet, having been merely washed loose at the top of the pile and allowed to settle in the backing. SCRUBBING ALONE NOT ENOUGH If your carpeting is being cleaned by nothing more than a scrubbing, if no effort; Is being made to remove anything, you; are getting an inefficient job, whether you are having a so-called professional do it or are doing it yourself. Not only are you leaving the dirt in the carpeting but probably are adding a soap deposit which increases rather than lessens your problem. The correct and effective way to clean carpeting on the floor calls for the removal of the dirty lather as fast as it forms. This! is best accomplished, as just indicated, with; a suitable vacuum cleaner and the process.] from start to finish, is described in the following paragraphs. If you have thej equipment you can do the job yoursell about as well as a professional, but if you employ the latter to do the work, you should see that he does it right. First, the dry carpeting should be vacuum cleaned before the scrubbing process begins. If it is a rug and fairly dirt> it will be well to vacuum clean both sides To do a first-class job you will, of course need a rug scrubbing machine which is nothing more than a converted floor polisher. A solution tank is attached to tht: handle of the machine and a small rubbe) hose connects the tank with a tube extending through the base of the floor machine This tube feeds the cleaning solution eithei onto the top of the special, perforatec brush or through the center of the brusl and thence to the carpet. A HEAVY LATHER NEEDED The kind of cleaning solution used, com monly referred to as "shampoo." is o^ major importance, one of the chief requi sites being the capacity to form a heavyl stable lather. More about these carpe cleaners will be told later on. To begin shampooing, start in a cornei allowing the floor machine brush to rui idle above the carpet until the bristles ar, charged with the cleaning solution. Neve start a dry brush on the carpet. In fad. some operators soak the brush for a whilj before they begin cleaning. When the solution begins flying off th brush, you can lower the brush onto th carpet, raise the wheels and proceed wit mi Chicc n 18 The MODERN THEATRE SECTIOli htE

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