Season's Greetings! When old St. Nick arrives in town Each December twenty-fifth, They roll out the carpet—the best ai'ound; It's an Alexander Smith. Consult Your Smith Contract Carpet Expert Yes, regardless of your needs, you can rely on your Alexander Smith Theatre Carpet Expert to give you sound advice on carpet selection and installation. He'll show you the colors and patterns best suited to your needs ... in the type of carpet that will provide maximum service. And, of course, his long experience is your assurance of accurate, economical estimating that will give you the most for your money. For the name of the Smith Theatre Carpet Expert nearest you, write Alexander Smith, Inc., Department 12 H, 295 Fifth Avenue, New York 16, N.Y. Alexander Smith CONTRACT /Ja2 CARPET DIVISION Also sole selling agents, C. H. Masland Carpets The MODERN THEATRE SECTION



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