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29 - sonkaucc.org - Southwest Ohio Northern Kentucky Association

29 - sonkaucc.org - Southwest Ohio Northern Kentucky Association


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SNIPPETS April <strong>29</strong>, 2013<br />



‘The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth;<br />

you founded the world and all that is in it.’<br />

(Psalm 89:11; NIV)<br />


SONKA Church Gets Behind Mission 4/1 Tree­Planting Goal<br />

First St. John UCC in Hamilton may be small in numbers, but their commitment to the UCC’s Mission 4/1<br />

Earth campaign is very big. In addition to supplying a matching challenge grant to help fund a new water<br />

delivery system for SONKA’s Global Partners in<br />

Rubate, Kenya, the church recently was out in force<br />

for tree planting in a local park. The UCC’s<br />

Mission 4/1 has three goals, one of which is the<br />

planting of 100,000 trees. Roughly 45 members<br />

and friends of First St. John came out on Sunday,<br />

April 21, to participate in an Earth Day blessing and<br />

ceremonial planting of a large red oak in Governor<br />

Bebb Park, followed by the planting of 100 red oak,<br />

sassafras and redbud saplings in two area Metro<br />

Parks. Even members who were not physically able<br />

to plant trees joined in by providing a lunch for the<br />

participants and park staff, Pastor Mark Young says.<br />

Another activity the church has undertaken to<br />

contribute to the Mission 4/1’s goal of doing one<br />

million hours of earth care was participating in<br />

Hamilton’s annual<br />

Spring Cleaning Day,<br />

which promotes actions<br />

to create a cleaner and<br />

more pollution­free<br />

city. The church also<br />

will work with the<br />

Hamilton Farmers<br />

Market to promote<br />

fresh, locally grown<br />

foods available from<br />

local farmers. Foods<br />

from local farms do not<br />

have the expense and<br />

carbon footprint of<br />

foods imported from far<br />

away, Pastor Mark<br />

reminds.<br />

Campaign<br />

Continues<br />

until May 19<br />

In honor of Mission 4/1 Earth, members of First St.<br />

John UCC plant a large red oak tree in a Butler<br />

County park (above). Church member and office<br />

manager Connie Wyatt (l.) joins the group that<br />

followed up by planting 100 saplings in two area<br />

Metro Parks.<br />

In addition, worship each week at the<br />

church’s Ross Avenue meeting place<br />

has highlighted a different<br />

environmental issue, with the spiritual<br />

and theological connections<br />

emphasized.<br />

­Lynne Wise

Any Interest in OWL Facilitator Training this Summer in Dayton?<br />

Do you teach Our Whole Lives (OWL) in your church? Are you running out of trained<br />

facilitators? Do you want to start or expand your program? Harmony Creek Church in<br />

Kettering is hoping to host a junior and senior high facilitator training session this summer<br />

(date TBD). But there needs to be an adequate number of registrants for the sessions.<br />

Anyone interested in taking facilitator training for the OWL sexuality education program<br />

is asked to contact Aaron Saari, Youth Pastor at Harmony Creek Church, at<br />

aaronsaari@yahoo.com. He hopes to be able to gauge the number of possible participants<br />

so that the group can discuss cost per person and training dates.<br />

NEW! National Day of Prayer Service<br />

A National Day of Prayer Interfaith Prayer<br />

Service will be held Thursday, May 2, at 7:30<br />

a.m. at the Dayton International Peace<br />

Museum, 208 W. Monument, Dayton. The<br />

doors will open at 7:15 a.m., with the half­hour<br />

program starting promptly at 7:30.<br />

Refreshments will be served from 8­8:15 a.m.<br />

The program is being co­sponsored by<br />

Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton.<br />


NEW! Troy Relay for Life<br />

The large and dedicated Relay for Life teams<br />

from First UCC in Troy will once again be out<br />

at the Miami County Fairgrounds for the annual<br />

walk, scheduled this year for Friday through<br />

Saturday, May 3­4. The event raises money for<br />

cancer research and awareness programs, and<br />

First UCC’s team walks in 2012 Relay for Life.<br />

the Troy teams always get behind the cause<br />

wholeheartedly , holding fundraisers throughout<br />

the year and operating a booth at the Relay site.<br />

NEW! St. John Rummage Sale<br />

St. John UCC in Bellevue, KY, will have a<br />

rummage sale at the church on Saturday, May<br />

11, from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.<br />

NEW! Heidelberg Choir Concert<br />

The Heidelberg University Concert Choir will<br />

perform at Harmony Creek Church, Kettering,<br />

Tuesday, May 14 , at 7 p.m. Highlighting the<br />

program will be compositions by Howard<br />

Helvey (O lux beatissima), Gwyneth<br />

Walker (I Will Be Earth), David Conte (a<br />

setting of Theodore Roethke’s The Waking),<br />

Irving Berlin (Blue Skies) and more.<br />

Complementing these compositions will be<br />

arrangements of traditional folk songs and<br />

spirituals. The concert is free and open to the<br />

public. A freewill offering will be taken.<br />

NEW! Cluster 2 Meeting<br />

SONKA’s Cluster 2, comprised of Westside<br />

Cincinnati churches, will meet on Thursday,<br />

May 16, at 7 p.m. at Trinity Hill Church.<br />

2<br />


Helen Prejean Talk<br />

The author of Dead Man Walking, Sr. Helen<br />

Prejean, will speak at Epiphany Lutheran<br />

Church, Centerville, Saturday, May 18,<br />

beginning at 5:30 p.m. Good Shepherd<br />

Ministries of Dayton,<br />

a faith­based nonprofit<br />

which offers<br />

counseling, career<br />

planning and spiritual<br />

development to people<br />

with histories of<br />

incarceration, is<br />

sponsoring the event,<br />

which also will feature food, raffles, a silent<br />

auction and testimonies. Advance tickets are<br />

required. Helen Prejean, a Roman Catholic<br />

nun, wrote Dead Man Walking, an<br />

autobiographical account of her relationship<br />

with a death row inmate. It served as the basis<br />

for the well­known feature film, an opera and a<br />

play. For more information, call 937/938­5781<br />

or email dalenieberding@hotmail.com .

SONKA Minister Getting To Be Huffington Post Regular<br />

Those who are avid readers of the on­line newspaper The Huffington Post may have noticed that one of our<br />

own SONKA ministers is becoming somewhat of a regular on its Religion pages. Michelle Torigian, pastor<br />

of St. Paul UCC in Colerain<br />

Township, has now had five commentaries included in the<br />

“Featured Blog Posts” in the<br />

national newspaper’s religion section.<br />

From the “great cloud of<br />

witnesses” at the finish line of the Boston<br />

Marathon, to Jesus viewed as a single man, to the<br />

call of women to ordained ministry, topics<br />

Michelle has written about are culturally relevant<br />

and timely, and her style is always accessible.<br />

Maybe that is why she also has been asked to write<br />

regularly for the UCC website’s Feed your Spirit<br />

section, pages on ucc.<strong>org</strong> that seem especially<br />

geared to younger people, perhaps the under­40<br />

crowd. For example, Michelle contributed the<br />

April 18 entry for the “Peek, Ponder, Pray”<br />

feature, which uses images to prompt spiritual<br />

reflection and prayer. She also has written some<br />

of the “Praying the News” items, in which clergy<br />

contributors lend faith perspectives on national<br />

news stories. To view Feed your Spirit, go to<br />

http://www.ucc.<strong>org</strong>/feed­your­spirit/.<br />

Ponder: John 1:5 says, "The light shines in the darkness,<br />

and the darkness did not overcome it." How does Christ's<br />

light come into your life in the midst of even your darkest<br />

hour?<br />

Pray: When I become too focused on the limitations and<br />

sorrows of this world, help me to see the light and the<br />

hope that Christ brings. Amen.<br />

Photo: Michelle Torigian<br />

The Great Cloud of Witnesses at the Finish Line<br />

Rev. Michelle L. Torigian<br />

Pastor, St. Paul United Church of Christ, Old Blue<br />

Rock Rd., Cincinnati<br />

It may take time, but I pray that many who suffered this<br />

week will see the presence of God in even through their<br />

distress. And from this time forward, I can't help but<br />

believe that we will all think of our sisters and brothers at<br />

the Boston Marathon finish line each time we find…<br />

One of her biggest honors, however, came when she was asked to write the Worship Ways resource for<br />

Pentecost Sunday, May 19. That will be the last day of the UCC Mission 4/1 Earth Campaign, so<br />

Pastor Michelle’s<br />

contribution has a creation care theme. Titled<br />

“Hoping and Dreaming with Creation: Service<br />

Feed your Spirit Prayers for Pentecost Sunday.” View it at<br />

http://uccfiles.com/pdf/HopingandDreamingwithC<br />

reationPentecostMay19.pdf . Pastor Michelle also<br />

has written some of the Stillspeaking Daily<br />

Devotionals.<br />

When she isn’t busy writing for the UCC national<br />

website or the Huffington Post, the SONKA pastor<br />

writes regularly on her blog, God Goes Pop,<br />

focusing on seeing the Spirit in movies, television,<br />

music and the news. Recently Michelle, one of<br />

the younger ministers in SONKA, compiled a<br />

“resurrection playlist” for her blog, including<br />

songs such as: “Carry On” (Fun), “The Heart of<br />

the Matter” (Don Henley), “Anything Could<br />

Happen” (Ellie Goulding), “I’ll Be There” (Escape<br />

Club), and 26 other songs which would largely<br />

appeal to younger and middle­aged listeners. She<br />

also has blogged about milestone birthdays, bucket<br />

lists, Alanis Morisette, and the expression, “It<br />

sucks.” To view her blog, go to<br />

http://michelletorigian.com/.<br />

­Lynne Wise<br />

West Liberty UCC to Install New Pastor, Paul Forrey, May 19<br />

West Liberty UCC will have a special installation service for its new pastor, Paul Forrey, on Sunday, May 19, at<br />

3:30 p.m. at the church, 212 W. Newell St. Clergy are invited to dress casually for the installation, which will<br />

be followed by a reception with light refreshments. All in SONKA are invited.<br />


Churches Have Legal, Ethical Responsibility<br />

Insurance Board Gives Churches Advice on Preventing Bullying<br />

Bullying isn’t just a schoolyard activity anymore. It follows kids home and to church through the wide<br />

array of technology available to our young kids, says the UCC Insurance Board.<br />

The Insurance Board likes the term SafeConduct when referring to abuse prevention, stressing how to<br />

act in different relationships, whether adult­adult or adult­child, and especially child­child. Standards may<br />

apply to professional boundaries, displays of affection, discipline, out of program contacts, and, most<br />

critically for young people, proper use of social media. Incidents of cyber­bullying are serious and<br />

have led to serious consequences including suicide.<br />

The Insurance Board reminds church leaders that it is an ethical and legal responsibility of leadership to<br />

identify and investigate these circumstances, and especially to be sure that bullying does not occur within<br />

church­sponsored social media. Your abuse prevention policy, whether you call it SafeConduct or safe<br />

church, safe sanctuary, child safe or otherwise, needs a social networking Code of Conduct.<br />

The non­profit corporation, which serves entities within the UCC, Christian Church (Disciples) and<br />

Presbyterian denomination, recommends that churches go to the “Safety Solution” tab on its website,<br />

www.InsuranceBoard.<strong>org</strong>. Then go to “SafeConduct Workbench” to examine a complete abuse<br />

prevention policy template, a self assessment and information on special training.<br />


NEW! New Church Leadership Institute<br />

“Prophetic Renewal: A Conference on<br />

Starting or Renewing Your Church” is the<br />

theme for The Center for Progressive<br />

Renewal’s annual New Church Leadership<br />

Institute (NCLI), to be held Aug. 6­9, in<br />

Decatur, GA. Created seven years ago, NCLI<br />

features church planting and renewal experts<br />

within the progressive church. Dozens of<br />

speakers will participate this year, including<br />

Carol Howard Merritt, Johnathan Wilson­<br />

Hartgrove, Yvette Flunder, Lisa Allen,<br />

Cameron Trimble and many others. The<br />

conference will focus on six major themes,<br />

including global trends that are reshaping what<br />

it means to be church in this time; how leaders<br />

can “retool” themselves to lead churches into a<br />

new age; and how to build sustainable<br />

ministries for the present and future. For those<br />

who want to concentrate on specific issues, a<br />

one­day pre­conference intensive will be held<br />

in seven specific areas including Pre­Launch<br />

Church Planting, Digital Discipleship: Social<br />

Media in Ministry, Post­Launch Church<br />

Planting, Children and Youth Ministry in the<br />

21st Century, and Social Justice: Community<br />

Organizing Training for Your Church Leaders.<br />

Registration is now open here.<br />

Conference Summer Camp<br />

Have you registered your camper yet? The<br />

<strong>Ohio</strong> Conference Outdoor Ministries group<br />

reports a number of camps are already full or<br />

almost full. Go on­line and register soon<br />

at www.journeythehills.<strong>org</strong>.<br />


Knob Prairie UCC in Enon is looking for an <strong>org</strong>anist/accompanist to accompany its choir during Sunday<br />

worship services and Thursday evening practices. The salary is negotiable. Interested musicians should<br />

contact Worship Director Debbie Kunselman at 937/232­1967 or kkunselman@sbcglobal.net.<br />

Interim <strong>Association</strong> Minister Kathryn Anadein: kathryna@<strong>sonkaucc</strong>.<strong>org</strong><br />

Snippets Editor/ Communications Coordinator Lynne Wise: lynnew@<strong>sonkaucc</strong>.<strong>org</strong><br />

Bookkeeper Wilda Peters: wildap@<strong>sonkaucc</strong>.<strong>org</strong><br />

Registrar Jim Hill: jimh@<strong>sonkaucc</strong>.<strong>org</strong><br />

SONKA: 937/438­8050 or Toll Free: 888/631­9578<br />

SONKA WEBSITE: www.<strong>sonkaucc</strong>.<strong>org</strong><br />

NATIONAL UCC WEBSITE: www.ucc.<strong>org</strong><br />

OHIO CONFERENCE WEBSITE: www.ocucc.<strong>org</strong><br />

Where in the World is Rev. Kathryn?<br />

Interim <strong>Association</strong> Minister Kathryn Anadein will worship with David’s UCC in Kettering Sunday morning,<br />

May 5.<br />


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